예제 #1
// play demo from binary file -------------------------------------------------
int Cmd_PlayBinaryDemoFile( char *command )
	// play_command ::= 'play' <demo_name>
	// demo_name    ::= "valid script name"

	ASSERT( command != NULL );

	// split off argument (name of demo)
	char *demoname = strtok( command, " " );
	if ( demoname == NULL ) {
		CON_AddLine( arg_missing );
		return TRUE;

	// check for too many arguments
	if ( strtok( NULL, " " ) != NULL ) {
		CON_AddLine( too_many_args );
		return TRUE;

	// exit if currently replaying
	if ( DEMO_BinaryReplayActive() ) {
		CON_AddLine( "demo replay already in progress." );
		return TRUE;

	// remember demo name for cut output
	SetDemoCutName( demoname );

	// open demo file
	FILE *fp = DEMO_BinaryOpenDemo( demoname );
	if ( fp == NULL ) {
		CON_AddLine( "demo file not found." );
		return TRUE;

	// read demo data as one big block
	if ( !DEMO_BinaryReadDemo( fp, TRUE, TRUE ) ) {
		SYS_fclose( fp );
		return TRUE;

	// close file since it has been read in its entirety
	SYS_fclose( fp );

	// timedemo is allowed

	// start loaded demo
	DEMO_BinaryStartDemo( TRUE, TRUE );

	return TRUE;
예제 #2
// fetch and store info from headers of all registered demos ------------------
void CreateRegisteredDemoInfo()
	for ( int cdem = 0; cdem < num_registered_demos; cdem++ ) {

		FILE *fp = DEMO_BinaryOpenDemo( registered_demo_names[ cdem ] );
		if ( fp != NULL ) {

			DEMO_ParseDemoHeader( fp, cdem, FALSE );
			SYS_fclose( fp );
예제 #3
// start binary demo replay from menu -----------------------------------------
int DEMO_PlayFromMenu( const char *demoname )
	ASSERT( demoname != NULL );

	// exit if currently replaying
	if ( DEMO_BinaryReplayActive() ) {
		return FALSE;

	// remember demo name for cut output
	SetDemoCutName( demoname );

	// open demo file
	FILE *fp = DEMO_BinaryOpenDemo( demoname );
	if ( fp == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;

	// read demo data as one big block
	if ( !DEMO_BinaryReadDemo( fp, TRUE, TRUE ) ) {
		SYS_fclose( fp );
		return FALSE;

	// close file since it has been read in its entirety
	SYS_fclose( fp );

	// timedemo is allowed

	// start loaded demo
	DEMO_BinaryStartDemo( FALSE, TRUE );

	// no user interference allowed

	return TRUE;
예제 #4
// play demo from binary file behind menu -------------------------------------
int DEMO_PlayBehindMenu( const char *demoname )
	ASSERT( demoname != NULL );

	// only possible if we are not yet connected
	if ( NetConnected )
		return FALSE;

	// exit if currently replaying
	if ( DEMO_BinaryReplayActive() )
		return FALSE;

	// remember demo name for cut output
	SetDemoCutName( demoname );

	// open demo file
	FILE *fp = DEMO_BinaryOpenDemo( demoname );
	if ( fp == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;

	// read demo data as one big block
	if ( !DEMO_BinaryReadDemo( fp, FALSE, FALSE ) ) {
		SYS_fclose( fp );
		return FALSE;

	// close file since it has been read in its entirety
	SYS_fclose( fp );

	// timedemo is not allowed

	// start loaded demo
	DEMO_BinaryStartDemo( FALSE, FALSE );

	return TRUE;
예제 #5
// read palette files into buffer ---------------------------------------------
void ReadPalettes()
	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( NumLoadedPalettes == 0 )
		PANIC( "no palette defined." );

	if ( ( PaletteMem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( PALETTE_SIZE * NumLoadedPalettes ) ) == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( no_palette_mem );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading palettes" );
		if ( show_palettes_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// load all palettes
	size_t readofs = 0;
	for ( int pid = 0; pid < NumLoadedPalettes; pid++ ) {

		if ( display_info && !show_palettes_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );

		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( palette_fnames[ pid ], "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( palette_not_found, palette_fnames[ pid ] );

		if ( display_info && show_palettes_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (palette)\n", palette_fnames[ pid ] );

		size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( PaletteMem + readofs, 1, PALETTE_SIZE, fp );
		if ( bytesread != PALETTE_SIZE )
			FERROR( palette_readerror, palette_fnames[ pid ] );
		readofs += PALETTE_SIZE;

		SYS_fclose( fp );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
예제 #6
// console command for loading a level ----------------------------------------
int Cmd_LEVEL_LOAD( char *paramstr )
	// level_load_command	::= 'level.load' levelname_spec
	// levelname_spec	    ::= <string>
	ASSERT( paramstr != NULL );
	const char *levelname = GetStringBehindCommand( paramstr, FALSE );
	if ( levelname == NULL ) {
		CON_AddLine( "no level name specified" );
		return TRUE;
	// must be done to ensure the file can be found independently of
	// whether it is read from a package or from a real directory
	char *path = SYSs_ProcessPathString( (char *) levelname );
	// check whether the file exists
	FILE* fp = SYS_fopen( path, "r" );
	if ( fp == NULL ) {
		char szBuffer[ 256 ];
		sprintf( szBuffer, "level file %s could not be found", levelname );
		CON_AddLine( szBuffer );
		return TRUE;	
	} else {
		SYS_fclose( fp );
	// load the level
	LVL_LoadLevel( levelname );
	return TRUE;
예제 #7
// play specified stream file -------------------------------------------------
int AUDs_PlayAudioStream( char *fname )

    if (SoundDisabled)
		return 1;
    if (Mix_PlayingMusic())
    if (music != NULL) { 
         tmp_music_buffer = NULL;
         music = NULL;
    // because SDL_RWFromFP doesn't work cross platform, we need
	// to get a little bit kinky
	// set up a buffer for the file
	size_t tmp_music_size = 0;
	// get the size of this sample
	tmp_music_size = SYS_GetFileLength(fname);
	if (tmp_music_size <= 0) {
		return 1; // return on error
	// alloc space for the buffer
    if (tmp_music_buffer != NULL) {
        printf("ERROR: Shouldn't be this far without being cleaned up previously\n");
        tmp_music_buffer = NULL;
	tmp_music_buffer = (char *)ALLOCMEM(tmp_music_size + 1);
	// open the sample file
	FILE *musicfp = SYS_fopen(fname, "rb");
    if (musicfp == NULL)
		return 1;
	// read the file into the temp_sample_buffer
	int read_rc = SYS_fread((void *)tmp_music_buffer, 1, tmp_music_size, musicfp);
	if(read_rc <= 0) {
		MSGOUT("ERROR: Error reading music %s.", fname);
		return FALSE;

	SDL_RWops *musicrwops = SDL_RWFromMem((void *)tmp_music_buffer, tmp_music_size);

    music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(musicrwops, 1);
    //MSGOUT("      PlayAudioStream() with %s       ", fname);
    if (music == NULL) {
		printf("Mix_LoadMUS(\"%s\"): %s\n", fname, Mix_GetError());
		// this might be a critical error...
		tmp_music_buffer = NULL;
		return 1;
    if (music != NULL) {
    	Mix_PlayMusic(music, 0);
    //Pick up your your toys when you finish
    return 1;
예제 #8
int AUDs_LoadWaveFile( int num )
	if (SoundDisabled)
    ASSERT( ( num >= 0 ) && ( num < MAX_SAMPLES ) );

	if ( !SoundAvailable )

	// read the sample and assign the list entry
	sample_s* pSample = SND_ReadSample( &SampleInfo[ num ] );

	SND_ConvertRate( pSample, aud_sample_quality );

	// because SDL_RWFromFP doesn't work cross platform, we need
	// to get a little bit kinky

	// set up a buffer for the file
	char *tmp_sample_buffer = NULL;
	size_t tmp_sample_size = 0;

	// get the size of this sample
	tmp_sample_size = SYS_GetFileLength(SampleInfo[num].file);
	if (tmp_sample_size <= 0) {
		return FALSE; // return on error

	// alloc space for the buffer
	tmp_sample_buffer = (char *)ALLOCMEM(tmp_sample_size + 1);

	// open the sample file
	FILE *wave = SYS_fopen(SampleInfo[num].file, "rb");

	if (wave == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// read the file into the temp_sample_buffer
	int read_rc = SYS_fread((void *)tmp_sample_buffer, 1, tmp_sample_size, wave);

	if (read_rc <= 0) {
		MSGOUT("ERROR: Error reading sample %s.", SampleInfo[num].file);
		return FALSE;

	SDL_RWops *waverwops = SDL_RWFromMem((void *)tmp_sample_buffer, tmp_sample_size);
	snd_chunks[num] = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(waverwops, 0);

	FREEMEM( tmp_sample_buffer );
	FREEMEM( pSample->samplebuffer );
	pSample->samplebuffer = NULL;


	MSGOUT("loaded %-12s to slot %03d: rate: %05d, numch: %02d, type: %s, bytes: %07d",
		SampleInfo[ num ].file, num, pSample->samplerate, pSample->numchannels,
		( pSample->samplesize == 8 ) ? "8" : "16" , pSample->samplebytes );


	// store the slot submitted to the play functions
	SampleInfo[ num ].samplepointer = (char *)num;

	//CAVEAT: for now we store the number of refframes in size
	SampleInfo[ num ].size = FLOAT2INT( (float) FRAME_MEASURE_TIMEBASE *
		(float) pSample->samplebytes / (float) ( pSample->samplerate * pSample->alignment ) + 0.5f );
	FREEMEM( pSample );

예제 #9
// read needed textures into memory -------------------------------------------
void ReadTextures()
	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( NumLoadedTextures == 0 )

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading textures" );
		if ( show_textures_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// get filesizes of textures to allocate mem in one piece
	size_t texmemsize = 0;
	int tid =  0;
	for ( tid = 0; tid < NumLoadedTextures; tid++ ) {
		ssize_t siz = SYS_GetFileLength( TextureInfo[ tid ].file );
		if ( siz == -1 )
			FERROR( texture_not_found, TextureInfo[ tid ].file );
		texmemsize += siz;

	// allocate texture buffer
	TextureMem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( texmemsize + sizeof( TextureMap ) * NumLoadedTextures );
	if ( TextureMem == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( no_texture_mem );

	char	   *texreadpo = TextureMem + sizeof( TextureMap ) * NumLoadedTextures;
	TextureMap *controlpo = (TextureMap *) TextureMem;
	size_t	   stillfree  = texmemsize;

	// read in texturedata and fill control structures
	for ( tid = 0; tid < NumLoadedTextures; tid++ ) {

		if ( ( ( tid & 0x03 ) == 0 ) && display_info && !show_textures_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );

		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( TextureInfo[ tid ].file, "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( texture_not_found, TextureInfo[ tid ].file );

		if ( display_info && show_textures_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (texture)\n", TextureInfo[ tid ].file );

		size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( texreadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
		if ( bytesread == 0 )
			FERROR( texture_readerror, TextureInfo[ tid ].file );

		// if geometry not explicitly specified read it from header
		if ( ( TextureInfo[ tid ].width == -1 ) || ( TextureInfo[ tid ].height == -1 ) ) {

			TexHeader *header = (TexHeader *) texreadpo;

			// swap endianness of TexHeader
			SYS_SwapTexHeader( header );

			if ( stricmp( header->signature, TEX_SIGNATURE ) != 0 )
				PERROR( tex_sig_invalid );
			if ( header->version < REQUIRED_TEX_VERSION )
				PERROR( tex_ver_invalid );
			TextureInfo[ tid ].width  = header->width;
			TextureInfo[ tid ].height = header->height;

			stillfree -= sizeof( TexHeader );
			bytesread -= sizeof( TexHeader );
			texreadpo += sizeof( TexHeader );

		// set additional texture info fields
		TextureInfo[ tid ].flags = TEXINFOFLAG_NONE;

		// fill texture control structure -----------------------------------
		controlpo->Width  = CeilPow2Exp( TextureInfo[ tid ].width );
		controlpo->Height = CeilPow2Exp( TextureInfo[ tid ].height );

		// check validity of texture geometry
		if ( ( controlpo->Width  < TEX_WIDTH_POW2_MIN  ) ||
			 ( controlpo->Width  > TEX_WIDTH_POW2_MAX  ) ||
			 ( controlpo->Height < TEX_HEIGHT_POW2_MIN ) ||
			 ( controlpo->Height > TEX_HEIGHT_POW2_MAX ) ||
			 ( controlpo->Width  < controlpo->Height   ) ||
			 // check texture's aspect ratio
			 ( ( controlpo->Width - controlpo->Height ) > 1 ) ) {

			SYS_fclose( fp );
			PERROR( "texture dimension not allowed (texture %d).", tid + 1 );

		// calculate geometry code used by texture mapper
		dword geom = ( controlpo->Width - TEX_WIDTH_POW2_MIN ) * 2;
		if ( controlpo->Width == controlpo->Height )
		controlpo->Geometry 	= geom - 1;

		// set pointers to texture bitmap and name
		controlpo->BitMap		= texreadpo;
		controlpo->TexMapName	= TextureInfo[ tid ].name;

		// set additional texture fields
		controlpo->Flags		= TEXFLG_NONE;
		controlpo->LOD_small	= 0;
		controlpo->LOD_large	= 0;
		controlpo->TexPalette	= NULL;
		controlpo->TexelFormat	= TEXFMT_STANDARD;

		// store pointer to texture in texture info table
		TextureInfo[ tid ].texpointer	  = controlpo;
		TextureInfo[ tid ].standardbitmap = controlpo->BitMap;

		stillfree -= bytesread;
		texreadpo += bytesread;

		SYS_fclose( fp );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
예제 #10
// read bitmaps and charsets into memory --------------------------------------
void ReadBitmapsAndCharsets()
	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( ( NumLoadedBitmaps == 0 ) && ( NumLoadedCharsets == 0 ) )

	// print message
	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading bitmaps and charsets" );
		if ( show_bitmaps_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// get filesizes of bitmap files
	size_t bitmmemsize = 0;
	int bmid = 0;
	for ( bmid = 0; bmid < NumLoadedBitmaps; bmid++ ) {
		ssize_t siz = SYS_GetFileLength( BitmapInfo[ bmid ].file );
		if ( siz == -1 )
			FERROR( bitmap_not_found, BitmapInfo[ bmid ].file );
		bitmmemsize += siz;

	// get filesizes of charset files
	int ftid = 0;
	for ( ftid = 0; ftid < NumLoadedCharsets; ftid++ ) {

		ssize_t siz;

		// if geometry not set interpret specified file as info-file
		if ( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].width == -1 ) {

			siz = SYS_GetFileLength( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			if ( siz  == -1 )
				FERROR( fontinfo_not_found, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			CopyFileNameAlterExt( paste_str, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file, FONT_EXTENSION );
			ssize_t gsiz = SYS_GetFileLength( paste_str );
			if ( gsiz == -1 )
				FERROR( font_not_found, paste_str );
			siz += gsiz;

		} else {

			siz = SYS_GetFileLength( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			if ( siz == -1 )
				FERROR( font_not_found, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );

		bitmmemsize += siz;

	// allocate buffer for bitmaps and charsets
	if ( ( BitmapMem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( bitmmemsize ) ) == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( no_bitmap_mem );

	char   *bitmreadpo = BitmapMem;
	size_t stillfree   = bitmmemsize;

	// read in raw bitmap files -----------------------------------------------
	for ( bmid = 0; bmid < NumLoadedBitmaps; bmid++ ) {

		if ( ( ( bmid & 0x03 ) == 0 ) && display_info && !show_bitmaps_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );
		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( BitmapInfo[ bmid ].file, "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( bitmap_not_found, BitmapInfo[ bmid ].file );
		if ( display_info && show_bitmaps_loaded )
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (bitmap)\n", BitmapInfo[ bmid ].file );
		ssize_t bytesread = SYS_fread( bitmreadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
		if ( bytesread == 0 )
			FERROR( bitmap_readerror, BitmapInfo[ bmid ].file );

		// if width and height not already set header must be present
		if ( BitmapInfo[ bmid ].width == -1 ) {

			BdtHeader *header = (BdtHeader *) bitmreadpo;

			// swap endianness of BdtHeader
			SYS_SwapBdtHeader( header );

			if ( stricmp( header->signature, BDT_SIGNATURE ) != 0 )
				PERROR( bdt_sig_invalid );
			if ( header->version < REQUIRED_BDT_VERSION )
				PERROR( bdt_ver_invalid );

			// store width and height
			BitmapInfo[ bmid ].width  = header->width;
			BitmapInfo[ bmid ].height = header->height;

			// store pointer to bitmap into control structure (header excluded)
			BitmapInfo[ bmid ].bitmappointer = (char *) ( header + 1 );

		} else {

			// store pointer to bitmap into control structure (was raw format)
			BitmapInfo[ bmid ].bitmappointer = bitmreadpo;


		// store pointer to originally loaded data (needed for different color depths)
		BitmapInfo[ bmid ].loadeddata = BitmapInfo[ bmid ].bitmappointer;

		// set bitmap name (static storage!)
		ASSERT( num_default_bitmaps == BM_CONTROLFILE_NUMBER );
		ASSERT( bmid < num_default_bitmaps );
		BitmapInfo[ bmid ].name = (char *) default_bitmap_names[ bmid ];

		stillfree  -= bytesread;
		bitmreadpo += bytesread;
		SYS_fclose( fp );

	// read in raw charset data -----------------------------------------------
	int charset_datasize = 0;
	for ( ftid = 0; ftid < NumLoadedCharsets; ftid++ ) {

		if ( ( ( ftid & 0x03 ) == 0 ) && display_info && !show_bitmaps_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );

		if ( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].srcwidth == -1 ) {

			FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file, "rb" );
			if ( fp == NULL )
				FERROR( fontinfo_not_found, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			if ( display_info && show_bitmaps_loaded )
				MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (fontinfo)\n", CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			size_t gsiz = SYS_fread( bitmreadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
			if ( gsiz < sizeof( PfgHeader ) + 8 )
				FERROR( fontinfo_readerror, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );

			PfgHeader *header = (PfgHeader *) bitmreadpo;

			// swap endianness of PfgHeader
			SYS_SwapPfgHeader( header );

			if ( stricmp( header->signature, PFG_SIGNATURE ) != 0 )
				PERROR( pfg_sig_invalid );
			if ( header->version < REQUIRED_PFG_VERSION )
				PERROR( pfg_ver_invalid );
			CharsetInfo[ ftid ].srcwidth = header->srcwidth;
			CharsetInfo[ ftid ].width	 = header->width;
			CharsetInfo[ ftid ].height	 = header->height;

			// ensure table is multiple of four in length
			size_t geomsiz = gsiz - sizeof( PfgHeader ) - 4;
			if ( ( geomsiz & 0x03 ) != 0x00 )
				FERROR( pfg_corrupted, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );

			// create pointer to table excluding startchar
			dword *geomtab = (dword *)( bitmreadpo + sizeof( PfgHeader ) + 4 );

			// the font-type determination assumes that exactly
			// those fonts with width==height are fixed-size fonts.

			// determine whether fixed-size font
			int fonttype = ( header->width == header->height );

			// swap endianness of geometry table
			SYS_SwapPfgTable( fonttype, geomtab, geomsiz );

			// geometry pointer must point one dword past the geometry table!!
			CharsetInfo[ ftid ].geompointer = geomtab;
			bitmreadpo += gsiz;
			stillfree  -= gsiz;
			SYS_fclose( fp );

			CopyFileNameAlterExt( paste_str, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file, FONT_EXTENSION );
			if ( ( fp = SYS_fopen( paste_str, "rb" ) ) == NULL )
				FERROR( font_not_found, paste_str );
			if ( display_info && show_bitmaps_loaded )
				MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (font)\n", paste_str );
			size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( bitmreadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
			if ( bytesread == 0 )
				FERROR( font_readerror, paste_str );

			FntHeader *dheader = (FntHeader *) bitmreadpo;

			// swap endianness of FntHeader
			SYS_SwapFntHeader( dheader );

			if ( stricmp( dheader->signature, FNT_SIGNATURE ) != 0 )
				PERROR( fnt_sig_invalid );
			if ( dheader->version < REQUIRED_FNT_VERSION )
				PERROR( fnt_ver_invalid );
			if ( dheader->width != CharsetInfo[ ftid ].srcwidth )
				PERROR( fnt_inconsistency );

			CharsetInfo[ ftid ].charsetpointer = bitmreadpo + sizeof( FntHeader );

			bitmreadpo += bytesread;
			stillfree  -= bytesread;
			SYS_fclose( fp );

			charset_datasize = bytesread - sizeof( FntHeader );

		} else {

			FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file, "rb" );
			if ( fp == NULL )
				FERROR( font_not_found, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			if ( display_info && show_bitmaps_loaded )
				MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (font)\n", CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( bitmreadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
			if ( bytesread == 0 )
				FERROR( font_readerror, CharsetInfo[ ftid ].file );
			CharsetInfo[ ftid ].charsetpointer = bitmreadpo;

			// set pointer to geometry data
			//FIXME: [momentan noch pfusch!!]
			if ( ftid == 1 )
				CharsetInfo[ ftid ].geompointer = Char04x09Geom;
			else if ( ftid == 2 )
				CharsetInfo[ ftid ].geompointer = Char08x08Geom;
			else if ( ftid == 4 )
				CharsetInfo[ ftid ].geompointer = CharGoldGeom;
				CharsetInfo[ ftid ].geompointer = Char16x16Geom;

			stillfree  -= bytesread;
			bitmreadpo += bytesread;
			SYS_fclose( fp );

			charset_datasize = bytesread;

		// store pointer to originally loaded data (needed for different color depths)
		CharsetInfo[ ftid ].loadeddata = CharsetInfo[ ftid ].charsetpointer;
		ASSERT( CharsetInfo[ ftid ].fonttexture == NULL );

		// store size of data block
		CharsetInfo[ ftid ].datasize = charset_datasize;

		// set additional info fields
		CharsetInfo[ ftid ].flags = 0x00000000;

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
예제 #11
// parse control file ---------------------------------------------------------
void ParseCtrlFile( dword flags )
	int   i;
	char* remptr;
	char  line[ LINE_LENGTH_MAX ];

	if ( flags & PARSE_TEXTURES ) NumLoadedTextures	= 0;
	if ( flags & PARSE_OBJECTS  ) NumLoadedObjects  = 0;
	if ( flags & PARSE_BITMAPS  ) NumLoadedBitmaps  = 0;
	if ( flags & PARSE_CHARSETS ) NumLoadedCharsets = 0;
	if ( flags & PARSE_SAMPLES  ) NumLoadedSamples  = 0;
	if ( flags & PARSE_SONGS    ) NumLoadedSongs	= 0;
	if ( flags & PARSE_PALETTES ) NumLoadedPalettes	= 0;

	FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( ctrl_file_name, "r" );
	if ( fp == NULL ) {
		SERROR( "Controlfile error" );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Parsing control file..." );

	// parse sections ---------------------------------------------
	int linecount = 0;
	while ( SYS_fgets( line, LINE_LENGTH_MAX, fp ) != NULL )
		if ( ( ( linecount++ & 0x0f ) == 0 ) && display_info )
			MSGPUT( "." );

		char *scanptr = strtok( line, "/, \t\n\r" );

		if ( scanptr == NULL )
		else if ( *scanptr == ';' )
		else if ( strnicmp( scanptr, "<end", 4 ) == 0 )
		else if ( *scanptr == '#' ) {
			if ( stricmp( scanptr, _palette_str ) == 0 )
				section = _palette;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _textures_str ) == 0 )
				section = _textures;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _objects_str ) == 0 )
				section = _objects;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _bitmaps_str ) == 0 )
				section = _bitmaps;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _charsets_str ) == 0 )
				section = _charsets;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _samples_str ) == 0 )
				section = _samples;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _songs_str ) == 0 )
				section = _songs;
			else if ( stricmp( scanptr, _comment_str ) == 0 )
				section = _comment;
			else {
				SYS_fclose( fp );
				PERROR( "Control file-parser: "
						"[undefined section name]: %s.", scanptr );
			switch ( section ) {

			// texturing data -----------------------------------
			case _textures :
				if ( flags & PARSE_TEXTURES ) {

				int txwidth, txheight;

				if ( *scanptr != '\"' ) {
					txwidth = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
					txheight = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );

					while ( *scanptr++ != '\0' )
					while ( ( *scanptr == ' ' ) || ( *scanptr == '\t' ) )
				} else {
					txwidth  = -1; // fill in later from
					txheight = -1; // texture file-header
					remptr = scanptr;
					while ( *remptr++ != '\0' )
					if ( *remptr == '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					*--remptr = ' ';

				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( scanptr, "\"" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_NAME( TextureInfo, NumLoadedTextures );

				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_FILENAME( TextureInfo, NumLoadedTextures );

				TextureInfo[ NumLoadedTextures ].width  = txwidth;
				TextureInfo[ NumLoadedTextures ].height = txheight;
				if ( ++NumLoadedTextures >= MAX_TEXTURES )
					PANIC( "too many textures." );


			// object data files --------------------------------
			case _objects :
				if ( flags & PARSE_OBJECTS ) {

				int objnum = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
				if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );

				while ( *scanptr++ != '\0' )
				while ( ( *scanptr == ' ' ) || ( *scanptr == '\t' ) )
				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( scanptr, "\"" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_NAME( ObjectInfo, NumLoadedObjects );

				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				int objtype = -1;
				for ( i = 0; i < NUM_DISTINCT_OBJTYPES; i++ ) {
					if ( stricmp( scanptr, objtype_name[ i ] ) == 0 ) {
						objtype = i;
				if ( ( objtype < 0 ) || ( objtype >= NUM_DISTINCT_OBJTYPES ) )
					ParseError( section );
				ObjectInfo[ NumLoadedObjects ].type = objtype_id[ objtype ];
				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_FILENAME( ObjectInfo, NumLoadedObjects );
				ObjectInfo[ NumLoadedObjects ].lodinfo = NULL;

				if ( ++NumLoadedObjects >= MAX_DISTINCT_OBJCLASSES )
					PANIC( "too many object classes." );


			// bitmap files -------------------------------------
			case _bitmaps :
				if ( flags & PARSE_BITMAPS ) {

				int bitmapnum = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
				if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, "x,/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );

				if ( isdigit( *scanptr ) ) {
					BitmapInfo[ NumLoadedBitmaps ].width = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, "x,/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
					BitmapInfo[ NumLoadedBitmaps ].height = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
				} else {
					BitmapInfo[ NumLoadedBitmaps ].width  = -1; // fill in later from
					BitmapInfo[ NumLoadedBitmaps ].height = -1; // bitmapfile header

				SETTABENTRY_FILENAME( BitmapInfo, NumLoadedBitmaps );

				BitmapInfo[ NumLoadedBitmaps ].bitmappointer = NULL;

				if ( ++NumLoadedBitmaps >= MAX_BITMAPS )
					PANIC( "too many bitmaps." );


			// charset data -------------------------------------
			case _charsets :
				if ( flags & PARSE_CHARSETS ) {

				int charsetnum = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
				if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );

				if ( isdigit( *scanptr ) ) {
					CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].srcwidth = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, "x,/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
					CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].width = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, "x,/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
					CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].height = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
				} else {
					CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].srcwidth = -1; // fill in later
					CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].width    = -1; // from font-info
					CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].height   = -1; // file

				SETTABENTRY_FILENAME( CharsetInfo, NumLoadedCharsets );

				CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].charsetpointer	= NULL;
				CharsetInfo[ NumLoadedCharsets ].fonttexture	= NULL;

				if ( ++NumLoadedCharsets >= MAX_CHARSETS )
					PANIC( "too many charsets." );


			// sample data --------------------------------------
			case _samples:
				if ( flags & PARSE_SAMPLES ) {

				int samplenum = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
				if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );

				// defaults
				SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].samplepointer = NULL;
				SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].flags         = 0;
				SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].stereolevel   = 0;
				SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].volume        = AUD_MAX_VOLUME;
				SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].samplefreq    = 0;
				SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].stdfreq       = 44100.0f;

				while ( *scanptr++ != '\0' )
				if ( isdigit( *scanptr ) ) {
					if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
						ParseError( section );
					float stdfreq = strtod( scanptr, &remptr );
					if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );
					SampleInfo[ NumLoadedSamples ].stdfreq = stdfreq;
					while ( *scanptr++ != '\0' )
				while ( ( *scanptr == ' ' ) || ( *scanptr == '\t' ) )

				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( scanptr, "\"" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_NAME( SampleInfo, NumLoadedSamples );

				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_FILENAME( SampleInfo, NumLoadedSamples );

				if ( ++NumLoadedSamples >= MAX_SAMPLES )
					PANIC( "too many samples." );


			// song data ----------------------------------------
			case _songs:
				if ( flags & PARSE_SONGS ) {

				int songnum = strtol( scanptr, &remptr, 10 );
				if ( *remptr != '\0' ) ParseError( section );

				while ( *scanptr++ != '\0' )
				while ( ( *scanptr == ' ' ) || ( *scanptr == '\t' ) )
				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( scanptr, "\"" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_NAME( SongInfo, NumLoadedSongs );

				if ( ( scanptr = strtok( NULL, ",/ \t\n\r" ) ) == NULL )
					ParseError( section );
				SETTABENTRY_FILENAME( SongInfo, NumLoadedSongs );

				SongInfo[ NumLoadedSongs ].songpointer = NULL;

				if ( ++NumLoadedSongs >= MAX_SONGS )
					PANIC( "too many songs." );


			// filenames of palette files -----------------------
			case _palette :
				if ( flags & PARSE_PALETTES ) {

				ASSERT( palette_fnames[ NumLoadedPalettes ] == NULL );
				palette_fnames[ NumLoadedPalettes ] = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( scanptr ) + 1 );
				ASSERT( palette_fnames[ NumLoadedPalettes ] != NULL );
				strcpy( palette_fnames[ NumLoadedPalettes ], scanptr );

				if ( ++NumLoadedPalettes >= MAX_PALETTES )
					PANIC( "too many palettes." );


	SYS_fclose( fp );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
예제 #12
// read sample data into buffer -----------------------------------------------
void ReadSamples()


	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( ( NumLoadedSamples == 0 ) && ( NumLoadedSongs == 0 ) )

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading sound data" );
		if ( show_samples_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// get filesizes of samples to allocate mem in one piece
	size_t samplememsize = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < NumLoadedSamples; i++ ) {
		size_t = SYS_GetFileLength( SampleInfo[ i ].file );
		if ( siz == -1 )
			FERROR( sample_not_found, SampleInfo[ i ].file );
		samplememsize += siz;


	// get filesizes of songs to allocate mem in one piece together with samples
	for ( i = 0; i < NumLoadedSongs; i++ ) {
		size_t = SYS_GetFileLength( SongInfo[ i ].file );
		if ( siz == -1 )
			FERROR( song_not_found, SongInfo[ i ].file );
		samplememsize += siz;


	// allocate sample buffer (also used for songdata)
	if ( ( SampleMem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( samplememsize ) ) == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( no_sample_mem );

	char   *samplereadpo = SampleMem;
	size_t stillfree	 = samplememsize;

	// read in sample data
	for ( i = 0; i < NumLoadedSamples; i++ ) {

		if ( ( ( i & 0x01 ) == 0 ) && display_info && !show_samples_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );
		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( SampleInfo[ i ].file, "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( sample_not_found, SampleInfo[ i ].file );
		if ( display_info && show_samples_loaded )
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (sample)\n", SampleInfo[ i ].file );
		size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( samplereadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
		if ( bytesread == 0 )
			FERROR( sample_readerror, SampleInfo[ i ].file );

		// store pointer to sample into control structure ------------
		SampleInfo[ i ].samplepointer	= samplereadpo;
		SampleInfo[ i ].size			= bytesread;

		stillfree	 -= bytesread;
		samplereadpo += bytesread;
		SYS_fclose( fp );


	// read in song data
	for ( i = 0; i < NumLoadedSongs; i++ ) {

		if ( ( ( i & 0x01 ) == 0 ) && display_info && !show_samples_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );
		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( SongInfo[ i ].file, "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( song_not_found, SongInfo[ i ].file );
		if ( display_info && show_samples_loaded )
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (song)\n", SongInfo[ i ].file );
		size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( samplereadpo, 1, stillfree, fp );
		if ( bytesread == 0 )
			FERROR( song_readerror, SongInfo[ i ].file );

		// store pointer to song into control structure --------------
		SongInfo[ i ].songpointer = samplereadpo;

		stillfree	 -= bytesread;
		samplereadpo += bytesread;
		SYS_fclose( fp );


	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );

