예제 #1
파일: sv_client.cpp 프로젝트: Avygeil/NewJK
void SV_ClientEnterWorld( client_t *client, usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	int		clientNum;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_PRIMED to CS_ACTIVE for %s\n", client->name );
	client->state = CS_ACTIVE;

	// resend all configstrings using the cs commands since these are
	// no longer sent when the client is CS_PRIMED
	SV_UpdateConfigstrings( client );

	// set up the entity for the client
	clientNum = client - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	ent->s.number = clientNum;
	client->gentity = ent;

	client->lastUserInfoChange = 0; //reset the delay
	client->lastUserInfoCount = 0; //reset the count

	client->deltaMessage = -1;
	client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;	// generate a snapshot immediately

		memcpy(&client->lastUsercmd, cmd, sizeof(client->lastUsercmd));
		memset(&client->lastUsercmd, '\0', sizeof(client->lastUsercmd));

	// call the game begin function
	GVM_ClientBegin( client - svs.clients );

예제 #2
파일: sv_init.cpp 프로젝트: dpadgett/OpenJK

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
This is NOT called for map_restart
void SV_SpawnServer( char *server, qboolean killBots, ForceReload_e eForceReload ) {
	int			i;
	int			checksum;
	qboolean	isBot;
	char		systemInfo[16384];
	const char	*p;



	re->RegisterMedia_LevelLoadBegin(server, eForceReload);

	// shut down the existing game if it is running
	svs.gameStarted = qfalse;

	Com_Printf ("------ Server Initialization ------\n");
	Com_Printf ("Server: %s\n",server);

Ghoul2 Insert Start
 	// de allocate the snapshot entities
	if (svs.snapshotEntities)
		delete[] svs.snapshotEntities;
		svs.snapshotEntities = NULL;
Ghoul2 Insert End


	// if not running a dedicated server CL_MapLoading will connect the client to the server
	// also print some status stuff

	// make sure all the client stuff is unloaded
	CL_ShutdownAll( qfalse );


	// clear the whole hunk because we're (re)loading the server


	// init client structures and svs.numSnapshotEntities
	if ( !Cvar_VariableValue("sv_running") ) {
	} else {
		// check for maxclients change
		if ( sv_maxclients->modified ) {


Ghoul2 Insert Start
 	// clear out those shaders, images and Models as long as this
	// isnt a dedicated server.
	if ( !com_dedicated->integer )


	if (com_dedicated->integer)


	// clear pak references

Ghoul2 Insert Start
	// allocate the snapshot entities on the hunk
//	svs.snapshotEntities = (struct entityState_s *)Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities, h_high );
	svs.nextSnapshotEntities = 0;

	// allocate the snapshot entities
	svs.snapshotEntities = new entityState_s[svs.numSnapshotEntities];
	// we CAN afford to do this here, since we know the STL vectors in Ghoul2 are empty
	memset(svs.snapshotEntities, 0, sizeof(entityState_t)*svs.numSnapshotEntities);

Ghoul2 Insert End

	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// server has changed
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// set nextmap to the same map, but it may be overriden
	// by the game startup or another console command
	Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "map_restart 0");
//	Cvar_Set( "nextmap", va("map %s", server) );

	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		// save when the server started for each client already connected
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			svs.clients[i].oldServerTime = svs.time;

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
		sv.configstrings[i] = CopyString("");

	//rww - RAGDOLL_END

	// make sure we are not paused
	Cvar_Set("cl_paused", "0");

	// get a new checksum feed and restart the file system
	sv.checksumFeed = ( ((int) rand() << 16) ^ rand() ) ^ Com_Milliseconds();
	FS_Restart( sv.checksumFeed );

	CM_LoadMap( va("maps/%s.bsp", server), qfalse, &checksum );


	// set serverinfo visible name
	Cvar_Set( "mapname", server );

	Cvar_Set( "sv_mapChecksum", va("%i",checksum) );

	// serverid should be different each time
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	sv.restartedServerId = sv.serverId; // I suppose the init here is just to be safe
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	time( &sv.realMapTimeStarted );
	sv.demosPruned = qfalse;

	// clear physics interaction links
	SV_ClearWorld ();

	// media configstring setting should be done during
	// the loading stage, so connected clients don't have
	// to load during actual gameplay
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;

	// load and spawn all other entities

	// don't allow a map_restart if game is modified
	sv_gametype->modified = qfalse;

	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		//rww - RAGDOLL_END
		GVM_RunFrame( sv.time );
		SV_BotFrame( sv.time );
		sv.time += 100;
		svs.time += 100;
	//rww - RAGDOLL_END

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	SV_CreateBaseline ();

	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if (svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED) {
			char	*denied;

			if ( svs.clients[i].netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) {
				if ( killBots ) {
					SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], "" );
				isBot = qtrue;
			else {
				isBot = qfalse;

			// connect the client again
			denied = GVM_ClientConnect( i, qfalse, isBot );	// firstTime = qfalse
			if ( denied ) {
				// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
				// was connected before the level change
				SV_DropClient( &svs.clients[i], denied );
			} else {
				if( !isBot ) {
					// when we get the next packet from a connected client,
					// the new gamestate will be sent
					svs.clients[i].state = CS_CONNECTED;
				else {
					client_t		*client;
					sharedEntity_t	*ent;

					client = &svs.clients[i];
					client->state = CS_ACTIVE;
					ent = SV_GentityNum( i );
					ent->s.number = i;
					client->gentity = ent;

					client->deltaMessage = -1;
					client->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;	// generate a snapshot immediately

					GVM_ClientBegin( i );

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	GVM_RunFrame( sv.time );
	SV_BotFrame( sv.time );
	sv.time += 100;
	svs.time += 100;
	//rww - RAGDOLL_END

	if ( sv_pure->integer ) {
		// the server sends these to the clients so they will only
		// load pk3s also loaded at the server
		p = FS_LoadedPakChecksums();
		Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", p );
		if (strlen(p) == 0) {
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: sv_pure set but no PK3 files loaded\n" );
		p = FS_LoadedPakNames();
		Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", p );

		// if a dedicated pure server we need to touch the cgame because it could be in a
		// seperate pk3 file and the client will need to load the latest cgame.qvm
		if ( com_dedicated->integer ) {
	else {
		Cvar_Set( "sv_paks", "" );
		Cvar_Set( "sv_pakNames", "" );
	// the server sends these to the clients so they can figure
	// out which pk3s should be auto-downloaded
	p = FS_ReferencedPakChecksums();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPaks", p );
	p = FS_ReferencedPakNames();
	Cvar_Set( "sv_referencedPakNames", p );

	// save systeminfo and serverinfo strings
	Q_strncpyz( systemInfo, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ), sizeof( systemInfo ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;
	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, systemInfo );

	SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );
	cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;

	// any media configstring setting now should issue a warning
	// and any configstring changes should be reliably transmitted
	// to all clients
	sv.state = SS_GAME;

	// send a heartbeat now so the master will get up to date info


	/* MrE: 2000-09-13: now called in CL_DownloadsComplete
	// don't call when running dedicated
	if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) {
		// note that this is called after setting the hunk mark with Hunk_SetMark

	for ( client_t *client = svs.clients; client - svs.clients < sv_maxclients->integer; client++) {
		// bots will not request gamestate, so it must be manually sent
		// cannot do this above where it says it will because mapname is not set at that time
		if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT && client->demo.demorecording ) {
			SV_SendClientGameState( client );

예제 #3

Completely restarts a level, but doesn't send a new gamestate to the clients.
This allows fair starts with variable load times.
static void SV_MapRestart_f( void ) {
	int			i;
	client_t	*client;
	char		*denied;
	qboolean	isBot;
	int			delay;

	// make sure we aren't restarting twice in the same frame
	if ( com_frameTime == sv.serverId ) {

	// make sure server is running
	if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "Server is not running.\n" );

	if ( sv.restartTime ) {

	if (Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
		delay = atoi( Cmd_Argv(1) );
	else {
		delay = 5;
	if( delay ) {
		sv.restartTime = sv.time + delay * 1000;
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va("%i", sv.restartTime) );

	// check for changes in variables that can't just be restarted
	// check for maxclients change
	if ( sv_maxclients->modified || sv_gametype->modified ) {
		char	mapname[MAX_QPATH];

		Com_Printf( "variable change -- restarting.\n" );
		// restart the map the slow way
		Q_strncpyz( mapname, Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ), sizeof( mapname ) );

		SV_SpawnServer( mapname, qfalse, eForceReload_NOTHING );


	// toggle the server bit so clients can detect that a
	// map_restart has happened
	svs.snapFlagServerBit ^= SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT;

	// generate a new serverid
	// TTimo - don't update restartedserverId there, otherwise we won't deal correctly with multiple map_restart
	sv.serverId = com_frameTime;
	Cvar_Set( "sv_serverid", va("%i", sv.serverId ) );

	time( &sv.realMapTimeStarted );
	sv.demosPruned = qfalse;

	// if a map_restart occurs while a client is changing maps, we need
	// to give them the correct time so that when they finish loading
	// they don't violate the backwards time check in cl_cgame.c
	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		if (svs.clients[i].state == CS_PRIMED) {
			svs.clients[i].oldServerTime = sv.restartTime;

	// reset all the vm data in place without changing memory allocation
	// note that we do NOT set sv.state = SS_LOADING, so configstrings that
	// had been changed from their default values will generate broadcast updates
	sv.state = SS_LOADING;
	sv.restarting = qtrue;


	// run a few frames to allow everything to settle
	for ( i = 0 ;i < 3 ; i++ ) {
		GVM_RunFrame( sv.time );
		sv.time += 100;
		svs.time += 100;

	sv.state = SS_GAME;
	sv.restarting = qfalse;

	// connect and begin all the clients
	for (i=0 ; i<sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		client = &svs.clients[i];

		// send the new gamestate to all connected clients
		if ( client->state < CS_CONNECTED) {

		if ( client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT ) {
			isBot = qtrue;
		} else {
			isBot = qfalse;

		// add the map_restart command
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, "map_restart\n" );

		// connect the client again, without the firstTime flag
		denied = GVM_ClientConnect( i, qfalse, isBot );
		if ( denied ) {
			// this generally shouldn't happen, because the client
			// was connected before the level change
			SV_DropClient( client, denied );
			Com_Printf( "SV_MapRestart_f(%d): dropped client %i - denied!\n", delay, i );

		if(client->state == CS_ACTIVE)
			SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, &client->lastUsercmd);
			// If we don't reset client->lastUsercmd and are restarting during map load,
			// the client will hang because we'll use the last Usercmd from the previous map,
			// which is wrong obviously.
			SV_ClientEnterWorld(client, NULL);

	// run another frame to allow things to look at all the players
	GVM_RunFrame( sv.time );
	sv.time += 100;
	svs.time += 100;
