ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) { ListNode* prehead1 = l1; ListNode* prehead2 = l2; ListNode* prev1 = NULL; ListNode* prev2 = NULL; l1 = ReverseList(l1); l2 = ReverseList(l2); return ReverseList( addTwoNumbersRev(l1, l2)); }
int main() { int a[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; //创建链表 LinkInfo *L=CreateInfoFromArray(a,10); //1-单链表反转 ReverseList(L); ReverseList(L); //2-倒数第K个的验证 node* last[11]; for(int i=0;i<11;i++) last[i]=lastK(*L,i+1); //3-中间元素 node* mid=FinMid(*L); //4-删除无头结点 //DelNoHead(L->head->next); //5-有序链表合并 int a1[5]={5,5,4,3,1}; int b1[3]={7,4,2}; LinkInfo *p=CreateInfoFromArray(a1,0);//测试案例: 1-p,q 递增 2-p,q递减 3-p为空 4-q为空 5-p,q均为空 LinkInfo *q=CreateInfoFromArray(b1,3); MergeList(p,q); //6-判断链表是否有环(并返回环的起点node*) LinkInfo *circle=CreateInfoFromArray(a,6);//测试:有环、无环、空链表 node *nocross=IfCircle(circle->head); circle->tail->next=circle->head->next->next->next;//构造一个环 node *cross=IfCircle(circle->head); //7+8-两个单链表是否相交?求交点 LinkInfo *A=CreateInfoFromArray(a1,5);//测试:1-不交叉 2- 交叉 3- 空链表 LinkInfo *B=CreateInfoFromArray(b1,3); node *nointersection1=Intersection1(A->head,B->head); node *nointersection2=Intersection2(A->head,B->head);//NULL B->tail->next=A->head->next->next->next;//设置交叉点在4 node *intersection1=Intersection1(A->head,B->head); node *intersection2=Intersection1(A->head,B->head);// 4 //9-单链表排序 int s[10]={54,41,32,1,6,4,54,32,658,2}; LinkInfo *linksort=CreateInfoFromArray(s,10); LinkSortQ(linksort,0); //10-删除重复元素 DelRepeated(linksort); //11-拆分链表 LinkInfo *odd=CreateLinkInfo(); LinkInfo *even=CreateLinkInfo(); SplitList(L,odd,even); //12-大整数加法 char numa[]="-7987465413213546465461111111111"; char numb[]="-574968465216352468749611"; char* result=BigNum(numa,numb); return 0; }
void main() { int choice = 7; Listinit(); while(1) { printf("LinkedList Operations:\n"); printf("1. Insert Head\n2. Display\n3. Middle\n4. Reverse List\n5. ReverseRecursiveList\n7. Exit\n"); printf("Enter your choice : "); scanf(" %d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1 : insertRoot(); break; case 2 : display(); break; case 3 : MiddleList(); break; case 4 : ReverseList(); break; case 5 : ReverseRecursiveList(&root); break; default : exit(0); } } }
int main() { int range_size = 8; int reset_num = 6; Node* list_one = new Node(range_size+rand()%range_size); while(0<list_one->val) { Node* new_node = new Node(list_one->val-rand()%reset_num); new_node->next = list_one; list_one = new_node; } CoutList(list_one); Node* list_two = new Node(range_size+rand()%range_size); while(0<list_two->val) { Node* new_node = new Node(list_two->val-rand()%reset_num); new_node->next = list_two; list_two = new_node; } CoutList(list_two); Node* merged = MergeSortedLists(list_one, list_two); CoutList(merged); Node* reversed = ReverseList(merged); CoutList(reversed); Node* sorted = MergeSort(reversed); CoutList(sorted); return 0; }
void checkPalindrome(node_t **headPtr,int mid){ node_t *link=NULL; node_t *slowPtr,*fastPtr; ReverseList(headPtr,mid); //Comparing. // link = *headPtr; slowPtr = fastPtr = link; //push a link forward. if(lengthOfList(*headPtr)%2!=0){ link=link->next; } while(fastPtr!=NULL){ fastPtr = fastPtr->next; if(fastPtr!=NULL&&fastPtr->next!=NULL){ fastPtr=fastPtr->next; slowPtr=slowPtr->next; } } slowPtr = slowPtr->next; while(slowPtr!=NULL){ if(slowPtr->val!=link->val){ printf("Not a Palindrome"); break; } slowPtr=slowPtr->next; link=link->next; } if(slowPtr==NULL){ printf("Palindrome"); } //reversing it back. ReverseList(headPtr,mid); }
int main(void) { node** pHead = NULL; //CreateNode(pHead); node* pEnd = ReverseList(*pHead); if(pEnd != NULL) { pEnd->m_pNext = NULL; } //TestPrintNode(ReversedNode); return 0; }
int main(void) { Node *head; head=CreatList(); printf("链表逆置前的数据:\n"); PrintList(head); head=ReverseList(head); printf("链表逆置后的数据:\n"); PrintList(head); return 0; }
void TestReverseList() { // make list 1 List l1 = NULL; l1 = MakeArrayStackEmpty(l1); Position curl1 = l1; for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { curl1 = Insert(i * 3, l1, curl1); } PrintList(l1); ReverseList(l1); PrintList(l1); }
int main() { init_platform(); print("Hello World\n\r"); int *hdList; int i,j; for(i =0; i < 21; i++){ SysAlloc_init(); int log2ListSize = i; int *hdList = NULL; putnum(log2ListSize); print(" "); XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * 1, START); hdList = RandListGen(log2ListSize, hdList); XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * 1, STOP); XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * 2, START); hdList = ReverseList(hdList); XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * 2, STOP); XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * 3, START); hdList = DeleteList(hdList); XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * 3, STOP); for(j = 1; j <4; j++){ // read counter result back int high_value = XIo_In32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * (j + 8)); if(high_value != 0){ putnum(high_value); } putnum(XIo_In32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * j)); print(" "); // reset counter XIo_Out32(COUNTER_BASE + 4 * j,RESET); } print("\n"); } print("\n all done\n"); cleanup_platform(); return 0; }
void FCSetNml( void ) { //================== // Set NAMELIST format. call_handle handle; sym_id nl; grp_entry *ge; NmlSpecified = TRUE; handle = InitCall( RT_SET_NML ); nl = GetPtr(); ReverseList( &nl->nl.group_list ); ge = nl->nl.group_list; while( ge != NULL ) { CGAddParm( handle, SymAddr( ge->sym ), TY_POINTER ); ge = ge->link; } ReverseList( &nl->nl.group_list ); CGAddParm( handle, CGBackName( nl->nl.address, TY_POINTER ), TY_POINTER ); CGDone( CGCall( handle ) ); }
node* ReverseList(node* pHead) { node* pNode = pHead; if(pNode != NULL) { node* pPrev = pNode->m_pNext; if(pPrev != NULL) { pPrev = ReverseList(pPrev); pPrev->m_pNext = pNode; } else { ReversedNode = pNode; } } return pNode; }
ListNode *reverseKGroup(ListNode *head, int k) { if(head == NULL || k==1){ return head; } auto node = head; for(int i=0;i<k;++i){ if(!node) return head; node = node->next; } //递归实现 auto new_head = ReverseList(head, node); head->next = reverseKGroup(node, k); return new_head; }
int main() { int arrData[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; Node* pHead = NULL; pHead = CreateList(arrData, sizeof(arrData) / sizeof(int)); OutputList(pHead); pHead = ReverseList(pHead); OutputList(pHead); pHead = DestroyList(pHead); return 0; }
int main() { struct Node *n1; n1 = AddStartNode(30); n1 = AddNodeAtBeg(n1, 20); n1 = AddNodeAtBeg(n1, 10); AddNodeAtEnd(n1, 50); AddNodeAtEnd(n1, 60); AddNodeAtEnd(n1, 70); AddNodeAtPos(n1, 40, 4); PrintList(n1); n1 = DeleteNodeAtPos(n1, 3); PrintList(n1); n1 = DeleteNodeByVal(n1, 60); PrintList(n1); n1 = ReverseList(n1); PrintList(n1); //printf("%d",n1->data); return 0; }
RenderedSubtitle* Renderer::Lookup(const Subtitle* s, const CSize& vs, const CRect& vr) { m_sra.UpdateTarget(vs, vr); if(s->m_text.IsEmpty()) { return NULL; } CRect spdrc = s->m_frame.reference == _T("video") ? vr : CRect(CPoint(0, 0), vs); if(spdrc.IsRectEmpty()) { return NULL; } RenderedSubtitle* rs = NULL; if(m_rsc.Lookup(s->m_name, rs)) { if(!s->m_animated && rs->m_spdrc == spdrc) { return rs; } m_rsc.Invalidate(s->m_name); } const Style& style = s->m_text.GetHead().style; Size scale; = (float)spdrc.Width() / s->; = (float)spdrc.Height() / s->; CRect frame; frame.left = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.left + style.placement.margin.l * + 0.5); = (int)(64.0f * ( + style.placement.margin.t * + 0.5); frame.right = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.right - style.placement.margin.r * + 0.5); frame.bottom = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.bottom - style.placement.margin.b * + 0.5); CRect clip; if(style.placement.clip.l == -1) { clip.left = 0; } else { clip.left = (int)(spdrc.left + style.placement.clip.l *; } if(style.placement.clip.t == -1) { = 0; } else { = (int)( + style.placement.clip.t *; } if(style.placement.clip.r == -1) { clip.right =; } else { clip.right = (int)(spdrc.left + style.placement.clip.r *; } if(style.placement.clip.b == -1) { clip.bottom =; } else { clip.bottom = (int)( + style.placement.clip.b *; } clip.left = max(clip.left, 0); = max(, 0); clip.right = min(clip.right,; clip.bottom = min(clip.bottom,; *= 64; *= 64; bool vertical = s->m_direction.primary == _T("down") || s->m_direction.primary == _T("up"); // create glyph paths WCHAR c_prev = 0, c_next; CAutoPtrList<Glyph> glyphs; POSITION pos = s->m_text.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { const Text& t = s->m_text.GetNext(pos); LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf)); lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; _tcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, CString(; lf.lfHeight = (LONG)( * + 0.5); lf.lfWeight = (LONG)( + 0.5); lf.lfItalic = !!; lf.lfUnderline = !!; lf.lfStrikeOut = !!; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE; FontWrapper* font = m_fc.Create(m_hDC, lf); if(!font) { _tcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, _T("Arial")); font = m_fc.Create(m_hDC, lf); if(!font) { ASSERT(0); continue; } } HFONT hOldFont = SelectFont(m_hDC, *font); const TEXTMETRIC& tm = font->GetTextMetric(); for(LPCWSTR c = t.str; *c; c++) { CAutoPtr<Glyph> g(DNew Glyph()); g->c = *c; g->style =; g->scale = scale; g->vertical = vertical; g->font = font; c_next = !c[1] && pos ? c_next = s->m_text.GetAt(pos).str[0] : c[1]; Arabic::Replace(g->c, c_prev, c_next); c_prev = c[0]; CSize extent; GetTextExtentPoint32W(m_hDC, &g->c, 1, &extent); ASSERT( >= 0 && >= 0); if(vertical) { g->spacing = (int)( * + 0.5); g->ascent = / 2; g->descent = - g->ascent; g->width =; // TESTME if(g->c == Text::SP) { g->width /= 2; } } else { g->spacing = (int)( * + 0.5); g->ascent = tm.tmAscent; g->descent = tm.tmDescent; g->width =; } if(g->c == Text::LSEP) { g->spacing = 0; g->width = 0; g->ascent /= 2; g->descent /= 2; } else { GlyphPath* path = m_gpc.Create(m_hDC, font, g->c); if(!path) { ASSERT(0); continue; } g->path = *path; } glyphs.AddTail(g); } SelectFont(m_hDC, hOldFont); } // break glyphs into rows CAutoPtrList<Row> rows; CAutoPtr<Row> row; pos = glyphs.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CAutoPtr<Glyph> g = glyphs.GetNext(pos); if(!row) { row.Attach(DNew Row()); } WCHAR c = g->c; row->AddTail(g); if(c == Text::LSEP || !pos) { rows.AddTail(row); } } // kerning if(s->m_direction.primary == _T("right")) { // || s->m_direction.primary == _T("left") for(POSITION rpos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); rpos; rows.GetNext(rpos)) { Row* r = rows.GetAt(rpos); POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); while(gpos) { Glyph* g1 = r->GetNext(gpos); if(!gpos) { break; } Glyph* g2 = r->GetAt(gpos); if(g1->font != g2->font || !g1->style.font.kerning || !g2->style.font.kerning) { continue; } if(int size = g1->font->GetKernAmount(g1->c, g2->c)) { g2->path.MovePoints(CPoint(size, 0)); g2->width += size; } } } } // wrap rows if(s->m_wrap == _T("normal") || s->m_wrap == _T("even")) { int maxwidth = abs((int)(vertical ? frame.Height() : frame.Width())); int minwidth = 0; for(POSITION rpos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); rpos; rows.GetNext(rpos)) { Row* r = rows.GetAt(rpos); POSITION brpos = NULL; if(s->m_wrap == _T("even")) { int fullwidth = 0; for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) { const Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos); fullwidth += g->width + g->spacing; } fullwidth = abs(fullwidth); if(fullwidth > maxwidth) { maxwidth = fullwidth / ((fullwidth / maxwidth) + 1); minwidth = maxwidth; } } int width = 0; for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) { const Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos); width += g->width + g->spacing; if(brpos && abs(width) > maxwidth && g->c != Text::SP) { row.Attach(DNew Row()); POSITION next = brpos; r->GetNext(next); do { row->AddHead(r->GetPrev(brpos)); } while(brpos); rows.InsertBefore(rpos, row); while(!r->IsEmpty() && r->GetHeadPosition() != next) { r->RemoveHeadNoReturn(); } g = r->GetAt(gpos = next); width = g->width + g->spacing; } if(abs(width) >= minwidth) { if(g->style.linebreak == _T("char") || g->style.linebreak == _T("word") && g->c == Text::SP) { brpos = gpos; } } } } } // trim rows for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) { Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos); while(!r->IsEmpty() && r->GetHead()->c == Text::SP) { r->RemoveHead(); } while(!r->IsEmpty() && r->GetTail()->c == Text::SP) { r->RemoveTail(); } } // calc fill width for each glyph CAtlList<Glyph*> glypsh2fill; int fill_id = 0; int fill_width = 0; for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) { Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos); POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); while(gpos) { Glyph* g = r->GetNext(gpos); if(!glypsh2fill.IsEmpty() && fill_id && (g-> != fill_id || !pos && !gpos)) { int w = (int)(g->style.fill.width * fill_width + 0.5); while(!glypsh2fill.IsEmpty()) { Glyph* g = glypsh2fill.RemoveTail(); fill_width -= g->width; g->fill = w - fill_width; } ASSERT(glypsh2fill.IsEmpty()); ASSERT(fill_width == 0); glypsh2fill.RemoveAll(); fill_width = 0; } fill_id = g->; if(g-> { glypsh2fill.AddTail(g); fill_width += g->width; } } } // calc row sizes and total subtitle size CSize size(0, 0); if(s->m_direction.secondary == _T("left") || s->m_direction.secondary == _T("up")) { ReverseList(rows); } for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) { Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos); if(s->m_direction.primary == _T("left") || s->m_direction.primary == _T("up")) { ReverseList(*r); } int w = 0, h = 0; r->width = 0; for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) { const Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos); w += g->width; if(gpos) { w += g->spacing; } h = max(h, g->ascent + g->descent); r->width += g->width; if(gpos) { r->width += g->spacing; } r->ascent = max(r->ascent, g->ascent); r->descent = max(r->descent, g->descent); r->border = max(r->border, g->GetBackgroundSize()); } for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) { Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos); g->row_ascent = r->ascent; g->row_descent = r->descent; } if(vertical) { += h; = max(, w); } else { = max(, w); += h; } } // align rows and calc glyph positions rs = DNew RenderedSubtitle(spdrc, clip); CPoint p = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame, size); CPoint org = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame); // collision detection if(!s->m_animated) { int tlb = !rows.IsEmpty() ? rows.GetHead()->border : 0; int brb = !rows.IsEmpty() ? rows.GetTail()->border : 0; CRect r(p, size); m_sra.GetRect(r, s, style.placement.align, tlb, brb); org += r.TopLeft() - p; p = r.TopLeft(); } CRect subrect(p, size); // continue positioning for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) { Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos); CSize rsize; = = r->width; if(vertical) { p.y = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame, rsize).y; for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) { CAutoPtr<Glyph> g = r->GetAt(gpos); g->tl.x = p.x + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.x * + 0.5) + r->ascent - g->ascent; g->tl.y = p.y + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.y * + 0.5); p.y += g->width + g->spacing; rs->m_glyphs.AddTail(g); } p.x += r->ascent + r->descent; } else { p.x = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame, rsize).x; for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) { CAutoPtr<Glyph> g = r->GetAt(gpos); g->tl.x = p.x + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.x * + 0.5); g->tl.y = p.y + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.y * + 0.5) + r->ascent - g->ascent; p.x += g->width + g->spacing; rs->m_glyphs.AddTail(g); } p.y += r->ascent + r->descent; } } // bkg, precalc style.placement.path, transform pos = rs->m_glyphs.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { Glyph* g = rs->m_glyphs.GetNext(pos); g->CreateBkg(); g->CreateSplineCoeffs(spdrc); g->Transform(org, subrect); } // merge glyphs (TODO: merge 'fill' too) Glyph* g0 = NULL; pos = rs->m_glyphs.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { POSITION cur = pos; Glyph* g = rs->m_glyphs.GetNext(pos); CRect r = g->bbox + g->tl; int size = (int)(g->GetBackgroundSize() + 0.5); int depth = (int)(g->GetShadowDepth() + 0.5); r.InflateRect(size, size); r.InflateRect(depth, depth); r.left >>= 6; >>= 6; r.right = (r.right + 32) >> 6; r.bottom = (r.bottom + 32) >> 6; if((r & clip).IsRectEmpty()) { // clip rs->m_glyphs.RemoveAt(cur); } else if(g0 && g0->style.IsSimilar(g->style)) { // append CPoint o = g->tl - g0->tl; g->path.MovePoints(o); g0->path.types.Append(g->path.types); g0->path.points.Append(g->path.points); g->path_bkg.MovePoints(o); g0->path_bkg.types.Append(g->path_bkg.types); g0->path_bkg.points.Append(g->path_bkg.points); g0->bbox |= g->bbox + o; rs->m_glyphs.RemoveAt(cur); } else { // leave alone g0 = g; } } // rasterize pos = rs->m_glyphs.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { rs->m_glyphs.GetNext(pos)->Rasterize(); } // cache m_rsc.Add(s->m_name, rs); m_fc.Flush(); return rs; }