예제 #1
파일: consubs.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
void ImeUIStartComposition( HWND hwnd )

    ConTbl = SearchConsole(LastConsole);
    if (ConTbl == NULL) {
        DBGPRINT(("CONIME: Error! Cannot found registed Console\n"));

    // Set fInComposition variables.
    ConTbl->fInComposition = TRUE;

        int i ;
        for (i = FIRSTCOL ; i < MAXCOL ; i++) {
            ConvertLine[i] = UNICODE_SPACE ;
            ConvertLineAtr[i] = 0 ;
    xPos = FIRSTCOL;
    xPosLast = FIRSTCOL;
    HideCaret( hwnd );
    DisplayConvInformation( hwnd ) ;
    ResetCaret( hwnd );
예제 #2
// void ImeUIClearData()
// Handler routine of WM_IME_SELECT message.
void ImeUIClearData( 
    HWND hwnd )

    RECT            rect;           
    int             i;
    SetWindowText( hwnd, szSteTitle );

    // If user switches to other IME, here we destroy all candidate
    // windows which has been opened and erase all composition
    // chars if any.

    for( i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND; i++ )
        if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )
            // The i-th candidate list has already been displayed,
            // destroy it and free memory which stores candidate
            // strings.

            DestroyWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i] );
            GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] );

            gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] =
            gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] = NULL;


    // Update client area.

    GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect );

    InvalidateRect( hwnd, &rect, FALSE );

    // Reset IMEUI's global data.

    gImeUIData.uCompLen = gImeUIData.ImeState = 0;

    // Reset caret to the original position.

    HideCaret( hwnd );
    ResetCaret( hwnd );
    ShowCaret( hwnd );

예제 #3
*   SteCommand - WM_COMMAND handler
void SteCommand(
    HWND hWnd, 
    UINT cmd, 
    LPARAM lParam )
    switch( cmd )
    case IDC_CLEAR:
        // Blank out text buffer.  Return caret to home position
        for ( yPos = FIRSTROW; yPos <= LASTROW; yPos++ )
            for ( xPos = FIRSTCOL; xPos <= LASTCOL; xPos++ )
        	textbuf[yPos][xPos] = ' ';

    case IDC_ANSIFILL: /* fall through */
    case IDC_DBCSFILL:
        // Fill text buffer with ANSI or DBCS pattern
        for ( yPos = FIRSTROW; yPos <= LASTROW; yPos++ )
            for ( xPos = FIRSTCOL; xPos <= LASTCOL; xPos++ )
        	if ( cmd == IDC_ANSIFILL )
        	    textbuf[yPos][xPos] = 'a';
        	else {
        	    textbuf[yPos][xPos]   = HIBYTE(DBCSFillChar);
        	    textbuf[yPos][++xPos] = LOBYTE(DBCSFillChar);
    // The following messages are to control IME.
    case IDC_OPENIME:
        SteImeOpenClose( hWnd, TRUE );
        goto exit_func;

    case IDC_CLOSEIME:
        SteImeOpenClose( hWnd, FALSE );
        goto exit_func;


    yPos = FIRSTROW;
    xPos = FIRSTCOL;

    InvalidateRect( hWnd, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE );

예제 #4
파일: consubs.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
void DisplayResultString( HWND hwnd, LPWSTR lpwStr )

    int         StrLen = lstrlenW( lpwStr );

    CopyMemory(ConvertLine, lpwStr, StrLen*sizeof(WCHAR)) ;
    HideCaret( hwnd );
    DisplayConvInformation( hwnd ) ;
    ResetCaret( hwnd );

    // gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0;

bool TextInputHelper::SetNewText(const string &newText, unsigned int newCaretPosition)
    // If we have a max pixel width and the new text will push us past that width,
    // then we won't do anything.
    if (maxPixelWidth >= 0 && pFontToCheckAgainst != NULL && pFontToCheckAgainst->GetWidth(newText) > maxPixelWidth)
        return false;

    currentText = newText;
    caretPosition = newCaretPosition;
    return true;
void TextInputHelper::Reset()

    currentText = "";
    caretPosition = 0;

    keyDownForRepeat = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
    msSinceKeyDown = -1;
    isRepeating = false;

    userHasConfirmed = false;
    userHasCanceled = false;
    isInSession = false;
예제 #7
파일: consubs.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
void DisplayCompString( HWND hwnd, int Length, PWCHAR CharBuf, PUCHAR AttrBuf )
    int         i;
    CopyMemory(ConvertLine, CharBuf, Length * sizeof(WCHAR) ) ;
    if ( AttrBuf == NULL ) {
        for ( i = 0 ; i < Length ; i++ )
            ConvertLineAtr[i] = 0 ;
    else {
        CopyMemory(ConvertLineAtr, AttrBuf, Length) ;
    HideCaret( hwnd );
    DisplayConvInformation( hwnd ) ;
    ResetCaret( hwnd );

예제 #8
파일: consubs.c 프로젝트: conioh/os-design
void ImeUIEndComposition( HWND hwnd )

    ConTbl = SearchConsole(LastConsole);
    if (ConTbl == NULL) {
        DBGPRINT(("CONIME: Error! Cannot found registed Console\n"));

    // Reset fInComposition variables.
    ConTbl->fInComposition = FALSE;

    if (ConTbl->lpCompStrMem)
        LocalFree( ConTbl->lpCompStrMem );
    ConTbl->lpCompStrMem = NULL ;

        int i ;
        // Reset the length of composition string to zero.
        for (i = FIRSTCOL ; i < MAXCOL ; i++) {
            ConvertLine[i] = UNICODE_SPACE ;
            ConvertLineAtr[i] = 0 ;
    xPos = FIRSTCOL;
    xPosLast = FIRSTCOL;
    HideCaret( hwnd );
    DisplayConvInformation( hwnd ) ;
    ResetCaret( hwnd );
예제 #9
// void DisplayResultString()
// This displays result string.
// This function supports only fixed pitch font.
void DisplayResultString( 
    HWND hwnd, 
    LPSTR lpStr )

    int         StrLen;         // Storage for string length.
    int         i;              // Loop counter.
    HDC         hdc;            // Display context handle.

    StrLen = lstrlen( lpStr );

    // If there is no room for compsoition string, discard it

    if ( xPos == ( LASTCOL - StrLen - 1 ) )

    // if insert mode or during composition session,
    // move rest of line to the right by StrLen bytes.

    if ( fInsertMode )

        for( i = LASTCOL; i > xPos; i-- )
            textbuf[ yPos ][ i ] = textbuf[ yPos ][ i - StrLen ];

        // If the row ends on a lead byte, blank it out,
        // To do this we must first traverse the string starting
        // from a know character boundry until we reach the last column.
        // If the last column is a character boundry then the last 
        // character is either a string byte or a lead byte.

        for( i = xPos + StrLen; i < LASTCOL; )
            if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ i ] ) )

        if ( i == LASTCOL && IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ i ] ) )
            textbuf[ yPos ][ LASTCOL ] = ' ';

        // overtype mode

        if ( ( StrLen % 2 ) )
            if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 1 ] ) )
                textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen ] = ' ';
            if ( !IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 2 ] ) )
                // Overtyping the current byte, plus the following byte
                // which could be a lead byte.

                if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen - 1 ] ) )
                    textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + StrLen ] = ' ';

    // Store input character at current caret position.

    for( i = 0; i <= LASTCOL && *lpStr; i++ )
        textbuf[ yPos ][ xPos + i ] = *lpStr++;

    // Display input character

    hdc = GetDC( hwnd );

    HideCaret( hwnd );

    // Displays result string with normal color.

    TextOut( hdc, xPos *cxMetrics, yPos * cyMetrics,
             (LPCSTR)&( textbuf[ yPos][xPos] ), MAXCOL - xPos );

    ShowCaret( hwnd );

    ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );

    // Reset Caret position

    xPos += StrLen;

    if ( xPos > LASTCOL )
        xPos = LASTCOL;

    ResetCaret( hwnd );

    gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0;

예제 #10
// void ImeUISetOpenStatus()
// This handles WM_IME_REPORT message with wParam = IR_NOTIFY &
void ImeUISetOpenStatus( 
    HWND hwnd )
    int  i;       // Lopp counter
    HIMC hIMC;    // Storage for input context handle.

    // If fail to get input context handle then do nothing

    if ( !( hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

    if ( ImmGetOpenStatus( hIMC ) )

        // If the IME conversion engine is open, here we change
        // window's caption title to DBCS composition mode.

        SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteCompTitle );
        RECT rect = {0};        
        // If the IME conversion engine is closed, here we
        // erase all already displayed composition chars if any,
        // change the window's caption title to normal.

        GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect );
        InvalidateRect( hwnd, &rect, FALSE );

        SetWindowText( hwnd, (LPSTR)szSteTitle );

        // Here we close and destroy all of candidate windows
        // if IME conversion engine is closed.

        for( i = 0; i <= MAX_LISTCAND; i++ )
            if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] ) 
                DestroyWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] );
                gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] = NULL;
                GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] );
                gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ i ] = NULL;

        // Reset IMEUI's global data. 

        gImeUIData.uCompLen = 0;
        gImeUIData.ImeState = 0;

        ResetCaret( hwnd );


    ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );
예제 #11
void VirtualKeyHandler( 
    HWND hWnd, 
    UINT wParam )
    int i;
    HDC hdc;
    static int delta = 1;

    if ( ( gImeUIData.ImeState & IME_IN_CHOSECAND ) ||
         ( gImeUIData.ImeState & IME_IN_COMPOSITION && !MoveCaret( hWnd ) ) )

    switch( wParam )
    case VK_HOME:   // beginning of line
        xPos = FIRSTCOL;

    case VK_END:    // end of line
        xPos = LASTCOL;
        goto check_for_trailbyte;

    case VK_RIGHT:
        if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[yPos][xPos] ) )
            if (xPos==LASTCOL - 1) break;  //last character don't move
            xPos += 2;                     //skip 2 for DB Character
            xPos = min( xPos + 1, LASTCOL );

    case VK_LEFT:
        xPos = max( xPos - 1, FIRSTCOL );
    	if ( IsDBCSTrailByte( (LPSTR)textbuf[yPos], (LPSTR)&(textbuf[yPos][xPos]) ) )

    case VK_UP:
        yPos = max( yPos - 1, FIRSTROW );
        goto Virtical_Check_Trail;

    case VK_DOWN:
        yPos = min( yPos + 1, LASTROW );
        if ( IsDBCSTrailByte( (LPSTR)textbuf[yPos], (LPSTR)&(textbuf[yPos][xPos]) ) )
            if (xPos<LASTCOL)
                delta *= -1;

    case VK_INSERT:
        // Change caret shape to indicate insert/overtype mode
        fInsertMode = !fInsertMode;
        CaretWidth = fInsertMode ? cxMetrics : cxOverTypeCaret;

    case VK_BACK:   // backspace

        if ( xPos > FIRSTCOL ) 

            // DB Character so backup one more to allign on boundary
            if ( IsDBCSTrailByte( (LPSTR)textbuf[yPos], (LPSTR)&(textbuf[yPos][xPos]) ) )
            // Fall Through to VK_DELETE to adjust row
        else     //FIRST COLUMN  don't backup -- this would change for wrapping

    case VK_DELETE:

        if ( !IsDBCSLeadByte( textbuf[yPos][xPos] ) ) 
            // Move rest of line left by one, then blank out last character
            for ( i = xPos; i < LASTCOL; i++ )
                textbuf[yPos][i] = textbuf[yPos][i+1];
            textbuf[yPos][LASTCOL] = ' ';

            // Move line left by two bytes, blank out last two bytes
            for ( i = xPos; i < LASTCOL-1; i++ )
        	    textbuf[yPos][i] = textbuf[yPos][i+2];
            textbuf[yPos][LASTCOL-1] = ' ';
            textbuf[yPos][LASTCOL]   = ' ';

        // Repaint the entire line
        hdc = GetDC( hWnd );
        HideCaret( hWnd );
        TextOut( hdc, 0, yPos*cyMetrics, (LPSTR)textbuf[yPos], MAXCOL );
        ReleaseDC( hWnd, hdc );

    case VK_TAB:    // tab  -- tabs are column allignment not character
            int xTabMax = xPos + TABSTOP;
            int xPosPrev;

                xPosPrev = xPos;
                SendMessage( hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RIGHT, 1L );
            } while ( (xPos % TABSTOP) &&
                      (xPos < xTabMax) &&
                      (xPos != xPosPrev));


    case VK_RETURN: // linefeed
        yPos = min( yPos+1, LASTROW );
        xPos = FIRSTCOL;

    ResetCaret( hWnd );
예제 #12
void CSelection::OnFontChanged( HFONT hFont )
    ResetCaret( hFont );