crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt_detached(unsigned char *m,
                                                   unsigned char *nsec,
                                                   const unsigned char *c,
                                                   unsigned long long clen,
                                                   const unsigned char *mac,
                                                   const unsigned char *ad,
                                                   unsigned long long adlen,
                                                   const unsigned char *npub,
                                                   const unsigned char *k)
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_state state;
    unsigned char                     block0[64U];
    unsigned char                     slen[8U];
    unsigned char                     computed_mac[crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES];
    unsigned long long                mlen;
    int                               ret;

    (void) nsec;
    crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf(block0, sizeof block0, npub, k);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_init(&state, block0);
    sodium_memzero(block0, sizeof block0);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, ad, adlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, _pad0, (0x10 - adlen) & 0xf);

    mlen = clen;
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, c, mlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, _pad0, (0x10 - mlen) & 0xf);

    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) adlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) mlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_final(&state, computed_mac);
    sodium_memzero(&state, sizeof state);

    COMPILER_ASSERT(sizeof computed_mac == 16U);
    ret = crypto_verify_16(computed_mac, mac);
    sodium_memzero(computed_mac, sizeof computed_mac);
    if (m == NULL) {
        return ret;
    if (ret != 0) {
        memset(m, 0, mlen);
        return -1;
    crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf_xor_ic(m, c, mlen, npub, 1U, k);

    return 0;
예제 #2
int blake2b_final( blake2b_state *S, uint8_t *out, uint8_t outlen )
  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) {
    abort(); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */
  if( S->buflen > BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES )
    blake2b_increment_counter( S, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
    blake2b_compress( S, S->buf );
    S->buflen -= BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
    assert( S->buflen <= BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
    memcpy( S->buf, S->buf + BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES, S->buflen );

  blake2b_increment_counter( S, S->buflen );
  blake2b_set_lastblock( S );
  memset( S->buf + S->buflen, 0, 2 * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES - S->buflen ); /* Padding */
  blake2b_compress( S, S->buf );

  memcpy( out, &S->h[0], outlen );
    uint8_t buffer[BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES];
    int     i;

    for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) /* Output full hash to temp buffer */
      STORE64_LE( buffer + sizeof( S->h[i] ) * i, S->h[i] );
    memcpy( out, buffer, outlen );
  return 0;
예제 #3
int blake2b_init_key( blake2b_state *S, const uint8_t outlen, const void *key, const uint8_t keylen )
  blake2b_param P[1];

  if ( ( !outlen ) || ( outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) ) abort();

  if ( !key || !keylen || keylen > BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES ) abort();

  P->digest_length = outlen;
  P->key_length    = keylen;
  P->fanout        = 1;
  P->depth         = 1;
  STORE32_LE( P->leaf_length, 0 );
  STORE64_LE( P->node_offset, 0 );
  P->node_depth    = 0;
  P->inner_length  = 0;
  memset( P->reserved, 0, sizeof( P->reserved ) );
  memset( P->salt,     0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );

  if( blake2b_init_param( S, P ) < 0 ) abort();

    uint8_t block[BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES];
    memset( block, 0, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
    memcpy( block, key, keylen );
    blake2b_update( S, block, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
    secure_zero_memory( block, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Burn the key from stack */
  return 0;
예제 #4
int blake2b_init_salt_personal( blake2b_state *S, const uint8_t outlen,
                                const void *salt, const void *personal )
  blake2b_param P[1];

  if ( ( !outlen ) || ( outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) ) abort();

  P->digest_length = outlen;
  P->key_length    = 0;
  P->fanout        = 1;
  P->depth         = 1;
  STORE32_LE( P->leaf_length, 0 );
  STORE64_LE( P->node_offset, 0 );
  P->node_depth    = 0;
  P->inner_length  = 0;
  memset( P->reserved, 0, sizeof( P->reserved ) );
  if (salt != NULL) {
    blake2b_param_set_salt( P, (const uint8_t *) salt );
  } else {
    memset( P->salt, 0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
  if (personal != NULL) {
    blake2b_param_set_personal( P, (const uint8_t *) personal );
  } else {
    memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
  return blake2b_init_param( S, P );
crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt_detached(unsigned char *c,
                                                   unsigned char *mac,
                                                   unsigned long long *maclen_p,
                                                   const unsigned char *m,
                                                   unsigned long long mlen,
                                                   const unsigned char *ad,
                                                   unsigned long long adlen,
                                                   const unsigned char *nsec,
                                                   const unsigned char *npub,
                                                   const unsigned char *k)
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_state state;
    unsigned char                     block0[64U];
    unsigned char                     slen[8U];

    (void) nsec;
    crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf(block0, sizeof block0, npub, k);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_init(&state, block0);
    sodium_memzero(block0, sizeof block0);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, ad, adlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, _pad0, (0x10 - adlen) & 0xf);

    crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf_xor_ic(c, m, mlen, npub, 1U, k);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, c, mlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, _pad0, (0x10 - mlen) & 0xf);

    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) adlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    STORE64_LE(slen, (uint64_t) mlen);
    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_update(&state, slen, sizeof slen);

    crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_final(&state, mac);
    sodium_memzero(&state, sizeof state);

    if (maclen_p != NULL) {
        *maclen_p = crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_ABYTES;
    return 0;
예제 #6
int blake2b_init( blake2b_state *S, const uint8_t outlen )
  blake2b_param P[1];

  if ( ( !outlen ) || ( outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) ) abort();

  P->digest_length = outlen;
  P->key_length    = 0;
  P->fanout        = 1;
  P->depth         = 1;
  STORE32_LE( P->leaf_length, 0 );
  STORE64_LE( P->node_offset, 0 );
  P->node_depth    = 0;
  P->inner_length  = 0;
  memset( P->reserved, 0, sizeof( P->reserved ) );
  memset( P->salt,     0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
  return blake2b_init_param( S, P );
예제 #7
static inline int blake2b_param_set_node_offset( blake2b_param *P, const uint64_t node_offset )
  STORE64_LE( P->node_offset, node_offset );
  return 0;
crypto_shorthash_siphash24(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in,
                           unsigned long long inlen, const unsigned char *k)
    /* "somepseudorandomlygeneratedbytes" */
    uint64_t       v0 = 0x736f6d6570736575ULL;
    uint64_t       v1 = 0x646f72616e646f6dULL;
    uint64_t       v2 = 0x6c7967656e657261ULL;
    uint64_t       v3 = 0x7465646279746573ULL;
    uint64_t       b;
    uint64_t       k0 = LOAD64_LE(k);
    uint64_t       k1 = LOAD64_LE(k + 8);
    uint64_t       m;
    const uint8_t *end  = in + inlen - (inlen % sizeof(uint64_t));
    const int      left = inlen & 7;

    b = ((uint64_t) inlen) << 56;
    v3 ^= k1;
    v2 ^= k0;
    v1 ^= k1;
    v0 ^= k0;
    for (; in != end; in += 8) {
        m = LOAD64_LE(in);
        v3 ^= m;
        v0 ^= m;
    switch (left) {
    case 7:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[6]) << 48;
        /* FALLTHRU */
    case 6:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[5]) << 40;
        /* FALLTHRU */
    case 5:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[4]) << 32;
        /* FALLTHRU */
    case 4:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[3]) << 24;
        /* FALLTHRU */
    case 3:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[2]) << 16;
        /* FALLTHRU */
    case 2:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[1]) << 8;
        /* FALLTHRU */
    case 1:
        b |= ((uint64_t) in[0]);
    case 0:
    v3 ^= b;
    v0 ^= b;
    v2 ^= 0xff;
    b = v0 ^ v1 ^ v2 ^ v3;
    STORE64_LE(out, b);

    return 0;