virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case WID_SIL_LIST: { uint id_v = this->vscroll->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, WID_SIL_LIST, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP); if (id_v == INT_MAX) return; const Sign *si = this->signs[id_v]; ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileVirtXY(si->x, si->y)); break; } case WID_SIL_FILTER_ENTER_BTN: if (this->signs.Length() >= 1) { const Sign *si = this->signs[0]; ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileVirtXY(si->x, si->y)); } break; case WID_SIL_FILTER_MATCH_CASE_BTN: SignList::match_case = !SignList::match_case; // Toggle match case this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_SIL_FILTER_MATCH_CASE_BTN, SignList::match_case); // Toggle button pushed state this->InvalidateData(); // Rebuild the list of signs break; } }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case NTW_CLOSEBOX: NewsWindow::duration = 0; delete this; _forced_news = NULL; break; case NTW_CAPTION: case NTW_VIEWPORT: break; // Ignore clicks default: if (this->ni->reftype1 == NR_VEHICLE) { const Vehicle *v = Vehicle::Get(this->ni->ref1); ScrollMainWindowTo(v->x_pos, v->y_pos, v->z_pos); } else { TileIndex tile1 = GetReferenceTile(this->ni->reftype1, this->ni->ref1); TileIndex tile2 = GetReferenceTile(this->ni->reftype2, this->ni->ref2); if (_ctrl_pressed) { if (tile1 != INVALID_TILE) ShowExtraViewPortWindow(tile1); if (tile2 != INVALID_TILE) ShowExtraViewPortWindow(tile2); } else { if ((tile1 == INVALID_TILE || !ScrollMainWindowToTile(tile1)) && tile2 != INVALID_TILE) { ScrollMainWindowToTile(tile2); } } } break; } }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case WID_QES_PREVIOUS: case WID_QES_NEXT: { const Sign *si = this->PrevNextSign(widget == WID_QES_NEXT); /* Rebuild the sign list */ this->signs.ForceRebuild(); this->signs.NeedResort(); this->BuildSignsList(); this->SortSignsList(); /* Scroll to sign and reopen window */ ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileVirtXY(si->x, si->y)); UpdateSignEditWindow(si); break; } case WID_QES_DELETE: /* Only need to set the buffer to null, the rest is handled as the OK button */ RenameSign(this->cur_sign, ""); /* don't delete this, we are deleted in Sign::~Sign() -> DeleteRenameSignWindow() */ break; case WID_QES_OK: if (RenameSign(this->cur_sign, this->name_editbox.text.buf)) break; /* FALL THROUGH */ case WID_QES_CANCEL: delete this; break; } }
/** * Generate a world. * @param mode The mode of world generation (see GenWorldMode). * @param size_x The X-size of the map. * @param size_y The Y-size of the map. * @param reset_settings Whether to reset the game configuration (used for restart) */ void GenerateWorld(GenWorldMode mode, uint size_x, uint size_y, bool reset_settings) { if (HasModalProgress()) return; _gw.mode = mode; _gw.size_x = size_x; _gw.size_y = size_y; SetModalProgress(true); _gw.abort = false; _gw.abortp = NULL; = _local_company; _gw.quit_thread = false; _gw.threaded = true; /* This disables some commands and stuff */ SetLocalCompany(COMPANY_SPECTATOR); InitializeGame(_gw.size_x, _gw.size_y, true, reset_settings); PrepareGenerateWorldProgress(); /* Load the right landscape stuff, and the NewGRFs! */ GfxLoadSprites(); LoadStringWidthTable(); /* Re-init the windowing system */ ResetWindowSystem(); /* Create toolbars */ SetupColoursAndInitialWindow(); SetObjectToPlace(SPR_CURSOR_ZZZ, PAL_NONE, HT_NONE, WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0); if (_gw.thread != NULL) { _gw.thread->Join(); delete _gw.thread; _gw.thread = NULL; } if (!VideoDriver::GetInstance()->HasGUI() || !ThreadObject::New(&_GenerateWorld, NULL, &_gw.thread, "ottd:genworld")) { DEBUG(misc, 1, "Cannot create genworld thread, reverting to single-threaded mode"); _gw.threaded = false; _modal_progress_work_mutex->EndCritical(); _GenerateWorld(NULL); _modal_progress_work_mutex->BeginCritical(); return; } UnshowCriticalError(); /* Remove any open window */ DeleteAllNonVitalWindows(); /* Hide vital windows, because we don't allow to use them */ HideVitalWindows(); /* Don't show the dialog if we don't have a thread */ ShowGenerateWorldProgress(); /* Centre the view on the map */ if (FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0) != NULL) { ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileXY(MapSizeX() / 2, MapSizeY() / 2), true); } }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case WID_SIL_LIST: { uint id_v = this->vscroll->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, WID_SIL_LIST, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP); if (id_v == INT_MAX) return; const Sign *si = this->signs[id_v]; ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileVirtXY(si->x, si->y)); break; } case WID_SIL_FILTER_CLEAR_BTN: this->ClearFilterTextWidget(); // Empty the text in the EditBox widget this->SetFilterString(""); // Use empty text as filter text (= view all signs) break; case WID_SIL_FILTER_MATCH_CASE_BTN: SignList::match_case = !SignList::match_case; // Toggle match case this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_SIL_FILTER_MATCH_CASE_BTN, SignList::match_case); // Toggle button pushed state this->InvalidateData(); // Rebuild the list of signs break; } }
virtual EventState OnKeyPress(uint16 key, uint16 keycode) { EventState state = ES_NOT_HANDLED; switch (this->HandleEditBoxKey(WID_SIL_FILTER_TEXT, key, keycode, state)) { case HEBR_EDITING: this->SetFilterString(this->text.buf); break; case HEBR_CONFIRM: // Enter pressed -> goto first sign in list if (this->signs.Length() >= 1) { const Sign *si = this->signs[0]; ScrollMainWindowToTile(TileVirtXY(si->x, si->y)); } return state; case HEBR_CANCEL: // ESC pressed, clear filter. this->OnClick(Point(), WID_SIL_FILTER_CLEAR_BTN, 1); // Simulate click on clear button. this->UnfocusFocusedWidget(); // Unfocus the text box. return state; case HEBR_NOT_FOCUSED: // The filter text box is not globaly focused. if (CheckHotkeyMatch(signlist_hotkeys, keycode, this) == SLHK_FOCUS_FILTER_BOX) { this->SetFocusedWidget(WID_SIL_FILTER_TEXT); SetFocusedWindow(this); // The user has asked to give focus to the text box, so make sure this window is focused. state = ES_HANDLED; } break; default: NOT_REACHED(); } if (state == ES_HANDLED) OnOSKInput(WID_SIL_FILTER_TEXT); return state; }