예제 #1
void Check(
	const ISC_STATUS &error_code,
	ibAPI *pibAPI)
	SAString sErr;

		char sMsg[512];
		long nLen;
		ISC_STATUS *pvector; // Pointer to pointer to status vector.

		// walk through error vector and constract error string
		pvector = pSV; // (Re)set to start of status vector.
		while((nLen = pibAPI->isc_interprete(sMsg, &pvector)) != 0) // More messages?
				sErr += "\n";
			sErr += SAString(sMsg, nLen);

		throw SAException(
			error_code, -1,
예제 #2
파일: DGSM.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void DGSM::setN(const int n)
  if (n<=10)

  N_ = n;
예제 #3
파일: Jansen.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void Jansen::setR(const int r)
  if (r<=0)

  r_ = r;
예제 #4
파일: DGSM.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void DGSM::doSA()
  int k = m_InputList->size();                  /* number of input factors */

  /* 1. Allocates input/output data */
  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> X(nullptr);
  std::unique_ptr<ResultMatrix> y(nullptr);
  if (m_SaveInput)
    m_InputData.reset(new DMatrix(N_*(k+1), k));
    X = std::move(m_InputData->subMatrix(0, N_));
  } else
    X.reset(new DMatrix(N_, k));

  if (m_SaveOutput)
    m_OutputData.reset(new ResultMatrix(N_*(k+1), m_NumOutputs));
    y = std::move(m_OutputData->subMatrix(0, N_));
  } else
    y.reset(new ResultMatrix(N_, m_NumOutputs));

  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> x(new DMatrix(N_, k));

  /* 2. Generates the first N samples */

  /* Copies then converts to target distributions */
  m_RNG.convert(*X, m_InputList);
  /* 3. Runs simulation for the first N samples */
  simulate(*X, *y);

  /* 4. Allocates xdiff, ydiff if needs
   * xdiff is the 1-column different from X and ydiff is its corresponding
   * output
   * */
  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> xdiff(nullptr);
  if (!m_SaveInput)
    xdiff.reset(new DMatrix(N_, k));

  std::unique_ptr<ResultMatrix> ydiff(nullptr);
  if (!m_SaveOutput)
    ydiff.reset(new ResultMatrix(N_, m_NumOutputs));

  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> stats(new DMatrix(3, m_NumOutputs));
  const int* labels = y->getLabels();

  /* 5. Estimate sensitivity indices for each input factor */
  for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)
    /* Makes xdiff, ydiff refer to their correct location if needs */
    if (m_SaveInput)
      xdiff = std::move(m_InputData->subMatrix((iK+1)*N_, N_));

    if (m_SaveOutput)
      ydiff = std::move(m_OutputData->subMatrix((iK+1)*N_, N_));

    /* Copy the first N samples to xdiff and diffs the column iK*/
    for (int iRow=0; iRow<N_; ++iRow)
      /* Changes values in column iK */
      double* row = xdiff->getRow(iRow);
      if (row[iK] + delta_ >= 1)
        row[iK] -= delta_;
      else row[iK] += delta_;
    /* Converts xdiff to target distributions */
    m_RNG.convert(*xdiff, m_InputList);
    /* Runs simulation */
    simulate(*xdiff, *ydiff);

    /* Estimates sensitivity indices */
    const int* labelsdiff = ydiff->getLabels();    
    double* sens = m_Sens->getRow(iK);
    for (int iOut=0; iOut< m_NumOutputs; ++iOut)
      double mean=0, absmean=0, std=0;
      double derivative = 0;
      int cnt = 0;
      for (int iRow = 0; iRow < N_; ++iRow)
        if (labels[iRow] == SIM_SUCCESS
            && labelsdiff[iRow] == SIM_SUCCESS)
          derivative = (ydiff->getRow(iRow)[iOut] - y->getRow(iRow)[iOut])
                      / (X->getRow(iRow)[iK] - xdiff->getRow(iRow)[iK]);
          mean += derivative;
          absmean += derivative > 0 ? derivative : -derivative;
          std += derivative*derivative;
      if (cnt < N_ * (1-m_FailureRate))
        throw SAException(ERROR_EXCEEDING_FAILURE_RATE);

      mean /= cnt;
      absmean /= cnt;
      std = sqrt(std/cnt - mean*mean);
      sens[iOut*iK] = mean;
      sens[iOut*iK+1] = absmean;
      sens[iOut*iK+2] = std;    
예제 #5
파일: DGSM.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void DGSM::setDelta(const double delta)
  if (delta>=0.5)
    throw SAException(ERROR_DGSM_BIG_DELTA);
  delta_ = delta;
예제 #6
파일: Jansen.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void Jansen::estimate()
  int k = m_InputData->getNumCols();            /* number of input factors */
  int N = k*(r_+1);
  double minCnt = (1-m_FailureRate) * r_;
  int* labels = m_OutputData->getLabels();

  /* allocates a temporary vector of Di of input factors */
  std::unique_ptr<double[]> Dvec_ptr(new double[k]);
  double* Dvec = Dvec_ptr.get();

  /* allocate a temporary vector of Dt of input factors */
  std::unique_ptr<double[]> Dtvec_ptr(new double[k]);
  double* Dtvec = Dtvec_ptr.get();

  double ** outputs = m_OutputData->getData();

  for (int iOut = 0; iOut< m_OutputData->getNumCols(); ++iOut) /* for each output */
    double D=0;                                   /* total output variance */
    double f0 = 0;                              /* mean of outputs */

    for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)                  /* for each input factor */
      int cnts[3] = {0, 0, 0};                  /* countt the numbers of valid simulation results */
      Dvec[iK] = 0;
      Dtvec[iK] = 0;
      double colD = 0;                             /* output variance of column iK */
      double f0 = 0;                            /* mean of column iK */

      /* Iterates from the first row to 'r' row of the winding stair design
       * matrix of outputs */
      for (int iR=0; iR<=r_; ++iR)
        /* Identifies row ids of samples for variance estimation 
         * - a sample at baseId row belongs to column iK of winding stairs design
         * Since the total number of samples is N=(r+1)*k, nextId and prevId
         * should never exceed N
        int baseId = iR*k + iK;          
        int prevId = baseId-1;         
        int nextId = baseId + k-1;
        if (labels[baseId] == SIM_SUCCESS)
          f0 += outputs[baseId][iOut];
          colD += outputs[baseId][iOut]*outputs[baseId][iOut];

          if (nextId<N && labels[prevId] == SIM_SUCCESS)
            double diff =  outputs[baseId][iOut] - outputs[nextId][iOut];
            Dvec[iK] += diff*diff;

          if (prevId>0 && labels[nextId] == SIM_SUCCESS)
            double diff =  outputs[baseId][iOut] - outputs[prevId][iOut];
            Dtvec[iK] += diff*diff;
      if (cnts[0] < minCnt
          || cnts[1] < minCnt
          || cnts[2] < minCnt
        throw SAException(ERROR_EXCEEDING_FAILURE_RATE);
      f0 /= cnts[0];
      D += (colD/cnts[0]-f0*f0);
      Dvec[iK] /= 2*cnts[1];
      Dtvec[iK] /= 2*cnts[2];
    /* estimate D */
    D /= k;
    /* estimate sensitivity measures */
    for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)
      double* sens = m_Sens->getRow(iK);
      sens[2*iOut] = 1 - Dvec[iK]/D;
      sens[2*iOut+1] = Dtvec[iK]/D;
예제 #7
파일: RBD.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void RBD::doSA()
  /* 1. Determine sampling size */
  if (N_ < 2*omega_ + 1)

  int N = N_ % 2 == 1 ? N_ : N_ + 1;            /* Makes N an odd number (it is not important) */
  if (useFFT_)
    N = len4FFT(N_);

  /* 2. Allocates data */
  int k = m_InputList->size();
  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> x(new DMatrix(N, k)); /* Input data */
  std::unique_ptr<IMatrix> p(new IMatrix(k, N)); /* Array of permutation vectors */
  std::unique_ptr<ResultMatrix> y(new ResultMatrix(N, m_NumOutputs)); /* Output data */

  double** xdata = x->getData();
  int** pdata = p->getData();
  double** ydata = y->getData();
  /* 3. Sets up permuation vectors */
  for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)
    for (int iN=0; iN<N; ++iN)
      pdata[iK][iN] = iN;
    m_RNG.shuffle(pdata[iK], N);
  /* 4. Inits the pilot sample */
  std::unique_ptr<double[]> x0ptr(new double[2*N]); /* pilot sample */
  double* x0 = x0ptr.get();
  double* s = &x0[N]; 
  for (int i=0; i<N; ++i)
    s[i] = MY_PI*(2*i+1-N)/N;

    x0[i] = 0.5 + asin(sin(omega_*s[i]));

  /* 5. Samples input data */
  for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)
    for (int iN=0; iN<N; ++iN)
      xdata[pdata[iK][iN]][iK] = x0[iN];

  /* 6. Converts input data to target distributions */
  m_RNG.convert(*x, m_InputList);

  /* 7. Runs simulation */
  simulate(*x, *y);

  /* 8. Estimates sensitivity indices */

  std::unique_ptr<double[]> ytmp_ptr(new double[N]);
  double* ytmp = ytmp_ptr.get();
  int* labels = y->getLabels();
  for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)
    for (int iOut=0; iOut< m_NumOutputs; ++iOut)
      for (int iN=0; iN<N; ++iN)
        ytmp[iN] = ydata[pdata[iK][iN]][iOut];
      interpolate(ytmp, labels, N);

      if (useFFT_) {                            /* Estimate Fourier coeffients using FFT */
        sdft(ytmp, N);
        double V=0;
        for (int iN=1; iN<N/2; ++iN)
          V += ytmp[iN];
        double Vi = 0;
        for (int iM=1; iM<M_+1; ++iM)
          Vi += ytmp[iM*omega_];

        m_Sens->getRow(iK)[iOut]= Vi/V;
      else                                      /* Estimates Fourier coefficients directly */
        double V=0, f0=0;
        /* estimates total variance */
        for (int iN=0; iN<N; ++iN)
          f0 += ytmp[iN];
          V += ytmp[iN] * ytmp[iN];
        f0 /= N;
        V /= N;
        V -= f0*f0;
        /* estimate Fourier coefficients and Vi */
        double Vi = 0;
        for (int iM=1; iM<M_+1; ++iM)
          double A=0, B=0;
          for (int iN = 0; iN<N; ++iN)
            A += ytmp[iN] * cos(iM*omega_*s[iN]);
            B += ytmp[iN] * sin(iM*omega_*s[iN]);
          A /= N;
          B /= N;
          Vi += A*A + B*B;
        m_Sens->getRow(iK)[iOut] = 2*Vi/V;

  /* 9. Retains input/output data if needs */
  if (m_SaveInput)
    m_InputData = std::move(x);
  if (m_SaveOutput)
    m_OutputData = std::move(y);
예제 #8
파일: RBD.cpp 프로젝트: reogac/salib
void RBD::setOmega(const int om)
  if (om <= 0)
  omega_ = om;