static void client(const char *test) { if (strcmp(test, "tcp_basic") == 0) { static unsigned char iptcp[] = "ncacn_ip_tcp"; static unsigned char address[] = ""; static unsigned char port[] = PORT; unsigned char *binding; ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcStringBindingCompose(NULL, iptcp, address, port, NULL, &binding), "RpcStringBindingCompose\n"); ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcBindingFromStringBinding(binding, &IServer_IfHandle), "RpcBindingFromStringBinding\n"); run_tests(); ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcStringFree(&binding), "RpcStringFree\n"); ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcBindingFree(&IServer_IfHandle), "RpcBindingFree\n"); } else if (strcmp(test, "np_basic") == 0) { static unsigned char np[] = "ncacn_np"; static unsigned char address[] = "\\\\."; static unsigned char pipe[] = PIPE; unsigned char *binding; ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcStringBindingCompose(NULL, np, address, pipe, NULL, &binding), "RpcStringBindingCompose\n"); ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcBindingFromStringBinding(binding, &IServer_IfHandle), "RpcBindingFromStringBinding\n"); run_tests(); stop(); ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcStringFree(&binding), "RpcStringFree\n"); ok(RPC_S_OK == RpcBindingFree(&IServer_IfHandle), "RpcBindingFree\n"); } }
static void test_RpcStringBindingFromBinding(void) { static unsigned char ncacn_np[] = "ncacn_np"; static unsigned char address[] = "."; static unsigned char endpoint[] = "\\pipe\\wine_rpc_test"; RPC_STATUS status; handle_t handle; RPC_CSTR binding; status = RpcStringBindingCompose(NULL, ncacn_np, address, endpoint, NULL, &binding); ok(status == RPC_S_OK, "RpcStringBindingCompose failed (%u)\n", status); status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(binding, &handle); ok(status == RPC_S_OK, "RpcBindingFromStringBinding failed (%u)\n", status); RpcStringFree(&binding); status = RpcBindingToStringBinding(handle, &binding); ok(status == RPC_S_OK, "RpcStringBindingFromBinding failed with error %u\n", status); ok(!strcmp((const char *)binding, "ncacn_np:.[\\\\pipe\\\\wine_rpc_test]"), "binding string didn't match what was expected: \"%s\"\n", binding); RpcStringFree(&binding); status = RpcBindingFree(&handle); ok(status == RPC_S_OK, "RpcBindingFree failed with error %u\n", status); }
std::wstring Directory::CreateDirectoryWithUniqueName (const std::wstring & strFolderPathRoot) { UUID uuid; RPC_WSTR str_uuid; UuidCreate (&uuid); UuidToString (&uuid, &str_uuid); std::wstring pcTemplate = strFolderPathRoot + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR; pcTemplate += (TCHAR *) str_uuid; RpcStringFree (&str_uuid); int attemps = 10; while (!CreateDirectory(pcTemplate)) { UuidCreate (&uuid); UuidToString (&uuid, &str_uuid); pcTemplate = strFolderPathRoot + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR; pcTemplate += (TCHAR *) str_uuid; RpcStringFree (&str_uuid); attemps--; if (0 == attemps) { pcTemplate = _T(""); } } return pcTemplate; }
COMError::COMError(HRESULT hr) { _com_error e(hr); IErrorInfo *pIErrorInfo = NULL; GetErrorInfo(0, &pIErrorInfo); if (pIErrorInfo == NULL) { e = _com_error(hr); message = e.ErrorMessage(); } else { e = _com_error(hr, pIErrorInfo); message = e.ErrorMessage(); IErrorInfo *ptrIErrorInfo = e.ErrorInfo(); if (ptrIErrorInfo != NULL) { // IErrorInfo Interface located description = (WCHAR *)e.Description(); source = (WCHAR *)e.Source(); GUID tmpGuid = e.GUID(); RPC_WSTR guidStr = NULL; // must link in Rpcrt4.lib for UuidToString UuidToString(&tmpGuid, &guidStr); uuid = (WCHAR*)guidStr; RpcStringFree(&guidStr); ptrIErrorInfo->Release(); } } }
BOOL InstallGUIDKey(GUID& guidKey, HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR strSubKey) { HKEY hkeyNew, hKeySub; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG nReturn; BOOL b = FALSE; nReturn = RegCreateKeyEx(hkey,strSubKey,0,0,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS,0,&hKeySub,&dwDisposition); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nReturn) { UCHAR* wcs; char buf[1024]; UuidToString(&guidKey,&wcs); sprintf(buf,"{%s}",wcs); strupr(buf); RpcStringFree(&wcs); nReturn = RegCreateKeyEx(hKeySub,buf,0,0,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ,0,&hkeyNew,&dwDisposition); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nReturn) { RegCloseKey(hkeyNew); b = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hKeySub); } return b; }
RPC_STATUS GuidToString( UUID *Uuid, LPTSTR StringGuid ) { RPC_STATUS Status; LPTSTR pTempStringGuid; Status = UuidToString(Uuid, &pTempStringGuid); if (Status == RPC_S_OK) { // // the form we want is all uppercase and with curly brackets around, // like what OLE does // lstrcpy(StringGuid, TEXT("{")); lstrcat(StringGuid, pTempStringGuid); lstrcat(StringGuid, TEXT("}")); CharUpper(StringGuid); RpcStringFree(&pTempStringGuid); } return Status; } // GuidToString
// dtor Uuid::~Uuid() { // this string must be allocated by RPC! // (otherwise you get a debug breakpoint deep inside RPC DLL) if ( m_pszUuid ) #ifdef _UNICODE RpcStringFree((unsigned short **)&m_pszUuid); #else RpcStringFree(&m_pszUuid); #endif // perhaps we should just use a static buffer and not bother // with new and delete? if ( m_pszCForm ) delete [] m_pszCForm; }
LRESULT FilterOnInfoTip( IN HWND hWnd, IN HWND hWndTree, IN LPNMTVGETINFOTIP lp ) { HTREEITEM Parent; PBTR_FILTER Filter; PFILTER_NODE Node; RPC_WSTR Uuid = NULL; Parent = TreeView_GetParent(hWndTree, lp->hItem); if (!Parent) { Node = (PFILTER_NODE)lp->lParam; Filter = Node->Filter; UuidToString(&Filter->FilterGuid, &Uuid); StringCchPrintf(lp->pszText, lp->cchTextMax, FILTER_INFOTIP_FORMAT, Filter->FilterName, Filter->Description, Uuid, Filter->MajorVersion, Filter->MinorVersion, Filter->Author ); RpcStringFree(&Uuid); } return 0; }
static int PrintInterfaces(struct rx_connection *aconn) { Capabilities caps; struct interfaceAddr addr; #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV char * p; #else char uuidstr[128]; #endif int i, code; char hoststr[16]; caps.Capabilities_val = NULL; caps.Capabilities_len = 0; code = RXAFSCB_TellMeAboutYourself(aconn, &addr, &caps); if (code == RXGEN_OPCODE) code = RXAFSCB_WhoAreYou(aconn, &addr); if (code) { printf("cmdebug: error checking interfaces: %s\n", afs_error_message(code)); return 0; } #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV UuidToString((UUID *)&addr.uuid, &p); printf("UUID: %s\n",p); RpcStringFree(&p); #else afsUUID_to_string(&addr.uuid, uuidstr, sizeof(uuidstr)); printf("UUID: %s\n",uuidstr); #endif printf("Host interfaces:\n"); for (i = 0; i < addr.numberOfInterfaces; i++) { printf("%s", afs_inet_ntoa_r(htonl(addr.addr_in[i]), hoststr)); if (addr.subnetmask[i]) printf(", netmask %s", afs_inet_ntoa_r(htonl(addr.subnetmask[i]), hoststr)); if (addr.mtu[i]) printf(", MTU %d", addr.mtu[i]); printf("\n"); } if (caps.Capabilities_val) { printf("Capabilities:\n"); if (caps.Capabilities_val[0] & CAPABILITY_ERRORTRANS) { printf("Error Translation\n"); } printf("\n"); } if (caps.Capabilities_val) free(caps.Capabilities_val); caps.Capabilities_val = NULL; caps.Capabilities_len = 0; return 0; }
char* pn_i_genuuid(void) { unsigned char *generated; UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); UuidToString(&uuid, &generated); char* r = pn_strdup((const char*)generated); RpcStringFree(&generated); return r; }
static void uuid_to_string(uuid_t *uuid, char *uuid_str) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ RPC_CSTR tmp; UuidToString(uuid, &tmp); strcpy(uuid_str, tmp); RpcStringFree(&tmp); #elif __linux__ uuid_unparse_lower(*uuid, uuid_str); #endif }
void gen_uuid_inplace (char *buf) { unsigned char *str = NULL; UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); UuidToString(&uuid, &str); memcpy(buf, str, 37); RpcStringFree(&str); }
SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_uuid_format(char *buffer, const switch_uuid_t *uuid) { #ifndef WIN32 apr_uuid_format(buffer, (const apr_uuid_t *) uuid); #else RPC_CSTR buf; UuidToString((const UUID *) uuid, &buf); strcpy(buffer, (const char *) buf); RpcStringFree(&buf); #endif }
void uuid_unparse (const uuid_t uu, char *out) { unsigned char *formatted; if (UuidToString((UUID*)uu, &formatted) == RPC_S_OK) { #ifdef _MSC_VER strncpy_s (out, 36+1, (char*)formatted, _TRUNCATE); #else strncpy (out, (char*)formatted, 36+1); #endif RpcStringFree(&formatted); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { RPC_STATUS status; unsigned char * pszNetworkAddress = NULL; unsigned char * pszStringBinding = NULL; int i; for ( i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-ip") == 0 ) { pszNetworkAddress = (unsigned char *)argv[++i]; } } status = RpcStringBindingCompose( NULL, (unsigned char *)"ncacn_np", pszNetworkAddress, (unsigned char *)"\\pipe\\{a5194558-21a6-4978-9610-2072fcf1dc6e}", NULL, &pszStringBinding ); if ( status != 0 ) { printf("RpcStringBindingCompose return %d !\n", status); return 1; } printf("pszStringBinding = %s\n", pszStringBinding); status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( pszStringBinding, &hello_Binding ); if ( status != 0 ) { printf("RpcBindingFromStringBinding return %d !\n", status); return 1; } doRpcCall(); status = RpcStringFree( &pszStringBinding ); if ( status != 0 ) printf("RpcStringFree return %d !\n", status); status = RpcBindingFree( &hello_Binding ); if ( status != 0 ) printf("RpcBindingFree return %d !\n", status); getchar(); return 0; }
char* gen_uuid () { char *uuid_str = g_malloc (37); unsigned char *str = NULL; UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); UuidToString(&uuid, &str); memcpy(uuid_str, str, 37); RpcStringFree(&str); return uuid_str; }
void CedExporter::FillGuidString(CString& s) const { // See GUID Guid; CoCreateGuid(&Guid); //RPC_WSTR str; unsigned char* str; UuidToString((UUID*)&Guid, &str); s = (LPTSTR)str; s.MakeUpper(); RpcStringFree(&str); }
void Guid::_generate() { GUID guid; RPC_WSTR pszUuid = 0; if (UuidCreate(&guid) == RPC_S_OK) { UuidToString(&guid, &pszUuid); m_guid = (wchar_t*) pszUuid; RpcStringFree(&pszUuid); } g_log.Log(L"Guid::_generate. Guid: '%s'", (wchar_t *) m_guid.c_str()); }
TFunctionInstanceInfo::~TFunctionInstanceInfo() { if (m_pszDeviceId) { RpcStringFree((RPC_WSTR*) &m_pszDeviceId); m_pszDeviceId = NULL; } if (m_ppszDeviceCategories) { free(m_ppszDeviceCategories); m_ppszDeviceCategories = NULL; } } // TFunctionInstanceInfo::~TFunctionInstanceInfo
void GenerateUUID(LPTSTR szUUID, int size) { UUID bUuid; #ifdef UNICODE RPC_WSTR rstrUUID; #else RPC_CSTR rstrUUID; #endif UuidCreate(&bUuid); UuidToString(&bUuid, &rstrUUID); lstrcpyn(szUUID, (LPCTSTR) rstrUUID, size); RpcStringFree(&rstrUUID); }
int main() { unsigned char *uuid_string; UUID my_uuid; RPC_STATUS status; status = UuidCreate(&my_uuid); status = UuidToString(&my_uuid, &uuid_string); printf("%s", uuid_string); status = RpcStringFree(&uuid_string); }
void UUID_ToString(GUID *uuid,PSTR szUUID) { #ifdef WIN32 PBYTE StringUuid; UuidToString(uuid,&StringUuid); strcpy(szUUID,StringUuid); RpcStringFree(&StringUuid); #endif //WIN32 #ifdef HAVE_UUID_UNPARSE uuid_unparse(*uuid,szUUID); #endif //HAVE_UUID_UNPARSE strupr(szUUID); }
static void guid_to_string(REFCLSID rclsid,std::wstring& v) { HRESULT hr; RPC_WSTR lpolestr; if((hr=UuidToString(&rclsid,&lpolestr ))==S_OK) { v=(LPCWSTR)lpolestr; RpcStringFree (&lpolestr); } else { if(hr!=S_OK) throw _com_error(hr); } }
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_perfmsr_core_PerformanceMonitor_nativeGetUUID (JNIEnv * jniEnv, jclass jniClass) { UUID uuid; unsigned char* uuidStr; jstring result; UuidCreate(&uuid); UuidToString(&uuid, &uuidStr); result = (*jniEnv)->NewStringUTF(jniEnv, uuidStr); RpcStringFree(&uuidStr); return result; }
wstring CMp4DownloadClient::GetUuid() { USES_CONVERSION; wstring strUid; UUID uid; if(UuidCreate(&uid) == RPC_S_OK) { RPC_WSTR szUid = NULL; if(UuidToString(&uid,&szUid) == RPC_S_OK) { strUid = (wchar_t *)szUid; RpcStringFree(&szUid); } } return strUid; }
BOOL kull_m_rpc_createBinding(LPCWSTR ProtSeq, LPCWSTR NetworkAddr, LPCWSTR Endpoint, LPCWSTR Service, DWORD ImpersonationType, RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *hBinding, void (RPC_ENTRY * RpcSecurityCallback)(void *)) { BOOL status = FALSE; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; RPC_WSTR StringBinding = NULL; RPC_SECURITY_QOS SecurityQOS = {RPC_C_SECURITY_QOS_VERSION, RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES_MUTUAL_AUTH, RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY_STATIC, ImpersonationType}; LPWSTR fullServer; DWORD szServer = (DWORD) (wcslen(NetworkAddr) * sizeof(wchar_t)), szPrefix = (DWORD) (wcslen(Service) * sizeof(wchar_t)); *hBinding = NULL; rpcStatus = RpcStringBindingCompose(NULL, (RPC_WSTR) ProtSeq, (RPC_WSTR) NetworkAddr, (RPC_WSTR) Endpoint, NULL, &StringBinding); if(rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) { rpcStatus = RpcBindingFromStringBinding(StringBinding, hBinding); if(rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) { if(*hBinding) { if(fullServer = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, szPrefix + sizeof(wchar_t) + szServer + sizeof(wchar_t))) { RtlCopyMemory(fullServer, Service, szPrefix); RtlCopyMemory((PBYTE) fullServer + szPrefix + sizeof(wchar_t), NetworkAddr, szServer); ((PBYTE) fullServer)[szPrefix] = L'/'; rpcStatus = RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx(*hBinding, (RPC_WSTR) fullServer, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, (MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER < KULL_M_WIN_BUILD_VISTA) ? RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS : RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE, NULL, 0, &SecurityQOS); if(rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK) { if(RpcSecurityCallback) { rpcStatus = RpcBindingSetOption(*hBinding, RPC_C_OPT_SECURITY_CALLBACK, (ULONG_PTR) RpcSecurityCallback); status = (rpcStatus == RPC_S_OK); if(!status) PRINT_ERROR(L"RpcBindingSetOption: 0x%08x (%u)\n", rpcStatus, rpcStatus); } else status = TRUE; } else PRINT_ERROR(L"RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx: 0x%08x (%u)\n", rpcStatus, rpcStatus); LocalFree(fullServer); } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"No Binding!\n"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"RpcBindingFromStringBinding: 0x%08x (%u)\n", rpcStatus, rpcStatus); RpcStringFree(&StringBinding); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"RpcStringBindingCompose: 0x%08x (%u)\n", rpcStatus, rpcStatus); return status; }
string Bindable_t::CreateBinding() { static int index = 0; static string seed; if ((index >= 1000000) || (seed.length() == 0)) { #ifdef OS_UNIX int fd = open (DEV_URANDOM, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) throw std::runtime_error ("No entropy device"); unsigned char u[16]; size_t r = read (fd, u, sizeof(u)); if (r < sizeof(u)) throw std::runtime_error ("Unable to read entropy device"); unsigned char *u1 = (unsigned char*)u; char u2 [sizeof(u) * 2 + 1]; for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof(u); i++) sprintf (u2 + (i * 2), "%02x", u1[i]); seed = string (u2); #endif #ifdef OS_WIN32 UUID uuid; UuidCreate (&uuid); unsigned char *uuidstring = NULL; UuidToString (&uuid, &uuidstring); if (!uuidstring) throw std::runtime_error ("Unable to read uuid"); seed = string ((const char*)uuidstring); RpcStringFree (&uuidstring); #endif index = 0; } stringstream ss; ss << seed << (++index); return ss.str(); }
wstring GetTempFileName(wstring sExt) { GUID* pGuid = new GUID; CoCreateGuid(pGuid); RPC_WSTR pGuidStr = NULL; UuidToString(pGuid, &pGuidStr); wstring sGuid = (wchar_t*)pGuidStr; RpcStringFree(&pGuidStr); delete pGuid; return sGuid + sExt; }
RTDECL(int) RTUuidToStr(PCRTUUID pUuid, char *pszString, size_t cchString) { /* check params */ AssertPtrReturn(pUuid, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszString, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cchString >= RTUUID_STR_LENGTH, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Try convert it. * * The API allocates a new string buffer for us, so we can do our own * buffer overflow handling. */ RPC_STATUS Status; unsigned char *pszTmpStr = NULL; #ifdef RPC_UNICODE_SUPPORTED /* always use ASCII version! */ Status = UuidToStringA((UUID *)pUuid, &pszTmpStr); #else Status = UuidToString((UUID *)pUuid, &pszTmpStr); #endif if (Status != RPC_S_OK) return RTErrConvertFromWin32(Status); /* copy it. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; size_t cchTmpStr = strlen((char *)pszTmpStr); if (cchTmpStr < cchString) memcpy(pszString, pszTmpStr, cchTmpStr + 1); else { AssertFailed(); rc = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } /* free buffer */ #ifdef RPC_UNICODE_SUPPORTED /* always use ASCII version! */ RpcStringFreeA(&pszTmpStr); #else RpcStringFree(&pszTmpStr); #endif /* all done */ return rc; }
char * Logger::formatUUID( int level, UUID *uuid ) { int ind = uuidBufInd++; if ( ind >= 60 ) return NULL; if ( this->logMode == LOG_MODE_OFF ) return NULL; if ( this->logLevel < level ) return NULL; UuidToString( uuid, &rpc_wstr ); sprintf_s( uuidBuf[ind], 40, "%ls", rpc_wstr ); RpcStringFree( &rpc_wstr ); return uuidBuf[ind]; }