예제 #1
const Object *ObjReader::ReadIndirectObj(int nObjNum, int nGeneration)
	unsigned int nOffset;
	char str[4];

	nOffset = m_pXref->GetOffset(nObjNum, nGeneration);
	if (nOffset == 0)
		return NULL;
	m_pSource->Seek(nOffset, SEEK_SET);
	m_pSource->ReadInt();  //object number
	m_pSource->ReadInt();  //generation
	m_pSource->ReadStr(str, sizeof(str));  //obj
	return ReadObj();
예제 #2
// *********************************************************************
// File System, a process to answer queries and return file contents
// via message passing
// *********************************************************************
void FileSystem() {
   int SHELL,     // the shell that's asking FileSystem for service
       result,    // the result to be included to return to shell
       i, my_pid;

   msg_t msg;

// after all the directory entries have been assigned, then fill in the size
// of this "directory". _dir[1] is ".." which must point to parent dir
   root_dir[0].size = sizeof( root_dir );

   bin_dir[0].size = sizeof( bin_dir );
   bin_dir[1].size = root_dir[0].size;

   www_dir[0].size = sizeof( www_dir );
   www_dir[1].size = root_dir[0].size;

// mark all file descriptors as available, make sure UNUSED in FileSystem.h
   for(i=0; i<MAX_FD; i++) fd_array[i].owner = UNUSED;

   my_pid = GetPid();

   while(1) {                    // start serving requests for shells
      MsgRcv(my_pid, &msg);

      SHELL = msg.sender;        // shell's pid to return query results

      switch( msg.code ) {       // depending on what's requested
// CHK_OBJ: Shell wants to "check" obj (name in msg.data),
// and attr of it will be returned via msg in msg.data as well
         case CHK_OBJ:
            result = ChkObj( msg.data, (attr_t *)msg.data );

// OPEN_OBJ: Shell wants to open obj, an FD will be returned
// in msg.number[0], the ownership (SHELL) will be recorded
         case OPEN_OBJ:
            result = OpenObj( msg.data, SHELL, &msg.number[0] );

// READ_OBJ: Shell wants content of obj FD (msg.number[0])
// return (msg.data) and # of bytes read (msg.number[1])
         case READ_OBJ:
            result = ReadObj( msg.number[0], msg.data, SHELL, &msg.number[1] );

// CLOSE_OBJ: Shell wants to close FD (msg.number[0])
// check if the owner of FD is Shell (SHELL)
         case CLOSE_OBJ:
            result = CloseObj( msg.number[0], SHELL );

         default: // unknown code received
            result = UNKNOWN;
            cons_printf( "FileSystem: Bad code %d in message from PID #%d\n",
                         msg.code, SHELL );

      msg.code = result;
      MsgSnd( SHELL, &msg );
예제 #3
double RecoverAffine(double **matrix, double cost[ANGLE][ANGLE][CAMNUM_2][CAMNUM_2], int *MinSrcCam)
	double		err, MinErr;
	int			align[60][20], i, j, k, angle, index, srcCam;
	FILE		*fpt;
	char		filename[100];
	pVer		VerRot;
	pTri		TriRot;
	int			NumVerRot, NumTriRot;
	vector		e1[2], e2[2];	// coordinate of edge

	// read align sequence
	fpt = fopen("align20.txt", "r");
	for(i=0; i<60; i++)
		for(j=0; j<CAMNUM_2; j++)
			fscanf(fpt, "%d", &align[i][j]);

	// get the minimum error among those alignment
	MinErr = DBL_MAX;
	for(srcCam=0; srcCam<ANGLE; srcCam++)	// each src angle
		for(i=0; i<ANGLE; i++)					// each dest angle
			for(j=0; j<60; j++)					// each align
				err = 0;
				for(k=0; k<CAMNUM_2; k++)		// each vertex
					err += cost[srcCam][i][k][align[j][k]];

				if( err < MinErr )
					MinErr = err;
					*MinSrcCam = srcCam;
					angle = i;
					index = j;

	sprintf(filename, "12_%1d", *MinSrcCam);
	ReadObj(filename, &VerRot, &TriRot, &NumVerRot, &NumTriRot);
	e1[0].x = VerRot[0].coor[0];
	e1[0].y = VerRot[0].coor[1];
	e1[0].z = VerRot[0].coor[2];
	e1[1].x = VerRot[1].coor[0];
	e1[1].y = VerRot[1].coor[1];
	e1[1].z = VerRot[1].coor[2];

	sprintf(filename, "12_%1d", angle);
	ReadObj(filename, &VerRot, &TriRot, &NumVerRot, &NumTriRot);
	e2[0].x = VerRot[align[index][0]].coor[0];
	e2[0].y = VerRot[align[index][0]].coor[1];
	e2[0].z = VerRot[align[index][0]].coor[2];
	e2[1].x = VerRot[align[index][1]].coor[0];
	e2[1].y = VerRot[align[index][1]].coor[1];
	e2[1].z = VerRot[align[index][1]].coor[2];

	RotateMatrix(matrix, e1, e2);

	// write the matrix to disk
	fpt=fopen("result.txt", "a");
	fprintf(fpt, "\n%s to %s\n", destfn, srcfn);
	fprintf(fpt, "SrcAngle = %d; DestAngle = %d; index = %d; err= %f\n", *MinSrcCam, angle, index, MinErr);
//	for(i=0; i<4; i++)
//	{
//		for(j=0; j<4; j++)
//			fprintf(fpt, "%lf ", matrix[i][j]);
//		fprintf(fpt, "\n");
//	}

	// return use which camera 
	return MinErr;
예제 #4
const Object *ObjReader::ReadObj(void)
	unsigned int nOffset, nOffTmp;
	int c, n;
	Object *pObj;
	Dictionary *pDict;
	const Object *pcObj;
	char str[32 * 1024], *ptr;
	int nParentheses;

	nOffset = m_pSource->Position();
	c = m_pSource->Read();
	switch (c)
		case '/':  //name
			pObj = new Name();
			m_pSource->ReadStr(str, sizeof(str));
			((Name *)pObj)->SetValue(str);
		case '(':  //string
			pObj = new String();
			ptr = str;
			nParentheses = 0;
			while (true)
				c = m_pSource->Read();
				if (c == '\\')
					*ptr++ = c;
					c = m_pSource->Read();
				else if (c == '(')
				else if (c == ')')
					if (--nParentheses <= 0)
				*ptr++ = c;
			*ptr = '\0';
			((String *)pObj)->SetValue(str, ptr - str, String::LITERAL);
		case '<':
			c = m_pSource->Read();
			if (c == '<')  //dictionary
				pDict = new Dictionary();
				while (true)
					c = m_pSource->Read();
					if (c == '>')
						m_pSource->Read();  //>
						m_pSource->Read(str, 6);
						if (strncmp(str, "stream", 6) == 0)  //stream
							pcObj = pDict->GetValue("Length");
							if (pcObj->GetType() == Object::OBJ_REFERENCE)
								nOffTmp = m_pSource->Position();
								pcObj = ReadIndirectObj(((const Reference *)pcObj)->GetObjNum(), ((const Reference *)pcObj)->GetGeneration());
								m_pSource->Seek(nOffTmp, SEEK_SET);
								n = ((const Numeric *)pcObj)->GetValue();
								delete pcObj;
								n = ((const Numeric *)pcObj)->GetValue();
							pObj = new Stream(pDict);
							ptr = new char[n];
							m_pSource->Read(ptr, n);
							((Stream *)pObj)->SetValue((unsigned char *)ptr, n);
							delete[] ptr;
							pObj = pDict;
							m_pSource->Seek(-6, SEEK_CUR);
						m_pSource->Seek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
						pcObj = ReadObj();
						pDict->Add(pcObj, ReadObj());
			else  //hexadecimal string
				m_pSource->Seek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
				pObj = new String();
				n = m_pSource->ReadStr(str, sizeof(str));
				((String *)pObj)->SetValue(str, n, String::HEXADECIMAL);
				m_pSource->Read();  //>
		case '[':  //array
			pObj = new Array();
			while (true)
				c = m_pSource->Read();
				if (c == ']')
				m_pSource->Seek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
				((Array *)pObj)->Add(ReadObj());
		case EOF:
			pObj = NULL;
			*str = c;
			m_pSource->ReadStr(str + 1, sizeof(str) - 1);
			if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '.')
				pObj = new Numeric();
				((Numeric *)pObj)->SetValue(atof(str));
				if (strcmp(str, "R") == 0)
					pObj = new Reference();
				else if (strcmp(str, "true") == 0)
					pObj = new Boolean();
					((Boolean *)pObj)->SetValue(true);
				else if (strcmp(str, "false") == 0)
					pObj = new Boolean();
					((Boolean *)pObj)->SetValue(false);
				else if (strcmp(str, "null") == 0)
					pObj = new Null();
				else if (*str == ' ')  // is this normal?
					pObj = new Object();  // invalid object
					pObj = new Operator();
					((Operator *)pObj)->SetValue(str);

	if (pObj != NULL)
	return pObj;
예제 #5
double Refine(double src_Coeff[CAMNUM][ART_ANGULAR][ART_RADIAL],
			  pVer vertex2, pTri triangle2, int NumVer2, int NumTri2, int UseCam,
			  pVer CamVertex, pTri CamTriangle, int CamNumVer, int CamNumTri)
	unsigned char	*destBuff[CAMNUM];	
	pVer			TmpVertex;
	pTri			TmpTriangle;
	int				TmpNumVer, TmpNumTri;		// total number of vertex and triangle.
	int				i, index=0, direct, flag, iter;
	double			angle;
	double			dist[3];
	char			filename[100];
	FILE			*fpt;
	char			word[]="XYZ";
	double			**matrix;
	vector			e1[2], e2[2];	// coordinate of edge
	// for region shape descriptor
	double			dest_Coeff[CAMNUM][ART_ANGULAR][ART_RADIAL];

	void			(*pRotate[3])(pVer, double , pVer , int );
	pRotate[0] = RotateX;
	pRotate[1] = RotateY;
	pRotate[2] = RotateZ;
	fpt = fopen("refine.txt", "a");
	fprintf(fpt, "\nDest: %s ; Src: %s\n", destfn, srcfn);

	// ********************************************************************************
	// capture CAMNUM silhouette of srcfn to memory
	sprintf(filename, "12_%d", UseCam);
	ReadObj(filename, &TmpVertex, &TmpTriangle, &TmpNumVer, &TmpNumTri);

	// ********************************************************************************
	// capture CAMNUM silhouette of destfn to memory,
	// and get the cost between srcfn silhouette and destfn silhouette
	// read REB only, so size is winw*winh
	for(i=0; i<CAMNUM; i++)
		destBuff[i] = (unsigned char *) malloc (winw * winh * sizeof(unsigned char));

	// initialize matrix and camera of model 1
	matrix = (double **) malloc (4 * sizeof(double *));
	for(i=0; i<4; i++)
		matrix[i] = (double *) malloc(4 * sizeof(double));
		memset(matrix[i], 0, 4 * sizeof(double));
	matrix[0][0] = matrix[1][1] = matrix[2][2] = matrix[3][3] = 1;
	e1[0].x = CamVertex[0].coor[0];
	e1[0].y = CamVertex[0].coor[1];
	e1[0].z = CamVertex[0].coor[2];
	e1[1].x = CamVertex[1].coor[0];
	e1[1].y = CamVertex[1].coor[1];
	e1[1].z = CamVertex[1].coor[2];

	// initialize dist[1]
	dist[1] = Distance(CamVertex, destBuff, dest_Coeff, src_Coeff, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);
	// iterative several times until no change
	iter = 0;
		flag = 0;
		iter ++;	// iterative times
		printf("Iterative %d\n", iter);
		fprintf(fpt, "Iterative %d\n", iter);

		// for each angle
		for(angle = 3.1415926 * 10.0 / 180.0; angle > 3.1415926 * 1.0 / 180.0; angle /= 2.0)
			// Rotate x, y, z to each polyhedron
			for(direct=0; direct<3; direct++)
				pRotate[direct](CamVertex, -angle, TmpVertex, CamNumVer);
				dist[0] = Distance(TmpVertex, destBuff, dest_Coeff, src_Coeff, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);
				pRotate[direct](CamVertex, angle, TmpVertex, CamNumVer);
				dist[2] = Distance(TmpVertex, destBuff, dest_Coeff, src_Coeff, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);

				if( dist[0] < dist[1] && dist[0] < dist[2])
					flag = 1;
						if( dist[1] < dist[0] )
							dist[0] = dist[1];

	//					pRotate[direct](vertex2, angle, vertex2, NumVer2);	
	printf("Rotate Camera %c: %f\tError: %f\n", word[direct], -angle, dist[0]);
	fprintf(fpt, "Rotate Camera %c: %f\tError: %f\n", word[direct], -angle, dist[0]);
	// save two model
	//sprintf(filename, "%s_to_%s_refine_%d.obj", destfn, srcfn, index++);
	//SaveMergeObj(filename, vertex1, triangle1, NumVer1, NumTri1, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);
						pRotate[direct](CamVertex, -angle, CamVertex, CamNumVer);
						pRotate[direct](CamVertex, -angle, TmpVertex, CamNumVer);
						dist[1] = Distance(TmpVertex, destBuff, dest_Coeff, src_Coeff, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);
					}while( dist[1] < dist[0] );
					dist[1] = dist[0];
				else if( dist[2] < dist[1] && dist[2] < dist[0])
					flag = 1;
						if( dist[1] < dist[2] )
							dist[2] = dist[1];

	//					pRotate[direct](vertex2, -angle, vertex2, NumVer2);
	printf("Rotate Camera %c: %f\tError: %f\n", word[direct], angle, dist[2]);
	fprintf(fpt, "Rotate Camera %c: %f\tError: %f\n", word[direct], angle, dist[2]);
	// save two model
	//sprintf(filename, "%s_to_%s_refine_%d.obj", destfn, srcfn, index++);
	//SaveMergeObj(filename, vertex1, triangle1, NumVer1, NumTri1, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);
						pRotate[direct](CamVertex, angle, CamVertex, CamNumVer);
						pRotate[direct](CamVertex, angle, TmpVertex, CamNumVer);
						dist[1] = Distance(TmpVertex, destBuff, dest_Coeff, src_Coeff, vertex2, triangle2, NumVer2, NumTri2);
					}while( dist[1] < dist[2] );
					dist[1] = dist[2];


	}while( flag && iter < MAX_ITER );

	e2[0].x = CamVertex[0].coor[0];
	e2[0].y = CamVertex[0].coor[1];
	e2[0].z = CamVertex[0].coor[2];
	e2[1].x = CamVertex[1].coor[0];
	e2[1].y = CamVertex[1].coor[1];
	e2[1].z = CamVertex[1].coor[2];
	RotateMatrix(matrix, e1, e2);
	Rotate(vertex2, NumVer2, matrix);

	for(i=0; i<4; i++)

	for(i=0; i<CAMNUM; i++)


	return dist[1];		// return the minimum error