예제 #1
unsigned long SysAddRexxMacro(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    unsigned long position;              /* added position             */

    if (numargs < 2 || numargs > 3 ||    /* wrong number?              */
        !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]) ||       /* first is omitted           */
        !RXVALIDSTRING(args[1]))         /* second is omitted          */
      return INVALID_ROUTINE;            /* raise error condition      */

    position = RXMACRO_SEARCH_BEFORE;    /* set default search position*/

    if (numargs == 3) {                  /* have an option?            */
        if (RXZEROLENSTRING(args[2])) return INVALID_ROUTINE;
        else if (toupper(args[2].strptr[0]) == 'B') position = RXMACRO_SEARCH_BEFORE;
        else if (toupper(args[2].strptr[0]) == 'A') position = RXMACRO_SEARCH_AFTER;
        else return INVALID_ROUTINE;   /* raise an error             */
    /* try to add the macro       */

    RETVAL(RexxAddMacro(args[0].strptr, args[1].strptr, position))
예제 #2
unsigned long SysPutEA(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    unsigned long rc;                      /* Ret code                   */
    unsigned long act;                     /* open action                */
    void          *fealist;                /* fealist buffer             */
    EAOP2         eaop;                    /* eaop structure             */
    PFEA2         pfea;                    /* pfea structure             */
    HFILE         handle;                  /* file handle                */

    if (numargs != 3 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]) || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[1]))
            return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    if (rc = DosOpen2(args[0].strptr, &handle, &act,
                      0L, 0, OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS,
                      NULL)) {

    if (DosAllocMem((PPVOID)&fealist, 0x00010000L, AllocFlag)) {
        return VALID_ROUTINE;

    eaop.fpFEA2List = (PFEA2LIST)fealist;/* Set memory for the FEA     */
    eaop.fpGEA2List = NULL;              /* GEA is unused              */
    pfea = &eaop.fpFEA2List->list[0];    /* point to first FEA         */
    pfea->fEA = '\0';                    /* set the flags              */
                                         /* Size of FEA name field     */
    pfea->cbName = (BYTE)args[1].strlength;
                                         /* Size of Value for this one */
    pfea->cbValue = (SHORT)args[2].strlength;
                                         /* Set the name of this FEA   */
    strcpy((PSZ)pfea->szName, args[1].strptr);
                                         /* Set the EA value           */
    memcpy((PSZ)pfea->szName+(pfea->cbName+1), args[2].strptr,
    pfea->oNextEntryOffset = 0;          /* no next entry              */
    eaop.fpFEA2List->cbList =            /* Set the total size var     */
        sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(FEA2) + pfea->cbName + pfea->cbValue;

                                         /* set the file info          */
    rc = DosSetFileInfo(handle, 2, (PSZ)&eaop, sizeof(EAOP2));
    DosClose(handle);                    /* Close the File             */
    DosFreeMem(fealist);                 /* Free the memory            */

unsigned long SysWaitEventSem(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    unsigned long rc;
    unsigned long timeout = SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT; /* timeout value default */

    HEV handle = NULL;           /* mutex handle */


    if (numargs < 1 || numargs > 2 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]))
        return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    if (numargs == 2) {
        if (!string2ulong(args[1].strptr, &timeout)) return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    if (!string2ulong(args[0].strptr, &handle)) return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    rc = DosWaitEventSem(handle, timeout);

예제 #4
ULONG EVRloadDialog(CHAR *name, ULONG numargs, RXSTRING args[],
                                            CHAR *queuename, RXSTRING *retstr) {
  ULONG   pcount;
  CHAR    *pChar;
  BOOL    rc;

  if (numargs < 1 || numargs > 3 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]))

  /* copy arguments to shared memory object   ------------------------------- */

  *(ULONG *) EVRsharedMem = strtoul(args[0].strptr,NULL,10);
  pChar    = (CHAR*) (EVRsharedMem + sizeof(ULONG));

  if (numargs>1 && RXVALIDSTRING(args[1]))
     *pChar = '\0';
  pChar += strlen(pChar)+1;

  *pChar = '\0';
  if (numargs>2 && RXVALIDSTRING(args[2])) {
     if (RC == 0)
        TRACE(4,"%x:    REXX dialog-proc name: %s\n",EVRpid,pChar);

  /* reset semaphore, broadcast message and wait until user responded   ----- */


  /* return result   -------------------------------------------------------- */

  return_rc(*(ULONG*) EVRsharedMem);
예제 #5
 * GCI_migrateRxString converts a RXSTRING into a GCI_str. No further memory
 * allocation is done and it is STRONGLY forbidden to use GCI_strfree.
 * The return value shall be used for further operations.
static const GCI_str *GCI_migrateRxString( GCI_str *str,
                                           const RXSTRING *string )
   if ( !RXVALIDSTRING( *string ) && !RXZEROLENSTRING( *string ) )
      str->val = NULL;
      str->used = str->max = 0;
      str->val = (char *) RXSTRPTR( *string );
      str->used = str->max = (int) RXSTRLEN( *string );
   return str;
예제 #6
unsigned long SysReorderRexxMacro(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    unsigned long position;                /* added position             */

    if (numargs != 2 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]) || RXZEROLENSTRING(args[1]))
        return INVALID_ROUTINE;            /* raise error condition      */

    /* 'B'efore?                  */
    if (toupper(args[1].strptr[0]) == 'B') position = RXMACRO_SEARCH_BEFORE;
    else if (toupper(args[1].strptr[0]) == 'A') position = RXMACRO_SEARCH_AFTER;
    else return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    /* try to add the macro       */
    RETVAL(RexxReorderMacro(args[0].strptr, position))
예제 #7
unsigned long SysGetEA(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    long          rc;                      /* Ret code                   */
    unsigned char geabuff[300];            /* buffer for GEA             */
    unsigned long act;                     /* open action                */
    void          *fealist;                /* fealist buffer             */
    EAOP2         eaop;                    /* eaop structure             */
    PGEA2         pgea;                    /* pgea structure             */
    PFEA2         pfea;                    /* pfea structure             */
    HFILE         handle;                  /* file handle                */
    RXSTEMDATA    ldp;                     /* stem data                  */

    if (numargs != 3 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]) ||
            !RXVALIDSTRING(args[1]) || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[2]))
            return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    ldp.count = 0;                       /* get the stem variable name */
    strcpy(ldp.varname, args[2].strptr);

    ldp.stemlen = args[2].strlength;
    strupr(ldp.varname);                 /* uppercase the name         */

    if (rc = DosOpen(args[0].strptr, &handle, &act,
            0L, 0, OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS,
            NULL)) {
    }                                    /* get the file status info   */

    if (DosAllocMem((PPVOID)&fealist, 0x00010000L, AllocFlag)) {
        return VALID_ROUTINE;
                                         /* FEA and GEA lists          */
    eaop.fpGEA2List = (PGEA2LIST)geabuff;
    eaop.fpFEA2List = (PFEA2LIST)fealist;
    eaop.oError = 0;                     /* no error occurred yet      */
    pgea = &eaop.fpGEA2List->list[0];    /* point to first GEA         */
    eaop.fpGEA2List->cbList = sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(GEA2) +
    eaop.fpFEA2List->cbList = (ULONG)0xffff;

                                         /* fill in the EA name length */
    pgea->cbName = (BYTE)args[1].strlength;
    strcpy(pgea->szName, args[1].strptr);/* fill in the name           */
    pgea->oNextEntryOffset = 0;          /* fill in the next offset    */
                                         /* read the extended attribute*/
    rc = DosQueryFileInfo(handle, 3, (PSZ)&eaop, sizeof(EAOP2));
    DosClose(handle);                    /* close the file             */

    if (eaop.fpFEA2List->cbList <= sizeof(ULONG))
      rc = ERROR_EAS_NOT_SUPPORTED;      /* this is error also         */

    sprintf(retstr->strptr, "%d", rc);   /* format return code         */
    retstr->strlength = strlen(retstr->strptr);

    if (rc) {                            /* failure?                   */
        DosFreeMem(fealist);               /* error, get out             */
        return VALID_ROUTINE;

    pfea = &(eaop.fpFEA2List->list[0]);  /* point to the first FEA     */
    ldp.shvb.shvnext = NULL;
    ldp.shvb.shvname.strptr = ldp.varname;
    ldp.shvb.shvname.strlength = ldp.stemlen;
    ldp.shvb.shvnamelen = ldp.stemlen;
    ldp.shvb.shvvalue.strptr = ((PSZ)pfea->szName+(pfea->cbName+1));
    ldp.shvb.shvvalue.strlength = pfea->cbValue;
    ldp.shvb.shvvaluelen = ldp.shvb.shvvalue.strlength;
    ldp.shvb.shvcode = RXSHV_SET;
    ldp.shvb.shvret = 0;
    if (RexxVariablePool(&ldp.shvb) == RXSHV_BADN) {
        DosFreeMem(fealist);               /* free our buffer            */
        return INVALID_ROUTINE;            /* error on non-zero          */

    DosFreeMem(fealist);                 /* free our buffer            */

    return VALID_ROUTINE;
예제 #8
unsigned long SysQueryEAList(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    int  countEA = 0;

    unsigned long rc;
    unsigned long act;
    unsigned long numberEA;
    unsigned long offset   = 0;

    char szStemName[256] = {0};
    char fileName[512]   = {0};
    char *pszStemIdx     = NULL;
    char buffer[EABUFFER];
    char eanum[5];

    FEA2         *ptrBuffer;
    FILESTATUS3  status;
    HFILE        handle;

    /* Only two arguments accepted */
    if (numargs != 2 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[0]) ||
            !RXVALIDSTRING(args[1]) || args[0].strlength > 255)
            return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    /* remember stem name */
    strcpy(szStemName, args[1].strptr);
    strcpy(fileName, args[0].strptr);

    // check for '.' and if not there make it so
    if (szStemName[args[1].strlength-1] != '.')
        szStemName[args[1].strlength] = '.';

    // pointer to the index part of stem
    pszStemIdx = &(szStemName[strlen(szStemName)]);

    // query to find if it is a file or directory
                        (void *)&status,
                        sizeof(status))) return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    // if it is a file open it
    if(!(status.attrFile&FILE_DIRECTORY)) {
        if(DosOpen(fileName, &handle, &act, 0L, 0,
                   NULL)) return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    numberEA = (ULONG)-1;

    rc = DosEnumAttribute(ENUMEA_REFTYPE_PATH,
                          fileName, 1,
                          (PVOID)&buffer, EABUFFER,
                          (ULONG *)&numberEA, ENUMEA_LEVEL_NO_VALUE);

    if(rc) RETVAL(0)

    // if it is a file - close it
    if (!(status.attrFile&FILE_DIRECTORY)) DosClose(handle);

    ptrBuffer = (FEA2 *)&buffer;   // set pointer to statrt of buffer

    if(numberEA != 0) {                   // if there are EAs found
        do {
            ptrBuffer = (PDENA2)((char *)ptrBuffer + offset);

            itoa(++countEA, pszStemIdx, 10);

            rc = SetRexxVariable(szStemName, ptrBuffer->szName);

            offset = ptrBuffer->oNextEntryOffset;

        } while ( ptrBuffer->oNextEntryOffset != 0 );
    } // end of handling EAs

    // setup the 0 index with number of classes
    strcpy(pszStemIdx, "0");
    sprintf(eanum, "%d", numberEA);

    rc = SetRexxVariable(szStemName, eanum);

예제 #9
unsigned long SysIni(unsigned char *name,
                           unsigned long numargs,
                           RXSTRING args[],
                           char *queuename,
                           RXSTRING *retstr)
    HINI hini;

    unsigned long x;
    unsigned long len;
    unsigned long lSize;

    char *IniFile = "";
    char *App;
    char *Key = "";
    char *Val;
    char Temp[256];
    char UserName[256];
    char SysName[256];

    PRFPROFILE  PrfInfo;
    long Error = FALSE;

    bool WildCard = FALSE;
    bool QueryApps;

    RXSTEMDATA  ldp;

    // initialize PM
    HAB  AnchBlk   = NULLHANDLE;
    bool WinIntial = TRUE;


    /* validate arguments         */
    if (numargs < 2 || numargs > 4 || !RXVALIDSTRING(args[1]))
        return INVALID_ROUTINE;

    /* get pointers to args       */
    IniFile = args[0].strptr;
    App     = args[1].strptr;

    if (numargs >= 3 && args[2].strptr) Key = args[2].strptr;

    if (numargs == 4) Val = args[3].strptr;

    /* Check KEY and APP values for "WildCard"             */
    if (!stricmp(App, "ALL:")) {
        App       = "";
        QueryApps = TRUE;
        WildCard  = TRUE;

        if (numargs != 3) return INVALID_ROUTINE; /* Error - Not enough args    */
        else x = 2;                               /* Arg number of STEM variable*/
    } else if (!stricmp(Key, "ALL:")) {
        Key = "";
        Val = "";
        QueryApps = FALSE;
        WildCard = TRUE;

        if (numargs != 4) return INVALID_ROUTINE; /* Error - Not enough args    */
        else x = 3;                               /* Arg number of STEM variable*/

     * If this is a "WildCard search, then allocate mem
     * for stem struct and get the stem name
    if (WildCard == TRUE) {
        ldp.count = 0;                       /* get the stem variable name */
        strcpy(ldp.varname, args[x].strptr);
        ldp.stemlen = args[x].strlength;
        strupr(ldp.varname);                 /* uppercase the name         */

        if (ldp.varname[ldp.stemlen-1] != '.') ldp.varname[ldp.stemlen++] = '.';


      * The following section of code gets the INI file handle      *
      * given the INI file spec (IniFile).                          *
      *                                                             *
      * Possible Ini file specs:                                    *
      *                                                             *
      *   NULL     - Same as USERPROFILE   ( OS2.INI )              *
      *   "BOTH"   - Same as PROFILE       ( OS2.INI & OS2SYS.INI ) *
      *   "USER"   - Same as USERPROFILE   ( OS2.INI )              *
      *   "SYSTEM" - Same as SYSTEMPROFILE ( OS2SYS.INI)            *
      *   other    - Filespec of INI file.                          *

    hini = NULLHANDLE;

    if (!IniFile) hini = HINI_USERPROFILE;
    else if (!stricmp(IniFile, "BOTH")) hini = HINI_PROFILE;
    else if (!stricmp(IniFile, "USER")) hini = HINI_USERPROFILE;
    else if (!stricmp(IniFile, "SYSTEM")) hini = HINI_SYSTEMPROFILE;

      * If Ini file spec is 'other' then make sure it does not   *
      * specify the current USER or SYSTEM profiles.             *
      *                                                          *
      * Trying to open the current USER or SYSTEM ini file via   *
      * PrfOpenProfile() will fail.  Therefore, use the function *
      * PrfQueryProfile() to query the current USER and SYSTEM   *
      * ini file specs. If the IniFile string matches either     *
      * the current USER or SYSTEM file specs, then use either   *
      * HINI_USERPROFILE or HINI_SYSTEMPROFILE as appropriate.   *
      *                                                          *
      * If IniFile does not specify the current USER or SYSTEM   *
      * ini file then use PrfOpenProfile() to get the ini file   *
      * handle.                                                  *

    else {
        PrfInfo.pszUserName = UserName;
        PrfInfo.cchUserName = sizeof(UserName);
        PrfInfo.pszSysName = SysName;
        PrfInfo.cchSysName = sizeof(SysName);

        if (PrfQueryProfile(AnchBlk, &PrfInfo)) {
            if (!stricmp(IniFile, PrfInfo.pszUserName)) hini = HINI_USERPROFILE;
            else if (!stricmp(IniFile, PrfInfo.pszSysName)) hini = HINI_SYSTEMPROFILE;
            else hini = PrfOpenProfile(AnchBlk, IniFile);
        } else hini = PrfOpenProfile(AnchBlk, IniFile);

      * Exit with INI FILE error if the ini file handle *
      * is NULL at this point (and if IniFile != BOTH,  *
      * as that would make the handle NULL also).       *

        if (hini == NULLHANDLE && stricmp(IniFile, "BOTH")) {
            BUILDRXSTRING(retstr, ERROR_RETSTR);
            return VALID_ROUTINE;