/* returns true if a point is in shadow from a light */
Color3 RayTracer::visiblePercentage(Ray ray, const shared_ptr<Light>& light, float distance) const{
    //Only computes if we are actually casting shadows
    if (m_settings.enableShadows && light->castsShadows()){
        //Increment the amount of shadow rays
        //If partial coverage is enabled, we need to compute the actual percentage, otherwise just need to test visible
        if (m_settings.enablePartialCoverage){
            Color3 visibility(1,1,1);
            //the current position of shadow ray
            Point3 oldPosition = ray.origin();
            //Iterate through the surfels in between and multiply visibility by their trasmissiveness
            //Until we reach the original surface (distance <=0) or the visibility becomes 0
            while ((distance > 0) && !(visibility.clamp(0,1).isZero())){
                shared_ptr<UniversalSurfel> surfel = dynamic_pointer_cast<UniversalSurfel>(castRay(ray.bumpedRay(0.0001), distance, 0));
                //If no more surfel left, simply return
                if (!surfel){
                    return visibility;
                } else{
                    visibility *= surfel->transmissionCoefficient;

                distance = distance - (surfel->position - oldPosition).magnitude();
                oldPosition = surfel->position;
                ray = Ray(oldPosition, ray.direction());

            return visibility;
        } else{
            //If not doing partial coverage, just need to test visibility. Set anysurfel to 1 for faster intersection
            if(castRay(ray.bumpedRay(0.0001), distance, 1)) {
                return Color3(0,0,0);
            } else{
                return Color3(1,1,1);
    } else{
        //Non shadow casting always gives total visibility
        return Color3(1,1,1);
예제 #2
void ScreenCalibrator::PointQueryTool::buttonCallback(int,Vrui::InputDevice::ButtonCallbackData* cbData)
		/* Get pointer to input device that caused the event: */
		Vrui::InputDevice* device=getButtonDevice(0);
		size_t pickResult;
		Vrui::NavTrackerState transform=Vrui::getDeviceTransformation(device);
			/* Find what type of point this is: */
				std::cout<<"Tracking point "<<pickResult<<": "<<application->trackingPoints[pickResult]<<std::endl;
					std::cout<<"Floor point "<<pickResult<<": "<<application->floorPoints[pickResult]<<std::endl;
						std::cout<<"Screen point "<<pickResult<<": "<<application->screenPoints[pickResult]<<std::endl;
							std::cout<<"Ball point "<<pickResult<<": "<<application->ballPoints[pickResult]<<std::endl;
예제 #3
Color Refractive::shade(ShadeRec& sr) {
	Color col = Phong::shade(sr);

	// get the texture
	if (refraction_ptr) {
		eta = 2.0f * refraction_ptr->get_color(sr).r;

	Vector3D v = -sr.ray.d.normalized();
	Vector3D n = sr.nh;

	float cosTheta1 = sr.nh * v;
	float theeta = eta;
	if(cosTheta1 < 0)
		n = -n;
		cosTheta1 = -cosTheta1;
		theeta = 1.0f / theeta;

	float a = -1.0f / theeta;
	float term = ((cosTheta1 * cosTheta1 -1) / (theeta * theeta)) + 1;
	Vector3D transmitDir;
	if (term > 0.0) {
		float b = (cosTheta1 / theeta) - sqrt(term);
		transmitDir = a * v + b * n;
	else {
		transmitDir = -v + 2.0f * cosTheta1 * n;

	Ray transmittedRay = Ray(sr.ph+0.01f*transmitDir, transmitDir);

	col += sr.world.trace_ray(transmittedRay, sr.depth + 1);

	return col;
예제 #4
파일: scene.cpp 프로젝트: jl2/RayTracer
void Scene::trace(Image &img, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, int lev) {

    Vector zAxis = cam.getDirection().normal()*cam.getImagePlaneDistance();
    Vector yAxis = cam.getUp().normal();
    Vector xAxis = zAxis.cross(yAxis).normal();
    real xwidth = (x2-x1)/(img.getWidth()-1);
    real ywidth = (y2-y1)/(img.getHeight()-1);
    for (int i = 0;i<img.getWidth(); ++i) {
	Vector xVect = xAxis*(i*xwidth+x1);
	for (int j = 0;j<img.getHeight(); ++j) {
	    Ray tempRay = Ray(
		    + yAxis*((img.getHeight()-j)*ywidth+y1)
		    + zAxis).normal());
	    img(i,j) = shade(rtrace(tempRay), tempRay, lev);
예제 #5
파일: spot.cpp 프로젝트: JerryCao1985/SORT
// sample ray from light
Spectrum SpotLight::sample_l( const Intersection& intersect , const LightSample* ls , Vector& dirToLight , float* distance , float* pdfw , float* emissionPdf , float* cosAtLight , Visibility& visibility ) const
    // direction to light
	const Vector _dirToLight = light_pos - intersect.intersect;
    // Normalize vec
    const float sqrLen = _dirToLight.SquaredLength();
    const float len = sqrt(sqrLen);
    dirToLight = _dirToLight / len;
    // direction pdf from 'intersect' to light source w.r.t solid angle
	if( pdfw )
        *pdfw = sqrLen;
    // emission pdf from light source w.r.t solid angle
    if( emissionPdf )
        *emissionPdf = UniformConePdf( cos_total_range );
    if( cosAtLight )
        *cosAtLight = 1.0f;
    if( distance )
        *distance = len;
    // update visility
    const float delta = 0.01f;
    visibility.ray = Ray( light_pos , -dirToLight , 0 , delta , len - delta );
	const float falloff = SatDot( dirToLight , -light_dir );
	if( falloff <= cos_total_range )
		return 0.0f;
	if( falloff >= cos_falloff_start )
		return intensity ;
	const float d = ( falloff - cos_total_range ) / ( cos_falloff_start - cos_total_range );
	if( d == 0.0f )
		return 0.0f;

	return intensity * d * d;
예제 #6
void SceneLoader::ImportLight(Scene& scene, const aiLight* const light) {
    Light L;
    aiColor3D ai_color_ka = light->mColorAmbient;
    aiColor3D ai_color_kd = light->mColorDiffuse;
    aiColor3D ai_color_ks = light->mColorSpecular;
    aiVector3D ai_direction = light->mDirection;
    aiVector3D ai_position = light->mPosition;
    aiString ai_name = light->mName;
    aiLightSourceType ai_light_type = light->mType;
    L.ka = glm::vec3(ai_color_ka[0], ai_color_ka[1], ai_color_ka[2]);
    L.ks = glm::vec3(ai_color_ks[0], ai_color_ks[1], ai_color_ks[2]);
    L.kd = glm::vec3(ai_color_kd[0], ai_color_kd[1], ai_color_kd[2]);
    L.name = std::string(ai_name.C_Str());
    L.type = static_cast<Light::LightType>(ai_light_type);
    L.ray = Ray(glm::vec3(ai_position[0], ai_position[1], ai_position[2]),
                glm::vec3(ai_direction[0], ai_direction[1], ai_direction[2]));
    L.attenuation_coefficients = glm::vec3(light->mAttenuationConstant,
                                           light->mAttenuationLinear, light->mAttenuationQuadratic);
    L.spot_coefficients = glm::vec3(light->mAngleInnerCone,
                                    light->mAngleOuterCone, 0.0f);
예제 #7
  Spectrum DiffuseLight::sample_ray_radiance(const Scene&, 
      Ray& out_ray, Normal& out_nn, float& out_pdf,
      LightRaySample sample) const
    Normal shape_n;
    float ray_epsilon;
    Point shape_p = this->shape->sample_point(sample.uv_pos.x, sample.uv_pos.y,
        shape_n, ray_epsilon);
    Vector shape_wo = Vector(uniform_hemisphere_sample(sample.uv_dir.x, sample.uv_dir.y));
    if(dot(shape_wo, shape_n) < 0.f) {
      shape_wo = -shape_wo;

    Normal world_n = this->shape_to_world.apply(shape_n);
    Point world_p = this->shape_to_world.apply(shape_p);
    Vector world_wo = this->shape_to_world.apply(shape_wo);

    out_ray = Ray(world_p, world_wo, ray_epsilon);
    out_nn = normalize(world_n);
    out_pdf = this->shape->point_pdf(shape_p) * INV_TWO_PI;
    return this->radiance;
예제 #8
PositionedBlock *Terrain::CheckAim(Player *player) {
    PositionedBlock *block;
    Ray ray = Ray(player);
    PositionedBlock *target = NULL;
    float dist, best = 5.f;
    for (std::list<PositionedBlock*>::iterator it = VisibleBlocks.begin(); it != VisibleBlocks.end(); ++it) {
        block = *it; // Blocks[i];
        dist = ray.CheckCollision(block);
        if (0.f < dist && dist < best) {
            best = dist;
            target = block;
    if (target != NULL)
        target->marked = true;
    return target;
예제 #9
void Leafcutter::EvaluateRow( Ray &r, uint32_t line )
    uint32_t idx = 0;
    Ray ray = r;
    Vec3f throughput = Vec3f::One();
    Intersection isect;
    uint32_t depth = 0;
        if(!_engine->Intersect(ray, &isect)) 

        BxdfUnion msu;
        isect.m->SampleReflectance(isect.dp, msu);
        Bxdf* ms = &msu;

        Vec3f wo = -ray.D;
        DifferentialGeometry &dp = isect.dp;

            EvaluateTree(_lightTree->GetOrientedRoot(), dp, wo, isect.m, idx, line);
            EvaluateTree(_lightTree->GetDirectionalRoot(), dp, wo, isect.m, idx, line);
            if (depth > 2)

            BxdfSample bxdfSample = ms->SampleCos(DELTA_BXDF, wo, dp, _sampler->Next2D(), _sampler->Next1D());
            if (!bxdfSample.Valid())
            throughput *= bxdfSample.brdfCos;
            ray = Ray(dp.P, bxdfSample.wi, ray.time);
예제 #10
bool computeImage()
	static unsigned int iPart = 0;

	if(iPart >= 64)
		return false;
    for(int j = iPart; j < screenHeight; j+=64)
        for(int i = 0; i < screenWidth; i++)
			float3 pixelColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
			float2 ndcPixelCentre( (2.0 * i - screenWidth) / screenWidth, (2.0 * j - screenHeight) / screenHeight );

			Camera& camera = scene.getCamera();
			Ray ray = Ray(camera.getEye(), camera.rayDirFromNdc(ndcPixelCentre));
			image[j*screenWidth + i] = scene.trace(ray, 0);
	return true;
예제 #11
파일: light.cpp 프로젝트: sbroadhead/lray
Color Light::Sample(Point const& point, Ray *out_ray, int row, int col) const {
  Point sample_point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double cell_width = 1.0 / cols;
  double cell_height = 1.0 / rows;

  if (area) {
    double offx = rand_double(-0.25, 0.25) / cols;
    double offy = rand_double(-0.25, 0.25) / rows;
    double x = (col * cell_width + offx) - 0.5;
    double y = (row * cell_height + offy) - 0.5;
    sample_point = Point(x, 0.0, y);

  sample_point = transformation.Apply(sample_point);
  if (out_ray) {
    *out_ray = Ray(point, Normalized(sample_point - point));
    (*out_ray).max_dist = Norm(sample_point - point);

  // In future, this may be deferred to a subclass for e.g. multicolored lights
  return color;
예제 #12
Ray Viewport::GetScreenRay(int x, int y) const
    if (!camera_)
        return Ray();

    float screenX;
    float screenY;

    if (rect_ == IntRect::ZERO)
        Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
        screenX = (float)x / (float)graphics->GetWidth();
        screenY = (float)y / (float)graphics->GetHeight();
        screenX = float(x - rect_.left_) / (float)rect_.Width();
        screenY = float(y - rect_.top_) / (float)rect_.Height();

    return camera_->GetScreenRay(screenX, screenY);
예제 #13
Spectrum GridDensityMedium::T(const Ray &_ray, Sampler &sampler) const {
    // Transform the ray into local coordinates and determine overlap interval
    // [_tMin, tMax_]
    const Bounds3f dataBounds(Point3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), Point3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f));
    Ray ray = WorldToMedium(
        Ray(_ray.o, Normalize(_ray.d), _ray.tMax * _ray.d.Length()));
    Float tMin, tMax;
    if (!dataBounds.IntersectP(ray, &tMin, &tMax)) return Spectrum(1.f);
    tMin = std::max(tMin, (Float)0.f);
    tMax = std::min(tMax, ray.tMax);
    if (tMin >= tMax) return Spectrum(1.f);
    Float tr = 1.f;
    // Perform ratio tracking to estimate the transmittance value
    Float t = tMin;
    while (true) {
        t -= std::log(1 - sampler.Get1D()) * invMaxDensity;
        if (t >= tMax) break;
        Float density = Density(ray(t));
        tr *= 1.f - std::max((Float)0, sigma_t * density * invMaxDensity);
    return Spectrum(tr);
예제 #14
PhotonMapper::render(Scene &scene)
    int xRes = scene.camera.xRes();
    int yRes = scene.camera.yRes();
    setRes(xRes, yRes);
	//clear m_rgbaBuffer
	//setup progress reporting using Platform::Progress
	//for each pixel generate a camera ray
    if (scene.photonMap == NULL && scene.specularPhotonMap == NULL) {
    Platform::Progress progress = Platform::Progress("Raytracing Image", xRes*yRes);    
    for (int i=0; i < xRes; i++) {

        #pragma omp parallel for
        for (int j=0; j<yRes; j++) {
            Ray r = Ray();
            scene.camera.generateRay(r, i, j);
            Math::Vec3f col = recursiveRender(r, *(scene.photonMap), *(scene.specularPhotonMap), scene, true);
            m_rgbaBuffer(i, j) = Math::Vec4f(col.x, col.y, col.z, 1.0);
	//Copy the final rendering to the texture
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_fbo.colorTextureID(0));
    glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, m_fbo.width(), m_fbo.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, &m_rgbaBuffer(0,0));
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);    //Render to Screen
//    m_fbo.displayAlphaAsFullScreenTexture(FBO_COLOR0);

예제 #15
void RealisticCamera::RenderExitPupil(Float sx, Float sy,
                                      const char *filename) const {
    Point3f pFilm(sx, sy, 0);

    const int nSamples = 2048;
    Float *image = new Float[3 * nSamples * nSamples];
    Float *imagep = image;

    for (int y = 0; y < nSamples; ++y) {
        Float fy = (Float)y / (Float)(nSamples - 1);
        Float ly = Lerp(fy, -RearElementRadius(), RearElementRadius());
        for (int x = 0; x < nSamples; ++x) {
            Float fx = (Float)x / (Float)(nSamples - 1);
            Float lx = Lerp(fx, -RearElementRadius(), RearElementRadius());

            Point3f pRear(lx, ly, LensRearZ());

            if (lx * lx + ly * ly > RearElementRadius() * RearElementRadius()) {
                *imagep++ = 1;
                *imagep++ = 1;
                *imagep++ = 1;
            } else if (TraceLensesFromFilm(Ray(pFilm, pRear - pFilm),
                                           nullptr)) {
                *imagep++ = 0.5f;
                *imagep++ = 0.5f;
                *imagep++ = 0.5f;
            } else {
                *imagep++ = 0.f;
                *imagep++ = 0.f;
                *imagep++ = 0.f;

    WriteImage(filename, image,
               Bounds2i(Point2i(0, 0), Point2i(nSamples, nSamples)),
               Point2i(nSamples, nSamples));
    delete[] image;
예제 #16
파일: SmallPT.cpp 프로젝트: mvassilev/clad
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

//  Sphere* S = new Sphere(16.5, Vec(0,0,0), Vec(), Vec(1,1,1)*.999, SPEC);
//  S->intersect(Ray(Vec(50,50,100),Vec(0,0,-1).norm()));
//return 0;

//  int w=1024, h=768, samps = argc==2 ? atoi(argv[1])/4 : 1; // # samples
//  int w=512, h=384, samps = argc==2 ? atoi(argv[1])/4 : 1; // # samples
  int w=256, h=192, samps = argc==2 ? atoi(argv[1])/4 : 1; // # samples

  Ray cam(Vec(50,52,295.6), Vec(0,-0.042612,-1).norm()); // cam pos, dir
  Vec cx=Vec(w*.5135/h), cy=(cx%cam.d).norm()*.5135, r;
  Vec *frame=new Vec[w*h];

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) private(r)
  for (unsigned short y=0; y<h; y++) { // Loop over image rows
    fprintf(stderr, "\rRendering (%d spp) %5.2f%%", samps*4, 100.*y/(h-1));
    for (unsigned short x=0, Xi[3]={0,0,(unsigned short)(y*y*y)}; x<w; x++) { // Loop cols
      for (int sy=0, i=(h-y-1)*w+x; sy<2; sy++) { // 2x2 subpixel rows
        for (int sx=0; sx<2; sx++, r=Vec()) {     // 2x2 subpixel cols
          for (int s=0; s<samps; s++) {
            float r1=2*erand48(Xi), dx=r1<1 ? sqrt(r1)-1 : 1-sqrt(2-r1);
            float r2=2*erand48(Xi), dy=r2<1 ? sqrt(r2)-1 : 1-sqrt(2-r2);
            Vec d = cx*(((sx+.5+dx)/2+x)/w-.5)+cy*(((sy+.5+dy)/2+y)/h-.5)+cam.d;
            r = r + radiance(Ray(cam.o+d*140, d.norm()), 0, Xi)*(1./samps);
          } // Camera rays are pushed ^^^^^ forward to start in interior
          frame[i] = frame[i] + Vec(clamp(r.x), clamp(r.y), clamp(r.z))*.25;

  // Write image to PPM file.
  FILE *f = fopen("image.ppm", "wb");
  fprintf(f, "P6\n%d %d\n%d\n", w, h, 255);
  for (int i=0; i<w*h; i++)
    fprintf(f, "%c%c%c", toInt(frame[i].x), toInt(frame[i].y), toInt(frame[i].z));
예제 #17
Bounds2f RealisticCamera::BoundExitPupil(Float pFilmX0, Float pFilmX1) const {
    Bounds2f pupilBounds;
    // Sample a collection of points on the rear lens to find exit pupil
    const int nSamples = 1024 * 1024;
    int nExitingRays = 0;

    // Compute bounding box of projection of rear element on sampling plane
    Float rearRadius = RearElementRadius();
    Bounds2f projRearBounds(Point2f(-1.5f * rearRadius, -1.5f * rearRadius),
                            Point2f(1.5f * rearRadius, 1.5f * rearRadius));
    for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
        // Find location of sample points on $x$ segment and rear lens element
        Point3f pFilm(Lerp((i + 0.5f) / nSamples, pFilmX0, pFilmX1), 0, 0);
        Float u[2] = {RadicalInverse(0, i), RadicalInverse(1, i)};
        Point3f pRear(Lerp(u[0], projRearBounds.pMin.x, projRearBounds.pMax.x),
                      Lerp(u[1], projRearBounds.pMin.y, projRearBounds.pMax.y),

        // Expand pupil bounds if ray makes it through the lens system
        if (Inside(Point2f(pRear.x, pRear.y), pupilBounds) ||
                TraceLensesFromFilm(Ray(pFilm, pRear - pFilm), nullptr)) {
            pupilBounds = Union(pupilBounds, Point2f(pRear.x, pRear.y));

    // Return entire element bounds if no rays made it through the lens system
    if (nExitingRays == 0) {
        Info("Unable to find exit pupil in x = [%f,%f] on film.", pFilmX0,
        return projRearBounds;

    // Expand bounds to account for sample spacing
    pupilBounds = Expand(pupilBounds, 2 * projRearBounds.Diagonal().Length() /
    return pupilBounds;
예제 #18
파일: Ray.cpp 프로젝트: vuhonganh/projet3D
Ray Ray::getRandomRay_Sphere(Vec3f intersection, Vec3f * triangle, int depth, pair <int, int> exceptionTriangle)
    Vec3f en = getNormalwithRayComes(triangle, this->direction);

    //find a unit vector in the plane
    Vec3f ex(triangle[0] - intersection);

    //another unit vector in the plane to forme a local coordiante
    Vec3f ey = cross(en, ex);
    float angleN = getRandomFloat(0.0, acos(-1.0) / 2);
    float angleXY = getRandomFloat(0.0, 2 * acos(-1.0));
    Vec3f dirOut((ex * cos(angleXY) * sin(angleN)) +
                 (ey * sin(angleXY) * sin(angleN)) +
                 (en * cos(angleN)));
    return Ray(intersection, dirOut, bshRoot, depth, exceptionTriangle, this->DBG);
예제 #19
RenderingManager::RenderingManager (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& _rend, const boost::filesystem::path& resDir, OEngine::Physic::PhysicEngine* engine, MWWorld::Environment& environment)
:mRendering(_rend), mObjects(mRendering), mActors(mRendering, environment), mAmbientMode(0), mDebugging(engine)
    mRendering.createScene("PlayerCam", 55, 5);

    // Set default mipmap level (NB some APIs ignore this)

    // Load resources

    // Turn the entire scene (represented by the 'root' node) -90
    // degrees around the x axis. This makes Z go upwards, and Y go into
    // the screen (when x is to the right.) This is the orientation that
    // Morrowind uses, and it automagically makes everything work as it
    // should.
    SceneNode *rt = mRendering.getScene()->getRootSceneNode();
    mMwRoot = rt->createChildSceneNode();
    //used to obtain ingame information of ogre objects (which are faced or selected)
    mRaySceneQuery = mRendering.getScene()->createRayQuery(Ray());

    Ogre::SceneNode *playerNode = mMwRoot->createChildSceneNode ("player");
    Ogre::SceneNode *cameraYawNode = playerNode->createChildSceneNode();
    Ogre::SceneNode *cameraPitchNode = cameraYawNode->createChildSceneNode();
    //mSkyManager = 0;
    mSkyManager = new SkyManager(mMwRoot, mRendering.getCamera());

    mPlayer = new MWRender::Player (mRendering.getCamera(), playerNode);
    mSun = 0;
예제 #20
 * Implement Algorithm to test, weather there are objects between a point
 * and our light sources
bool RayTracer::isHidden(LightSource* lightSource, Vector3& point) {
    //Create the ray between intersection point and light source
    Ray ray = Ray(point, (lightSource->_position - point).normalize());
    Vector3 point_moved = point + 0.01 * ray[1];
    ray[0] = point_moved;
    //Get the first intersection with any shape
    Shape* closestShape = _scene._shapes[0];
    double closestIP;
    bool hasIntersection = false;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < _scene._shapes.size(); i++) {
        std::vector<double> intersections = _scene._shapes[i]->ensIntersect(ray);

        if (!hasIntersection && !intersections.empty()) {
            closestShape = _scene._shapes[i];
            closestIP = intersections[0];
            hasIntersection = true;
        } else if (hasIntersection && !intersections.empty()
                   && intersections[0] < closestIP) {
            closestShape = _scene._shapes[i];
            closestIP = intersections[0];
            hasIntersection = true;
        if (hasIntersection) {
            Vector3 intersection = ray.getPoint(closestIP);
            //Create a vector between the two object intersections
            Vector3 point_intersection = intersection - point_moved;
            //Create a vector between object intersection and light source
            Vector3 point_light = lightSource->_position - point_moved;
            //If |point_light| > |point_intersection| there is shadow
            if (point_light.norm() > point_intersection.norm())
                return true;

    return false;
예제 #21
Float PerspectiveCamera::GenerateRay(const CameraSample &sample,
                                     Ray *ray) const {
    // Compute raster and camera sample positions
    Point3f pFilm = Point3f(sample.pFilm.x, sample.pFilm.y, 0);
    Point3f pCamera = RasterToCamera(pFilm);
    *ray = Ray(Point3f(0, 0, 0), Normalize(Vector3f(pCamera)));
    // Modify ray for depth of field
    if (lensRadius > 0) {
        // Sample point on lens
        Point2f pLens = lensRadius * ConcentricSampleDisk(sample.pLens);

        // Compute point on plane of focus
        Float ft = focalDistance / ray->d.z;
        Point3f pFocus = (*ray)(ft);

        // Update ray for effect of lens
        ray->o = Point3f(pLens.x, pLens.y, 0);
        ray->d = Normalize(pFocus - ray->o);
    ray->time = Lerp(sample.time, shutterOpen, shutterClose);
    ray->medium = medium;
    *ray = CameraToWorld(*ray);
    return 1;
예제 #22
파일: turret.cpp 프로젝트: dreamsxin/FreeFT
	void Turret::fireProjectile(const FBox &target_box, const Weapon &weapon, float randomness) {

		Segment best_ray = computeBestShootingRay(target_box, weapon);

		if(randomness > 0.0f) {
			float3 dir = perturbVector(best_ray.dir(), random(), random(), randomness);
			best_ray = Ray(best_ray.origin(), dir);

			Intersection isect = trace(best_ray, {Flags::all | Flags::colliding, ref()});
			m_aiming_lines.push_back(best_ray.origin() + best_ray.dir() * isect.distance());

		//TODO: spawned projectiles should be centered
		if( const ProjectileProto *proj_proto = weapon.projectileProto() )
			addNewEntity<Projectile>(best_ray.origin(), *proj_proto, actualDirAngle(), best_ray.dir(), ref(), weapon.proto().damage_mod);
예제 #23
void RayTracer::doLightCalculations() {
	//hitted game object - get color
	Color ambient = Color(20, 10, 10);
	Color diffuse = Color(200, 100, 100);
	double diffuse_light = 0;

	//cycle through lights
	std::vector<LightSource*> * lightSources = Scene::getInstance()->getLightSources();
	for (std::vector<LightSource*>::iterator it = lightSources->begin(); it != lightSources->end(); it++) {

		//shoot ray to light
		Vector3 direction = (*it)->getDirToLight(hitpoint.getPoint());
		Ray rtray = Ray(hitpoint.getPoint(), direction); // + direction * 1
		RayTracer rt = RayTracer(rtray); 

		//on hit - do light calculations
		if (!rt.startRay()) {
			LightSetting ls = (*it)->getLightSetting(hitpoint.getPoint(), hitpoint.getNormal());
			diffuse_light += ls.diffuse;

	color = ambient + diffuse * diffuse_light;
예제 #24
// ray tracing
Colour RayTracer::TraceRay(Ray& ray, int traceDepth)
	if (traceDepth > MAXTRACEDEPTH)
		return Colour();

	Colour		litColour, reflectedColour;
	float		distanceToIntersect = MAXDISTANCE;
	Vector3f		intersectionPoint;
	Primitive*	nearestPrimitive = 0;

	nearestPrimitive = mScene->GetFirstPrimitive(ray, distanceToIntersect);

	if (!nearestPrimitive)
		return Colour();

		// Ambient,Specular lighting
		intersectionPoint = ray.GetOrigin() + ray.GetDirection() * distanceToIntersect;
		litColour = mScene->CalculatePrimitiveLightingAtPoint((*nearestPrimitive), intersectionPoint, ray.GetDirection());

		//  reflection
		float reflectionFactor = nearestPrimitive->GetMaterial()->Reflection;

		if (reflectionFactor > 0.0f)
			Vector3f normal = nearestPrimitive->GetNormal(intersectionPoint);
			Vector3f reflected = ray.GetDirection() - normal * (2.0f * (ray.GetDirection()*normal));

			Ray reflectedRay = Ray(intersectionPoint , reflected);
			reflectedColour = TraceRay(reflectedRay, traceDepth + 1) * reflectionFactor;

		return litColour + reflectedColour;
std::vector<PathNode> BidirectionalIntegrator::generateLightPath(Geometry* &light)
    std::vector<PathNode> lightPath;

    Intersection lightSample = light->RandomSampleOnSurface(uniform_distribution(generator),uniform_distribution(generator));

    Ray r(lightSample.point, lightSample.point - light->transform.position());

    Intersection isx = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(r);
    int depth = 0;
    while(isx.t > 0 && depth < max_depth)
        // store pathnode on the light path
        PathNode node;
        node.isx = isx;
        node.dirIn_world = -r.direction;
        node.dirIn_local = isx.ToLocalNormalCoordinate(-r.direction);
        node.F = isx.object_hit->material->SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx,node.dirIn_local,node.dirOut_local,node.pdf);
        node.dirOut_world = isx.ToWorldNormalCoordinate(node.dirOut_local);

        if(node.pdf != 0)

        //update r
        r = Ray(isx.point + glm::sign(glm::dot(node.dirOut_world,isx.normal)) * isx.normal*1e-3f, node.dirOut_world);

        // update isx and depth info
        isx = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(r);

    return lightPath;
예제 #26
    void PhotonMap::ShootCausticsPhoton(const Vector &dir, const Vector &pi, const Color &color, Shape *shape, int depth)
        if ( depth >= confPhotonCausticsMaximumDepth ) return;
        if ( depth != 0 && shape->mMaterial->MatchesBSDFFlags(BSDF_DIFFUSE) ) {
            // Diffuse material, add photon
            Photon *photon = new Photon(color, dir);
            AddPhoton(causticsMap, pi, photon);
        } else if ( shape->mMaterial->MatchesBSDFFlags(BSDF_SPECULAR) ) {
            // Specular material, continue build photon
            Vector N = shape->GetNormal(pi);
            for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < shape->mMaterial->BSDFs.size(); i++ ) {
                BSDF *bsdf = shape->mMaterial->BSDFs[i];
                if ( !bsdf->MatchesFlags(BSDFType(BSDF_SPECULAR)) ) continue;
                Vector newDir;
                Color matColor;
                Vector *vos = NULL;
                int voNum = 0;
                if (  bsdf->G(-dir, vos, voNum, N, matColor, 1.f) ) {
                    _ASSERT(voNum > 0);
                    newDir = vos[0];
                    delete [] vos;
                    vos = NULL;
                    matColor *= shape->GetColor(pi);
                    if ( matColor.IsBlack() ) continue;
                    float dist = MAXDISTANCE;
                    Shape *newShape;
                    Vector norm = N.Dot(dir) > 0 ? -N : N;
                    if ( bsdf->MatchesFlags(BSDF_TRANSMISSION) ) norm = -norm;
                    if ( scene->FindNearest(Ray(pi + norm * EPSILON, newDir), dist, newShape) == IR_MISS )
                    ShootCausticsPhoton(newDir, pi + newDir * dist, color * matColor, newShape, depth + 1);

예제 #27
void RealisticCamera::ComputeThickLensApproximation(Float pz[2],
        Float fz[2]) const {
    // Find height $x$ from optical axis for parallel rays
    Float x = .001 * film->diagonal;

    // Compute cardinal points for film side of lens system
    Ray rScene(Point3f(x, 0, LensFrontZ() + 1), Vector3f(0, 0, -1));
    Ray rFilm;
    bool ok = TraceLensesFromScene(rScene, &rFilm);
    if (!ok)
            "Unable to trace ray from scene to film for thick lens "
            "approximation. Is aperture stop extremely small?");
    ComputeCardinalPoints(rScene, rFilm, &pz[0], &fz[0]);

    // Compute cardinal points for scene side of lens system
    rFilm = Ray(Point3f(x, 0, LensRearZ() - 1), Vector3f(0, 0, 1));
    ok = TraceLensesFromFilm(rFilm, &rScene);
    if (!ok)
            "Unable to trace ray from film to scene for thick lens "
            "approximation. Is aperture stop extremely small?");
    ComputeCardinalPoints(rFilm, rScene, &pz[1], &fz[1]);
예제 #28
void App::trace(int x, int y) {
    Color3 sum = Color3::black();
    if (m_currentRays == 1) 
        sum = rayTrace(m_debugCamera->worldRay(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, m_currentImage->rect2DBounds()), m_world);
	// Don't calculate blur if either aperture or focal length are 0
	else if(m_aperture == 0 || m_focalLength == 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < m_currentRays; ++i) 
			sum += rayTrace(m_debugCamera->worldRay(x + rnd.uniform(), y + rnd.uniform(), m_currentImage->rect2DBounds()), m_world);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_currentRays; ++i) {
			// Save the original ray
			Ray oldRay = m_debugCamera->worldRay(x, y, m_currentImage->rect2DBounds());
			// Calculate the origin of the new ray by multiplying the x and y values by a fraction of the aperture (keep z the same)
			Point3 newOrigin = Point3(oldRay.origin().x + (rnd.uniform() * m_aperture/20.0f), oldRay.origin().y + (rnd.uniform() * m_aperture/20.0f), oldRay.origin().z);
			// Determine the direction between the end point of the original ray and the new origin
			Vector3 newDirection = ((oldRay.origin() + oldRay.direction()* m_focalLength) - newOrigin);

			// Normalize the direction of the new ray
			newDirection /= newDirection.magnitude();

			// Create a new ray from origin and direction, then add to sum
			Ray newRay = Ray(newOrigin, newDirection);			
            sum += rayTrace(newRay, m_world);
    m_currentImage->set(x, y, sum / (float)m_currentRays);
예제 #29
파일: Polygon.cpp 프로젝트: mraggi/Graph
Point Polygon::FarthestPointAtAngle(real angle) const
    // TODO(mraggi): Replace with Binary search implementation
    int n = NumPoints();

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        Point p1 = m_vPoints[i];
        Point p2 = m_vPoints[(i + 1)%n];
        real a1 = p1.Angle();
        real a2 = p2.Angle();

        if (isAngleBetweenAngles(angle, a1, a2))
            Point hola;
            Ray ray(Ray(Point(0, 0), angle));
            ray.Intersects(Segment(p1, p2), hola);
            return hola + Position();
    if (NumPoints() > 2)
        std::cerr << "ERROR IN Polygon::FarthestPointAtAngle" << std::endl;
    return {0, 0};
예제 #30
//      eye rayを追跡します.
void trace_ray( int w, int h )
    auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

    // trace eye rays and store measurement points
    Ray cam(
        Vector3(50, 48, 295.6),
        normalize(Vector3(0, -0.042612, -1))
    auto cx = Vector3( w * 0.5135 / h, 0, 0 );
    auto cy = normalize( cross( cx, cam.dir ) ) * 0.5135;

    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
        fprintf( stdout, "\rHitPointPass %5.2f%%", 100.0 * y / (h - 1) );
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) 
            auto idx = x + y * w;
            auto d   = cx * ((x + 0.5) / w - 0.5) + cy * (-(y + 0.5) / h + 0.5) + cam.dir;
            trace( Ray(cam.pos + d * 140, normalize(d)), 0, true, Vector3(), Vector3(1, 1, 1), idx );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
    auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    auto dif = end - start;
    fprintf( stdout, "Ray Tracing Pass : %lld(msec)\n", std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(dif).count() );

    start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

    // build the hash table over the measurement points
    build_hash_grid( w, h );

    end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    dif = end - start;
    fprintf( stdout, "Build Hash Grid : %lld(msec)\n", std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(dif).count() );