예제 #1
* SV_SpawnServer
* Change the server to a new map, taking all connected clients along with it.
static void SV_SpawnServer( const char *server, qboolean devmap )
	unsigned checksum;
	int i;

	if( devmap )
		Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_cheats", "1" );

	Com_Printf( "------- Server Initialization -------\n" );
	Com_Printf( "SpawnServer: %s\n", server );

	svs.spawncount++;   // any partially connected client will be restarted

	Com_SetServerState( ss_dead );

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	memset( &sv, 0, sizeof( sv ) );
	svs.realtime = 0;
	svs.gametime = 0;

	Q_strncpyz( sv.mapname, server, sizeof( sv.mapname ) );


	sv.nextSnapTime = 1000;

	Q_snprintfz( sv.configstrings[CS_WORLDMODEL], sizeof( sv.configstrings[CS_WORLDMODEL] ), "maps/%s.bsp", server );
	CM_LoadMap( svs.cms, sv.configstrings[CS_WORLDMODEL], qfalse, &checksum );

	Q_snprintfz( sv.configstrings[CS_MAPCHECKSUM], sizeof( sv.configstrings[CS_MAPCHECKSUM] ), "%i", checksum );

	// reserve the first modelIndexes for inline models
	for( i = 1; i < CM_NumInlineModels( svs.cms ); i++ )
		Q_snprintfz( sv.configstrings[CS_MODELS + i], sizeof( sv.configstrings[CS_MODELS + i] ), "*%i", i );

	// set serverinfo variable
	Cvar_FullSet( "mapname", sv.mapname, CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_READONLY, qtrue );

	// spawn the rest of the entities on the map

	// precache and static commands can be issued during
	// map initialization
	sv.state = ss_loading;
	Com_SetServerState( sv.state );

	// set purelist

	// load and spawn all other entities
	ge->InitLevel( sv.mapname, CM_EntityString( svs.cms ), CM_EntityStringLen( svs.cms ), 0, svs.gametime, svs.realtime );

	// run two frames to allow everything to settle
	ge->RunFrame( svc.snapFrameTime, svs.gametime );
	ge->RunFrame( svc.snapFrameTime, svs.gametime );

	SV_CreateBaseline(); // create a baseline for more efficient communications

	// all precaches are complete
	sv.state = ss_game;
	Com_SetServerState( sv.state );

	Com_Printf( "-------------------------------------\n" );
예제 #2
* SV_InitGameProgs
* Init the game subsystem for a new map
void SV_InitGameProgs( void )
	int apiversion;
	game_import_t import;
	void *( *builtinAPIfunc )(void *) = NULL;
	char manifest[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	builtinAPIfunc = GetGameAPI;

	// unload anything we have now
	if( ge )

	sv_gameprogspool = _Mem_AllocPool( NULL, "Game Progs", MEMPOOL_GAMEPROGS, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

	// load a new game dll
	import.Print = PF_dprint;
	import.Error = PF_error;
	import.GameCmd = PF_GameCmd;

	import.inPVS = PF_inPVS;

	import.CM_TransformedPointContents = PF_CM_TransformedPointContents;
	import.CM_TransformedBoxTrace = PF_CM_TransformedBoxTrace;
	import.CM_RoundUpToHullSize = PF_CM_RoundUpToHullSize;
	import.CM_NumInlineModels = PF_CM_NumInlineModels;
	import.CM_InlineModel = PF_CM_InlineModel;
	import.CM_InlineModelBounds = PF_CM_InlineModelBounds;
	import.CM_ModelForBBox = PF_CM_ModelForBBox;
	import.CM_OctagonModelForBBox = PF_CM_OctagonModelForBBox;
	import.CM_AreasConnected = PF_CM_AreasConnected;
	import.CM_SetAreaPortalState = PF_CM_SetAreaPortalState;
	import.CM_BoxLeafnums = PF_CM_BoxLeafnums;
	import.CM_LeafCluster = PF_CM_LeafCluster;
	import.CM_LeafArea = PF_CM_LeafArea;

	import.Milliseconds = Sys_Milliseconds;

	import.ModelIndex = SV_ModelIndex;
	import.SoundIndex = SV_SoundIndex;
	import.ImageIndex = SV_ImageIndex;
	import.SkinIndex = SV_SkinIndex;

	import.ConfigString = PF_ConfigString;
	import.GetConfigString = PF_GetConfigString;
	import.PureSound = PF_PureSound;
	import.PureModel = PF_PureModel;

	import.FS_FOpenFile = FS_FOpenFile;
	import.FS_Read = FS_Read;
	import.FS_Write = FS_Write;
	import.FS_Print = FS_Print;
	import.FS_Tell = FS_Tell;
	import.FS_Seek = FS_Seek;
	import.FS_Eof = FS_Eof;
	import.FS_Flush = FS_Flush;
	import.FS_FCloseFile = FS_FCloseFile;
	import.FS_RemoveFile = FS_RemoveFile;
	import.FS_GetFileList = FS_GetFileList;
	import.FS_FirstExtension = FS_FirstExtension;
	import.FS_MoveFile = FS_MoveFile;
	import.FS_IsUrl = FS_IsUrl;
	import.FS_FileMTime = FS_BaseFileMTime;
	import.FS_RemoveDirectory = FS_RemoveDirectory;

	import.Mem_Alloc = PF_MemAlloc;
	import.Mem_Free = PF_MemFree;

	import.Dynvar_Create = Dynvar_Create;
	import.Dynvar_Destroy = Dynvar_Destroy;
	import.Dynvar_Lookup = Dynvar_Lookup;
	import.Dynvar_GetName = Dynvar_GetName;
	import.Dynvar_GetValue = Dynvar_GetValue;
	import.Dynvar_SetValue = Dynvar_SetValue;
	import.Dynvar_AddListener = Dynvar_AddListener;
	import.Dynvar_RemoveListener = Dynvar_RemoveListener;

	import.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
	import.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set;
	import.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue;
	import.Cvar_ForceSet = Cvar_ForceSet;
	import.Cvar_Value = Cvar_Value;
	import.Cvar_String = Cvar_String;

	import.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
	import.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
	import.Cmd_Args = Cmd_Args;
	import.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand;
	import.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand;

	import.ML_Update = ML_Update;
	import.ML_GetMapByNum = ML_GetMapByNum;
	import.ML_FilenameExists = ML_FilenameExists;
	import.ML_GetFullname = ML_GetFullname;

	import.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText;
	import.Cbuf_Execute = Cbuf_Execute;

	import.FakeClientConnect = SVC_FakeConnect;
	import.DropClient = PF_DropClient;
	import.GetClientState = PF_GetClientState;
	import.ExecuteClientThinks = SV_ExecuteClientThinks;

	import.LocateEntities = SV_LocateEntities;

	import.asGetAngelExport = Com_asGetAngelExport;

	import.GetStatQueryAPI = PF_StatQuery_GetAPI;
	import.MM_SendQuery = SV_MM_SendQuery;
	import.MM_GameState = SV_MM_GameState;

	// clear module manifest string
	assert( sizeof( manifest ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING );
	memset( manifest, 0, sizeof( manifest ) );

	if( builtinAPIfunc ) {
		ge = builtinAPIfunc( &import );
	else {
		ge = (game_export_t *)Com_LoadGameLibrary( "game", "GetGameAPI", &module_handle, &import, false, manifest );
	if( !ge )
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Failed to load game DLL" );

	AC_LoadLibrary( (void *) &import, (void *) ge, ANTICHEAT_SERVER );	// impulZ: Refire AC Init

	apiversion = ge->API();
	if( apiversion != GAME_API_VERSION )
		Com_UnloadGameLibrary( &module_handle );
		Mem_FreePool( &sv_gameprogspool );
		ge = NULL;
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Game is version %i, not %i", apiversion, GAME_API_VERSION );

	Cvar_ForceSet( "sv_modmanifest", manifest );


	ge->Init( time( NULL ), svc.snapFrameTime, APP_PROTOCOL_VERSION, APP_DEMO_EXTENSION_STR );