예제 #1
/** adds cut to separation storage and captures it;
 *  if the cut should be forced to enter the LP, an infinite score has to be used
   SCIP_SEPASTORE*       sepastore,          /**< separation storage */
   BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem,             /**< block memory */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics data */
   SCIP_EVENTQUEUE*      eventqueue,         /**< event queue */
   SCIP_EVENTFILTER*     eventfilter,        /**< event filter for global events */
   SCIP_LP*              lp,                 /**< LP data */
   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< primal solution that was separated, or NULL for LP solution */
   SCIP_ROW*             cut,                /**< separated cut */
   SCIP_Bool             forcecut,           /**< should the cut be forced to enter the LP? */
   SCIP_Bool             root                /**< are we at the root node? */
   assert(sepastore != NULL);
   assert(cut != NULL);
   assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -SCIProwGetLhs(cut)) || !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, SCIProwGetRhs(cut)));

   /* debug: check cut for feasibility */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPdebugCheckRow(set, cut) ); /*lint !e506 !e774*/

   /* update statistics of total number of found cuts */
   if( !sepastore->initiallp )

   /* add LP row cut to separation storage */
   SCIP_CALL( sepastoreAddCut(sepastore, blkmem, set, stat, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, sol, cut, forcecut, root) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #2
/** applies the given cut to the LP and updates the orthogonalities and scores of remaining cuts */
SCIP_RETCODE sepastoreApplyCut(
   SCIP_SEPASTORE*       sepastore,          /**< separation storage */
   BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem,             /**< block memory */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_EVENTQUEUE*      eventqueue,         /**< event queue */
   SCIP_EVENTFILTER*     eventfilter,        /**< global event filter */
   SCIP_LP*              lp,                 /**< LP data */
   SCIP_ROW*             cut,                /**< cut to apply to the LP */
   SCIP_Real             mincutorthogonality,/**< minimal orthogonality of cuts to apply to LP */
   int                   depth,              /**< depth of current node */
   int*                  ncutsapplied        /**< pointer to count the number of applied cuts */
   assert(sepastore != NULL);
   assert(ncutsapplied != NULL);

   /* a row could have been added twice to the separation store; add it only once! */
   if( !SCIProwIsInLP(cut) )
      /* add cut to the LP and capture it */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPlpAddRow(lp, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, cut, depth) );
      if( !sepastore->initiallp )

      /* update the orthogonalities */
      SCIP_CALL( sepastoreUpdateOrthogonalities(sepastore, blkmem, set, eventqueue, eventfilter, lp, cut, mincutorthogonality) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #3
/** searches and adds integral objective cuts that separate the given primal solution */
SCIP_RETCODE separateCuts(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */ 
   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa,               /**< the intobj separator */
   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< the solution that should be separated, or NULL for LP solution */
   SCIP_RESULT*          result              /**< pointer to store the result */
   SCIP_SEPADATA* sepadata;
   SCIP_Real objval;
   SCIP_Real intbound;
   SCIP_Bool infeasible;
   SCIP_Bool tightened;

   assert(result != NULL);
   assert(*result == SCIP_DIDNOTRUN);

   /* if the objective value may be fractional, we cannot do anything */
   if( !SCIPisObjIntegral(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   /* if the current objective value is integral, there is no integral objective value cut */
   if( sol == NULL )
      objval = SCIPretransformObj(scip, SCIPgetLPObjval(scip));
      objval = SCIPgetSolOrigObj(scip, sol);
   if( SCIPisFeasIntegral(scip, objval) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   sepadata = SCIPsepaGetData(sepa);
   assert(sepadata != NULL);

   /* the objective value is fractional: create the objective value inequality, if not yet existing */
   SCIP_CALL( createObjRow(scip, sepa, sepadata) );

   /* adjust the bounds of the objective value variable */
   if( SCIPgetObjsense(scip) == SCIP_OBJSENSE_MINIMIZE )
      intbound = SCIPceil(scip, objval) - sepadata->setoff;
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPtightenVarLb(scip, sepadata->objvar, intbound, FALSE, &infeasible, &tightened) );
      SCIPdebugMessage("new objective variable lower bound: <%s>[%g,%g]\n",
         SCIPvarGetName(sepadata->objvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(sepadata->objvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(sepadata->objvar));
      intbound = SCIPfloor(scip, objval) - sepadata->setoff;
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPtightenVarUb(scip, sepadata->objvar, intbound, FALSE, &infeasible, &tightened) );
      SCIPdebugMessage("new objective variable upper bound: <%s>[%g,%g]\n",
         SCIPvarGetName(sepadata->objvar), SCIPvarGetLbLocal(sepadata->objvar), SCIPvarGetUbLocal(sepadata->objvar));

   /* add the objective value inequality as a cut to the LP */
   if( infeasible )
      *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
      if( !SCIProwIsInLP(sepadata->objrow) )
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCut(scip, sol, sepadata->objrow, FALSE, &infeasible) );
      if ( infeasible )
         *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;
      else if ( tightened )
         *result = SCIP_REDUCEDDOM;
         *result = SCIP_SEPARATED;

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #4
/** adds cut stored as LP row to separation storage and captures it;
 *  if the cut should be forced to be used, an infinite score has to be used
SCIP_RETCODE sepastoreAddCut(
   SCIP_SEPASTORE*       sepastore,          /**< separation storage */
   BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem,             /**< block memory */
   SCIP_SET*             set,                /**< global SCIP settings */
   SCIP_STAT*            stat,               /**< problem statistics data */
   SCIP_EVENTQUEUE*      eventqueue,         /**< event queue */
   SCIP_EVENTFILTER*     eventfilter,        /**< event filter for global events */
   SCIP_LP*              lp,                 /**< LP data */
   SCIP_SOL*             sol,                /**< primal solution that was separated, or NULL for LP solution */
   SCIP_ROW*             cut,                /**< separated cut */
   SCIP_Bool             forcecut,           /**< should the cut be forced to enter the LP? */
   SCIP_Bool             root                /**< are we at the root node? */
   SCIP_Real cutefficacy;
   SCIP_Real cutobjparallelism;
   SCIP_Real cutscore;
   int pos;

   assert(sepastore != NULL);
   assert(sepastore->nforcedcuts <= sepastore->ncuts);
   assert(set != NULL);
   assert(cut != NULL);
   assert(sol != NULL || !SCIProwIsInLP(cut));
   assert(!SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, -SCIProwGetLhs(cut)) || !SCIPsetIsInfinity(set, SCIProwGetRhs(cut)));
   assert(eventqueue != NULL);
   assert(eventfilter != NULL);

   /* in the root node, every local cut is a global cut, and global cuts are nicer in many ways...*/
   if( root && SCIProwIsLocal(cut) )
      SCIPdebugMessage("change local flag of cut <%s> to FALSE due to addition in root node\n", SCIProwGetName(cut));

      SCIP_CALL( SCIProwChgLocal(cut, FALSE) );


   /* check cut for redundancy
    * in each separation round, make sure that at least one (even redundant) cut enters the LP to avoid cycling
   if( !forcecut && sepastore->ncuts > 0 && sepastoreIsCutRedundant(sepastore, set, stat, cut) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* if only one cut is currently present in the cut store, it could be redundant; in this case, it can now be removed
    * again, because now a non redundant cut enters the store
   if( sepastore->ncuts == 1 && sepastoreIsCutRedundant(sepastore, set, stat, sepastore->cuts[0]) )
      /* check, if the row deletions from separation storage events are tracked
       * if so, issue ROWDELETEDSEPA event
      if( eventfilter->len > 0 && (eventfilter->eventmask & SCIP_EVENTTYPE_ROWDELETEDSEPA) != 0 )
         SCIP_EVENT* event;

         SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventCreateRowDeletedSepa(&event, blkmem, sepastore->cuts[0]) );
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventqueueAdd(eventqueue, blkmem, set, NULL, NULL, NULL, eventfilter, &event) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIProwRelease(&sepastore->cuts[0], blkmem, set, lp) );
      sepastore->ncuts = 0;
      sepastore->nforcedcuts = 0;

   /* a cut is forced to enter the LP if
    *  - we construct the initial LP, or
    *  - it has infinite score factor, or
    *  - it is a bound change
    * if it is a non-forced cut and no cuts should be added, abort
   forcecut = forcecut || sepastore->initiallp || sepastore->forcecuts
      || (!SCIProwIsModifiable(cut) && SCIProwGetNNonz(cut) == 1);
   if( !forcecut && SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcuts(set, root) == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get enough memory to store the cut */
   SCIP_CALL( sepastoreEnsureCutsMem(sepastore, set, sepastore->ncuts+1) );
   assert(sepastore->ncuts < sepastore->cutssize);

   if( forcecut )
      cutefficacy = SCIPsetInfinity(set);
      cutscore = SCIPsetInfinity(set);
      cutobjparallelism = 1.0;
      /* initialize values to invalid (will be initialized during cut filtering) */
      cutefficacy = SCIP_INVALID;
      cutscore = SCIP_INVALID;

      /* initialize parallelism to objective (constant throughout filtering) */
      if( set->sepa_objparalfac > 0.0 )
         cutobjparallelism = SCIProwGetObjParallelism(cut, set, lp);
         cutobjparallelism = 0.0; /* no need to calculate it */

   SCIPdebugMessage("adding cut <%s> to separation storage of size %d (forcecut=%u, len=%d)\n",
      SCIProwGetName(cut), sepastore->ncuts, forcecut, SCIProwGetNNonz(cut));
   /*SCIPdebug(SCIProwPrint(cut, NULL));*/

   /* capture the cut */

   /* add cut to arrays */
   if( forcecut )
      /* make room at the beginning of the array for forced cut */
      pos = sepastore->nforcedcuts;
      sepastore->cuts[sepastore->ncuts] = sepastore->cuts[pos];
      sepastore->efficacies[sepastore->ncuts] = sepastore->efficacies[pos];
      sepastore->objparallelisms[sepastore->ncuts] = sepastore->objparallelisms[pos];
      sepastore->orthogonalities[sepastore->ncuts] = sepastore->orthogonalities[pos];
      sepastore->scores[sepastore->ncuts] = sepastore->scores[pos];
      pos = sepastore->ncuts;

   sepastore->cuts[pos] = cut;
   sepastore->efficacies[pos] = cutefficacy;
   sepastore->objparallelisms[pos] = cutobjparallelism;
   sepastore->orthogonalities[pos] = 1.0;
   sepastore->scores[pos] = cutscore;

   /* check, if the row addition to separation storage events are tracked
    * if so, issue ROWADDEDSEPA event
   if( eventfilter->len > 0 && (eventfilter->eventmask & SCIP_EVENTTYPE_ROWADDEDSEPA) != 0 )
      SCIP_EVENT* event;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventCreateRowAddedSepa(&event, blkmem, cut) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventqueueAdd(eventqueue, blkmem, set, NULL, NULL, NULL, eventfilter, &event) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #5
파일: heur_oneopt.c 프로젝트: gorhan/LFOS
/** compute value by which the solution of variable @p var can be shifted */
SCIP_Real calcShiftVal(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< variable that should be shifted */
   SCIP_Real             solval,             /**< current solution value */
   SCIP_Real*            activities          /**< LP row activities */
   SCIP_Real lb;
   SCIP_Real ub;
   SCIP_Real obj;
   SCIP_Real shiftval;

   SCIP_COL* col;
   SCIP_ROW** colrows;
   SCIP_Real* colvals;
   SCIP_Bool shiftdown;

   int ncolrows;
   int i;

   /* get variable's solution value, global bounds and objective coefficient */
   lb = SCIPvarGetLbGlobal(var);
   ub = SCIPvarGetUbGlobal(var);
   obj = SCIPvarGetObj(var);
   shiftval = 0.0;
   shiftdown = TRUE;

   /* determine shifting direction and maximal possible shifting w.r.t. corresponding bound */
   if( obj > 0.0 && SCIPisFeasGE(scip, solval - 1.0, lb) )
      shiftval = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, solval - lb);
   else if( obj < 0.0 && SCIPisFeasLE(scip, solval + 1.0, ub) )
      shiftval = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, ub - solval);
      shiftdown = FALSE;
      return 0.0;

   SCIPdebugMessage("Try to shift %s variable <%s> with\n", shiftdown ? "down" : "up", SCIPvarGetName(var) );
   SCIPdebugMessage("    lb:<%g> <= val:<%g> <= ub:<%g> and obj:<%g> by at most: <%g>\n", lb, solval, ub, obj, shiftval);

   /* get data of LP column */
   col = SCIPvarGetCol(var);
   colrows = SCIPcolGetRows(col);
   colvals = SCIPcolGetVals(col);
   ncolrows = SCIPcolGetNLPNonz(col);

   assert(ncolrows == 0 || (colrows != NULL && colvals != NULL));

   /* find minimal shift value, st. all rows stay valid */
   for( i = 0; i < ncolrows && shiftval > 0.0; ++i )
      SCIP_ROW* row;
      int rowpos;

      row = colrows[i];
      rowpos = SCIProwGetLPPos(row);
      assert(-1 <= rowpos && rowpos < SCIPgetNLPRows(scip) );

      /* only global rows need to be valid */
      if( rowpos >= 0 && !SCIProwIsLocal(row) )
         SCIP_Real shiftvalrow;


         if( shiftdown == (colvals[i] > 0) )
            shiftvalrow = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, (activities[rowpos] - SCIProwGetLhs(row)) / ABS(colvals[i]));
            shiftvalrow = SCIPfeasFloor(scip, (SCIProwGetRhs(row) -  activities[rowpos]) / ABS(colvals[i]));
         if( shiftvalrow < shiftval )
            SCIPdebugMessage(" -> The shift value had to be reduced to <%g>, because of row <%s>.\n",
               shiftvalrow, SCIProwGetName(row));
            SCIPdebugMessage("    lhs:<%g> <= act:<%g> <= rhs:<%g>, colval:<%g>\n",
               SCIProwGetLhs(row), activities[rowpos], SCIProwGetRhs(row), colvals[i]);
         shiftval = MIN(shiftval, shiftvalrow);
         /* shiftvalrow might be negative, if we detected infeasibility -> make sure that shiftval is >= 0 */
         shiftval = MAX(shiftval, 0.0);
   if( shiftdown )
      shiftval *= -1.0;

   /* we must not shift variables to infinity */
   if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, solval + shiftval) )
      shiftval = 0.0;

   return shiftval;
예제 #6
/** LP solution separation method for disjunctive cuts */
   SCIP_SEPADATA* sepadata;
   SCIP_CONSHDLR* conshdlr;
   SCIP_DIGRAPH* conflictgraph;
   SCIP_ROW** rows;
   SCIP_COL** cols;
   SCIP_Real* cutcoefs = NULL;
   SCIP_Real* simplexcoefs1 = NULL;
   SCIP_Real* simplexcoefs2 = NULL;
   SCIP_Real* coef = NULL;
   SCIP_Real* binvrow = NULL;
   SCIP_Real* rowsmaxval = NULL;
   SCIP_Real* violationarray = NULL;
   int* fixings1 = NULL;
   int* fixings2 = NULL;
   int* basisind = NULL;
   int* basisrow = NULL;
   int* varrank = NULL;
   int* edgearray = NULL;
   int nedges;
   int ndisjcuts;
   int nrelevantedges;
   int nsos1vars;
   int nconss;
   int maxcuts;
   int ncalls;
   int depth;
   int ncols;
   int nrows;
   int ind;
   int j;
   int i;

   assert( sepa != NULL );
   assert( strcmp(SCIPsepaGetName(sepa), SEPA_NAME) == 0 );
   assert( scip != NULL );
   assert( result != NULL );

   *result = SCIP_DIDNOTRUN;

   /* only generate disjunctive cuts if we are not close to terminating */
   if ( SCIPisStopped(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only generate disjunctive cuts if an optimal LP solution is at hand */
   if ( SCIPgetLPSolstat(scip) != SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only generate disjunctive cuts if the LP solution is basic */
   if ( ! SCIPisLPSolBasic(scip) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get LP data */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPColsData(scip, &cols, &ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPRowsData(scip, &rows, &nrows) );

   /* return if LP has no columns or no rows */
   if ( ncols == 0 || nrows == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   assert( cols != NULL );
   assert( rows != NULL );

   /* get sepa data */
   sepadata = SCIPsepaGetData(sepa);
   assert( sepadata != NULL );

   /* get constraint handler */
   conshdlr = sepadata->conshdlr;
   if ( conshdlr == NULL )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get number of constraints */
   nconss = SCIPconshdlrGetNConss(conshdlr);
   if ( nconss == 0 )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* check for maxdepth < depth, maxinvcutsroot = 0 and maxinvcuts = 0 */
   depth = SCIPgetDepth(scip);
   if ( ( sepadata->maxdepth >= 0 && sepadata->maxdepth < depth )
      || ( depth == 0 && sepadata->maxinvcutsroot == 0 )
      || ( depth > 0 && sepadata->maxinvcuts == 0 ) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* only call the cut separator a given number of times at each node */
   ncalls = SCIPsepaGetNCallsAtNode(sepa);
   if ( (depth == 0 && sepadata->maxroundsroot >= 0 && ncalls >= sepadata->maxroundsroot)
      || (depth > 0 && sepadata->maxrounds >= 0 && ncalls >= sepadata->maxrounds) )
      return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get conflict graph and number of conflict graph edges (note that the digraph arcs were added in both directions) */
   conflictgraph = SCIPgetConflictgraphSOS1(conshdlr);
   nedges = (int)SCIPceil(scip, (SCIP_Real)SCIPdigraphGetNArcs(conflictgraph)/2);

   /* if too many conflict graph edges, the separator can be slow: delay it until no other cuts have been found */
   if ( sepadata->maxconfsdelay >= 0 && nedges >= sepadata->maxconfsdelay )
      int ncutsfound;

      ncutsfound = SCIPgetNCutsFound(scip);
      if ( ncutsfound > sepadata->lastncutsfound || ! SCIPsepaWasLPDelayed(sepa) )
         sepadata->lastncutsfound = ncutsfound;
         *result = SCIP_DELAYED;
         return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* check basis status */
   for (j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      if ( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(cols[j]) == SCIP_BASESTAT_ZERO )
         return SCIP_OKAY;

   /* get number of SOS1 variables */
   nsos1vars = SCIPgetNSOS1Vars(conshdlr);

   /* allocate buffer arrays */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &edgearray, nedges) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &fixings1, nedges) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &fixings2, nedges) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &violationarray, nedges) );

   /* get all violated conflicts {i, j} in the conflict graph and sort them based on the degree of a violation value */
   nrelevantedges = 0;
   for (j = 0; j < nsos1vars; ++j)
      SCIP_VAR* var;

      var = SCIPnodeGetVarSOS1(conflictgraph, j);

      if ( SCIPvarIsActive(var) && ! SCIPisFeasZero(scip, SCIPcolGetPrimsol(SCIPvarGetCol(var))) && SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(SCIPvarGetCol(var)) == SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC )
         int* succ;
         int nsucc;

         /* get successors and number of successors */
         nsucc = SCIPdigraphGetNSuccessors(conflictgraph, j);
         succ = SCIPdigraphGetSuccessors(conflictgraph, j);

         for (i = 0; i < nsucc; ++i)
            SCIP_VAR* varsucc;
            int succind;

            succind = succ[i];
            varsucc = SCIPnodeGetVarSOS1(conflictgraph, succind);
            if ( SCIPvarIsActive(varsucc) && succind < j && ! SCIPisFeasZero(scip, SCIPgetSolVal(scip, NULL, varsucc) ) &&
                 SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(SCIPvarGetCol(varsucc)) == SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC )
               fixings1[nrelevantedges] = j;
               fixings2[nrelevantedges] = succind;
               edgearray[nrelevantedges] = nrelevantedges;
               violationarray[nrelevantedges++] = SCIPgetSolVal(scip, NULL, var) * SCIPgetSolVal(scip, NULL, varsucc);

   /* sort violation score values */
   if ( nrelevantedges > 0)
      SCIPsortDownRealInt(violationarray, edgearray, nrelevantedges);
      SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &violationarray);
      SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &fixings2);
      SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &fixings1);
      SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &edgearray);

      return SCIP_OKAY;
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &violationarray);

   /* compute maximal number of cuts */
   if ( SCIPgetDepth(scip) == 0 )
      maxcuts = MIN(sepadata->maxinvcutsroot, nrelevantedges);
      maxcuts = MIN(sepadata->maxinvcuts, nrelevantedges);
   assert( maxcuts > 0 );

   /* allocate buffer arrays */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &varrank, ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &rowsmaxval, nrows) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &basisrow, ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &binvrow, nrows) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &coef, ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &simplexcoefs1, ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &simplexcoefs2, ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &cutcoefs, ncols) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &basisind, nrows) );

   /* get basis indices */
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBasisInd(scip, basisind) );

   /* create vector "basisrow" with basisrow[column of non-slack basis variable] = corresponding row of B^-1;
    * compute maximum absolute value of nonbasic row coefficients */
   for (j = 0; j < nrows; ++j)
      SCIP_COL** rowcols;
      SCIP_Real* rowvals;
      SCIP_ROW* row;
      SCIP_Real val;
      SCIP_Real max = 0.0;
      int nnonz;

      /* fill basisrow vector */
      ind = basisind[j];
      if ( ind >= 0 )
         basisrow[ind] = j;

      /* compute maximum absolute value of nonbasic row coefficients */
      row = rows[j];
      assert( row != NULL );
      rowvals = SCIProwGetVals(row);
      nnonz = SCIProwGetNNonz(row);
      rowcols = SCIProwGetCols(row);

      for (i = 0; i < nnonz; ++i)
         if ( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(rowcols[i]) == SCIP_BASESTAT_LOWER  || SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(rowcols[i]) == SCIP_BASESTAT_UPPER )
            val = REALABS(rowvals[i]);
            if ( SCIPisFeasGT(scip, val, max) )
               max = REALABS(val);

      /* handle slack variable coefficient and save maximum value */
      rowsmaxval[j] = MAX(max, 1.0);

   /* initialize variable ranks with -1 */
   for (j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      varrank[j] = -1;

   /* free buffer array */
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &basisind);

   /* for the most promising disjunctions: try to generate disjunctive cuts */
   ndisjcuts = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < maxcuts; ++i)
      SCIP_Bool madeintegral;
      SCIP_Real cutlhs1;
      SCIP_Real cutlhs2;
      SCIP_Real bound1;
      SCIP_Real bound2;
      SCIP_ROW* row = NULL;
      SCIP_VAR* var;
      SCIP_COL* col;

      int nonbasicnumber;
      int cutrank = 0;
      int edgenumber;
      int rownnonz;

      edgenumber = edgearray[i];

      /* determine first simplex row */
      var = SCIPnodeGetVarSOS1(conflictgraph, fixings1[edgenumber]);
      col = SCIPvarGetCol(var);
      ind = SCIPcolGetLPPos(col);
      assert( ind >= 0 );
      assert( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(col) == SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC );

      /* get the 'ind'th row of B^-1 and B^-1 \cdot A */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBInvRow(scip, basisrow[ind], binvrow, NULL, NULL) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBInvARow(scip, basisrow[ind], binvrow, coef, NULL, NULL) );

      /* get the simplex-coefficients of the non-basic variables */
      SCIP_CALL( getSimplexCoefficients(scip, rows, nrows, cols, ncols, coef, binvrow, simplexcoefs1, &nonbasicnumber) );

      /* get rank of variable if not known already */
      if ( varrank[ind] < 0 )
         varrank[ind] = getVarRank(scip, binvrow, rowsmaxval, sepadata->maxweightrange, rows, nrows);
      cutrank = MAX(cutrank, varrank[ind]);

      /* get right hand side and bound of simplex talbeau row */
      cutlhs1 = SCIPcolGetPrimsol(col);
      if ( SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, cutlhs1) )
         bound1 = SCIPcolGetUb(col);
         bound1 = SCIPcolGetLb(col);

      /* determine second simplex row */
      var = SCIPnodeGetVarSOS1(conflictgraph, fixings2[edgenumber]);
      col = SCIPvarGetCol(var);
      ind = SCIPcolGetLPPos(col);
      assert( ind >= 0 );
      assert( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(col) == SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC );

      /* get the 'ind'th row of B^-1 and B^-1 \cdot A */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBInvRow(scip, basisrow[ind], binvrow, NULL, NULL) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPgetLPBInvARow(scip, basisrow[ind], binvrow, coef, NULL, NULL) );

      /* get the simplex-coefficients of the non-basic variables */
      SCIP_CALL( getSimplexCoefficients(scip, rows, nrows, cols, ncols, coef, binvrow, simplexcoefs2, &nonbasicnumber) );

      /* get rank of variable if not known already */
      if ( varrank[ind] < 0 )
         varrank[ind] = getVarRank(scip, binvrow, rowsmaxval, sepadata->maxweightrange, rows, nrows);
      cutrank = MAX(cutrank, varrank[ind]);

      /* get right hand side and bound of simplex talbeau row */
      cutlhs2 = SCIPcolGetPrimsol(col);
      if ( SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, cutlhs2) )
         bound2 = SCIPcolGetUb(col);
         bound2 = SCIPcolGetLb(col);

      /* add coefficients to cut */
      SCIP_CALL( generateDisjCutSOS1(scip, sepa, rows, nrows, cols, ncols, ndisjcuts, TRUE, sepadata->strengthen, cutlhs1, cutlhs2, bound1, bound2, simplexcoefs1, simplexcoefs2, cutcoefs, &row, &madeintegral) );
      if ( row == NULL )

      /* raise cutrank for present cut */

      /* check if there are numerical evidences */
      if ( ( madeintegral && ( sepadata->maxrankintegral == -1 || cutrank <= sepadata->maxrankintegral ) )
         || ( ! madeintegral && ( sepadata->maxrank == -1 || cutrank <= sepadata->maxrank ) ) )
         /* possibly add cut to LP if it is useful; in case the lhs of the cut is minus infinity (due to scaling) the cut is useless */
         rownnonz = SCIProwGetNNonz(row);
         if ( rownnonz > 0 && ! SCIPisInfinity(scip, -SCIProwGetLhs(row)) && ! SCIProwIsInLP(row) && SCIPisCutEfficacious(scip, NULL, row) )
            SCIP_Bool infeasible;

            /* set cut rank */
            SCIProwChgRank(row, cutrank);

            /* add cut */
            SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddCut(scip, NULL, row, FALSE, &infeasible) );
            SCIPdebug( SCIP_CALL( SCIPprintRow(scip, row, NULL) ) );
            if ( infeasible )
               *result = SCIP_CUTOFF;

      /* release row */
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPreleaseRow(scip, &row) );

   /* save total number of cuts found so far */
   sepadata->lastncutsfound = SCIPgetNCutsFound(scip);

   /* evaluate the result of the separation */
   if ( *result != SCIP_CUTOFF )
      if ( ndisjcuts > 0 )
         *result = SCIP_SEPARATED;
         *result = SCIP_DIDNOTFIND;

   SCIPdebugMessage("Number of found disjunctive cuts: %d.\n", ndisjcuts);

   /* free buffer arrays */
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &cutcoefs);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &simplexcoefs2);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &simplexcoefs1);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &coef);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &binvrow);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &basisrow);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &fixings2);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &fixings1);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &edgearray);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &rowsmaxval);
   SCIPfreeBufferArrayNull(scip, &varrank);

   return SCIP_OKAY;
예제 #7
/** computes a disjunctive cut inequality based on two simplex taubleau rows */
SCIP_RETCODE generateDisjCutSOS1(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP pointer */
   SCIP_SEPA*            sepa,               /**< separator */
   SCIP_ROW**            rows,               /**< LP rows */
   int                   nrows,              /**< number of LP rows */
   SCIP_COL**            cols,               /**< LP columns */
   int                   ncols,              /**< number of LP columns */
   int                   ndisjcuts,          /**< number of disjunctive cuts found so far */
   SCIP_Bool             scale,              /**< should cut be scaled */
   SCIP_Bool             strengthen,         /**< should cut be strengthened if integer variables are present */
   SCIP_Real             cutlhs1,            /**< left hand side of the first simplex row */
   SCIP_Real             cutlhs2,            /**< left hand side of the second simplex row */
   SCIP_Real             bound1,             /**< bound of first simplex row */
   SCIP_Real             bound2,             /**< bound of second simplex row */
   SCIP_Real*            simplexcoefs1,      /**< simplex coefficients of first row */
   SCIP_Real*            simplexcoefs2,      /**< simplex coefficients of second row */
   SCIP_Real*            cutcoefs,           /**< pointer to store cut coefficients (length: nscipvars) */
   SCIP_ROW**            row,                /**< pointer to store disjunctive cut inequality */
   SCIP_Bool*            madeintegral        /**< pointer to store whether cut has been scaled to integral values */
   char cutname[SCIP_MAXSTRLEN];
   SCIP_COL** rowcols;
   SCIP_COL* col;
   SCIP_Real* rowvals;
   SCIP_Real lhsrow;
   SCIP_Real rhsrow;
   SCIP_Real cutlhs;
   SCIP_Real sgn;
   SCIP_Real lb;
   SCIP_Real ub;
   int nonbasicnumber = 0;
   int rownnonz;
   int ind;
   int r;
   int c;

   assert( scip != NULL );
   assert( row != NULL );
   assert( rows != NULL );
   assert( cols != NULL );
   assert( simplexcoefs1 != NULL );
   assert( simplexcoefs2 != NULL );
   assert( cutcoefs != NULL );
   assert( sepa != NULL );
   assert( madeintegral != NULL );

   *madeintegral = FALSE;

   /* check signs */
   if ( SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, cutlhs1) == SCIPisFeasPositive(scip, cutlhs2) )
      sgn = 1.0;
      sgn = -1.0;

   /* check bounds */
   if ( SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(bound1)) || SCIPisInfinity(scip, REALABS(bound2)) )
      strengthen = FALSE;

   /* compute left hand side of row (a later update is possible, see below) */
   cutlhs = sgn * cutlhs1 * cutlhs2;

   /* add cut-coefficients of the non-basic non-slack variables */
   for (c = 0; c < ncols; ++c)
      col = cols[c];
      assert( col != NULL );
      ind = SCIPcolGetLPPos(col);
      assert( ind >= 0 );

      if ( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(col) == SCIP_BASESTAT_LOWER )
         lb = SCIPcolGetLb(col);

         /* for integer variables we may obtain stronger coefficients */
         if ( strengthen && SCIPcolIsIntegral(col) )
            SCIP_Real mval;
            SCIP_Real mvalfloor;
            SCIP_Real mvalceil;

            mval = (cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber] - cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber]) / (cutlhs2 * bound1 + cutlhs1 * bound2);
            mvalfloor = SCIPfloor(scip, mval);
            mvalceil = SCIPceil(scip, mval);

            cutcoefs[ind] = MIN(sgn * cutlhs2 * (simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber] - mvalfloor * bound1), sgn * cutlhs1 * (simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber] + mvalceil * bound2));
            assert( SCIPisFeasLE(scip, cutcoefs[ind], MAX(sgn * cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber], sgn * cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber])) );
            cutcoefs[ind] = MAX(sgn * cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber], sgn * cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber]);

         cutlhs += cutcoefs[ind] * lb;
      else if ( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(col) == SCIP_BASESTAT_UPPER )
         ub = SCIPcolGetUb(col);

         /* for integer variables we may obtain stronger coefficients */
         if ( strengthen && SCIPcolIsIntegral(col) )
            SCIP_Real mval;
            SCIP_Real mvalfloor;
            SCIP_Real mvalceil;

            mval = (cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber] - cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber]) / (cutlhs2 * bound1 + cutlhs1 * bound2);
            mvalfloor = SCIPfloor(scip, -mval);
            mvalceil = SCIPceil(scip, -mval);

            cutcoefs[ind] = MAX(sgn * cutlhs2 * (simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber] + mvalfloor * bound1), sgn * cutlhs1 * (simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber] - mvalceil * bound2));
            assert( SCIPisFeasLE(scip, -cutcoefs[ind], -MIN(sgn * cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber], sgn * cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber])) );
            cutcoefs[ind] = MIN(sgn * cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber], sgn * cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber]);

         cutlhs += cutcoefs[ind] * ub;
         assert( SCIPcolGetBasisStatus(col) != SCIP_BASESTAT_ZERO );
         cutcoefs[ind] = 0.0;

   /* add cut-coefficients of the non-basic slack variables */
   for (r = 0; r < nrows; ++r)
      rhsrow = SCIProwGetRhs(rows[r]) - SCIProwGetConstant(rows[r]);
      lhsrow = SCIProwGetLhs(rows[r]) - SCIProwGetConstant(rows[r]);

      assert( SCIProwGetBasisStatus(rows[r]) != SCIP_BASESTAT_ZERO );
      assert( SCIPisFeasZero(scip, lhsrow - rhsrow) || SCIPisNegative(scip, lhsrow - rhsrow) );
      assert( SCIProwIsInLP(rows[r]) );

      if ( SCIProwGetBasisStatus(rows[r]) != SCIP_BASESTAT_BASIC )
         SCIP_Real cutcoef;

         if ( SCIProwGetBasisStatus(rows[r]) == SCIP_BASESTAT_UPPER )
            assert( SCIPisFeasZero(scip, SCIPgetRowLPActivity(scip, rows[r]) - SCIProwGetRhs(rows[r])) );

            cutcoef = MAX(sgn * cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber], sgn * cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber]);
            cutlhs -= cutcoef * rhsrow;
         else /* SCIProwGetBasisStatus(rows[r]) == SCIP_BASESTAT_LOWER */
            assert( SCIProwGetBasisStatus(rows[r]) == SCIP_BASESTAT_LOWER );
            assert( SCIPisFeasZero(scip, SCIPgetRowLPActivity(scip, rows[r]) - SCIProwGetLhs(rows[r])) );

            cutcoef = MIN(sgn * cutlhs2 * simplexcoefs1[nonbasicnumber], sgn * cutlhs1 * simplexcoefs2[nonbasicnumber]);
            cutlhs -= cutcoef * lhsrow;

         rownnonz = SCIProwGetNNonz(rows[r]);
         rowvals = SCIProwGetVals(rows[r]);
         rowcols = SCIProwGetCols(rows[r]);

         for (c = 0; c < rownnonz; ++c)
            ind = SCIPcolGetLPPos(rowcols[c]);

            /* if column is not in LP, then return without generating cut */
            if ( ind < 0 )
               *row = NULL;
               return SCIP_OKAY;

            cutcoefs[ind] -= cutcoef * rowvals[c];

   /* create cut */
   (void) SCIPsnprintf(cutname, SCIP_MAXSTRLEN, "%s_%d_%d", SCIPsepaGetName(sepa), SCIPgetNLPs(scip), ndisjcuts);
   if ( SCIPgetDepth(scip) == 0 )
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateEmptyRowSepa(scip, row, sepa, cutname, cutlhs, SCIPinfinity(scip), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) );
      SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreateEmptyRowSepa(scip, row, sepa, cutname, cutlhs, SCIPinfinity(scip), TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) );

   SCIP_CALL( SCIPcacheRowExtensions(scip, *row) );
   for (c = 0; c < ncols; ++c)
      ind = SCIPcolGetLPPos(cols[c]);
      assert( ind >= 0 );
      if ( ! SCIPisFeasZero(scip, cutcoefs[ind]) )
         SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddVarToRow(scip, *row, SCIPcolGetVar(cols[c]), cutcoefs[ind] ) );
   SCIP_CALL( SCIPflushRowExtensions(scip, *row) );

   /* try to scale the cut to integral values
    * @todo find better but still stable disjunctive cut settings
   if ( scale )
      int maxdepth;
      int depth;
      SCIP_Longint maxdnom;
      SCIP_Real maxscale;

      depth = SCIPgetDepth(scip);
      assert( depth >= 0 );
      maxdepth = SCIPgetMaxDepth(scip);
      if ( depth == 0 )
         maxdnom = 1000;
         maxscale = 1000.0;
      else if ( depth <= maxdepth/4 )
         maxdnom = 1000;
         maxscale = 1000.0;
      else if ( depth <= maxdepth/2 )
         maxdnom = 100;
         maxscale = 100.0;
         maxdnom = 10;
         maxscale = 10.0;

      SCIP_CALL( SCIPmakeRowIntegral(scip, *row, -SCIPepsilon(scip), SCIPsumepsilon(scip), maxdnom, maxscale, TRUE, madeintegral) );

   return SCIP_OKAY;
/** update row activities after a variable's solution value changed */
SCIP_RETCODE updateActivities(
   SCIP*                 scip,               /**< SCIP data structure */
   SCIP_Real*            activities,         /**< LP row activities */
   SCIP_ROW**            violrows,           /**< array with currently violated rows */
   int*                  violrowpos,         /**< position of LP rows in violrows array */
   int*                  nviolrows,          /**< pointer to the number of currently violated rows */
   int                   nlprows,            /**< number of rows in current LP */
   SCIP_VAR*             var,                /**< variable that has been changed */
   SCIP_Real             oldsolval,          /**< old solution value of variable */
   SCIP_Real             newsolval           /**< new solution value of variable */
   SCIP_COL* col;
   SCIP_ROW** colrows;
   SCIP_Real* colvals;
   SCIP_Real delta;
   int ncolrows;
   int r;

   assert(activities != NULL);
   assert(nviolrows != NULL);
   assert(0 <= *nviolrows && *nviolrows <= nlprows);

   delta = newsolval - oldsolval;
   col = SCIPvarGetCol(var);
   colrows = SCIPcolGetRows(col);
   colvals = SCIPcolGetVals(col);
   ncolrows = SCIPcolGetNLPNonz(col);
   assert(ncolrows == 0 || (colrows != NULL && colvals != NULL));

   for( r = 0; r < ncolrows; ++r )
      SCIP_ROW* row;
      int rowpos;

      row = colrows[r];
      rowpos = SCIProwGetLPPos(row);
      assert(-1 <= rowpos && rowpos < nlprows);

      if( rowpos >= 0 && !SCIProwIsLocal(row) )
         SCIP_Real oldactivity;
         SCIP_Real newactivity;


         /* update row activity */
         oldactivity = activities[rowpos];
         if( !SCIPisInfinity(scip, -oldactivity) && !SCIPisInfinity(scip, oldactivity) )
            newactivity = oldactivity + delta * colvals[r];
            if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, newactivity) )
               newactivity = SCIPinfinity(scip);
            else if( SCIPisInfinity(scip, -newactivity) )
               newactivity = -SCIPinfinity(scip);
            activities[rowpos] = newactivity;

            /* update row violation arrays */
            updateViolations(scip, row, violrows, violrowpos, nviolrows, oldactivity, newactivity);

   return SCIP_OKAY;