void FGameplayCueTranslationManager::BuildTagTranslationTable_Forward()
	SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*FString::Printf(TEXT("FGameplayCueTranslatorManager::BuildTagTranslationTable_Forward")), nullptr)

	// Build the normal TranslationLUT first. This is only done to make sure that UsedTranslators are filled in, giving "real" tags higher priority.
	// Example:
	//	1) GC.Rampage.Enraged
	//	2) GC.Rampage.Elemental.Enraged
	//	2 is am override for 1, but comes first alphabetically. In the _Forward method, 2 would be handled first and expanded again to GC.Rampage.Elemental.Elemental.Enraged.
	//	rule recursion wouldn't have been hit yet because 2 actually exists and would be encountered before 1.
	//	Since BuildTagTranslationTable_Forward is only called by the editor and BuildTagTranslationTable is already fast, this is the simplest way to avoid the above example.
	//	_Forward() could be made more complicated to test for this itself, but doesn't seem like a good trade off for how it would complicate the function.

	TArray<FName> SplitNames;
	FGameplayTagContainer AllGameplayCueTags = TagManager->RequestGameplayTagChildren(UGameplayCueSet::BaseGameplayCueTag());

	// Each GameplayCueTag
	for (const FGameplayTag& Tag : AllGameplayCueTags)
		TagManager->SplitGameplayTagFName(Tag, SplitNames);

		BuildTagTranslationTable_Forward_r(Tag.GetTagName(), SplitNames);
void FGameplayCueTranslationManager::BuildTagTranslationTable()
	SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*FString::Printf(TEXT("FGameplayCueTranslatorManager::BuildTagTranslationTables")), nullptr)

	TagManager = &IGameplayTagsModule::Get().GetGameplayTagsManager();
	FGameplayTagContainer AllGameplayCueTags = TagManager->RequestGameplayTagChildren(UGameplayCueSet::BaseGameplayCueTag());

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Find what tags may be derived from swap rules. Note how we work backwards.
	// If we worked forward, by expanding out all possible tags and then seeing if they exist, 
	// this would take much much longer!

	TArray<FName> SplitNames;
	// All gameplaycue tags
	for (const FGameplayTag& Tag : AllGameplayCueTags)
		TagManager->SplitGameplayTagFName(Tag, SplitNames);

		BuildTagTranslationTable_r(Tag.GetTagName(), SplitNames);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void UGameplayCueManager::InitObjectLibraries(TArray<FString> Paths, UObjectLibrary* ActorObjectLibrary, UObjectLibrary* StaticObjectLibrary, FOnGameplayCueNotifySetLoaded OnLoadDelegate, FShouldLoadGCNotifyDelegate ShouldLoadDelegate)
	DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Loading Library"), STAT_ObjectLibrary, STATGROUP_LoadTime);

	bAccelerationMapOutdated = false;
	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(0, FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("AbilitySystemEditor", "BeginLoadingGameplayCueNotify", "Loading GameplayCue Library"), Args));

	FScopeCycleCounterUObject PreloadScopeActor(ActorObjectLibrary);

	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	// Determine loading scheme.
	// Sync at startup in commandlets like cook.
	// Async at startup in all other cases
	// ---------------------------------------------------------

	const bool bSyncFullyLoad = IsRunningCommandlet();
	const bool bAsyncLoadAtStartup = !bSyncFullyLoad && ShouldAsyncLoadAtStartup();
	if (bSyncFullyLoad)
		FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("Fully Loaded GameplayCueNotify object library"));
		SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	// Look for GameplayCueNotifies that handle events
	// ---------------------------------------------------------
	TArray<FAssetData> ActorAssetDatas;

	TArray<FAssetData> StaticAssetDatas;

	TArray<FGameplayCueReferencePair> CuesToAdd;
	BuildCuesToAddToGlobalSet(ActorAssetDatas, GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(AGameplayCueNotify_Actor, GameplayCueName), bAsyncLoadAtStartup, CuesToAdd, OnLoadDelegate, ShouldLoadDelegate);
	BuildCuesToAddToGlobalSet(StaticAssetDatas, GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UGameplayCueNotify_Static, GameplayCueName), bAsyncLoadAtStartup, CuesToAdd, OnLoadDelegate, ShouldLoadDelegate);

void UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree()
	if (!GameplayRootTag.IsValid())
		GameplayRootTag = MakeShareable(new FGameplayTagNode());
			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: Construct from data asset"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)
			for (auto It(GameplayTagTables.CreateIterator()); It; It++)
				if (*It)

		if (ShouldImportTagsFromINI())
			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: ImportINI"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

			// Update path: Check for old tags in DefaultEngine.ini (we'll push them to the UGameplayTagSettings class).
			TArray<FString> EngineConfigTags;
			GConfig->GetArray(TEXT("/Script/GameplayTags.GameplayTagsSettings"), TEXT("GameplayTags"), EngineConfigTags, GEngineIni);
			if (EngineConfigTags.Num() > 0)
				UGameplayTagsSettings* MutableDefault = GetMutableDefault<UGameplayTagsSettings>();
				if (MutableDefault->GameplayTags.Num() == 0)

			// Load any GameplayTagSettings from config (their default object)
			for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
				UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
				if (!Class->IsChildOf<UGameplayTagsSettings>() || Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract))

				for (FString TagStr : Class->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayTagsSettings>()->GameplayTags)
					FGameplayTagTableRow TableRow;
					TableRow.Tag = TagStr;

		if (ShouldUseFastReplication())
			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: Reconstruct NetIndex"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: GameplayTagTreeChangedEvent.Broadcast"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

		// Update the TagRedirects map
		FConfigSection* PackageRedirects = GConfig->GetSectionPrivate(TEXT("/Script/Engine.Engine"), false, true, GEngineIni);
		for (FConfigSection::TIterator It(*PackageRedirects); It; ++It)
			if (It.Key() == TEXT("GameplayTagRedirects"))
				FName OldTagName = NAME_None;
				FName NewTagName;

				if (FParse::Value(*It.Value(), TEXT("OldTagName="), OldTagName))
					if (FParse::Value(*It.Value(), TEXT("NewTagName="), NewTagName))
						if (ensureMsgf(!TagRedirects.Contains(OldTagName), TEXT("Old tag %s is being redirected to more than one tag. Please remove all the redirections except for one."), *OldTagName.ToString()))
							FGameplayTag OldTag = RequestGameplayTag(OldTagName, false); //< This only succeeds if OldTag is in the Table!
							if (OldTag.IsValid())
								UE_LOG(LogGameplayTags, Warning,
									TEXT("Old tag (%s) which is being redirected still exists in the table!  Generally you should "
									TEXT("remove the old tags from the table when you are redirecting to new tags, or else users will ")
									TEXT("still be able to add the old tags to containers.")), *OldTagName.ToString()

							FGameplayTag NewTag = (NewTagName != NAME_None) ? RequestGameplayTag(NewTagName, false) : FGameplayTag();
							if (!NewTag.IsValid() && NewTagName != NAME_None)
								UE_LOG(LogGameplayTags, Warning, TEXT("Invalid new tag %s!  Cannot replace old tag %s."),
									*NewTagName.ToString(), *OldTagName.ToString());
								// Populate the map
								TagRedirects.Add(OldTagName, NewTag);
예제 #5
bool ICrashDebugHelper::SyncModules()
	// Check source control
	if( !ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() )
		return false;

	if( !FPDBCache::Get().UsePDBCache() )
		UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Warning, TEXT( "The PDB Cache is disabled, cannot proceed, %s" ), *CrashInfo.EngineVersion );
		return false;

	// @TODO yrx 2015-02-23 Obsolete, remove after 4.8
	const TCHAR* UESymbols = TEXT( "Rocket/Symbols/" );
	const bool bHasExecutable = !CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath.IsEmpty();
	const bool bHasSymbols = !CrashInfo.SymbolsPath.IsEmpty();
	TArray< TSharedRef<ISourceControlLabel> > Labels = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider().GetLabels( CrashInfo.LabelName );
	const bool bContainsProductVersion = FPDBCache::Get().ContainsPDBCacheEntry( CrashInfo.EngineVersion );
	if( bHasExecutable && bHasSymbols )
		if( bContainsProductVersion )
			UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Warning, TEXT( "Using cached storage: %s" ), *CrashInfo.EngineVersion );
			CrashInfo.PDBCacheEntry = FPDBCache::Get().FindAndTouchPDBCacheEntry( CrashInfo.EngineVersion );
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS( TEXT( "SyncExecutableAndSymbolsFromNetwork" ), nullptr );

			// Find all executables.
			TArray<FString> NetworkExecutables;
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive( NetworkExecutables, *CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath, TEXT( "*.dll" ), true, false, false );
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive( NetworkExecutables, *CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath, TEXT( "*.exe" ), true, false, false );

			// Find all symbols.
			TArray<FString> NetworkSymbols;
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive( NetworkSymbols, *CrashInfo.SymbolsPath, TEXT( "*.pdb" ), true, false, false );

			// From=Full pathname
			// To=Relative pathname
			TMap<FString, FString> FilesToBeCached;

			for( const auto& ExecutablePath : NetworkExecutables )
				const FString NetworkRelativePath = ExecutablePath.Replace( *CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath, TEXT( "" ) );
				FilesToBeCached.Add( ExecutablePath, NetworkRelativePath );

			for( const auto& SymbolPath : NetworkSymbols )
				const FString SymbolRelativePath = SymbolPath.Replace( *CrashInfo.SymbolsPath, TEXT( "" ) );
				FilesToBeCached.Add( SymbolPath, SymbolRelativePath );

			// Initialize and add a new PDB Cache entry to the database.
			CrashInfo.PDBCacheEntry = FPDBCache::Get().CreateAndAddPDBCacheEntryMixed( CrashInfo.EngineVersion, FilesToBeCached );
	// Get all labels associated with the crash info's label.
	else if( Labels.Num() >= 1 )
		TSharedRef<ISourceControlLabel> Label = Labels[0];
		TSet<FString> FilesToSync;

		// Use product version instead of label name to make a distinguish between chosen methods.
		const bool bContainsLabelName = FPDBCache::Get().ContainsPDBCacheEntry( CrashInfo.LabelName );

		if( bContainsProductVersion )
			UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Warning, TEXT( "Using cached storage: %s" ), *CrashInfo.EngineVersion );
			CrashInfo.PDBCacheEntry = FPDBCache::Get().FindAndTouchPDBCacheEntry( CrashInfo.EngineVersion );
		else if( bContainsLabelName )
			UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Warning, TEXT( "Using cached storage: %s" ), *CrashInfo.LabelName );
			CrashInfo.PDBCacheEntry = FPDBCache::Get().FindAndTouchPDBCacheEntry( CrashInfo.LabelName );
		else if( bHasExecutable )
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS( TEXT( "SyncModulesAndNetwork" ), nullptr );

			// Grab information about symbols.
			TArray< TSharedRef<class ISourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> > PDBSourceControlRevisions;
			const FString PDBsPath = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s/%s....pdb" ), *CrashInfo.DepotName, UESymbols );
			Label->GetFileRevisions( PDBsPath, PDBSourceControlRevisions );

			TSet<FString> PDBPaths;
			for( const auto& PDBSrc : PDBSourceControlRevisions )
				PDBPaths.Add( PDBSrc->GetFilename() );

			// Now, sync symbols.
			for( const auto& PDBPath : PDBPaths )
				if( Label->Sync( PDBPath ) )
					UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Warning, TEXT( "Synced PDB: %s" ), *PDBPath );

			// Find all the executables in the product network path.
			TArray<FString> NetworkExecutables;
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive( NetworkExecutables, *CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath, TEXT( "*.dll" ), true, false, false );
			IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive( NetworkExecutables, *CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath, TEXT( "*.exe" ), true, false, false );

			// From=Full pathname
			// To=Relative pathname
			TMap<FString, FString> FilesToBeCached;

			// If a symbol matches an executable, add the pair to the list of files that should be cached.
			for( const auto& NetworkExecutableFullpath : NetworkExecutables )
				for( const auto& PDBPath : PDBPaths )
					const FString PDBRelativePath = PDBPath.Replace( *CrashInfo.DepotName, TEXT( "" ) ).Replace( UESymbols, TEXT( "" ) );
					const FString PDBFullpath = FPDBCache::Get().GetDepotRoot() / PDBPath.Replace( P4_DEPOT_PREFIX, TEXT( "" ) );

					const FString PDBMatch = PDBRelativePath.Replace( TEXT( "pdb" ), TEXT( "" ) );
					const FString NetworkRelativePath = NetworkExecutableFullpath.Replace( *CrashInfo.ExecutablesPath, TEXT( "" ) );
					const bool bMatch = NetworkExecutableFullpath.Contains( PDBMatch );
					if( bMatch )
						// From -> Where
						FilesToBeCached.Add( NetworkExecutableFullpath, NetworkRelativePath );
						FilesToBeCached.Add( PDBFullpath, PDBRelativePath );

			// Initialize and add a new PDB Cache entry to the database.
			CrashInfo.PDBCacheEntry = FPDBCache::Get().CreateAndAddPDBCacheEntryMixed( CrashInfo.EngineVersion, FilesToBeCached );
			TArray<FString> FilesToBeCached;
			//@TODO: MAC: Excluding labels for Mac since we are only syncing windows binaries here...
			if( Label->GetName().Contains( TEXT( "Mac" ) ) )
				UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Log, TEXT( "Skipping Mac label: %s" ), *Label->GetName() );
				// Sync all the dll, exes, and related symbol files
				UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Log, TEXT( "Syncing modules with label: %s" ), *Label->GetName() );

				SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS( TEXT( "SyncModules" ), nullptr );

				// Grab all dll and pdb files for the specified label.
				TArray< TSharedRef<class ISourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> > DLLSourceControlRevisions;
				const FString DLLsPath = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s/....dll" ), *CrashInfo.DepotName );
				Label->GetFileRevisions( DLLsPath, DLLSourceControlRevisions );

				TArray< TSharedRef<class ISourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> > EXESourceControlRevisions;
				const FString EXEsPath = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s/....exe" ), *CrashInfo.DepotName );
				Label->GetFileRevisions( EXEsPath, EXESourceControlRevisions );

				TArray< TSharedRef<class ISourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> > PDBSourceControlRevisions;
				const FString PDBsPath = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s/....pdb" ), *CrashInfo.DepotName );
				Label->GetFileRevisions( PDBsPath, PDBSourceControlRevisions );

				TSet<FString> ModulesPaths;
				for( const auto& DLLSrc : DLLSourceControlRevisions )
					ModulesPaths.Add( DLLSrc->GetFilename().Replace( *CrashInfo.DepotName, TEXT( "" ) ) );
				for( const auto& EXESrc : EXESourceControlRevisions )
					ModulesPaths.Add( EXESrc->GetFilename().Replace( *CrashInfo.DepotName, TEXT( "" ) ) );

				TSet<FString> PDBPaths;
				for( const auto& PDBSrc : PDBSourceControlRevisions )
					PDBPaths.Add( PDBSrc->GetFilename().Replace( *CrashInfo.DepotName, TEXT( "" ) ) );

				// Iterate through all module and see if we have dll and pdb associated with the module, if so add it to the files to sync.
				for( const auto& ModuleName : CrashInfo.ModuleNames )
					const FString ModuleNamePDB = ModuleName.Replace( TEXT( ".dll" ), TEXT( ".pdb" ) ).Replace( TEXT( ".exe" ), TEXT( ".pdb" ) );

					for( const auto& ModulePath : ModulesPaths )
						const bool bContainsModule = ModulePath.Contains( ModuleName );
						if( bContainsModule )
							FilesToSync.Add( ModulePath );

					for( const auto& PDBPath : PDBPaths )
						const bool bContainsPDB = PDBPath.Contains( ModuleNamePDB );
						if( bContainsPDB )
							FilesToSync.Add( PDBPath );

				// Now, sync all files.
				for( const auto& Filename : FilesToSync )
					const FString DepotPath = CrashInfo.DepotName + Filename;
					if( Label->Sync( DepotPath ) )
						UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Warning, TEXT( "Synced binary: %s" ), *DepotPath );
					FilesToBeCached.Add( DepotPath );

			// Initialize and add a new PDB Cache entry to the database.
			CrashInfo.PDBCacheEntry = FPDBCache::Get().CreateAndAddPDBCacheEntry( CrashInfo.LabelName, CrashInfo.DepotName, FilesToBeCached );
		UE_LOG( LogCrashDebugHelper, Error, TEXT( "Could not find label: %s"), *CrashInfo.LabelName );
		return false;

	return true;
static void	FindInvalidScalableFloats(const TArray<FString>& Args, bool ShowCoeffecients)

	TArray<UClass*>	ClassesWithScalableFloats;
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* ThisClass = *ClassIt;
		if (FindClassesWithScalableFloat_r(Args, ThisClass, ThisClass))
			ABILITY_LOG(Warning, TEXT("Class has scalable float: %s"), *ThisClass->GetName());

	for (UClass* ThisClass : ClassesWithScalableFloats)
		UObjectLibrary* ObjLibrary = nullptr;
		TArray<FAssetData> AssetDataList;
		TArray<FString> Paths;

			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("Loading %s via ObjectLibrary"), *ThisClass->GetName() );
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)
			ObjLibrary = UObjectLibrary::CreateLibrary(ThisClass, true, true);

			ObjLibrary->LoadBlueprintAssetDataFromPaths(Paths, true);

			ABILITY_LOG( Warning, TEXT("Found: %d %s assets."), AssetDataList.Num(), *ThisClass->GetName());

		for (FAssetData Data: AssetDataList)
			UPackage* ThisPackage = Data.GetPackage();
			UBlueprint* ThisBlueprint =  CastChecked<UBlueprint>(Data.GetAsset());
			UClass* AssetClass = ThisBlueprint->GeneratedClass;
			UObject* ThisCDO = AssetClass->GetDefaultObject();		
			FString PathName = ThisCDO->GetName();

			GCurrentBadScalableFloat.Asset = ThisCDO;
			//ABILITY_LOG( Warning, TEXT("Asset: %s "), *PathName	);
			CheckForBadScalableFloats_r(ThisCDO, AssetClass, AssetClass);

	ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT(""));
	ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT(""));

	if (ShowCoeffecients == false)

		for ( FBadScalableFloat& BadFoo : GCurrentBadScalableFloatList)
			ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT(", %s, %s, %s,"), *BadFoo.Asset->GetFullName(), *BadFoo.Property->GetFullName(), *BadFoo.String );


		ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT(""));
		ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT("%d Errors total"), GCurrentBadScalableFloatList.Num() );
		ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT("Non 1 coefficients: "));

		for ( FBadScalableFloat& BadFoo : GCurrentNaughtyScalableFloatList)
			ABILITY_LOG( Error, TEXT(", %s, %s, %s"), *BadFoo.Asset->GetFullName(), *BadFoo.Property->GetFullName(), *BadFoo.String );

예제 #7
void UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree()
	if (!GameplayRootTag.IsValid())
		GameplayRootTag = MakeShareable(new FGameplayTagNode());
			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: Construct from data asset"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)
			for (auto It(GameplayTagTables.CreateIterator()); It; It++)
				if (*It)

		if (ShouldImportTagsFromINI())
			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: ImportINI"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

			// Update path: Check for old tags in DefaultEngine.ini (we'll push them to the UGameplayTagSettings class).
			TArray<FString> EngineConfigTags;
			GConfig->GetArray(TEXT("/Script/GameplayTags.GameplayTagsSettings"), TEXT("GameplayTags"), EngineConfigTags, GEngineIni);
			if (EngineConfigTags.Num() > 0)
				UGameplayTagsSettings* MutableDefault = GetMutableDefault<UGameplayTagsSettings>();
				if (MutableDefault->GameplayTags.Num() == 0)

			// Load any GameplayTagSettings from config (their default object)
			for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
				UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
				if (!Class->IsChildOf<UGameplayTagsSettings>() || Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract))

				for (FString TagStr : Class->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayTagsSettings>()->GameplayTags)
					FGameplayTagTableRow TableRow;
					TableRow.Tag = TagStr;

		if (ShouldUseFastReplication())
			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: Reconstruct NetIndex"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)

			FString PerfMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("UGameplayTagsManager::ConstructGameplayTagTree: GameplayTagTreeChangedEvent.Broadcast"));
			SCOPE_LOG_TIME_IN_SECONDS(*PerfMessage, nullptr)