예제 #1
long lGetWindowPlacement(LPCTSTR lpScreenName, WINDOWPLACEMENT *pwp)
  TCHAR szBuffer[1000];
  DWORD type;
  DWORD length = sizeof(*pwp);
  lstrcpy(szBuffer, oszScreenRegistry);
  lstrcat(szBuffer, lpScreenName);
  return RegQueryValueExRecursive(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szBuffer, 0,
								&type, (BYTE*) pwp, &length);
예제 #2
long lGetWindowPlacement(const char *oszScreenName, WINDOWPLACEMENT *pwp)
  TCHAR szBuffer[1000];
  DWORD type;
  DWORD length = sizeof(*pwp);
  vMyStrCpy(szBuffer, oszScreenRegistry);
  vMyStrCpy(szBuffer + strlen(oszScreenRegistry), oszScreenName);
  return RegQueryValueExRecursive(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szBuffer, 0,
								&type, (BYTE*) pwp, &length);
예제 #3
BOOL ResizeDlg::SetData(const DialogSizerSizingItem *psd,
                        BOOL bShowSizingGrip,
                        HKEY hkRootSave,
                        LPCTSTR pcszName,
                        SIZE *psizeMax)
//    Setting a dialog sizeable involves subclassing the window and handling it's
//    WM_SIZE messages, if we have a hkRootSave and pcszName then we will also be loading/saving
//    the size and position of the window from the registry. We load from the registry when we
//    subclass the window and we save to the registry when we get a WM_DESTROY.
//    It will return non-zero for success and zero if it fails
    R_ASSERT( psd );
    R_ASSERT( ( hkRootSave != NULL && pcszName != NULL )
              || ( hkRootSave == NULL && pcszName == NULL ) );
    //    Make sure all of the parameters are valid.
    if( ::IsWindow( *this )
            && psd
            && ( ( hkRootSave != NULL && pcszName != NULL &&
                   !IsBadStringPtr( pcszName, 0xFFFF ) ) ||
                 ( hkRootSave == NULL && pcszName == NULL ) )
            && ( psizeMax == NULL || !IsBadReadPtr( psizeMax, sizeof( SIZE ) ) )
      ) {
        DialogData *pdd = (DialogData *)AddDialogData();
        if( pdd ) {
            pdd->hkRootSave = hkRootSave;
            pdd->pcszName = pcszName;
            pdd->m_bShowSizingGrip = bShowSizingGrip;
            pdd->nItemCount = ResizeDlgGetItemCount( psd ) + 1;
            pdd->psd = (DialogSizerSizingItem *)
                              sizeof(DialogSizerSizingItem ));
            if( pdd->psd ) {
                //      Copy all of the user controls etc. for later, this way the user can quite happily
                //      let the structure go out of scope.
                ResizeDlgCopyItems( pdd->psd, psd );
                if( psizeMax ) {
                    pdd->m_ptLargest.x = psizeMax->cx;
                    pdd->m_ptLargest.y = psizeMax->cy;
                    pdd->m_bLargestSet = true;

                //      If the there was save info passed in then we need to make damn good use of it
                //      by attempting to load the RegistryData structure
                if( hkRootSave && pcszName ) {
                    RegistryData rd;
                    DWORD dwSize = sizeof( RegistryData );
                    DWORD dwType = REG_BINARY;
                    if( RegQueryValueExRecursive( hkRootSave, pcszName, NULL, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>( &rd ), &dwSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwSize == sizeof( rd ) ) {
                        if( !(GetWindowLong( *this, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE) )
                            rd.m_wpl.showCmd = SW_HIDE;

                        VAPI( SetWindowPlacement( &rd.m_wpl ) );
                return TRUE;
            } else {
    return FALSE;