예제 #1
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int id;
    setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

    printf ("%s:  starting...\n", progname);

    // request I/O privity
	ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0 );
    // set up an event for the handler or the kernel to use to wake up
    // this thread.  Use whatever type of event and event handling you want
	SIGEV_INTR_INIT( &int_event );
    // either register an interrupt handler or the event
	id = InterruptAttach(0, hdlr, NULL, 0, _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_TRK_MSK );
    while (1) {
        // block here waiting for the event
		InterruptWait(0, NULL );
        // if using a high frequency interrupt, don't print every interrupt
        printf ("%s:  we got an event after 1500 timer ticks and unblocked\n", progname);
예제 #2
static err_t gpio_init(Drive_Gpio *t)
	Drive_Gpio 		*cthis = ( Drive_Gpio *)t ;
	uint32_t		tmp_reg = 0;
	gpio_cfg 		*config = cthis->config;
	int 			i = 0;

	 assert( config->intr_line < 2);

	cthis->gpio_vbase = mmap_device_io( AM335X_GPIO_SIZE, GpioBase[ config->pin_group]);
	TRACE_INFO("Drive Piling :%s-%s-%d \r\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
	TRACE_INFO("pin config 0x%04x \r\n", rd_pin_conf( config->pin_ctrl_off));
	if (cthis->gpio_vbase == MAP_DEVICE_FAILED)

		return ERROR_T( gpio_init_mapio_fail);
	gpioModuleConfig[ config->pin_group]();
	GPIOModuleEnable( cthis->gpio_vbase);

	tmp_reg = in32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_OE );
	tmp_reg |= 1 << config->pin_number;
	out32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_OE, tmp_reg );

	tmp_reg=in32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DEBOUNCENABLE);
	tmp_reg &=~( 1 << config->pin_number);
	tmp_reg |= ( 1 << config->pin_number);
	out32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DEBOUNCENABLE, tmp_reg);

	out32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DEBOUNCINGTIME, ( config->debou_time ));

	for( i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
		if( ( ( 1 << i) & config->intr_type) )
			tmp_reg = in32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DETECT(i));
			tmp_reg |= 1 << config->pin_number;
			out32(cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DETECT(i), tmp_reg);
			tmp_reg = in32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DETECT(i));
			tmp_reg &= ~(1 << config->pin_number);
			out32(cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_DETECT(i), tmp_reg);

//	tmp_reg = in32( cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_IRQSTATUS_SET( config->intr_line));
//	tmp_reg |= 1 << config->pin_number;
//	out32(cthis->gpio_vbase + GPIO_IRQSTATUS_SET( config->intr_line), tmp_reg);
	dump_gpio_reg( cthis->gpio_vbase);
	SIGEV_INTR_INIT( &cthis->isr_event );
	cthis->irq_id = InterruptAttach_r ( GpioIntNum[ config->intr_line][ config->pin_group], gpioExtInteIsr, cthis, 1, _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_END );
