예제 #1
static void dgram_chargen( const struct server *serp )
   char            buf[ BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
   char            *p ;
   unsigned int    len ;
   union xsockaddr lsin ;
   socklen_t       sin_len = 0 ;
   int             fd      = SERVER_FD( serp ) ;
   unsigned int    left    = sizeof( buf ) ;
   const char     *func    = "dgram_chargen";

   if ( SC_IPV4( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) ) 
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
   else if ( SC_IPV6( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) ) 
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );

   if ( recvfrom( fd, buf, sizeof( buf ), 0, SA( &lsin ), &sin_len ) == -1 )
      return ;

   bad_variable = 1 ;      /* this will cause a compilation error */

   for ( p = buf ; left > 2 ; left -= len, p += len )
      len = min( LINE_LENGTH+2, left ) ;
      if ( generate_line( p, len ) == NULL )
         break ;
   (void) sendto( fd, buf, p-buf, 0, SA( &lsin ), sin_len ) ;
예제 #2
파일: udpint.c 프로젝트: a5216652166/rcp100
static status_e get_incoming_packet( struct intercept_s *ip, packet_s *pp )
   socklen_t from_len = 0;
   const char *func = "get_incoming_packet" ;

      from_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
      from_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );

   for ( ;; )
      int cc ;

      from_len = sizeof( pp->from ) ;
      cc = recvfrom( INT_REMOTE( ip ), pp->data, pp->size,
                                    0, SA( &pp->from ), &from_len ) ;
      if ( cc == -1 )
         if ( errno != EINTR )
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "recvfrom error: %m" ) ;
            return( FAILED ) ;
      else if ( cc == 0 )
         return( FAILED ) ;
         pp->size = cc ;
         IDP( ip->int_priv )->received_packets++ ;
         break ;

   if ( from_len == 0 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func, "incoming packet had 0 length address" ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;
   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "Received %d bytes from address: %s,%d",
         pp->size, xaddrname( &pp->from ), ntohs( xaddrport(&pp->from) ) );

   return( OK ) ;
예제 #3
static void dgram_echo( const struct server *serp )
   char            buf[ DATAGRAM_SIZE ] ;
   union xsockaddr lsin;
   ssize_t             cc ;
   socklen_t       sin_len = 0;
   int             descriptor = SERVER_FD( serp ) ;

   if( SC_IPV4( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) )
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
   else if( SC_IPV6( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) )
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );

   cc = recvfrom( descriptor, buf, sizeof( buf ), 0, (struct sockaddr *)( &lsin ), &sin_len ) ;
   if ( cc != (ssize_t)-1 ) {
      (void) sendto( descriptor, buf, (size_t)cc, 0, SA( &lsin ), sizeof( lsin ) ) ;
예제 #4
static void dgram_time( const struct server *serp )
   char     buf[ 1 ] ;
   unsigned char time_buf[4];
   union xsockaddr lsin ;
   socklen_t       sin_len = 0 ;
   int             fd      = SERVER_FD( serp ) ;
   const char     *func    = "dgram_daytime";

   if ( SC_IPV4( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) ) 
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
   else if ( SC_IPV6( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) ) 
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );

   if ( recvfrom( fd, buf, sizeof( buf ), 0, SA( &lsin ), &sin_len ) == -1 )
      return ;

   time_protocol( time_buf ) ;
   (void) sendto( fd, (char *) time_buf, 4, 0, SA( &lsin ), sin_len ) ;
예제 #5
static void dgram_daytime( const struct server *serp )
   char            time_buf[ BUFFER_SIZE ] ;
   union xsockaddr lsin ;
   socklen_t       sin_len     = 0 ;
   unsigned int    buflen      = sizeof( time_buf ) ;
   int             descriptor  = SERVER_FD( serp ) ;
   const char     *func       = "dgram_daytime";

   if ( SC_IPV4( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) ) 
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
   else if ( SC_IPV6( SVC_CONF( SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ) ) ) 
      sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );

   if ( recvfrom( descriptor, time_buf, sizeof( time_buf ), 0,
            SA( &lsin ), &sin_len ) == -1 )
      return ;

   daytime_protocol( time_buf, &buflen ) ;
   (void) sendto( descriptor, time_buf, buflen, 0, SA(&lsin), sizeof( lsin ) ) ;
예제 #6
파일: connection.c 프로젝트: Veilen/xinetd
 * Get a new connection request and initialize 'cp' appropriately
static status_e get_connection( struct service *sp, connection_s *cp )
   struct service_config *scp = SVC_CONF( sp );
   socklen_t sin_len;
   const char *func = "get_connection" ;
   int on = 1;

   if( SC_IPV4(scp) ) sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
   if( SC_IPV6(scp) ) sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);

   if ( SVC_SOCKET_TYPE( sp ) == SOCK_STREAM ) {
      /* If it's a TCP socket, and we're set to wait, the accept is
       * done by the child process.  Don't set NEW_DESCRIPTOR, since
       * there isn't one.  The descriptor will be/was removed from
       * the descriptor set in svc_suspend and re-enabled in svc_resume.
      if( SC_WAITS( scp ) ) {
         cp->co_descriptor = SVC_FD( sp );
      } else {
         cp->co_descriptor = accept( SVC_FD( sp ), &(cp->co_remote_address.sa),
                                     &sin_len ) ;
	 if (cp->co_descriptor != -1)
             M_SET( cp->co_flags, COF_NEW_DESCRIPTOR ) ;

      if ( cp->co_descriptor == -1 )
	 if ((errno == EMFILE) || (errno == ENFILE))
	     cps_service_stop(sp, "no available descriptors");
             msg( LOG_ERR, func, "service %s, accept: %m", SVC_ID( sp ) ) ;
         return( FAILED ) ;

      if( SC_NODELAY( scp ) && (SC_PROTOVAL( scp ) == IPPROTO_TCP) )
         if( setsockopt(SVC_FD(sp), IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 
                        (char *)&on, sizeof( on ) ) < 0 )
            msg( LOG_WARNING, func, "service %s, setsockopt: %m", SVC_ID(sp));

      if( SC_KEEPALIVE( scp ) && (SC_PROTOVAL( scp ) == IPPROTO_TCP) )
         if( setsockopt(SVC_FD(sp), SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 
                        (char *)&on, sizeof( on ) ) < 0 )
            msg( LOG_WARNING, func, "service %s, setsockopt: %m", SVC_ID(sp));
      if( SC_IPV6(scp) && !(SC_V6ONLY( scp ))  && 
         (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&cp->co_remote_address.sa_in6.sin6_addr) || 
	  IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(&cp->co_remote_address.sa_in6.sin6_addr)) ) 
         int af = AF_INET;
         if( setsockopt(cp->co_descriptor, IPPROTO_IPV6,
               IPV6_ADDRFORM, &af, sizeof( af ) ) ) {
            if( debug.on ) msg( LOG_WARNING, func, "service %s, IPV6_ADDRFORM setsockopt() failed: %m", SVC_ID( sp) );

      M_SET( cp->co_flags, COF_HAVE_ADDRESS ) ;
      if ( SVC_SOCKET_TYPE( sp ) == SOCK_DGRAM )
         char t_ch ;
	 ssize_t val;

          * This trick is done to get the remote address.
          * select(2) guaranteed that we won't block on the recvfrom
	 val = recvfrom( SVC_FD( sp ), &t_ch, 1, MSG_PEEK,
                              &cp->co_remote_address.sa, &sin_len );
         if ( val == (ssize_t)-1 )
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "service %s, recvfrom: %m", SVC_ID( sp ) ) ;
            return( FAILED ) ;
         M_SET( cp->co_flags, COF_HAVE_ADDRESS ) ;

      cp->co_descriptor = SVC_FD( sp ) ;

   return( OK ) ;
예제 #7
파일: service.c 프로젝트: Veilen/xinetd
static status_e failed_service(struct service *sp, 
                                connection_s *cp, 
                                access_e result)
   struct service_config *scp = SVC_CONF( sp ) ;

   if ( result != AC_OK )
      bool_int report_failure = TRUE ;

       * Try to avoid reporting multiple times a failed attempt to access
       * a datagram-based service from a bad address. We do this because
       * the clients of such services usually send multiple datagrams 
       * before reporting a timeout (we have no way of telling them that
       * their request has been denied).
      if ( result == AC_ADDRESS && SVC_SOCKET_TYPE( sp ) == SOCK_DGRAM )
         if( SC_IPV4( scp ) ) {
            struct sockaddr_in *sinp = SAIN(CONN_ADDRESS( cp )) ;
            struct sockaddr_in *last = SAIN(SVC_LAST_DGRAM_ADDR(sp)) ;
            time_t current_time ;

            if (sinp == NULL )
               return FAILED;

            if ( last == NULL ) {
               last = SAIN( calloc( 1, sizeof(union xsockaddr) ) );
	       SVC_LAST_DGRAM_ADDR(sp) = (union xsockaddr *)last;

            (void) time( &current_time ) ;
            if ( sinp->sin_addr.s_addr == last->sin_addr.s_addr &&
                                          sinp->sin_port == last->sin_port )
               if( current_time - SVC_LAST_DGRAM_TIME(sp) <= DGRAM_IGNORE_TIME )
                  report_failure = FALSE ;
                  SVC_LAST_DGRAM_TIME(sp) = current_time ;
               memcpy(SVC_LAST_DGRAM_ADDR(sp), sinp,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
               SVC_LAST_DGRAM_TIME(sp) = current_time ;
         } else if( SC_IPV6( scp ) ) {
            struct sockaddr_in6 *sinp = SAIN6(CONN_ADDRESS( cp )) ;
            struct sockaddr_in6 *last = SAIN6(SVC_LAST_DGRAM_ADDR(sp)) ;
            time_t current_time ;

	    if (sinp == NULL )
               return FAILED;

	    if( last == NULL ) {
               last = SAIN6(calloc( 1, sizeof(union xsockaddr) ) );
	       SVC_LAST_DGRAM_ADDR( sp ) = (union xsockaddr *)last;

            (void) time( &current_time ) ;
            if ( IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&(sinp->sin6_addr), &(last->sin6_addr)) && 
                 sinp->sin6_port == last->sin6_port )
               if((current_time - SVC_LAST_DGRAM_TIME(sp)) <= DGRAM_IGNORE_TIME)
                  report_failure = FALSE ;
                  SVC_LAST_DGRAM_TIME(sp) = current_time ;
               memcpy(SVC_LAST_DGRAM_ADDR(sp),sinp,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
               SVC_LAST_DGRAM_TIME(sp) = current_time ;

      if ( report_failure )
         svc_log_failure( sp, cp, result ) ;

      banner_fail(sp, cp);

      return( FAILED ) ;

   return( OK );
예제 #8
파일: service.c 프로젝트: Veilen/xinetd
 * Activate a service. 
status_e svc_activate( struct service *sp )
   struct service_config    *scp = SVC_CONF( sp ) ;
   status_e                  status ;
   const char                     *func = "svc_activate" ;

   /*  No activation for MUXCLIENTS.

   if (SC_IS_MUXCLIENT( scp ))
      return( OK );

   if( SC_IPV4( scp ) ) {
      SVC_FD(sp) = socket( AF_INET, 
                           SC_SOCKET_TYPE( scp ), SC_PROTOVAL( scp ) ) ;
   } else if( SC_IPV6( scp ) ) {
      SVC_FD(sp) = socket( AF_INET6, 
                           SC_SOCKET_TYPE( scp ), SC_PROTOVAL( scp ) ) ;

   if ( SVC_FD(sp) == -1 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func,
                  "socket creation failed (%m). service = %s", SC_ID( scp ) ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;

   if ( set_fd_modes( sp ) == FAILED )
      (void) Sclose( SVC_FD(sp) ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;

#ifndef NO_RPC
   if ( SC_IS_RPC( scp ) )
      status = activate_rpc( sp ) ;
#endif   /* ! NO_RPC */
      status = activate_normal( sp ) ;
   if ( status == FAILED )
      (void) Sclose( SVC_FD(sp) ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;

#ifdef HAVE_MDNS

   if ( log_start( sp, &SVC_LOG(sp) ) == FAILED )
      deactivate( sp ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;

    * Initialize the service data

   if ( SC_MUST_LISTEN( scp ) )
      (void) listen( SVC_FD(sp), LISTEN_BACKLOG ) ;

   ps.rws.descriptors_free-- ;


   FD_SET( SVC_FD(sp), &ps.rws.socket_mask ) ;
   if ( SVC_FD(sp) > ps.rws.mask_max )
      ps.rws.mask_max = SVC_FD(sp) ;

   ps.rws.active_services++ ;
   ps.rws.available_services++ ;

   return( OK ) ;
예제 #9
파일: service.c 프로젝트: Veilen/xinetd
static status_e activate_normal( struct service *sp )
   union xsockaddr         tsin;
   int                     sd             = SVC_FD( sp ) ;
   struct service_config  *scp            = SVC_CONF( sp ) ;
   uint16_t                service_port   = SC_PORT( scp ) ;
   char                   *sid            = SC_ID( scp ) ;
   const char             *func           = "activate_normal" ;
   unsigned int            sin_len        = sizeof(tsin);
   int                     on             = 1;
#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
   int                     v6on           = 0;

   if( SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) != NULL )
      memcpy(&tsin, SC_BIND_ADDR(scp), sin_len);
      memset(&tsin, 0, sin_len);
   if( SC_IPV4( scp ) ) {
      tsin.sa_in.sin_family = AF_INET ;
      tsin.sa_in.sin_port = htons( service_port ) ;
      sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
   } else if( SC_IPV6( scp ) ) {
      tsin.sa_in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
      tsin.sa_in6.sin6_port = htons( service_port );
      sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);

#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
   if( SC_IPV6(scp) ) {
      if( SC_SPECIFIED(scp, A_V6ONLY) ) {
         v6on = 1;
      } else {
         v6on = 0;
      if( setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char *)&v6on, sizeof(v6on)) < 0 ) {
         msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Setting IPV6_V6ONLY option failed (%m)" );

   if ( setsockopt( sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 
                    (char *) &on, sizeof( on ) ) == -1 )
      msg( LOG_WARNING, func, 
           "setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR failed (%m). service = %s", sid ) ;

   if( SC_NODELAY( scp ) && (SC_PROTOVAL(scp) == IPPROTO_TCP) )
      if ( setsockopt( sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 
                       (char *) &on, sizeof( on ) ) == -1 )
         msg( LOG_WARNING, func, 
              "setsockopt TCP_NODELAY failed (%m). service = %s", sid ) ;

   if( SC_KEEPALIVE( scp ) && (SC_PROTOVAL(scp) == IPPROTO_TCP) ) 
      if( setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 
                     (char *)&on, sizeof( on ) ) < 0 )
         msg( LOG_WARNING, func, 
              "setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE failed (%m). service = %s", sid ) ;

   if ( bind( sd, &tsin.sa, sin_len ) == -1 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func, "bind failed (%m). service = %s", sid ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;

   if( SC_IPV4(scp) && IN_MULTICAST( ntohl(tsin.sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr) ) ) {
      struct ifaddrs *addrs, *addr;
      struct ip_mreq mreq;
      if (getifaddrs(&addrs) == 0) {
         addr = addrs;

         while (addr)
            if (addr->ifa_addr && (addr->ifa_flags & IFF_MULTICAST))
               mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = tsin.sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr;
               mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
               setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
            addr = addr->ifa_next;
         if ( debug.on )
               msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "Adding multicast membership." );
      else {
         msg( LOG_ERR, func, "getifaddrs failed (%m). service = %s", sid );

   return( OK ) ;
예제 #10
파일: service.c 프로젝트: Veilen/xinetd
static status_e activate_rpc( struct service *sp )
   union xsockaddr        tsin;
   socklen_t              sin_len = sizeof(tsin);
   unsigned long          vers ;
   struct service_config *scp = SVC_CONF( sp ) ;
   struct rpc_data       *rdp = SC_RPCDATA( scp ) ;
   char                  *sid = SC_ID( scp ) ;
   unsigned               registered_versions = 0 ;
   int                    sd = SVC_FD( sp ) ;
   const char            *func = "activate_rpc" ;

   if( SC_BIND_ADDR(scp) != 0 )
      memcpy( &tsin, SC_BIND_ADDR(scp), sizeof(tsin) );
      memset( &tsin, 0, sizeof(tsin));

   if ( SC_PROTOVAL ( scp ) == IPPROTO_TCP ) {
      M_SET ( scp->sc_xflags, SF_NOLIBWRAP );
   if( SC_IPV4( scp ) ) {
      tsin.sa_in.sin_family = AF_INET ;
      sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
   } else if( SC_IPV6( scp ) ) {
      tsin.sa_in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6 ;
      sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);

   if ( bind( sd, &tsin.sa, sin_len ) == -1 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func, "bind failed (%m). service = %s", sid ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;

    * Find the port number that was assigned to the socket
   if ( getsockname( sd, &tsin.sa, &sin_len ) == -1 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func,
            "getsockname failed (%m). service = %s", sid ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;
   if( tsin.sa.sa_family == AF_INET )
      SC_SET_PORT( scp, ntohs( tsin.sa_in.sin_port ) ) ;
   else if( tsin.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 )
      SC_SET_PORT( scp, ntohs( tsin.sa_in6.sin6_port ) ) ;

    * Try to register as many versions as possible
   for ( vers = RD_MINVERS( rdp ) ; vers <= RD_MAXVERS( rdp ) ; vers++ ) {
/*      Is this right?  For instance, if we have both tcp and udp services,
 *      this will unregister the previously registered protocol.
 *      pmap_unset(RD_PROGNUM(rdp), vers);
      if ( pmap_set( RD_PROGNUM( rdp ), vers, SC_PROTOVAL( scp ), 
			      SC_PORT( scp ) ) )
         registered_versions++ ;
         msg( LOG_ERR, func,
            "pmap_set failed. service=%s program=%ld version=%ld",
               sid, RD_PROGNUM( rdp ), vers ) ;

   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, func,
            "Registered %d versions of %s", registered_versions, sid ) ;

   return( ( registered_versions == 0 ) ? FAILED : OK ) ;
예제 #11
파일: child.c 프로젝트: aosm/xinetd
 * This function is invoked in a forked process to run a server. 
 * If the service is internal the appropriate function is invoked
 * otherwise the server program is exec'ed.
 * This function also logs the remote user id if appropriate
void child_process( struct server *serp )
   struct service          *sp  = SERVER_SERVICE( serp ) ;
   connection_s            *cp  = SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ;
   struct service_config   *scp = SVC_CONF( sp ) ;
   const char              *func = "child_process" ;


   if ((signals_pending[0] >= 0 && Sclose(signals_pending[0])) ||
       (signals_pending[1] >= 0 && Sclose(signals_pending[1])))
      msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Failed to close the signal pipe: %m");
   signals_pending[0] = -1;
   signals_pending[1] = -1;


   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "Process %d is sleeping", getpid() ) ;
      sleep( 10 ) ;

   if ( ! SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) )
      set_credentials( scp ) ;
      if ( SC_SPECIFIED( scp, A_NICE ) )
         (void) nice( SC_NICE( scp ) ) ;

   if ( svc_child_access_control(sp, cp) != OK )

   if ( SERVER_LOGUSER( serp ) )
      unsigned   timeout ;
      idresult_e result ;
       * We use LOGUSER_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT unless the service requires
       * identification, in which case we use an infinite timeout
      timeout = SC_MUST_IDENTIFY( scp ) ? 0 : LOGUSER_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT ;
      result = log_remote_user( serp, timeout ) ;

      if ( result != IDR_OK && SC_MUST_IDENTIFY( scp ) )
         svc_logprint( sp, NOID_ENTRY, "%s %s",
                  conn_addrstr( SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ),
                     idresult_explain( result ) ) ;
         _exit( 0 ) ;

   if ( scp->sc_sessioncreate == YES ) 
      if ( SessionCreate(0, sessionHasTTY|sessionIsRemote) != noErr )
         svc_logprint( sp, "SessionCreate", "SessionCreate() failed!" );

   /* this is where the server gets executed  -bbraun */
   if ( ! SC_IS_INTERNAL( scp ) )
      if( scp->sc_redir_addr != NULL )
         redir_handler( serp );
#if defined(HAVE_SETENV)
         char buff[1024];

         strx_sprint(buff, sizeof(buff)-1, "REMOTE_HOST=%s", conn_addrstr(cp));
         if( env_addstr(SC_ENV(scp)->env_handle, buff) != ENV_OK ) {
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Error adding REMOTE_HOST variable for %s: %m", SC_NAME(scp) );
            _exit( 1 ) ;
         exec_server( serp ) ;
      char name[ 180 ] ;
       * We don't bother to disassociate from the controlling terminal
       *   (we have a controlling terminal only if debug.on is TRUE)
       * Also, for interceptor processes, we give them the name:
       *            <program_name> <service-id> interceptor
      if ( SC_IS_INTERCEPTED( scp ) )
         strx_print( INT_NULL, name, sizeof( name ) - 1,
                           "%s %s interceptor", program_name, SC_ID( scp ) ) ;
         int namelen = sizeof( name ) - 1 ;      /* leave space for the NUL */
         char host[NI_MAXHOST];
         size_t hostlen = NI_MAXHOST;
         socklen_t addrlen = 0;
         union xsockaddr *sinp = CONN_XADDRESS(SERVER_CONNECTION(serp));
         int len;

         if( sinp == NULL )

         if( SC_IPV6(scp) ) addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
         else if( SC_IPV4(scp) ) addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

         len = strx_nprint(name, namelen, "(%s service) %s", program_name,
            SC_ID( scp ) ) ;

         if( getnameinfo( SA(sinp), addrlen, host, hostlen, NULL, 0, 0) != 0 )
               strcpy(host, "unknown");

         if ( SC_IPV6(scp) && SC_ACCEPTS_CONNECTIONS( scp ) && 
               !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&sinp->sa_in6.sin6_addr) )
            strx_print( INT_NULL, &name[ len ], namelen - len, " %s" , host ) ;
         if ( SC_IPV4(scp) && SC_ACCEPTS_CONNECTIONS( scp ) )
            strx_print( INT_NULL, &name[ len ], namelen - len, " %s", host ) ;
      rename_process( name ) ;
      SVC_INTERNAL( sp, serp ) ;
   _exit( 0 ) ;