/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function rw_t2t_send_cmd ** ** Description This function composes a Type 2 Tag command and send it via ** NCI to NFCC. ** ** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if the command is successfuly sent to NCI ** otherwise, error status ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFC_STATUS rw_t2t_send_cmd (UINT8 opcode, UINT8 *p_dat) { tNFC_STATUS status = NFC_STATUS_FAILED; tRW_T2T_CB *p_t2t = &rw_cb.tcb.t2t; const tT2T_CMD_RSP_INFO *p_cmd_rsp_info = t2t_cmd_to_rsp_info (opcode); BT_HDR *p_data; UINT8 *p; if (p_cmd_rsp_info) { /* a valid opcode for RW */ p_data = (BT_HDR *) GKI_getpoolbuf (NFC_RW_POOL_ID); if (p_data) { p_t2t->p_cmd_rsp_info = (tT2T_CMD_RSP_INFO *) p_cmd_rsp_info; p_data->offset = NCI_MSG_OFFSET_SIZE + NCI_DATA_HDR_SIZE; p = (UINT8 *) (p_data + 1) + p_data->offset; UINT8_TO_STREAM (p, opcode); if (p_dat) { ARRAY_TO_STREAM (p, p_dat, (p_cmd_rsp_info->cmd_len - 1)); } p_data->len = p_cmd_rsp_info->cmd_len; /* Indicate first attempt to send command, back up cmd buffer in case needed for retransmission */ rw_cb.cur_retry = 0; memcpy (p_t2t->p_cur_cmd_buf, p_data, sizeof (BT_HDR) + p_data->offset + p_data->len); #if (defined (RW_STATS_INCLUDED) && (RW_STATS_INCLUDED == TRUE)) /* Update stats */ rw_main_update_tx_stats (p_data->len, FALSE); #endif RW_TRACE_EVENT2 ("RW SENT [%s]:0x%x CMD", t2t_info_to_str (p_cmd_rsp_info), p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode); if ((status = NFC_SendData (NFC_RF_CONN_ID, p_data)) == NFC_STATUS_OK) { nfc_start_quick_timer (&p_t2t->t2_timer, NFC_TTYPE_RW_T2T_RESPONSE, (RW_T2T_TOUT_RESP*QUICK_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000); } else { #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T2T NFC Send data failed. state=%s substate=%s ", rw_t2t_get_state_name (p_t2t->state), rw_t2t_get_substate_name (p_t2t->substate)); #else RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T2T NFC Send data failed. state=0x%02X substate=0x%02X ", p_t2t->state, p_t2t->substate); #endif } } else { status = NFC_STATUS_NO_BUFFERS; } } return status; }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function RW_T2tSectorSelect ** ** Description This function issues the Type 2 Tag SECTOR-SELECT command ** packet 1. If a NACK is received as the response, the callback ** function will be called with a RW_T2T_SECTOR_SELECT_EVT. If ** an ACK is received as the response, the command packet 2 with ** the given sector number is sent to the peer device. When the ** response for packet 2 is received, the callback function will ** be called with a RW_T2T_SECTOR_SELECT_EVT. ** ** A sector is 256 contiguous blocks (1024 bytes). ** ** Returns tNFC_STATUS ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFC_STATUS RW_T2tSectorSelect (UINT8 sector) { tNFC_STATUS status; tRW_T2T_CB *p_t2t = &rw_cb.tcb.t2t; UINT8 sector_byte2[1]; if (p_t2t->state != RW_T2T_STATE_IDLE) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("Error: Type 2 tag not activated or Busy - State: %u", p_t2t->state); return (NFC_STATUS_FAILED); } if (sector >= T2T_MAX_SECTOR) { RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("RW_T2tSectorSelect - Invalid sector: %u, T2 Max supported sector value: %u", sector, T2T_MAX_SECTOR - 1); return (NFC_STATUS_FAILED); } sector_byte2[0] = 0xFF; if ((status = rw_t2t_send_cmd (T2T_CMD_SEC_SEL, sector_byte2)) == NFC_STATUS_OK) { p_t2t->state = RW_T2T_STATE_SELECT_SECTOR; p_t2t->select_sector = sector; p_t2t->substate = RW_T2T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_SECTOR_SUPPORT; RW_TRACE_EVENT0 ("RW_T2tSectorSelect Sent Sector select first command"); } return status; }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function rw_t1t_process_timeout ** ** Description process timeout event ** ** Returns none ** *******************************************************************************/ void rw_t1t_process_timeout (TIMER_LIST_ENT *p_tle) { tRW_T1T_CB *p_t1t = &rw_cb.tcb.t1t; #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T1T timeout. state=%s command (opcode)=0x%02x ", rw_t1t_get_state_name (p_t1t->state), (rw_cb.tcb.t1t.p_cmd_rsp_info)->opcode); #else RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T1T timeout. state=0x%02x command=0x%02x ", p_t1t->state, (rw_cb.tcb.t1t.p_cmd_rsp_info)->opcode); #endif if (p_t1t->state == RW_T1T_STATE_CHECK_PRESENCE) { /* Tag has moved from range */ rw_t1t_handle_presence_check_rsp (NFC_STATUS_FAILED); } else if (p_t1t->state != RW_T1T_STATE_IDLE) { rw_t1t_process_error (); } }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function RW_T4tUpdateNDef ** ** Description This function performs NDEF update procedure ** Note: RW_T4tDetectNDef () must be called before using this ** Updating data must not be removed until returning event ** ** The following event will be returned ** RW_T4T_NDEF_UPDATE_CPLT_EVT for complete ** RW_T4T_NDEF_UPDATE_FAIL_EVT for failure ** ** Returns NFC_STATUS_OK if success ** NFC_STATUS_FAILED if T4T is busy or other error ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFC_STATUS RW_T4tUpdateNDef (UINT16 length, UINT8 *p_data) { RW_TRACE_API1 ("RW_T4tUpdateNDef () length:%d", length); if (rw_cb.tcb.t4t.state != RW_T4T_STATE_IDLE) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("RW_T4tUpdateNDef ():Unable to start command at state (0x%X)", rw_cb.tcb.t4t.state); return NFC_STATUS_FAILED; } /* if NDEF has been detected */ if (rw_cb.tcb.t4t.ndef_status & RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_DETECTED) { /* if read-only */ if (rw_cb.tcb.t4t.ndef_status & RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_READ_ONLY) { RW_TRACE_ERROR0 ("RW_T4tUpdateNDef ():NDEF is read-only"); return NFC_STATUS_FAILED; } if (rw_cb.tcb.t4t.cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size < length + T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE) { RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("RW_T4tUpdateNDef ():data (%d bytes) plus NLEN is more than max file size (%d)", length, rw_cb.tcb.t4t.cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size); return NFC_STATUS_FAILED; } /* store NDEF length and data */ rw_cb.tcb.t4t.ndef_length = length; rw_cb.tcb.t4t.p_update_data = p_data; rw_cb.tcb.t4t.rw_offset = T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE; rw_cb.tcb.t4t.rw_length = length; /* set NLEN to 0x0000 for the first step */ if (!rw_t4t_update_nlen (0x0000)) { return NFC_STATUS_FAILED; } rw_cb.tcb.t4t.state = RW_T4T_STATE_UPDATE_NDEF; rw_cb.tcb.t4t.sub_state = RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_UPDATE_NLEN; return NFC_STATUS_OK; } else { RW_TRACE_ERROR0 ("RW_T4tUpdateNDef ():No NDEF detected"); return NFC_STATUS_FAILED; } }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function RW_T1tWriteNoErase ** ** Description This function sends a WRITE-NE command for Reader/Writer mode. ** ** Returns tNFC_STATUS ** *******************************************************************************/ tNFC_STATUS RW_T1tWriteNoErase (UINT8 block, UINT8 byte, UINT8 new_byte) { tNFC_STATUS status = NFC_STATUS_FAILED; tRW_T1T_CB *p_t1t = &rw_cb.tcb.t1t; UINT8 addr; if (p_t1t->state != RW_T1T_STATE_IDLE) { RW_TRACE_WARNING1 ("RW_T1tWriteNoErase - Busy - State: %u", p_t1t->state); return (NFC_STATUS_BUSY); } if ( (p_t1t->tag_attribute == RW_T1_TAG_ATTRB_READ_ONLY) &&(block != T1T_CC_BLOCK) &&(byte != T1T_CC_RWA_OFFSET) ) { RW_TRACE_ERROR0 ("RW_T1tWriteErase - Tag is in Read only state"); return (NFC_STATUS_REFUSED); } if ( (block >= T1T_STATIC_BLOCKS) ||(byte >= T1T_BLOCK_SIZE ) ) { RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("RW_T1tWriteErase - Invalid Block/byte: %u / %u", block, byte); return (NFC_STATUS_REFUSED); } if( (block == T1T_UID_BLOCK) ||(block == T1T_RES_BLOCK) ) { RW_TRACE_WARNING1 ("RW_T1tWriteNoErase - Cannot write to Locked block: %u", block); return (NFC_STATUS_REFUSED); } /* send WRITE-NE command */ RW_T1T_BLD_ADD ((addr), (block), (byte)); if ((status = rw_t1t_send_static_cmd (T1T_CMD_WRITE_NE, addr, new_byte)) == NFC_STATUS_OK) { p_t1t->state = RW_T1T_STATE_WRITE; if (block < T1T_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT) { p_t1t->b_update = FALSE; p_t1t->b_rseg = FALSE; } } return status; }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function rw_t1t_data_cback ** ** Description This callback function handles data from NFCC. ** ** Returns none ** *******************************************************************************/ static void rw_t1t_data_cback (UINT8 conn_id, tNFC_CONN_EVT event, tNFC_CONN *p_data) { tRW_T1T_CB *p_t1t = &rw_cb.tcb.t1t; tRW_EVENT rw_event = RW_RAW_FRAME_EVT; BOOLEAN b_notify = TRUE; tRW_DATA evt_data; BT_HDR *p_pkt; UINT8 *p; tT1T_CMD_RSP_INFO *p_cmd_rsp_info = (tT1T_CMD_RSP_INFO *) rw_cb.tcb.t1t.p_cmd_rsp_info; #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) UINT8 begin_state = p_t1t->state; #endif p_pkt = (BT_HDR *) (p_data->data.p_data); if (p_pkt == NULL) return; /* Assume the data is just the response byte sequence */ p = (UINT8 *) (p_pkt + 1) + p_pkt->offset; #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("rw_t1t_data_cback (): state:%s (%d)", rw_t1t_get_state_name (p_t1t->state), p_t1t->state); #else RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("rw_t1t_data_cback (): state=%d", p_t1t->state); #endif evt_data.status = NFC_STATUS_OK; if( (p_t1t->state == RW_T1T_STATE_IDLE) ||(!p_cmd_rsp_info) ) { /* If previous command was retransmitted and if response is pending to previous command retransmission, * check if lenght and ADD/ADD8/ADDS field matches the expected value of previous * retransmited command response. However, ignore ADD field if the command was RALL/RID */ if ( (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp) &&(p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.rsp_len == p_pkt->len) &&((p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code == T1T_CMD_RID) || (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code == T1T_CMD_RALL) || (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.addr == *p)) ) { /* Response to previous command retransmission */ RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T1T Response to previous command in Idle state. command=0x%02x, Remaining max retx rsp:0x%02x ", p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code, p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp - 1); p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp--; GKI_freebuf (p_pkt); } else { /* Raw frame event */ evt_data.data.p_data = p_pkt; (*rw_cb.p_cback) (RW_T1T_RAW_FRAME_EVT, (tRW_DATA *) &evt_data); } return; } #if (defined (RW_STATS_INCLUDED) && (RW_STATS_INCLUDED == TRUE)) /* Update rx stats */ rw_main_update_rx_stats (p_pkt->len); #endif /* RW_STATS_INCLUDED */ if ( (p_pkt->len != p_cmd_rsp_info->rsp_len) ||((p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode != T1T_CMD_RALL) && (p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode != T1T_CMD_RID) && (*p != p_t1t->addr)) ) { /* If previous command was retransmitted and if response is pending to previous command retransmission, * then check if lenght and ADD/ADD8/ADDS field matches the expected value of previous * retransmited command response. However, ignore ADD field if the command was RALL/RID */ if ( (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp) &&(p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.rsp_len == p_pkt->len) &&((p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code == T1T_CMD_RID) || (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code == T1T_CMD_RALL) || (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.addr == *p)) ) { RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T1T Response to previous command. command=0x%02x, Remaining max retx rsp:0x%02x", p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code, p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp - 1); p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp--; } else { /* Stop timer as some response to current command is received */ nfc_stop_quick_timer (&p_t1t->timer); /* Retrasmit the last sent command if retry-count < max retry */ #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T1T Frame error. state=%s command (opcode) = 0x%02x", rw_t1t_get_state_name (p_t1t->state), p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode); #else RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("T1T Frame error. state=0x%02x command = 0x%02x ", p_t1t->state, p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode); #endif rw_t1t_process_frame_error (); } GKI_freebuf (p_pkt); return; } /* Stop timer as response to current command is received */ nfc_stop_quick_timer (&p_t1t->timer); RW_TRACE_EVENT2 ("RW RECV [%s]:0x%x RSP", t1t_info_to_str (p_cmd_rsp_info), p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode); /* If we did not receive response to all retransmitted previous command, * dont expect that as response have come for the current command itself. */ if (p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp) memset (&(p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info), 0, sizeof (tRW_T1T_PREV_CMD_RSP_INFO)); if (rw_cb.cur_retry) { /* If the current command was retransmitted to get this response, we might get response later to all or some of the retrasnmission of the current command */ p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.addr = ((p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode != T1T_CMD_RALL) && (p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode != T1T_CMD_RID))? p_t1t->addr:0; p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.rsp_len = p_cmd_rsp_info->rsp_len; p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.op_code = p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode; p_t1t->prev_cmd_rsp_info.pend_retx_rsp = (UINT8) rw_cb.cur_retry; } rw_cb.cur_retry = 0; if (p_cmd_rsp_info->opcode == T1T_CMD_RID) { rw_event = rw_t1t_handle_rid_rsp (p_pkt); } else { rw_event = rw_t1t_handle_rsp (p_cmd_rsp_info, &b_notify, p, &evt_data.status); } if (b_notify) { if( (p_t1t->state != RW_T1T_STATE_READ) &&(p_t1t->state != RW_T1T_STATE_WRITE) ) { GKI_freebuf (p_pkt); evt_data.data.p_data = NULL; } else { evt_data.data.p_data = p_pkt; } rw_t1t_handle_op_complete (); (*rw_cb.p_cback) (rw_event, (tRW_DATA *) &evt_data); } else GKI_freebuf (p_pkt); #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) if (begin_state != p_t1t->state) { RW_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("RW T1T state changed:<%s> -> <%s>", rw_t1t_get_state_name (begin_state), rw_t1t_get_state_name (p_t1t->state)); } #endif }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef ** ** Description State machine for NDEF read procedure ** ** Returns none ** *******************************************************************************/ static void rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef (BT_HDR *p_r_apdu) { tRW_T4T_CB *p_t4t = &rw_cb.tcb.t4t; UINT8 *p; UINT16 status_words; tRW_DATA rw_data; #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef (): sub_state:%s (%d)", rw_t4t_get_sub_state_name (p_t4t->sub_state), p_t4t->sub_state); #else RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef (): sub_state=%d", p_t4t->sub_state); #endif /* get status words */ p = (UINT8 *) (p_r_apdu + 1) + p_r_apdu->offset; p += (p_r_apdu->len - T4T_RSP_STATUS_WORDS_SIZE); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (status_words, p); if (status_words != T4T_RSP_CMD_CMPLTED) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_CMD_NOT_CMPLTD, *(p-2), *(p-1)); GKI_freebuf (p_r_apdu); return; } switch (p_t4t->sub_state) { case RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_READ_RESP: /* Read partial or complete data */ p_r_apdu->len -= T4T_RSP_STATUS_WORDS_SIZE; if ((p_r_apdu->len > 0) && (p_r_apdu->len <= p_t4t->rw_length)) { p_t4t->rw_length -= p_r_apdu->len; p_t4t->rw_offset += p_r_apdu->len; if (rw_cb.p_cback) { rw_data.data.status = NFC_STATUS_OK; rw_data.data.p_data = p_r_apdu; /* if need to read more data */ if (p_t4t->rw_length > 0) { (*(rw_cb.p_cback)) (RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_EVT, &rw_data); if (!rw_t4t_read_file (p_t4t->rw_offset, p_t4t->rw_length, TRUE)) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); } } else { p_t4t->state = RW_T4T_STATE_IDLE; (*(rw_cb.p_cback)) (RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_CPLT_EVT, &rw_data); RW_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef (): Sent RW_T4T_NDEF_READ_CPLT_EVT"); } p_r_apdu = NULL; } else { p_t4t->rw_length = 0; p_t4t->state = RW_T4T_STATE_IDLE; } } else { RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef (): invalid payload length (%d), rw_length (%d)", p_r_apdu->len, p_t4t->rw_length); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_BAD_RESP, 0, 0); } break; default: RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_sm_read_ndef (): unknown sub_state = %d", p_t4t->sub_state); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); break; } if (p_r_apdu) GKI_freebuf (p_r_apdu); }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef ** ** Description State machine for NDEF detection procedure ** ** Returns none ** *******************************************************************************/ static void rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (BT_HDR *p_r_apdu) { tRW_T4T_CB *p_t4t = &rw_cb.tcb.t4t; UINT8 *p, type, length; UINT16 status_words, nlen; tRW_DATA rw_data; #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): sub_state:%s (%d)", rw_t4t_get_sub_state_name (p_t4t->sub_state), p_t4t->sub_state); #else RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): sub_state=%d", p_t4t->sub_state); #endif /* get status words */ p = (UINT8 *) (p_r_apdu + 1) + p_r_apdu->offset; p += (p_r_apdu->len - T4T_RSP_STATUS_WORDS_SIZE); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (status_words, p); if (status_words != T4T_RSP_CMD_CMPLTED) { /* try V1.0 after failing of V2.0 */ if ( (p_t4t->sub_state == RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_APP) &&(p_t4t->version == T4T_VERSION_2_0) ) { p_t4t->version = T4T_VERSION_1_0; RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): retry with version=0x%02X", p_t4t->version); if (!rw_t4t_select_application (T4T_VERSION_1_0)) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); } return; } p_t4t->ndef_status &= ~ (RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_DETECTED); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_CMD_NOT_CMPLTD, *(p-2), *(p-1)); return; } switch (p_t4t->sub_state) { case RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_APP: /* NDEF Tag application has been selected then select CC file */ if (!rw_t4t_select_file (T4T_CC_FILE_ID)) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); } else { p_t4t->sub_state = RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_CC; } break; case RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_CC: /* CC file has been selected then read mandatory part of CC file */ if (!rw_t4t_read_file (0x00, T4T_CC_FILE_MIN_LEN, FALSE)) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); } else { p_t4t->sub_state = RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_CC_FILE; } break; case RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_CC_FILE: /* CC file has been read then validate and select mandatory NDEF file */ if (p_r_apdu->len >= T4T_CC_FILE_MIN_LEN + T4T_RSP_STATUS_WORDS_SIZE) { p = (UINT8 *) (p_r_apdu + 1) + p_r_apdu->offset; BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_t4t->cc_file.cclen, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT8 (p_t4t->cc_file.version, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_t4t->cc_file.max_le, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_t4t->cc_file.max_lc, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT8 (type, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT8 (length, p); if ( (type == T4T_NDEF_FILE_CONTROL_TYPE) &&(length == T4T_FILE_CONTROL_LENGTH) ) { BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT8 (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.read_access, p); BE_STREAM_TO_UINT8 (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access, p); #if (BT_TRACE_VERBOSE == TRUE) RW_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("Capability Container (CC) file"); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" CCLEN: 0x%04X", p_t4t->cc_file.cclen); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" Version:0x%02X", p_t4t->cc_file.version); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" MaxLe: 0x%04X", p_t4t->cc_file.max_le); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" MaxLc: 0x%04X", p_t4t->cc_file.max_lc); RW_TRACE_DEBUG0 (" NDEF File Control TLV"); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" FileID: 0x%04X", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" MaxFileSize: 0x%04X", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" ReadAccess: 0x%02X", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.read_access); RW_TRACE_DEBUG1 (" WriteAccess: 0x%02X", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access); #endif if (rw_t4t_validate_cc_file ()) { if (!rw_t4t_select_file (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id)) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); } else { p_t4t->sub_state = RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_NDEF_FILE; } break; } } } /* invalid response or CC file */ p_t4t->ndef_status &= ~ (RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_DETECTED); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_BAD_RESP, 0, 0); break; case RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_SELECT_NDEF_FILE: /* NDEF file has been selected then read the first 2 bytes (NLEN) */ if (!rw_t4t_read_file (0, T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE, FALSE)) { rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); } else { p_t4t->sub_state = RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_READ_NLEN; } break; case RW_T4T_SUBSTATE_WAIT_READ_NLEN: /* NLEN has been read then report upper layer */ if (p_r_apdu->len == T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE + T4T_RSP_STATUS_WORDS_SIZE) { /* get length of NDEF */ p = (UINT8 *) (p_r_apdu + 1) + p_r_apdu->offset; BE_STREAM_TO_UINT16 (nlen, p); if (nlen <= p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size - T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE) { p_t4t->ndef_status = RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_DETECTED; if (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access != T4T_FC_WRITE_ACCESS) { p_t4t->ndef_status |= RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_READ_ONLY; } /* Get max bytes to read per command */ if (p_t4t->cc_file.max_le >= RW_T4T_MAX_DATA_PER_READ) { p_t4t->max_read_size = RW_T4T_MAX_DATA_PER_READ; } else { p_t4t->max_read_size = p_t4t->cc_file.max_le; } /* Le: valid range is 0x01 to 0xFF */ if (p_t4t->max_read_size >= T4T_MAX_LENGTH_LE) { p_t4t->max_read_size = T4T_MAX_LENGTH_LE; } /* Get max bytes to update per command */ if (p_t4t->cc_file.max_lc >= RW_T4T_MAX_DATA_PER_WRITE) { p_t4t->max_update_size = RW_T4T_MAX_DATA_PER_WRITE; } else { p_t4t->max_update_size = p_t4t->cc_file.max_lc; } /* Lc: valid range is 0x01 to 0xFF */ if (p_t4t->max_update_size >= T4T_MAX_LENGTH_LC) { p_t4t->max_update_size = T4T_MAX_LENGTH_LC; } p_t4t->ndef_length = nlen; p_t4t->state = RW_T4T_STATE_IDLE; if (rw_cb.p_cback) { rw_data.ndef.status = NFC_STATUS_OK; rw_data.ndef.protocol = NFC_PROTOCOL_ISO_DEP; rw_data.ndef.max_size = (UINT32) (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size - (UINT16) T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE); rw_data.ndef.cur_size = nlen; rw_data.ndef.flags = RW_NDEF_FL_SUPPORTED | RW_NDEF_FL_FORMATED; if (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access != T4T_FC_WRITE_ACCESS) { rw_data.ndef.flags |= RW_NDEF_FL_READ_ONLY; } (*(rw_cb.p_cback)) (RW_T4T_NDEF_DETECT_EVT, &rw_data); RW_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): Sent RW_T4T_NDEF_DETECT_EVT"); } } else { /* NLEN should be less than max file size */ RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): NLEN (%d) + 2 must be <= max file size (%d)", nlen, p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size); p_t4t->ndef_status &= ~ (RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_DETECTED); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_BAD_RESP, 0, 0); } } else { /* response payload size should be T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE */ RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): Length (%d) of R-APDU must be %d", p_r_apdu->len, T4T_FILE_LENGTH_SIZE + T4T_RSP_STATUS_WORDS_SIZE); p_t4t->ndef_status &= ~ (RW_T4T_NDEF_STATUS_NDEF_DETECTED); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_BAD_RESP, 0, 0); } break; default: RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_sm_detect_ndef (): unknown sub_state=%d", p_t4t->sub_state); rw_t4t_handle_error (NFC_STATUS_FAILED, 0, 0); break; } }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Function rw_t4t_validate_cc_file ** ** Description Validate CC file and mandatory NDEF TLV ** ** Returns TRUE if success ** *******************************************************************************/ static BOOLEAN rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (void) { tRW_T4T_CB *p_t4t = &rw_cb.tcb.t4t; RW_TRACE_DEBUG0 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file ()"); if (p_t4t->cc_file.cclen < T4T_CC_FILE_MIN_LEN) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): CCLEN (%d) is too short", p_t4t->cc_file.cclen); return FALSE; } if (T4T_GET_MAJOR_VERSION (p_t4t->cc_file.version) != T4T_GET_MAJOR_VERSION (p_t4t->version)) { RW_TRACE_ERROR2 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): Peer version (0x%02X) is matched to ours (0x%02X)", p_t4t->cc_file.version, p_t4t->version); return FALSE; } if (p_t4t->cc_file.max_le < 0x000F) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): MaxLe (%d) is too small", p_t4t->cc_file.max_le); return FALSE; } if (p_t4t->cc_file.max_lc < 0x0001) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): MaxLc (%d) is too small", p_t4t->cc_file.max_lc); return FALSE; } if ( (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == T4T_CC_FILE_ID) ||(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == 0xE102) ||(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == 0xE103) ||((p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == 0x0000) && (p_t4t->cc_file.version == 0x20)) ||(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == 0x3F00) ||(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == 0x3FFF) ||(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id == 0xFFFF) ) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): File ID (0x%04X) is invalid", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.file_id); return FALSE; } if ( (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size < 0x0005) ||(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size == 0xFFFF) ) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): max_file_size (%d) is reserved", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.max_file_size); return FALSE; } if (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.read_access != T4T_FC_READ_ACCESS) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): Read Access (0x%02X) is invalid", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.read_access); return FALSE; } if ( (p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access != T4T_FC_WRITE_ACCESS) &&(p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access != T4T_FC_NO_WRITE_ACCESS) ) { RW_TRACE_ERROR1 ("rw_t4t_validate_cc_file (): Write Access (0x%02X) is invalid", p_t4t->cc_file.ndef_fc.write_access); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }