 * Handles recompiling the renderer module, including removing all references, recompiling the dll and restoring references.
void RecompileRenderer(const TArray<FString>& Args)
    // So that we can see the slow task dialog

    GWarn->BeginSlowTask( NSLOCTEXT("Renderer", "BeginRecompileRendererTask", "Recompiling Rendering Module..."), true);

    const double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
    double EndShutdownTime;
    double EndRecompileTime;

        // Deregister all components from their renderer scenes
        FGlobalComponentReregisterContext ReregisterContext;
        // Shut down the rendering thread so that the game thread will process all rendering commands during this scope

        TMap<UWorld*, bool> WorldsToUpdate;
        TMap<FMaterialShaderMap*, TScopedPointer<TArray<uint8> > > ShaderMapToSerializedShaderData;
        TScopedPointer<TArray<uint8> > GlobalShaderData;
        TMap<FShaderType*, FString> ShaderTypeNames;
        TMap<FVertexFactoryType*, FString> VertexFactoryTypeNames;

        ClearReferencesToRendererModuleClasses(WorldsToUpdate, ShaderMapToSerializedShaderData, GlobalShaderData, ShaderTypeNames, VertexFactoryTypeNames);

        EndShutdownTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
        UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning, TEXT("Shutdown complete %.1fs"),(float)(EndShutdownTime - StartTime));


        EndRecompileTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
        UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning, TEXT("Recompile complete %.1fs"),(float)(EndRecompileTime - EndShutdownTime));

        RestoreReferencesToRendererModuleClasses(WorldsToUpdate, ShaderMapToSerializedShaderData, GlobalShaderData, ShaderTypeNames, VertexFactoryTypeNames);

    // Refresh viewports

    const double EndTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
    UE_LOG(LogShaders, Warning,
           TEXT("Recompile of Renderer module complete \n")
           TEXT("                                     Total = %.1fs, Shutdown = %.1fs, Recompile = %.1fs, Reload = %.1fs"),
           (float)(EndTime - StartTime),
           (float)(EndShutdownTime - StartTime),
           (float)(EndRecompileTime - EndShutdownTime),
           (float)(EndTime - EndRecompileTime));

예제 #2
void FSceneViewport::UpdateViewportRHI(bool bDestroyed, uint32 NewSizeX, uint32 NewSizeY, EWindowMode::Type NewWindowMode)

		// Update the viewport attributes.
		// This is done AFTER the command flush done by UpdateViewportRHI, to avoid disrupting rendering thread accesses to the old viewport size.
		SizeX = NewSizeX;
		SizeY = NewSizeY;
		WindowMode = NewWindowMode;

		// Release the viewport's resources.

		if( !bDestroyed )
			if( !bUseSeparateRenderTarget )
				// Get the viewport for this window from the renderer so we can render directly to the backbuffer
				TSharedPtr<FSlateRenderer> Renderer = FSlateApplication::Get().GetRenderer();
				FWidgetPath WidgetPath;
				void* ViewportResource = Renderer->GetViewportResource( *FSlateApplication::Get().FindWidgetWindow( ViewportWidget.Pin().ToSharedRef(), WidgetPath ) );
				if( ViewportResource )
					ViewportRHI = *((FViewportRHIRef*)ViewportResource);

			ViewportResizedEvent.Broadcast(this, 0);
			// Enqueue a render command to delete the handle.  It must be deleted on the render thread after the resource is released
			ENQUEUE_UNIQUE_RENDER_COMMAND_TWOPARAMETER(DeleteSlateRenderTarget, TArray<FSlateRenderTargetRHI*>&, BufferedSlateHandles, BufferedSlateHandles,
																				FSlateRenderTargetRHI*&, RenderThreadSlateTexture, RenderThreadSlateTexture,
				for (int32 i = 0; i < BufferedSlateHandles.Num(); ++i)
					delete BufferedSlateHandles[i];
					BufferedSlateHandles[i] = nullptr;

					delete RenderThreadSlateTexture;
					RenderThreadSlateTexture = nullptr;

예제 #3
void FSceneViewport::UpdateViewportRHI(bool bDestroyed, uint32 NewSizeX, uint32 NewSizeY, EWindowMode::Type NewWindowMode)
	// Make sure we're not in the middle of streaming textures.


		// Update the viewport attributes.
		// This is done AFTER the command flush done by UpdateViewportRHI, to avoid disrupting rendering thread accesses to the old viewport size.
		SizeX = NewSizeX;
		SizeY = NewSizeY;
		WindowMode = NewWindowMode;

		// Release the viewport's resources.

		if( !bDestroyed )
			if( !bUseSeparateRenderTarget )
				// Get the viewport for this window from the renderer so we can render directly to the backbuffer
				TSharedPtr<FSlateRenderer> Renderer = FSlateApplication::Get().GetRenderer();
				FWidgetPath WidgetPath;
				void* ViewportResource = Renderer->GetViewportResource( *FSlateApplication::Get().FindWidgetWindow( ViewportWidget.Pin().ToSharedRef(), WidgetPath ) );
				if( ViewportResource )
					ViewportRHI = *((FViewportRHIRef*)ViewportResource);

			ViewportResizedEvent.Broadcast(this, 0);
			// Enqueue a render command to delete the handle.  It must be deleted on the render thread after the resource is released
			ENQUEUE_UNIQUE_RENDER_COMMAND_ONEPARAMETER(DeleteSlateRenderTarget, FSlateRenderTargetRHI*&, SlateRenderTargetHandle, SlateRenderTargetHandle,
				delete SlateRenderTargetHandle;
				SlateRenderTargetHandle = NULL;

예제 #4
void FD3D11DynamicRHI::InitD3DDevice()
	check( IsInGameThread() );

	// Wait for the rendering thread to go idle.

	// If the device we were using has been removed, release it and the resources we created for it.
		UE_LOG(LogD3D11RHI, Log, TEXT("bDeviceRemoved"));

		HRESULT hRes = Direct3DDevice->GetDeviceRemovedReason();

		const TCHAR* Reason = TEXT("?");
			case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG:			Reason = TEXT("HUNG"); break;
			case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED:			Reason = TEXT("REMOVED"); break;
			case DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET:			Reason = TEXT("RESET"); break;
			case DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL:			Reason = TEXT("INVALID_CALL"); break;

		bDeviceRemoved = false;

		// Cleanup the D3D device.

		// We currently don't support removed devices because FTexture2DResource can't recreate its RHI resources from scratch.
		// We would also need to recreate the viewport swap chains from scratch.
		UE_LOG(LogD3D11RHI, Fatal, TEXT("The Direct3D 11 device that was being used has been removed (Error: %d '%s').  Please restart the game."), hRes, Reason);

	// If we don't have a device yet, either because this is the first viewport, or the old device was removed, create a device.
		UE_LOG(LogD3D11RHI, Log, TEXT("!Direct3DDevice"));

		// Clear shadowed shader resources.

		// Determine the adapter and device type to use.
		TRefCountPtr<IDXGIAdapter> Adapter;
		// In Direct3D 11, if you are trying to create a hardware or a software device, set pAdapter != NULL which constrains the other inputs to be:
		//		DriverType must be D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN 
		//		Software must be NULL. 

		uint32 DeviceFlags = D3D11RHI_ShouldAllowAsyncResourceCreation() ? 0 : D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED;

		// Use a debug device if specified on the command line.
		const bool bWithD3DDebug = D3D11RHI_ShouldCreateWithD3DDebug();

		if (bWithD3DDebug)
			DeviceFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG;

			UE_LOG(LogD3D11RHI, Log, TEXT("InitD3DDevice: -D3DDebug = %s"), bWithD3DDebug ? TEXT("on") : TEXT("off"));

		GTexturePoolSize = 0;

		TRefCountPtr<IDXGIAdapter> EnumAdapter;

		if(DXGIFactory1->EnumAdapters(ChosenAdapter,EnumAdapter.GetInitReference()) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
			if (EnumAdapter)// && EnumAdapter->CheckInterfaceSupport(__uuidof(ID3D11Device),NULL) == S_OK)
				DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC AdapterDesc;
				if (SUCCEEDED(EnumAdapter->GetDesc(&AdapterDesc)))
					Adapter = EnumAdapter;

					GRHIAdapterName = AdapterDesc.Description;
					GRHIVendorId = AdapterDesc.VendorId;

					// Issue: 32bit windows doesn't report 64bit value, we take what we get.
					FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedVideoMemory = int64(AdapterDesc.DedicatedVideoMemory);
					FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedSystemMemory = int64(AdapterDesc.DedicatedSystemMemory);
					FD3D11GlobalStats::GSharedSystemMemory = int64(AdapterDesc.SharedSystemMemory);

					// Total amount of system memory, clamped to 8 GB
					int64 TotalPhysicalMemory = FMath::Min(int64(FPlatformMemory::GetConstants().TotalPhysicalGB), 8ll) * (1024ll * 1024ll * 1024ll);

					// Consider 50% of the shared memory but max 25% of total system memory.
					int64 ConsideredSharedSystemMemory = FMath::Min( FD3D11GlobalStats::GSharedSystemMemory / 2ll, TotalPhysicalMemory / 4ll );

					FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = 0;
					if ( IsRHIDeviceIntel() )
						// It's all system memory.
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedVideoMemory;
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory += FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedSystemMemory;
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory += ConsideredSharedSystemMemory;
					else if ( FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedVideoMemory >= 200*1024*1024 )
						// Use dedicated video memory, if it's more than 200 MB
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedVideoMemory;
					else if ( FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedSystemMemory >= 200*1024*1024 )
						// Use dedicated system memory, if it's more than 200 MB
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = FD3D11GlobalStats::GDedicatedSystemMemory;
					else if ( FD3D11GlobalStats::GSharedSystemMemory >= 400*1024*1024 )
						// Use some shared system memory, if it's more than 400 MB
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = ConsideredSharedSystemMemory;
						// Otherwise consider 25% of total system memory for graphics.
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = TotalPhysicalMemory / 4ll;

					if ( sizeof(SIZE_T) < 8 )
						// Clamp to 1 GB if we're less than 64-bit
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = FMath::Min( FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory, 1024ll * 1024ll * 1024ll );
						// Clamp to 1.9 GB if we're 64-bit
						FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory = FMath::Min( FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory, 1945ll * 1024ll * 1024ll );

					if ( GPoolSizeVRAMPercentage > 0 )
						float PoolSize = float(GPoolSizeVRAMPercentage) * 0.01f * float(FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory);

						// Truncate GTexturePoolSize to MB (but still counted in bytes)
						GTexturePoolSize = int64(FGenericPlatformMath::TruncToFloat(PoolSize / 1024.0f / 1024.0f)) * 1024 * 1024;

						UE_LOG(LogRHI,Log,TEXT("Texture pool is %llu MB (%d%% of %llu MB)"),
							GTexturePoolSize / 1024 / 1024,
							FD3D11GlobalStats::GTotalGraphicsMemory / 1024 / 1024);

					const bool bIsPerfHUD = !FCString::Stricmp(AdapterDesc.Description,TEXT("NVIDIA PerfHUD"));

						DriverType =  D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_REFERENCE;
					check(!"Internal error, GetDesc() failed but before it worked")
예제 #5
int32 EditorInit( IEngineLoop& EngineLoop )
	// Create debug exec.	
	GDebugToolExec = new FDebugToolExec;

	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Editor Initialized"), STAT_EditorStartup, STATGROUP_LoadTime);
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(100, NSLOCTEXT("EngineLoop", "EngineLoop_Loading", "Loading..."));

	int32 ErrorLevel = EngineLoop.Init();
	if( ErrorLevel != 0 )
		return 0;

	// Let the analytics know that the editor has started
	if ( FEngineAnalytics::IsAvailable() )
		TArray<FAnalyticsEventAttribute> EventAttributes;
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("MachineID"), FPlatformMisc::GetMachineId().ToString(EGuidFormats::Digits).ToLower()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("AccountID"), FPlatformMisc::GetEpicAccountId()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("GameName"), FApp::GetGameName()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("CommandLine"), FCommandLine::Get()));

		FEngineAnalytics::GetProvider().RecordEvent(TEXT("Editor.ProgramStarted"), EventAttributes);


	// Initialize the misc editor

	// Prime our array of default directories for loading and saving content files to

	// Set up the actor folders singleton

	// =================== CORE EDITOR INIT FINISHED ===================

	// Hide the splash screen now that everything is ready to go

	// Are we in immersive mode?
	const bool bIsImmersive = FPaths::IsProjectFilePathSet() && FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "immersive" ) );

	// Do final set up on the editor frame and show it
		// Tear down rendering thread once instead of doing it for every window being resized.

		// Startup Slate main frame and other editor windows
			const bool bStartImmersive = bIsImmersive;
			const bool bStartPIE = bIsImmersive;

			IMainFrameModule& MainFrameModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IMainFrameModule>(TEXT("MainFrame"));
			MainFrameModule.CreateDefaultMainFrame( bStartImmersive, bStartPIE );

	// Go straight to VR mode if we were asked to
		if( !bIsImmersive && FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "VREditor" ) ) )
			IVREditorModule& VREditorModule = IVREditorModule::Get();
			VREditorModule.EnableVREditor( true );
		else if( FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT( "ForceVREditor" ) ) )
			GEngine->DeferredCommands.Add( TEXT( "VREd.ForceVRMode" ) );

	// Check for automated build/submit option
	const bool bDoAutomatedMapBuild = FParse::Param( FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("AutomatedMapBuild") );

	// Prompt to update the game project file to the current version, if necessary
	if ( FPaths::IsProjectFilePathSet() )

	// =================== EDITOR STARTUP FINISHED ===================
	// Stat tracking
		const float StartupTime = (float)( FPlatformTime::Seconds() - GStartTime );

		if( FEngineAnalytics::IsAvailable() )
				TEXT( "Editor.Performance.Startup" ), 
				TEXT( "Duration" ), FString::Printf( TEXT( "%.3f" ), StartupTime ) );


	// this will be ultimately returned from main(), so no error should be 0.
	return 0;