Real Math<Real>::Log(Real fValue) { return Real(log((long double) fValue)); }
void FdSimpleExtOUJumpSwingEngine::calculate() const { // 1. Exercise boost::shared_ptr<SwingExercise> swingExercise( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SwingExercise>(arguments_.exercise)); QL_REQUIRE(swingExercise, "Swing exercise supported only"); // 2. Mesher const std::vector<Time> exerciseTimes = swingExercise->exerciseTimes(rTS_->dayCounter(), rTS_->referenceDate()); const Time maturity = exerciseTimes.back(); const boost::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess1D> ouProcess( process_->getExtendedOrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess()); const boost::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> xMesher( new FdmSimpleProcess1dMesher(xGrid_, ouProcess,maturity)); const boost::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> yMesher( new ExponentialJump1dMesher(yGrid_, process_->beta(), process_->jumpIntensity(), process_->eta())); const boost::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> exerciseMesher( new Uniform1dMesher( 0, static_cast<Real>(arguments_.maxExerciseRights), arguments_.maxExerciseRights+1)); const boost::shared_ptr<FdmMesher> mesher( new FdmMesherComposite(xMesher, yMesher, exerciseMesher)); // 3. Calculator boost::shared_ptr<FdmInnerValueCalculator> calculator( new FdmZeroInnerValue()); // 4. Step conditions std::list<boost::shared_ptr<StepCondition<Array> > > stepConditions; std::list<std::vector<Time> > stoppingTimes; // 4.1 Bermudan step conditions stoppingTimes.push_back(exerciseTimes); const boost::shared_ptr<StrikedTypePayoff> payoff = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<StrikedTypePayoff>(arguments_.payoff); boost::shared_ptr<FdmInnerValueCalculator> exerciseCalculator( new FdmExtOUJumpModelInnerValue(payoff, mesher, shape_)); stepConditions.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<StepCondition<Array> >( new FdmSimpleSwingCondition(exerciseTimes, mesher, exerciseCalculator, 2))); boost::shared_ptr<FdmStepConditionComposite> conditions( new FdmStepConditionComposite(stoppingTimes, stepConditions)); // 5. Boundary conditions const FdmBoundaryConditionSet boundaries; // 6. set-up solver FdmSolverDesc solverDesc = { mesher, boundaries, conditions, calculator, maturity, tGrid_, 0 }; const boost::shared_ptr<FdmSimple3dExtOUJumpSolver> solver( new FdmSimple3dExtOUJumpSolver( Handle<ExtOUWithJumpsProcess>(process_), rTS_, solverDesc, schemeDesc_)); const Real x = process_->initialValues()[0]; const Real y = process_->initialValues()[1]; std::vector< std::pair<Real, Real> > exerciseValues; for (Size i=arguments_.minExerciseRights; i <= arguments_.maxExerciseRights; ++i) { const Real z = Real(i); exerciseValues.push_back(std::pair<Real, Real>( solver->valueAt(x, y, z), z)); } const Real z = std::max_element(exerciseValues.begin(), exerciseValues.end())->second; results_.value = solver->valueAt(x, y, z); }
int Execute(int argc,char* argv[]) { int i; cmdLineString In,Out; cmdLineReadable Binary,Verbose,NoResetSamples,NoClipTree,Confidence,Manifold,PolygonMesh; cmdLineInt Depth(8),SolverDivide(8),IsoDivide(8),Refine(3); cmdLineInt KernelDepth; cmdLineFloat SamplesPerNode(1.0f),Scale(1.1f); char* paramNames[]= { "in","depth","out","refine","noResetSamples","noClipTree", "binary","solverDivide","isoDivide","scale","verbose", "kernelDepth","samplesPerNode","confidence","manifold","polygonMesh" }; cmdLineReadable* params[]= { &In,&Depth,&Out,&Refine,&NoResetSamples,&NoClipTree, &Binary,&SolverDivide,&IsoDivide,&Scale,&Verbose, &KernelDepth,&SamplesPerNode,&Confidence,&Manifold,&PolygonMesh }; int paramNum=sizeof(paramNames)/sizeof(char*); int commentNum=0; char **comments; comments=new char*[paramNum+7]; for(i=0;i<paramNum+7;i++){comments[i]=new char[1024];} const char* Rev = "Rev: V2 "; const char* Date = "Date: 2006-11-09 (Thur, 09 Nov 2006) "; cmdLineParse(argc-1,&argv[1],paramNames,paramNum,params,0); if(Verbose.set){echoStdout=1;} DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"Running Multi-Grid Octree Surface Reconstructor (degree %d). Version 3\n", Degree); if(In.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--in %s\n",In.value);} if(Out.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--out %s\n",Out.value);} if(Binary.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--binary\n");} if(Depth.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--depth %d\n",Depth.value);} if(SolverDivide.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--solverDivide %d\n",SolverDivide.value);} if(IsoDivide.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--isoDivide %d\n",IsoDivide.value);} if(Refine.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--refine %d\n",Refine.value);} if(Scale.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--scale %f\n",Scale.value);} if(KernelDepth.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--kernelDepth %d\n",KernelDepth.value);} if(SamplesPerNode.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--samplesPerNode %f\n",SamplesPerNode.value);} if(NoResetSamples.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--noResetSamples\n");} if(NoClipTree.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--noClipTree\n");} if(Confidence.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--confidence\n");} if(Manifold.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--manifold\n");} if(PolygonMesh.set) {DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"\t--polygonMesh\n");} double t; double tt=Time(); Point3D<float> center; Real scale=1.0; Real isoValue=0; ////////////////////////////////// // Fix courtesy of David Gallup // TreeNodeData::UseIndex = 1; // ////////////////////////////////// Octree<Degree> tree; PPolynomial<Degree> ReconstructionFunction=PPolynomial<Degree>::GaussianApproximation(); center.coords[0]=center.coords[1]=center.coords[2]=0; if(!In.set || !Out.set) { ShowUsage(argv[0]); return 0; } TreeOctNode::SetAllocator(MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_BLOCK_SIZE); t=Time(); int kernelDepth=Depth.value-2; if(KernelDepth.set){kernelDepth=KernelDepth.value;} tree.setFunctionData(ReconstructionFunction,Depth.value,0,Real(1.0)/(1<<Depth.value)); DumpOutput("Function Data Set In: %lg\n",Time()-t); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20)); if(kernelDepth>Depth.value){ fprintf(stderr,"KernelDepth can't be greater than Depth: %d <= %d\n",kernelDepth,Depth.value); return EXIT_FAILURE; } t=Time(); #if 1 tree.setTree(In.value,Depth.value,Binary.set,kernelDepth,Real(SamplesPerNode.value),Scale.value,center,scale,!NoResetSamples.set,Confidence.set); #else if(Confidence.set){ tree.setTree(In.value,Depth.value,Binary.set,kernelDepth,Real(SamplesPerNode.value),Scale.value,center,scale,!NoResetSamples.set,0,1); } else{ tree.setTree(In.value,Depth.value,Binary.set,kernelDepth,Real(SamplesPerNode.value),Scale.value,center,scale,!NoResetSamples.set,0,0); } #endif DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"# Tree set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage); DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes()); DumpOutput(" Tree Size: %.3f MB\n",float(sizeof(TreeOctNode)*tree.tree.nodes())/(1<<20)); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20)); if(!NoClipTree.set){ t=Time(); tree.ClipTree(); DumpOutput("Tree Clipped In: %lg\n",Time()-t); DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes()); DumpOutput(" Tree Size: %.3f MB\n",float(sizeof(TreeOctNode)*tree.tree.nodes())/(1<<20)); } t=Time(); tree.finalize1(Refine.value); DumpOutput("Finalized 1 In: %lg\n",Time()-t); DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes()); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20)); t=Time(); tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; tree.SetLaplacianWeights(); DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"#Laplacian Weights Set In: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20)); t=Time(); tree.finalize2(Refine.value); DumpOutput("Finalized 2 In: %lg\n",Time()-t); DumpOutput("Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n",tree.tree.leaves(),tree.tree.nodes()); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20)); tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; t=Time(); tree.LaplacianMatrixIteration(SolverDivide.value); DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"# Linear System Solved In: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20)); CoredVectorMeshData mesh; tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; t=Time(); isoValue=tree.GetIsoValue(); DumpOutput("Got average in: %f\n",Time()-t); DumpOutput("Iso-Value: %e\n",isoValue); DumpOutput("Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n",float(tree.MemoryUsage())); t=Time(); if(IsoDivide.value) tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , IsoDivide.value , &mesh , 0 , 1 , Manifold.set , PolygonMesh.set ); else tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , &mesh , 0 , 1 , Manifold.set , PolygonMesh.set ); if( PolygonMesh.set ) DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"# Got Polygons in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage); else DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"# Got Triangles in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n",Time()-t,tree.maxMemoryUsage); DumpOutput2(comments[commentNum++],"# Total Time: %9.1f (s)\n",Time()-tt); PlyWritePolygons(Out.value,&mesh,PLY_BINARY_NATIVE,center,scale,comments,commentNum); return 1; }
double modelSpaceScale() { return Real(_params[12]); }
double minUserResolution() { return Real(_params[18]); }
Real PiecewiseConstantVariance::totalVariance(Size i) const { QL_REQUIRE(i<variances().size(), "invalid step index"); return std::accumulate(variances().begin(), variances().begin()+i+1, Real(0.0)); }
template<class Real> Real Random (void) { return Real (rand ()) / RAND_MAX; }
void* cGraphicsMFC::_getScaledImage(cSpriteIcon *picon, CRect &targetRect) { int i; BOOL resourceidwasfound = FALSE; cMapEntry_ResourceIDToScaledDC mapentry; /* There are four possible cases here: (1), (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3). (1) If this is the first time this view is drawing an icon with this resourceID, then we need to intialize all the field of mapentry and add it to cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC. (2) We have already done step (a) once in some instance of cGraphicsMFC during this program run, and mapentry is a copy of this entry with a valid _pResourceImage. Now three subcases arise. (2.1) This is the first time picon has called _getScaledImage, and !picon->imageloaded() holds. In this case, the targetRect passed in was not in fact of the correct aspect, that is it doesn't match the aspect of the _pResourceImage. In this case, we recalculate targerRect, and once again search for a mapentry with matching resourceID and targetRect. We will at least find one with matching resourceID. At this point whether or not we had to do case (2.1) we now move on to (2.2) or (2.3). (2.2) None of the mapentry with the correct _resourceID has the correct _targetRect. In this case we make a new _pScaledImage, put it in the mapentry, and add the new mapentry to cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC. (2.3) We find a mapentry with a _targetRect so that it matchesTargetRect(targetRect). In this case we can return mapentry._pScaledImage. As a further complication, we will make separate mapentries with separate _pResourceImage for the same _resoruceID in the case where we have two presetaspect icons with different aspect.*/ for (i=0; i< cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.GetSize(); i++) if (cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC[i].matchesResourceAndAspect(picon)) { resourceidwasfound = TRUE; mapentry = cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.GetAt(i); //Make a copy. if (mapentry.matchesTargetRect(targetRect)) {//This is Case 2.3, the easy case where you find just what you need. cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.ElementAt(i)._lifespan = cMapEntry_ResourceIDToScaledDC::FRESHLIFESPAN; return mapentry._pScaledImage; //You're done! } } /* If we're here, we're in case (1) or case (2.2) or we may be in case (2.1) where the picon fed in an incorrect targetrect. We assume the worst for now and start to we are going to fill in some or all of the fields of mapentry to later add to cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC. */ if (!resourceidwasfound) /* In this case (1), mapentry is the default constructor entry; no corresponding resourceID was found. Initialize the mapentry _resourceID and _pResourceImage to start with. */ { // First set the dummy mapentry's _resourceID mapentry._resourceID = picon->resourceID(); //Second construct the dummy mapentry's _pResourceImage if (picon->usesTransparentMask()) mapentry._pResourceImage = new cTransparentMemoryDC(); else mapentry._pResourceImage = new cMemoryDC(); /* The default constructors make the cMemoryDC 1 x 1 and set the _resize_on_load flag to TRUE so we will make the bitmap match the image being loaded in loadResourceBitmap. */ ASSERT(mapentry._pResourceImage); //Third, load the resource bitmap into the mapentry._pResourceImage mapentry._pResourceImage->loadResourceBitmap(picon->resourceID()); //If necessary, adjust the size of the mapentry._pResourceImage if picon->presetaspect() if (picon->presetaspect()) { int sourcex = mapentry._pResourceImage->cx(); int sourcey = mapentry._pResourceImage->cy(); ASSERT(sourcey); ASSERT(picon->aspect()); Real tempaspect = Real(sourcex)/sourcey; // We want to make the source bitmap match the _aspect of the picon. if (tempaspect > picon->aspect()) //sourcex too big, make it smaller than tempaspect*sourcey. sourcex = picon->aspect() * sourcey; if (tempaspect < picon->aspect()) //sourcey too big, make it smaller than sourcex/tempaspect. sourcey = sourcex / picon->aspect(); cMemoryDC *pMemDC_bitmap = new cMemoryDC(); ASSERT(pMemDC_bitmap); pMemDC_bitmap->setSize(sourcex, sourcey); mapentry._pResourceImage->copyTo(pMemDC_bitmap, CRect(0,0,sourcex, sourcey)); delete mapentry._pResourceImage; mapentry._pResourceImage = NULL; mapentry._pResourceImage = pMemDC_bitmap; } //Initialize mapentry._aspect to match the dimensions of _pResourceImage. mapentry._aspect = (Real)(mapentry._pResourceImage->cx())/ mapentry._pResourceImage->cy(); /* What about putting the newly initialized pmapentry into cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC? We'll do that in the next block of code, after we have initialized ALL of its fields. */ picon->setAspect(mapentry._aspect); //Do this here to be sure in case roundoff error made not match } /* At this point, we know that mapentry has a valid _resourceID and _pResourceImage, and that in case of picon->presetaspect, the _apsect of the _pResourceImage as been adjusted to match the picon->aspect. But since we didn't manage to do a case 2.3 bail in the initial loop, we know the _targetRect doesn't match the size of the _pScaledImage. There are two possibilities. Either (2.2) targetRect is a legitimate size and we actually need a new _pScaledImage. Or maybe (2.1) targetRect is wrong because picon didn't know what it's shaped like yet. Tell the picon the correct aspect of the basic bitmap in case this is the very first time the picon is calling draw. Also correct the targetRect to match the correct aspect. Note that the default starting aspect of picon was 1.0. Of course in the case of picon->presetaspect, we shouldn't need to adjust pcion->aspect, but there could be some discrepancy due to round off, so back-correcting it here can't hurt. */ if (!picon->imageloaded()) /* This means the picon has an _aspect that may not match the aspect of the image you loaded, and this means that the aspect of the targetRect doens't necessarily match the image. Fix targetRect in here. */ { int intcenterx, intcentery, intsizex, intsizey, intradiusx, intradiusy; intcenterx = targetRect.CenterPoint().x; intcentery = targetRect.CenterPoint().y; picon->setAspect(mapentry._aspect); /* The call to cSpriteIcon::setAspect will make the Real sizex and sizey of the picon match the aspect. Now we have to convert those into correct pixel sizes. */ _realpixelconverter.realToInt(picon->sizex(), &intsizex); _realpixelconverter.realToInt(picon->sizey(), &intsizey); intradiusx = intsizex/2; intradiusy = intsizey/2; targetRect = CRect(intcenterx - intradiusx, intcentery - intradiusy, intcenterx + intradiusx, intcentery + intradiusy); /* Now that we have a correct targetrect, we need to check again if maybe there was, after all, a mapentry with the matching resoruceID and targetrect. We actually have to do the whole damn loop again! */ for (i=0; i< cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.GetSize(); i++) if (cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC[i].matchesResourceAndAspect(picon)) { mapentry = cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.GetAt(i); //Make a copy. if (mapentry.matchesTargetRect(targetRect)) {//This is like Case 2.3 again, the easy case where you find just what you need. cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.ElementAt(i)._lifespan = cMapEntry_ResourceIDToScaledDC::FRESHLIFESPAN; return mapentry._pScaledImage; //You're done! } } } /* If we get to this point, we are in case (1) or (2.2), and we need to fill in in the mapentry and add it. Tell pmapentry about the targetRect. We don't preserve the corner of the target rect, only its size. */ mapentry._targetRect = CRect(0, 0, targetRect.Width(), targetRect.Height()); //Create a new _pScaledImage. if (picon->usesTransparentMask()) mapentry._pScaledImage = new cTransparentMemoryDC(); else mapentry._pScaledImage = new cMemoryDC(); ASSERT(mapentry._pScaledImage); //Resize _pScaledImage to the targetRect dimension. mapentry._pScaledImage->setSize(mapentry._targetRect.Width(), mapentry._targetRect.Height()); //Stretch _pResourceImage to _pScaledImage. mapentry._pResourceImage->stretchTo(mapentry._pScaledImage, mapentry._targetRect); /* This uses the whole sourceRect of the _pResourceImage and does a non-isometric strecth, But of course we've scaled the source and the target to have matching aspects, so it's ok to be non-isometric. */ mapentry._lifespan = cMapEntry_ResourceIDToScaledDC::FRESHLIFESPAN; // Add mapentry to cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC cGraphicsMFC::_map_ResourceIDToScaledDC.Add(mapentry); //So you don't have to load it again. //You're done! return mapentry._pScaledImage; }
Ogre::Vector3* Maze::translatePos( Ogre::Vector3* pos ) { return new Ogre::Vector3(Real(pos->x - (this->mWidth / 2.0f * 100)),Real(0),Real(pos->y - (this->mHeight / 2.0f * 100))); }
Real Math<Real>::Tan(Real fValue) { return Real(tan((long double) fValue)); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InstanceBatch::_notifyCurrentCamera( Camera* cam ) { mCurrentCamera = cam; //See DistanceLodStrategy::getValueImpl() //We use our own because our SceneNode is just filled with zeroes, and updating it //with real values is expensive, plus we would need to make sure it doesn't get to //the shader Real depth = Math::Sqrt(getSquaredViewDepth(cam)) - getBoundingRadius(); depth = std::max( depth, Real(0) ); Real lodValue = depth * cam->_getLodBiasInverse(); //Now calculate Material LOD /*const LodStrategy *materialStrategy = m_material->getLodStrategy(); //Calculate LOD value for given strategy Real lodValue = materialStrategy->getValue( this, cam );*/ //Get the index at this depth unsigned short idx = mMaterial->getLodIndex( lodValue ); //TODO: Replace subEntity for MovableObject // Construct event object /*EntityMaterialLodChangedEvent subEntEvt; subEntEvt.subEntity = this; = cam; subEntEvt.lodValue = lodValue; subEntEvt.previousLodIndex = m_materialLodIndex; subEntEvt.newLodIndex = idx; //Notify LOD event listeners cam->getSceneManager()->_notifyEntityMaterialLodChanged(subEntEvt);*/ // Change LOD index mMaterialLodIndex = idx; mBeyondFarDistance = false; if (cam->getUseRenderingDistance() && mUpperDistance > 0) { if (depth > mUpperDistance) mBeyondFarDistance = true; } if (!mBeyondFarDistance && cam->getUseMinPixelSize() && mMinPixelSize > 0) { Real pixelRatio = cam->getPixelDisplayRatio(); Ogre::Vector3 objBound = getBoundingBox().getSize() * getParentNode()->_getDerivedScale(); objBound.x = Math::Sqr(objBound.x); objBound.y = Math::Sqr(objBound.y); objBound.z = Math::Sqr(objBound.z); float sqrObjMedianSize = std::max( std::max(std::min(objBound.x, objBound.y), std::min(objBound.x, objBound.z)), std::min(objBound.y, objBound.z)); // If we have a perspective camera calculations are done relative to distance Real sqrDistance = 1; if (cam->getProjectionType() == PT_PERSPECTIVE) sqrDistance = getSquaredViewDepth(cam->getLodCamera()); // it's ok mBeyondFarDistance = sqrObjMedianSize < sqrDistance * Math::Sqr(pixelRatio * mMinPixelSize); } if (mParentNode) { MovableObjectLodChangedEvent evt; evt.movableObject = this; = cam; cam->getSceneManager()->_notifyMovableObjectLodChanged(evt); } mRenderingDisabled = mListener && !mListener->objectRendering(this, cam); // MovableObject::_notifyCurrentCamera( cam ); // it does not suit }
Real Math<Real>::Sqrt(Real fValue) { return Real(sqrt((long double) fValue)); }
Real Math<Real>::Sin(Real fValue) { return Real(sin((long double) fValue)); }
Real Math<Real>::Pow(Real fBase, Real fExponent) { return Real(pow((long double) fBase, (long double) fExponent)); }
/* Implementation *************************************************************/ void CSyncUsingPil::ProcessDataInternal(CParameter& ReceiverParam) { int i; /**************************************************************************\ * Frame synchronization detection * \**************************************************************************/ _BOOLEAN bSymbolIDHasChanged = FALSE; if ((bSyncInput == FALSE) && (bAquisition == TRUE)) { #ifdef USE_DRM_FRAME_SYNC_IR_BASED /* DRM frame synchronization using impulse response ----------------- */ /* We assume that the current received OFDM symbol is the first symbol in a DRM frame and estimate the channel transfer function at the pilot positions (the positions of pilots in the first OFDM symbol in a DRM frame). Then we calculate an FFT to get the impulse response of the channel. If the assumption was correct and this really was the correct OFDM symbol, we will get something which looks like an impulse response (contains peaks -> peak-to-average ratio is high). If not, we will certainly get only noise -> no peaks -> peak to average ratio is small. This is because the transmitted values at the pilot positions are different from the values at the pilot cells when transmitting the correct OFDM symbol (which we assumed) */ /* Pick pilot positions and calculate "test" channel estimation */ int iCurIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < iNumCarrier; i++) { if (_IsScatPil(ReceiverParam.matiMapTab[0][i])) { /* Get channel estimate */ veccChan[iCurIndex] = (*pvecInputData)[i] / ReceiverParam.matcPilotCells[0][i]; /* We have to introduce a new index because not on all carriers is a pilot */ iCurIndex++; } } /* Calculate abs(IFFT) for getting estimate of impulse response */ vecrTestImpResp = Abs(Ifft(veccChan, FftPlan)); /* Calculate peak to average */ const CReal rResultIREst = Max(vecrTestImpResp) / Sum(vecrTestImpResp); /* Store correlation results in a shift register for finding the peak */ vecrCorrHistory.AddEnd(rResultIREst); #else /* DRM frame synchronization based on time pilots ------------------- */ /* Calculate correlation of received cells with pilot pairs */ CReal rResultPilPairCorr = (CReal) 0.0; for (i = 0; i < iNumPilPairs; i++) { /* Actual correlation */ const CComplex cCorrRes = (*pvecInputData)[vecPilCorr[i].iIdx1] * Conj(vecPilCorr[i].cPil1) * Conj((*pvecInputData)[vecPilCorr[i].iIdx2]) * vecPilCorr[i].cPil2 * cR_HH; rResultPilPairCorr += Real(cCorrRes); } /* Store correlation results in a shift register for finding the peak */ vecrCorrHistory.AddEnd(rResultPilPairCorr); #endif /* Finding beginning of DRM frame in results ------------------------ */ /* Wait until history is filled completly */ if (iInitCntFraSy > 0) iInitCntFraSy--; else { /* Search for maximum */ int iMaxIndex = 0; CReal rMaxValue = -_MAXREAL; for (i = 0; i < iNumSymPerFrame; i++) { if (vecrCorrHistory[i] > rMaxValue) { rMaxValue = vecrCorrHistory[i]; iMaxIndex = i; } } /* For initial frame synchronization, use maximum directly */ if (bInitFrameSync == TRUE) { /* Reset init flag */ bInitFrameSync = FALSE; /* Set symbol ID index according to received data */ iSymbCntFraSy = iNumSymPerFrame - iMaxIndex - 1; } else { /* If maximum is in the middle of the interval (check frame sync) */ if (iMaxIndex == iMiddleOfInterval) { if (iSymbCntFraSy == iNumSymPerFrame - iMiddleOfInterval - 1) { /* Reset flags */ bBadFrameSync = FALSE; bFrameSyncWasOK = TRUE; /* Post Message for GUI (Good frame sync) */ PostWinMessage(MS_FRAME_SYNC, 0); /* green */ } else { if (bBadFrameSync == TRUE) { /* Reset symbol ID index according to received data */ iSymbCntFraSy = iNumSymPerFrame - iMiddleOfInterval - 1; /* Inform that symbol ID has changed */ bSymbolIDHasChanged = TRUE; /* Reset flag */ bBadFrameSync = FALSE; PostWinMessage(MS_FRAME_SYNC, 2); /* red */ } else { /* One false detected frame sync should not reset the actual frame sync because the measurement could be wrong. Sometimes the frame sync detection gets false results. If the next time the frame sync is still unequal to the measurement, then correct it */ bBadFrameSync = TRUE; if (bFrameSyncWasOK == TRUE) { /* Post Message that frame sync was wrong but was not yet corrected (yellow light) */ PostWinMessage(MS_FRAME_SYNC, 1); /* yellow */ } else PostWinMessage(MS_FRAME_SYNC, 2); /* red */ } /* Set flag for bad sync */ bFrameSyncWasOK = FALSE; } } } } } else { /* Frame synchronization has successfully finished, show always green light */ PostWinMessage(MS_FRAME_SYNC, 0); } /* Set current symbol ID and flag in extended data of output vector */ (*pvecOutputData).GetExData().iSymbolID = iSymbCntFraSy; (*pvecOutputData).GetExData().bSymbolIDHasChanged = bSymbolIDHasChanged; /* Increase symbol counter and take care of wrap around */ iSymbCntFraSy++; if (iSymbCntFraSy >= iNumSymPerFrame) iSymbCntFraSy = 0; /**************************************************************************\ * Using Frequency pilot information * \**************************************************************************/ if ((bSyncInput == FALSE) && (bTrackPil == TRUE)) { CComplex cFreqOffEstVecSym = CComplex((CReal) 0.0, (CReal) 0.0); for (i = 0; i < NUM_FREQ_PILOTS; i++) { /* The old pilots must be rotated due to timing corrections */ const CComplex cOldFreqPilCorr = Rotate(cOldFreqPil[i], iPosFreqPil[i], (*pvecInputData).GetExData().iCurTimeCorr); /* Calculate the inner product of the sum */ const CComplex cCurPilMult = (*pvecInputData)[iPosFreqPil[i]] * Conj(cOldFreqPilCorr); /* Save "old" frequency pilots for next symbol. Special treatment for robustness mode D (carriers 7 and 21) necessary (See */ if ((ReceiverParam.GetWaveMode() == RM_ROBUSTNESS_MODE_E) && (i < 2)) { cOldFreqPil[i] = -(*pvecInputData)[iPosFreqPil[i]]; } else cOldFreqPil[i] = (*pvecInputData)[iPosFreqPil[i]]; #ifdef USE_SAMOFFS_TRACK_FRE_PIL /* Get phase difference for sample rate offset estimation. Average the vector, real and imaginary part separately */ IIR1(cFreqPilotPhDiff[i], cCurPilMult, rLamSamRaOff); #endif /* Calculate estimation of frequency offset */ cFreqOffEstVecSym += cCurPilMult; } /* Frequency offset ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Correct frequency offset estimation for resample offset corrections. When a sample rate offset correction was applied, the frequency offset is shifted proportional to this correction. The correction is mandatory if large sample rate offsets occur */ /* Get sample rate offset change */ const CReal rDiffSamOffset = rPrevSamRateOffset - ReceiverParam.rResampleOffset; /* Save current resample offset for next symbol */ rPrevSamRateOffset = ReceiverParam.rResampleOffset; /* Correct sample-rate offset correction according to the proportional rule. Use relative DC frequency offset plus relative average offset of frequency pilots to the DC frequency. Normalize this offset so that it can be used as a phase correction for frequency offset estimation */ CReal rPhaseCorr = (ReceiverParam.rFreqOffsetAcqui + ReceiverParam.rFreqOffsetTrack + rAvFreqPilDistToDC) * rDiffSamOffset / SOUNDCRD_SAMPLE_RATE / rNormConstFOE; /* Actual correction (rotate vector) */ cFreqOffVec *= CComplex(Cos(rPhaseCorr), Sin(rPhaseCorr)); /* Average vector, real and imaginary part separately */ IIR1(cFreqOffVec, cFreqOffEstVecSym, rLamFreqOff); /* Calculate argument */ const CReal rFreqOffsetEst = Angle(cFreqOffVec); /* Correct measurement average for actually applied frequency correction */ cFreqOffVec *= CComplex(Cos(-rFreqOffsetEst), Sin(-rFreqOffsetEst)); #ifndef USE_FRQOFFS_TRACK_GUARDCORR /* Integrate the result for controling the frequency offset, normalize estimate */ ReceiverParam.rFreqOffsetTrack += rFreqOffsetEst * rNormConstFOE; #endif #ifdef USE_SAMOFFS_TRACK_FRE_PIL /* Sample rate offset ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Calculate estimation of sample frequency offset. We use the different frequency offset estimations of the frequency pilots. We normalize them with the distance between them and average the result (/ 2.0) */ CReal rSampFreqOffsetEst = ((Angle(cFreqPilotPhDiff[1]) - Angle(cFreqPilotPhDiff[0])) / (iPosFreqPil[1] - iPosFreqPil[0]) + (Angle(cFreqPilotPhDiff[2]) - Angle(cFreqPilotPhDiff[0])) / (iPosFreqPil[2] - iPosFreqPil[0])) / (CReal) 2.0; /* Integrate the result for controling the resampling */ ReceiverParam.rResampleOffset += CONTR_SAMP_OFF_INTEGRATION * rSampFreqOffsetEst; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_ /* Save frequency and sample rate tracking */ static FILE* pFile = fopen("test/freqtrack.dat", "w"); fprintf(pFile, "%e %e\n", SOUNDCRD_SAMPLE_RATE * ReceiverParam.rFreqOffsetTrack, ReceiverParam.rResampleOffset); fflush(pFile); #endif } /* If synchronized DRM input stream is used, overwrite the detected frequency offest estimate by "0", because we know this value */ if (bSyncInput == TRUE) ReceiverParam.rFreqOffsetTrack = (CReal) 0.0; /* Do not ship data before first frame synchronization was done. The flag "bAquisition" must not be set to FALSE since in that case we would run into an infinite loop since we would not ever ship any data. But since the flag is set after this module, we should be fine with that. */ if ((bInitFrameSync == TRUE) && (bSyncInput == FALSE)) iOutputBlockSize = 0; else { iOutputBlockSize = iNumCarrier; /* Copy data from input to the output. Data is not modified in this module */ for (i = 0; i < iOutputBlockSize; i++) (*pvecOutputData)[i] = (*pvecInputData)[i]; } }
int Execute( int argc , char* argv[] ) { int i; int paramNum = sizeof(params)/sizeof(cmdLineReadable*); int commentNum=0; char **comments; comments = new char*[paramNum+7]; for( i=0 ; i<paramNum+7 ; i++ ) comments[i] = new char[1024]; if( Verbose.set ) echoStdout=1; XForm4x4< Real > xForm , iXForm; if( XForm.set ) { FILE* fp = fopen( XForm.value , "r" ); if( !fp ) { fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Could not read x-form from: %s\n" , XForm.value ); xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity(); } else { for( int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<4 ; j++ ) fscanf( fp , " %f " , &xForm( i , j ) ); fclose( fp ); } } else xForm = XForm4x4< Real >::Identity(); iXForm = xForm.inverse(); DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "Running Screened Poisson Reconstruction (Version 5.5)\n" , Degree ); char str[1024]; for( int i=0 ; i<paramNum ; i++ ) if( params[i]->set ) { params[i]->writeValue( str ); if( strlen( str ) ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s %s\n" , params[i]->name , str ); else DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "\t--%s\n" , params[i]->name ); } double t; double tt=Time(); Real isoValue = 0; POctree< Degree , OutputDensity > tree; tree.threads = Threads.value; if( !In.set ) { ShowUsage(argv[0]); return 0; } if( !MaxSolveDepth.set ) MaxSolveDepth.value = Depth.value; if( SolverDivide.value<MinDepth.value ) { fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , , , SolverDivide.value , MinDepth.value ); SolverDivide.value = MinDepth.value; } if( IsoDivide.value<MinDepth.value ) { fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] %s must be at least as large as %s: %d>=%d\n" , , , IsoDivide.value , IsoDivide.value ); IsoDivide.value = MinDepth.value; } OctNode< TreeNodeData< OutputDensity > , Real >::SetAllocator( MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_BLOCK_SIZE ); t=Time(); int kernelDepth = KernelDepth.set ? KernelDepth.value : Depth.value-2; tree.setBSplineData( Depth.value , BoundaryType.value ); if( kernelDepth>Depth.value ) { fprintf( stderr,"[ERROR] %s can't be greater than %s: %d <= %d\n" , , , KernelDepth.value , Depth.value ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } double maxMemoryUsage; t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; int pointCount = tree.setTree( In.value , Depth.value , MinDepth.value , kernelDepth , Real(SamplesPerNode.value) , Scale.value , Confidence.set , PointWeight.value , AdaptiveExponent.value , xForm ); tree.ClipTree(); tree.finalize( IsoDivide.value ); DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Tree set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput( "Input Points: %d\n" , pointCount ); DumpOutput( "Leaves/Nodes: %d/%d\n" , tree.tree.leaves() , tree.tree.nodes() ); DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) ); maxMemoryUsage = tree.maxMemoryUsage; t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; tree.SetLaplacianConstraints(); DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Constraints set in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage())/(1<<20) ); maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); t=Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; tree.LaplacianMatrixIteration( SolverDivide.value, ShowResidual.set , MinIters.value , SolverAccuracy.value , MaxSolveDepth.value , FixedIters.value ); DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Linear system solved in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput( "Memory Usage: %.3f MB\n" , float( MemoryInfo::Usage() )/(1<<20) ); maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); CoredFileMeshData< Vertex > mesh; if( Verbose.set ) tree.maxMemoryUsage=0; t=Time(); isoValue = tree.GetIsoValue(); DumpOutput( "Got average in: %f\n" , Time()-t ); DumpOutput( "Iso-Value: %e\n" , isoValue ); if( VoxelGrid.set ) { double t = Time(); FILE* fp = fopen( VoxelGrid.value , "wb" ); if( !fp ) fprintf( stderr , "Failed to open voxel file for writing: %s\n" , VoxelGrid.value ); else { int res; Pointer( Real ) values = tree.GetSolutionGrid( res , isoValue , VoxelDepth.value ); fwrite( &res , sizeof(int) , 1 , fp ); if( sizeof(Real)==sizeof(float) ) fwrite( values , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp ); else { float *fValues = new float[res*res*res]; for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) fValues[i] = float( values[i] ); fwrite( fValues , sizeof(float) , res*res*res , fp ); delete[] fValues; } fclose( fp ); DeletePointer( values ); } DumpOutput( "Got voxel grid in: %f\n" , Time()-t ); } if( Out.set ) { t = Time() , tree.maxMemoryUsage = 0; tree.GetMCIsoTriangles( isoValue , IsoDivide.value , &mesh , 0 , 1 , !NonManifold.set , PolygonMesh.set ); if( PolygonMesh.set ) DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Got polygons in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); else DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++] , "# Got triangles in: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-t , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , tree.maxMemoryUsage ); DumpOutput2( comments[commentNum++],"# Total Solve: %9.1f (s), %9.1f (MB)\n" , Time()-tt , maxMemoryUsage ); if( NoComments.set ) { if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII , NULL , 0 , iXForm ); else PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , NULL , 0 , iXForm ); } else { if( ASCII.set ) PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_ASCII , comments , commentNum , iXForm ); else PlyWritePolygons( Out.value , &mesh , PLY_BINARY_NATIVE , comments , commentNum , iXForm ); } } return 1; }
inline void Snapshot ( const Matrix<Int>& preimage, const Matrix<Real>& estimates, const Matrix<Int>& itCounts, Int numIts, bool deflate, SnapshotCtrl& snapCtrl ) { DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("pspec::Snapshot")); auto logMap = []( Real alpha ) { return Log(alpha); }; if( snapCtrl.realSize != 0 && snapCtrl.imagSize != 0 ) { const bool numSave = ( snapCtrl.numSaveFreq > 0 && snapCtrl.numSaveCount >= snapCtrl.numSaveFreq ); const bool imgSave = ( snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq > 0 && snapCtrl.imgSaveCount >= snapCtrl.imgSaveFreq ); const bool imgDisp = ( snapCtrl.imgDispFreq > 0 && snapCtrl.imgDispCount >= snapCtrl.imgDispFreq ); Matrix<Real> invNorms, estMap; Matrix<Int> itCountsReord, itCountMap; if( numSave || imgSave || imgDisp ) { invNorms = estimates; if( deflate ) RestoreOrdering( preimage, invNorms ); ReshapeIntoGrid ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, invNorms, estMap ); if( snapCtrl.itCounts ) { itCountsReord = itCounts; if( deflate ) RestoreOrdering( preimage, itCountsReord ); ReshapeIntoGrid ( snapCtrl.realSize, snapCtrl.imagSize, itCountsReord, itCountMap ); } } if( numSave ) { ostringstream os; os << snapCtrl.numBase << "_" << numIts; Write( estMap, os.str(), snapCtrl.numFormat ); if( snapCtrl.itCounts ) Write( itCountMap, os.str()+"_counts", snapCtrl.numFormat ); snapCtrl.numSaveCount = 0; } if( imgSave || imgDisp ) EntrywiseMap( estMap, function<Real(Real)>(logMap) ); if( imgSave ) { ostringstream os; os << snapCtrl.imgBase << "_" << numIts; Write( estMap, os.str(), snapCtrl.imgFormat ); if( snapCtrl.itCounts ) Write( itCountMap, os.str()+"_counts", snapCtrl.imgFormat ); auto colorMap = GetColorMap(); SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE ); Write( estMap, os.str()+"_discrete", snapCtrl.imgFormat ); SetColorMap( colorMap ); snapCtrl.imgSaveCount = 0; } if( imgDisp ) { ostringstream os; os << snapCtrl.imgBase << "_" << numIts; Display( estMap, os.str() ); if( snapCtrl.itCounts ) Display( itCountMap, os.str()+"_counts" ); auto colorMap = GetColorMap(); SetColorMap( GRAYSCALE_DISCRETE ); Display( estMap, os.str()+"_discrete" ); SetColorMap( colorMap ); snapCtrl.imgDispCount = 0; } } }
inline void PanelLQ( DistMatrix<Real>& A ) { #ifndef RELEASE PushCallStack("internal::PanelLQ"); #endif const Grid& g = A.Grid(); // Matrix views DistMatrix<Real> ATL(g), ATR(g), A00(g), a01(g), A02(g), aTopRow(g), ABottomPan(g), ABL(g), ABR(g), a10(g), alpha11(g), a12(g), A20(g), a21(g), A22(g); // Temporary distributions DistMatrix<Real,STAR,MR> aTopRow_STAR_MR(g); DistMatrix<Real,MC,STAR> z_MC_STAR(g); PushBlocksizeStack( 1 ); PartitionDownLeftDiagonal ( A, ATL, ATR, ABL, ABR, 0 ); while( ATL.Height() < A.Height() && ATL.Width() < A.Width() ) { RepartitionDownDiagonal ( ATL, /**/ ATR, A00, /**/ a01, A02, /*************/ /**********************/ /**/ a10, /**/ alpha11, a12, ABL, /**/ ABR, A20, /**/ a21, A22 ); View1x2( aTopRow, alpha11, a12 ); View1x2( ABottomPan, a21, A22 ); aTopRow_STAR_MR.AlignWith( ABottomPan ); z_MC_STAR.AlignWith( ABottomPan ); Zeros( ABottomPan.Height(), 1, z_MC_STAR ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------// const Real tau = Reflector( alpha11, a12 ); const bool myDiagonalEntry = ( g.Row() == alpha11.ColAlignment() && g.Col() == alpha11.RowAlignment() ); Real alpha = 0; if( myDiagonalEntry ) { alpha = alpha11.GetLocal(0,0); alpha11.SetLocal(0,0,1); } aTopRow_STAR_MR = aTopRow; Gemv ( NORMAL, Real(1), ABottomPan.LockedLocalMatrix(), aTopRow_STAR_MR.LockedLocalMatrix(), Real(0), z_MC_STAR.LocalMatrix() ); z_MC_STAR.SumOverRow(); Ger ( -tau, z_MC_STAR.LockedLocalMatrix(), aTopRow_STAR_MR.LockedLocalMatrix(), ABottomPan.LocalMatrix() ); if( myDiagonalEntry ) alpha11.SetLocal(0,0,alpha); //--------------------------------------------------------------------// aTopRow_STAR_MR.FreeAlignments(); z_MC_STAR.FreeAlignments(); SlidePartitionDownDiagonal ( ATL, /**/ ATR, A00, a01, /**/ A02, /**/ a10, alpha11, /**/ a12, /*************/ /**********************/ ABL, /**/ ABR, A20, a21, /**/ A22 ); } PopBlocksizeStack(); #ifndef RELEASE PopCallStack(); #endif }
template<class Real> void TriangleCollapse (const Real& edgeRatio, std::vector<TriangleIndex>& triangles, std::vector<Point3D<Real> >& positions, std::vector<Point3D<Real> >* normals) { int i, j, *remapTable, *pointCount, idx[3]; Point3D<Real> p[3], q[2], c; double d[3], a; double Ratio = 12.0 / sqrt (3.0); // (Sum of Squares Length / Area) for and equilateral triangle remapTable = new int[positions.size ()]; pointCount = new int[positions.size ()]; for (i = 0; i < int (positions.size ()); i++) { remapTable[i] = i; pointCount[i] = 1; } for (i = int (triangles.size () - 1); i >= 0; i--) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { idx[j] = triangles[i].idx[j]; while (remapTable[idx[j]] < idx[j]) { idx[j] = remapTable[idx[j]]; } } if (idx[0] == idx[1] || idx[0] == idx[2] || idx[1] == idx[2]) { triangles[i] = triangles[triangles.size () - 1]; triangles.pop_back (); continue; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { p[j].coords[0] = positions[idx[j]].coords[0] / pointCount[idx[j]]; p[j].coords[1] = positions[idx[j]].coords[1] / pointCount[idx[j]]; p[j].coords[2] = positions[idx[j]].coords[2] / pointCount[idx[j]]; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { q[0].coords[j] = p[1].coords[j] - p[0].coords[j]; q[1].coords[j] = p[2].coords[j] - p[0].coords[j]; d[j] = SquareDistance (p[j], p[(j + 1) % 3]); } CrossProduct (q[0], q[1], c); a = Length (c) / 2; if ((d[0] + d[1] + d[2]) * edgeRatio > a * Ratio) { // Find the smallest edge j = 0; if (d[1] < d[j]) { j = 1; } if (d[2] < d[j]) { j = 2; } int idx1, idx2, idx3; if (idx[0] < idx[1]) { if (idx[0] < idx[2]) { idx1 = idx[0]; idx2 = idx[2]; idx3 = idx[1]; } else { idx1 = idx[2]; idx2 = idx[0]; idx3 = idx[1]; } } else { if (idx[1] < idx[2]) { idx1 = idx[1]; idx2 = idx[2]; idx3 = idx[0]; } else { idx1 = idx[2]; idx2 = idx[1]; idx3 = idx[0]; } } positions[idx1].coords[0] += positions[idx2].coords[0] + positions[idx3].coords[0]; positions[idx1].coords[1] += positions[idx2].coords[1] + positions[idx3].coords[1]; positions[idx1].coords[2] += positions[idx2].coords[2] + positions[idx3].coords[2]; if (normals) { (*normals)[idx1].coords[0] += (*normals)[idx2].coords[0] + (*normals)[idx3].coords[0]; (*normals)[idx1].coords[1] += (*normals)[idx2].coords[1] + (*normals)[idx3].coords[1]; (*normals)[idx1].coords[2] += (*normals)[idx2].coords[2] + (*normals)[idx3].coords[2]; } pointCount[idx1] += pointCount[idx2] + pointCount[idx3]; remapTable[idx2] = idx1; remapTable[idx3] = idx1; triangles[i] = triangles[triangles.size () - 1]; triangles.pop_back (); } } int pCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < int (positions.size ()); i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { positions[i].coords[j] /= pointCount[i]; } if (normals) { Real l = Real (Length ((*normals)[i])); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { (*normals)[i].coords[j] /= l; } } if (remapTable[i] == i) { // If vertex i is being used positions[pCount] = positions[i]; if (normals) { (*normals)[pCount] = (*normals)[i]; } pointCount[i] = pCount; pCount++; } } positions.resize (pCount); for (i = int (triangles.size () - 1); i >= 0; i--) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { idx[j] = triangles[i].idx[j]; while (remapTable[idx[j]] < idx[j]) { idx[j] = remapTable[idx[j]]; } triangles[i].idx[j] = pointCount[idx[j]]; } if (idx[0] == idx[1] || idx[0] == idx[2] || idx[1] == idx[2]) { triangles[i] = triangles[triangles.size () - 1]; triangles.pop_back (); } } delete[] pointCount; delete[] remapTable; }
void EN ( const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& A, const AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& b, Real lambda1, Real lambda2, AbstractDistMatrix<Real>& xPre, const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl ) { EL_DEBUG_CSE DistMatrixWriteProxy<Real,Real,MC,MR> xProx( xPre ); auto& x = xProx.Get(); const Int m = A.Height(); const Int n = A.Width(); const Grid& g = A.Grid(); const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m); DistMatrix<Real> Q(g), c(g), AHat(g), G(g), h(g); // Q := | 2*lambda_2 0 0 | // | 0 2*lambda_2 0 | // | 0 0 2 | // ================================ Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m ); auto QTL = Q( IR(0,2*n), IR(0,2*n) ); FillDiagonal( QTL, 2*lambda2 ); auto Qrr = Q( rInd, rInd ); FillDiagonal( Qrr, Real(1) ); // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0] // ===================== Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 ); auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL ); Fill( cuv, lambda1 ); // \hat A := [A, -A, I] // ==================== Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m ); auto AHatu = AHat( ALL, uInd ); auto AHatv = AHat( ALL, vInd ); auto AHatr = AHat( ALL, rInd ); AHatu = A; AHatv -= A; FillDiagonal( AHatr, Real(1) ); // G := | -I 0 0 | // | 0 -I 0 | // ================ Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m ); FillDiagonal( G, Real(-1) ); // h := 0 // ====== Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 ); // Solve the affine QP // =================== DistMatrix<Real> xHat(g), y(g), z(g), s(g); QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl ); // x := u - v // ========== x = xHat( uInd, ALL ); x -= xHat( vInd, ALL ); }
namespace Ogre { const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::HALF = vdupq_n_f32( 0.5f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::ONE = vdupq_n_f32( 1.0f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::THREE = vdupq_n_f32( 3.0f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::NEG_ONE = vdupq_n_f32( -1.0f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::fEpsilon = vdupq_n_f32( 1e-6f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::fSqEpsilon = vdupq_n_f32( 1e-12f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::OneMinusEpsilon= vdupq_n_f32( 1.0f - 1e-6f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::FLOAT_MIN = vdupq_n_f32( std::numeric_limits<Real>::min() ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::SIGN_MASK = vdupq_n_f32( -0.0f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::INFINITEA = vdupq_n_f32( std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity() ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::MAX_NEG = vdupq_n_f32( -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max() ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::MAX_POS = vdupq_n_f32( std::numeric_limits<Real>::max() ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::LAST_AFFINE_COLUMN = (ArrayReal) { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; static const Real _PI = Real( 4.0 * atan( 1.0 ) ); //We can't use Math::fDeg2Rad & Math::fRad2Deg directly because //it's not guaranteed to have been initialized first const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::PI = vdupq_n_f32( _PI ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::TWO_PI = vdupq_n_f32( 2.0f * _PI ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::fDeg2Rad = vdupq_n_f32( _PI / 180.0f ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::fRad2Deg = vdupq_n_f32( 180.0f / _PI ); const ArrayReal MathlibNEON::ONE_DIV_2PI= vdupq_n_f32( 1.0f / (2.0f * _PI) ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ArrayReal MathlibNEON::Sin4( ArrayReal x ) { // Map arbitrary angle x to the range [-pi; +pi] without using division. // Code taken from MSDN's HLSL trick. Architectures with fused mad (i.e. NEON) // can replace the add, the sub, & the two muls for two mad ArrayReal integralPart; x = vaddq_f32( vmulq_f32( x, ONE_DIV_2PI ), HALF ); x = Modf4( x, integralPart ); x = vsubq_f32( vmulq_f32( x, TWO_PI ), PI ); return sin_ps( x ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ArrayReal MathlibNEON::Cos4( ArrayReal x ) { // Map arbitrary angle x to the range [-pi; +pi] without using division. // Code taken from MSDN's HLSL trick. Architectures with fused mad (i.e. NEON) // can replace the add, the sub, & the two muls for two mad ArrayReal integralPart; x = vaddq_f32( vmulq_f32( x, ONE_DIV_2PI ), HALF ); x = Modf4( x, integralPart ); x = vsubq_f32( vmulq_f32( x, TWO_PI ), PI ); return cos_ps( x ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MathlibNEON::SinCos4( ArrayReal x, ArrayReal &outSin, ArrayReal &outCos ) { // TODO: Improve accuracy by mapping to the range [-pi/4, pi/4] and swap // between cos & sin depending on which quadrant it fell: // Quadrant | sin | cos // n = 0 -> sin( x ), cos( x ) // n = 1 -> cos( x ), -sin( x ) // n = 2 -> -sin( x ), -cos( x ) // n = 3 -> -sin( x ), sin( x ) // See ARGUMENT REDUCTION FOR HUGE ARGUMENTS: // Good to the Last Bit // K. C. Ng and themembers of the FP group of SunPro // // -- Perhaps we can leave this to GSoC students? -- // Map arbitrary angle x to the range [-pi; +pi] without using division. // Code taken from MSDN's HLSL trick. Architectures with fused mad (i.e. NEON) // can replace the add, the sub, & the two muls for two mad ArrayReal integralPart; x = vaddq_f32( vmulq_f32( x, ONE_DIV_2PI ), HALF ); x = Modf4( x, integralPart ); x = vsubq_f32( vmulq_f32( x, TWO_PI ), PI ); sincos_ps( x, &outSin, &outCos ); } const ArrayMaskR BooleanMask4::mMasks[NUM_MASKS] = { (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 },//MASK_NONE (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 },//MASK_X (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 },//MASK_Y (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 },//MASK_XY (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000 },//MASK_Z (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000 },//MASK_XZ (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000 },//MASK_YZ (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000 },//MASK_XYZ (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff },//MASK_W (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff },//MASK_XW (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff },//MASK_YW (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff },//MASK_XYW (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff },//MASK_ZW (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff },//MASK_XZW (ArrayMaskR) { 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff },//MASK_YZW (ArrayMaskR) { 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff } //MASK_XYZW }; }
void EN ( const SparseMatrix<Real>& A, const Matrix<Real>& b, Real lambda1, Real lambda2, Matrix<Real>& x, const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl ) { EL_DEBUG_CSE const Int m = A.Height(); const Int n = A.Width(); const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m); SparseMatrix<Real> Q, AHat, G; Matrix<Real> c, h; // Q := | 2*lambda_2 0 0 | // | 0 2*lambda_2 0 | // | 0 0 2 | // ================================ Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m ); Q.Reserve( 2*n+m ); for( Int e=0; e<2*n; ++e ) Q.QueueUpdate( e, e, 2*lambda2 ); for( Int e=0; e<m; ++e ) Q.QueueUpdate( 2*n+e, 2*n+e, Real(1) ); Q.ProcessQueues(); // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0] // ===================== Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 ); auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL ); Fill( cuv, lambda1 ); // \hat A := [A, -A, I] // ==================== const Int numEntriesA = A.NumEntries(); Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m ); AHat.Reserve( 2*numEntriesA+m ); for( Int e=0; e<numEntriesA; ++e ) { AHat.QueueUpdate( A.Row(e), A.Col(e), A.Value(e) ); AHat.QueueUpdate( A.Row(e), A.Col(e)+n, -A.Value(e) ); } for( Int e=0; e<m; ++e ) AHat.QueueUpdate( e, e+2*n, Real(1) ); AHat.ProcessQueues(); // G := | -I 0 0 | // | 0 -I 0 | // ================ Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m ); G.Reserve( 2*m ); for( Int e=0; e<2*m; ++e ) G.QueueUpdate( e, e, Real(-1) ); G.ProcessQueues(); // h := 0 // ====== Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 ); // Solve the affine QP // =================== Matrix<Real> xHat, y, z, s; QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl ); // x := u - v // ========== x = xHat( uInd, ALL ); x -= xHat( vInd, ALL ); }
double maxLineWeightUnits() { return Real(_params[16]); }
void EN ( const DistSparseMatrix<Real>& A, const DistMultiVec<Real>& b, Real lambda1, Real lambda2, DistMultiVec<Real>& x, const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl ) { EL_DEBUG_CSE const Int m = A.Height(); const Int n = A.Width(); const Grid& grid = A.Grid(); DistSparseMatrix<Real> Q(grid), AHat(grid), G(grid); DistMultiVec<Real> c(grid), h(grid); // Q := | 2*lambda_2 0 0 | // | 0 2*lambda_2 0 | // | 0 0 2 | // ================================ Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m ); Q.Reserve( Q.LocalHeight() ); for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<Q.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc ) { const Int i = Q.GlobalRow(iLoc); if( i < 2*n ) Q.QueueLocalUpdate( iLoc, i, 2*lambda2 ); else Q.QueueLocalUpdate( iLoc, i, Real(2) ); } Q.ProcessLocalQueues(); // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0] // ===================== Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 ); for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<c.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc ) if( c.GlobalRow(iLoc) < 2*n ) c.SetLocal( iLoc, 0, lambda1 ); // \hat A := [A, -A, I] // ==================== // NOTE: Since A and \hat A are the same height and each distributed within // columns, it is possible to form \hat A from A without communication const Int numLocalEntriesA = A.NumLocalEntries(); Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m ); AHat.Reserve( 2*numLocalEntriesA+AHat.LocalHeight() ); for( Int e=0; e<numLocalEntriesA; ++e ) { AHat.QueueUpdate( A.Row(e), A.Col(e), A.Value(e) ); AHat.QueueUpdate( A.Row(e), A.Col(e)+n, -A.Value(e) ); } for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<AHat.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc ) { const Int i = AHat.GlobalRow(iLoc); AHat.QueueLocalUpdate( iLoc, i+2*n, Real(1) ); } AHat.ProcessLocalQueues(); // G := | -I 0 0 | // | 0 -I 0 | // ================ Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m ); G.Reserve( G.LocalHeight() ); for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<G.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc ) { const Int i = G.GlobalRow(iLoc); G.QueueLocalUpdate( iLoc, i, Real(-1) ); } G.ProcessLocalQueues(); // h := 0 // ====== Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 ); // Solve the affine QP // =================== DistMultiVec<Real> xHat(grid), y(grid), z(grid), s(grid); QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl ); // x := u - v // ========== Zeros( x, n, 1 ); Int numRemoteUpdates = 0; for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<xHat.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc ) if( xHat.GlobalRow(iLoc) < 2*n ) ++numRemoteUpdates; else break; x.Reserve( numRemoteUpdates ); for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<xHat.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc ) { const Int i = xHat.GlobalRow(iLoc); if( i < n ) x.QueueUpdate( i, 0, xHat.GetLocal(iLoc,0) ); else if( i < 2*n ) x.QueueUpdate( i-n, 0, -xHat.GetLocal(iLoc,0) ); else break; } x.ProcessQueues(); }
double approxMaxCoordinateValue() { return Real(_params[19]); }
void EN ( const Matrix<Real>& A, const Matrix<Real>& b, Real lambda1, Real lambda2, Matrix<Real>& x, const qp::affine::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl ) { EL_DEBUG_CSE const Int m = A.Height(); const Int n = A.Width(); const Range<Int> uInd(0,n), vInd(n,2*n), rInd(2*n,2*n+m); Matrix<Real> Q, c, AHat, G, h; // Q := | 2*lambda_2 0 0 | // | 0 2*lambda_2 0 | // | 0 0 2 | // ================================ Zeros( Q, 2*n+m, 2*n+m ); auto QTL = Q( IR(0,2*n), IR(0,2*n) ); FillDiagonal( QTL, 2*lambda2 ); auto Qrr = Q( rInd, rInd ); FillDiagonal( Qrr, Real(1) ); // c := lambda_1*[1;1;0] // ===================== Zeros( c, 2*n+m, 1 ); auto cuv = c( IR(0,2*n), ALL ); Fill( cuv, lambda1 ); // \hat A := [A, -A, I] // ==================== Zeros( AHat, m, 2*n+m ); auto AHatu = AHat( ALL, uInd ); auto AHatv = AHat( ALL, vInd ); auto AHatr = AHat( ALL, rInd ); AHatu = A; AHatv -= A; FillDiagonal( AHatr, Real(1) ); // G := | -I 0 0 | // | 0 -I 0 | // ================ Zeros( G, 2*n, 2*n+m ); FillDiagonal( G, Real(-1) ); // h := 0 // ====== Zeros( h, 2*n, 1 ); // Solve the affine QP // =================== Matrix<Real> xHat, y, z, s; QP( Q, AHat, G, b, c, h, xHat, y, z, s, ctrl ); // x := u - v // ========== x = xHat( uInd, ALL ); x -= xHat( vInd, ALL ); }
void PlanetFilter::initVertexData(int lod, int x, int y, int size, int border) { // Prepare new vertex buffer VertexData* vertexData = mRenderOp.vertexData; VertexDeclaration *vertexDeclaration = vertexData->vertexDeclaration; size_t offset = 0; vertexDeclaration->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT3); vertexDeclaration->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2); vertexDeclaration->addElement(0, offset, VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 1); offset += VertexElement::getTypeSize(VET_FLOAT2); HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton() .createVertexBuffer(offset, 4, HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY); vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, vertexBuffer); vertexData->vertexCount = 0; // Get offsets / pointers into vertex declaration const VertexElement* poselem = vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_POSITION); const VertexElement* texelem1 = vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 0); const VertexElement* texelem2 = vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES, 1); unsigned char* pBase = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vertexBuffer->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD)); // Calculate tile's position in the virtual cubemap Real tileSize = 2.0 / (1 << lod); Real borderSize = (Real(border) / size) * tileSize; Real left = -1.f + tileSize * x - borderSize; Real bottom = -1.f + tileSize * ((1 << lod) - y - 1) - borderSize; Real right = left + tileSize + borderSize * 2.0; Real top = bottom + tileSize + borderSize * 2.0; // Draw a full size quad. for (int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x) { float* pPos; float* pTex1; float* pTex2; poselem->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pPos); texelem1->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pTex1); texelem2->baseVertexPointerToElement(pBase, &pTex2); Vector3 point = Vector3(x ? -1.0f : 1.0f, y ? -1.0f : 1.0f, -1.0f); *pTex1++ = x ? 0.0f : 1.0f; *pTex1++ = y ? 1.0f : 0.0f; // Mystery handedness change, invert y. *pTex2++ = x ? left : right; *pTex2++ = y ? bottom : top; //point = faceTransform * point; //point = point * uvScale; *pPos++ = point.x; *pPos++ = point.y; *pPos++ = point.z; pBase += vertexBuffer->getVertexSize(); } } vertexData->vertexCount += 4; vertexBuffer->unlock(); }
AEDInfo Nibble ( Matrix<Real>& H, Int deflationSize, Matrix<Complex<Real>>& w, Matrix<Real>& Z, const HessenbergSchurCtrl& ctrl ) { DEBUG_CSE const Int n = H.Height(); Int winBeg = ( ctrl.winBeg==END ? n : ctrl.winBeg ); Int winEnd = ( ctrl.winEnd==END ? n : ctrl.winEnd ); AEDInfo info; const Real zero(0); const Real ulp = limits::Precision<Real>(); const Real safeMin = limits::SafeMin<Real>(); const Real smallNum = safeMin*(Real(n)/ulp); if( winBeg > winEnd ) return info; if( deflationSize < 1 ) return info; Int blockSize = Min( deflationSize, winEnd-winBeg ); const Int deflateBeg = winEnd-blockSize; // If the deflation window touches the beginning of the full window, // then there is no spike Real spikeValue = ( deflateBeg==winBeg ? zero : H(deflateBeg,deflateBeg-1) ); if( blockSize == 1 ) { w(deflateBeg) = H(deflateBeg,deflateBeg); if( Abs(spikeValue) <= Max( smallNum, ulp*Abs(w(deflateBeg).real()) ) ) { // The offdiagonal entry was small enough to deflate info.numDeflated = 1; if( deflateBeg > winBeg ) { // Explicitly deflate by zeroing the offdiagonal entry H(deflateBeg,deflateBeg-1) = zero; } } else { // The offdiagonal entry was too large to deflate info.numShiftCandidates = 1; } return info; } auto deflateInd = IR(deflateBeg,winEnd); auto H11 = H( deflateInd, deflateInd ); // NOTE(poulson): We could only copy the upper-Hessenberg portion of H11 auto T( H11 ); // TODO(poulson): Reuse this matrix? auto w1 = w( deflateInd, ALL ); Matrix<Real> V; Identity( V, blockSize, blockSize ); auto ctrlSub( ctrl ); ctrlSub.winBeg = 0; ctrlSub.winEnd = blockSize; ctrlSub.fullTriangle = true; ctrlSub.wantSchurVecs = true; ctrlSub.demandConverged = false; ctrlSub.alg = ( ctrl.recursiveAED ? HESSENBERG_SCHUR_AED : HESSENBERG_SCHUR_MULTIBULGE ); auto infoSub = HessenbergSchur( T, w1, V, ctrlSub ); DEBUG_ONLY( if( infoSub.numUnconverged != 0 ) Output(infoSub.numUnconverged," eigenvalues did not converge"); )
Real getInitialObjectiveValue() { return Real(909); }
Real Math<Real>::InvSqrt(Real fValue) { return Real(1.0 / Math<Real>::Sqrt(fValue)); }