예제 #1
globle void FlushGarbagePartialMatches(
  void *theEnv)
   struct partialMatch *pmPtr;
   struct alphaMatch *amPtr;

   /* Return the garbage partial matches collected from */
   /* the alpha memories of the pattern networks.       */

   while (EngineData(theEnv)->GarbageAlphaMatches != NULL)
      amPtr = EngineData(theEnv)->GarbageAlphaMatches->next;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GarbageAlphaMatches = amPtr;

   /* Return the garbage partial matches collected */
   /* from the beta memories of the join networks. */

   while (EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches != NULL)
      /* Remember the next garbage partial match to process. */

      pmPtr = EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->next;

      /* If a "pseudo" data entity was created for the partial */
      /* match (i.e. a not CE was satisfied), then dispose of  */
      /* the pseudo data entity.                               */

      if ((EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->notOriginf) &&
          (EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->counterf == FALSE))
         if (EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->binds[EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->bcount - 1].gm.theMatch != NULL)
                       EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->binds[EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->bcount - 1].gm.theMatch);

      /* Dispose of the garbage partial match being */
      /* examined and move on to the next one.      */

      EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches->busy = FALSE;
      EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches = pmPtr;
예제 #2
static void DeletePartialMatches(
  void *theEnv,
  struct partialMatch *listOfPMs,
  int betaDelete)
   struct partialMatch *nextPM;

   while (listOfPMs != NULL)
      /* Remember the next partial match to delete. */

      nextPM = listOfPMs->next;

      /* Remove the links between the partial match and */
      /* any data entities that it is attached to as a  */
      /* result of a logical CE.                        */

      if (listOfPMs->dependentsf) RemoveLogicalSupport(theEnv,listOfPMs);

      /* If the partial match is being deleted from a beta memory */
      /* and the partial match isn't associated with a satisfied  */
      /* not CE, then it can be immediately returned to the pool  */
      /* of free memory. Otherwise, it's could be in use (either  */
      /* to retrieve variables from the LHS or by the activation  */
      /* of the rule). Since a not CE creates a "pseudo" data     */
      /* entity, the beta partial match which stores this pseudo  */
      /* data entity can not be deleted immediately (for the same */
      /* reason an alpha memory partial match can't be deleted    */
      /* immediately).                                            */

      if (betaDelete &&
          ((listOfPMs->notOriginf == FALSE) || (listOfPMs->counterf)))
        { ReturnPartialMatch(theEnv,listOfPMs); }
         listOfPMs->next = EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches;
         EngineData(theEnv)->GarbagePartialMatches = listOfPMs;

      /* Move on to the next partial match. */

      listOfPMs = nextPM;
예제 #3
globle void FlushAlphaBetaMemory(
  struct partialMatch *pfl)
   struct partialMatch *pfltemp;

   while (pfl != NULL)
      pfltemp = pfl->next;

      if (((pfl->notOriginf) && (pfl->counterf == FALSE)) ||
          (pfl->betaMemory == FALSE))
         pfl->next = GarbagePartialMatches;
         GarbagePartialMatches = pfl;
        { ReturnPartialMatch(pfl); }

      pfl = pfltemp;