void senddata(conn_t *conn) { /* Write data to a peer connection (client or server) */ int n, togo; char *startp; togo = STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) - conn->sentbytes; startp = STRBUF(conn->msgbuf) + conn->sentbytes; n = write(conn->sockfd, startp, togo); if (n == -1) { /* Write failure. Also happens if connecting to peer fails */ time_t now = time(NULL); if (debug || (conn->client->nexterrortxt < now)) { errprintf("Connection lost during connect/write to %s (req %lu): %s\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq, strerror(errno)); conn->client->nexterrortxt = now + errorloginterval; } flag_cleanup(conn); } else if (n >= 0) { dbgprintf("Sent %d bytes to %s (req %lu)\n", n, addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq); conn->sentbytes += n; if (conn->sentbytes == STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf)) { /* Everything has been sent, so switch to READ mode */ clearstrbuffer(conn->msgbuf); shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_WR); conn->action = C_READING; } } }
static void result_http(myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPstatus: %d\n", rec->httpstatus); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); if (dontsendmessages >= 2) { if (rec->textlog) clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); if (rec->httpheaders) clearstrbuffer(rec->httpheaders); if (rec->httpbody) clearstrbuffer(rec->httpbody); return; } if (rec->redircount) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "Redirects: %d\n", rec->redircount); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); } if (rec->textlog) { char *authtoken; snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPrequest: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->textlog)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); /* * If there is an authentication header, it is best to obscure it here. * Otherwise, anyone who can view the "client data" will be able to see * the login. */ authtoken = strstr(STRBUF(rec->textlog), "\nAuthorization:"); if (authtoken) { authtoken += 15; while (*authtoken != '\r') { *authtoken = '*'; authtoken++; } } addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->textlog); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); } if (rec->httpheaders) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPheaders: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->httpheaders)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->httpheaders); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->httpheaders); } if (rec->httpbody) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "HTTPbody: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->httpbody)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->httpbody); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->httpbody); } }
static void zvse_paging_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *pagingstr) { char *p; int ipagerate, pagingyellow, pagingred; float fpagerate=0.0; char pagingresult[100]; int pagingcolor = COL_GREEN; char msgline[4096]; strbuffer_t *upmsg; if (!pagingstr) return; /* * Looking for Paging rate in message * Page Rate=0.00 /sec */ *pagingresult = '\0'; ipagerate=0; p = strstr(pagingstr, "Page Rate=") + 10; if (p) { if (sscanf(p, "%f", &fpagerate) == 1) { ipagerate=fpagerate + 0.5; /* Rounding up */ sprintf(pagingresult, "z/VSE Paging Rate %d per second\n", ipagerate); } } else sprintf(pagingresult, "Can not find page rate value in:\n%s\n", pagingstr); get_paging_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &pagingyellow, &pagingred); upmsg = newstrbuffer(0); if (ipagerate > pagingred) { pagingcolor = COL_RED; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Paging Rate is CRITICAL\n"); } else if (ipagerate > pagingyellow) { pagingcolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Paging Rate is HIGH\n"); } init_status(pagingcolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.paging %s %s %s %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(pagingcolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"), pagingresult, pagingstr); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) { addtostrstatus(upmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(upmsg); }
void senddata(conn_t *conn) { int n, togo; char *startp; /* Send data on the connection socket */ togo = STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) - conn->sentbytes; startp = STRBUF(conn->msgbuf) + conn->sentbytes; n = write(conn->sockfd, startp, togo); if (n <= -1) { /* Write failure */ errprintf("Connection lost during write to %s\n", inet_ntoa(conn->caddr.sin_addr)); conn->action = C_DONE; } else { conn->sentbytes += n; if (conn->sentbytes == STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf)) conn->action = C_DONE; } }
static void result_subqueue(char *id, myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; if (rec->textlog) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "%slog: %d\n", id, STRBUFLEN(rec->textlog)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->textlog); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); } }
void loadenv(char *envfile, char *area) { FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *p, *oneenv; int n; MEMDEFINE(l); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); fd = stackfopen(envfile, "r", NULL); if (fd) { while (stackfgets(inbuf, NULL)) { sanitize_input(inbuf, 1, 1); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) && strchr(STRBUF(inbuf), '=')) { /* * Do the environment "area" stuff: If the input * is of the form AREA/NAME=VALUE, then setup the variable * only if we're called with the correct AREA setting. */ oneenv = NULL; p = STRBUF(inbuf) + strcspn(STRBUF(inbuf), "=/"); if (*p == '/') { if (area) { *p = '\0'; if (strcasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), area) == 0) oneenv = strdup(expand_env(p+1)); } } else oneenv = strdup(expand_env(STRBUF(inbuf))); if (oneenv) { p = strchr(oneenv, '='); if (*(p+1) == '"') { /* Move string over the first '"' */ memmove(p+1, p+2, strlen(p+2)+1); /* Kill a trailing '"' */ if (*(oneenv + strlen(oneenv) - 1) == '"') *(oneenv + strlen(oneenv) - 1) = '\0'; } n = putenv(oneenv); } } } stackfclose(fd); } else { errprintf("Cannot open env file %s - %s\n", envfile, strerror(errno)); } freestrbuffer(inbuf); MEMUNDEFINE(l); }
static void zvm_paging_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *cpuutilstr) { char *p; int pagerate, pagingyellow, pagingred; char pagingresult[100]; int pagingcolor = COL_GREEN; char msgline[256]; strbuffer_t *upmsg; if (!cpuutilstr) return; /* * Looking for Paging rate info in 'IND' command response * PAGING-0000/SEC */ *pagingresult = '\0'; /* Skip past three newlines in message to the PAGING text */ p=strstr(cpuutilstr,"PAGING-") + 7; if (sscanf(p, "%d/SEC", &pagerate) == 1) { sprintf(pagingresult, "z/VM Paging Rate %d per second\n", pagerate); } get_paging_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &pagingyellow, &pagingred); upmsg = newstrbuffer(0); if (pagerate > pagingred) { pagingcolor = COL_RED; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Paging Rate is CRITICAL\n"); } else if (pagerate > pagingyellow) { pagingcolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Paging Rate is HIGH\n"); } init_status(pagingcolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.paging %s %s %s %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(pagingcolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"), pagingresult, cpuutilstr); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) { addtostrstatus(upmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(upmsg); }
static void result_plain(myconn_t *rec, strbuffer_t *txt) { char msgline[4096]; if (dontsendmessages >= 1) { if (rec->textlog) clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); return; } if (rec->textlog) { snprintf(msgline, sizeof(msgline), "PLAINlog: %d\n", STRBUFLEN(rec->textlog)); addtobuffer(txt, msgline); addtostrbuffer(txt, rec->textlog); addtobuffer(txt, "\n"); clearstrbuffer(rec->textlog); } }
static void add_to_sub_queue(myconn_t *rec, char *moduleid, char *location, ...) { va_list extraparams; char *s; strbuffer_t *extrastr = newstrbuffer(0); if (!rec || !moduleid) return; va_start(extraparams, location); while ((s = va_arg(extraparams, char *)) != NULL) { if (STRBUFLEN(extrastr) > 0) addtobuffer(extrastr, "\t"); addtobuffer(extrastr, s); } va_end(extraparams); xymon_sqldb_netmodule_additem(moduleid, location, xmh_item(rec->hostinfo, XMH_HOSTNAME), rec->netparams.destinationip, rec->testspec, STRBUF(extrastr), rec->interval*1000, rec->timeout*1000); freestrbuffer(extrastr); }
int do_external_rrd(char *hostname, char *testname, char *msg, time_t tstamp) { pid_t childpid; dbgprintf("-> do_external(%s, %s)\n", hostname, testname); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { FILE *fd; char fn[PATH_MAX]; enum { R_DEFS, R_FN, R_DATA, R_NEXT } pstate; FILE *extfd; char extcmd[2*PATH_MAX]; strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *p; char **params = NULL; int paridx = 1; pid_t mypid = getpid(); MEMDEFINE(fn); MEMDEFINE(extcmd); sprintf(fn, "%s/rrd_msg_%d", xgetenv("BBTMP"), (int) getpid()); dbgprintf("%09d : Saving msg to file %s\n", (int)mypid, fn); fd = fopen(fn, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot create temp file %s\n", fn); exit(1); } if (fwrite(msg, strlen(msg), 1, fd) != 1) { errprintf("Error writing to file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); exit(1) ; } if (fclose(fd)) errprintf("Error closing file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); /* Now call the external helper */ sprintf(extcmd, "%s %s %s %s", exthandler, hostname, testname, fn); dbgprintf("%09d : Calling helper script %s\n", (int)mypid, extcmd); extfd = popen(extcmd, "r"); if (extfd) { pstate = R_DEFS; initfgets(extfd); while (unlimfgets(inbuf, extfd)) { p = strchr(STRBUF(inbuf), '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; dbgprintf("%09d : Helper input '%s'\n", (int)mypid, STRBUF(inbuf)); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0) continue; if (pstate == R_NEXT) { /* After doing one set of data, allow script to re-use the same DS defs */ if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "DS:", 3) == 0) { /* New DS definitions, scratch the old ones */ pstate = R_DEFS; if (params) { for (paridx=2; (params[paridx] != NULL); paridx++) xfree(params[paridx]); } xfree(params); params = NULL; pstate = R_DEFS; } else pstate = R_FN; } switch (pstate) { case R_DEFS: if (params == NULL) { params = (char **)calloc(8, sizeof(char *)); params[0] = "rrdcreate"; params[1] = rrdfn; paridx = 1; } if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "DS:", 3) == 0) { /* Dataset definition */ paridx++; params = (char **)realloc(params, (7 + paridx)*sizeof(char *)); params[paridx] = strdup(STRBUF(inbuf)); params[paridx+1] = NULL; break; } else { /* No more DS defs - put in the RRA's last. */ params[++paridx] = strdup(rra1); params[++paridx] = strdup(rra2); params[++paridx] = strdup(rra3); params[++paridx] = strdup(rra4); params[++paridx] = NULL; pstate = R_FN; } /* Fall through */ case R_FN: strncpy(rrdfn, STRBUF(inbuf), sizeof(rrdfn)-1); rrdfn[sizeof(rrdfn)-1] = '\0'; pstate = R_DATA; break; case R_DATA: snprintf(rrdvalues, sizeof(rrdvalues)-1, "%d:%s", (int)tstamp, STRBUF(inbuf)); rrdvalues[sizeof(rrdvalues)-1] = '\0'; create_and_update_rrd(hostname, rrdfn, params, NULL); pstate = R_NEXT; break; case R_NEXT: /* Should not happen */ break; } } pclose(extfd); } else { errprintf("Pipe open of RRD handler failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (params) { for (paridx=2; (params[paridx] != NULL); paridx++) xfree(params[paridx]); xfree(params); } dbgprintf("%09d : Unlinking temp file\n", (int)mypid); unlink(fn); freestrbuffer(inbuf); exit(0); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent continues */ } else { errprintf("Fork failed in RRD handler: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } dbgprintf("<- do_external(%s, %s)\n", hostname, testname); return 0; }
static void load_rrddefs(void) { char fn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); char *key = NULL, *p; char **defs = NULL; int defcount = 0; rrddeftree_t *newrec; rrddeftree = xtreeNew(strcasecmp); sprintf(fn, "%s/etc/rrddefinitions.cfg", xgetenv("XYMONHOME")); fd = stackfopen(fn, "r", NULL); if (fd == NULL) goto loaddone; while (stackfgets(inbuf, NULL)) { sanitize_input(inbuf, 1, 0); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0) continue; if (*(STRBUF(inbuf)) == '[') { if (key && (defcount > 0)) { /* Save the current record */ newrec = (rrddeftree_t *)malloc(sizeof(rrddeftree_t)); newrec->key = key; newrec->defs = defs; newrec->count = defcount; xtreeAdd(rrddeftree, newrec->key, newrec); key = NULL; defs = NULL; defcount = 0; } key = strdup(STRBUF(inbuf)+1); p = strchr(key, ']'); if (p) *p = '\0'; } else if (key) { if (!defs) { defcount = 1; defs = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)); } else { defcount++; defs = (char **)realloc(defs, defcount * sizeof(char *)); } p = STRBUF(inbuf); p += strspn(p, " \t"); defs[defcount-1] = strdup(p); } } if (key && (defcount > 0)) { /* Save the last record */ newrec = (rrddeftree_t *)malloc(sizeof(rrddeftree_t)); newrec->key = key; newrec->defs = defs; newrec->count = defcount; xtreeAdd(rrddeftree, newrec->key, newrec); } stackfclose(fd); loaddone: freestrbuffer(inbuf); /* Check if the default record exists */ if (xtreeFind(rrddeftree, "") == xtreeEnd(rrddeftree)) { /* Create the default record */ newrec = (rrddeftree_t *)malloc(sizeof(rrddeftree_t)); newrec->key = strdup(""); newrec->defs = (char **)malloc(4 * sizeof(char *));; newrec->defs[0] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576"); newrec->defs[1] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:576"); newrec->defs[2] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:576"); newrec->defs[3] = strdup("RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:576"); newrec->count = 4; xtreeAdd(rrddeftree, newrec->key, newrec); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *hwalk; int argi; strbuffer_t *statusmsg, *jrockout, *qout; for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--help") == 0)) { printf("beastat version %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Usage:\n%s [--debug] [--no-update] [--port=SNMPPORT] [--community=SNMPCOMMUNITY]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0)) { printf("beastat version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0)) { debug = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-update") == 0)) { dontsendmessages = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--timeout=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); extcmdtimeout = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--port=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); default_port = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--community=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); default_community = strdup(p+1); } } load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), "netinclude", get_fqdn()); if (first_host() == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot load bb-hosts\n"); return 1; } if (xgetenv("BBLOCATION")) location = strdup(xgetenv("BBLOCATION")); init_timestamp(); combo_start(); statusmsg = newstrbuffer(0); jrockout = newstrbuffer(0); qout = newstrbuffer(0); for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) { char *tspec = bbh_custom_item(hwalk, "bea="); char *snmpcommunity = default_community; char *beadomain = ""; int snmpport = default_port; char *p; char pipecmd[4096]; int jrockres, qres; clearstrbuffer(statusmsg); clearstrbuffer(jrockout); clearstrbuffer(qout); /* Check if we have a "bea" test for this host, and it is a host we want to test */ if (!tspec || !wanted_host(hwalk, location)) continue; /* Parse the testspec: bea=[SNMPCOMMUNITY@]BEADOMAIN[:SNMPPORT] */ tspec = strdup(tspec+strlen("bea=")); p = strchr(tspec, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; snmpport = atoi(p+1); } p = strchr(tspec, '@'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; snmpcommunity = strdup(tspec); beadomain = strdup(p+1); } else { beadomain = strdup(tspec); } /* Prepare for the host status */ statuscolor = COL_GREEN; /* Setup the snmpwalk pipe-command for jrockit stats */ sprintf(pipecmd, "snmpwalk -m BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB -c %s@%s -v 1 %s:%d enterprises.140.625.302.1", snmpcommunity, beadomain, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport); jrockres = run_command(pipecmd, NULL, jrockout, 0, extcmdtimeout); if (jrockres == 0) { find_idxes(STRBUF(jrockout), "BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB::jrockitRuntimeIndex."); send_data(hwalk, beadomain, STRBUF(jrockout), jrockitems); } else { if (statuscolor < COL_YELLOW) statuscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "Could not retrieve BEA jRockit statistics from %s:%d domain %s (code %d)\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport, beadomain, jrockres); addtobuffer(statusmsg, msgline); } /* Setup the snmpwalk pipe-command for executeQueur stats */ sprintf(pipecmd, "snmpwalk -m BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB -c %s@%s -v 1 %s:%d enterprises.140.625.180.1", snmpcommunity, beadomain, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport); qres = run_command(pipecmd, NULL, qout, 0, extcmdtimeout); if (qres == 0) { find_idxes(STRBUF(qout), "BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB::executeQueueRuntimeIndex."); send_data(hwalk, beadomain, STRBUF(qout), qitems); } else { if (statuscolor < COL_YELLOW) statuscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "Could not retrieve BEA executeQueue statistics from %s:%d domain %s (code %d)\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport, beadomain, qres); addtobuffer(statusmsg, msgline); } /* FUTURE: Have the statuscolor/statusmsg be updated to check against thresholds */ /* Right now, the "bea" status is always green */ init_status(statuscolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.%s %s %s\n\n", commafy(bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME)), "bea", colorname(statuscolor), timestamp); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(statusmsg) == 0) addtobuffer(statusmsg, "All BEA monitors OK\n"); addtostrstatus(statusmsg); finish_status(); } combo_end(); freestrbuffer(statusmsg); freestrbuffer(jrockout); freestrbuffer(qout); return 0; }
/* * Load the $HOME/.netrc file with authentication tokens for HTTP tests. */ static void load_netrc(void) { #define WANT_TOKEN 0 #define MACHINEVAL 1 #define LOGINVAL 2 #define PASSVAL 3 #define OTHERVAL 4 static int loaded = 0; char netrcfn[MAXPATHLEN]; FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *host, *login, *password, *p; int state = WANT_TOKEN; if (loaded) return; loaded = 1; MEMDEFINE(netrcfn); /* Look for $BBHOME/etc/netrc first, then the default ~/.netrc */ sprintf(netrcfn, "%s/etc/netrc", xgetenv("BBHOME")); fd = fopen(netrcfn, "r"); /* Can HOME be undefined ? Yes, on Solaris when started during boot */ if ((fd == NULL) && getenv("HOME")) { sprintf(netrcfn, "%s/.netrc", xgetenv("HOME")); fd = fopen(netrcfn, "r"); } if (fd == NULL) { MEMUNDEFINE(netrcfn); return; } host = login = password = NULL; initfgets(fd); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); while (unlimfgets(inbuf, fd)) { sanitize_input(inbuf, 0, 0); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) != 0) { p = strtok(STRBUF(inbuf), " \t"); while (p) { switch (state) { case WANT_TOKEN: if (strcmp(p, "machine") == 0) state = MACHINEVAL; else if (strcmp(p, "login") == 0) state = LOGINVAL; else if (strcmp(p, "password") == 0) state = PASSVAL; else if (strcmp(p, "account") == 0) state = OTHERVAL; else if (strcmp(p, "macdef") == 0) state = OTHERVAL; else if (strcmp(p, "default") == 0) { host = ""; state = WANT_TOKEN; } else state = WANT_TOKEN; break; case MACHINEVAL: host = strdup(p); state = WANT_TOKEN; break; case LOGINVAL: login = strdup(p); state = WANT_TOKEN; break; case PASSVAL: password = strdup(p); state = WANT_TOKEN; break; case OTHERVAL: state = WANT_TOKEN; break; } if (host && login && password) { loginlist_t *item = (loginlist_t *) malloc(sizeof(loginlist_t)); item->host = host; item->auth = (char *) malloc(strlen(login) + strlen(password) + 2); sprintf(item->auth, "%s:%s", login, password); item->next = loginhead; loginhead = item; host = login = password = NULL; } p = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } } } fclose(fd); freestrbuffer(inbuf); MEMUNDEFINE(netrcfn); }
static void zvm_users_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *psstr) { int pscolor = COL_GREEN; int pchecks; int cmdofs = -1; char msgline[4096]; strbuffer_t *monmsg; static strbuffer_t *countdata = NULL; int anycountdata = 0; char *group; if (!want_msgtype(hinfo, MSG_PROCS)) return; if (!psstr) return; if (!countdata) countdata = newstrbuffer(0); clearalertgroups(); monmsg = newstrbuffer(0); sprintf(msgline, "data %s.proccounts\n", commafy(hostname)); addtobuffer(countdata, msgline); cmdofs = 0; /* Command offset for z/VM isn't necessary */ pchecks = clear_process_counts(hinfo, clientclass); if (pchecks == 0) { /* Nothing to check */ sprintf(msgline, "&%s No process checks defined\n", colorname(noreportcolor)); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); pscolor = noreportcolor; } else if (cmdofs >= 0) { /* Count how many instances of each monitored process is running */ char *pname, *pid, *bol, *nl; int pcount, pmin, pmax, pcolor, ptrack; bol = psstr; while (bol) { nl = strchr(bol, '\n'); /* Take care - the ps output line may be shorter than what we look at */ if (nl) { *nl = '\0'; if ((nl-bol) > cmdofs) add_process_count(bol+cmdofs); *nl = '\n'; bol = nl+1; } else { if (strlen(bol) > cmdofs) add_process_count(bol+cmdofs); bol = NULL; } } /* Check the number found for each monitored process */ while ((pname = check_process_count(&pcount, &pmin, &pmax, &pcolor, &pid, &ptrack, &group)) != NULL) { char limtxt[1024]; if (pmax == -1) { if (pmin > 0) sprintf(limtxt, "%d or more", pmin); else if (pmin == 0) sprintf(limtxt, "none"); } else { if (pmin > 0) sprintf(limtxt, "between %d and %d", pmin, pmax); else if (pmin == 0) sprintf(limtxt, "at most %d", pmax); } if (pcolor == COL_GREEN) { sprintf(msgline, "&green %s (found %d, req. %s)\n", pname, pcount, limtxt); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); } else { if (pcolor > pscolor) pscolor = pcolor; sprintf(msgline, "&%s %s (found %d, req. %s)\n", colorname(pcolor), pname, pcount, limtxt); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); addalertgroup(group); } if (ptrack) { /* Save the count data for later DATA message to track process counts */ if (!pid) pid = "default"; sprintf(msgline, "%s:%u\n", pid, pcount); addtobuffer(countdata, msgline); anycountdata = 1; } } } else { pscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "&yellow Expected string not found in ps output header\n"); addtobuffer(monmsg, msgline); } /* Now we know the result, so generate a status message */ init_status(pscolor); group = getalertgroups(); if (group) sprintf(msgline, "status/group:%s ", group); else strcpy(msgline, "status "); addtostatus(msgline); sprintf(msgline, "%s.procs %s %s - Processes %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(pscolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<No timestamp data>"), ((pscolor == COL_GREEN) ? "OK" : "NOT ok")); addtostatus(msgline); /* And add the info about what's wrong */ if (STRBUFLEN(monmsg)) { addtostrstatus(monmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } /* And the full virtual machine names output for those who want it */ if (pslistinprocs) { /* * Format the list of virtual machines into four per line, * this list could be fairly long. */ char *tmpstr, *tok, *nm[4]; int nmidx = 0; /* Make a copy of psstr, strtok() will be changing it */ tmpstr = strdup(psstr); /* Use strtok() to split string into pieces delimited by newline */ tok = strtok(tmpstr, "\n"); while (tok) { nm[nmidx++] = tok; if (nmidx == 4) { sprintf(msgline, "%-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s\n", nm[0], nm[1], nm[2], nm[3]); addtostatus(msgline); nmidx = 0; nm[0] = nm[1] = nm[2] = nm[3] = " "; } tok = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } /* Print any remaining names */ if (nmidx > 0) { sprintf(msgline, "%-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s\n", nm[0], nm[1], nm[2], nm[3]); addtostatus(msgline); } free(tmpstr); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(monmsg); if (anycountdata) sendmessage(STRBUF(countdata), NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, NULL); clearstrbuffer(countdata); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *msg; int running; int argi, seq; struct timespec *timeout = NULL; pcre *hostexp = NULL; pcre *exhostexp = NULL; pcre *testexp = NULL; pcre *extestexp = NULL; pcre *colorexp = NULL; const char *errmsg = NULL; int errofs = 0; FILE *logfd = stdout; int batchtimeout = 30; char *batchcmd = NULL; strbuffer_t *batchbuf = NULL; time_t lastmsgtime = 0; /* Handle program options. */ for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { /* * A global "debug" variable is available. If * it is set, then "dbgprintf()" outputs debug messages. */ debug = 1; } else if (strncmp(argv[argi], "--timeout=", 10) == 0) { /* * You can have a timeout when waiting for new * messages. If it happens, you will get a "@@idle\n" * message with sequence number 0. * If you dont want a timeout, just pass a NULL for the timeout parameter. */ timeout = (struct timespec *)(malloc(sizeof(struct timespec))); timeout->tv_sec = (atoi(argv[argi]+10)); timeout->tv_nsec = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--hosts=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; hostexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (hostexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--exhosts=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; exhostexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (exhostexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--tests=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; testexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (testexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--extests=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; extestexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (extestexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--colors=")) { char *exp = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; colorexp = pcre_compile(exp, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (colorexp == NULL) printf("Invalid expression '%s'\n", exp); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--outfile=")) { char *fn = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; logfd = fopen(fn, "a"); if (logfd == NULL) { printf("Cannot open logfile %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); logfd = stdout; } } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--batch-timeout=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); batchtimeout = atoi(p+1); timeout = (struct timespec *)(malloc(sizeof(struct timespec))); timeout->tv_sec = batchtimeout; timeout->tv_nsec = 0; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--batch-command=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); batchcmd = strdup(p+1); batchbuf = newstrbuffer(0); } else { printf("Unknown option %s\n", argv[argi]); printf("Usage: %s [--hosts=EXP] [--tests=EXP] [--exhosts=EXP] [--extests=EXP] [--color=EXP] [--outfile=FILENAME] [--batch-timeout=N] [--batch-command=COMMAND]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } } signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); running = 1; while (running) { char *eoln, *restofmsg, *p; char *metadata[MAX_META+1]; int metacount; msg = get_hobbitd_message(C_LAST, argv[0], &seq, timeout); if (msg == NULL) { /* * get_hobbitd_message will return NULL if hobbitd_channel closes * the input pipe. We should shutdown when that happens. */ running = 0; continue; } /* * Now we have a message. So do something with it. * * The first line of the message is always a '|' separated * list of meta-data about the message. After the first * line, the content varies by channel. */ /* Split the message in the first line (with meta-data), and the rest */ eoln = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (eoln) { *eoln = '\0'; restofmsg = eoln+1; } else { restofmsg = ""; } /* * Now parse the meta-data into elements. * We use our own "gettok()" routine which works * like strtok(), but can handle empty elements. */ metacount = 0; memset(&metadata, 0, sizeof(metadata)); p = gettok(msg, "|"); while (p && (metacount < MAX_META)) { metadata[metacount++] = p; p = gettok(NULL, "|"); } metadata[metacount] = NULL; /* * A "shutdown" message is sent when the master daemon * terminates. The child workers should shutdown also. */ if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@shutdown", 10) == 0) { printf("Shutting down\n"); running = 0; continue; } /* * A "logrotate" message is sent when the Hobbit logs are * rotated. The child workers must re-open their logfiles, * typically stdin and stderr - the filename is always * provided in the HOBBITCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME environment. */ else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@logrotate", 11) == 0) { char *fn = xgetenv("HOBBITCHANNEL_LOGFILENAME"); if (fn && strlen(fn)) { freopen(fn, "a", stdout); freopen(fn, "a", stderr); } continue; } /* * An "idle" message appears when get_hobbitd_message() * exceeds the timeout setting (ie. you passed a timeout * value). This allows your worker module to perform * some internal processing even though no messages arrive. */ else if (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@idle", 6) == 0) { dbgprintf("Got an 'idle' message\n"); } /* * The "drophost", "droptest", "renamehost" and "renametst" * indicates that a host/test was deleted or renamed. If the * worker module maintains some internal storage (in memory * or persistent file-storage), it should act on these * messages to maintain data consistency. */ else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@drophost", 10) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'drophost' message for host '%s'\n", metadata[3]); } else if ((metacount > 3) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@dropstate", 11) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'dropstate' message for host '%s'\n", metadata[3]); } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@droptest", 10) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'droptest' message for host '%s' test '%s'\n", metadata[3], metadata[4]); } else if ((metacount > 4) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renamehost", 12) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'renamehost' message for host '%s' -> '%s'\n", metadata[3], metadata[4]); } else if ((metacount > 5) && (strncmp(metadata[0], "@@renametest", 12) == 0)) { dbgprintf("Got a 'renametest' message for host '%s' test '%s' -> '%s'\n", metadata[3], metadata[4], metadata[5]); } /* * Process this message. */ else { int ovector[30]; int match, i; char *hostname = metadata[4]; char *testname = metadata[5]; char *color = metadata[7]; /* See if we should handle the batched messages we've got */ if (batchcmd && ((lastmsgtime + batchtimeout) < gettimer()) && (STRBUFLEN(batchbuf) > 0)) { pid_t childpid = fork(); int childres = 0; if (childpid < 0) { /* Fork failed! */ errprintf("Fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else if (childpid == 0) { /* Child */ FILE *cmdpipe = popen(batchcmd, "w"); if (cmdpipe) { /* Write the data to the batch command pipe */ int n, bytesleft = STRBUFLEN(batchbuf); char *outp = STRBUF(batchbuf); while (bytesleft) { n = fwrite(outp, 1, bytesleft, cmdpipe); if (n >= 0) { bytesleft -= n; outp += n; } else { errprintf("Error while writing data to batch command\n"); bytesleft = 0; } } childres = pclose(cmdpipe); } else { errprintf("Could not open pipe to batch command '%s'\n", batchcmd); childres = 127; } exit(childres); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent continues */ } clearstrbuffer(batchbuf); } if (hostexp) { match = (pcre_exec(hostexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (!match) continue; } if (exhostexp) { match = (pcre_exec(exhostexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (match) continue; } if (testexp) { match = (pcre_exec(testexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (!match) continue; } if (exhostexp) { match = (pcre_exec(extestexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (match) continue; } if (colorexp) { match = (pcre_exec(colorexp, NULL, color, strlen(color), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); if (!match) continue; } lastmsgtime = gettimer(); if (batchcmd) { addtobuffer(batchbuf, "## "); for (i=0; (i < metacount); i++) { addtobuffer(batchbuf, metadata[i]); addtobuffer(batchbuf, " "); } addtobuffer(batchbuf, "\n"); addtobuffer(batchbuf, restofmsg); addtobuffer(batchbuf, "\n"); } else { fprintf(logfd, "## "); for (i=0; (i < metacount); i++) fprintf(logfd, "%s ", metadata[i]); fprintf(logfd, "\n"); fprintf(logfd, "%s\n", restofmsg); } } } return 0; }
void load_config(char *conffn) { static void *configfiles = NULL; tasklist_t *twalk, *curtask = NULL; FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *p; char myhostname[256]; /* First check if there were no modifications at all */ if (configfiles) { if (!stackfmodified(configfiles) && (!forcereload)) { dbgprintf("No files modified, skipping reload of %s\n", conffn); return; } else { stackfclist(&configfiles); configfiles = NULL; } } errprintf("Loading tasklist configuration from %s\n", conffn); if (gethostname(myhostname, sizeof(myhostname)) != 0) { errprintf("Cannot get the local hostname, using 'localhost' (error: %s)\n", strerror(errno)); strcpy(myhostname, "localhost"); } /* The cfload flag: -1=delete task, 0=old task unchanged, 1=new/changed task */ for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { twalk->cfload = -1; twalk->group = NULL; /* Create a copy, but retain the settings and pointers are the same */ twalk->copy = xmalloc(sizeof(tasklist_t)); memcpy(twalk->copy,twalk,sizeof(tasklist_t)); /* These should get cleared */ twalk->copy->next = NULL; twalk->copy->copy = NULL; /* And clean the values of all others, so that we really can detect a difference */ twalk->disabled = 0; twalk->cmd = NULL; twalk->interval = 0; twalk->maxruntime = 0; twalk->group = NULL; twalk->logfile = NULL; twalk->envfile = NULL; twalk->envarea = NULL; twalk->onhostptn = NULL; twalk->cronstr = NULL; twalk->crondate = NULL; twalk->depends = NULL; } fd = stackfopen(conffn, "r", &configfiles); if (fd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot open configuration file %s: %s\n", conffn, strerror(errno)); return; } inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); while (stackfgets(inbuf, NULL)) { sanitize_input(inbuf, 1, 0); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0) continue; p = STRBUF(inbuf); if (*p == '[') { /* New task */ char *endp; /* get name */ p++; endp = strchr(p, ']'); if (endp == NULL) continue; *endp = '\0'; /* try to find the task */ for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk && (strcmp(twalk->key, p))); twalk = twalk->next); if (twalk) { curtask=twalk; } else { /* New task, just create it */ curtask = (tasklist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(tasklist_t)); curtask->key = strdup(p); /* add it to the list */ if (taskhead == NULL) taskhead = curtask; else tasktail->next = curtask; tasktail = curtask; } /* mark task as configured */ curtask->cfload = 0; } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "CMD ", 4) == 0)) { p += 3; p += strspn(p, " \t"); /* Handle + - options as well */ if (*p == '+') { /* append to command */ if (curtask->cmd) { int l1 = strlen(curtask->cmd); int l2 = strlen(p); char *newcmd = xcalloc(1, l1+l2+1); strncpy(newcmd,curtask->cmd,l1); strncpy(newcmd+l1,p,l2); newcmd[l1]=' '; /* this also overwrites the + */ /* free and assign new */ xfreeassign(curtask->cmd,newcmd); } } else if (*p == '-') { /* remove from command */ if (curtask->cmd) { int l = strlen(p)-1; if (l > 0) { char *found; while((found = strstr(curtask->cmd,p+1)) != NULL) { /* doing a copy - can not use strcpy as we are overlapping */ char *s = found + l; while (*s) { *found=*s; found++; s++; } *found=0; } } else { errprintf("Configuration error, empty command removal (CMD -) for task %s\n", curtask->key); } } } else { xfreedup(curtask->cmd,p); } } else if (strncasecmp(p, "GROUP ", 6) == 0) { /* Note: GROUP can be used by itself to define a group, or inside a task definition */ char *groupname; int maxuse; grouplist_t *gwalk; p += 6; p += strspn(p, " \t"); groupname = p; p += strcspn(p, " \t"); if (isdigit((int) *p)) maxuse = atoi(p); else maxuse = 1; /* Find or create the grouplist entry */ for (gwalk = grouphead; (gwalk && (strcmp(gwalk->groupname, groupname))); gwalk = gwalk->next); if (gwalk == NULL) { gwalk = (grouplist_t *)malloc(sizeof(grouplist_t)); gwalk->groupname = strdup(groupname); gwalk->maxuse = maxuse; gwalk->currentuse = 0; gwalk->next = grouphead; grouphead = gwalk; } if (curtask) curtask->group = gwalk; } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "INTERVAL ", 9) == 0)) { char *tspec; p += 9; curtask->interval = atoi(p); tspec = p + strspn(p, "0123456789"); switch (*tspec) { case 'm': curtask->interval *= 60; break; /* Minutes */ case 'h': curtask->interval *= 3600; break; /* Hours */ case 'd': curtask->interval *= 86400; break; /* Days */ } } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "CRONDATE ", 9) == 0)) { p+= 9; xfreedup(curtask->cronstr,p); if (curtask->crondate) crondatefree(curtask->crondate); curtask->crondate = parse_cron_time(curtask->cronstr); if (!curtask->crondate) { errprintf("Can't parse cron date: %s->%s\n", curtask->key, curtask->cronstr); curtask->disabled = 1; } curtask->interval = -1; /* disable interval */ } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "MAXTIME ", 8) == 0)) { char *tspec; p += 8; curtask->maxruntime = atoi(p); tspec = p + strspn(p, "0123456789"); switch (*tspec) { case 'm': curtask->maxruntime *= 60; break; /* Minutes */ case 'h': curtask->maxruntime *= 3600; break; /* Hours */ case 'd': curtask->maxruntime *= 86400; break; /* Days */ } } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "LOGFILE ", 8) == 0)) { p += 7; p += strspn(p, " \t"); xfreedup(curtask->logfile,p); } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "NEEDS ", 6) == 0)) { p += 6; p += strspn(p, " \t"); for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk && strcmp(twalk->key, p)); twalk = twalk->next); if (twalk) { curtask->depends = twalk; } else { errprintf("Configuration error, unknown dependency %s->%s\n", curtask->key, p); } } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "ENVFILE ", 8) == 0)) { p += 7; p += strspn(p, " \t"); xfreedup(curtask->envfile,p); } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "ENVAREA ", 8) == 0)) { p += 7; p += strspn(p, " \t"); xfreedup(curtask->envarea,p); } else if (curtask && (strcasecmp(p, "DISABLED") == 0)) { curtask->disabled = 1; } else if (curtask && (strcasecmp(p, "ENABLED") == 0)) { curtask->disabled = 0; } else if (curtask && (strncasecmp(p, "ONHOST ", 7) == 0)) { regex_t cpattern; int status; p += 7; p += strspn(p, " \t"); xfreedup(curtask->onhostptn,p); /* Match the hostname against the pattern; if it doesnt match then disable the task */ status = regcomp(&cpattern, curtask->onhostptn, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE|REG_NOSUB); if (status == 0) { status = regexec(&cpattern, myhostname, 0, NULL, 0); if (status == REG_NOMATCH) curtask->disabled = 1; } else { errprintf("ONHOST pattern '%s' is invalid\n", p); } } } stackfclose(fd); freestrbuffer(inbuf); /* Running tasks that have been deleted or changed are killed off now. */ for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { /* compare the current settings with the copy - if we have one */ if (twalk->cfload == 0) { if (twalk->copy) { /* compare the current version with the new version and decide if we have changed */ int changed=0; int reload=0; /* first the nummeric ones */ if (twalk->disabled!=twalk->copy->disabled) { changed++; } if (twalk->interval!=twalk->copy->interval) { changed++; } if (twalk->maxruntime!=twalk->copy->maxruntime) { changed++; } if (twalk->group!=twalk->copy->group) { changed++; reload++;} /* then the string versions */ #define twalkstrcmp(k,doreload) { \ if (twalk->k!=twalk->copy->k) { \ if (twalk->copy->k) { \ if (twalk->k) { \ if (strcmp(twalk->k,twalk->copy->k)) { \ changed++;reload+=doreload; \ } \ } else { \ changed++;reload+=doreload; \ } \ /* we can always delete the copy*/ \ xfree(twalk->copy->k); \ twalk->copy->k=NULL; \ } else { \ changed++;reload+=doreload; \ } \ } \ } twalkstrcmp(cmd,1); twalkstrcmp(logfile,1); twalkstrcmp(envfile,1); twalkstrcmp(envarea,1); twalkstrcmp(onhostptn,0); twalkstrcmp(cronstr,0); if ((twalk->copy->cronstr == NULL) && twalk->copy->crondate) { crondatefree(twalk->copy->crondate); twalk->copy->crondate = NULL; } /* we can release the copy now - not using xfree, as this releases it from the list making a mess...*/ xfreenull(twalk->copy); /* now make the decision for reloading - if we have changed, then we may assign cfload, - otherwise the entry does not exist any longer */ if (reload) { reload=1;} if (changed) { twalk->cfload=reload; } } else { /* new object, so we need to do this */ twalk->cfload=1; } } /* and based on this decide what to do */ switch (twalk->cfload) { case -1: /* Kill the task, if active */ if (twalk->pid) { dbgprintf("Killing task %s PID %d\n", twalk->key, (int)twalk->pid); twalk->beingkilled = 1; kill(twalk->pid, SIGTERM); } /* And prepare to free this tasklist entry */ xfreenull(twalk->key); xfreenull(twalk->cmd); xfreenull(twalk->logfile); xfreenull(twalk->envfile); xfreenull(twalk->envarea); xfreenull(twalk->onhostptn); xfreenull(twalk->cronstr); if (twalk->crondate) crondatefree(twalk->crondate); break; case 0: /* Do nothing */ break; case 1: /* Bounce the task, if it is active */ if (twalk->pid) { dbgprintf("Killing task %s PID %d\n", twalk->key, (int)twalk->pid); twalk->beingkilled = 1; kill(twalk->pid, SIGTERM); } break; } } /* First clean out dead tasks at the start of the list */ while (taskhead && (taskhead->cfload == -1)) { tasklist_t *tmp; tmp = taskhead; taskhead = taskhead->next; xfree(tmp); } /* Then unlink and free those inside the list */ twalk = taskhead; while (twalk && twalk->next) { tasklist_t *tmp; if (twalk->next->cfload == -1) { tmp = twalk->next; twalk->next = tmp->next; xfree(tmp); } else twalk = twalk->next; } if (taskhead == NULL) tasktail = NULL; else { tasktail = taskhead; while (tasktail->next) tasktail = tasktail->next; } /* Make sure group usage counts are correct (groups can change) */ for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { if (twalk->group) twalk->group->currentuse = 0; } for (twalk = taskhead; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next) { if (twalk->group && twalk->pid) twalk->group->currentuse++; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *ackbuf; char *subjectline = NULL; char *returnpathline = NULL; char *fromline = NULL; char *firsttxtline = NULL; int inheaders = 1; char *p; pcre *subjexp; const char *errmsg; int errofs, result; int ovector[30]; char cookie[10]; int duration = 0; int argi; char *envarea = NULL; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); loadenv(p+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); envarea = strdup(p+1); } } initfgets(stdin); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); while (unlimfgets(inbuf, stdin)) { sanitize_input(inbuf, 0, 0); if (!inheaders) { /* We're in the message body. Look for a "delay=N" line here. */ if ((strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "delay=", 6) == 0) || (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "delay ", 6) == 0)) { duration = durationvalue(STRBUF(inbuf)+6); continue; } else if ((strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "ack=", 4) == 0) || (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "ack ", 4) == 0)) { /* Some systems cannot generate a subject. Allow them to ack * via text in the message body. */ subjectline = (char *)malloc(STRBUFLEN(inbuf) + 1024); sprintf(subjectline, "Subject: Xymon [%s]", STRBUF(inbuf)+4); } else if (*STRBUF(inbuf) && !firsttxtline) { /* Save the first line of the message body, but ignore blank lines */ firsttxtline = strdup(STRBUF(inbuf)); } continue; /* We don't care about the rest of the message body */ } /* See if we're at the end of the mail headers */ if (inheaders && (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0)) { inheaders = 0; continue; } /* Is it one of those we want to keep ? */ if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "return-path:", 12) == 0) returnpathline = strdup(skipwhitespace(STRBUF(inbuf)+12)); else if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "from:", 5) == 0) fromline = strdup(skipwhitespace(STRBUF(inbuf)+5)); else if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "subject:", 8) == 0) subjectline = strdup(skipwhitespace(STRBUF(inbuf)+8)); } freestrbuffer(inbuf); /* No subject ? No deal */ if (subjectline == NULL) { dbgprintf("Subject-line not found\n"); return 1; } /* Get the alert cookie */ subjexp = pcre_compile(".*(Xymon|Hobbit|BB)[ -]* \\[*(-*[0-9]+)[\\]!]*", PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (subjexp == NULL) { dbgprintf("pcre compile failed - 1\n"); return 2; } result = pcre_exec(subjexp, NULL, subjectline, strlen(subjectline), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))); if (result < 0) { dbgprintf("Subject line did not match pattern\n"); return 3; /* Subject did not match what we expected */ } if (pcre_copy_substring(subjectline, ovector, result, 2, cookie, sizeof(cookie)) <= 0) { dbgprintf("Could not find cookie value\n"); return 4; /* No cookie */ } pcre_free(subjexp); /* See if there's a "DELAY=" delay-value also */ subjexp = pcre_compile(".*DELAY[ =]+([0-9]+[mhdw]*)", PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (subjexp == NULL) { dbgprintf("pcre compile failed - 2\n"); return 2; } result = pcre_exec(subjexp, NULL, subjectline, strlen(subjectline), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))); if (result >= 0) { char delaytxt[4096]; if (pcre_copy_substring(subjectline, ovector, result, 1, delaytxt, sizeof(delaytxt)) > 0) { duration = durationvalue(delaytxt); } } pcre_free(subjexp); /* See if there's a "msg" text also */ subjexp = pcre_compile(".*MSG[ =]+(.*)", PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (subjexp == NULL) { dbgprintf("pcre compile failed - 3\n"); return 2; } result = pcre_exec(subjexp, NULL, subjectline, strlen(subjectline), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))); if (result >= 0) { char msgtxt[4096]; if (pcre_copy_substring(subjectline, ovector, result, 1, msgtxt, sizeof(msgtxt)) > 0) { firsttxtline = strdup(msgtxt); } } pcre_free(subjexp); /* Use the "return-path:" header if we didn't see a From: line */ if ((fromline == NULL) && returnpathline) fromline = returnpathline; if (fromline) { /* Remove '<' and '>' from the fromline - they mess up HTML */ while ((p = strchr(fromline, '<')) != NULL) *p = ' '; while ((p = strchr(fromline, '>')) != NULL) *p = ' '; } /* Setup the acknowledge message */ if (duration == 0) duration = 60; /* Default: Ack for 60 minutes */ if (firsttxtline == NULL) firsttxtline = "<No cause specified>"; ackbuf = (char *)malloc(4096 + strlen(firsttxtline) + (fromline ? strlen(fromline) : 0)); p = ackbuf; p += sprintf(p, "xymondack %s %d %s", cookie, duration, firsttxtline); if (fromline) { p += sprintf(p, "\nAcked by: %s", fromline); } if (debug) { printf("%s\n", ackbuf); return 0; } sendmessage(ackbuf, NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, NULL); return 0; }
void grabdata(conn_t *conn) { int n; char buf[8192]; int pollid = 0; /* Get data from the connection socket - we know there is some */ n = read(conn->sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (n <= -1) { /* Read failure */ errprintf("Connection lost during read: %s\n", strerror(errno)); conn->action = C_DONE; return; } if (n > 0) { /* Got some data - store it */ buf[n] = '\0'; addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, buf); return; } /* Done reading - process the data */ if (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) == 0) { /* No data ? We're done */ conn->action = C_DONE; return; } /* * See what kind of message this is. If it's a "pullclient" message, * save the contents of the message - this is the client configuration * that we'll return the next time a client sends us the "client" message. */ if (strncmp(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), "pullclient", 10) == 0) { char *clientcfg; int idnum; /* Access check */ if (!oksender(serverlist, NULL, conn->caddr.sin_addr, STRBUF(conn->msgbuf))) { errprintf("Rejected pullclient request from %s\n", inet_ntoa(conn->caddr.sin_addr)); conn->action = C_DONE; return; } dbgprintf("Got pullclient request: %s\n", STRBUF(conn->msgbuf)); /* * The pollid is unique for each Xymon server. It is to allow * multiple servers to pick up the same message, for resiliance. */ idnum = atoi(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf) + 10); if ((idnum <= 0) || (idnum > 31)) { pollid = 0; } else { pollid = (1 << idnum); } conn->ctype = C_SERVER; conn->action = C_WRITING; /* Save any client config sent to us */ clientcfg = strchr(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), '\n'); if (clientcfg) { clientcfg++; if (client_response) xfree(client_response); client_response = strdup(clientcfg); dbgprintf("Saved client response: %s\n", client_response); } } else if (strncmp(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), "client ", 7) == 0) { /* * Got a "client" message. Return the client-response saved from * earlier, if there is any. If not, then we're done. */ conn->ctype = C_CLIENT_CLIENT; conn->action = (client_response ? C_WRITING : C_DONE); } else { /* Message from a client, but not the "client" message. So no response. */ conn->ctype = C_CLIENT_OTHER; conn->action = C_DONE; } /* * Messages we receive from clients are stored on our outbound queue. * If it's a local "client" message, respond with the queued response * from the Xymon server. Other client messages get no response. * * Server messages get our outbound queue back in response. */ if (conn->ctype != C_SERVER) { /* Messages from clients go on the outbound queue */ msgqueue_t *newq = calloc(1, sizeof(msgqueue_t)); dbgprintf("Queuing outbound message\n"); newq->tstamp = conn->tstamp; newq->msgbuf = conn->msgbuf; conn->msgbuf = NULL; if (qtail) { qtail->next = newq; qtail = newq; } else { qhead = qtail = newq; } if ((conn->ctype == C_CLIENT_CLIENT) && (conn->action == C_WRITING)) { /* Send the response back to the client */ conn->msgbuf = newstrbuffer(0); addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, client_response); /* * Dont drop the client response data. If for some reason * the "client" request is repeated, he should still get * the right answer that we have. */ } } else { /* A server has asked us for our list of messages */ time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL); msgqueue_t *mwalk; if (!qhead) { /* No queued messages */ conn->action = C_DONE; } else { /* Build a message of all the queued data */ clearstrbuffer(conn->msgbuf); /* Index line first */ for (mwalk = qhead; (mwalk); mwalk = mwalk->next) { if ((mwalk->sentto & pollid) == 0) { char idx[20]; sprintf(idx, "%d:%ld ", STRBUFLEN(mwalk->msgbuf), (long)(now - mwalk->tstamp)); addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, idx); } } if (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) > 0) addtobuffer(conn->msgbuf, "\n"); /* Then the stream of messages */ for (mwalk = qhead; (mwalk); mwalk = mwalk->next) { if ((mwalk->sentto & pollid) == 0) { if (pollid) mwalk->sentto |= pollid; addtostrbuffer(conn->msgbuf, mwalk->msgbuf); } } if (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) == 0) { /* No data for this server */ conn->action = C_DONE; } } } }
void loadenv(char *envfile, char *area) { FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *p, *oneenv; MEMDEFINE(l); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); fd = stackfopen(envfile, "r", NULL); if (fd) { while (stackfgets(inbuf, NULL)) { char *equalpos; int appendto = 0; sanitize_input(inbuf, 1, 1); if ((STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0) || ((equalpos = strchr(STRBUF(inbuf), '=')) == NULL)) continue; appendto = ((equalpos > STRBUF(inbuf)) && (*(equalpos-1) == '+')); /* * Do the environment "area" stuff: If the input * is of the form AREA/NAME=VALUE, then setup the variable * only if we're called with the correct AREA setting. */ oneenv = NULL; p = STRBUF(inbuf) + strcspn(STRBUF(inbuf), "=/"); if (*p == '/') { if (area) { *p = '\0'; if (strcasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), area) == 0) oneenv = strdup(expand_env(p+1)); } } else oneenv = strdup(expand_env(STRBUF(inbuf))); if (oneenv) { p = strchr(oneenv, '='); if (*(p+1) == '"') { /* Move string over the first '"' */ memmove(p+1, p+2, strlen(p+2)+1); /* Kill a trailing '"' */ if (*(oneenv + strlen(oneenv) - 1) == '"') *(oneenv + strlen(oneenv) - 1) = '\0'; } if (appendto) { char *oldval, *addstring, *p; addstring = strchr(oneenv, '='); if (addstring) { *addstring = '\0'; addstring++; } p = strchr(oneenv, '+'); if (p) *p = '\0'; oldval = getenv(oneenv); if (oldval) { char *combinedenv = (char *)malloc(strlen(oneenv) + strlen(oldval) + strlen(addstring) + 2); sprintf(combinedenv, "%s=%s%s", oneenv, oldval, (addstring)); xfree(oneenv); oneenv = combinedenv; } else { /* oneenv is now VARxxVALUE, so fix it to be a normal env. variable format */ strcat(oneenv, "="); memmove(oneenv+strlen(oneenv), addstring, strlen(addstring) + 1); } } if (putenv(oneenv) != 0) errprintf("Cannot set environment: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } stackfclose(fd); } else { errprintf("Cannot open env file %s - %s\n", envfile, strerror(errno)); } freestrbuffer(inbuf); MEMUNDEFINE(l); }
void show_topchanges(FILE *output, countlist_t *hostcounthead, countlist_t *svccounthead, event_t *eventhead, int topcount, time_t firstevent, time_t lastevent) { fprintf(output, "<p><font size=+1>%s</font></p>\n", periodstring); fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Top changing hosts and services\" border=1>\n"); fprintf(output, "<tr>\n"); if (hostcounthead && (output != NULL)) { countlist_t *cwalk; int i; unsigned long others = 0, totalcount = 0; strbuffer_t *s = newstrbuffer(0); strbuffer_t *othercriteria = newstrbuffer(0); if (hostregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&HOSTMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, hostregex); } if (exhostregex) addtobuffer(s, exhostregex); if (testregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&TESTMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, testregex); } if (extestregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&EXTESTMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, extestregex); } if (pageregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&PAGEMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, pageregex); } if (expageregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&EXPAGEMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, expageregex); } if (colorregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&COLORMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, colorregex); } if (ignoredialups) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&NODIALUPS=on"); } addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&SUMMARY=services"); addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&TIMETXT="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, periodstring); if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&COUNTTYPE=events"); else if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&COUNTTYPE=duration"); fprintf(output, "<td width=40%% align=center valign=top>\n"); fprintf(output, " <table summary=\"Top %d hosts\" border=0>\n", topcount); fprintf(output, " <tr><th colspan=3>Top %d hosts</th></tr>\n", topcount); fprintf(output, " <tr><th align=left>Host</th><th align=left colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n", (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow"); /* Compute the total count */ for (i=0, cwalk=hostcounthead; (cwalk); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total; for (i=0, cwalk=hostcounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) { if (i < topcount) { fprintf(output, " <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?HOSTMATCH=^%s$&MAXCOUNT=-1&MAXTIME=-1&FROMTIME=%lu&TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</a></td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), (unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent, STRBUF(othercriteria), xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME), cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount)); if (STRBUFLEN(s) > 0) addtobuffer(s, "|"); addtobuffer(s, "^"); addtobuffer(s, xmh_item(cwalk->src, XMH_HOSTNAME)); addtobuffer(s, "$"); } else { others += cwalk->total; } } fprintf(output, " <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?EXHOSTMATCH=%s&MAXCOUNT=-1&MAXTIME=-1&FROMTIME=%lu&TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</a></td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", STRBUF(s), (unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent, STRBUF(othercriteria), "Other hosts", others, ((100.0 * others) / totalcount)); fprintf(output, " <tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n"); fprintf(output, " <tr><th>Total</th><th>%lu</th><th> </th></tr>\n", totalcount); fprintf(output, " </table>\n"); fprintf(output, "</td>\n"); freestrbuffer(s); freestrbuffer(othercriteria); } if (svccounthead && (output != NULL)) { countlist_t *cwalk; int i; unsigned long others = 0, totalcount = 0; strbuffer_t *s = newstrbuffer(0); strbuffer_t *othercriteria = newstrbuffer(0); if (hostregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&HOSTMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, hostregex); } if (exhostregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&EXHOSTMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, exhostregex); } if (testregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&TESTMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, testregex); } if (extestregex) addtobuffer(s, extestregex); if (pageregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&PAGEMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, pageregex); } if (expageregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&EXPAGEMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, expageregex); } if (colorregex) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&COLORMATCH="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, colorregex); } if (ignoredialups) { addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&NODIALUPS=on"); } addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&SUMMARY=hosts"); addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&TIMETXT="); addtobuffer(othercriteria, periodstring); if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&COUNTTYPE=events"); else if (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_DURATION) addtobuffer(othercriteria, "&COUNTTYPE=duration"); fprintf(output, "<td width=40%% align=center valign=top>\n"); fprintf(output, " <table summary=\"Top %d services\" border=0>\n", topcount); fprintf(output, " <tr><th colspan=3>Top %d services</th></tr>\n", topcount); fprintf(output, " <tr><th align=left>Service</th><th align=left colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n", (counttype == XYMON_COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow"); /* Compute the total count */ for (i=0, cwalk=svccounthead; (cwalk); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total; for (i=0, cwalk=svccounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); i++, cwalk=cwalk->next) { if (i < topcount) { fprintf(output, " <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?TESTMATCH=^%s$&MAXCOUNT=-1&MAXTIME=-1&FROMTIME=%lu&TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</a></td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, (unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent, STRBUF(othercriteria), ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount)); if (STRBUFLEN(s) > 0) addtobuffer(s, "|"); addtobuffer(s, "^"); addtobuffer(s, ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name); addtobuffer(s, "$"); } else { others += cwalk->total; } } fprintf(output, " <tr><td align=left><a href=\"eventlog.sh?EXTESTMATCH=%s&MAXCOUNT=-1&MAXTIME=-1&FROMTIME=%lu&TOTIME=%lu%s\">%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</td></tr>\n", STRBUF(s), (unsigned long)firstevent, (unsigned long)lastevent, STRBUF(othercriteria), "Other services", others, ((100.0 * others) / totalcount)); fprintf(output, " <tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n"); fprintf(output, " <tr><th>Total</th><th>%lu</th><th> </th></tr>\n", totalcount); fprintf(output, " </table>\n"); fprintf(output, "</td>\n"); freestrbuffer(s); freestrbuffer(othercriteria); } fprintf(output, "</tr>\n"); fprintf(output, "</table>\n"); }
void process_clientdata(conn_t *conn) { /* * Handle data we received while talking to the Hobbit client. * This will be a list of messages we must send to the server. * Each of the messages are pushed to the server through * new C_SERVER requests. */ char *mptr, *databegin, *msgbegin; int portnum = atoi(xgetenv("BBPORT")); databegin = strchr(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), '\n'); if (!databegin || (STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf) == 0)) { /* No data - we're done */ flag_cleanup(conn); return; } *databegin = '\0'; /* End the first line, and point msgbegin at start of data */ msgbegin = (databegin+1); /* * First line of the message is a list of numbers, telling * us the size of each of the individual messages we got from * the client, and how long ago they were received. */ mptr = strtok(STRBUF(conn->msgbuf), " \t"); while (mptr) { int msgbytes, msgago; char savech; strbuffer_t *req; if (sscanf(mptr, "%d:%d", &msgbytes, &msgago) == 2) { msgbytes = atoi(mptr); if ((msgbytes <= 0) || ((msgbegin + msgbytes) - STRBUF(conn->msgbuf)) > STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf)) { /* Someone is playing games with us */ errprintf("Invalid message data from %s (req %lu): Current offset %d, msgbytes %d, msglen %d\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq, (msgbegin - STRBUF(conn->msgbuf)), msgbytes, STRBUFLEN(conn->msgbuf)); return; } savech = *(msgbegin + msgbytes); *(msgbegin + msgbytes) = '\0'; req = newstrbuffer(msgbytes+100); addtobuffer(req, msgbegin); if (strncmp(msgbegin, "client ", 7) == 0) { /* * It's a client message. See when it was received in * msgcache, and adjust our next poll time accordingly. */ char msgcachesection[100]; conn->client->suggestpoll = time(NULL) - (msgago % 300) + 300 + 10; dbgprintf("Client %s (req %lu) received a client message %d secs ago, poll again at %lu\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq, msgago, conn->client->suggestpoll); /* Add a section to the client message with cache delay info */ snprintf(msgcachesection, sizeof(msgcachesection), "[msgcache]\nCachedelay: %d\n[proxy]\nClientIP:%s", msgago, addrstring(&conn->caddr)); addtobuffer(req, msgcachesection); } else if ( (strncmp(msgbegin, "status", 6) == 0) || (strncmp(msgbegin, "data", 4) == 0) ) { char sourcemsg[100]; /* Add a line to the message showing where it came from */ sprintf(sourcemsg, "\nStatus message received from %s\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr)); addtobuffer(req, sourcemsg); } addrequest(C_SERVER, serverip, portnum, req, conn->client); *(msgbegin + msgbytes) = savech; msgbegin += msgbytes; mptr = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } else { errprintf("Garbled pullclient response from %s (req %lu), token %s\n", addrstring(&conn->caddr), conn->seq, mptr); mptr = NULL; } } }
void send_http_results(service_t *httptest, testedhost_t *host, testitem_t *firsttest, char *nonetpage, int failgoesclear) { testitem_t *t; int color = -1; char *svcname; strbuffer_t *msgtext; char *nopagename; int nopage = 0; int anydown = 0, totalreports = 0; if (firsttest == NULL) return; svcname = strdup(httptest->testname); if (httptest->namelen) svcname[httptest->namelen] = '\0'; /* Check if this service is a NOPAGENET service. */ nopagename = (char *) malloc(strlen(svcname)+3); sprintf(nopagename, ",%s,", svcname); nopage = (strstr(nonetpage, svcname) != NULL); xfree(nopagename); dbgprintf("Calc http color host %s : ", host->hostname); msgtext = newstrbuffer(0); for (t=firsttest; (t && (t->host == host)); t = t->next) { http_data_t *req = (http_data_t *) t->privdata; /* Skip the data-reports for now */ if (t->senddata) continue; /* Grab session cookies */ update_session_cookies(host->hostname, req->bburl.desturl->host, req->headers); totalreports++; if (req->bburl.okcodes || req->bburl.badcodes) { req->httpcolor = statuscolor_by_set(host, req->httpstatus, req->bburl.okcodes, req->bburl.badcodes); } else { req->httpcolor = statuscolor(host, req->httpstatus); } if (req->httpcolor == COL_RED) anydown++; /* Dialup hosts and dialup tests report red as clear */ if ((req->httpcolor != COL_GREEN) && (host->dialup || t->dialup)) req->httpcolor = COL_CLEAR; /* If ping failed, report CLEAR unless alwaystrue */ if ( ((req->httpcolor == COL_RED) || (req->httpcolor == COL_YELLOW)) && /* Test failed */ (host->downcount > 0) && /* The ping check did fail */ (!host->noping && !host->noconn) && /* We are doing a ping test */ (failgoesclear) && (!t->alwaystrue) ) /* No "~testname" flag */ { req->httpcolor = COL_CLEAR; } /* If test we depend on has failed, report CLEAR unless alwaystrue */ if ( ((req->httpcolor == COL_RED) || (req->httpcolor == COL_YELLOW)) && /* Test failed */ failgoesclear && !t->alwaystrue ) /* No "~testname" flag */ { char *faileddeps = deptest_failed(host, t->service->testname); if (faileddeps) { req->httpcolor = COL_CLEAR; req->faileddeps = strdup(faileddeps); } } dbgprintf("%s(%s) ", t->testspec, colorname(req->httpcolor)); if (req->httpcolor > color) color = req->httpcolor; /* Build the short msgtext which goes on line 1 of the status message. */ addtobuffer(msgtext, (STRBUFLEN(msgtext) ? " ; " : ": ") ); if (req->tcptest->errcode != CONTEST_ENOERROR) { switch (req->tcptest->errcode) { case CONTEST_ETIMEOUT: req->errorcause = "Server timeout"; break; case CONTEST_ENOCONN : req->errorcause = strdup(strerror(req->tcptest->connres)); break; case CONTEST_EDNS : switch (req->parsestatus) { case 1 : req->errorcause = "Invalid URL"; break; case 2 : req->errorcause = "Hostname not in DNS"; break; default: req->errorcause = "DNS error"; break; } break; case CONTEST_EIO : req->errorcause = "I/O error"; break; case CONTEST_ESSL : req->errorcause = "SSL error"; break; default: req->errorcause = "Xfer failed"; } addtobuffer(msgtext, req->errorcause); } else if (req->tcptest->open == 0) { req->errorcause = "Connect failed"; addtobuffer(msgtext, req->errorcause); } else if ((req->httpcolor == COL_RED) || (req->httpcolor == COL_YELLOW)) { char m1[100]; if (req->bburl.okcodes || req->bburl.badcodes) { sprintf(m1, "Unwanted HTTP status %ld", req->httpstatus); } else if (req->headers) { char *p = req->headers; /* Skip past "HTTP/1.x 200 " and pick up the explanatory text, if any */ if (strncasecmp(p, "http/", 5) == 0) { p += 5; p += strspn(p, "0123456789. "); } strncpy(m1, p, sizeof(m1)-1); m1[sizeof(m1)-1] = '\0'; /* Only show the first line of the HTTP status description */ p = strchr(m1, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; } else { sprintf(m1, "HTTP error %ld", req->httpstatus); } addtobuffer(msgtext, m1); req->errorcause = strdup(m1); } else { addtobuffer(msgtext, "OK"); if (req->bburl.okcodes || req->bburl.badcodes) { char m1[100]; sprintf(m1, " (HTTP status %ld)", req->httpstatus); addtobuffer(msgtext, m1); } } } /* It could be that we have 0 http tests - if we only do the apache one */ if (totalreports > 0) { char msgline[4096]; if (anydown) { firsttest->downcount++; if(firsttest->downcount == 1) firsttest->downstart = getcurrenttime(NULL); } else firsttest->downcount = 0; /* Handle the "badtest" stuff for http tests */ if ((color == COL_RED) && (firsttest->downcount < firsttest->badtest[2])) { if (firsttest->downcount >= firsttest->badtest[1]) color = COL_YELLOW; else if (firsttest->downcount >= firsttest->badtest[0]) color = COL_CLEAR; else color = COL_GREEN; } if (nopage && (color == COL_RED)) color = COL_YELLOW; dbgprintf(" --> %s\n", colorname(color)); /* Send off the http status report */ init_status(color); sprintf(msgline, "status+%d %s.%s %s %s", validity, commafy(host->hostname), svcname, colorname(color), timestamp); addtostatus(msgline); addtostrstatus(msgtext); addtostatus("\n"); for (t=firsttest; (t && (t->host == host)); t = t->next) { char *urlmsg; http_data_t *req = (http_data_t *) t->privdata; /* Skip the "data" reports */ if (t->senddata) continue; urlmsg = (char *)malloc(1024 + strlen(req->url)); sprintf(urlmsg, "\n&%s %s - ", colorname(req->httpcolor), req->url); addtostatus(urlmsg); if (req->httpcolor == COL_GREEN) addtostatus("OK"); else { if (req->errorcause) addtostatus(req->errorcause); else addtostatus("failed"); } if (req->bburl.okcodes || req->bburl.badcodes) { char m1[100]; sprintf(m1, " (HTTP status %ld)", req->httpstatus); addtostatus(m1); } addtostatus("\n"); if (req->headers) { addtostatus("\n"); addtostatus(req->headers); } if (req->faileddeps) addtostatus(req->faileddeps); sprintf(urlmsg, "\nSeconds: %5d.%02d\n\n", (unsigned int)req->tcptest->totaltime.tv_sec, (unsigned int)req->tcptest->totaltime.tv_nsec / 10000000 ); addtostatus(urlmsg); xfree(urlmsg); } addtostatus("\n\n"); finish_status(); } /* Send of any HTTP status tests in separate columns */ for (t=firsttest; (t && (t->host == host)); t = t->next) { int color; char msgline[4096]; char *urlmsg; http_data_t *req = (http_data_t *) t->privdata; if ((t->senddata) || (!req->bburl.columnname) || (req->contentcheck != CONTENTCHECK_NONE)) continue; /* Handle the "badtest" stuff */ color = req->httpcolor; if ((color == COL_RED) && (t->downcount < t->badtest[2])) { if (t->downcount >= t->badtest[1]) color = COL_YELLOW; else if (t->downcount >= t->badtest[0]) color = COL_CLEAR; else color = COL_GREEN; } if (nopage && (color == COL_RED)) color = COL_YELLOW; /* Send off the http status report */ init_status(color); sprintf(msgline, "status+%d %s.%s %s %s", validity, commafy(host->hostname), req->bburl.columnname, colorname(color), timestamp); addtostatus(msgline); addtostatus(" : "); addtostatus(req->errorcause ? req->errorcause : "OK"); if (req->bburl.okcodes || req->bburl.badcodes) { char m1[100]; sprintf(m1, " (HTTP status %ld)", req->httpstatus); addtostatus(m1); } addtostatus("\n"); urlmsg = (char *)malloc(1024 + strlen(req->url)); sprintf(urlmsg, "\n&%s %s - ", colorname(req->httpcolor), req->url); addtostatus(urlmsg); xfree(urlmsg); if (req->httpcolor == COL_GREEN) addtostatus("OK"); else { if (req->errorcause) addtostatus(req->errorcause); else addtostatus("failed"); } addtostatus("\n"); if (req->headers) { addtostatus("\n"); addtostatus(req->headers); } if (req->faileddeps) addtostatus(req->faileddeps); sprintf(msgline, "\nSeconds: %5d.%02d\n\n", (unsigned int)req->tcptest->totaltime.tv_sec, (unsigned int)req->tcptest->totaltime.tv_nsec / 10000000 ); addtostatus(msgline); addtostatus("\n\n"); finish_status(); } /* Send off any "data" messages now */ for (t=firsttest; (t && (t->host == host)); t = t->next) { http_data_t *req; char *data = ""; char *msg; if (!t->senddata) continue; req = (http_data_t *) t->privdata; if (req->output) data = req->output; msg = (char *)malloc(1024 + strlen(host->hostname) + strlen(req->bburl.columnname) + strlen(data)); sprintf(msg, "data %s.%s\n%s", commafy(host->hostname), req->bburl.columnname, data); sendmessage(msg, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, NULL); xfree(msg); } xfree(svcname); freestrbuffer(msgtext); }
static void print_host(hostlist_t *host, htnames_t *testnames[], int testcount) { int testi, rowcount, netcount; void *hinfo = hostinfo(host->hostname); char *dispname = NULL, *clientalias = NULL, *comment = NULL, *description = NULL, *pagepathtitle = NULL; char *net = NULL, *nkalerts = NULL; char *nktime = NULL, *downtime = NULL, *reporttime = NULL; char *itm; tag_t *taghead = NULL; int contidx = 0, haveping = 0; char contcol[1024]; activealerts_t *alert; strbuffer_t *buf = newstrbuffer(0); fprintf(stdout, "<p style=\"page-break-before: always\">\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=1 summary=\"%s configuration\">\n", host->hostname); pagepathtitle = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_PAGEPATHTITLE); if (!pagepathtitle || (strlen(pagepathtitle) == 0)) pagepathtitle = "Top page"; dispname = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DISPLAYNAME); if (dispname && (strcmp(dispname, host->hostname) == 0)) dispname = NULL; clientalias = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_CLIENTALIAS); if (clientalias && (strcmp(clientalias, host->hostname) == 0)) clientalias = NULL; comment = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_COMMENT); description = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DESCRIPTION); net = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NET); nkalerts = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NK); nktime = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NKTIME); if (!nktime) nktime = "24x7"; else nktime = strdup(timespec_text(nktime)); downtime = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DOWNTIME); if (downtime) downtime = strdup(timespec_text(downtime)); reporttime = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_REPORTTIME); if (!reporttime) reporttime = "24x7"; else reporttime = strdup(timespec_text(reporttime)); rowcount = 1; if (pagepathtitle) rowcount++; if (dispname || clientalias) rowcount++; if (comment) rowcount++; if (description) rowcount++; if (!newnkconfig && nktime) rowcount++; if (downtime) rowcount++; if (reporttime) rowcount++; fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th rowspan=%d align=left width=\"25%%\" valign=top>Basics</th>\n", rowcount); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=center>%s (%s)</th>\n", (dispname ? dispname : host->hostname), bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_IP)); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); if (dispname || clientalias) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Aliases:"); if (dispname) fprintf(stdout, " %s", dispname); if (clientalias) fprintf(stdout, " %s", clientalias); fprintf(stdout, "</td></tr>\n"); } if (pagepathtitle) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Monitoring location: %s</td></tr>\n", pagepathtitle); if (comment) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Comment: %s</td></tr>\n", comment); if (description) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Description: %s</td></tr>\n", description); if (!newnkconfig && nktime) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>NK monitoring period: %s</td></tr>\n", nktime); if (downtime) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Planned downtime: %s</td></tr>\n", downtime); if (reporttime) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>SLA Reporting Period: %s</td></tr>\n", reporttime); /* Build a list of the network tests */ itm = bbh_item_walk(hinfo); while (itm) { char *visdata = NULL, *colname = NULL, *expdata = NULL; bburl_t bu; int dialuptest = 0, reversetest = 0, alwaystruetest = 0, httpextra = 0; if (*itm == '?') { dialuptest=1; itm++; } if (*itm == '!') { reversetest=1; itm++; } if (*itm == '~') { alwaystruetest=1; itm++; } if ( argnmatch(itm, "http") || argnmatch(itm, "content=http") || argnmatch(itm, "cont;http") || argnmatch(itm, "cont=") || argnmatch(itm, "nocont;http") || argnmatch(itm, "nocont=") || argnmatch(itm, "post;http") || argnmatch(itm, "post=") || argnmatch(itm, "nopost;http") || argnmatch(itm, "nopost=") || argnmatch(itm, "type;http") || argnmatch(itm, "type=") ) { visdata = decode_url(itm, &bu); colname = bu.columnname; if (!colname) { if (bu.expdata) { httpextra = 1; if (contidx == 0) { colname = "content"; contidx++; } else { sprintf(contcol, "content%d", contidx); colname = contcol; contidx++; } } else { colname = "http"; } } expdata = bu.expdata; } else if (strncmp(itm, "rpc=", 4) == 0) { colname = "rpc"; visdata = strdup(itm+4); } else if (strncmp(itm, "dns=", 4) == 0) { colname = "dns"; visdata = strdup(itm+4); } else if (strncmp(itm, "dig=", 4) == 0) { colname = "dns"; visdata = strdup(itm+4); } else if (strncmp(itm, pingplus, strlen(pingplus)) == 0) { haveping = 1; colname = pingcolumn; visdata = strdup(itm+strlen(pingplus)); } else if (is_net_test(itm)) { colname = strdup(itm); } if (colname) { tag_t *newitem; addtolist: for (newitem = taghead; (newitem && strcmp(newitem->columnname, colname)); newitem = newitem->next); if (!newitem) { newitem = (tag_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t)); newitem->columnname = strdup(colname); newitem->visualdata = (visdata ? strdup(visdata) : NULL); newitem->expdata = (expdata ? strdup(expdata) : NULL); newitem->next = taghead; taghead = newitem; } else { /* Multiple tags for one column - must be http */ newitem->visualdata = (char *)realloc(newitem->visualdata, strlen(newitem->visualdata) + strlen(visdata) + 5); strcat(newitem->visualdata, "<br>"); strcat(newitem->visualdata, visdata); } if (httpextra) { httpextra = 0; colname = "http"; expdata = NULL; goto addtolist; } } itm = bbh_item_walk(NULL); } if (!haveping && !bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_FLAG_NOCONN)) { for (testi = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, pingcolumn) == 0) { tag_t *newitem = (tag_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t)); newitem->columnname = strdup(pingcolumn); newitem->next = taghead; taghead = newitem; } } } /* Add the "badFOO" settings */ itm = bbh_item_walk(hinfo); while (itm) { if (strncmp(itm, "bad", 3) == 0) { char *tname, *p; int b1, b2, b3, n = -1; tag_t *tag = NULL; tname = itm+3; p = strchr(tname, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; n = sscanf(p+1, "%d:%d:%d", &b1, &b2, &b3); for (tag = taghead; (tag && strcmp(tag->columnname, tname)); tag = tag->next); *p = ':'; } if (tag && (n == 3)) { tag->b1 = b1; tag->b2 = b2; tag->b3 = b3; } } itm = bbh_item_walk(NULL); } if (taghead) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left valign=top>Network tests"); if (net) fprintf(stdout, "<br>(from %s)", net); fprintf(stdout, "</th>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<td><table border=0 cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"5\" summary=\"%s network tests\">\n", host->hostname); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=left valign=top>Service</th><th align=left valign=top>NK</th><th align=left valign=top>C/Y/R limits</th><th align=left valign=top>Specifics</th></tr>\n"); } for (testi = 0, netcount = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { tag_t *twalk; for (twalk = taghead; (twalk && strcasecmp(twalk->columnname, testnames[testi]->name)); twalk = twalk->next); if (!twalk) continue; use_columndoc(testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<tr>"); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", nkval(host->hostname, testnames[testi]->name, nkalerts)); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>"); if (twalk->b1 || twalk->b2 || twalk->b3) { fprintf(stdout, "%d/%d/%d", twalk->b1, twalk->b2, twalk->b3); } else { fprintf(stdout, "-/-/-"); } fprintf(stdout, "</td>"); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>"); fprintf(stdout, "<i>%s</i>", (twalk->visualdata ? twalk->visualdata : " ")); if (twalk->expdata) fprintf(stdout, " must return <i>'%s'</i>", twalk->expdata); fprintf(stdout, "</td>"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>"); netcount++; } if (taghead) { fprintf(stdout, "</table></td>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); } if (netcount != testcount) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left valign=top>Local tests</th>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<td><table border=0 cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"5\" summary=\"%s local tests\">\n", host->hostname); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=left valign=top>Service</th><th align=left valign=top>NK</th><th align=left valign=top>C/Y/R limits</th><th align=left valign=top>Configuration <i>(NB: Thresholds on client may differ)</i></th></tr>\n"); } for (testi = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { tag_t *twalk; for (twalk = taghead; (twalk && strcasecmp(twalk->columnname, testnames[testi]->name)); twalk = twalk->next); if (twalk) continue; use_columndoc(testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<tr>"); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", nkval(host->hostname, testnames[testi]->name, nkalerts)); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>-/-/-</td>"); /* Make up some default configuration data */ fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>"); if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "cpu") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "UNIX - Yellow: Load average > 1.5, Red: Load average > 3.0<br>"); fprintf(stdout, "Windows - Yellow: CPU utilisation > 80%%, Red: CPU utilisation > 95%%"); } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "disk") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Default limits: Yellow 90%% full, Red 95%% full<br>\n"); print_disklist(host->hostname); } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "memory") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Yellow: swap/pagefile use > 80%%, Red: swap/pagefile use > 90%%"); } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "procs") == 0) { htnames_t *walk; if (!host->procs) fprintf(stdout, "No processes monitored<br>\n"); for (walk = host->procs; (walk); walk = walk->next) { fprintf(stdout, "%s<br>\n", walk->name); } } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "svcs") == 0) { htnames_t *walk; if (!host->svcs) fprintf(stdout, "No services monitored<br>\n"); for (walk = host->svcs; (walk); walk = walk->next) { fprintf(stdout, "%s<br>\n", walk->name); } } else { fprintf(stdout, " "); } fprintf(stdout, "</td>"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>"); } if (netcount != testcount) { fprintf(stdout, "</table></td>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); } /* Do the alerts */ alert = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t)); alert->hostname = host->hostname; alert->location = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_ALLPAGEPATHS); strcpy(alert->ip, ""); alert->color = COL_RED; alert->pagemessage = ""; alert->state = A_PAGING; alert->cookie = 12345; alert_printmode(2); for (testi = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { alert->testname = testnames[testi]->name; if (have_recipient(alert, NULL)) print_alert_recipients(alert, buf); } xfree(alert); if (STRBUFLEN(buf) > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left valign=top>Alerts</th>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<td><table border=0 cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"5\" summary=\"%s alerts\">\n", host->hostname); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th>Service</th><th>Recipient</th><th>1st Delay</th><th>Stop after</th><th>Repeat</th><th>Time of Day</th><th>Colors</th></tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s", STRBUF(buf)); fprintf(stdout, "</table></td>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); } /* Finish off this host */ fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n"); freestrbuffer(buf); }
static void zvm_cpu_report(char *hostname, char *clientclass, enum ostype_t os, void *hinfo, char *fromline, char *timestr, char *cpuutilstr, char *uptimestr) { char *p; float load1, loadyellow, loadred; int recentlimit, ancientlimit, maxclockdiff; int uphour, upmin; char loadresult[100]; char myupstr[100]; long uptimesecs = -1; long upday; int cpucolor = COL_GREEN; char msgline[1024]; strbuffer_t *upmsg; if (!want_msgtype(hinfo, MSG_CPU)) return; if (!cpuutilstr) return; if (!uptimestr) return; uptimesecs = 0; /* * z/VM: "Uptime: 1 Days, 13 Hours, 38 Minutes" */ sscanf(uptimestr,"Uptime: %ld Days, %d Hours, %d Minutes", &upday, &uphour, &upmin); uptimesecs = upday * 86400; uptimesecs += 60*(60*uphour + upmin); sprintf(myupstr, "%s\n", uptimestr); /* * Looking for average CPU Utilization in 'IND' command response * AVGPROC-000% */ *loadresult = '\0'; p = strstr(cpuutilstr, "AVGPROC-") + 8 ; if (p) { if (sscanf(p, "%f%%", &load1) == 1) { sprintf(loadresult, "z/VM CPU Utilization %3.0f%%\n", load1); } } get_cpu_thresholds(hinfo, clientclass, &loadyellow, &loadred, &recentlimit, &ancientlimit, &maxclockdiff); upmsg = newstrbuffer(0); if (load1 > loadred) { cpucolor = COL_RED; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&red Load is CRITICAL\n"); } else if (load1 > loadyellow) { cpucolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Load is HIGH\n"); } if ((uptimesecs != -1) && (recentlimit != -1) && (uptimesecs < recentlimit)) { if (cpucolor == COL_GREEN) cpucolor = COL_YELLOW; addtobuffer(upmsg, "&yellow Machine recently rebooted\n"); } if ((uptimesecs != -1) && (ancientlimit != -1) && (uptimesecs > ancientlimit)) { if (cpucolor == COL_GREEN) cpucolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "&yellow Machine has been up more than %d days\n", (ancientlimit / 86400)); addtobuffer(upmsg, msgline); } init_status(cpucolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.cpu %s %s %s %s %s\n", commafy(hostname), colorname(cpucolor), (timestr ? timestr : "<no timestamp data>"), loadresult, myupstr, cpuutilstr); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(upmsg)) { addtostrstatus(upmsg); addtostatus("\n"); } if (fromline && !localmode) addtostatus(fromline); finish_status(); freestrbuffer(upmsg); }
char *unlimfgets(strbuffer_t *buffer, FILE *fd) { fgetsbuf_t *fg; size_t n; char *eoln = NULL; for (fg = fgetshead; (fg && (fg->fd != fd)); fg = fg->next) ; if (!fg) { errprintf("umlimfgets() called with bad input FD\n"); return NULL; } /* End of file ? */ if (!(fg->moretoread) && (*(fg->inbufp) == '\0')) { if (fg == fgetshead) { fgetshead = fgetshead->next; free(fg); } else { fgetsbuf_t *prev; for (prev = fgetshead; (prev->next != fg); prev = prev->next) ; prev->next = fg->next; free(fg); } return NULL; } /* Make sure the output buffer is empty */ clearstrbuffer(buffer); while (!eoln && (fg->moretoread || *(fg->inbufp))) { int continued = 0; if (*(fg->inbufp)) { /* Have some data in the buffer */ eoln = strchr(fg->inbufp, '\n'); if (eoln) { /* See if there's a continuation character just before the eoln */ char *contchar = eoln-1; while ((contchar > fg->inbufp) && isspace((int)*contchar) && (*contchar != '\\')) contchar--; continued = (*contchar == '\\'); if (continued) { *contchar = '\0'; addtobuffer(buffer, fg->inbufp); fg->inbufp = eoln+1; eoln = NULL; } else { char savech = *(eoln+1); *(eoln+1) = '\0'; addtobuffer(buffer, fg->inbufp); *(eoln+1) = savech; fg->inbufp = eoln+1; } } else { /* No newline in buffer, so add all of it to the output buffer */ addtobuffer(buffer, fg->inbufp); /* Input buffer is now empty */ *(fg->inbuf) = '\0'; fg->inbufp = fg->inbuf; } } if (!eoln && !continued) { /* Get data for the input buffer */ char *inpos = fg->inbuf; size_t insize = sizeof(fg->inbuf); /* If the last byte we read was a continuation char, we must do special stuff. * * Mike Romaniw discovered that if we hit an input with a newline exactly at * the point of a buffer refill, then strlen(*buffer) is 0, and contchar then * points before the start of the buffer. Bad. But this can only happen when * the previous char WAS a newline, and hence it is not a continuation line. * So the simple fix is to only do the cont-char stuff if **buffer is not NUL. * Hence the test for both *buffer and **buffer. */ if (STRBUF(buffer) && *STRBUF(buffer)) { char *contchar = STRBUF(buffer) + STRBUFLEN(buffer) - 1; while ((contchar > STRBUF(buffer)) && isspace((int)*contchar) && (*contchar != '\\')) contchar--; if (*contchar == '\\') { /* * Remove the cont. char from the output buffer, and stuff it into * the input buffer again - so we can check if there's a new-line coming. */ strbufferchop(buffer, 1); *(fg->inbuf) = '\\'; inpos++; insize--; } } n = fread(inpos, 1, insize-1, fd); *(inpos + n) = '\0'; fg->inbufp = fg->inbuf; if (n < insize-1) fg->moretoread = 0; } } return STRBUF(buffer); }
int load_holidays(int year) { static void *configholidays = NULL; char fn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf; holiday_t newholiday; xtreePos_t handle, commonhandle; char *setname = NULL; holidayset_t *commonhols; MEMDEFINE(fn); if (year == 0) { time_t tnow; struct tm *now; tnow = getcurrenttime(NULL); now = localtime(&tnow); year = now->tm_year; } else if (year > 1000) { year -= 1900; } sprintf(fn, "%s/etc/holidays.cfg", xgetenv("XYMONHOME")); /* First check if there were no modifications at all */ if (configholidays) { /* if the new year begins, the holidays have to be recalculated */ if (!stackfmodified(configholidays) && (year == current_year)){ dbgprintf("No files modified, skipping reload of %s\n", fn); MEMUNDEFINE(fn); return 0; } else { stackfclist(&configholidays); configholidays = NULL; } } reset_holidays(); fd = stackfopen(fn, "r", &configholidays); if (!fd) { errprintf("Cannot open configuration file %s\n", fn); MEMUNDEFINE(fn); return 0; } memset(&newholiday,0,sizeof(holiday_t)); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); while (stackfgets(inbuf, NULL)) { char *p, *delim, *arg1, *arg2; sanitize_input(inbuf, 1, 0); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0) continue; p = STRBUF(inbuf); if (strncasecmp(p, "HOLIDAYLIKEWEEKDAY=", 19) == 0) { p+=19; holidays_like_weekday = atoi(p); if (holidays_like_weekday < -1 || holidays_like_weekday > 6) { holidays_like_weekday = -1; errprintf("Invalid HOLIDAYLIKEWEEKDAY in %s\n", fn); } continue; } if (*p == '[') { /* New set of holidays */ if (setname) xfree(setname); delim = strchr(p, ']'); if (delim) *delim = '\0'; setname = strdup(p+1); continue; } delim = strchr(p, ':'); if (delim) { memset(&newholiday,0,sizeof(holiday_t)); if (delim == p) { newholiday.desc = "untitled"; } else { *delim = '\0'; newholiday.desc = p; p=delim+1; } } arg1 = strtok(p, "="); while (arg1) { arg2=strtok(NULL," ,;\t\n\r"); if (!arg2) break; if (strncasecmp(arg1, "TYPE", 4) == 0) { if (strncasecmp(arg2, "STATIC", 6) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_ABSOLUTE; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "EASTER", 6) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_EASTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "4ADVENT", 7) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_ADVENT; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "MON", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_MON; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "TUE", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_TUE; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "WED", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_WED; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "THU", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_THU; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "FRI", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_FRI; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "SAT", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_SAT; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "SUN", 3) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_SUN; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+MON", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_MON_AFTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+TUE", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_TUE_AFTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+WED", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_WED_AFTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+THU", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_THU_AFTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+FRI", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_FRI_AFTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+SAT", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_SAT_AFTER; else if (strncasecmp(arg2, "+SUN", 4) == 0) newholiday.holtype = HOL_SUN_AFTER; } else if (strncasecmp(arg1, "MONTH", 5) == 0) { newholiday.month=atoi(arg2); } else if (strncasecmp(arg1, "DAY", 3) == 0) { newholiday.day=atoi(arg2); } else if (strncasecmp(arg1, "OFFSET", 6) == 0) { newholiday.day=atoi(arg2); } else if (strncasecmp(arg1, "YEAR", 4) == 0) { newholiday.year=atoi(arg2); if (newholiday.year > 1000) { newholiday.year -= 1900; } } arg1 = strtok(NULL,"="); } add_holiday((setname ? setname : ""), year, &newholiday); } stackfclose(fd); freestrbuffer(inbuf); commonhandle = xtreeFind(holidays, ""); commonhols = (commonhandle != xtreeEnd(holidays)) ? (holidayset_t *)xtreeData(holidays, commonhandle) : NULL; for (handle = xtreeFirst(holidays); (handle != xtreeEnd(holidays)); handle = xtreeNext(holidays, handle)) { holidayset_t *oneset = (holidayset_t *)xtreeData(holidays, handle); if (commonhols && (oneset != commonhols)) { /* Add the common holidays to this set */ holiday_t *walk; for (walk = commonhols->head; (walk); walk = walk->next) add_holiday(oneset->key, year, walk); } oneset->head = msort(oneset->head, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext); } MEMUNDEFINE(fn); current_year = year; return 0; }
static int http_datahandler(myconn_t *rec, int iobytes, int startoffset, int *advancestep) { char *endofhdrs; int httpmajorver, httpminorver; char *xferencoding; int len = iobytes; char *bol, *buf; int hdrbytes, bodybytes = 0, bodyoffset, initialhdrbuflen, n; *advancestep = 0; switch (rec->httpdatastate) { case HTTPDATA_HEADERS: initialhdrbuflen = STRBUFLEN(rec->httpheaders); addtobufferraw(rec->httpheaders, rec->readbuf+startoffset, (iobytes - startoffset)); check_for_endofheaders: /* * Now see if we have the end-of-headers delimiter. * This SHOULD be <cr><lf><cr><lf>, but RFC 2616 says * you SHOULD recognize just plain <lf><lf>. * So try the second form, if the first one is not there. */ endofhdrs = strstr(STRBUF(rec->httpheaders), "\r\n\r\n"); if (endofhdrs) { endofhdrs += 4; } else { endofhdrs = strstr(STRBUF(rec->httpheaders), "\n\n"); if (endofhdrs) { endofhdrs += 2; } } if (!endofhdrs) { /* No more to do for now, but pass the databyte-count back to the caller for further processing. */ return iobytes; } else { /* Chop the non-header section of data from the headers */ strbufferchop(rec->httpheaders, strlen(endofhdrs)); } /* We have an end-of-header delimiter, but it could be just a "100 Continue" response */ sscanf(STRBUF(rec->httpheaders), "HTTP/%d.%d %d", &httpmajorver, &httpminorver, &rec->httpstatus); if (rec->httpstatus == 100) { /* * It's a "100" continue-status. * Just drop this set of headers, and re-do the end-of-headers check. */ strbuffer_t *newhdrbuf = newstrbuffer(0); addtobuffer(newhdrbuf, endofhdrs); freestrbuffer(rec->httpheaders); rec->httpheaders = newhdrbuf; goto check_for_endofheaders; } /* Have all the http headers now */ rec->httpdatastate = HTTPDATA_BODY; /* * Find the "Transfer-encoding: " header (if there is one) to see if the transfer uses chunks, * and grab "Content-Length:" to get the length of the body. */ xferencoding = NULL; bol = STRBUF(rec->httpheaders); while (bol && !xferencoding && !rec->httpcontentleft) { if (strncasecmp(bol, "Transfer-encoding:", 18) == 0) { bol += 18; bol += strspn(bol, " "); xferencoding = bol; } else if (strncasecmp(bol, "Content-Length:", 15) == 0) { bol += 15; bol += strspn(bol, " "); rec->httpcontentleft = atoi(bol); } else { bol = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (bol) bol++; } } if (xferencoding && (strncasecmp(xferencoding, "chunked", 7) == 0)) rec->httpchunkstate = HTTP_CHUNK_INIT; else { rec->httpchunkstate = (rec->httpcontentleft > 0) ? HTTP_CHUNK_NOTCHUNKED : HTTP_CHUNK_NOTCHUNKED_NOCLEN; } /* Done with all the http header processing. Call ourselves to handle any remaining data we got after the headers */ /* * To figure out how this works, here is the layout of rec->httpheaders. The first * (initialhdrbuflen) part is what we had before this call to http_datahandler, the * last (iobytes) part has been copied over from the current rec->buf. * endofhdrs points into rec->httpheaders. bodyoffset and bodybytes are relative, * so even though the body data is in rec->buf and NOT in rec->httpheaders, we can * calculate the offset and length of the body data. * * endofhdrs * ! * !-----------------------------!----------------------------! * * <......initialhdrbuflen.......> * <.........iobytes............> * <...............hdrbytes.....................> * <..bodyoffset..> * <..bodybytes..> */ hdrbytes = (endofhdrs - STRBUF(rec->httpheaders)); bodyoffset = hdrbytes - initialhdrbuflen; bodybytes = iobytes - bodyoffset; http_datahandler(rec, bodybytes, bodyoffset, advancestep); break; case HTTPDATA_BODY: buf = rec->readbuf+startoffset; while (len > 0) { bodybytes = 0; switch (rec->httpchunkstate) { case HTTP_CHUNK_NOTCHUNKED: case HTTP_CHUNK_NOTCHUNKED_NOCLEN: bodybytes = len; break; case HTTP_CHUNK_INIT: /* We're about to pick up a chunk length */ rec->httpleftinchunk = 0; rec->httpchunkstate = HTTP_CHUNK_GETLEN; break; case HTTP_CHUNK_GETLEN: /* We are collecting the length of the chunk */ n = hexvalue(*buf); if (n == -1) { rec->httpchunkstate = HTTP_CHUNK_SKIPLENCR; } else { rec->httpleftinchunk = rec->httpleftinchunk*16 + n; buf++; len--; } break; case HTTP_CHUNK_SKIPLENCR: /* We've got the length, now skip to the next LF */ if (*buf == '\n') { buf++; len--; rec->httpchunkstate = ((rec->httpleftinchunk > 0) ? HTTP_CHUNK_DATA : HTTP_CHUNK_NOMORE); } else if ((*buf == '\r') || (*buf == ' ')) { buf++; len--; } else { errprintf("Yikes - strange data following chunk len. Saw a '%c'\n", *buf); buf++; len--; } break; case HTTP_CHUNK_DATA: /* Passing off the data */ bodybytes = (len > rec->httpleftinchunk) ? rec->httpleftinchunk : len; rec->httpleftinchunk -= bodybytes; if (rec->httpleftinchunk == 0) rec->httpchunkstate = HTTP_CHUNK_SKIPENDCR; break; case HTTP_CHUNK_SKIPENDCR: /* Skip CR/LF after a chunk */ if (*buf == '\n') { buf++; len--; rec->httpchunkstate = HTTP_CHUNK_DONE; } else if (*buf == '\r') { buf++; len--; } else { errprintf("Yikes - strange data following chunk data. Saw a '%c'\n", *buf); buf++; len--; } break; case HTTP_CHUNK_DONE: /* One chunk is done, continue with the next */ rec->httpchunkstate = HTTP_CHUNK_GETLEN; break; case HTTP_CHUNK_NOMORE: /* All chunks done. Skip the rest (trailers) */ len = 0; break; } /* bodybytes holds the number of bytes data from buf that should go to userspace */ if (bodybytes > 0) { addtobufferraw(rec->httpbody, buf, bodybytes); buf += bodybytes; len -= bodybytes; if ((rec->httpcontentleft > 0) && (rec->httpcontentleft >= bodybytes)) rec->httpcontentleft -= bodybytes; dbgprintf("HTTP bodybytes %d, %d bytes left\n", bodybytes, rec->httpcontentleft); } } /* Done processing body content. Now see if we have all of it - if we do, then proceed to next step. */ dbgprintf("http chunkstate: %d\n",rec->httpchunkstate); switch (rec->httpchunkstate) { case HTTP_CHUNK_NOTCHUNKED: if (rec->httpcontentleft <= 0) *advancestep = 1; break; case HTTP_CHUNK_NOTCHUNKED_NOCLEN: /* We have no content-length: header, so keep going until we do two NULL-reads */ if ((rec->httplastbodyread == 0) && (bodybytes == 0)) *advancestep = 1; else rec->httplastbodyread = bodybytes; break; case HTTP_CHUNK_NOMORE: *advancestep = 1; break; default: break; } break; } return iobytes; }
static void loadtests(void) { static time_t lastupdate = 0; static char *fn = NULL; struct stat st; FILE *fd; strbuffer_t *inbuf; if (!fn) { fn = (char *)malloc(1024 + strlen(xgetenv("XYMONHOME"))); *fn = '\0'; } sprintf(fn, "%s/etc/combo.cfg", xgetenv("XYMONHOME")); if ((stat(fn, &st) == 0) && (st.st_mtime == lastupdate)) return; lastupdate = st.st_mtime; fd = stackfopen(fn, "r", NULL); if (fd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot open %s/combo.cfg\n", xgetenv("XYMONHOME")); *fn = '\0'; return; } flush_testlist(); inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); while (stackfgets(inbuf, NULL)) { char *p, *comment; char *inp, *outp; p = strchr(STRBUF(inbuf), '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; /* Strip whitespace */ for (inp=outp=STRBUF(inbuf); ((*inp >= ' ') && (*inp != '#')); inp++) { if (isspace((int)*inp)) { } else { *outp = *inp; outp++; } } *outp = '\0'; if (strlen(inp)) memmove(outp, inp, strlen(inp)+1); strbufferrecalc(inbuf); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) && (*STRBUF(inbuf) != '#') && (p = strchr(STRBUF(inbuf), '=')) ) { testspec_t *newtest; char *hname, *tname; hname = gethname(STRBUF(inbuf)); tname = gettname(STRBUF(inbuf)); if (hname && tname) { *p = '\0'; comment = strchr(p+1, '#'); if (comment) *comment = '\0'; newtest = (testspec_t *) malloc(sizeof(testspec_t)); newtest->reshostname = strdup(gethname(STRBUF(inbuf))); newtest->restestname = strdup(gettname(STRBUF(inbuf))); newtest->expression = strdup(p+1); newtest->comment = (comment ? strdup(comment+1) : NULL); newtest->resultexpr = NULL; newtest->valuelist = NULL; newtest->result = -1; newtest->errbuf = NULL; newtest->next = testhead; testhead = newtest; testcount++; } else { errprintf("Invalid combo test %s - missing host/test names. Perhaps you need to escape dashes?\n", STRBUF(inbuf)); } } } stackfclose(fd); freestrbuffer(inbuf); }
int do_external_rrd(char *hostname, char *testname, char *classname, char *pagepaths, char *msg, time_t tstamp) { pid_t childpid; dbgprintf("-> do_external(%s, %s)\n", hostname, testname); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { FILE *fd; char fn[PATH_MAX]; enum { R_DEFS, R_FN, R_DATA, R_NEXT } pstate; FILE *extfd; char extcmd[2*PATH_MAX]; strbuffer_t *inbuf; char *p; char **params = NULL; int paridx = 0; pid_t mypid = getpid(); MEMDEFINE(fn); MEMDEFINE(extcmd); sprintf(fn, "%s/rrd_msg_%d", xgetenv("XYMONTMP"), (int) getpid()); dbgprintf("%09d : Saving msg to file %s\n", (int)mypid, fn); fd = fopen(fn, "w"); if (fd == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot create temp file %s\n", fn); exit(1); } if (fwrite(msg, strlen(msg), 1, fd) != 1) { errprintf("Error writing to file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); exit(1) ; } if (fclose(fd)) errprintf("Error closing file %s: %s\n", fn, strerror(errno)); /* * Disable the RRD update cache. * We cannot use the cache, because this child * process terminates without flushing the cache, * and it cannot feed the update-data back to the * parent process which owns the cache. So using * an external handler means the updates will be * sync'ed to disk immediately. * * NB: It is OK to do this now and not re-enable it, * since we're running in the external helper * child process - so this only affects the current * update. * * Thanks to Graham Nayler for the analysis. */ use_rrd_cache = 0; inbuf = newstrbuffer(0); /* Now call the external helper */ sprintf(extcmd, "%s %s %s %s", exthandler, hostname, testname, fn); dbgprintf("%09d : Calling helper script %s\n", (int)mypid, extcmd); extfd = popen(extcmd, "r"); if (extfd) { pstate = R_DEFS; initfgets(extfd); while (unlimfgets(inbuf, extfd)) { p = strchr(STRBUF(inbuf), '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; dbgprintf("%09d : Helper input '%s'\n", (int)mypid, STRBUF(inbuf)); if (STRBUFLEN(inbuf) == 0) continue; if (pstate == R_NEXT) { /* After doing one set of data, allow script to re-use the same DS defs */ if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "DS:", 3) == 0) { /* New DS definitions, scratch the old ones */ if (params) { for (paridx=0; (params[paridx] != NULL); paridx++) xfree(params[paridx]); xfree(params); params = NULL; } pstate = R_DEFS; } else pstate = R_FN; } switch (pstate) { case R_DEFS: if (params == NULL) { params = (char **)calloc(1, sizeof(char *)); paridx = 0; } if (strncasecmp(STRBUF(inbuf), "DS:", 3) == 0) { /* Dataset definition */ params[paridx] = strdup(STRBUF(inbuf)); paridx++; params = (char **)realloc(params, (1 + paridx)*sizeof(char *)); params[paridx] = NULL; break; } else { /* No more DS defs */ pstate = R_FN; } /* Fall through */ case R_FN: setupfn("%s", STRBUF(inbuf)); pstate = R_DATA; break; case R_DATA: snprintf(rrdvalues, sizeof(rrdvalues)-1, "%d:%s", (int)tstamp, STRBUF(inbuf)); rrdvalues[sizeof(rrdvalues)-1] = '\0'; create_and_update_rrd(hostname, testname, classname, pagepaths, params, NULL); pstate = R_NEXT; break; case R_NEXT: /* Should not happen */ break; } } pclose(extfd); } else { errprintf("Pipe open of RRD handler failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (params) { for (paridx=0; (params[paridx] != NULL); paridx++) xfree(params[paridx]); xfree(params); } dbgprintf("%09d : Unlinking temp file\n", (int)mypid); unlink(fn); freestrbuffer(inbuf); exit(0); } else if (childpid > 0) { /* Parent continues */ } else { errprintf("Fork failed in RRD handler: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } dbgprintf("<- do_external(%s, %s)\n", hostname, testname); return 0; }
char *bbh_item(void *hostin, enum bbh_item_t item) { static char *result; static char intbuf[10]; static char *inttxt = NULL; static strbuffer_t *rawtxt = NULL; char *p; namelist_t *host = (namelist_t *)hostin; namelist_t *hwalk; if (rawtxt == NULL) rawtxt = newstrbuffer(0); if (inttxt == NULL) inttxt = (char *)malloc(10); if (host == NULL) return NULL; switch (item) { case BBH_CLIENTALIAS: return host->clientname; case BBH_IP: return host->ip; case BBH_CLASS: if (host->classname) return host->classname; else return bbh_find_item(host, item); break; case BBH_OS: if (host->osname) return host->osname; else return bbh_find_item(host, item); break; case BBH_HOSTNAME: return host->bbhostname; case BBH_PAGENAME: p = strrchr(host->page->pagepath, '/'); if (p) return (p+1); else return host->page->pagepath; case BBH_PAGEPATH: return host->page->pagepath; case BBH_PAGETITLE: p = strrchr(host->page->pagetitle, '/'); if (p) return (p+1); /* else: Fall through */ case BBH_PAGEPATHTITLE: if (strlen(host->page->pagetitle)) return host->page->pagetitle; return "Top Page"; case BBH_PAGEINDEX: sprintf(intbuf, "%d", host->pageindex); return intbuf; case BBH_ALLPAGEPATHS: if (rawtxt) clearstrbuffer(rawtxt); hwalk = host; while (hwalk && (strcmp(hwalk->bbhostname, host->bbhostname) == 0)) { if (STRBUFLEN(rawtxt) > 0) addtobuffer(rawtxt, ","); addtobuffer(rawtxt, hwalk->page->pagepath); hwalk = hwalk->next; } return STRBUF(rawtxt); case BBH_GROUPID: return host->groupid; case BBH_DOCURL: p = bbh_find_item(host, item); if (p) { if (result) xfree(result); result = (char *)malloc(strlen(p) + strlen(host->bbhostname) + 1); sprintf(result, p, host->bbhostname); return result; } else return NULL; case BBH_DOWNTIME: if (host->downtime) return host->downtime; else if (host->defaulthost) return host->defaulthost->downtime; else return NULL; case BBH_RAW: if (rawtxt) clearstrbuffer(rawtxt); p = bbh_item_walk(host); while (p) { addtobuffer(rawtxt, nlencode(p)); p = bbh_item_walk(NULL); if (p) addtobuffer(rawtxt, "|"); } return STRBUF(rawtxt); case BBH_HOLIDAYS: p = bbh_find_item(host, item); if (!p) p = getenv("HOLIDAYS"); return p; case BBH_DATA: return host->data; default: return bbh_find_item(host, item); } return NULL; }