예제 #1
void PrettyPrinter::special_print(const Store* store,
                                  std::ostream& outStream,
                                  const std::string tableName,
                                  const size_t& limit,
                                  const size_t& start) {
  ftprinter::FTPrinter tp(tableName, outStream);
  tp.addColumn("#rowid", 6);
  const size_t columns = store->columnCount();

  // TODO: how about using limit=0 as parameter to print whole table instead of strange -1 for unsigned?
  auto prepareLimit = (limit < (size_t) - 1) ? std::min(limit, store->size()) : store->size();

  for (size_t column_index = 0; column_index < columns; ++column_index) {
    // Auto adjusting widths means iterating over the table twice, but we use it for
    // debugging purposes only, anyways, so we'll go with beauty of output here
    auto name = store->nameOfColumn(column_index);
    size_t width = std::accumulate(RangeIter(0),
                                   // minimum width is 4
                                   name.size() > 4 ? name.size() : 4,
                                   [&](size_t max, const size_t row)->size_t {
      size_t sz = generateValue(store, column_index, row).size();
      return sz > max ? sz : max;
    tp.addColumn(name, width);
  tp.addColumn("$tid", 6);
  tp.addColumn("$cidbeg", 6);
  tp.addColumn("$cidend", 6);

  if (limit < (size_t) - 1) {
    outStream << "(showing first " << limit << " rows)" << std::endl;

  if (tableName.size() > 0)


  for (size_t row = start; row < store->size() && row < limit; ++row) {
    tp << row;
    for (size_t column = 0; column < columns; ++column) {
      tp << generateValue(store, column, row);
    writeTid(tp, store->_tidVector[row]);
    writeCid(tp, store->_cidBeginVector[row]);
    writeCid(tp, store->_cidEndVector[row]);
예제 #2
void PrettyPrinter::special_print(T& input,
                                  std::ostream& outStream,
                                  const std::string tableName,
                                  const size_t& limit,
                                  const size_t& start) {
  ftprinter::FTPrinter tp(tableName, outStream);
  tp.addColumn("#rowid", 6);

  auto prepareLimit = (limit < (size_t) - 1) ? std::min(limit, input->size()) : input->size();
  const size_t columns = input->columnCount();
  for (size_t column_index = 0; column_index < columns; ++column_index) {
    // Auto adjusting widths means iterating over the table twice, but we use it for
    // debugging purposes only, anyways, so we'll go with beauty of output here
    auto name = input->nameOfColumn(column_index);
    size_t width = std::accumulate(RangeIter(0),
                                   // minimum width is 4
                                   name.size() > 4 ? name.size() : 4,
                                   [&](size_t max, const size_t & row)->size_t {
      size_t sz = generateValue(input, column_index, row).size();
      return sz > max ? sz : max;
    tp.addColumn(name, width);

  if (limit < (size_t) - 1) {
    outStream << "(showing first " << limit << " of " << input->size() << " rows)" << std::endl;

  if (tableName.size() > 0)
  for (size_t row = start; row < input->size() && row < limit; ++row) {
    tp << row;
    for (size_t column = 0; column < columns; ++column) {
      tp << generateValue(input, column, row);
float bePerlinNoise2D::GetOctave(float x, float y, int octaves, float persistence)
	float total = 0.f;
	float frequency = 1.f;
	float amplitude = 1.f;
	float maxValue = 0.f; // Used for normalizing result to [0.0,1.0]

	for (int i : RangeIter(octaves))
		total += Get(x * frequency, y * frequency) * amplitude;
		maxValue += amplitude;
		amplitude *= persistence;
		frequency *= 2.f;
	return total/maxValue;

void StateRenderTest::InitGrid(beRenderInterface* renderInterface)
	const int gridRadius = 100;
	const float gridSize = 1.f;
	const float xyOffset = gridSize / 2.f; // Don't draw on same spot as renderAxes
	const float gridOffset = ((float)gridRadius / 2.f);

	const int quadCount = gridRadius * gridRadius;
	const int vertexCount = quadCount * 8;
	const int triCount = quadCount * 2;
	const int triIndexCount = triCount * 3;

	const float noiseScale = 5.f;
	const float noiseHeight = 8.f;
	beRandom rng;
	bePerlinNoise2D noise;

	beVector<beShaderColour::VertexType> vertices(vertexCount, vertexCount, 0);
	beVector<u32> lineIndices(vertexCount, vertexCount, 0);
	beVector<u32> triIndices(triIndexCount, triIndexCount, 0);

	for (int i : RangeIter(lineIndices.Count()))
		lineIndices[i] = i;

	for (int i : RangeIter(quadCount))
		const int triListIndex = i * 6;
		const int lineListIndex = i * 8;
		triIndices[triListIndex+0] = lineListIndex+0;
		triIndices[triListIndex+1] = lineListIndex+2;
		triIndices[triListIndex+2] = lineListIndex+4;

		triIndices[triListIndex+3] = lineListIndex+4;
		triIndices[triListIndex+4] = lineListIndex+6;
		triIndices[triListIndex+5] = lineListIndex+0;

	int vertexIndex = 0;
	for (float x = -gridOffset; x < gridOffset; x += gridSize)
		const float xPos0 = x + xyOffset;
		const float xPos1 = xPos0+gridSize;
		for (float y = -gridOffset; y < gridOffset; y += gridSize)
			const float yPos0 = y + xyOffset;
			const float yPos1 = yPos0+gridSize;

			const float zPos0 = noiseHeight * noise.GetOctave(xPos0/noiseScale, yPos0/noiseScale, 4);
			const float zPos1 = noiseHeight * noise.GetOctave(xPos0/noiseScale, yPos1/noiseScale, 4);
			const float zPos2 = noiseHeight * noise.GetOctave(xPos1/noiseScale, yPos1/noiseScale, 4);
			const float zPos3 = noiseHeight * noise.GetOctave(xPos1/noiseScale, yPos0/noiseScale, 4);

			const Vec4 pos0(xPos0, yPos0, zPos0, 1.f);
			const Vec4 pos1(xPos0, yPos1, zPos1, 1.f);
			const Vec4 pos2(xPos1, yPos1, zPos2, 1.f);
			const Vec4 pos3(xPos1, yPos0, zPos3, 1.f);

			//LOG("[{},{}] 0- {}", x, y, pos0);
			//LOG("[{},{}] 1- {}", x, y, pos1);
			//LOG("[{},{}] 2- {}", x, y, pos2);
			//LOG("[{},{}] 3- {}", x, y, pos3);

			vertices[vertexIndex+0].position = pos0;
			vertices[vertexIndex+1].position = pos1;
			vertices[vertexIndex+2].position = pos1;
			vertices[vertexIndex+3].position = pos2;  
			vertices[vertexIndex+4].position = pos2;
			vertices[vertexIndex+5].position = pos3;
			vertices[vertexIndex+6].position = pos3;
			vertices[vertexIndex+7].position = pos0;
			vertices[vertexIndex+0].colour = Vec4(zPos0 / noiseHeight, zPos0 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+1].colour = Vec4(zPos1 / noiseHeight, zPos1 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+2].colour = Vec4(zPos1 / noiseHeight, zPos1 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+3].colour = Vec4(zPos2 / noiseHeight, zPos2 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+4].colour = Vec4(zPos2 / noiseHeight, zPos2 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+5].colour = Vec4(zPos3 / noiseHeight, zPos3 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+6].colour = Vec4(zPos3 / noiseHeight, zPos3 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertices[vertexIndex+7].colour = Vec4(zPos0 / noiseHeight, zPos0 / noiseHeight, 1.f, 1.f);
			vertexIndex += 8; 

	beRenderBuffer vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, linesIndexB;

	vertexBuffer.Allocate(renderInterface, ElementSize(vertices), vertexCount, D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT, D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, 0, 0, 0, vertices.begin());

	beModel::Material materials[1];
	materials[0].m_shader = beRendering::ShaderType::Colour;

	beModel::Mesh meshes[2];
	meshes[0].m_name = beString("GroundFilled");
	meshes[0].m_indexBuffer.Allocate(renderInterface, decltype(triIndices)::element_size, triIndices.Count(), D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT, D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 0, triIndices.begin());
	meshes[0].m_materialIndex = 0;
	meshes[0].m_enabled = false;

	meshes[1].m_name = beString("GroundLines");
	meshes[1].m_indexBuffer.Allocate(renderInterface, decltype(lineIndices)::element_size, vertexCount, D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT, D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINELIST, 0, 0, lineIndices.begin());
	meshes[1].m_materialIndex = 0;

	const bool success = m_gridModel.InitFromBuffers(&vertexBuffer, meshes, materials);
	if (!success) { BE_ASSERT(false); return; }
예제 #5
void PrettyPrinter::printDiff(const c_atable_ptr_t& input,
                              const TableDiff& diff,
                              std::ostream& outStream,
                              const std::string tableName,
                              const size_t& limit,
                              const size_t& start) {
  ftprinter::FTPrinter tp(tableName, outStream);
  tp.addColumn("#rowid", 6);
  const size_t columns = input->columnCount();

  for (size_t column_index = 0; column_index < columns; ++column_index) {
    // Auto adjusting widths means iterating over the table twice, but we use it for
    // debugging purposes only, anyways, so we'll go with beauty of output here
    auto name = input->nameOfColumn(column_index);
    size_t width = std::accumulate(RangeIter(0),
                                   // minimum width is 4
                                   name.size() > 4 ? name.size() : 4,
                                   [&](size_t max, const size_t & row)->size_t {
      size_t sz = generateValue(input, column_index, row).size();
      return sz > max ? sz : max;
    ftprinter::PrintFormat format = ftprinter::format::basic;
    if (diff.fields[column_index] == TableDiff::FieldWrong)
      format = ftprinter::format::red;
    else if (diff.fields[column_index] == TableDiff::FieldWrongType)
      format = ftprinter::format::magenta;

    tp.addColumn(name, width, format);
  outStream << std::endl;

  if (limit < (size_t) - 1) {
    outStream << "(showing first " << limit << " rows)" << std::endl;

  auto iWrong = diff.wrongRows.begin();
  auto iFalsePos = diff.falsePositionRows.begin();

  while (iWrong != diff.wrongRows.end() && *iWrong < start)
  while (iFalsePos != diff.falsePositionRows.end() && (*iFalsePos).first < start)

  if (tableName.size() > 0)

  for (size_t row = start; row < input->size() && row < limit; ++row) {
    tp << row;

    if (iWrong != diff.wrongRows.end() && *iWrong == row) {
      tp << ftprinter::format::red;
    if (iFalsePos != diff.falsePositionRows.end() && (*iFalsePos).first == row) {
      tp << ftprinter::format::yellow;

    for (field_t column = 0; column < columns; ++column) {
      tp << generateValue(input, column, row);