예제 #1

The filename may be different than sfx->name in the case
of a forced fallback of a player specific sound
qboolean S_LoadSound( sfx_t *sfx )
	byte	*data;
	short	*samples;
	snd_info_t	info;
//	int		size;

	// load it in
	data = S_CodecLoad(sfx->soundName, &info);
		return qfalse;

	if ( info.width == 1 ) {
		Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s is a 8 bit sound file\n", sfx->soundName);

	if ( info.rate != 22050 ) {
		Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s (%.1fkHz) is not a 22kHz sound file\n", sfx->soundName, (float)info.rate / 1000.0);

	samples = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(info.samples * sizeof(short) * 2);

	//sfx->lastTimeUsed = Com_Milliseconds()+1;
	sfx->lastTimeUsed = S_Milliseconds()+1;

	// each of these compression schemes works just fine
	// but the 16bit quality is much nicer and with a local
	// install assured we can rely upon the sound memory
	// manager to do the right thing for us and page
	// sound in as needed

	if( sfx->soundCompressed == qtrue) {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = SND_COMPRESSION_ADPCM;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, data + info.dataofs );
		S_AdpcmEncodeSound(sfx, samples);
#if 0
	} else if (info.samples>(SND_CHUNK_SIZE*16) && info.width >1) {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = SND_COMPRESSION_MULAW;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, (data + info.dataofs) );
		encodeMuLaw( sfx, samples);
	} else if (info.samples>(SND_CHUNK_SIZE*6400) && info.width >1) {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = SND_COMPRESSION_DAUB4;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		sfx->soundLength = ResampleSfxRaw( samples, info.rate, info.width, info.samples, (data + info.dataofs) );
		encodeWavelet( sfx, samples);
	} else {
		sfx->soundCompressionMethod = SND_COMPRESSION_16BIT;
		sfx->soundLength = info.samples;
		sfx->soundData = NULL;
		ResampleSfx( sfx, info.rate, info.width, data + info.dataofs, qfalse );


	return qtrue;
예제 #2
void S_FreeOldestSound( void ) {
	int	i, oldest, used;
	sfx_t	*sfx;
	sndBuffer	*buffer, *nbuffer;

	oldest = S_Milliseconds();
	used = 0;

	for (i=1 ; i < s_numSfx ; i++) {
		sfx = &s_knownSfx[i];
		if (sfx->inMemory && sfx->lastTimeUsed<oldest) {
			used = i;
			oldest = sfx->lastTimeUsed;

	sfx = &s_knownSfx[used];

	Com_DPrintf("S_FreeOldestSound: freeing sound %s\n", sfx->soundName);

	buffer = sfx->soundData;
	while(buffer != NULL) {
		nbuffer = buffer->next;
		buffer = nbuffer;
	sfx->inMemory = qfalse;
	sfx->soundData = NULL;
예제 #3
static void S_Update_(void) {
	unsigned        endtime;
	int				samps;
	static			float	lastTime = 0.0f;
	float			ma, op;
	float			thisTime, sane;
	static			int ot = -1;

	if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {

	thisTime = S_Milliseconds();

	// Updates s_soundtime

	if (s_soundtime == ot) {
	ot = s_soundtime;

	// clear any sound effects that end before the current time,
	// and start any new sounds

	sane = thisTime - lastTime;
	if (sane<11) {
		sane = 11;			// 85hz

	ma = s_mixahead->value * dma.speed;
	op = s_mixPreStep->value + sane*dma.speed*0.01;

	if (op < ma) {
		ma = op;

	// mix ahead of current position
	endtime = s_soundtime + ma;

	// mix to an even submission block size
	endtime = (endtime + dma.submission_chunk-1)
		& ~(dma.submission_chunk-1);

	// never mix more than the complete buffer
	samps = dma.samples >> (dma.channels-1);
	if (endtime - s_soundtime > samps)
		endtime = s_soundtime + samps;

	SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();

	S_PaintChannels (endtime);

	SNDDMA_Submit ();

	lastTime = thisTime;
예제 #4
static channel_t*	S_ChannelMalloc( void ) {
	channel_t *v;
	if (freelist == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	v = freelist;
	freelist = *(channel_t **)freelist;
	v->allocTime = S_Milliseconds();
	return v;
예제 #5
static void S_AddLoopSounds (void) {
	int			i, j, time;
	int			left_total, right_total, left, right;
	channel_t	*ch;
	loopSound_t	*loop, *loop2;
	int numLoopSoundsPresent;
	static int loopFrame = 0;

	numLoopSoundsPresent = 0;
	for (i = 0;  i < MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS;  i++) {
		const loopSound_t *ls;

		ls = &loopSounds[i];

		if (ls->active) {
			LoopSoundsPresent[numLoopSoundsPresent] = i;
			//Com_Printf("loopSound %d:  '%s'\n", i, ls->sfx->soundName);

	//Com_Printf("^5numLoopSoundsPresent %d\n", numLoopSoundsPresent);

	numLoopChannels = 0;

	time = S_Milliseconds();


	//for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS ; i++) {
	for (i = 0;  i < numLoopSoundsPresent;  i++) {
		//loop = &loopSounds[i];
		loop = &loopSounds[LoopSoundsPresent[i]];

		if ( !loop->active || loop->mergeFrame == loopFrame ) {
			continue;	// already merged into an earlier sound

		if (loop->kill) {
			S_SpatializeOrigin( loop->origin, 127, &left_total, &right_total);			// 3d
		} else {
			S_SpatializeOrigin( loop->origin, 90,  &left_total, &right_total);			// sphere

		loop->sfx->lastTimeUsed = time;

		//FIXME linked list for loop sounds
#if 1
		//FIXME omg
		//for (j=(i+1); j< MAX_LOOP_SOUNDS ; j++) {
		for (j = i + 1;  j < numLoopSoundsPresent;  j++) {
			//loop2 = &loopSounds[j];
			loop2 = &loopSounds[LoopSoundsPresent[j]];

			if ( !loop2->active || loop2->doppler || loop2->sfx != loop->sfx) {
			loop2->mergeFrame = loopFrame;

			//Com_Printf("^5testing loop  %d %d\n", i, j);

			if (loop2->kill) {
				S_SpatializeOrigin( loop2->origin, 127, &left, &right);				// 3d
			} else {
				S_SpatializeOrigin( loop2->origin, 90,  &left, &right);				// sphere

			loop2->sfx->lastTimeUsed = time;
			left_total += left;
			right_total += right;

		if (left_total == 0 && right_total == 0) {
			continue;		// not audible

		// allocate a channel
		if (numLoopChannels >= MAX_CHANNELS) {
			Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s() max loop channels %d\n", __FUNCTION__, numLoopChannels);
		ch = &loop_channels[numLoopChannels];

		if (left_total > 255) {
			left_total = 255;
		if (right_total > 255) {
			right_total = 255;

		ch->master_vol = 127;
		ch->leftvol = left_total;
		ch->rightvol = right_total;
		ch->thesfx = loop->sfx;
		ch->doppler = loop->doppler;
		ch->dopplerScale = loop->dopplerScale;
		ch->oldDopplerScale = loop->oldDopplerScale;
예제 #6

Validates the parms and ques the sound up
if pos is NULL, the sound will be dynamically sourced from the entity
Entchannel 0 will never override a playing sound
static void S_Base_StartSound (const vec3_t origin, int entityNum, int entchannel, sfxHandle_t sfxHandle) {
	channel_t	*ch;
	sfx_t		*sfx;
  int i, oldest, chosen, time;
  int	inplay, allowed;

	if ( !s_soundStarted || s_soundMuted ) {

	if ( !origin && ( entityNum < 0 || entityNum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) ) {
		Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "S_StartSound: bad entitynum %i", entityNum );

	if ( sfxHandle < 0 || sfxHandle >= s_numSfx ) {
		Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "S_StartSound: handle %i out of range\n", sfxHandle );

	sfx = &s_knownSfx[ sfxHandle ];

	if (sfx->inMemory == qfalse) {

	if ( s_show->integer == 1 ) {
		Com_Printf("%f  %i : %s  (%d -> %d)\n", (float)cl.serverTime + Overf, s_paintedtime, sfx->soundName, listener_number, entityNum);

	time = S_Milliseconds();

//	Com_Printf("playing %s\n", sfx->soundName);
	// pick a channel to play on

	allowed = s_maxSoundInstances->integer;
	if (allowed < 0) {  // old q3 code
		allowed = 4;

		if (entityNum == listener_number) {
			allowed = 8;

	ch = s_channels;
	inplay = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ ) {
		if (ch->entnum == entityNum && ch->thesfx == sfx) {
			if (time - ch->allocTime < 50) {
				//Com_Printf("^2%f double sound start '%s' last played (%d)  length %f\n", (float)cl.serverTime + Overf, sfx->soundName, time - ch->allocTime, (float)sfx->soundLength / (float)dma.speed);

			if (time - ch->allocTime < s_maxSoundRepeatTime->integer) {
			//if (time - ch->allocTime < (int)((float)sfx->soundLength / (float)dma.speed * 1000.0)) {
				if (s_showMiss->integer) {
					Com_Printf("^3%f double sound start '%s' last played (%d)  length %f\n", (float)cl.serverTime + Overf, sfx->soundName, time - ch->allocTime, (float)sfx->soundLength / (float)dma.speed);

	//Com_Printf("inplay %d\n", inplay);

	if (inplay > 4) {
		//Com_Printf("^5%f inplay > x  %d > %d  '%s'\n", (float)cl.serverTime + Overf, inplay, allowed, sfx->soundName);

	if (inplay > allowed) {
		if (s_showMiss->integer > 1) {
			Com_Printf("^1%f inplay > allowed  %d > %d  '%s' ent %d ch %d/%d\n", (float)cl.serverTime + Overf, inplay, allowed, sfx->soundName, entityNum, entchannel, listener_number);

	sfx->lastTimeUsed = time;

	ch = S_ChannelMalloc();	// entityNum, entchannel);
	if (!ch) {
		if (s_showMiss->integer > 2) {
			Com_Printf("^1%f %s() couldn't allocate channel\n", (float)cl.serverTime + Overf, __FUNCTION__);
		ch = s_channels;

		oldest = sfx->lastTimeUsed;
		chosen = -1;
		for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ ) {
			if (ch->entnum != listener_number && ch->entnum == entityNum && ch->allocTime<oldest && ch->entchannel != CHAN_ANNOUNCER) {
				oldest = ch->allocTime;
				chosen = i;
		if (chosen == -1) {
			ch = s_channels;
			for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ ) {
				if (ch->entnum != listener_number && ch->allocTime<oldest && ch->entchannel != CHAN_ANNOUNCER) {
					oldest = ch->allocTime;
					chosen = i;
			if (chosen == -1) {
				ch = s_channels;
				if (ch->entnum == listener_number) {
					for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i++, ch++ ) {
						if (ch->allocTime<oldest) {
							oldest = ch->allocTime;
							chosen = i;
				if (chosen == -1) {
					Com_Printf("dropping sound\n");
		ch = &s_channels[chosen];
		ch->allocTime = sfx->lastTimeUsed;
		//Com_Printf("use old\n");
	} else {

	if (origin) {
		VectorCopy (origin, ch->origin);
		ch->fixed_origin = qtrue;
	} else {
		ch->fixed_origin = qfalse;

	ch->master_vol = 127;
	ch->leftvol = 127;
	ch->rightvol = 127;
	ch->entnum = entityNum;
	ch->thesfx = sfx;
	ch->startSample = START_SAMPLE_IMMEDIATE;
	ch->entchannel = entchannel;
	ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol;		// these will get calced at next spatialize
	ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol;		// unless the game isn't running
	ch->doppler = qfalse;

	if (ch->entnum != listener_number) {
		if (ch->fixed_origin) {
			S_SpatializeOrigin (origin, ch->master_vol, &ch->leftvol, &ch->rightvol);
	} else {
		//Com_Printf("dont respa!!!\n");