BOOL IATHookInjector::HookFunction(DWORD dwProcessId, CHAR* pModuleName, CHAR* pFunctionName, PVOID pHandler, DWORD dwHandlerSize) const { //PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE auto hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, dwProcessId); if (!hProcess) { printf("Error opening process\r\n"); return FALSE; } auto dwPEBAddress = FindRemotePEB(hProcess); if (!dwPEBAddress) { printf("Error finding remote PEB\r\n"); return FALSE; } auto pPEB = ReadRemotePEB(hProcess); if (!pPEB) { printf("Error reading remote PEB\r\n"); return FALSE; } auto pImage = ReadRemoteImage(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress); if (!pImage) { printf("Error reading remote image\r\n"); return FALSE; } auto pImportDescriptors = ReadRemoteImportDescriptors(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, pImage->FileHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory); if (!pImportDescriptors) { printf("Error reading remote import descriptors\r\n"); return FALSE; } for (DWORD i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) { auto descriptor = pImportDescriptors[i]; auto pName = ReadRemoteDescriptorName(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &descriptor); if (!pName) { printf("Error reading remote descriptor name\r\n"); return FALSE; } if (!_stricmp(pName, pModuleName)) { DWORD dwThunkArrayLen = BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32); auto pILT = ReadRemoteILT(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &descriptor); if (!pILT) { printf("Error reading remote ILT\r\n"); return FALSE; } DWORD dwOffset = 0; for (dwOffset = 0; dwOffset < dwThunkArrayLen; dwOffset++) { auto pImportByName = ReadRemoteImportByName(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &pILT[dwOffset]); if (!pImportByName) { printf("Error reading remote import by name\r\n"); return FALSE; } if (!strcmp(static_cast<char*>(pImportByName->Name), pFunctionName)) break; } auto pIAT = ReadRemoteIAT(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &descriptor); if (!pIAT) { printf("Error reading remote IAT\r\n"); return FALSE; } auto dwOriginalAddress = pIAT[dwOffset].u1.AddressOfData; printf("Original import address: 0x%x\r\n", dwOriginalAddress); auto pImportImageBase = FindRemoteImageBase(hProcess, pPEB, pModuleName); if (!pImportImageBase) { printf("Could not find remote image base for %s\r\n", pModuleName); return FALSE; } auto pImportImage = ReadRemoteImage(hProcess, pImportImageBase); if (!pImportImage) { printf("Could not find remote image at 0x%p\r\n", pImportImageBase); return FALSE; } auto pImportTextHeader = FindSectionHeaderByName(pImportImage->Sections, pImportImage->NumberOfSections, ".text"); if (!pImportTextHeader) { printf("Could not find section header\r\n"); return FALSE; } auto pHandlerBuffer = new BYTE[dwHandlerSize]; memcpy(pHandlerBuffer, pHandler, dwHandlerSize); auto bSuccess = PatchDWORD(pHandlerBuffer, dwHandlerSize, 0xDEADBEEF, dwOriginalAddress); if (!bSuccess) { printf("Error patching import address into handler"); return FALSE; } auto dwHandlerAddress = DWORD(pImportImageBase) + pImportTextHeader->VirtualAddress + pImportTextHeader->SizeOfRawData - dwHandlerSize; // Write handler to text section bSuccess = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, LPVOID(dwHandlerAddress), pHandlerBuffer, dwHandlerSize, nullptr); if (!bSuccess) { printf("Error writing process memory"); return FALSE; } printf("Handler address: 0x%x\r\n", dwHandlerAddress); auto pAddress = LPVOID(DWORD(pPEB->ImageBaseAddress) + descriptor.FirstThunk + (dwOffset * sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32))); // Write IAT bSuccess = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, pAddress, &dwHandlerAddress, 4, nullptr); if (!bSuccess) { printf("Error writing process memory"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } if (!descriptor.Characteristics) { return FALSE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL HookFunction(DWORD dwProcessId, CHAR* pModuleName, CHAR* pFunctionName, PVOID pHandler, DWORD dwHandlerSize) { HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess ( PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE, 0, dwProcessId ); if (!hProcess) { printf("Error opening process\r\n"); return FALSE; } DWORD dwPEBAddress = FindRemotePEB(hProcess); if (!dwPEBAddress) { printf("Error finding remote PEB\r\n"); return FALSE; } PEB* pPEB = ReadRemotePEB(hProcess); if (!pPEB) { printf("Error reading remote PEB\r\n"); return FALSE; } PLOADED_IMAGE pImage = ReadRemoteImage(hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress); if (!pImage) { printf("Error reading remote image\r\n"); return FALSE; } PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDescriptors = ReadRemoteImportDescriptors ( hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, pImage->FileHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory ); if (!pImportDescriptors) { printf("Error reading remote import descriptors\r\n"); return FALSE; } for (DWORD i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) { IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR descriptor = pImportDescriptors[i]; char* pName = ReadRemoteDescriptorName ( hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &descriptor ); if (!pName) { printf("Error reading remote descriptor name\r\n"); return FALSE; } BOOL bSuccess; if (!_stricmp(pName, pModuleName)) { DWORD dwThunkArrayLen = BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32); PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 pILT = ReadRemoteILT ( hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &descriptor ); if (!pILT) { printf("Error reading remote ILT\r\n"); return FALSE; } DWORD dwOffset = 0; for (dwOffset = 0; dwOffset < dwThunkArrayLen; dwOffset++) { PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME pImportByName = ReadRemoteImportByName ( hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &pILT[dwOffset] ); if (!pImportByName) { printf("Error reading remote import by name\r\n"); return FALSE; } if (!strcmp((char*)pImportByName->Name, pFunctionName)) break; } PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 pIAT = ReadRemoteIAT ( hProcess, pPEB->ImageBaseAddress, &descriptor ); if (!pIAT) { printf("Error reading remote IAT\r\n"); return FALSE; } DWORD dwOriginalAddress = pIAT[dwOffset].u1.AddressOfData; printf("Original import address: 0x%p\r\n", dwOriginalAddress); PVOID pImportImageBase = FindRemoteImageBase ( hProcess, pPEB, pModuleName ); if (!pImportImageBase) { printf("Could not find remote image base for %s\r\n", pModuleName); return FALSE; } PLOADED_IMAGE pImportImage = ReadRemoteImage ( hProcess, pImportImageBase ); if (!pImportImage) { printf("Could not find remote image at 0x%p\r\n", pImportImageBase); return FALSE; } PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pImportTextHeader = FindSectionHeaderByName ( pImportImage->Sections, pImportImage->NumberOfSections, ".text" ); if (!pImportTextHeader) { printf("Could not find section header\r\n"); return FALSE; } BYTE* pHandlerBuffer = new BYTE[dwHandlerSize]; memcpy(pHandlerBuffer, pHandler, dwHandlerSize); BOOL bSuccess = PatchDWORD ( pHandlerBuffer, dwHandlerSize, 0xDEADBEEF, dwOriginalAddress ); if (!bSuccess) { printf("Error patching import address into handler"); return FALSE; } DWORD dwHandlerAddress = (DWORD)pImportImageBase + pImportTextHeader->VirtualAddress + pImportTextHeader->SizeOfRawData - dwHandlerSize; // Write handler to text section bSuccess = WriteProcessMemory ( hProcess, (LPVOID)dwHandlerAddress, pHandlerBuffer, dwHandlerSize, 0 ); if (!bSuccess) { printf("Error writing process memory"); return FALSE; } printf("Handler address: 0x%p\r\n", dwHandlerAddress); LPVOID pAddress = (LPVOID)((DWORD)pPEB->ImageBaseAddress + descriptor.FirstThunk + (dwOffset * sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32))); // Write IAT bSuccess = WriteProcessMemory ( hProcess, pAddress, &dwHandlerAddress, 4, 0 ); if (!bSuccess) { printf("Error writing process memory"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } else if (!descriptor.Characteristics) return FALSE; } return FALSE; }