예제 #1
SKP_INLINE opus_int silk_setup_LBRR(
    silk_encoder_state          *psEncC,            /* I/O                      */
    const opus_int32                 TargetRate_bps      /* I                        */
    opus_int   ret = SILK_NO_ERROR;
    opus_int32 LBRR_rate_thres_bps;

    psEncC->LBRR_enabled = 0;
    if( psEncC->useInBandFEC && psEncC->PacketLoss_perc > 0 ) {
        if( psEncC->fs_kHz == 8 ) {
            LBRR_rate_thres_bps = LBRR_NB_MIN_RATE_BPS;
        } else if( psEncC->fs_kHz == 12 ) {
            LBRR_rate_thres_bps = LBRR_MB_MIN_RATE_BPS;
        } else {
            LBRR_rate_thres_bps = LBRR_WB_MIN_RATE_BPS;
        LBRR_rate_thres_bps = SKP_SMULWB( SKP_MUL( LBRR_rate_thres_bps, 125 - SKP_min( psEncC->PacketLoss_perc, 25 ) ), SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.01, 16 ) );

        if( TargetRate_bps > LBRR_rate_thres_bps ) {
            /* Set gain increase for coding LBRR excitation */
            psEncC->LBRR_enabled = 1;
            psEncC->LBRR_GainIncreases = SKP_max_int( 7 - SKP_SMULWB( psEncC->PacketLoss_perc, SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.4, 16 ) ), 2 );

    return ret;
/* Laroia low complexity NLSF weights */
void SKP_Silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia(
    SKP_int             *pNLSFW_Q6,         /* O: Pointer to input vector weights           [D x 1]     */
    const SKP_int       *pNLSF_Q15,         /* I: Pointer to input vector                   [D x 1]     */
    const SKP_int       D                   /* I: Input vector dimension (even)                         */
    SKP_int   k;
    SKP_int32 tmp1_int, tmp2_int;

    /* Check that we are guaranteed to end up within the required range */
    SKP_assert( D > 0 );
    SKP_assert( ( D & 1 ) == 0 );

    /* First value */
    tmp1_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ 0 ], MIN_NDELTA );
    tmp1_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp1_int );
    tmp2_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ 1 ] - pNLSF_Q15[ 0 ], MIN_NDELTA );
    tmp2_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp2_int );
    pNLSFW_Q6[ 0 ] = (SKP_int)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
    SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q6[ 0 ] > 0 );

    /* Main loop */
    for( k = 1; k < D - 1; k += 2 ) {
        tmp1_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ k + 1 ] - pNLSF_Q15[ k ], MIN_NDELTA );
        tmp1_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp1_int );
        pNLSFW_Q6[ k ] = (SKP_int)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
        SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q6[ k ] > 0 );

        tmp2_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ k + 2 ] - pNLSF_Q15[ k + 1 ], MIN_NDELTA );
        tmp2_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp2_int );
        pNLSFW_Q6[ k + 1 ] = (SKP_int)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
        SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q6[ k + 1 ] > 0 );

    /* Last value */
    tmp1_int = SKP_max_int( ( 1 << 15 ) - pNLSF_Q15[ D - 1 ], MIN_NDELTA );
    tmp1_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp1_int );
    pNLSFW_Q6[ D - 1 ] = (SKP_int)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
    SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q6[ D - 1 ] > 0 );
예제 #3
/* Gain scalar quantization with hysteresis, uniform on log scale */
void SKP_Silk_gains_quant(
    SKP_int8                        ind[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],        /* O    gain indices                            */
    SKP_int32                       gain_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],   /* I/O  gains (quantized out)                   */
    SKP_int8                        *prev_ind,                  /* I/O  last index in previous frame            */
    const SKP_int                   conditional,                /* I    first gain is delta coded if 1          */
    const SKP_int                   nb_subfr                    /* I    number of subframes                     */
    SKP_int k, double_step_size_threshold;

    for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
        /* Add half of previous quantization error, convert to log scale, scale, floor() */
        ind[ k ] = SKP_SMULWB( SCALE_Q16, SKP_Silk_lin2log( gain_Q16[ k ] ) - OFFSET );

        /* Round towards previous quantized gain (hysteresis) */
        if( ind[ k ] < *prev_ind ) {
            ind[ k ]++;
        ind[ k ] = SKP_max_int( ind[ k ], 0 );

        /* Compute delta indices and limit */
        if( k == 0 && conditional == 0 ) {
            /* Full index */
            ind[ k ] = SKP_LIMIT_int( ind[ k ], *prev_ind + MIN_DELTA_GAIN_QUANT, N_LEVELS_QGAIN - 1 );
            *prev_ind = ind[ k ];
        } else {
            /* Delta index */
            ind[ k ] = ind[ k ] - *prev_ind;

            /* Double the quantization step size for large gain increases, so that the max gain level can be reached */
            double_step_size_threshold = 2 * MAX_DELTA_GAIN_QUANT - N_LEVELS_QGAIN + *prev_ind;
            if( ind[ k ] > double_step_size_threshold ) {
                ind[ k ] = double_step_size_threshold + SKP_RSHIFT( ind[ k ] - double_step_size_threshold + 1, 1 );

            ind[ k ] = SKP_LIMIT_int( ind[ k ], MIN_DELTA_GAIN_QUANT, MAX_DELTA_GAIN_QUANT );

            /* Accumulate deltas */
            if( ind[ k ] > double_step_size_threshold ) {
                *prev_ind += SKP_LSHIFT( ind[ k ], 1 ) - double_step_size_threshold;
            } else {
                *prev_ind += ind[ k ];

            /* Shift to make non-negative */
            ind[ k ] -= MIN_DELTA_GAIN_QUANT;

        /* Convert to linear scale and scale */
        gain_Q16[ k ] = SKP_Silk_log2lin( SKP_min_32( SKP_SMULWB( INV_SCALE_Q16, *prev_ind ) + OFFSET, 3967 ) ); /* 3967 = 31 in Q7 */
/* Laroia low complexity NLSF weights */
void SKP_Silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia(
    SKP_int16           *pNLSFW_Q5,         /* O: Pointer to input vector weights           [D x 1]     */
    const SKP_int16     *pNLSF_Q15,         /* I: Pointer to input vector                   [D x 1]     */ 
    const SKP_int       D                   /* I: Input vector dimension (even)                         */
    SKP_int   k;
    SKP_int32 tmp1_int, tmp2_int;
    SKP_assert( D > 0 );
    SKP_assert( ( D & 1 ) == 0 );
    /* First value */
    tmp1_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ 0 ], 1 );
    tmp1_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp1_int );
    tmp2_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ 1 ] - pNLSF_Q15[ 0 ], 1 );
    tmp2_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp2_int );
    pNLSFW_Q5[ 0 ] = (SKP_int16)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
    SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q5[ 0 ] > 0 );
    /* Main loop */
    for( k = 1; k < D - 1; k += 2 ) {
        tmp1_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ k + 1 ] - pNLSF_Q15[ k ], 1 );
        tmp1_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp1_int );
        pNLSFW_Q5[ k ] = (SKP_int16)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
        SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q5[ k ] > 0 );

        tmp2_int = SKP_max_int( pNLSF_Q15[ k + 2 ] - pNLSF_Q15[ k + 1 ], 1 );
        tmp2_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp2_int );
        pNLSFW_Q5[ k + 1 ] = (SKP_int16)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
        SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q5[ k + 1 ] > 0 );
    /* Last value */
    tmp1_int = SKP_max_int( ( 1 << 15 ) - pNLSF_Q15[ D - 1 ], 1 );
    tmp1_int = SKP_DIV32_16( 1 << ( 15 + Q_OUT ), tmp1_int );
    pNLSFW_Q5[ D - 1 ] = (SKP_int16)SKP_min_int( tmp1_int + tmp2_int, SKP_int16_MAX );
    SKP_assert( pNLSFW_Q5[ D - 1 ] > 0 );
void SKP_Silk_detect_SWB_input(SKP_Silk_detect_SWB_state * psSWBdetect,	/* (I/O) encoder state  */
			       const int16_t samplesIn[],	/* (I) input to encoder */
			       int nSamplesIn	/* (I) length of input */
	int HP_8_kHz_len, i;
	int16_t in_HP_8_kHz[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
	int32_t energy_32, shift;

	/* High pass filter with cutoff at 8 khz */
	HP_8_kHz_len = SKP_min_int(nSamplesIn, MAX_FRAME_LENGTH);
	HP_8_kHz_len = SKP_max_int(HP_8_kHz_len, 0);

	/* Cutoff around 9 khz */
	/* A = conv(conv([8192,14613, 6868], [8192,12883, 7337]), [8192,11586, 7911]); */
	/* B = conv(conv([575, -948, 575], [575, -221, 575]), [575, 104, 575]); */
	SKP_Silk_biquad(samplesIn, SKP_Silk_SWB_detect_B_HP_Q13[0],
			psSWBdetect->S_HP_8_kHz[0], in_HP_8_kHz, HP_8_kHz_len);
	for (i = 1; i < NB_SOS; i++) {
		SKP_Silk_biquad(in_HP_8_kHz, SKP_Silk_SWB_detect_B_HP_Q13[i],
				psSWBdetect->S_HP_8_kHz[i], in_HP_8_kHz,

	/* Calculate energy in HP signal */
	SKP_Silk_sum_sqr_shift(&energy_32, &shift, in_HP_8_kHz, HP_8_kHz_len);

	/* Count concecutive samples above threshold, after adjusting threshold for number of input samples and shift */
	if (energy_32 >
	    SKP_RSHIFT(SKP_SMULBB(HP_8_KHZ_THRES, HP_8_kHz_len), shift)) {
		psSWBdetect->ConsecSmplsAboveThres += nSamplesIn;
		if (psSWBdetect->ConsecSmplsAboveThres > CONCEC_SWB_SMPLS_THRES) {
			psSWBdetect->SWB_detected = 1;
	} else {
		psSWBdetect->ConsecSmplsAboveThres -= nSamplesIn;
		psSWBdetect->ConsecSmplsAboveThres =
		    SKP_max(psSWBdetect->ConsecSmplsAboveThres, 0);

	/* If sufficient speech activity and no SWB detected, we detect the signal as being WB */
	if ((psSWBdetect->ActiveSpeech_ms > WB_DETECT_ACTIVE_SPEECH_MS_THRES)
	    && (psSWBdetect->SWB_detected == 0)) {
		psSWBdetect->WB_detected = 1;
void SKP_Silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FIX(
    SKP_Silk_encoder_state_FIX      *psEnc,     /* I/O  encoder state FIX                           */
    SKP_Silk_encoder_control_FIX    *psEncCtrl  /* I/O  encoder control FIX                         */
    SKP_int round_loss, frames_per_packet;
    SKP_int g_out_Q5, g_limit_Q15, thrld1_Q15, thrld2_Q15;

    /* 1st order high-pass filter */
    psEnc->HPLTPredCodGain_Q7 = SKP_max_int( psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 - psEnc->prevLTPredCodGain_Q7, 0 ) 
        + SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( psEnc->HPLTPredCodGain_Q7, 1 );
    psEnc->prevLTPredCodGain_Q7 = psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7;

    /* combine input and filtered input */
    g_out_Q5    = SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( SKP_RSHIFT( psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7, 1 ) + SKP_RSHIFT( psEnc->HPLTPredCodGain_Q7, 1 ), 3 );
    g_limit_Q15 = SKP_Silk_sigm_Q15( g_out_Q5 - ( 3 << 5 ) );
    /* Default is minimum scaling */
    psEncCtrl->sCmn.LTP_scaleIndex = 0;

    /* Round the loss measure to whole pct */
    round_loss = ( SKP_int )psEnc->sCmn.PacketLoss_perc;

    /* Only scale if first frame in packet 0% */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf == 0 ) {
        frames_per_packet = SKP_DIV32_16( psEnc->sCmn.PacketSize_ms, FRAME_LENGTH_MS );

        round_loss += frames_per_packet - 1;
        thrld1_Q15 = LTPScaleThresholds_Q15[ SKP_min_int( round_loss,     NB_THRESHOLDS - 1 ) ];
        thrld2_Q15 = LTPScaleThresholds_Q15[ SKP_min_int( round_loss + 1, NB_THRESHOLDS - 1 ) ];
        if( g_limit_Q15 > thrld1_Q15 ) {
            /* Maximum scaling */
            psEncCtrl->sCmn.LTP_scaleIndex = 2;
        } else if( g_limit_Q15 > thrld2_Q15 ) {
            /* Medium scaling */
            psEncCtrl->sCmn.LTP_scaleIndex = 1;
    psEncCtrl->LTP_scale_Q14 = SKP_Silk_LTPScales_table_Q14[ psEncCtrl->sCmn.LTP_scaleIndex ];
예제 #7
/* NLSF stabilizer, for a single input data vector */
void SKP_Silk_NLSF_stabilize(
          SKP_int    *NLSF_Q15,            /* I/O:  Unstable/stabilized normalized LSF vector in Q15 [L]                    */
    const SKP_int    *NDeltaMin_Q15,       /* I:    Normalized delta min vector in Q15, NDeltaMin_Q15[L] must be >= 1 [L+1] */
    const SKP_int     L                    /* I:    Number of NLSF parameters in the input vector                           */
    SKP_int        center_freq_Q15, diff_Q15, min_center_Q15, max_center_Q15;
    SKP_int32    min_diff_Q15;
    SKP_int        loops;
    SKP_int        i, I=0, k;

    /* This is necessary to ensure an output within range of a SKP_int16 */
    SKP_assert( NDeltaMin_Q15[L] >= 1 );

    for( loops = 0; loops < MAX_LOOPS; loops++ ) {
        /* Find smallest distance */
        /* First element */
        min_diff_Q15 = NLSF_Q15[0] - NDeltaMin_Q15[0];
        I = 0;
        /* Middle elements */
        for( i = 1; i <= L-1; i++ ) {
            diff_Q15 = NLSF_Q15[i] - ( NLSF_Q15[i-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[i] );
            if( diff_Q15 < min_diff_Q15 ) {
                min_diff_Q15 = diff_Q15;
                I = i;
        /* Last element */
        diff_Q15 = (1<<15) - ( NLSF_Q15[L-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[L] );
        if( diff_Q15 < min_diff_Q15 ) {
            min_diff_Q15 = diff_Q15;
            I = L;

        /* Now check if the smallest distance non-negative */
        if (min_diff_Q15 >= 0) {

        if( I == 0 ) {
            /* Move away from lower limit */
            NLSF_Q15[0] = NDeltaMin_Q15[0];
        } else if( I == L) {
            /* Move away from higher limit */
            NLSF_Q15[L-1] = (1<<15) - NDeltaMin_Q15[L];
        } else {
            /* Find the lower extreme for the location of the current center frequency */ 
            min_center_Q15 = 0;
            for( k = 0; k < I; k++ ) {
                min_center_Q15 += NDeltaMin_Q15[k];
            min_center_Q15 += SKP_RSHIFT( NDeltaMin_Q15[I], 1 );

            /* Find the upper extreme for the location of the current center frequency */
            max_center_Q15 = (1<<15);
            for( k = L; k > I; k-- ) {
                max_center_Q15 -= NDeltaMin_Q15[k];
            max_center_Q15 -= ( NDeltaMin_Q15[I] - SKP_RSHIFT( NDeltaMin_Q15[I], 1 ) );

            /* Move apart, sorted by value, keeping the same center frequency */
            center_freq_Q15 = SKP_LIMIT( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( (SKP_int32)NLSF_Q15[I-1] + (SKP_int32)NLSF_Q15[I], 1 ),
                min_center_Q15, max_center_Q15 );
            NLSF_Q15[I-1] = center_freq_Q15 - SKP_RSHIFT( NDeltaMin_Q15[I], 1 );
            NLSF_Q15[I] = NLSF_Q15[I-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[I];

    /* Safe and simple fall back method, which is less ideal than the above */
    if( loops == MAX_LOOPS )
        /* Insertion sort (fast for already almost sorted arrays):   */
        /* Best case:  O(n)   for an already sorted array            */
        /* Worst case: O(n^2) for an inversely sorted array          */
        SKP_Silk_insertion_sort_increasing_all_values(&NLSF_Q15[0], L);
        /* First NLSF should be no less than NDeltaMin[0] */
        NLSF_Q15[0] = SKP_max_int( NLSF_Q15[0], NDeltaMin_Q15[0] );
        /* Keep delta_min distance between the NLSFs */
        for( i = 1; i < L; i++ )
            NLSF_Q15[i] = SKP_max_int( NLSF_Q15[i], NLSF_Q15[i-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[i] );

        /* Last NLSF should be no higher than 1 - NDeltaMin[L] */
        NLSF_Q15[L-1] = SKP_min_int( NLSF_Q15[L-1], (1<<15) - NDeltaMin_Q15[L] );

        /* Keep NDeltaMin distance between the NLSFs */
        for( i = L-2; i >= 0; i-- ) 
            NLSF_Q15[i] = SKP_min_int( NLSF_Q15[i], NLSF_Q15[i+1] - NDeltaMin_Q15[i+1] );
/* Find pitch lags */
void SKP_Silk_find_pitch_lags_FIX(
    SKP_Silk_encoder_state_FIX      *psEnc,         /* I/O  encoder state                               */
    SKP_Silk_encoder_control_FIX    *psEncCtrl,     /* I/O  encoder control                             */
    SKP_int16                       res[],          /* O    residual                                    */
    const SKP_int16                 x[]             /* I    Speech signal                               */
    SKP_Silk_predict_state_FIX *psPredSt = &psEnc->sPred;
    SKP_int   buf_len, i, scale;
    SKP_int32 thrhld_Q15, res_nrg;
    const SKP_int16 *x_buf, *x_buf_ptr;
    SKP_int16 Wsig[      FIND_PITCH_LPC_WIN_MAX ], *Wsig_ptr;
    SKP_int32 auto_corr[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER + 1 ];
    SKP_int16 rc_Q15[    MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];
    SKP_int32 A_Q24[     MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];
    SKP_int32 FiltState[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];
    SKP_int16 A_Q12[     MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];

    /* Setup buffer lengths etc based on Fs   */
    buf_len = SKP_ADD_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, psEnc->sCmn.frame_length, 1 );

    /* Safty check */
    SKP_assert( buf_len >= psPredSt->pitch_LPC_win_length );

    x_buf = x - psEnc->sCmn.frame_length;

    /* Estimate LPC AR coefficients      */

    /* Calculate windowed signal */

    /* First LA_LTP samples */
    x_buf_ptr = x_buf + buf_len - psPredSt->pitch_LPC_win_length;
    Wsig_ptr  = Wsig;
    SKP_Silk_apply_sine_window_new( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, 1, psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch );

    /* Middle un - windowed samples */
    Wsig_ptr  += psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch;
    x_buf_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch;
    SKP_memcpy( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, ( psPredSt->pitch_LPC_win_length - SKP_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 ) ) * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    /* Last LA_LTP samples */
    Wsig_ptr  += psPredSt->pitch_LPC_win_length - SKP_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 );
    x_buf_ptr += psPredSt->pitch_LPC_win_length - SKP_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 );
    SKP_Silk_apply_sine_window_new( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, 2, psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch );

    /* Calculate autocorrelation sequence */
    SKP_Silk_autocorr( auto_corr, &scale, Wsig, psPredSt->pitch_LPC_win_length, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder + 1 );

    /* Add white noise, as fraction of energy */
    auto_corr[ 0 ] = SKP_SMLAWB( auto_corr[ 0 ], auto_corr[ 0 ], SKP_FIX_CONST( FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION, 16 ) );

    /* Calculate the reflection coefficients using schur */
    res_nrg = SKP_Silk_schur( rc_Q15, auto_corr, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );

    /* Prediction gain */
    psEncCtrl->predGain_Q16 = SKP_DIV32_varQ( auto_corr[ 0 ], SKP_max_int( res_nrg, 1 ), 16 );

    /* Convert reflection coefficients to prediction coefficients */
    SKP_Silk_k2a( A_Q24, rc_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );

    /* Convert From 32 bit Q24 to 16 bit Q12 coefs */
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder; i++ ) {
        A_Q12[ i ] = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_SAT16( SKP_RSHIFT( A_Q24[ i ], 12 ) );

    /* Do BWE */
    SKP_Silk_bwexpander( A_Q12, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder, SKP_FIX_CONST( FIND_PITCH_BANDWITH_EXPANSION, 16 ) );

    /* LPC analysis filtering                */
    SKP_memset( FiltState, 0, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) ); /* Not really necessary, but Valgrind will complain otherwise */
    SKP_Silk_MA_Prediction( x_buf, A_Q12, FiltState, res, buf_len, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );
    SKP_memset( res, 0, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    /* Threshold for pitch estimator */
    thrhld_Q15 = SKP_FIX_CONST( 0.45, 15 );
    thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SKP_FIX_CONST( -0.004, 15 ), psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );
    thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SKP_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   7  ), psEnc->speech_activity_Q8 );
    thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SKP_FIX_CONST(  0.15,  15 ), psEnc->sCmn.prev_sigtype );
    thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q15, SKP_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   16 ), psEncCtrl->input_tilt_Q15 );
    thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SAT16(  thrhld_Q15 );

    /* Call pitch estimator                  */
    psEncCtrl->sCmn.sigtype = SKP_Silk_pitch_analysis_core( res, psEncCtrl->sCmn.pitchL, &psEncCtrl->sCmn.lagIndex,
        &psEncCtrl->sCmn.contourIndex, &psEnc->LTPCorr_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prevLag, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16,
        ( SKP_int16 )thrhld_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationComplexity, SKP_FALSE );
예제 #9
void SKP_Silk_PLC_conceal(
    SKP_Silk_decoder_state      *psDec,             /* I/O Decoder state */
    SKP_Silk_decoder_control    *psDecCtrl,         /* I/O Decoder control */
    SKP_int16                   signal[],           /* O concealed signal */
    SKP_int                     length              /* I length of residual */
    SKP_int   i, j, k;
    SKP_int16 *B_Q14, exc_buf[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ], *exc_buf_ptr;
    SKP_int16 rand_scale_Q14, A_Q12_tmp[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    SKP_int32 rand_seed, harm_Gain_Q15, rand_Gain_Q15;
    SKP_int   lag, idx, shift1, shift2;
    SKP_int32 energy1, energy2, *rand_ptr, *pred_lag_ptr, Atmp;
    SKP_int32 sig_Q10[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ], *sig_Q10_ptr, LPC_exc_Q10, LPC_pred_Q10,  LTP_pred_Q14;
    SKP_Silk_PLC_struct *psPLC;

    psPLC = &psDec->sPLC;

    /* Update LTP buffer */
    SKP_memcpy( psDec->sLTP_Q16, &psDec->sLTP_Q16[ psDec->frame_length ], psDec->frame_length * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );

    /* LPC concealment. Apply BWE to previous LPC */
    SKP_Silk_bwexpander( psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order, BWE_COEF_Q16 );

    /* Find random noise component */
    /* Scale previous excitation signal */
    exc_buf_ptr = exc_buf;
    for( k = ( NB_SUBFR >> 1 ); k < NB_SUBFR; k++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->subfr_length; i++ ) {
            exc_buf_ptr[ i ] = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_RSHIFT( 
                SKP_SMULWW( psDec->exc_Q10[ i + k * psDec->subfr_length ], psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ k ] ), 10 );
        exc_buf_ptr += psDec->subfr_length;
    /* Find the subframe with lowest energy of the last two and use that as random noise generator */ 
    SKP_Silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy1, &shift1, exc_buf,                         psDec->subfr_length );
    SKP_Silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy2, &shift2, &exc_buf[ psDec->subfr_length ], psDec->subfr_length );
    if( SKP_RSHIFT( energy1, shift2 ) < SKP_RSHIFT( energy1, shift2 ) ) {
        /* First sub-frame has lowest energy */
        rand_ptr = &psDec->exc_Q10[ SKP_max_int( 0, 3 * psDec->subfr_length - RAND_BUF_SIZE ) ];
    } else {
        /* Second sub-frame has lowest energy */
        rand_ptr = &psDec->exc_Q10[ SKP_max_int( 0, psDec->frame_length - RAND_BUF_SIZE ) ];

    /* Setup Gain to random noise component */ 
    B_Q14          = psPLC->LTPCoef_Q14;
    rand_scale_Q14 = psPLC->randScale_Q14;

    /* Setup attenuation gains */
    harm_Gain_Q15 = HARM_ATT_Q15[ SKP_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];
    if( psDec->prev_sigtype == SIG_TYPE_VOICED ) {
        rand_Gain_Q15 = PLC_RAND_ATTENUATE_V_Q15[  SKP_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];
    } else {
        rand_Gain_Q15 = PLC_RAND_ATTENUATE_UV_Q15[ SKP_min_int( NB_ATT - 1, psDec->lossCnt ) ];

    /* First Lost frame */
    if( psDec->lossCnt == 0 ) {
        rand_scale_Q14 = (1 << 14 );
        /* Reduce random noise Gain for voiced frames */
        if( psDec->prev_sigtype == SIG_TYPE_VOICED ) {
            for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
                rand_scale_Q14 -= B_Q14[ i ];
            rand_scale_Q14 = SKP_max_16( 3277, rand_scale_Q14 ); /* 0.2 */
            rand_scale_Q14 = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMULBB( rand_scale_Q14, psPLC->prevLTP_scale_Q14 ), 14 );

        /* Reduce random noise for unvoiced frames with high LPC gain */
        if( psDec->prev_sigtype == SIG_TYPE_UNVOICED ) {
            SKP_int32 invGain_Q30, down_scale_Q30;
            SKP_Silk_LPC_inverse_pred_gain( &invGain_Q30, psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order );
            down_scale_Q30 = SKP_min_32( SKP_RSHIFT( ( 1 << 30 ), LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_HIGH_THRES ), invGain_Q30 );
            down_scale_Q30 = SKP_max_32( SKP_RSHIFT( ( 1 << 30 ), LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_LOW_THRES ), down_scale_Q30 );
            down_scale_Q30 = SKP_LSHIFT( down_scale_Q30, LOG2_INV_LPC_GAIN_HIGH_THRES );
            rand_Gain_Q15 = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMULWB( down_scale_Q30, rand_Gain_Q15 ), 14 );

    rand_seed           = psPLC->rand_seed;
    lag                 = SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, 8 );
    psDec->sLTP_buf_idx = psDec->frame_length;

    /* LTP synthesis filtering */
    sig_Q10_ptr = sig_Q10;
    for( k = 0; k < NB_SUBFR; k++ ) {
        /* Setup pointer */
        pred_lag_ptr = &psDec->sLTP_Q16[ psDec->sLTP_buf_idx - lag + LTP_ORDER / 2 ];
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->subfr_length; i++ ) {
            rand_seed = SKP_RAND( rand_seed );
            idx = SKP_RSHIFT( rand_seed, 25 ) & RAND_BUF_MASK;

            /* Unrolled loop */
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMULWB(               pred_lag_ptr[  0 ], B_Q14[ 0 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -1 ], B_Q14[ 1 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -2 ], B_Q14[ 2 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -3 ], B_Q14[ 3 ] );
            LTP_pred_Q14 = SKP_SMLAWB( LTP_pred_Q14, pred_lag_ptr[ -4 ], B_Q14[ 4 ] );
            /* Generate LPC residual */
            LPC_exc_Q10 = SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_SMULWB( rand_ptr[ idx ], rand_scale_Q14 ), 2 ); /* Random noise part */
            LPC_exc_Q10 = SKP_ADD32( LPC_exc_Q10, SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( LTP_pred_Q14, 4 ) );  /* Harmonic part */
            /* Update states */
            psDec->sLTP_Q16[ psDec->sLTP_buf_idx ] = SKP_LSHIFT( LPC_exc_Q10, 6 );
            /* Save LPC residual */
            sig_Q10_ptr[ i ] = LPC_exc_Q10;
        sig_Q10_ptr += psDec->subfr_length;
        /* Gradually reduce LTP gain */
        for( j = 0; j < LTP_ORDER; j++ ) {
            B_Q14[ j ] = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMULBB( harm_Gain_Q15, B_Q14[ j ] ), 15 );
        /* Gradually reduce excitation gain */
        rand_scale_Q14 = SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_SMULBB( rand_scale_Q14, rand_Gain_Q15 ), 15 );

        /* Slowly increase pitch lag */
        psPLC->pitchL_Q8 += SKP_SMULWB( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, PITCH_DRIFT_FAC_Q16 );
        psPLC->pitchL_Q8 = SKP_min_32( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_SMULBB( MAX_PITCH_LAG_MS, psDec->fs_kHz ), 8 ) );
        lag = SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( psPLC->pitchL_Q8, 8 );

    /* LPC synthesis filtering */
    sig_Q10_ptr = sig_Q10;
    /* Preload LPC coeficients to array on stack. Gives small performance gain */
    SKP_memcpy( A_Q12_tmp, psPLC->prevLPC_Q12, psDec->LPC_order * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );
    SKP_assert( psDec->LPC_order >= 10 ); /* check that unrolling works */
    for( k = 0; k < NB_SUBFR; k++ ) {
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->subfr_length; i++ ){
            /* unrolled */
            Atmp = *( ( SKP_int32* )&A_Q12_tmp[ 0 ] );    /* read two coefficients at once */
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMULWB(               psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  1 ], Atmp );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  2 ], Atmp );
            Atmp = *( ( SKP_int32* )&A_Q12_tmp[ 2 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  3 ], Atmp );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  4 ], Atmp );
            Atmp = *( ( SKP_int32* )&A_Q12_tmp[ 4 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  5 ], Atmp );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  6 ], Atmp );
            Atmp = *( ( SKP_int32* )&A_Q12_tmp[ 6 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  7 ], Atmp );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  8 ], Atmp );
            Atmp = *( ( SKP_int32* )&A_Q12_tmp[ 8 ] );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  9 ], Atmp );
            LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i - 10 ], Atmp );
            for( j = 10 ; j < psDec->LPC_order ; j+=2 ) {
                Atmp = *( ( SKP_int32* )&A_Q12_tmp[ j ] );
                LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWB( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  1 - j ], Atmp );
                LPC_pred_Q10 = SKP_SMLAWT( LPC_pred_Q10, psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i -  2 - j ], Atmp );

            /* Add prediction to LPC residual */
            sig_Q10_ptr[ i ] = SKP_ADD32( sig_Q10_ptr[ i ], LPC_pred_Q10 );
            /* Update states */
            psDec->sLPC_Q14[ MAX_LPC_ORDER + i ] = SKP_LSHIFT( sig_Q10_ptr[ i ], 4 );
        sig_Q10_ptr += psDec->subfr_length;
        /* Update LPC filter state */
        SKP_memcpy( psDec->sLPC_Q14, &psDec->sLPC_Q14[ psDec->subfr_length ], MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );

    /* Scale with Gain */
    for( i = 0; i < psDec->frame_length; i++ ) {
        signal[ i ] = ( SKP_int16 )SKP_SAT16( SKP_RSHIFT_ROUND( SKP_SMULWW( sig_Q10[ i ], psPLC->prevGain_Q16[ NB_SUBFR - 1 ] ), 10 ) );

    /* Update states                      */
    psPLC->rand_seed     = rand_seed;
    psPLC->randScale_Q14 = rand_scale_Q14;
    for( i = 0; i < NB_SUBFR; i++ ) {
        psDecCtrl->pitchL[ i ] = lag;
/* Find pitch lags */
void silk_find_pitch_lags_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,         /* I/O  encoder state                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,     /* I/O  encoder control                             */
    opus_int16                       res[],          /* O    residual                                    */
    const opus_int16                 x[]             /* I    Speech signal                               */
    opus_int   buf_len, i, scale;
    opus_int32 thrhld_Q15, res_nrg;
    const opus_int16 *x_buf, *x_buf_ptr;
    opus_int16 Wsig[      FIND_PITCH_LPC_WIN_MAX ], *Wsig_ptr;
    opus_int32 auto_corr[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER + 1 ];
    opus_int16 rc_Q15[    MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int32 A_Q24[     MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16 A_Q12[     MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER ];

    /* Setup buffer lengths etc based on Fs   */
    buf_len = psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length + psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length;

    /* Safty check */
    SKP_assert( buf_len >= psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length );

    x_buf = x - psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length;

    /* Estimate LPC AR coefficients      */
    /* Calculate windowed signal */
    /* First LA_LTP samples */
    x_buf_ptr = x_buf + buf_len - psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length;
    Wsig_ptr  = Wsig;
    silk_apply_sine_window( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, 1, psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch );

    /* Middle un - windowed samples */
    Wsig_ptr  += psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch;
    x_buf_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch;
    SKP_memcpy( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, ( psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length - SKP_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 ) ) * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );

    /* Last LA_LTP samples */
    Wsig_ptr  += psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length - SKP_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 );
    x_buf_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length - SKP_LSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch, 1 );
    silk_apply_sine_window( Wsig_ptr, x_buf_ptr, 2, psEnc->sCmn.la_pitch );

    /* Calculate autocorrelation sequence */
    silk_autocorr( auto_corr, &scale, Wsig, psEnc->sCmn.pitch_LPC_win_length, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder + 1 ); 
    /* Add white noise, as fraction of energy */
    auto_corr[ 0 ] = SKP_SMLAWB( auto_corr[ 0 ], auto_corr[ 0 ], SILK_FIX_CONST( FIND_PITCH_WHITE_NOISE_FRACTION, 16 ) ) + 1;

    /* Calculate the reflection coefficients using schur */
    res_nrg = silk_schur( rc_Q15, auto_corr, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );

    /* Prediction gain */
    psEncCtrl->predGain_Q16 = silk_DIV32_varQ( auto_corr[ 0 ], SKP_max_int( res_nrg, 1 ), 16 );

    /* Convert reflection coefficients to prediction coefficients */
    silk_k2a( A_Q24, rc_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );
    /* Convert From 32 bit Q24 to 16 bit Q12 coefs */
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder; i++ ) {
        A_Q12[ i ] = ( opus_int16 )SKP_SAT16( SKP_RSHIFT( A_Q24[ i ], 12 ) );

    /* Do BWE */
    silk_bwexpander( A_Q12, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder, SILK_FIX_CONST( FIND_PITCH_BANDWITH_EXPANSION, 16 ) );
    /* LPC analysis filtering                */
    silk_LPC_analysis_filter( res, x_buf, A_Q12, buf_len, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );

    if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType != TYPE_NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY && psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset == 0 ) {
        /* Threshold for pitch estimator */
        thrhld_Q15 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.6, 15 );
        thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.004, 15 ), psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );
        thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   7  ), psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 );
        thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.15,  15 ), SKP_RSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.prevSignalType, 1 ) );
        thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   16 ), psEnc->sCmn.input_tilt_Q15 );
        thrhld_Q15 = SKP_SAT16(  thrhld_Q15 );

        /* Call pitch estimator                  */
        if( silk_pitch_analysis_core( res, psEncCtrl->pitchL, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.lagIndex, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.contourIndex, 
                &psEnc->LTPCorr_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prevLag, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16, 
                ( opus_int16 )thrhld_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr ) == 0 ) 
            psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType = TYPE_VOICED;
        } else {
            psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType = TYPE_UNVOICED;
    } else {
        SKP_memset( psEncCtrl->pitchL, 0, sizeof( psEncCtrl->pitchL ) );
        psEnc->sCmn.indices.lagIndex = 0;
        psEnc->sCmn.indices.contourIndex = 0;
        psEnc->LTPCorr_Q15 = 0;