예제 #1
파일: Maker.cpp 프로젝트: jossk/OrangeC
std::string Maker::GetFileTime(const std::string &goal, const std::string &preferredPath, Time &timeval)
    std::string rv;
    if (goal.find_first_of(CmdFiles::DIR_SEP) != std::string::npos)
        std::fstream fil(goal.c_str(), std::ios::in);
        if (fil != NULL)
            timeval = OS::GetFileTime(goal);
        std::string vpath = preferredPath + std::string(" .\\ ") + Eval::GetVPATH(goal);
        std::string sep = std::string(" ") + CmdFiles::PATH_SEP;
        while (vpath.size())
            std::string cur = Eval::ExtractFirst(vpath, sep);
            if (cur[cur.size() -1] != CmdFiles::DIR_SEP[0])
                cur += CmdFiles::DIR_SEP;
            std::string name ;
            if (goal[0] != CmdFiles::DIR_SEP[0] && goal[1] != ':')
                name = cur + goal;
                name = goal;
            if (cur != ".\\")
                filePaths[goal] = cur; // tentatively enter this as the goal path
                                    // this will collide if there are multiple paths and no file exists
                                    // and choose the last one
            std::fstream fil(name.c_str(), std::ios::in);
            if (fil != NULL)
                rv = cur; // return value is the path, with a slash on the end
                timeval = OS::GetFileTime(name);
                filePaths[goal] = cur;
    if (ScanList(newFiles, goal) || ScanList(newFiles, rv + goal))
        timeval = OS::GetCurrentTime();
    else if (ScanList(oldFiles, goal) || ScanList(oldFiles, rv + goal))
    return rv;
void Search(CarNode *headPointer)
  int vehicleID;
  CarNode *searchNode;    /* Points to node to delete to follow */
  CarNode *prevNode;      /* Points to car before one to delete */

  printf("Enter the vehicle ID number of the car to search for:\n");
  scanf("%d", &vehicleID);

  prevNode = ScanList(headPointer, vehicleID);
  searchNode  = prevNode->next;

  /* Either there is the car does not exist in the list or      */  
  /* searchNode points to the car we are looking for.           */
  if (searchNode != NULL && searchNode->vehicleID == vehicleID) {
    printf("vehicle ID : %d\n", searchNode->vehicleID);
    printf("make       : %s\n", searchNode->make);
    printf("model      : %s\n", searchNode->model);
    printf("year       : %d\n", searchNode->year);
    printf("mileage    : %d\n", searchNode->mileage);

    /* The following printf has a field width specification on  */
    /* %f specification.  The 10.2 indicates that the floating  */
    /* point number should be printed in a 10 character field   */
    /* with two units after the decimal displayed.              */
    printf("cost       : $%10.2f\n\n", searchNode->cost);
  else {
    printf("The vehicle id %d was not found in the database.\n\n", 
예제 #3
파일: Maker.cpp 프로젝트: jossk/OrangeC
void Maker::CancelOne(Depends *depend)
    for (Depends::iterator it = depend->begin(); it != depend->end(); ++it)
    std::string path = filePaths[depend->GetGoal()];
    if (path.size() != 0)
        Variable *v = VariableContainer::Instance()->Lookup("GPATH");
        if (v)
            std::string t = v->GetValue();
            if (v->GetFlavor() == Variable::f_recursive)
                Eval e(t, false);
                t = e.Evaluate();
            if (!ScanList(t, path))
                    filePaths[depend->GetGoal()] = "";		
//		else
//			filePaths[depend->GetGoal()] = "";		
예제 #4
파일: Maker.cpp 프로젝트: jossk/OrangeC
bool Maker::OnList(const std::string &goal, char *what)
    bool rv = false;
    RuleList *rl = RuleContainer::Instance()->Lookup(what);
    if (rl)
        for (RuleList::iterator it = rl->begin(); !rv && it != rl->end(); ++it)
            std::string value = (*it)->GetPrerequisites();	
            rv = ScanList(value, goal);
    return rv;
예제 #5
파일: main.c 프로젝트: itrowa/arsenal
void DeleteEntry(Car *headPointer) {
	int vehicleID;
	Car *delNode;			// 要删除的Node指针
	Car *prevNode;			// 要删除的的Node之前的Node的指针

	printf("Enter the vehicle ID of the car to delete:\n");
	scanf("%d", &vehicleID);

	prevNode = ScanList(headPointer, vehicleID);
	delNode = prevNode->next;

	// 可以删除的情况
	if (delNode != NULL && delNode->vehicleID == vehicleID) {
		prevNode->next = delNode->next;
		printf("vehicle with ID %d deleted.\n\n", vehicleID);
	// 不能删除的情况
	else {
		printf("The vehicle was not found in the database\n");
예제 #6
파일: main.c 프로젝트: itrowa/arsenal
void AddEntry(Car *headPointer) {
	Car *newNode;			// 指向新车
	Car *nextNode;			// 这个新车的下一个Car节点
	Car *prevNode;			// 这个新车的前一个节点

	// 动态申请新的内存
	newNode = (Car *) malloc(sizeof(Car));
	// 它返回了申请到的内存地址的首地址指针.

	if(newNode == NULL) {
		printf("Error: could not allocate a new node\n");

	printf("Enter the following info about the car.\n");
	printf("Seperate each field by white space:\nA");
	printf("vehicle_id make model year mileage cost\n");

	scanf("%d %s %s %d %d %lf, 
		&newNode->vehicleID, newNode->make, newNode->model,
		&newNode->year, &newNode->mileage, &newNode->cost");

	prevNode = ScanList(headPointer, newNode->vehicleID);
	nextNode = prevNode->next;

	// 可以插入的情况
	if((nextNode == NULL) || 
		(nextNode->vehicleID != newNode->vehicleID)) {
		prevNode->next = newNode;
		newNode->next = nextNode;
		printf("Entry added.\n");
	// 不能插入的情况
	else {
		printf("That car already exists in the database!\n");
		printf("Entry not added.\n\n");
예제 #7
파일: main.c 프로젝트: itrowa/arsenal
void Search(Car *headPointer) {
	int vehicleID;
	Car *searchNode; 	// 要搜索的Node的指针`
	Car *prevNode;		// 要搜索的Node之前的Node的指针

	printf("Enter the vehicle ID number of the car to search for:\n");
	scanf("%d", &vehicleID);

	prevNode = ScanList(headPointer, vehicleID);
	searchNode = prevNode->next;

	if (searchNode != NULL && serachNode->vehicleID == vehicleID) {
		printf("vehicle ID 		: %d\n", searchNode->vehicleID);
		printf("make	   		: %s\n", searchNode->make);
		printf("model	   		: %s\n", searchNode->model);
		printf("year	   		: %d\n", searchNode->year);
		printf("mileage	   		: %d\n", searchNode->mileage);
		printf("cost			: $%10.2f\n\n", searchNode->cost);
	} else {
		printf("The vehicle ID %d was not found in the database.\n\n", vehicleID);
void AddEntry(Car *headPointer)
  Car *newNode;       /* Points to the new car info       */
  Car *nextNode;      /* Points to car to follow new one  */
  Car *prevNode;      /* Points to car before this one    */
  /* Dynamically allocate memory for this new entry.      */
  newNode = (Car *) malloc(sizeof(Car));

  if (newNode == NULL) {
     printf("Error: could not allocate a new node\n");

  printf("Enter the following info about the car.\n");
  printf("Separate each field by whitespace:\n");
  printf("vehicle_id make model year mileage cost\n");

  scanf("%d %s %s %d %d %lf", 
        &newNode->vehicleID, newNode->make, newNode->model,
        &newNode->year, &newNode->mileage, &newNode->cost);

  prevNode = ScanList(headPointer, newNode->vehicleID);
  nextNode = prevNode->next;

  if ((nextNode == NULL) || 
      (nextNode->vehicleID != newNode->vehicleID)) {
    prevNode->next = newNode;
    newNode->next = nextNode;
    printf("Entry added.\n\n");
  else {
    printf("That car already exists in the Database!\n");
    printf("Entry not added.\n\n");
예제 #9
파일: replace.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
/*** doreplace - perform search-replace
*  Performs the actual search and replace argument verification, set up and
*  high level control.
* Input:
*  fQuery	= TRUE if a query replace
*  pArg 	= pArg of parent function
*  fMeta	= fMeta of parent function
*  fFiles	= TRUE is multiple file search and replace.
* Output:
*  Returns .....
* Exceptions:
* Notes:
doreplace (
    flagType fQuery,
    ARG * pArg,
    flagType fMeta,
    flagType fFiles
    buffer  bufFn;                          /* filename buffer              */
    fl      flStart;
    char    *p;
    PCMD    pCmd;
    PFILE   pFileSave;                      /* file to save as top of heap  */

    p = "Query Search string: ";
    if (!fQuery) {
        p += 6;

    fQrpl = fQuery;
    fSrchCasePrev = fMeta ? (flagType)!fSrchCaseSwit : fSrchCaseSwit;
    Display ();
    cRepl = 0;

     * If not menu-driven, ask the user for a search string. If none is entered,
     * we're done.
    if ((pCmd = getstring (srcbuf, sizeof(srcbuf), p, NULL, GS_NEWLINE | GS_INITIAL)) == NULL || (PVOID)pCmd->func == (PVOID)cancel) {
        return FALSE;

    if (srcbuf[0] == '\0') {
        return FALSE;

     * If RE search to take place, the compile the expression.
    if (pArg->arg.nullarg.cArg == 2) {
	if (patBuf != NULL) {
            FREE ((char *) patBuf);
	    patBuf = NULL;
	patBuf = RECompile (srcbuf, fSrchCaseSwit, (flagType)!fUnixRE);
	if (patBuf == NULL) {
	    printerror ((RESize == -1) ?
			"Invalid pattern" :
			"Not enough memory for pattern");
	    return FALSE;
	fRplRePrev = TRUE;
    } else {
        fRplRePrev = FALSE;

     * If not menu driven, ask the user for a replacement string. Confirm the
     * entry of a null string. Error check the replacement if an RE search.
    if ((pCmd = getstring (rplbuf, sizeof(rplbuf), "Replace string: ", NULL, GS_NEWLINE | GS_INITIAL)) == NULL ||
        (PVOID)pCmd->func == (PVOID)cancel) {
        return FALSE;

    if (rplbuf[0] == 0) {
        if (!confirm ("Empty replacement string, confirm: ", NULL)) {
            return FALSE;

    if (fRplRePrev && !RETranslate (patBuf, rplbuf, scanreal)) {
	printerror ("Invalid replacement pattern");
	return FALSE;

    srchlen = strlen (srcbuf);

    switch (pArg->argType) {

    case NOARG:
    case NULLARG:
	setAllScan (TRUE);

    case LINEARG:
	rnScan.flFirst.col = 0;
        rnScan.flLast.col  = sizeof(linebuf)-1;
	rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.linearg.yStart;
        rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.linearg.yEnd;

    case BOXARG:
	rnScan.flFirst.col = pArg->arg.boxarg.xLeft;
        rnScan.flLast.col  = pArg->arg.boxarg.xRight;
	rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.boxarg.yTop;
        rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.boxarg.yBottom;

    case STREAMARG:
	if (pArg->arg.streamarg.yStart == pArg->arg.streamarg.yEnd) {
	    rnScan.flFirst.col = pArg->arg.streamarg.xStart;
            rnScan.flLast.col  = pArg->arg.streamarg.xEnd;
	    rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.streamarg.yStart;
            rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.streamarg.yEnd;
        } else {
	    rnScan.flFirst.col = 0;   /* Do all but last line first */
            rnScan.flLast.col  = sizeof(linebuf)-1;
	    rnScan.flFirst.lin = pArg->arg.streamarg.yStart;
            rnScan.flLast.lin  = pArg->arg.streamarg.yEnd - 1;
	    flStart.col = pArg->arg.streamarg.xStart - 1;
	    flStart.lin = rnScan.flFirst.lin;
	    fScan (flStart, fDoReplace , TRUE, fSrchWrapSwit);

            rnScan.flLast.col   = pArg->arg.streamarg.xEnd;
	    rnScan.flFirst.lin	= ++rnScan.flLast.lin;

    flStart.col = rnScan.flFirst.col-1;
    flStart.lin = rnScan.flFirst.lin;
    if (fRplRePrev) {
	MaxREStack = 512;
        REStack = (RE_OPCODE **)ZEROMALLOC (MaxREStack * sizeof(*REStack));

    if (fFiles) {
         * Get the list handle, and initialize to start at the head of the list.
         * Attempt to read each file.
	if (pCmd = GetListHandle ("mgreplist", TRUE)) {
	    pFileSave = pFileHead;
	    p = ScanList (pCmd, TRUE);
	    while (p) {
		CanonFilename (p, bufFn);
		forfile (bufFn, A_ALL, mrepl1file, &p);
		p = ScanList (NULL, TRUE);
                if (fCtrlc) {
                    return FALSE;
	    pFileToTop (pFileSave);
            dispmsg (0);
    } else {
        fScan (flStart, fDoReplace , TRUE, fSrchWrapSwit);

    if (fRplRePrev) {
        FREE (REStack);
    domessage ("%d occurrences replaced", cRepl);
    return (flagType)(cRepl != 0);