BaseDecoder *OGG_LoadDecoder() { MediaDecoder *ifce; OGGWraper *wrap; SAFEALLOC(ifce, sizeof(MediaDecoder)); SAFEALLOC(wrap, sizeof(OGGWraper)); ifce->privateStack = wrap; ifce->CanHandleStream = OGG_CanHandleStream; M4_REG_PLUG(ifce, M4MEDIADECODERINTERFACE, "GPAC package", "gpac distribution", 0) /*other interfaces will be setup at run time*/ return (BaseDecoder *)ifce; }
M4PathIterator *m4_path_new_iterator(M4Path *_this) { M4PathIterator *it; u32 i, j, nb; M4Point2D start, end; M4PATH(); SAFEALLOC(it, sizeof(M4PathIterator)); nb = 0; for (i=0; i<path->subpathlen; i++) { nb += path->subpath[i]->pointlen; } it->seg = malloc(sizeof(IterInfo) * nb); it->num_seg = 0; it->length = 0; for (i=0; i<path->subpathlen; i++) { if (!path->subpath[i]->pointlen) continue; start = path->subpath[i]->point[0]; for (j=1; j<path->subpath[i]->pointlen; j++) { end = path->subpath[i]->point[j]; it->seg[it->num_seg].start_x = start.x; it->seg[it->num_seg].start_y = start.y; it->seg[it->num_seg].dx = end.x - start.x; it->seg[it->num_seg].dy = end.y - start.y; it->seg[it->num_seg].len = (Float) sqrt(it->seg[it->num_seg].dx*it->seg[it->num_seg].dx + it->seg[it->num_seg].dy*it->seg[it->num_seg].dy); it->length += it->seg[it->num_seg].len; start = end; if (it->seg[it->num_seg].len) it->num_seg++; } } return it; }
LPPROTO SG_NewProto(LPSCENEGRAPH inScene, u32 ProtoID, char *name, Bool unregistered) { PrototypeNode *tmp; if (!inScene) return NULL; /*make sure we don't define a proto already defined in this scope*/ if (!unregistered) { tmp = SG_FindProto(inScene, ProtoID, name); if (tmp) return NULL; } SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(PrototypeNode)); if (!tmp) return NULL; tmp->proto_fields = NewChain(); tmp->node_code = NewChain(); tmp->parent_graph = inScene; tmp->sub_graph = SG_NewSubScene(inScene); tmp->instances = NewChain(); if (name) tmp->Name = strdup(name); else tmp->Name = strdup("Unnamed Proto"); tmp->ID = ProtoID; if (!unregistered) { ChainAddEntry(inScene->protos, tmp); } else { ChainAddEntry(inScene->unregistered_protos, tmp); } return tmp; }
CommandFieldInfo *SG_NewFieldCommand(SGCommand *com) { CommandFieldInfo *ptr; SAFEALLOC(ptr, sizeof(CommandFieldInfo)); ChainAddEntry(com->command_fields, ptr); return ptr; }
Atom *ftab_New() { FontTableAtom *tmp; SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(FontTableAtom)); if (!tmp) return NULL; tmp->type = FontTableAtomType; return (Atom *) tmp; }
Atom *tx3g_New() { TextSampleEntryAtom *tmp; SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(TextSampleEntryAtom)); if (!tmp) return NULL; tmp->type = TextSampleEntryAtomType; return (Atom *) tmp; }
M4Err ProtoInstance_SetISField(SFNode *protoinst, u32 protoFieldIndex, SFNode *node, u32 nodeFieldIndex) { M4Err e; Route *r; FieldInfo field, nodeField; if (protoinst->sgprivate->tag != TAG_ProtoNode) return M4BadParam; e = Node_GetField(protoinst, protoFieldIndex, &field); if (e) return e; e = Node_GetField(node, nodeFieldIndex, &nodeField); if (e) return e; if (field.fieldType != nodeField.fieldType) { if ((VRML_GetSFType(field.fieldType)==FT_SFString) && (VRML_GetSFType(nodeField.fieldType) == FT_SFURL)) { e = M4OK; } else if ((VRML_GetSFType(field.fieldType)==FT_SFURL) && (VRML_GetSFType(nodeField.fieldType) == FT_SFString)) { e = M4OK; } else { // printf("error in IS - node field %s.%s - inType %s - outType %s\n", Node_GetName(node) ,, VRML_GetFieldTypeName(field.fieldType), VRML_GetFieldTypeName(nodeField.fieldType)); return M4InvalidProto; } } SAFEALLOC(r, sizeof(Route)); if (!r) return M4OutOfMem; r->IS_route = 1; if (nodeField.eventType==ET_EventOut) { r->FromFieldIndex = nodeFieldIndex; r->FromNode = node; r->ToFieldIndex = protoFieldIndex; r->ToNode = protoinst; ChainAddEntry(node->sgprivate->outRoutes, r); } else { switch (field.eventType) { case ET_Field: case ET_ExposedField: case ET_EventIn: r->FromFieldIndex = protoFieldIndex; r->FromNode = protoinst; r->ToFieldIndex = nodeFieldIndex; r->ToNode = node; break; case ET_EventOut: r->FromFieldIndex = nodeFieldIndex; r->FromNode = node; r->ToFieldIndex = protoFieldIndex; r->ToNode = protoinst; ChainAddEntry(node->sgprivate->outRoutes, r); break; default: free(r); return M4BadParam; } } r->graph = node->sgprivate->scenegraph; ActivateRoute(r); return ChainAddEntry(r->graph->Routes, r); }
SFNode *Proto_CreateNode(LPSCENEGRAPH scene, PrototypeNode *proto, ProtoInstance *from_inst) { u32 i; ProtoField *inst, *from_field; ProtoFieldInterface *field; ProtoInstance *proto_node; SAFEALLOC(proto_node, sizeof(ProtoInstance)); if (!proto_node) return NULL; Node_Setup((SFNode *)proto_node, TAG_ProtoNode); proto_node->node_code = NewChain(); proto_node->fields = NewChain(); proto_node->scripts_to_load = NewChain(); proto_node->proto_interface = proto; ChainAddEntry(proto->instances, proto_node); #ifdef NODE_USE_POINTERS proto_node->sgprivate->node_del = protoinst_del; proto_node->sgprivate->get_field = protoinst_get_field; proto_node->sgprivate->get_field_count = Proto_GetNumFields; proto_node->sgprivate->name = strdup(proto->Name); #else proto_node->proto_name = strdup(proto->Name); #endif /*create the namespace*/ proto_node->sgprivate->scenegraph = SG_NewSubScene(scene); /*set this proto as owner of the new graph*/ proto_node->sgprivate->scenegraph->pOwningProto = proto_node; /*instanciate fields*/ for (i=0; i<ChainGetCount(proto->proto_fields); i++) { field = ChainGetEntry(proto->proto_fields, i); inst = malloc(sizeof(ProtoField)); inst->EventType = field->EventType; inst->FieldType = field->FieldType; /*this is OK to call on SFNode (returns NULL) and MFNode (returns NewChain() )*/ inst->field_pointer = VRML_NewFieldPointer(inst->FieldType); /*regular field, duplicate from default value or instanciated one if specified (since a proto may be partially instanciated when used in another proto)*/ if (VRML_GetSFType(inst->FieldType) != FT_SFNode) { if (from_inst) { from_field = ChainGetEntry(from_inst->fields, i); VRML_FieldCopy(inst->field_pointer, from_field->field_pointer, inst->FieldType); } else { VRML_FieldCopy(inst->field_pointer, field->default_value, inst->FieldType); } } /*No default values for SFNodes as interfaces ...*/ ChainAddEntry(proto_node->fields, inst); } return (SFNode *) proto_node; }
void InitStringSensor(InlineScene *is, SFNode *node) { StringSensorStack*st; SAFEALLOC(st, sizeof(StringSensorStack)); st->term = is->root_od->term; Node_SetPrivate(node, st); Node_SetPreDestroyFunction(node, DestroyStringSensor); ChainAddEntry(is->root_od->term->x3d_sensors, node); }
M4Path *m4_path_clone(M4Path *_this) { u32 i; M4Path *tmp; M4PATH(); SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(M4Path)); if (!tmp) return tmp; memcpy(tmp, path, sizeof(M4Path)); tmp->subpath = malloc(sizeof(M4SubPath*) * path->subpathmax); for (i=0; i<path->subpathlen; i++) { SAFEALLOC(tmp->subpath[i] , sizeof(M4SubPath)); memcpy(tmp->subpath, path->subpath, sizeof(M4SubPath)); tmp->subpath[i]->point = malloc(sizeof(M4Point2D) * tmp->subpath[i]->pointmax); memcpy(tmp->subpath[i]->point, path->subpath[i]->point, sizeof(M4Point2D) * tmp->subpath[i]->pointlen); } return tmp; }
void R2D_InitPathLayout(Render2D *sr, SFNode *node) { PathLayoutStack *stack; SAFEALLOC(stack, sizeof(PathLayoutStack)); SetupGroupingNode2D((GroupingNode2D*)stack, sr, node); Node_SetPrivate(node, stack); Node_SetPreDestroyFunction(node, DestroyPathLayout); Node_SetRenderFunction(node, RenderPathLayout); }
M4Path *m4_new_path() { M4Path *path; SAFEALLOC(path , sizeof(M4Path)); if (path == NULL) return NULL; path->subpathmax = 8; SAFEALLOC(path->subpath , sizeof (M4SubPath*) * path->subpathmax); if (path->subpath == NULL) { free(path); return NULL; } path->min_x = FLT_MAX; path->min_y = FLT_MAX; path->max_x = -1 * FLT_MAX; path->max_y = -1 * FLT_MAX; path->fineness = 0.5; path->resolution = M4_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION; path->fill_mode = M4PathFillOddEven; return path; }
SGCommand *SG_NewCommand(LPSCENEGRAPH graph, u32 tag) { SGCommand *ptr; SAFEALLOC(ptr, sizeof(SGCommand)); if (!ptr) return NULL; ptr->tag = tag; ptr->in_scene = graph; ptr->new_proto_list = NewChain(); ptr->command_fields = NewChain(); return ptr; }
GF_FontReader *gdip_new_font_driver() { GdiplusStartupInput startupInput; GF_FontReader *dr; FontPriv *ctx; SAFEALLOC(ctx, FontPriv); SAFEALLOC(dr, GF_FontReader); GdiplusStartup(&ctx->gdiToken, &startupInput, NULL); GF_REGISTER_MODULE_INTERFACE(dr, GF_FONT_READER_INTERFACE, "GDIplus Font Reader", "gpac distribution") dr->init_font_engine = gdip_init_font_engine; dr->shutdown_font_engine = gdip_shutdown_font_engine; dr->set_font = gdip_set_font; dr->get_font_info = gdip_get_font_info; dr->get_glyphs = gdip_get_glyphs; dr->load_glyph = gdip_load_glyph; dr->udta = ctx; return dr; }
BaseDecoder *NewBIFSDec() { BIFSPriv *priv; SceneDecoder *tmp; SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(SceneDecoder)); if (!tmp) return NULL; SAFEALLOC(priv, sizeof(BIFSPriv)); priv->codec = NULL; tmp->privateStack = priv; tmp->AttachStream = BIFS_AttachStream; tmp->DetachStream = BIFS_DetachStream; tmp->GetCapabilities = BIFS_GetCapabilities; tmp->SetCapabilities = BIFS_SetCapabilities; tmp->ProcessData = BIFS_ProcessData; tmp->AttachScene = BIFS_AttachScene; tmp->CanHandleStream = BIFS_CanHandleStream; tmp->ReleaseScene = BIFS_ReleaseScene; M4_REG_PLUG(tmp, M4SCENEDECODERINTERFACE, "GPAC BIFS Decoder", "gpac distribution", 0) return (BaseDecoder *) tmp; }
M4Err ftab_Read(Atom *s, BitStream *bs, u64 *read) { u32 i; FontTableAtom *ptr = (FontTableAtom *)s; ptr->entry_count = BS_ReadInt(bs, 16); *read += 2; SAFEALLOC(ptr->fonts, sizeof(FontRecord)*ptr->entry_count); for (i=0; i<ptr->entry_count; i++) { u32 len; ptr->fonts[i].fontID = BS_ReadInt(bs, 16); len = BS_ReadInt(bs, 8); *read += 3; if (len) { SAFEALLOC(ptr->fonts[i].fontName, sizeof(char)*(len+1)); BS_ReadData(bs, ptr->fonts[i].fontName, len); *read += len; } } if (*read != ptr->size) return M4ReadAtomFailed; return M4OK; }
static void LASeR_InitGenericAnimate(Render2D *sr, SFNode *node, void (*UpdateTimeNode)(TimeNode *)) { LASeR_AnimateStack *animate_stack; SAFEALLOC(animate_stack, sizeof(LASeR_AnimateStack)) animate_stack->time_handle.UpdateTimeNode = UpdateTimeNode; animate_stack->time_handle.obj = node; animate_stack->num_cycles = 0; animate_stack->compositor = sr->compositor; Node_SetPrivate(node, animate_stack); Node_SetPreDestroyFunction(node, LASeR_DestroyGenericAnimate); SR_RegisterTimeNode(animate_stack->compositor, &animate_stack->time_handle); }
GenericCodec *Codec_UseDecoder(GenericCodec *codec, ODManager *odm) { GenericCodec *tmp; if (!codec->decio) return NULL; SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(GenericCodec)); tmp->type = codec->type; tmp->inChannels = NewChain(); tmp->Status = CODEC_STOP; tmp->odm = odm; tmp->flags = codec->flags | COD_IS_USE; tmp->decio = codec->decio; return tmp; }
LPLASERDEC LASeR_NewDecoder(LPSCENEGRAPH scenegraph) { LASeRDecoder * tmp; SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(LASeRDecoder)); tmp->scenegraph = scenegraph; if (!scenegraph) { tmp->dec_memory_mode = 1; tmp->conditionals = NewChain(); } tmp->current_graph = NULL; tmp->mx = NewMutex(); return tmp; }
M4SubPath *new_subpath2D() { M4SubPath *subpath; SAFEALLOC(subpath, sizeof (M4SubPath)); if (subpath == NULL) return NULL; subpath->pointmax = 16; subpath->point = malloc(sizeof (M4Point2D) * subpath->pointmax); if (subpath->point == NULL) { free(subpath); return NULL; } return subpath; }
Drawable *NewDrawableNode() { Drawable *tmp; SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(Drawable)) tmp->on_surfaces = NewChain(); tmp->path = m4_new_path(); /*init with default*/ tmp->Draw = drawable_draw; tmp->IsPointOver = drawable_point_over; tmp->strike_list = NewChain(); /*alloc bounds storage*/ check_bounds_size(tmp); return tmp; }
GF_Raster2D *gdip_LoadRenderer() { GdiplusStartupInput startupInput; GF_Raster2D *driver; struct _gdip_context *ctx; SAFEALLOC(ctx, struct _gdip_context); SAFEALLOC(driver, GF_Raster2D); GdiplusStartup(&ctx->gdiToken, &startupInput, NULL); driver->internal = ctx; GF_REGISTER_MODULE_INTERFACE(driver, GF_RASTER_2D_INTERFACE, "GDIplus 2D Raster", "gpac distribution") gdip_init_driver_texture(driver); gdip_init_driver_surface(driver); gdip_init_driver_grad(driver); return driver; }
BaseDecoder *NewDIVXDec() { MediaDecoder *ifcd; DIVXDec *dec; SAFEALLOC(ifcd, sizeof(MediaDecoder)); SAFEALLOC(dec, sizeof(DIVXDec)); M4_REG_PLUG(ifcd, M4MEDIADECODERINTERFACE, "DIVX Decoder", "gpac distribution", 0) ifcd->privateStack = dec; /*get config*/ dec->base_filters = 0; /*setup our own interface*/ ifcd->AttachStream = DIVX_AttachStream; ifcd->DetachStream = DIVX_DetachStream; ifcd->GetCapabilities = DIVX_GetCapabilities; ifcd->SetCapabilities = DIVX_SetCapabilities; ifcd->GetName = DIVX_GetCodecName; ifcd->CanHandleStream = DIVX_CanHandleStream; ifcd->ProcessData = DIVX_ProcessData; return (BaseDecoder *) ifcd; }
M4Err avcc_Read(Atom *s, BitStream *bs, u64 *read) { u32 size; char *data; u32 i, count; AVCConfigurationAtom *ptr = (AVCConfigurationAtom *)s; if (ptr->config) DeleteAVCConfig(ptr->config); SAFEALLOC(ptr->config, sizeof(AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord)); ptr->config->configurationVersion = BS_ReadInt(bs, 8); ptr->config->AVCProfileIndication = BS_ReadInt(bs, 8); ptr->config->profile_compatibility = BS_ReadInt(bs, 8); ptr->config->AVCLevelIndication = BS_ReadInt(bs, 8); BS_ReadInt(bs, 6); ptr->config->nal_unit_size = 1 + BS_ReadInt(bs, 2); BS_ReadInt(bs, 3); count = ptr->config->numSequenceParameterSets = BS_ReadInt(bs, 5); *read += 6; ptr->config->sequenceParameterSets = malloc(sizeof(AVCConfigSlot)*count); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { size = BS_ReadInt(bs, 16); data = malloc(sizeof(char) * size); BS_ReadData(bs, data, size); ptr->config->sequenceParameterSets[i].size = size; ptr->config->sequenceParameterSets[i].data = data; *read += 2+size; } count = ptr->config->numPictureParameterSets = BS_ReadInt(bs, 8); *read += 1; ptr->config->pictureParameterSets = malloc(sizeof(AVCConfigSlot)*count); for (i=0; i<count; i++) { size = BS_ReadInt(bs, 16); data = malloc(sizeof(char) * size); BS_ReadData(bs, data, size); ptr->config->pictureParameterSets[i].size = size; ptr->config->pictureParameterSets[i].data = data; *read += 2+size; } /*"Readers should be prepared to ignore unrecognised data beyond the definition of the data they understand"*/ if (*read < ptr->size) { BS_ReadInt(bs, (u32) (8*(ptr->size - *read)) ); *read = ptr->size; } return (*read != ptr->size) ? M4ReadAtomFailed : M4OK; }
LPPROTOFIELD Proto_NewField(LPPROTO proto, u32 fieldType, u32 eventType, char *fieldName) { ProtoFieldInterface *tmp; if (fieldName) { tmp = Proto_FindFieldByName(proto, fieldName); if (tmp) return NULL; } SAFEALLOC(tmp, sizeof(ProtoFieldInterface)); if (!tmp) return NULL; tmp->FieldType = fieldType; tmp->EventType = eventType; /*create container - can be NULL if SF node*/ tmp->default_value = VRML_NewFieldPointer(fieldType); if (fieldName) tmp->FieldName = strdup(fieldName); tmp->ALL_index = ChainGetCount(proto->proto_fields); tmp->OUT_index = tmp->DEF_index = tmp->IN_index = -1; switch (eventType) { case ET_ExposedField: tmp->IN_index = proto->NumIn; proto->NumIn ++; tmp->OUT_index = proto->NumOut; proto->NumOut ++; case ET_Field: tmp->DEF_index = proto->NumDef; proto->NumDef ++; break; case ET_EventIn: tmp->IN_index = proto->NumIn; proto->NumIn ++; break; case ET_EventOut: tmp->OUT_index = proto->NumOut; proto->NumOut ++; break; } ChainAddEntry(proto->proto_fields, tmp); return tmp; }