예제 #1
static void setHomeLocation(GPSPositionData * gpsData)
	HomeLocationData home;
	GPSTimeData gps;

	if (gps.Year >= 2000)
		// Store LLA
		home.Latitude = gpsData->Latitude;
		home.Longitude = gpsData->Longitude;
		home.Altitude = gpsData->Altitude + gpsData->GeoidSeparation;

		// Compute home ECEF coordinates and the rotation matrix into NED
		double LLA[3] = { ((double)home.Latitude) / 10e6, ((double)home.Longitude) / 10e6, ((double)home.Altitude) };
		double ECEF[3];
		RneFromLLA(LLA, (float (*)[3])home.RNE);
		// TODO: Currently UAVTalk only supports float but these conversions use double
		// need to find out if they require that precision and if so extend UAVTAlk
		home.ECEF[0] = (int32_t) (ECEF[0] * 100);
		home.ECEF[1] = (int32_t) (ECEF[1] * 100);
		home.ECEF[2] = (int32_t) (ECEF[2] * 100);

		// Compute magnetic flux direction at home location
		if (WMM_GetMagVector(LLA[0], LLA[1], LLA[2], gps.Month, gps.Day, gps.Year, &home.Be[0]) >= 0)
		{   // calculations appeared to go OK
  * Get the current location in Longitude, Latitude Altitude (above WSG-84 ellipsoid)
  * @param[in] BaseECEF the ECEF of the home location (in m)
  * @param[in] NED the offset from the home location (in m)
  * @param[out] position three element double for position in decimal degrees and altitude in meters
  * @returns
  *  @arg 0 success
  *  @arg -1 for failure
int CoordinateConversions::NED2LLA_HomeECEF(double BaseECEFm[3], double NED[3], double position[3])
    int i;
    // stored value is in cm, convert to m
    double BaseLLA[3];
    double ECEF[3];
    double Rne [3][3];

    // Get LLA address to compute conversion matrix
    ECEF2LLA(BaseECEFm, BaseLLA);
    RneFromLLA(BaseLLA, Rne);

    /* P = ECEF + Rne' * NED */
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        ECEF[i] = BaseECEFm[i] + Rne[0][i]*NED[0] + Rne[1][i]*NED[1] + Rne[2][i]*NED[2];


    return 0;