void xeglInitInput (int argc, char **argv) { eglInitInput (&LinuxEvdevMouseFuncs, &LinuxEvdevKeyboardFuncs); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (xeglBlockHandler, KdWakeupHandler, NULL); }
void XdmcpReset(void) { state = XDM_INIT_STATE; if (state != XDM_OFF) { RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(XdmcpBlockHandler, XdmcpWakeupHandler, (void *) 0); timeOutRtx = 0; send_packet(); } }
/** Initialize the XSync() batching optimization, but only if * #dmxSyncActivate was last called with a non-negative value. */ void dmxSyncInit(void) { if (dmxSyncInterval) { RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(dmxSyncBlockHandler, dmxSyncWakeupHandler, NULL); dmxLog(dmxInfo, "XSync batching with %d ms interval\n", dmxSyncInterval); } else { dmxLog(dmxInfo, "XSync batching disabled\n"); } }
int ClientSleepUntil(ClientPtr client, TimeStamp *revive, void (*notifyFunc) (ClientPtr, void *), void *closure) { SertafiedPtr pRequest, pReq, pPrev; if (SertafiedGeneration != serverGeneration) { SertafiedResType = CreateNewResourceType(SertafiedDelete, "ClientSleep"); if (!SertafiedResType) return FALSE; SertafiedGeneration = serverGeneration; BlockHandlerRegistered = FALSE; } pRequest = malloc(sizeof(SertafiedRec)); if (!pRequest) return FALSE; pRequest->pClient = client; pRequest->revive = *revive; pRequest->id = FakeClientID(client->index); pRequest->closure = closure; if (!BlockHandlerRegistered) { if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(SertafiedBlockHandler, SertafiedWakeupHandler, (void *) 0)) { free(pRequest); return FALSE; } BlockHandlerRegistered = TRUE; } pRequest->notifyFunc = 0; if (!AddResource(pRequest->id, SertafiedResType, (void *) pRequest)) return FALSE; if (!notifyFunc) notifyFunc = ClientAwaken; pRequest->notifyFunc = notifyFunc; /* Insert into time-ordered queue, with earliest activation time coming first. */ pPrev = 0; for (pReq = pPending; pReq; pReq = pReq->next) { if (CompareTimeStamps(pReq->revive, *revive) == LATER) break; pPrev = pReq; } if (pPrev) pPrev->next = pRequest; else pPending = pRequest; pRequest->next = pReq; IgnoreClient(client); return TRUE; }
/** * Attempt to connect to the system bus, and set a filter to deal with * disconnection (see message_filter above). * * @return 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static int connect_to_bus(void) { DBusError error; struct dbus_core_hook *hook; dbus_error_init(&error); bus_info.connection = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (!bus_info.connection || dbus_error_is_set(&error)) { LogMessage(X_ERROR, "dbus-core: error connecting to system bus: %s (%s)\n", error.name, error.message); goto err_begin; } /* Thankyou. Really, thankyou. */ dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(bus_info.connection, FALSE); if (!dbus_connection_get_unix_fd(bus_info.connection, &bus_info.fd)) { ErrorF("[dbus-core] couldn't get fd for system bus\n"); goto err_unref; } if (!dbus_connection_add_filter(bus_info.connection, message_filter, &bus_info, NULL)) { ErrorF("[dbus-core] couldn't add filter: %s (%s)\n", error.name, error.message); goto err_fd; } dbus_error_free(&error); AddGeneralSocket(bus_info.fd); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(block_handler, wakeup_handler, &bus_info); for (hook = bus_info.hooks; hook; hook = hook->next) { if (hook->connect) hook->connect(bus_info.connection, hook->data); } return 1; err_fd: bus_info.fd = -1; err_unref: dbus_connection_unref(bus_info.connection); bus_info.connection = NULL; err_begin: dbus_error_free(&error); return 0; }
void LinuxApmOpen(void) { LinuxApmFd = open ("/dev/apm_bios", 2); if (LinuxApmFd < 0 && errno == ENOENT) LinuxApmFd = open ("/dev/misc/apm_bios", 2); if (LinuxApmFd >= 0) { LinuxApmRunning = TRUE; fcntl (LinuxApmFd, F_SETFL, fcntl (LinuxApmFd, F_GETFL) | NOBLOCK); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (LinuxApmBlock, LinuxApmWakeup, 0); AddEnabledDevice (LinuxApmFd); } }
void InitInput(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc; rc = AllocDevicePair(serverClient, "Xnest", &xnestPointerDevice, &xnestKeyboardDevice, xnestPointerProc, xnestKeyboardProc, FALSE); if (rc != Success) FatalError("Failed to init Xnest default devices.\n"); mieqInit(); AddEnabledDevice(XConnectionNumber(xnestDisplay)); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(xnestBlockHandler, xnestWakeupHandler, NULL); }
static void LinuxEnable (void) { if (enabled) return; if (kdSwitchPending) { kdSwitchPending = FALSE; ioctl (LinuxConsoleFd, VT_RELDISP, VT_ACKACQ); } /* * Open the APM driver */ LinuxApmFd = open ("/dev/apm_bios", 2); if (LinuxApmFd < 0 && errno == ENOENT) LinuxApmFd = open ("/dev/misc/apm_bios", 2); if (LinuxApmFd >= 0) { LinuxApmRunning = TRUE; fcntl (LinuxApmFd, F_SETFL, fcntl (LinuxApmFd, F_GETFL) | NOBLOCK); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (LinuxApmBlock, LinuxApmWakeup, 0); AddEnabledDevice (LinuxApmFd); } /* * now get the VT */ LinuxSetSwitchMode (VT_AUTO); if (ioctl(LinuxConsoleFd, VT_ACTIVATE, vtno) != 0) { FatalError("LinuxInit: VT_ACTIVATE failed\n"); } if (ioctl(LinuxConsoleFd, VT_WAITACTIVE, vtno) != 0) { FatalError("LinuxInit: VT_WAITACTIVE failed\n"); } LinuxSetSwitchMode (VT_PROCESS); if (ioctl(LinuxConsoleFd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS) < 0) { FatalError("LinuxInit: KDSETMODE KD_GRAPHICS failed\n"); } enabled = TRUE; }
_X_HIDDEN void DtloginInit(void) { int displayNumber = 0; struct dmdata *dmd; if (serverGeneration != 1) return; originalUser.uid = geteuid(); originalUser.gid = getegid(); getgroups(NGROUPS_UMAX, originalUser.groupids); originalUser.homedir = getcwd(NULL, 0); originalUser.projid = getprojid(); if (getuid() != 0) return; dmd = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dmdata)); if (dmd == NULL) { DtloginError("Failed to allocate %d bytes for display manager pipe", sizeof(struct dmdata)); return; } dmd->user.uid = (uid_t) -1; dmd->user.gid = (gid_t) -1; dmd->user.projid = (projid_t) -1; displayNumber = atoi(display); /* Assigned in dix/main.c */ dmd->pipeFD = dtlogin_create_pipe(displayNumber, dmd); if (dmd->pipeFD == -1) { free(dmd); return; } dmHandlerData = dmd; RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (DtloginBlockHandler, DtloginWakeupHandler, (pointer) dmd); }
void InitInput(int argc, char *argv[]) { xnestPointerDevice = AddInputDevice(xnestPointerProc, TRUE); xnestKeyboardDevice = AddInputDevice(xnestKeyboardProc, TRUE); if (!xnestEvents) xnestEvents = (xEvent *) xcalloc(sizeof(xEvent), GetMaximumEventsNum()); if (!xnestEvents) FatalError("couldn't allocate room for events\n"); RegisterPointerDevice(xnestPointerDevice); RegisterKeyboardDevice(xnestKeyboardDevice); mieqInit(); AddEnabledDevice(XConnectionNumber(xnestDisplay)); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(xnestBlockHandler, xnestWakeupHandler, NULL); }
Bool shadowAdd(ScreenPtr pScreen, PixmapPtr pPixmap, ShadowUpdateProc update, ShadowWindowProc window, ShadowPreupdateProc preupdate, int randr, void *closure) { shadowBuf(pScreen); if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(shadowBlockHandler, shadowWakeupHandler, (pointer)pScreen)) return FALSE; /* * Map simple rotation values to bitmasks; fortunately, * these are all unique */ switch (randr) { case 0: randr = SHADOW_ROTATE_0; break; case 90: randr = SHADOW_ROTATE_90; break; case 180: randr = SHADOW_ROTATE_180; break; case 270: randr = SHADOW_ROTATE_270; break; } pBuf->update = update; pBuf->window = window; if (preupdate) pBuf->ready_to_update = preupdate; else pBuf->ready_to_update = dummyPreupdate; pBuf->randr = randr; pBuf->closure = 0; pBuf->pPixmap = pPixmap; DamageRegister(&pPixmap->drawable, pBuf->pDamage); return TRUE; }
void XdmcpInit(void) { state = XDM_INIT_STATE; #ifdef HASXDMAUTH if (xdmAuthCookie) XdmAuthenticationInit(xdmAuthCookie, strlen(xdmAuthCookie)); #endif if (state != XDM_OFF) { XdmcpRegisterAuthorizations(); XdmcpRegisterDisplayClass(defaultDisplayClass, strlen(defaultDisplayClass)); AccessUsingXdmcp(); RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(XdmcpBlockHandler, XdmcpWakeupHandler, (void *) 0); timeOutRtx = 0; DisplayNumber = (CARD16) atoi(display); get_xdmcp_sock(); send_packet(); } }
/* * RootlessInit * Rootless wraps lots of stuff and needs a bunch of devPrivates. */ Bool RootlessInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, RootlessFrameProcs *procs) { RootlessScreenRec *s; if (! RootlessAllocatePrivates(pScreen)) return FALSE; s = (RootlessScreenRec*) pScreen->devPrivates[rootlessScreenPrivateIndex].ptr; s->pScreen = pScreen; s->frameProcs = *procs; RootlessWrap(pScreen); if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (RootlessBlockHandler, RootlessWakeupHandler, (pointer) pScreen)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
Bool ephyrSetInternalDamage(ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); KdScreenInfo *screen = pScreenPriv->screen; EphyrScrPriv *scrpriv = screen->driver; PixmapPtr pPixmap = NULL; scrpriv->pDamage = DamageCreate((DamageReportFunc) 0, (DamageDestroyFunc) 0, DamageReportNone, TRUE, pScreen, pScreen); if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(ephyrInternalDamageBlockHandler, ephyrInternalDamageWakeupHandler, (void *) pScreen)) return FALSE; pPixmap = (*pScreen->GetScreenPixmap) (pScreen); DamageRegister(&pPixmap->drawable, scrpriv->pDamage); return TRUE; }
/* * RootlessInit * Called by the rootless implementation to initialize the rootless layer. * Rootless wraps lots of stuff and needs a bunch of devPrivates. */ Bool RootlessInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, RootlessFrameProcsPtr procs) { RootlessScreenRec *s; if (!RootlessAllocatePrivates(pScreen)) return FALSE; s = SCREENREC(pScreen); s->imp = procs; s->colormap = NULL; s->redisplay_expired = FALSE; RootlessWrap(pScreen); if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(RootlessBlockHandler, RootlessWakeupHandler, (pointer) pScreen)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static void vgaswitch_claim_entity(void) { RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(vgaswitch_entity_init, NULL, NULL); }
Bool GLAMODrawExaInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { GlamoPtr pGlamo = GlamoPTR(pScrn); Bool success = FALSE; ExaDriverPtr exa; xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "EXA hardware acceleration initialising\n"); exa = pGlamo->exa = exaDriverAlloc(); if(!exa) return FALSE; exa->memoryBase = pGlamo->fbstart; exa->memorySize = 1024 * 1024 * 4; /*exa->offScreenBase = pGlamo->fboff;*/ exa->offScreenBase = pScrn->virtualX * pScrn->virtualY * 2; exa->exa_major = 2; exa->exa_minor = 0; exa->PrepareSolid = GLAMOExaPrepareSolid; exa->Solid = GLAMOExaSolid; exa->DoneSolid = GLAMOExaDoneSolid; exa->PrepareCopy = GLAMOExaPrepareCopy; exa->Copy = GLAMOExaCopy; exa->DoneCopy = GLAMOExaDoneCopy; exa->CheckComposite = GLAMOExaCheckComposite; exa->PrepareComposite = GLAMOExaPrepareComposite; exa->Composite = GLAMOExaComposite; exa->DoneComposite = GLAMOExaDoneComposite; exa->DownloadFromScreen = GLAMOExaDownloadFromScreen; exa->UploadToScreen = GLAMOExaUploadToScreen; /*glamos->exa.MarkSync = GLAMOExaMarkSync;*/ exa->WaitMarker = GLAMOExaWaitMarker; exa->pixmapOffsetAlign = 2; exa->pixmapPitchAlign = 2; exa->maxX = 640; exa->maxY = 640; exa->flags = EXA_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAPS; RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(GLAMOBlockHandler, GLAMOWakeupHandler, pScreen); success = exaDriverInit(pScreen, exa); if (success) { ErrorF("Initialized EXA acceleration\n"); } else { ErrorF("Failed to initialize EXA acceleration\n"); } return success; }
/** Set up glamor for an already-configured GL context. */ Bool glamor_init(ScreenPtr screen, unsigned int flags) { glamor_screen_private *glamor_priv; int gl_version; int max_viewport_size[2]; #ifdef RENDER PictureScreenPtr ps = GetPictureScreenIfSet(screen); #endif if (flags & ~GLAMOR_VALID_FLAGS) { ErrorF("glamor_init: Invalid flags %x\n", flags); return FALSE; } glamor_priv = calloc(1, sizeof(*glamor_priv)); if (glamor_priv == NULL) return FALSE; glamor_priv->flags = flags; if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&glamor_screen_private_key, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0)) { LogMessage(X_WARNING, "glamor%d: Failed to allocate screen private\n", screen->myNum); goto fail; } glamor_set_screen_private(screen, glamor_priv); if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&glamor_pixmap_private_key, PRIVATE_PIXMAP, 0)) { LogMessage(X_WARNING, "glamor%d: Failed to allocate pixmap private\n", screen->myNum); goto fail; } if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&glamor_gc_private_key, PRIVATE_GC, sizeof (glamor_gc_private))) { LogMessage(X_WARNING, "glamor%d: Failed to allocate gc private\n", screen->myNum); goto fail; } if (epoxy_is_desktop_gl()) glamor_priv->gl_flavor = GLAMOR_GL_DESKTOP; else glamor_priv->gl_flavor = GLAMOR_GL_ES2; gl_version = epoxy_gl_version(); /* Would be nice to have a cleaner test for GLSL 1.30 support, * but for now this should suffice */ if (glamor_priv->gl_flavor == GLAMOR_GL_DESKTOP && gl_version >= 30) glamor_priv->glsl_version = 130; else glamor_priv->glsl_version = 120; /* We'd like to require GL_ARB_map_buffer_range or * GL_OES_map_buffer_range, since it offers more information to * the driver than plain old glMapBuffer() or glBufferSubData(). * It's been supported on Mesa on the desktop since 2009 and on * GLES2 since October 2012. It's supported on Apple's iOS * drivers for SGX535 and A7, but apparently not on most Android * devices (the OES extension spec wasn't released until June * 2012). * * 82% of 0 A.D. players (desktop GL) submitting hardware reports * have support for it, with most of the ones lacking it being on * Windows with Intel 4-series (G45) graphics or older. */ if (glamor_priv->gl_flavor == GLAMOR_GL_DESKTOP) { if (gl_version < 21) { ErrorF("Require OpenGL version 2.1 or later.\n"); goto fail; } } else { if (gl_version < 20) { ErrorF("Require Open GLES2.0 or later.\n"); goto fail; } if (!epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888")) { ErrorF("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 required\n"); goto fail; } } glamor_priv->has_rw_pbo = FALSE; if (glamor_priv->gl_flavor == GLAMOR_GL_DESKTOP) glamor_priv->has_rw_pbo = TRUE; glamor_priv->has_khr_debug = epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_KHR_debug"); glamor_priv->has_pack_invert = epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_MESA_pack_invert"); glamor_priv->has_fbo_blit = epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit"); glamor_priv->has_map_buffer_range = epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_ARB_map_buffer_range"); glamor_priv->has_buffer_storage = epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_ARB_buffer_storage"); glamor_priv->has_nv_texture_barrier = epoxy_has_gl_extension("GL_NV_texture_barrier"); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &glamor_priv->max_fbo_size); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &glamor_priv->max_fbo_size); glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, max_viewport_size); glamor_priv->max_fbo_size = MIN(glamor_priv->max_fbo_size, max_viewport_size[0]); glamor_priv->max_fbo_size = MIN(glamor_priv->max_fbo_size, max_viewport_size[1]); #ifdef MAX_FBO_SIZE glamor_priv->max_fbo_size = MAX_FBO_SIZE; #endif glamor_set_debug_level(&glamor_debug_level); /* If we are using egl screen, call egl screen init to * register correct close screen function. */ if (flags & GLAMOR_USE_EGL_SCREEN) { glamor_egl_screen_init(screen, &glamor_priv->ctx); } else { if (!glamor_glx_screen_init(&glamor_priv->ctx)) goto fail; } glamor_priv->saved_procs.close_screen = screen->CloseScreen; screen->CloseScreen = glamor_close_screen; glamor_priv->saved_procs.create_screen_resources = screen->CreateScreenResources; screen->CreateScreenResources = glamor_create_screen_resources; if (!glamor_font_init(screen)) goto fail; if (flags & GLAMOR_USE_SCREEN) { if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers(_glamor_block_handler, _glamor_wakeup_handler, glamor_priv)) { goto fail; } glamor_priv->saved_procs.create_gc = screen->CreateGC; screen->CreateGC = glamor_create_gc; glamor_priv->saved_procs.create_pixmap = screen->CreatePixmap; screen->CreatePixmap = glamor_create_pixmap; glamor_priv->saved_procs.destroy_pixmap = screen->DestroyPixmap; screen->DestroyPixmap = glamor_destroy_pixmap; glamor_priv->saved_procs.get_spans = screen->GetSpans; screen->GetSpans = glamor_get_spans; glamor_priv->saved_procs.get_image = screen->GetImage; screen->GetImage = glamor_get_image; glamor_priv->saved_procs.change_window_attributes = screen->ChangeWindowAttributes; screen->ChangeWindowAttributes = glamor_change_window_attributes; glamor_priv->saved_procs.copy_window = screen->CopyWindow; screen->CopyWindow = glamor_copy_window; glamor_priv->saved_procs.bitmap_to_region = screen->BitmapToRegion; screen->BitmapToRegion = glamor_bitmap_to_region; } #ifdef RENDER if (flags & GLAMOR_USE_PICTURE_SCREEN) { glamor_priv->saved_procs.composite = ps->Composite; ps->Composite = glamor_composite; glamor_priv->saved_procs.trapezoids = ps->Trapezoids; ps->Trapezoids = glamor_trapezoids; glamor_priv->saved_procs.triangles = ps->Triangles; ps->Triangles = glamor_triangles; glamor_priv->saved_procs.addtraps = ps->AddTraps; ps->AddTraps = glamor_add_traps; } glamor_priv->saved_procs.composite_rects = ps->CompositeRects; ps->CompositeRects = glamor_composite_rectangles; glamor_priv->saved_procs.glyphs = ps->Glyphs; ps->Glyphs = glamor_glyphs; glamor_priv->saved_procs.unrealize_glyph = ps->UnrealizeGlyph; ps->UnrealizeGlyph = glamor_glyph_unrealize; glamor_priv->saved_procs.create_picture = ps->CreatePicture; ps->CreatePicture = glamor_create_picture; glamor_priv->saved_procs.destroy_picture = ps->DestroyPicture; ps->DestroyPicture = glamor_destroy_picture; glamor_init_composite_shaders(screen); #endif glamor_priv->saved_procs.set_window_pixmap = screen->SetWindowPixmap; screen->SetWindowPixmap = glamor_set_window_pixmap; glamor_init_vbo(screen); glamor_init_pixmap_fbo(screen); #ifdef GLAMOR_TRAPEZOID_SHADER glamor_init_trapezoid_shader(screen); #endif glamor_init_finish_access_shaders(screen); #ifdef GLAMOR_GRADIENT_SHADER glamor_init_gradient_shader(screen); #endif glamor_pixmap_init(screen); glamor_glyphs_init(screen); glamor_sync_init(screen); glamor_priv->screen = screen; return TRUE; fail: free(glamor_priv); glamor_set_screen_private(screen, NULL); return FALSE; }
Bool xf86CrtcRotate (xf86CrtcPtr crtc, DisplayModePtr mode, Rotation rotation) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = crtc->scrn; xf86CrtcConfigPtr xf86_config = XF86_CRTC_CONFIG_PTR(pScrn); ScreenPtr pScreen = pScrn->pScreen; if (rotation == RR_Rotate_0) { /* Free memory from rotation */ if (crtc->rotatedPixmap || crtc->rotatedData) { crtc->funcs->shadow_destroy (crtc, crtc->rotatedPixmap, crtc->rotatedData); crtc->rotatedPixmap = NULL; crtc->rotatedData = NULL; } if (xf86_config->rotation_damage) { /* Free damage structure */ DamageUnregister (&(*pScreen->GetScreenPixmap)(pScreen)->drawable, xf86_config->rotation_damage); xf86_config->rotation_damage_registered = FALSE; DamageDestroy (xf86_config->rotation_damage); xf86_config->rotation_damage = NULL; /* Free block/wakeup handler */ RemoveBlockAndWakeupHandlers (xf86RotateBlockHandler, xf86RotateWakeupHandler, (pointer) pScreen); } } else { /* * these are the size of the shadow pixmap, which * matches the mode, not the pre-rotated copy in the * frame buffer */ int width = mode->HDisplay; int height = mode->VDisplay; void *shadowData = crtc->rotatedData; PixmapPtr shadow = crtc->rotatedPixmap; int old_width = shadow ? shadow->drawable.width : 0; int old_height = shadow ? shadow->drawable.height : 0; /* Allocate memory for rotation */ if (old_width != width || old_height != height) { if (shadow || shadowData) { crtc->funcs->shadow_destroy (crtc, shadow, shadowData); crtc->rotatedPixmap = NULL; crtc->rotatedData = NULL; } shadowData = crtc->funcs->shadow_allocate (crtc, width, height); if (!shadowData) goto bail1; crtc->rotatedData = shadowData; /* shadow will be damaged in xf86RotatePrepare */ } else { /* mark shadowed area as damaged so it will be repainted */ xf86CrtcDamageShadow (crtc); } if (!xf86_config->rotation_damage) { /* Create damage structure */ xf86_config->rotation_damage = DamageCreate (NULL, NULL, DamageReportNone, TRUE, pScreen, pScreen); if (!xf86_config->rotation_damage) goto bail2; /* Assign block/wakeup handler */ if (!RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers (xf86RotateBlockHandler, xf86RotateWakeupHandler, (pointer) pScreen)) { goto bail3; } } if (0) { bail3: DamageDestroy (xf86_config->rotation_damage); xf86_config->rotation_damage = NULL; bail2: if (shadow || shadowData) { crtc->funcs->shadow_destroy (crtc, shadow, shadowData); crtc->rotatedPixmap = NULL; crtc->rotatedData = NULL; } bail1: if (old_width && old_height) crtc->rotatedPixmap = crtc->funcs->shadow_create (crtc, NULL, old_width, old_height); return FALSE; } } /* All done */ return TRUE; }
/* * InitOutput -- * Initialize screenInfo for all actually accessible framebuffers. * That includes vt-manager setup, querying all possible devices and * collecting the pixmap formats. */ void InitOutput(ScreenInfo *pScreenInfo, int argc, char **argv) { int i, j, k, scr_index, was_blocked = 0; char **modulelist; pointer *optionlist; Pix24Flags screenpix24, pix24; MessageType pix24From = X_DEFAULT; Bool pix24Fail = FALSE; Bool autoconfig = FALSE; GDevPtr configured_device; xf86Initialising = TRUE; if (serverGeneration == 1) { if ((xf86ServerName = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != 0) xf86ServerName++; else xf86ServerName = argv[0]; xf86PrintBanner(); xf86PrintMarkers(); if (xf86LogFile) { time_t t; const char *ct; t = time(NULL); ct = ctime(&t); xf86MsgVerb(xf86LogFileFrom, 0, "Log file: \"%s\", Time: %s", xf86LogFile, ct); } /* Read and parse the config file */ if (!xf86DoConfigure && !xf86DoShowOptions) { switch (xf86HandleConfigFile(FALSE)) { case CONFIG_OK: break; case CONFIG_PARSE_ERROR: xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Error parsing the config file\n"); return; case CONFIG_NOFILE: autoconfig = TRUE; break; } } InstallSignalHandlers(); /* Initialise the loader */ LoaderInit(); /* Tell the loader the default module search path */ LoaderSetPath(xf86ModulePath); if (xf86Info.ignoreABI) { LoaderSetOptions(LDR_OPT_ABI_MISMATCH_NONFATAL); } if (xf86DoShowOptions) DoShowOptions(); /* Do a general bus probe. This will be a PCI probe for x86 platforms */ xf86BusProbe(); if (xf86DoConfigure) DoConfigure(); if (autoconfig) { if (!xf86AutoConfig()) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Auto configuration failed\n"); return; } } #ifdef XF86PM xf86OSPMClose = xf86OSPMOpen(); #endif /* Load all modules specified explicitly in the config file */ if ((modulelist = xf86ModulelistFromConfig(&optionlist))) { xf86LoadModules(modulelist, optionlist); free(modulelist); free(optionlist); } /* Load all driver modules specified in the config file */ /* If there aren't any specified in the config file, autoconfig them */ /* FIXME: Does not handle multiple active screen sections, but I'm not * sure if we really want to handle that case*/ configured_device = xf86ConfigLayout.screens->screen->device; if ((!configured_device) || (!configured_device->driver)) { if (!autoConfigDevice(configured_device)) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Automatic driver configuration failed\n"); return ; } } if ((modulelist = xf86DriverlistFromConfig())) { xf86LoadModules(modulelist, NULL); free(modulelist); } /* Load all input driver modules specified in the config file. */ if ((modulelist = xf86InputDriverlistFromConfig())) { xf86LoadModules(modulelist, NULL); free(modulelist); } /* * It is expected that xf86AddDriver()/xf86AddInputDriver will be * called for each driver as it is loaded. Those functions save the * module pointers for drivers. * XXX Nothing keeps track of them for other modules. */ /* XXX What do we do if not all of these could be loaded? */ /* * At this point, xf86DriverList[] is all filled in with entries for * each of the drivers to try and xf86NumDrivers has the number of * drivers. If there are none, return now. */ if (xf86NumDrivers == 0) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "No drivers available.\n"); return; } /* * Call each of the Identify functions and call the driverFunc to check * if HW access is required. The Identify functions print out some * identifying information, and anything else that might be * needed at this early stage. */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumDrivers; i++) { if (xf86DriverList[i]->Identify != NULL) xf86DriverList[i]->Identify(0); if (!xorgHWAccess || !xorgHWOpenConsole) { xorgHWFlags flags; if(!xf86DriverList[i]->driverFunc || !xf86DriverList[i]->driverFunc(NULL, GET_REQUIRED_HW_INTERFACES, &flags)) flags = HW_IO; if(NEED_IO_ENABLED(flags)) xorgHWAccess = TRUE; if(!(flags & HW_SKIP_CONSOLE)) xorgHWOpenConsole = TRUE; } } if (xorgHWOpenConsole) xf86OpenConsole(); else xf86Info.dontVTSwitch = TRUE; if (xf86BusConfig() == FALSE) return; xf86PostProbe(); /* * Sort the drivers to match the requested ording. Using a slow * bubble sort. */ for (j = 0; j < xf86NumScreens - 1; j++) { for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens - j - 1; i++) { if (xf86Screens[i + 1]->confScreen->screennum < xf86Screens[i]->confScreen->screennum) { ScrnInfoPtr tmpScrn = xf86Screens[i + 1]; xf86Screens[i + 1] = xf86Screens[i]; xf86Screens[i] = tmpScrn; } } } /* Fix up the indexes */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { xf86Screens[i]->scrnIndex = i; } /* * Call the driver's PreInit()'s to complete initialisation for the first * generation. */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { xf86VGAarbiterScrnInit(xf86Screens[i]); xf86VGAarbiterLock(xf86Screens[i]); if (xf86Screens[i]->PreInit && xf86Screens[i]->PreInit(xf86Screens[i], 0)) xf86Screens[i]->configured = TRUE; xf86VGAarbiterUnlock(xf86Screens[i]); } for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) if (!xf86Screens[i]->configured) xf86DeleteScreen(i--, 0); /* * If no screens left, return now. */ if (xf86NumScreens == 0) { xf86Msg(X_ERROR, "Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (xf86Screens[i]->name == NULL) { XNFasprintf(&xf86Screens[i]->name, "screen%d", i); xf86MsgVerb(X_WARNING, 0, "Screen driver %d has no name set, using `%s'.\n", i, xf86Screens[i]->name); } } /* Remove (unload) drivers that are not required */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumDrivers; i++) if (xf86DriverList[i] && xf86DriverList[i]->refCount <= 0) xf86DeleteDriver(i); /* * At this stage we know how many screens there are. */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) xf86InitViewport(xf86Screens[i]); /* * Collect all pixmap formats and check for conflicts at the display * level. Should we die here? Or just delete the offending screens? */ screenpix24 = Pix24DontCare; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (xf86Screens[i]->imageByteOrder != xf86Screens[0]->imageByteOrder) FatalError("Inconsistent display bitmapBitOrder. Exiting\n"); if (xf86Screens[i]->bitmapScanlinePad != xf86Screens[0]->bitmapScanlinePad) FatalError("Inconsistent display bitmapScanlinePad. Exiting\n"); if (xf86Screens[i]->bitmapScanlineUnit != xf86Screens[0]->bitmapScanlineUnit) FatalError("Inconsistent display bitmapScanlineUnit. Exiting\n"); if (xf86Screens[i]->bitmapBitOrder != xf86Screens[0]->bitmapBitOrder) FatalError("Inconsistent display bitmapBitOrder. Exiting\n"); /* Determine the depth 24 pixmap format the screens would like */ if (xf86Screens[i]->pixmap24 != Pix24DontCare) { if (screenpix24 == Pix24DontCare) screenpix24 = xf86Screens[i]->pixmap24; else if (screenpix24 != xf86Screens[i]->pixmap24) FatalError("Inconsistent depth 24 pixmap format. Exiting\n"); } } /* check if screenpix24 is consistent with the config/cmdline */ if (xf86Info.pixmap24 != Pix24DontCare) { pix24 = xf86Info.pixmap24; pix24From = xf86Info.pix24From; if (screenpix24 != Pix24DontCare && screenpix24 != xf86Info.pixmap24) pix24Fail = TRUE; } else if (screenpix24 != Pix24DontCare) { pix24 = screenpix24; pix24From = X_PROBED; } else pix24 = Pix24Use32; if (pix24Fail) FatalError("Screen(s) can't use the required depth 24 pixmap format" " (%d). Exiting\n", PIX24TOBPP(pix24)); /* Initialise the depth 24 format */ for (j = 0; j < numFormats && formats[j].depth != 24; j++) ; formats[j].bitsPerPixel = PIX24TOBPP(pix24); /* Collect additional formats */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { for (j = 0; j < xf86Screens[i]->numFormats; j++) { for (k = 0; ; k++) { if (k >= numFormats) { if (k >= MAXFORMATS) FatalError("Too many pixmap formats! Exiting\n"); formats[k] = xf86Screens[i]->formats[j]; numFormats++; break; } if (formats[k].depth == xf86Screens[i]->formats[j].depth) { if ((formats[k].bitsPerPixel == xf86Screens[i]->formats[j].bitsPerPixel) && (formats[k].scanlinePad == xf86Screens[i]->formats[j].scanlinePad)) break; FatalError("Inconsistent pixmap format for depth %d." " Exiting\n", formats[k].depth); } } } } formatsDone = TRUE; if (xf86Info.vtno >= 0 ) { #define VT_ATOM_NAME "XFree86_VT" Atom VTAtom=-1; CARD32 *VT = NULL; int ret; /* This memory needs to stay available until the screen has been initialized, and we can create the property for real. */ if ( (VT = malloc(sizeof(CARD32)))==NULL ) { FatalError("Unable to make VT property - out of memory. Exiting...\n"); } *VT = xf86Info.vtno; VTAtom = MakeAtom(VT_ATOM_NAME, sizeof(VT_ATOM_NAME) - 1, TRUE); for (i = 0, ret = Success; i < xf86NumScreens && ret == Success; i++) { ret = xf86RegisterRootWindowProperty(xf86Screens[i]->scrnIndex, VTAtom, XA_INTEGER, 32, 1, VT ); if (ret != Success) xf86DrvMsg(xf86Screens[i]->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Failed to register VT property\n"); } } if (SeatId) { Atom SeatAtom; SeatAtom = MakeAtom(SEAT_ATOM_NAME, sizeof(SEAT_ATOM_NAME) - 1, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { int ret; ret = xf86RegisterRootWindowProperty(xf86Screens[i]->scrnIndex, SeatAtom, XA_STRING, 8, strlen(SeatId)+1, SeatId ); if (ret != Success) { xf86DrvMsg(xf86Screens[i]->scrnIndex, X_WARNING, "Failed to register seat property\n"); } } } /* If a screen uses depth 24, show what the pixmap format is */ for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (xf86Screens[i]->depth == 24) { xf86Msg(pix24From, "Depth 24 pixmap format is %d bpp\n", PIX24TOBPP(pix24)); break; } } } else { /* * serverGeneration != 1; some OSs have to do things here, too. */ if (xorgHWOpenConsole) xf86OpenConsole(); #ifdef XF86PM /* should we reopen it here? We need to deal with an already opened device. We could leave this to the OS layer. For now we simply close it here */ if (xf86OSPMClose) xf86OSPMClose(); if ((xf86OSPMClose = xf86OSPMOpen()) != NULL) xf86MsgVerb(X_INFO, 3, "APM registered successfully\n"); #endif /* Make sure full I/O access is enabled */ if (xorgHWAccess) xf86EnableIO(); } /* * Use the previously collected parts to setup pScreenInfo */ pScreenInfo->imageByteOrder = xf86Screens[0]->imageByteOrder; pScreenInfo->bitmapScanlinePad = xf86Screens[0]->bitmapScanlinePad; pScreenInfo->bitmapScanlineUnit = xf86Screens[0]->bitmapScanlineUnit; pScreenInfo->bitmapBitOrder = xf86Screens[0]->bitmapBitOrder; pScreenInfo->numPixmapFormats = numFormats; for (i = 0; i < numFormats; i++) pScreenInfo->formats[i] = formats[i]; /* Make sure the server's VT is active */ if (serverGeneration != 1) { xf86Resetting = TRUE; /* All screens are in the same state, so just check the first */ if (!xf86Screens[0]->vtSema) { #ifdef HAS_USL_VTS ioctl(xf86Info.consoleFd, VT_RELDISP, VT_ACKACQ); #endif xf86AccessEnter(); was_blocked = xf86BlockSIGIO(); } } for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) if (!xf86ColormapAllocatePrivates(xf86Screens[i])) FatalError("Cannot register DDX private keys"); if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&xf86ScreenKeyRec, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0) || !dixRegisterPrivateKey(&xf86CreateRootWindowKeyRec, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0)) FatalError("Cannot register DDX private keys"); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { xf86VGAarbiterLock(xf86Screens[i]); /* * Almost everything uses these defaults, and many of those that * don't, will wrap them. */ xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess = xf86EnableDisableFBAccess; #ifdef XFreeXDGA xf86Screens[i]->SetDGAMode = xf86SetDGAMode; #endif xf86Screens[i]->DPMSSet = NULL; xf86Screens[i]->LoadPalette = NULL; xf86Screens[i]->SetOverscan = NULL; xf86Screens[i]->DriverFunc = NULL; xf86Screens[i]->pScreen = NULL; scr_index = AddScreen(xf86Screens[i]->ScreenInit, argc, argv); xf86VGAarbiterUnlock(xf86Screens[i]); if (scr_index == i) { /* * Hook in our ScrnInfoRec, and initialise some other pScreen * fields. */ dixSetPrivate(&screenInfo.screens[scr_index]->devPrivates, xf86ScreenKey, xf86Screens[i]); xf86Screens[i]->pScreen = screenInfo.screens[scr_index]; /* The driver should set this, but make sure it is set anyway */ xf86Screens[i]->vtSema = TRUE; } else { /* This shouldn't normally happen */ FatalError("AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver %d\n", i); } DebugF("InitOutput - xf86Screens[%d]->pScreen = %p\n", i, xf86Screens[i]->pScreen ); DebugF("xf86Screens[%d]->pScreen->CreateWindow = %p\n", i, xf86Screens[i]->pScreen->CreateWindow ); dixSetPrivate(&screenInfo.screens[scr_index]->devPrivates, xf86CreateRootWindowKey, xf86Screens[i]->pScreen->CreateWindow); xf86Screens[i]->pScreen->CreateWindow = xf86CreateRootWindow; if (PictureGetSubpixelOrder (xf86Screens[i]->pScreen) == SubPixelUnknown) { xf86MonPtr DDC = (xf86MonPtr)(xf86Screens[i]->monitor->DDC); PictureSetSubpixelOrder (xf86Screens[i]->pScreen, DDC ? (DDC->features.input_type ? SubPixelHorizontalRGB : SubPixelNone) : SubPixelUnknown); } #ifdef RANDR if (!xf86Info.disableRandR) xf86RandRInit (screenInfo.screens[scr_index]); xf86Msg(xf86Info.randRFrom, "RandR %s\n", xf86Info.disableRandR ? "disabled" : "enabled"); #endif } xf86VGAarbiterWrapFunctions(); xf86UnblockSIGIO(was_blocked); xf86InitOrigins(); xf86Resetting = FALSE; xf86Initialising = FALSE; RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandlers((BlockHandlerProcPtr)NoopDDA, xf86Wakeup, NULL); }