예제 #1
static int doYesNoDialog(const char *filename)
    char string[255];
    XmString mString;

    YesNoResult = ynNone;

    sprintf(string, "File %s already exists,\nOk to overwrite?", filename);
    mString = XmStringCreateLtoR(string, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
    SET_ONE_RSRC(YesNoDialog, XmNmessageString, mString);

    while (YesNoResult == ynNone)
	XtAppProcessEvent(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(YesNoDialog), XtIMAll);

    /* Nasty motif bug here, patched around by waiting for a ReparentNotify
       event (with timeout) before allowing file selection dialog to pop
       down.  If this routine returns too quickly, and the file selection
       dialog (and thereby, this dialog as well) are destroyed while X
       is still sorting through the events generated by the pop-down,
       something bad happens and we get a crash */
    if (YesNoResult == ynYes)

    return YesNoResult == ynYes;
예제 #2
static Widget createPanelHelp(Widget parent, const char *helpText, const char *title)
    Arg al[20];
    int ac;
    Widget form, text, button;
    XmString st1;
    ac = 0;
    form = CreateFormDialog(parent, "helpForm", al, ac);

    ac = 0;
    XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM);  ac++;
    XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_NONE);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNlabelString, st1=XmStringCreateLtoR ("OK", 
                      XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET)); ac++;
    XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNmarginWidth, BUTTON_WIDTH_MARGIN);  ac++;
    button = XmCreatePushButtonGadget(form, "ok", al, ac);
    XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)helpDismissCB,
    	    (char *)form);
    SET_ONE_RSRC(form, XmNdefaultButton, button);
    ac = 0;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNrows, 15);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNcolumns, 60);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNresizeHeight, False);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNtraversalOn, False); ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNwordWrap, True);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNscrollHorizontal, False);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNeditMode, XmMULTI_LINE_EDIT);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNeditable, False);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNvalue, helpText);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM);  ac++;
    XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNbottomWidget, button);  ac++;
    text = XmCreateScrolledText(form, "helpText", al, ac);
    SET_ONE_RSRC(XtParent(form), XmNtitle, title);
    return form;
예제 #3
** createYesNoDialog, createErrorDialog, doYesNoDialog, doErrorDialog
** Error Messages and question dialogs to be used with the file selection
** box.  Due to a crash bug in Motif 1.1.1 thru (at least) 1.1.5
** getfiles can not use DialogF.  According to OSF, there is an error
** in the creation of pushButtonGadgets involving the creation and
** destruction of some sort of temporary object.  These routines create
** the dialogs along with the file selection dialog and manage them
** to display messages.  This somehow avoids the problem
static void createYesNoDialog(Widget parent)
    XmString  buttonString;	      /* compound string for dialog buttons */
    int       n;                      /* number of arguments               */ 
    Arg       args[MAX_ARGS];	      /* arg list                          */

    n = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL); n++;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNtitle, " "); n++;
    YesNoDialog = CreateQuestionDialog(parent, "yesNo", args, n);
    XtAddCallback (YesNoDialog, XmNokCallback, (XtCallbackProc)yesNoOKCB, NULL);
    XtAddCallback (YesNoDialog, XmNcancelCallback,
    	    (XtCallbackProc)yesNoCancelCB, NULL);
    XtUnmanageChild(XmMessageBoxGetChild (YesNoDialog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON));
    buttonString = XmStringCreateSimple("Yes");
    SET_ONE_RSRC(YesNoDialog, XmNokLabelString, buttonString);
    buttonString = XmStringCreateSimple("No");
    SET_ONE_RSRC(YesNoDialog, XmNcancelLabelString, buttonString);
예제 #4
static void doErrorDialog(const char *errorString, const char *filename)
    char string[255];
    XmString mString;

    ErrorDone = False;

    sprintf(string, errorString, filename);
    mString = XmStringCreateLtoR(string, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
    SET_ONE_RSRC(ErrorDialog, XmNmessageString, mString);

    while (!ErrorDone)
	XtAppProcessEvent (XtWidgetToApplicationContext(ErrorDialog), XtIMAll);
예제 #5
void DrawScale(StdHepWindow *window)
    Widget scaleWidget = window->scaleArea;
    Window scaleWindow = XtWindow(scaleWidget);
    Display *display = XtDisplay(scaleWidget);
    double scale, scaleAreaWidth, scaleBarLength = 1., barMultiplier = 2.;
    double tempMom;
    short widgetWidth, spinWidth, widgetHeight;
    int leftX, rightX, topY, midY, bottomY;
    GC gc = window->scaleGC;
    char scaleText[100];
    XmString cScaleText;
    SpaceWindow *wins;
    double scaleVertex;
    PhaseWindow *winp;
    ParaWindow *winpa;

    /* Get the scale factor for translating spin coordinates to pixels */
    GET_ONE_RSRC(window->spin, XmNwidth, &spinWidth);
    scale = (1./(SpinGetScale(window->spin)/2.)) / (double)spinWidth;
    /* Calculate the width of the scale draw area in spin coordinates */
    GET_ONE_RSRC(scaleWidget, XmNwidth, &widgetWidth);
    scaleAreaWidth = widgetWidth * scale;
    /* choose a sensible length for the scale bar, such as 1, 5, 10, 50 etc. */
    if (scaleAreaWidth < 1.) {
    	while (scaleBarLength > scaleAreaWidth) {
    	    scaleBarLength /= barMultiplier;
    	    barMultiplier = (barMultiplier == 2.) ? 5. : 2.;
    } else {
    	while (scaleBarLength < scaleAreaWidth) {
    	    barMultiplier = (barMultiplier == 2.) ? 5. : 2.;
    	    scaleBarLength *= barMultiplier;
    	scaleBarLength /= barMultiplier;
    /* draw the scale bar in the middle of the scale area widget */
    GET_ONE_RSRC(scaleWidget, XmNheight, &widgetHeight);
    leftX = ((scaleAreaWidth - scaleBarLength) / 2.) / scale;
    rightX = leftX + scaleBarLength / scale;
    topY = widgetHeight/4;
    midY = widgetHeight/2;
    bottomY = midY + widgetHeight/4;
    XClearWindow(display, scaleWindow);
    XDrawLine(display, scaleWindow, gc, leftX, topY, leftX, bottomY);
    XDrawLine(display, scaleWindow, gc, rightX, topY, rightX, bottomY);
    XDrawLine(display, scaleWindow, gc, leftX, midY, rightX, midY);
    /* put in the text to label the scale */
    if (window->type == STDHEP_PHASE) {
      winp = (PhaseWindow *) window;
      if (winp->displayMode == BY_MOMENTUM || winp->displayMode == BY_PT)
    	sprintf(scaleText, "%G Gev/c", scaleBarLength);
    	sprintf(scaleText, "%G Unit Eta", scaleBarLength);
    } else if (window->type == STDHEP_PARA) {
      winpa = (ParaWindow *) window;
      scaleVertex = scaleBarLength / winpa->currentRapToPt;
      sprintf (scaleText, "%G eta = %G Gev/c",scaleBarLength, scaleVertex);
    } else {
      wins = (SpaceWindow *) window;
      tempMom = wins->currentMomToSpace;
      if( tempMom == 0.0) tempMom = EPSILON;
      scaleVertex = scaleBarLength / tempMom;
      sprintf (scaleText, "%G cm = %G Gev/c",scaleBarLength, scaleVertex);
    cScaleText = MKSTRING(scaleText);
    SET_ONE_RSRC(window->scaleLabel, XmNlabelString, cScaleText);
예제 #6
** DrawEvent
** Map an event to 3D segments for the spin widget.  From a 4-momentum vector,
** (i.e., the 3-momentum vector and the unique identifier from which a physical
** mass can be obtained), An array of 3-dimensional vector and track type is
** deduced).  The structure PhaseEvent is described in phase.h.  The setting
** of the displayMode toggle on the event display panel determines how the
** event is mapped onto the screen:
** BY_MOMENTUM:		The length is proportional the  |P|, the norm of the 3-d
**		      	momentum vector. This is the simplest and default option.
** BY_PT:	 	The length of the vector is proportional to Pt, the 
**			transverse momentum. This trick greatly enhances 
**			the "high Pt" Physics in the event.
** BY_RAPIDITY: 	The length of the vector is propotional to the rapidity 
**			of the particle, as defined in the PDG bible.
** BY_PSEUDORAPIDITY:	The length of the vector is proportional to the pseudo
**			rapidity, i.e., the mass of the particle is 
**			neglected.
** BY_USER_ROUTINE :	The user function specified in the DisplayEvent call
**			is called to determine what the new vector ought to be... 
void DrawEvent(StdHepWindow *window, int setScale)
    int i, maxIndex, nSegments, nns, npvis;
    int doPoints;
    double scale, innerScale, length, maxLength, outVec[3];
    SpinSegment *segment, *segments, *segdt, temp;
    SpinPoint *point, *points;
    PhaseParticle *p, *particles = window->event.particles;
    int nStable = 0, nParticles = window->event.nParticles;
    SpaceVertex *pinv, *v;
    char nameText[MAXCHAR_HEPNAM], statText[255];
    XmString cStatText;
    /* There is a very wierd Ultrix compiler problem concerning this statement:*/
    /*    PhaseEvent *event; */
    static char *unitText[6] = {"p", "Pt", "Eta", "Eta", "value", "Eta-Pt"};
    XmFontList fontList;
    PhaseWindow *winp;
    SpaceWindow *wins;
    ParaWindow *winpa;
    /* If a Space window, find out the number of vertices in this event, 
       so we can allocate more space to draw short segments to represent 
       a vertex.. */
    if (window->type == STDHEP_SPACE) {
       wins = (SpaceWindow *) window;
    /* allocate space for the maximum possible number of segments or points */
       nns = NUMPINSTETA * NUMPINSPHI * wins->numRealVertices + nParticles;
       nns += wins->nDetectorSegments;
       segments = (SpinSegment *)XtMalloc(sizeof(SpinSegment) * nns);
       doPoints = False;
     } else if (window->type == STDHEP_PARA) {
        winpa = (ParaWindow *) window;
	segments = (SpinSegment *)XtMalloc(sizeof(SpinSegment) * nParticles);
	doPoints = False;
     } else {
        winp =(PhaseWindow *) window;
        doPoints = (winp->vectorLength == 0.);
        if (doPoints)
	    points = (SpinPoint *)XtMalloc(sizeof(SpinPoint) * nParticles);
	   segments = (SpinSegment *)XtMalloc(sizeof(SpinSegment) * nParticles);
    /* Loop over all of the particles, translating them into 3-D line segments
       or points for the Spin widget.  Also find the particle of maximum value
       (for setting the scale and printing statistics), and the number of stable
       particles (for printing statistics later) */
    nSegments = 0;
    npvis = 0;
    maxLength = -1.;
    if (doPoints) {
	point = points;
	for (i=0, p=particles; i<nParticles; i++, p++) {
    	    if (p->stable)
    	    if (ParticleToSegment(winp, p, &temp, &length)) {
    	        point->x = temp.x1;
    	        point->y = temp.y1;
    	        point->z = temp.z1;
    	        point->pixel = temp.pixel;
    		if (length > maxLength) {
    		    maxLength = length;
    		    maxIndex = i;
	/* Display the points */
	SpinSetPoints(window->spin, points, nSegments);
	XtFree((char *) points);
    } else {
      if (window->type == STDHEP_PHASE) {
	for (i=0, p=particles; i<nParticles; i++, p++) {
    	    if (p->stable)
    	    if (ParticleToSegment(winp, p, segment, &length)) {
    		if (length > maxLength) {
    		    maxLength = length;
    		    maxIndex = i;
       } else if (window->type == STDHEP_PARA) {
	 for (i=0, p=particles; i<nParticles; i++, p++) {
    	    if (p->stable)
    	    if (ParticleToParaSegment(winpa, p, segment, &length)) {
    		if (length > maxLength) {
    		    maxLength = length;
    		    maxIndex = i;
       } else {            
           maxLength = 0.;
	   for (i=0, p=particles, v=wins->vertices; 
	                     i<nParticles; i++, p++, v++) {
    	    if (p->stable)
    	    if (TrackToSegment(wins, p, v, segment, &length)) {
    		if (length > maxLength) {
    		    maxLength = length;
    		    maxIndex = i;
	   if (wins->nDetectorSegments > 0) {
	    for (i=0, segdt = wins->detectorSegments;
	          i < wins->nDetectorSegments;
	           i++, segdt++, segment++, nSegments++)  
	          detectorToSegment(wins, segdt, segment);
	   if (wins->showVertices) {
	   for (i=0, pinv=wins->realVertices;
	         i < wins->numRealVertices; i++, pinv++){
	          if (fabs((double) pinv->z) < wins->currentScale) {
	            VertexToSegment(wins, pinv, &segment);
	             nSegments += NUMPINSPHI *NUMPINSTETA;
	/* Display the line segments with the spin widget */
	SpinSetSegments(window->spin, segments, nSegments);
	XtFree((char *) segments);
	* Currently, the spin widget Perspective resource is buggy, 
	* turn if off.. 
        SET_ONE_RSRC(window->spin, XmNperspectiveOn, FALSE);
    /* If requested, set the scale to show the data most effectively */
    if (setScale) {
    	SpinSetScale(window->spin, (maxLength > 0.) ? 1./maxLength : 1.);
    /* Fill in the statistics window */
    if (npvis == 0) {
    	sprintf(statText, "%d tracks, %d are stable.\nNo Tracks are visible",
    		nParticles, nStable);
    } else {
        if ((window->type == STDHEP_PHASE) || (window->type == STDHEP_PARA)) { 
	    GET_ONE_RSRC(window->statsLabel, XmNfontList, &fontList);
	    if (CharsetAvailable("greek", fontList)) {
    	        hepnmg_(&particles[maxIndex].id, nameText);
	    } else {
    	        hepnam_(&particles[maxIndex].id, nameText, MAXCHAR_HEPNAM);
	         *strchr(nameText, ' ') = '\0';
	    if (window->type == STDHEP_PHASE) {
"%d tracks, %d are stable,\n%d are now displayed\nTrack of max. %s is a(n) %s",
    	        nParticles, nStable, nSegments,
    	        unitText[winp->displayMode], nameText);
    	    } else { 
"%d tracks, %d are stable,\n%d are now displayed\nTrack of max. %s is a(n) %s",
    	        nParticles, nStable, nSegments,
    	        unitText[5], nameText);
    	  } else {
    	    if (wins->showVertices)
    	      nns = nSegments
    	         - (NUMPINSPHI * NUMPINSTETA * wins->numRealVertices);
    	    else nns = nSegments; 
"%d tracks, %d are stable,\n%d are now displayed\n %d distinct vertices found",
    	        nParticles, nStable, nns, wins->numRealVertices);
    cStatText = MultiFontString(statText);
    SET_ONE_RSRC(window->statsLabel, XmNlabelString, cStatText);