예제 #1
	void Plugin::hookEntryStatusChanged (IHookProxy_ptr, QObject *entryObj, QString)
		if (!IsGoodEntry (entryObj))

		ICLEntry *entry = qobject_cast<ICLEntry*> (entryObj);
		const QString& id = entry->GetEntryID ();
		const EntryStatus& status = entry->GetStatus ();

		if (!LastState_.contains (id))
			LastState_ [id] = status.State_;

		const State oldState = LastState_ [id];
		LastState_ [id] = status.State_;

		switch (oldState)
		case SOffline:
		case SProbe:
		case SError:
		case SInvalid:
		case SConnecting:
		case SOnline:
			LastAvailable_ [id] = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
			LastOnline_ [id] = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
			ScheduleSave ();
예제 #2
			void RegexpMatcherManager::Remove (const QModelIndex& index)
				items_t::iterator begin = Items_.begin ();
				std::advance (begin, index.row ());
				beginRemoveRows (QModelIndex (), index.row (), index.row ());
				Items_.erase (begin);
				endRemoveRows ();
				ScheduleSave ();
예제 #3
			void RegexpMatcherManager::Remove (const QString& title)
				items_t::iterator found =
					std::find_if (Items_.begin (), Items_.end (),
							boost::bind (boost::function<bool (const RegexpMatcherManager::RegexpItem&,
									const QString)> (&RegexpMatcherManager::RegexpItem::IsEqual),
								_1, title));
				if (found == Items_.end ())
					throw NotFound ("Regexp user tried to remove doesn't exist in the RegexpMatcherManager");
				int dst = std::distance (Items_.begin (), found);
				beginRemoveRows (QModelIndex (), dst, dst);
				Items_.erase (found);
				endRemoveRows ();
				ScheduleSave ();
예제 #4
			void RegexpMatcherManager::Modify (const QString& title, const QString& newBody)
				if (!IsRegexpValid (title) || !IsRegexpValid (newBody))
					throw Malformed ("Regexp is malformed");
				items_t::iterator found =
					std::find_if (Items_.begin (), Items_.end (),
							boost::bind (boost::function<bool (const RegexpMatcherManager::RegexpItem&,
									const QString)> (&RegexpMatcherManager::RegexpItem::IsEqual),
								_1, title));
				if (found == Items_.end ())
					throw NotFound ("Regexp user tried to modify doesn't exist in the RegexpMatcherManager");
				found->Body_ = newBody;
				int dst = std::distance (Items_.begin (), found);
				emit dataChanged (index (dst, 1), index (dst, 1));
				ScheduleSave ();
예제 #5
			void RegexpMatcherManager::Add (const QString& title, const QString& body)
				if (!IsRegexpValid (title) || !IsRegexpValid (body))
					throw Malformed ("Regexp is malformed");
				items_t::const_iterator found =
					std::find_if (Items_.begin (), Items_.end (),
							boost::bind (boost::function<bool (const RegexpMatcherManager::RegexpItem&,
									const QString)> (&RegexpMatcherManager::RegexpItem::IsEqual),
								_1, title));
				if (found != Items_.end ())
					throw AlreadyExists ("Regexp user tries to add already exists in the RegexpMatcherManager");
				beginInsertRows (QModelIndex (), rowCount (), rowCount ());
				Items_.push_back (RegexpItem (title, body));
				endInsertRows ();
				ScheduleSave ();