예제 #1
static void LoadScriptFile (const char *name)
	int lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForName (name);
	int numnodes, i;
	DWORD prevSpeakerType;
	FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
	FWadLump *lump;

	if (lumpnum < 0)

	numnodes = Wads.LumpLength (lumpnum);
	if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
		// Strife scripts are always a multiple of 1516 bytes because each entry
		// is exactly 1516 bytes long.
		if (numnodes % 1516 != 0)
		numnodes /= 1516;
		// And the teaser version has 1488-byte entries.
		if (numnodes % 1488 != 0)
		numnodes /= 1488;

	lump = Wads.ReopenLumpNum (lumpnum);
	prevSpeakerType = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < numnodes; ++i)
		if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
			node = ReadRetailNode (lump, prevSpeakerType);
			node = ReadTeaserNode (lump, prevSpeakerType);
		StrifeDialogues.Push (node);
	delete lump;
예제 #2
static bool LoadScriptFile(int lumpnum, FileReader *lump, int numnodes, bool include, int type)
	int i;
	DWORD prevSpeakerType;
	FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
	char buffer[4];

	lump->Read(buffer, 4);
	lump->Seek(-4, SEEK_CUR);

	// The binary format is so primitive that this check is enough to detect it.
	bool isbinary = (buffer[0] == 0 || buffer[1] == 0 || buffer[2] == 0 || buffer[3] == 0);

	if ((type == 1 && !isbinary) || (type == 2 && isbinary))
		DPrintf("Incorrect data format for %s.", Wads.GetLumpFullName(lumpnum));
		return false;

	if (!isbinary)
		P_ParseUSDF(lumpnum, lump, numnodes);
		if (!include)
			LoadScriptFile("SCRIPT00", true, 1);
		if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
			// Strife scripts are always a multiple of 1516 bytes because each entry
			// is exactly 1516 bytes long.
			if (numnodes % 1516 != 0)
				DPrintf("Incorrect data format for %s.", Wads.GetLumpFullName(lumpnum));
				return false;
			numnodes /= 1516;
			// And the teaser version has 1488-byte entries.
			if (numnodes % 1488 != 0)
				DPrintf("Incorrect data format for %s.", Wads.GetLumpFullName(lumpnum));
				return false;
			numnodes /= 1488;

		prevSpeakerType = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < numnodes; ++i)
			if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
				node = ReadRetailNode (lump, prevSpeakerType);
				node = ReadTeaserNode (lump, prevSpeakerType);
			node->ThisNodeNum = StrifeDialogues.Push(node);
	return true;