예제 #1
파일: iconcache.cpp 프로젝트: GYGit/reactos
 * SIC_GetIconIndex            [internal]
 * Parameters
 *    sSourceFile    [IN]    filename of file containing the icon
 *    index        [IN]    index/resID (negated) in this file
 *  look in the cache for a proper icon. if not available the icon is taken
 *  from the file and cached
INT SIC_GetIconIndex (LPCWSTR sSourceFile, INT dwSourceIndex, DWORD dwFlags )
    SIC_ENTRY sice;
    INT ret, index = INVALID_INDEX;
    WCHAR path[MAX_PATH];

    TRACE("%s %i\n", debugstr_w(sSourceFile), dwSourceIndex);

    GetFullPathNameW(sSourceFile, MAX_PATH, path, NULL);
    sice.sSourceFile = path;
    sice.dwSourceIndex = dwSourceIndex;
    sice.dwFlags = dwFlags;


    if (NULL != DPA_GetPtr (sic_hdpa, 0))
      /* search linear from position 0*/
      index = DPA_Search (sic_hdpa, &sice, 0, SIC_CompareEntries, 0, DPAS_SORTED);

    if ( INVALID_INDEX == index )
          ret = SIC_LoadIcon (sSourceFile, dwSourceIndex, dwFlags);
      TRACE("-- found\n");
      ret = ((LPSIC_ENTRY)DPA_GetPtr(sic_hdpa, index))->dwListIndex;

    return ret;
예제 #2
 * SIC_GetIconIndex			[internal]
 * Parameters
 *	sSourceFile	[IN]	filename of file containing the icon
 *	index		[IN]	index/resID (negated) in this file
 *  look in the cache for a proper icon. if not available the icon is taken
 *  from the file and cached
INT SIC_GetIconIndex (LPCSTR sSourceFile, INT dwSourceIndex )
{	SIC_ENTRY sice;
	INT ret, index = INVALID_INDEX;

	TRACE("%s %i\n", sSourceFile, dwSourceIndex);

	sice.sSourceFile = PathFindFileNameA(sSourceFile);
	sice.dwSourceIndex = dwSourceIndex;


	if (NULL != pDPA_GetPtr (sic_hdpa, 0))
	  /* search linear from position 0*/
	  index = pDPA_Search (sic_hdpa, &sice, 0, SIC_CompareEntries, 0, 0);

	if ( INVALID_INDEX == index )
	  ret = SIC_LoadIcon (sSourceFile, dwSourceIndex);
	  TRACE("-- found\n");
	  ret = ((LPSIC_ENTRY)pDPA_GetPtr(sic_hdpa, index))->dwListIndex;

	return ret;
예제 #3
파일: iconcache.c 프로젝트: AlexSteel/wine
 * PidlToSicIndex			[INTERNAL]
 *	sh	[IN]	IShellFolder
 *	pidl	[IN]
 *	bBigIcon [IN]
 *	uFlags	[IN]	GIL_*
 *	pIndex	[OUT]	index within the SIC
BOOL PidlToSicIndex (
	IShellFolder * sh,
	BOOL bBigIcon,
	UINT uFlags,
	int * pIndex)
	IExtractIconW	*ei;
	WCHAR		szIconFile[MAX_PATH];	/* file containing the icon */
	INT		iSourceIndex;		/* index or resID(negated) in this file */
	BOOL		ret = FALSE;
	UINT		dwFlags = 0;
	int		iShortcutDefaultIndex = INVALID_INDEX;

	TRACE("sf=%p pidl=%p %s\n", sh, pidl, bBigIcon?"Big":"Small");

        InitOnceExecuteOnce( &sic_init_once, SIC_Initialize, NULL, NULL );

	if (SUCCEEDED (IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(sh, 0, 1, &pidl, &IID_IExtractIconW, 0, (void **)&ei)))
	  if (SUCCEEDED(IExtractIconW_GetIconLocation(ei, uFlags, szIconFile, MAX_PATH, &iSourceIndex, &dwFlags)))
	    *pIndex = SIC_GetIconIndex(szIconFile, iSourceIndex, uFlags);
	    ret = TRUE;

	if (INVALID_INDEX == *pIndex)	/* default icon when failed */
	  if (0 == (uFlags & GIL_FORSHORTCUT))
	    *pIndex = 0;
	    if (INVALID_INDEX == iShortcutDefaultIndex)
	      iShortcutDefaultIndex = SIC_LoadIcon(swShell32Name, 0, GIL_FORSHORTCUT);
	    *pIndex = (INVALID_INDEX != iShortcutDefaultIndex ? iShortcutDefaultIndex : 0);

	return ret;

예제 #4
파일: iconcache.c 프로젝트: AlexSteel/wine
 * SIC_LoadOverlayIcon			[internal]
 * Load a shell overlay icon and return its icon cache index.
static int SIC_LoadOverlayIcon(int icon_idx)
	WCHAR buffer[1024], wszIdx[8];
	HKEY hKeyShellIcons;
	LPCWSTR iconPath;
	int iconIdx;

	static const WCHAR wszShellIcons[] = {
	    'E','x','p','l','o','r','e','r','\\','S','h','e','l','l',' ','I','c','o','n','s',0
	static const WCHAR wszNumFmt[] = {'%','d',0};

	iconPath = swShell32Name;	/* default: load icon from shell32.dll */
	iconIdx = icon_idx;

	if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszShellIcons, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShellIcons) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
	    DWORD count = sizeof(buffer);

	    sprintfW(wszIdx, wszNumFmt, icon_idx);

	    /* read icon path and index */
	    if (RegQueryValueExW(hKeyShellIcons, wszIdx, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &count) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		LPWSTR p = strchrW(buffer, ',');

		if (!p)
		    ERR("Icon index in %s/%s corrupted, no comma.\n", debugstr_w(wszShellIcons),debugstr_w(wszIdx));
		    return -1;
		*p++ = 0;
		iconPath = buffer;
		iconIdx = atoiW(p);


        InitOnceExecuteOnce( &sic_init_once, SIC_Initialize, NULL, NULL );

	return SIC_LoadIcon(iconPath, iconIdx, 0);
예제 #5
파일: iconcache.cpp 프로젝트: GYGit/reactos
 * PidlToSicIndex            [INTERNAL]
 *    sh    [IN]    IShellFolder
 *    pidl    [IN]
 *    bBigIcon [IN]
 *    uFlags    [IN]    GIL_*
 *    pIndex    [OUT]    index within the SIC
BOOL PidlToSicIndex (
    IShellFolder * sh,
    BOOL bBigIcon,
    UINT uFlags,
    int * pIndex)
    CComPtr<IExtractIconW>        ei;
    WCHAR        szIconFile[MAX_PATH];    /* file containing the icon */
    INT        iSourceIndex;        /* index or resID(negated) in this file */
    BOOL        ret = FALSE;
    UINT        dwFlags = 0;
    int        iShortcutDefaultIndex = INVALID_INDEX;

    TRACE("sf=%p pidl=%p %s\n", sh, pidl, bBigIcon?"Big":"Small");

    if (SUCCEEDED (sh->GetUIObjectOf(0, 1, &pidl, IID_NULL_PPV_ARG(IExtractIconW, &ei))))
      if (SUCCEEDED(ei->GetIconLocation(uFlags, szIconFile, MAX_PATH, &iSourceIndex, &dwFlags)))
        *pIndex = SIC_GetIconIndex(szIconFile, iSourceIndex, uFlags);
        ret = TRUE;

    if (INVALID_INDEX == *pIndex)    /* default icon when failed */
      if (0 == (uFlags & GIL_FORSHORTCUT))
        *pIndex = 0;
        if (INVALID_INDEX == iShortcutDefaultIndex)
          iShortcutDefaultIndex = SIC_LoadIcon(swShell32Name, 0, GIL_FORSHORTCUT);
        *pIndex = (INVALID_INDEX != iShortcutDefaultIndex ? iShortcutDefaultIndex : 0);

    return ret;

예제 #6
파일: iconcache.cpp 프로젝트: GYGit/reactos
 * SIC_LoadOverlayIcon            [internal]
 * Load a shell overlay icon and return its icon cache index.
static int SIC_LoadOverlayIcon(int icon_idx)
    WCHAR buffer[1024], wszIdx[8];
    HKEY hKeyShellIcons;
    LPCWSTR iconPath;
    int iconIdx;

    static const WCHAR wszShellIcons[] = {
        'E','x','p','l','o','r','e','r','\\','S','h','e','l','l',' ','I','c','o','n','s',0
    static const WCHAR wszNumFmt[] = {'%','d',0};

    iconPath = swShell32Name;    /* default: load icon from shell32.dll */
    iconIdx = icon_idx;

    if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszShellIcons, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyShellIcons) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        DWORD count = sizeof(buffer);

        swprintf(wszIdx, wszNumFmt, icon_idx);

        /* read icon path and index */
        if (RegQueryValueExW(hKeyShellIcons, wszIdx, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &count) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        LPWSTR p = wcschr(buffer, ',');

        if (p)
            *p++ = 0;

        iconPath = buffer;
        iconIdx = _wtoi(p);


    return SIC_LoadIcon(iconPath, iconIdx, 0);