예제 #1
local void walktree(nodeptr *aptr, nodeptr *nptr, cellptr cptr, cellptr bptr,
                    nodeptr p, real psize, vector pmid)
  nodeptr *np, *ap, q;
  int actsafe;
  matrix trQM;
  if (Update(p)) {				// new forces needed in node?
    np = nptr;					// start new active list
    actsafe = actmax - NSUB;			// leave room for NSUB more
    for (ap = aptr; ap < nptr; ap++) {		// loop over active nodes
      if (Type(*ap) == CELL) {			// is this node a cell?
	if (accept(*ap, psize, pmid)) {		// does it pass the test?
	  if (Mass(*ap) > 0.0) {		// and contribute to field?
	    Mass(cptr) = Mass(*ap);		// copy to interaction list
	    SETV(Pos(cptr), Pos(*ap));
#if defined(SOFTCORR)
	    TRACEM(Trace(cptr), Quad(*ap));	// save trace in copy
	    MULMS(trQM, trQM, Trace(cptr)/3);
	    SUBM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap), trQM);	// store traceless moment
	    SETM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap));	// copy traceless moment
	    cptr++;				// and bump cell array ptr
	} else {				// this cell fails the test
	  if (np - active >= actsafe)		// make sure list has room
	    fatal("%s.walktree: active list overflow\n", getprog());
	  for (q = More(*ap); q != Next(*ap); q = Next(q))
						// loop over all subcells
	    *np++= q;				// put them on active list
      } else					// else this node is a body
	if (*ap != p && Mass(*ap) > 0.0) {	// not self-interaction?
	  --bptr;				// bump body array ptr
	  Mass(bptr) = Mass(*ap);		// and copy data to array
	  SETV(Pos(bptr), Pos(*ap));
    acttot = MAX(acttot, np - active);		// keep track of max active
    if (np != nptr) {				// if new actives were added
      walksub(nptr, np, cptr, bptr, p, psize, pmid);
						// then visit next level
    } else {					// else no actives left
      if (Type(p) != BODY)			// make sure we got a body
	fatal("%s.walktree: recursion terminated with cell\n"
	      "  p = 0x%x  psize   = %.8f  Mass(p) = %g\n"
	      "  pmid =   (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)\n  Pos(p) = (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)\n",
	      getprog(), (int) p, psize, Mass(p),
	      pmid[0], pmid[1], pmid[2], Pos(p)[0], Pos(p)[1], Pos(p)[2]);
      gravsum((bodyptr) p, cptr, bptr);		// sum force on this body
예제 #2
local void walkgrav(nodeptr *aptr, nodeptr *nptr, cellptr cptr, cellptr bptr,
                    nodeptr p, real psize, vector pmid)
    nodeptr *np, *ap, q;
    int actsafe;
    if (Update(p)) {				/* are new forces needed?   */
	np = nptr;				/* start new active list    */
	actsafe = actlen - NSUB;                /* leave room for NSUB more */
	for (ap = aptr; ap < nptr; ap++)        /* loop over active nodes   */
	    if (Cell(*ap)) {                    /* is this node a cell?     */
		if (accept(*ap, psize, pmid)) {	/* does it pass the test?   */
		    Mass(cptr) = Mass(*ap);	/* copy to interaction list */
		    SETV(Pos(cptr), Pos(*ap));
		    SETM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap));
		    cptr++;			/* and bump cell array ptr  */
		} else {			/* else it fails the test   */
		    if (np - active >= actsafe) /* check list has room      */
			error("walkgrav: active list overflow\n");
		    for (q = More(*ap); q != Next(*ap); q = Next(q))
						/* loop over all subcells   */
			*np++= q;               /* put on new active list   */
	    } else                              /* else this node is a body */
		if (*ap != p) {                 /* if not self-interaction  */
		    --bptr;			/* bump body array ptr      */
		    Mass(bptr) = Mass(*ap);	/* and copy data to array   */
		    SETV(Pos(bptr), Pos(*ap));
	actmax = MAX(actmax, np - active);	/* keep track of max active */
	if (np != nptr)                         /* if new actives listed    */
	    walksub(nptr, np, cptr, bptr, p, psize, pmid);
						/* then visit next level    */
	else {                                  /* else no actives left, so */
	    if (! Body(p))                      /* must have found a body   */
		error("walkgrav: recursion terminated with cell\n");
	    gravsum((bodyptr) p, cptr, bptr);   /* sum force on the body    */
예제 #3
파일: snmp.c 프로젝트: philips/reconnoiter
/* Handling of results */
static void noit_snmp_log_results(noit_module_t *self, noit_check_t *check,
                                  struct snmp_pdu *pdu) {
  struct check_info *info = check->closure;
  struct variable_list *vars;
  struct timeval duration;
  char buff[128];
  stats_t current;
  int nresults = 0;

  noit_check_stats_clear(check, &current);

    for(vars = pdu->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable)

  gettimeofday(&current.whence, NULL);
  sub_timeval(current.whence, check->last_fire_time, &duration);
  current.duration = duration.tv_sec * 1000 + duration.tv_usec / 1000;
  current.available = pdu ? NP_AVAILABLE : NP_UNAVAILABLE;
  current.state = (nresults == info->noids) ? NP_GOOD : NP_BAD;
  snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d/%d gets", nresults, info->noids);
  current.status = buff;

  /* We have no results over which to iterate. */
  if(!pdu) {
    noit_check_set_stats(check, &current);

  /* manipulate the information ourselves */
  nresults = 0;
  for(vars = pdu->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable) {
    char *sp;
    int oid_idx;
    double float_conv;
    u_int64_t u64;
    int64_t i64;
    char *endptr;
    char varbuff[256];

    /* find the oid to which this is the response */
    oid_idx = nresults; /* our current idx is the most likely */
    if(info->oids[oid_idx].oidlen != vars->name_length ||
       memcmp(info->oids[oid_idx].oid, vars->name,
              vars->name_length * sizeof(oid))) {
      /* Not the most obvious guess */
      for(oid_idx = info->noids - 1; oid_idx >= 0; oid_idx--) {
        if(info->oids[oid_idx].oidlen == vars->name_length &&
           memcmp(info->oids[oid_idx].oid, vars->name,
                  vars->name_length * sizeof(oid))) break;
    if(oid_idx < 0) {
      snprint_variable(varbuff, sizeof(varbuff),
                       vars->name, vars->name_length, vars);
      noitL(nlerr, "Unexpected oid results to %s`%s`%s: %s\n",
            check->target, check->module, check->name, varbuff);

#define SETM(a,b) noit_stats_set_metric(check, &current, \
                                        info->oids[oid_idx].confname, a, b)
    if(info->oids[oid_idx].type_should_override) {
      snprint_value(varbuff, sizeof(varbuff), vars->name, vars->name_length, vars);
      sp = strchr(varbuff, ' ');
      if(sp) sp++;
      noit_stats_set_metric_coerce(check, &current, info->oids[oid_idx].confname,
    else {
      switch(vars->type) {
        case ASN_OCTET_STR:
          sp = malloc(1 + vars->val_len);
          memcpy(sp, vars->val.string, vars->val_len);
          sp[vars->val_len] = '\0';
          SETM(METRIC_STRING, sp);
        case ASN_INTEGER:
        case ASN_GAUGE:
          SETM(METRIC_INT32, vars->val.integer);
        case ASN_TIMETICKS:
        case ASN_COUNTER:
          SETM(METRIC_UINT32, vars->val.integer);
        case ASN_INTEGER64:
          printI64(varbuff, vars->val.counter64);
          i64 = strtoll(varbuff, &endptr, 10);
          SETM(METRIC_INT64, (varbuff == endptr) ? NULL : &i64);
        case ASN_COUNTER64:
          printU64(varbuff, vars->val.counter64);
          u64 = strtoull(varbuff, &endptr, 10);
          SETM(METRIC_UINT64, (varbuff == endptr) ? NULL : &u64);
        case ASN_FLOAT:
          if(vars->val.floatVal) float_conv = *(vars->val.floatVal);
          SETM(METRIC_DOUBLE, vars->val.floatVal ? &float_conv : NULL);
        case ASN_DOUBLE:
          SETM(METRIC_DOUBLE, vars->val.doubleVal);
          snprint_variable(varbuff, sizeof(varbuff), vars->name, vars->name_length, vars);
          /* Advance passed the first space and use that unless there
           * is no space or we have no more string left.
          sp = strchr(varbuff, ' ');
          if(sp) sp++;
          SETM(METRIC_STRING, (sp && *sp) ? sp : NULL);
  noit_check_set_stats(check, &current);