예제 #1
void mjAssimpModel::RecursiveDraw(std::vector<mjShader*>& shaderList, float* modelMatrix, float* lookAtMatrix, float* modelViewMatrix, float* projectionMatrix, float* modelViewProjectionMatrix, aiNode *node, mjMatrixStack* matrixStack)

    /*if (node == scene->mRootNode)

    float tempMatrix[16];
    float poseMatrix[16];

    aiMatrix4x4* nodeTrans = &node->mTransformation;

    /*Matrix4::MultiplyMM(poseMatrix, 0,
                        (float* ) nodeTrans, 0,
                        modelMatrix, 0);*/

    matrixStack->Push((float* ) nodeTrans);

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < node->mNumMeshes; i++)
        const aiMesh* assimpMesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[i]]; // From the scene, fetch the mesh that is in use by the current node.

        mjModelMesh* mjMesh = meshes[node->mMeshes[i]];

        Matrix4::MultiplyMM(modelViewProjectionMatrix, 0,
                            projectionMatrix, 0,
                            matrixStack->current, 0);

        // FIXME: find a way to tie the shaders from normal models with assimp-loaded models.
        // For now, the default shader is used.

        shaderList[0]->Run(mjMesh, mjMesh->vertexBuffer, mjMesh->textureCoordsBuffer, mjMesh->normalBuffer,
                                    matrixStack->current, modelViewProjectionMatrix, glTextureForMaterial[assimpMesh->mMaterialIndex]);
        //LOGI("Mesh %d has %d vertices   ", i, mesh->mNumVertices);
        glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, mjMesh->drawOrderCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, mjMesh->drawOrderBuffer);

    // honey I unrolled the children
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < node->mNumChildren; n++)
        RecursiveDraw(shaderList, modelMatrix, lookAtMatrix, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, modelViewProjectionMatrix, node->mChildren[n], matrixStack);

예제 #2
void DrawTree::Draw(string target)	{

	string texfile = target + ".tex";
	ofstream os(texfile.c_str());

	if (header)	{
		os << "\\documentclass{";
		if (beamer)	{
			os << "beamer";
		else	{
			os << "amsart";
		os << "}\n";

		os << "\\usepackage{times}\n";
		os << "\\usepackage{pgf}\n";
		os << "\\usepackage[english]{babel}\n";
		os << "\\usepackage{tikz}\n";
		os << "\\usepackage{nopageno}\n";
		os << '\n';

		os << "\\begin{document}\n";
		if (beamer)	{
			os << "\\begin{frame}[plain]\n";
		os << "\\begin{center}\n";
	else	{
		os << "\\begin{center}\n";


	double scaleX = sizeX / GetDepth();
	double startX = (GetDepth() - GetDepth(GetRoot())) * scaleX;
	double scaleY = sizeY / (GetSize(GetRoot()) - 1);
	// os << "\\setlength{\\unitlength}{0.6cm}\n";
	os << "\\begin{tikzpicture}\n";
	os << "[anchor=west,font=\\fontsize{" << fontsize << "}{" << fontsize << "}\\selectfont,scale=" << texscale<< "]\n";
	// os << "\\begin{tikzpicture}(" << sizeX << ',' << sizeY << ")\n";
	os << '\n';



	if (Z)	{
		cerr << "write group names\n";

	// texscalecale

	os << '\n';
	os << "\\end{tikzpicture}\n";

	if (header)	{
		os << "\\end{center}\n";
		if (beamer)	{
			os << "\\end{frame}\n";
		os << "\\end{document}\n";
	else	{
		os << "\\end{center}\n";

예제 #3
void mjAssimpModel::Draw(std::vector<mjShader*>& shaderList,
                         GLfloat* modelMatrix, GLfloat* lookAtMatrix, GLfloat* modelViewMatrix, GLfloat* projectionMatrix, GLfloat* modelViewProjectionMatrix, mjModelPose* pose, mjMatrixStack* matrixStack)
    float tempMatrix[16];
    float poseMatrix[16];
    float matrixAfterStack[16];
    float* whichMatrix;

    aiNode* node = scene->mRootNode;

    //Matrix4::DebugM("mvp", modelViewProjectionMatrix);

    aiMatrix4x4* baseTrans = &node->mTransformation;

    Matrix4::MultiplyMM(poseMatrix, 0,
                        (float* )baseTrans, 0,
                        modelMatrix, 0);

    Matrix4::MultiplyMM(tempMatrix, 0,
                        lookAtMatrix, 0,
                        poseMatrix, 0);

    //Matrix4::DebugM("modelMat", modelMatrix);
    //Matrix4::DebugM("baseTrans", (float*) baseTrans);


    //Matrix4::DebugM("current", matrixStack->current);

    poseMatrix[0] = baseTrans->a1;
    poseMatrix[1] = baseTrans->a2;
    poseMatrix[2] = baseTrans->a3;
    poseMatrix[3] = baseTrans->a4;

    poseMatrix[4] = baseTrans->b1;
    poseMatrix[5] = baseTrans->b2;
    poseMatrix[6] = baseTrans->b3;
    poseMatrix[7] = baseTrans->b4;

    poseMatrix[8] = baseTrans->c1;
    poseMatrix[9] = baseTrans->c2;
    poseMatrix[10] = baseTrans->c3;
    poseMatrix[11] = baseTrans->c4;

    poseMatrix[12] = baseTrans->d1;
    poseMatrix[13] = baseTrans->d2;
    poseMatrix[14] = baseTrans->d3;
    poseMatrix[15] = baseTrans->d4;

    Matrix4::MultiplyMM(tempMatrix, 0,
                        poseMatrix, 0,
                        modelMatrix, 0);

    Matrix4::MultiplyMM(modelViewMatrix, 0,
            lookAtMatrix, 0,
            tempMatrix, 0);

    Matrix4::MultiplyMM(modelViewProjectionMatrix, 0,
            projectionMatrix, 0,
            modelViewMatrix, 0);*/

    RecursiveDraw(shaderList, modelMatrix, lookAtMatrix, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, modelViewProjectionMatrix, node, matrixStack);


예제 #4
double DrawTree::RecursiveDraw(const Link* from, ostream& os, double X, double Y, double scaleX, double scaleY)	{

	// string format = "";
	// string format = "\\tiny ";
	// double thickness = 0.5;
//	os << "\\linethickness{" << thickness << "mm}\n";

	double ret = 0;

	if (from->isLeaf())	{
		if (withleafnames)	{
			// write species name
			os << "\\path (" << texapprox(X) + shiftname << "," << texapprox(Y) << ") node { " << GetPreLeafNodeName(from) << " \\,  " << "\\it " <<  GetLeafNodeName(from) << " };\n";
			// os << "\\path (" << texapprox(X) + 10 * shiftname << "," << texapprox(Y) << ") node { \\it " <<  GetLeafNodeName(from) << " };\n";
		ret = Y;

	else	{

		double y = Y - 0.5 * GetSize(from) * scaleY;

		if (groupname[from->GetNode()] != "")	{
			groupy[from->GetNode()] = Y;

		const Link* link = from->Next();
		double yfirst = 0;
		double ylast = 0;

		while (link != from)	{

			// compute horizontal offset for child node
			double xoffset = GetLength(link) * scaleX;

			// compute vertical span of child node
			double yspan = GetSize(link->Out()) * scaleY;

			// shift half the vertical offset
			y += 0.5 * yspan;

			// draw child node
			double x = X + xoffset;
			double downret = RecursiveDraw(link->Out(), os, x, y, scaleX, scaleY);

			// draw horizontal line


			if (link == from->Next())	{
				yfirst = downret;

			if (link->Next() == from)	{
				ylast = downret;

			// shift half the vertical offset again
			y += 0.5 * yspan;

			link = link->Next();

		// draw vertical line
		LocalDrawVerticalTrait(from, os, X, yfirst, ylast);

		ret = (yfirst + ylast) / 2;

		if (from->isRoot())	{
	return ret;