static inline void swapCanvasPtr(JNIEnv* env, jobject canvasObj, SkCanvas* newCanvas) {
    jobject canvasFinalizerObj = env->GetObjectField(canvasObj, gCanvasClassInfo.mFinalizer);
    SkCanvas* previousCanvas = reinterpret_cast<SkCanvas*>(
            GET_LONG(canvasObj, gCanvasClassInfo.mNativeCanvas));
    SET_LONG(canvasObj, gCanvasClassInfo.mNativeCanvas, (long) newCanvas);
    SET_LONG(canvasFinalizerObj, gCanvasFinalizerClassInfo.mNativeCanvas, (long) newCanvas);
예제 #2
void SjTrackInfo::SetValue(long ti, const wxString& value)
	long longValue;
	#define SET_STRING(n) \
         (n) = value; return;
	#define SET_LONG(n) \
         if( value.ToLong(&longValue) ) { (n) = longValue; } return;

	switch( ti )
		case SJ_TI_URL:                 SET_STRING  (m_url);
		case SJ_TI_TRACKNAME:           SET_STRING  (m_trackName);
		case SJ_TI_TRACKNR:             SET_LONG    (m_trackNr);
		case SJ_TI_TRACKCOUNT:          SET_LONG    (m_trackCount);
		case SJ_TI_DISKNR:              SET_LONG    (m_diskNr);
		case SJ_TI_DISKCOUNT:           SET_LONG    (m_diskCount);
		case SJ_TI_LEADARTISTNAME:      SET_STRING  (m_leadArtistName);
		case SJ_TI_ORGARTISTNAME:       SET_STRING  (m_orgArtistName);
		case SJ_TI_COMPOSERNAME:        SET_STRING  (m_composerName);
		case SJ_TI_ALBUMNAME:           SET_STRING  (m_albumName);
		case SJ_TI_GENRENAME:           SET_STRING  (m_genreName);
		case SJ_TI_GROUPNAME:           SET_STRING  (m_groupName);
		case SJ_TI_COMMENT:             SET_STRING  (m_comment);
		case SJ_TI_BEATSPERMINUTE:      SET_LONG    (m_beatsPerMinute);
		case SJ_TI_RATING:              SET_LONG    (m_rating);
		case SJ_TI_YEAR:                SET_LONG    (m_year);
		case SJ_TI_PLAYTIMEMS:          SET_LONG    (m_playtimeMs);

	wxASSERT( 0 );
static void android_view_TextureView_createNativeWindow(JNIEnv* env, jobject textureView,
        jobject surface) {

    sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> producer(SurfaceTexture_getProducer(env, surface));
    sp<ANativeWindow> window = new Surface(producer, true);

    SET_LONG(textureView, gTextureViewClassInfo.nativeWindow, jlong(window.get()));
static void android_view_TextureView_destroyNativeWindow(JNIEnv* env, jobject textureView) {

    ANativeWindow* nativeWindow = (ANativeWindow*)
            GET_LONG(textureView, gTextureViewClassInfo.nativeWindow);

    if (nativeWindow) {
        sp<ANativeWindow> window(nativeWindow);
        SET_LONG(textureView, gTextureViewClassInfo.nativeWindow, 0);
예제 #5
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_turbovnc_vncviewer_Viewport_processExtInputEvent
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint type)
  jclass cls;
  jfieldID fid;
  union {
    int type;  XEvent xe;  XDeviceMotionEvent motion;
    XDeviceButtonEvent button;
  } e;
  Display *dpy;
  int buttonPressType = -1, buttonReleaseType = -1, motionType = -1;
  jboolean retval = JNI_FALSE;
  int i;

  bailif0(cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj));
  bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "buttonPressType", "I"));
  buttonPressType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, fid);
  bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "buttonReleaseType", "I"));
  buttonReleaseType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, fid);
  bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "motionType", "I"));
  motionType = (*env)->GetIntField(env, obj, fid);
  bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "x11dpy", "J"));
  bailif0(dpy = (Display *)(*env)->GetLongField(env, obj, fid));

  while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, type, &e.xe)) {

    if (e.type == motionType) {

      jclass eventcls;  jobject event, jvaluators;
      jint valuators[6];

      bailif0(eventcls =
              (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/turbovnc/rfb/ExtInputEvent"));
      bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "lastEvent",
      bailif0(event = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, obj, fid));
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, type, rfbGIIValuatorRelative);
      SET_LONG(eventcls, event, deviceID, e.motion.deviceid);
      SET_LONG(eventcls, event, buttonMask, e.motion.state);
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, numValuators, e.motion.axes_count);
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, firstValuator, e.motion.first_axis);

      bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, eventcls, "valuators", "[I"));
      bailif0(jvaluators =
              (jintArray)(*env)->GetObjectField(env, event, fid));
      for (i = 0; i < e.motion.axes_count; i++)
        valuators[i] = e.motion.axis_data[i];
      (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, jvaluators, 0, e.motion.axes_count,
      retval = JNI_TRUE;

    } else if (e.type == buttonPressType || e.type == buttonReleaseType) {

      jclass eventcls;  jobject event, jvaluators;
      jint valuators[6];

      bailif0(eventcls =
              (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/turbovnc/rfb/ExtInputEvent"));
      bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "lastEvent",
      bailif0(event = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, obj, fid));
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, type, e.type == buttonPressType ?
              rfbGIIButtonPress : rfbGIIButtonRelease);
      SET_LONG(eventcls, event, deviceID, e.button.deviceid);
      SET_LONG(eventcls, event, buttonMask, e.button.state);
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, numValuators, e.button.axes_count);
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, firstValuator, e.button.first_axis);
      SET_INT(eventcls, event, buttonNumber, e.button.button);
      bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, eventcls, "valuators", "[I"));
      bailif0(jvaluators =
              (jintArray)(*env)->GetObjectField(env, event, fid));
      for (i = 0; i < e.button.axes_count; i++)
        valuators[i] = e.button.axis_data[i];
      (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, jvaluators, 0, e.button.axes_count,
      retval = JNI_TRUE;


  return retval;
예제 #6
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_turbovnc_vncviewer_Viewport_setupExtInput
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
  jclass cls, eidcls;
  jfieldID fid;
  jmethodID mid;
  Display *dpy = NULL;
  Window win = 0;
  XDeviceInfo *devInfo = NULL;
  XDevice *device = NULL;
  int nDevices = 0, i, ci, ai, nEvents = 0;
  int buttonPressType = -1, buttonReleaseType = -1, motionType = -1;
  XEventClass events[100] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
  jobject extInputDevice;

  if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL)
    _throw("Could not open X display");

  bailif0(cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj));
  bailif0(fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "x11win", "J"));
  if ((win = (Window)(*env)->GetLongField(env, obj, fid)) == 0)
    _throw("X window handle has not been initialized");

  if ((devInfo = XListInputDevices(dpy, &nDevices)) == NULL)
    _throw("Could not list XI devices");

  for (i = 0; i < nDevices; i++) {
    char *type;
    XAnyClassPtr classInfo = devInfo[i].inputclassinfo;
    CARD32 canGenerate = 0, productID = 0;

    if (devInfo[i].use != IsXExtensionPointer)
    if (devInfo[i].type == None)
    type = XGetAtomName(dpy, devInfo[i].type);
    if (!strcmp(type, "MOUSE"))  {
    /* TurboVNC-specific:  we use productID to represent the device type, so
       we can recreate it on the server */
    if (!strcmp(type, "CURSOR"))
      productID = rfbGIIDevTypeCursor;
    else if (!strcmp(type, "STYLUS"))
      productID = rfbGIIDevTypeStylus;
    else if (!strcmp(type, "ERASER"))
      productID = rfbGIIDevTypeEraser;
    else if (!strcmp(type, "TOUCH"))
      productID = rfbGIIDevTypeTouch;
    else if (!strcmp(type, "PAD"))
      productID = rfbGIIDevTypePad;

    bailif0(eidcls =
            (*env)->FindClass(env, "com/turbovnc/rfb/ExtInputDevice"));
    bailif0(extInputDevice = (*env)->AllocObject(env, eidcls));

    SET_STRING(eidcls, extInputDevice, name, devInfo[i].name);
    SET_LONG(eidcls, extInputDevice, vendorID, 4242);
    SET_LONG(eidcls, extInputDevice, productID, productID);
    SET_LONG(eidcls, extInputDevice, id, devInfo[i].id);

    for (ci = 0; ci < devInfo[i].num_classes; ci++) {

      switch (classInfo->class) {

        case ButtonClass:
          XButtonInfoPtr b = (XButtonInfoPtr)classInfo;
          SET_INT(eidcls, extInputDevice, numButtons, b->num_buttons);
          canGenerate |= rfbGIIButtonPressMask | rfbGIIButtonReleaseMask;

        case ValuatorClass:
          XValuatorInfoPtr v = (XValuatorInfoPtr)classInfo;
          jclass valcls;

          bailif0(valcls = (*env)->FindClass(env,

          if (v->mode == Absolute)
            canGenerate |= rfbGIIValuatorAbsoluteMask;
          else if (v->mode == Relative)
            canGenerate |= rfbGIIValuatorRelativeMask;

          for (ai = 0; ai < v->num_axes; ai++) {
            jobject valuator;
            XAxisInfoPtr a = &v->axes[ai];
            char longName[75], shortName[5];

            bailif0(valuator = (*env)->AllocObject(env, valcls));
            SET_INT(valcls, valuator, index, ai);
            snprintf(longName, 75, "Valuator %d", ai);
            SET_STRING(valcls, valuator, longName, longName);
            snprintf(shortName, 5, "%d", ai);
            SET_STRING(valcls, valuator, shortName, shortName);
            SET_INT(valcls, valuator, rangeMin, a->min_value);
            SET_INT(valcls, valuator, rangeCenter,
                    (a->min_value + a->max_value) / 2);
            SET_INT(valcls, valuator, rangeMax, a->max_value);
            SET_INT(valcls, valuator, siUnit, rfbGIIUnitLength);
            SET_INT(valcls, valuator, siDiv, a->resolution);

            bailif0(mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, eidcls, "addValuator",
            (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, extInputDevice, mid, valuator);
      classInfo = (XAnyClassPtr)((char *)classInfo + classInfo->length);

    SET_LONG(eidcls, extInputDevice, canGenerate, canGenerate);
    if (canGenerate & rfbGIIValuatorAbsoluteMask)
      SET_BOOL(eidcls, extInputDevice, absolute, 1);

    if ((device = XOpenDevice(dpy, devInfo[i].id)) == NULL)
      _throw("Could not open XI device");

    for (ci = 0; ci < device->num_classes; ci++) {
      if (device->classes[ci].input_class == ButtonClass) {
        DeviceButtonPress(device, buttonPressType, events[nEvents]);
        DeviceButtonRelease(device, buttonReleaseType, events[nEvents]);
      } else if (device->classes[ci].input_class == ValuatorClass) {
        DeviceMotionNotify(device, motionType, events[nEvents]);
    XCloseDevice(dpy, device);  device=NULL;

    bailif0(mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "addInputDevice",
    (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, mid, extInputDevice);

  XFreeDeviceList(devInfo);  devInfo = NULL;
  if (nEvents == 0) {
    printf("No extended input devices.\n");
    goto bailout;

  if (XSelectExtensionEvent(dpy, win, events, nEvents))
    _throw("Could not select XI events");

  SET_INT(cls, obj, buttonPressType, buttonPressType);
  SET_INT(cls, obj, buttonReleaseType, buttonReleaseType);
  SET_INT(cls, obj, motionType, motionType);
  SET_LONG(cls, obj, x11dpy, (jlong)dpy);

  printf("TurboVNC Helper: Listening for XInput events on %s (window 0x%.8x)\n",
         DisplayString(dpy), (unsigned int)win);

  if (dpy && device) XCloseDevice(dpy, device);
  if (devInfo) XFreeDeviceList(devInfo);