예제 #1
void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiDotGradNj
    scalarField& buffer
) const
    // Warning. Ordering of edges needs to be the same for a tetrahedron
    // class, a tetrahedron cell shape model and a tetCell

    // Warning: Added a mag to produce positive coefficients even if
    // the tetrahedron is twisted inside out.  This is pretty
    // dangerous, but essential for mesh motion.

    // Double change of sign between face area vector and gradient

    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());
    vector sa = Sa();
    vector sb = Sb();
    vector sc = Sc();
    vector sd = Sd();

    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa & sb)/magVol;
    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa & sc)/magVol;
    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa & sd)/magVol;
    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd & sb)/magVol;
    buffer[4] = (1.0/9.0)*(sb & sc)/magVol;
    buffer[5] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd & sc)/magVol;
void FsGuiColorDialog::UpdateHSVSliderFromCurrentColor(void)
	auto col=GetCurrentColor();
예제 #3
void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiGradNi
    tensorField& buffer
) const
    // Change of sign between face area vector and gradient
    // does not matter because of square

    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());

    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sa())/magVol;
    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sb())/magVol;
    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sc())/magVol;
    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sd())/magVol;
예제 #4
void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiSquared
    scalarField& buffer
) const
    // Change of sign between face area vector and gradient
    // does not matter because of square

    // Warning: Added a mag to produce positive coefficients even if
    // the tetrahedron is twisted inside out.  This is pretty
    // dangerous, but essential for mesh motion.
    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());

    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sa())/magVol;
    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sb())/magVol;
    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sc())/magVol;
    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sd())/magVol;
예제 #5
void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiGradNj
    tensorField& buffer
) const
    // Warning. Ordering of edges needs to be the same for a tetrahedron
    // class, a tetrahedron cell shape model and a tetCell

    // Double change of sign between face area vector and gradient

    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());
    vector sa = Sa();
    vector sb = Sb();
    vector sc = Sc();
    vector sd = Sd();

    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa * sb)/magVol;
    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa * sc)/magVol;
    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa * sd)/magVol;
    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd * sb)/magVol;
    buffer[4] = (1.0/9.0)*(sb * sc)/magVol;
    buffer[5] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd * sc)/magVol;
예제 #6
tmp<volScalarField> WALE<BasicTurbulenceModel>::k
    const volTensorField& gradU
) const
    volScalarField magSqrSd(magSqr(Sd(gradU)));

    return tmp<volScalarField>
               new volScalarField
                       IOobject::groupName("k", this->U_.group()),
                               pow(magSqr(symm(gradU)), 5.0/2.0)
                               + pow(magSqrSd, 5.0/4.0)
                           + dimensionedScalar
                               dimensionSet(0, 0, -10, 0, 0),
예제 #7
파일: ECELL.CPP 프로젝트: abcweizhuo/Test3
This determines what material should leave through each outlet,
and rate of change of the contents resulting from the flow, of material, out of each outlet
of the surge unit.
void CElectroCell::EvalProducts(CNodeEvalIndex & NEI)
  StkSpConduit Sd("Sd", chLINEID(), this);
  dCellEff     = Range(0.01, dCellEff, 1.0);
  dPreHeatFrac = Range(0.0, dPreHeatFrac, 1.0);

  switch (SolveMethod())
    case SM_Direct:
      const int iAn = IOWithId_Self(ioidAn);
      const int iCa = IOWithId_Self(ioidCath);
      SpConduit & An = *IOConduit(iAn);
      SpConduit & Ca = *IOConduit(iCa);

      SigmaQInPMin(Sd(), som_ALL, Id_2_Mask(ioidFd));
      m_TempKFeed = Sd().Temp();
      const double TotHfAtFeedT_Before = Sd().totHf(som_ALL, m_TempKFeed, Sd().Press());

      const double TotHfAtFeedT_After = Sd().totHf(som_ALL, m_TempKFeed, Sd().Press());
      if (m_RB())
        // Input energy from the electrical work applied to the cell...
        m_dElecEnergyReact = TotHfAtFeedT_After - TotHfAtFeedT_Before;
        m_dElecEnergyHeat  = (m_dElecEnergyReact/ dCellEff)-m_dElecEnergyReact;
        m_dElecEnergyTotal = m_dElecEnergyReact + m_dElecEnergyHeat;
        double dTotHf = Sd().totHf();
        Sd().Set_totHf(dTotHf + m_dElecEnergyTotal); //add remaining energy AFTER reaction
        m_dElecEnergyTotal =  0.0;
        m_dElecEnergyReact =  0.0;
        m_dElecEnergyHeat  =  0.0;

      double Qs = Sd().QMass(som_Sol);
      double Ql = Sd().QMass(som_Liq);
      double Qg = Sd().QMass(som_Gas);
      m_TempKProd = Sd().Temp();

      An.QSetM(Sd(), som_Sol, 0.0, Std_P);
      An.QAddM(Sd(), som_Liq, Ql);
      Ca.QSetM(Sd(), som_Sol, Qs, Std_P);
      Ca.QAddM(Sd(), som_Liq, 0.0);

      //put all vapours (if any) to vent (if present)
      const int iVent = IOWithId_Self(ioidVent);
      if (iVent>=0)
        SpConduit & Cvent = *IOConduit(iVent);
        Cvent.QSetM(Sd(), som_Gas, Qg, Std_P);
        An.QAddM(Sd(), som_Gas, Qg); //put vapours somewhere!

    case SM_Inline:
    case SM_Buffered:
      if (SolveMethod()==SM_Inline)
        //RB.EvalDerivs(Contents, Sd(), Sd());

      if (m_RB())
        // Input energy from the electrical work applied to the cell...
        m_dElecEnergyReact = m_RB()->HfSumTot();
        m_dElecEnergyHeat  = (m_dElecEnergyReact/ dCellEff)-m_dElecEnergyReact;
        m_dElecEnergyTotal = m_dElecEnergyReact + m_dElecEnergyHeat;
        double dTotHf = Sd().totHf();
        Sd().Set_totHf(dTotHf + m_dElecEnergyTotal); //add remaining energy AFTER reaction
        m_dElecEnergyTotal =  0.0;
        m_dElecEnergyReact =  0.0;
        m_dElecEnergyHeat  =  0.0;
      //double emf = 0.0;
      //if (RB())
      //  {
      //  emf = RB()->HfSumTot();
      //  emf = (emf / dCellEff) * -1.0;
      //  Sd().Set_totHf(Sd().totHf() + emf);
      //  }
      //dHeatFlow = emf;

      double SolMass = Contents.Mass(som_Sol);
      double LiqMass = Contents.Mass(som_Liq);
      double ETemp   = Contents.Temp();

      // This prevents any solids leaving with the electrolyte.
      const int ioAn = IOWithId_Self(ioidAn);
      if (ioAn>=0)
        SpMArray AnolyteFilter;
        //Rem.Set(Contents, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
        AnolyteFilter.SetToValue(som_Sol, 0.0);
        AnolyteFilter.SetToValue(som_Liq|som_Gas, 1.0);
        SetProdMakeup(PMU_IOId | PMU_Filter, ioidAn, AnolyteFilter, ETemp, Std_P, Contents.Model());

      // This allows the metal and solids to leave in the metal outlet.
      // Solids other than the plated metal leave as sludge.
      const int ioCa = IOWithId_Self(ioidCath);
      if (ioCa>=0)
        SpMArray MetalFilter;
        //Met.Set(Contents, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        MetalFilter.SetToValue(som_Sol, 1.0);
        MetalFilter.SetToValue(som_Liq|som_Gas, 0.0);
        SetProdMakeup(PMU_IOId | PMU_Filter, ioidCath, MetalFilter, ETemp, Std_P, Contents.Model());

      SigmaQInPMin(m_QFeed, som_ALL, First64IOIds);
      EvalProducts_SurgeLevel(SolveInlineMethod(), false, ContentHgtOrd/*, &m_QFeed*/);


예제 #8
bool ConstraintBSpline::controlPointBoundsDeduction() const
    // Get variable bounds
    auto xlb = bspline.getDomainLowerBound();
    auto xub = bspline.getDomainUpperBound();

    // Use these instead?
//    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bspline.getNumVariables(); i++)
//    {
//        xlb.at(i) = variables.at(i)->getLowerBound();
//        xub.at(i) = variables.at(i)->getUpperBound();
//    }

    double lowerBound = variables.back()->getLowerBound(); // f(x) = y > lowerBound
    double upperBound = variables.back()->getUpperBound(); // f(x) = y < upperBound

    // Get knot vectors and basis degrees
    auto knotVectors = bspline.getKnotVectors();
    auto basisDegrees = bspline.getBasisDegrees();

    // Compute n value for each variable
    // Total number of control points is ns(0)*...*ns(d-1)
    std::vector<unsigned int> numBasisFunctions = bspline.getNumBasisFunctions();

    // Get matrix of coefficients
    DenseMatrix cps = controlPoints;
    DenseMatrix coeffs = cps.block(bspline.getNumVariables(), 0, 1, cps.cols());

    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < bspline.getNumVariables(); d++)
        if (assertNear(xlb.at(d), xub.at(d)))

        auto n = numBasisFunctions.at(d);
        auto p = basisDegrees.at(d);
        std::vector<double> knots = knotVectors.at(d);
        assert(knots.size() == n+p+1);

        // Tighten lower bound
        unsigned int i = 1;
        for (; i <= n; i++)
            // Knot interval of interest: [t_0, t_i]

            // Selection matrix
            DenseMatrix S = DenseMatrix::Ones(1,1);

            for (unsigned int d2 = 0; d2 < bspline.getNumVariables(); d2++)
                DenseMatrix temp(S);

                DenseMatrix Sd_full = DenseMatrix::Identity(numBasisFunctions.at(d2),numBasisFunctions.at(d2));
                DenseMatrix Sd(Sd_full);
                if (d == d2)
                    Sd = Sd_full.block(0,0,n,i);

                S = kroneckerProduct(temp, Sd);

            // Control points that have support in [t_0, t_i]
            DenseMatrix selc = coeffs*S;
            DenseVector minCP = selc.rowwise().minCoeff();
            DenseVector maxCP = selc.rowwise().maxCoeff();
            double minv = minCP(0);
            double maxv = maxCP(0);

            // Investigate feasibility
            if (minv > upperBound || maxv < lowerBound)
                continue; // infeasible
                break; // feasible

        // New valid lower bound on x(d) is knots(i-1)
        if (i > 1)
            if (!variables.at(d)->updateLowerBound(knots.at(i-1)))
                return false;

        // Tighten upper bound
        i = 1;
        for (; i <= n; i++)
            // Knot interval of interest: [t_{n+p-i}, t_{n+p}]

            // Selection matrix
            DenseMatrix S = DenseMatrix::Ones(1,1);

            for (unsigned int d2 = 0; d2 < bspline.getNumVariables(); d2++)
                DenseMatrix temp(S);

                DenseMatrix Sd_full = DenseMatrix::Identity(numBasisFunctions.at(d2),numBasisFunctions.at(d2));
                DenseMatrix Sd(Sd_full);
                if (d == d2)
                    Sd = Sd_full.block(0,n-i,n,i);

                S = kroneckerProduct(temp, Sd);

            // Control points that have support in [t_{n+p-i}, t_{n+p}]
            DenseMatrix selc = coeffs*S;
            DenseVector minCP = selc.rowwise().minCoeff();
            DenseVector maxCP = selc.rowwise().maxCoeff();
            double minv = minCP(0);
            double maxv = maxCP(0);

            // Investigate feasibility
            if (minv > upperBound || maxv < lowerBound)
                continue; // infeasible
                break; // feasible

        // New valid lower bound on x(d) is knots(n+p-(i-1))
        if (i > 1)
            if (!variables.at(d)->updateUpperBound(knots.at(n+p-(i-1))))
                return false;
            // NOTE: the upper bound seems to not be tight! can we use knots.at(n+p-i)?


    return true;
예제 #9
/*This determines what material should leave through each outlet,
and rate of change of the contents resulting from the flow, of material, 
out of each outlet of the surge unit.
void CentrifugeMB::EvalProducts(CNodeEvalIndex & NEI)
  StkSpConduit Sd("Sd", chLINEID(), this);
  StkSpConduit Wd("Wd", chLINEID(), this);

  SpConduit Dummy1;
  SpConduit Dummy2;

  switch (SolveMethod())
    case SM_Direct:
      //RqdSolidsToFiltrate = Range(1.0e-8, RqdSolidsToFiltrate, 0.3);
      RqdSolidsToFiltrate = Range(0.0, RqdSolidsToFiltrate, 1.0);
      RqdCakeMoist  = Range(0.0, RqdCakeMoist,  0.99);
      WashEff       = Range(0.01, WashEff, 1.0);

      const int iCl = IOWithId_Self(ioidLiq);
      const int iCs = IOWithId_Self(ioidSol);
      SpConduit & Cl = *IOConduit(iCl);
      SpConduit & Cs = *IOConduit(iCs);

      const int iWw = IOWithId_Self(ioidwash);
      const int iW2 = IOWithId_Self(ioidwsh2);
      const int iFW = IOWithId_Self(ioidFW);
      const int iSW = IOWithId_Self(ioidSW);

      SpConduit & QWw = (iWw >= 1 ? *IOConduit(iWw) : Dummy1);
      SpConduit & QW2 = (iW2 >= 1 ? *IOConduit(iW2) : Dummy2);

      SigmaQInPMin(QFd, som_ALL, Id_2_Mask(ioidFd));
      const bool HasFeed = (QFd.QMass(som_ALL)>UsableMass);
      const double TtlWashSol = QWw.QMass(som_Sol) + QW2.QMass(som_Sol);

      //double CFeed = QFd.SpecieConc(QFd.Temp(), iScanEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      double CFeed = QFd.SpecieConc(QFd.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      double CWash1 = QWw.SpecieConc(QWw.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      double CWash2 = QW2.SpecieConc(QW2.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);

      bool FeedLiqLow = false;
      double CCake1 = 0.0;
      if (fOn/* && HasFeed*/)

		    const double MSol    = QFd.QMass(som_Sol);
        const double MLiq    = QFd.QMass(som_Liq);
        const double wash1   = QWw.QMass(som_Liq);
        const double wash2   = QW2.QMass(som_Liq);
        const double TtlLiqIn = MLiq + wash1 + wash2;
        //will not achieve requirements if there are any solids in wash!!!
        const double MSol2Filt = MSol * RqdSolidsToFiltrate;
        const double RSol      = MSol - MSol2Filt;
        double MLiq2Cake = (RqdCakeMoist * RSol)/(1 - RqdCakeMoist); 
        FeedLiqLow = (TtlLiqIn<MLiq2Cake);
		    SetCI(1, /*fOn && */HasFeed && FeedLiqLow);
        if (FeedLiqLow)
          {//force all liquids to cake
          MLiq2Cake = TtlLiqIn;
        const double TotLiq    = max(TtlLiqIn - MLiq2Cake, 1e-6);
        const double Sol2Filt  = GEZ(MLiq - MLiq2Cake) * MSol2Filt/TotLiq;

        Cs.QSetM(QFd, som_Sol, RSol, IOP_Self(iCs));
        Cs.QAddM(QWw, som_Sol, QWw.QMass(som_Sol));
        Cs.QAddM(QW2, som_Sol, QW2.QMass(som_Sol));

        Cl.QSetM(QFd, som_Liq, GEZ(MLiq - MLiq2Cake), IOP_Self(iCl));
        Cl.QAddM(QFd, som_Sol, Sol2Filt);

        if ((MSol > 1e-6) && (MLiq > 1e-6))
          double Cf, Cw1, Cw2, e1, e2, w1, w2;

          w1 = min(MLiq2Cake*WashEff, wash1);
          w2 = min(MLiq2Cake*WashEff, wash2);
          e1 = w1/max(MLiq2Cake,1e-6);
          e2 = w2/max(MLiq2Cake,1e-6);

          // The liquid composition of the solids.
          Cf  = MLiq2Cake * (1.0 - e1 - e2 + e1*e2);
          Cw1 = w1 - w2*e1;
          Cw2 = w2;

          Cs.QAddM(QFd, som_Liq, Cf);
          Cs.QAddM(QWw, som_Liq, Cw1);
          CCake1 = Cs.SpecieConc(Cs.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);
          Cs.QAddM(QW2, som_Liq, Cw2);

          // The filtrate and washing streams
          double Ff, Fw1, Fw2;
          Ff  = MLiq2Cake - Cf;
          Fw1 = wash1 - Cw1;
          Fw2 = wash2 - Cw2;

          if (iFW >= 1)
            rSpConduit FW =*IOConduit(iFW);
            if (iSW >= 1)
              {//more than one washing output stream connected
              double Sw1, Sw2;
              rSpConduit SW =*IOConduit(iSW);
              Sw1 = wash1 * MSol2Filt/TotLiq;
              Sw2 = wash2 * MSol2Filt/TotLiq;

              FW.QSetM(QFd, som_Liq, w1, IOP_Self(iFW));
              FW.QAddM(QWw, som_Liq, wash1 - w1);
              FW.QAddM(QFd, som_Sol, Sw1);

              SW.QSetM(QFd, som_Liq, w2 - w1*e2, IOP_Self(iSW));
              SW.QAddM(QWw, som_Liq, w1*e2);
              SW.QAddM(QW2, som_Liq, Fw2);
              SW.QAddM(QFd, som_Sol, Sw2);
            else  // everything goes to the first washings stream
              FW.QSetM(QFd, som_Liq, Ff, IOP_Self(iFW));
              FW.QAddM(QWw, som_Liq, Fw1);
              FW.QAddM(QW2, som_Liq, Fw2);
              FW.QAddM(QFd, som_Sol, MSol2Filt - Sol2Filt);
          else  // everything goes to the filtrate
            Cl.QAddM(QFd, som_Liq, Ff);
            Cl.QAddM(QWw, som_Liq, Fw1);
            Cl.QAddM(QW2, som_Liq, Fw2);
            Cl.QAddM(QFd, som_Sol, MSol2Filt - Sol2Filt);
          Cs.QAddM(QFd, som_Sol, MSol2Filt);
          Cl.QAddM(QFd, som_Liq, MLiq2Cake);
          Cl.QAddM(QWw, som_Liq, wash1);
          Cl.QAddM(QW2, som_Liq, wash2);
        SigmaQInPMin(Cs, som_ALL, Id_2_Mask(ioidFd));
        SigmaQInPMin(Cl, som_ALL, Id_2_Mask(ioidwash)|Id_2_Mask(ioidwsh2));
        if (iFW >= 1)
          rSpConduit FW =*IOConduit(iFW);
        if (iSW >= 1)
          rSpConduit SW =*IOConduit(iSW);

      ActCakeLiq      = Cs.MassFrac(som_Liq);
      ActCakeSolids   = Cs.MassFrac(som_Sol);
      ActFiltSolids   = Cl.MassFrac(som_Sol);
      ActFiltSolConc  = Cl.PhaseConc(C_2_K(25.0), som_Sol, som_ALL);
      ActFiltSolConcT = Cl.PhaseConc(Cl.Temp(), som_Sol, som_ALL);
      //double Cuf = Cs.SpecieConc(Cs.Temp(), iScanEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //double Cof = Cl.SpecieConc(Cl.Temp(), iScanEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //ActScandrettEff = (CFeed - Cuf)/NZ(CFeed - Cof);
      const double CCake2 = Cs.SpecieConc(Cs.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      dSpWashEff  = (CFeed - CCake1)/NZ(CFeed - CWash1);
      dSpWashEff2 = (CFeed - CCake2)/NZ(CFeed - CWash2);

      const double CMErr = fabs(ActCakeLiq - RqdCakeMoist); //CakeMoisture error
      const bool SolInWashErr = (CMErr > 1.0e-5 && TtlWashSol>1.0e-6);
		  SetCI(2, fOn && /*bTrackStatus && */HasFeed && !FeedLiqLow && !SolInWashErr && CMErr > 1.0e-5);
		  SetCI(3, fOn && /*bTrackStatus && */HasFeed && SolInWashErr);
    case SM_Inline:
    case SM_Buffered:
      //double CFeed = Sd().SpecieConc(Sd().Temp(), iScanEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //double CFeed = Sd().SpecieConc(Sd().Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //double CWash1 = QWw.SpecieConc(QWw.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //double CWash2 = QW2.SpecieConc(QW2.Temp(), iWashEffSpecie, som_Liq);

      double SolMass = Contents.Mass(som_Sol);
      double LiqMass = Contents.Mass(som_Liq);

      //RqdSolidsToFiltrate = Range(1.0e-8, RqdSolidsToFiltrate, 0.3);
      RqdSolidsToFiltrate  = Range(0.0, RqdSolidsToFiltrate, 1.0);
      RqdCakeMoist   = Range(0.0, RqdCakeMoist, 1.0);
      double CakeSol, LiqSol;
      LiqSol  = RqdSolidsToFiltrate / GTZ(1.0 - RqdSolidsToFiltrate);
      CakeSol = (1.0 - RqdCakeMoist) / GTZ(RqdCakeMoist);

      if (SolMass>1.0e-12 && LiqMass>1.0e-12)
        SetProdMakeup(PMU_IOId | PMU_SLRatio, ioidLiq, Contents, LiqSol);
        SetProdMakeup(PMU_IOId | PMU_SLRatio, ioidSol, Contents, CakeSol);
        // Just Operate as a Tank

      SigmaQInPMin(m_QFeed, som_ALL, First64IOIds);
      EvalProducts_SurgeLevel(SolveInlineMethod(), false, ContentHgtOrd/*, &m_QFeed*/);

      if (NoProcessJoins()>=1)
        Xfer_EvalProducts(0, Joins[0].Pressure(), NULL, &m_QProdSrg, NULL, NULL, NULL);

      ActCakeLiq      = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->MassFrac(som_Liq);
      ActCakeSolids   = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->MassFrac(som_Sol);
      ActFiltSolids   = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->MassFrac(som_Sol);
      ActFiltSolConc  = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->PhaseConc(C_2_K(25.0), som_Sol, som_ALL);
      ActFiltSolConcT = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->PhaseConc(IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->Temp(), som_Sol, som_ALL);
      //double Cuf = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->SpecieConc(IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->Temp(), iScanEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //double Cof = IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->SpecieConc(IOConduit(IOWithId_Self(ioidSol))->Temp(), iScanEffSpecie, som_Liq);
      //ActScandrettEff = (CFeed - Cuf)/NZ(CFeed - Cof);

예제 #10
bool invert(const Mat_<_Tp, chs>&src, Mat_<_Tp, chs>& dst, int method = DECOMP_LU)
	FBC_Assert(src.data != NULL && dst.data != NULL);
	FBC_Assert(src.cols > 0 && src.rows > 0 && dst.cols > 0 && dst.rows > 0);
	FBC_Assert(typeid(double).name() == typeid(_Tp).name() || typeid(float).name() == typeid(_Tp).name());
	FBC_Assert(src.cols == dst.rows && src.rows == dst.cols);

	bool result = false;
	size_t esz = sizeof(_Tp) * chs; // size_t esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
	int m = src.rows, n = src.cols;

	if (method == DECOMP_SVD) { // TODO

	FBC_Assert(m == n);

	if (method == DECOMP_EIG) { // TODO

	FBC_Assert(method == DECOMP_LU || method == DECOMP_CHOLESKY);

	if (n <= 3) {
		const uchar* srcdata = src.ptr();
		uchar* dstdata = const_cast<uchar*>(dst.ptr());
		size_t srcstep = src.step;
		size_t dststep = dst.step;

		if (n == 2) { // TODO
		} else if (n == 3) {
			if (typeid(float).name() == typeid(_Tp).name() && chs == 1) {
				double d = det3(Sf);

				if (d != 0.) {
					double t[12];

					result = true;
					d = 1./d;
					t[0] = (((double)Sf(1,1) * Sf(2,2) - (double)Sf(1,2) * Sf(2,1)) * d);
					t[1] = (((double)Sf(0,2) * Sf(2,1) - (double)Sf(0,1) * Sf(2,2)) * d);
					t[2] = (((double)Sf(0,1) * Sf(1,2) - (double)Sf(0,2) * Sf(1,1)) * d);

					t[3] = (((double)Sf(1,2) * Sf(2,0) - (double)Sf(1,0) * Sf(2,2)) * d);
					t[4] = (((double)Sf(0,0) * Sf(2,2) - (double)Sf(0,2) * Sf(2,0)) * d);
					t[5] = (((double)Sf(0,2) * Sf(1,0) - (double)Sf(0,0) * Sf(1,2)) * d);

					t[6] = (((double)Sf(1,0) * Sf(2,1) - (double)Sf(1,1) * Sf(2,0)) * d);
					t[7] = (((double)Sf(0,1) * Sf(2,0) - (double)Sf(0,0) * Sf(2,1)) * d);
					t[8] = (((double)Sf(0,0) * Sf(1,1) - (double)Sf(0,1) * Sf(1,0)) * d);

					Df(0,0) = (float)t[0]; Df(0,1) = (float)t[1]; Df(0,2) = (float)t[2];
					Df(1,0) = (float)t[3]; Df(1,1) = (float)t[4]; Df(1,2) = (float)t[5];
					Df(2, 0) = (float)t[6]; Df(2, 1) = (float)t[7]; Df(2, 2) = (float)t[8];
			} else {
				double d = det3(Sd);
				if (d != 0.) {
					result = true;
					d = 1. / d;
					double t[9];

					t[0] = (Sd(1, 1) * Sd(2, 2) - Sd(1, 2) * Sd(2, 1)) * d;
					t[1] = (Sd(0, 2) * Sd(2, 1) - Sd(0, 1) * Sd(2, 2)) * d;
					t[2] = (Sd(0, 1) * Sd(1, 2) - Sd(0, 2) * Sd(1, 1)) * d;

					t[3] = (Sd(1, 2) * Sd(2, 0) - Sd(1, 0) * Sd(2, 2)) * d;
					t[4] = (Sd(0, 0) * Sd(2, 2) - Sd(0, 2) * Sd(2, 0)) * d;
					t[5] = (Sd(0, 2) * Sd(1, 0) - Sd(0, 0) * Sd(1, 2)) * d;

					t[6] = (Sd(1, 0) * Sd(2, 1) - Sd(1, 1) * Sd(2, 0)) * d;
					t[7] = (Sd(0, 1) * Sd(2, 0) - Sd(0, 0) * Sd(2, 1)) * d;
					t[8] = (Sd(0, 0) * Sd(1, 1) - Sd(0, 1) * Sd(1, 0)) * d;

					Dd(0, 0) = t[0]; Dd(0, 1) = t[1]; Dd(0, 2) = t[2];
					Dd(1, 0) = t[3]; Dd(1, 1) = t[4]; Dd(1, 2) = t[5];
					Dd(2, 0) = t[6]; Dd(2, 1) = t[7]; Dd(2, 2) = t[8];
		} else {
			assert(n == 1);

			if (typeid(float).name() == typeid(_Tp).name() && chs == 1)
				double d = Sf(0, 0);
				if (d != 0.) {
					result = true;
					Df(0, 0) = (float)(1. / d);
			} else {
				double d = Sd(0, 0);
				if (d != 0.) {
					result = true;
					Dd(0, 0) = 1. / d;

		if (!result)
		return result;

	FBC_Assert(0); // TODO

	return result;
예제 #11
void Crush1::EvalProducts(CNodeEvalIndex & NEI)
  flag On = (bOnLine && (NetProbalMethod() || MSB.Speed(this)>DischOnSpeed));
  const int ioProd = IOWithId_Self(ioidProd);
  if (ioProd>=0 && On)
    SigmaQInPMin(Disch, som_ALL, Id_2_Mask(ioidFeed));
    BOOL ValidData = (Disch.QMass(som_Sol)>1.0e-6);
		SpConduit Sd("Sd", this, TOA_Free);
    ValidData = ValidData && CB.IsValidData(Sd);

    if (ValidData)
      double F80 = SQSzDist1::Ptr(Disch.Model())->SizePassingFraction(-1, -1, 0.80);

      CB.CrushProduct(Sd, Disch);

      //double Excess;
      double MassRate = Disch.QMass(som_Sol);
      double P80 = SQSzDist1::Ptr(Disch.Model())->SizePassingFraction(-1, -1, 0.80);
      if (Valid(P80) && (P80 > 1e-10) && Valid(F80) && (F80 > 1e-10))
        F80 = F80 * 1e6;  // Convert to microns
        P80 = P80 * 1e6;
        Power  = 10.0 * MassRate * BWI * (1.0/Sqrt(P80) - 1.0/Sqrt(F80));  
        //Excess = Motor - Power;
        Power  = 0.0;
        //Excess = 0.0;
      //if (Excess > 0.0)
      //  Heat = Excess * Eff;
      //  Heat = 0.0;

      //Disch.Set_totEnthalpy(Disch.totEnthalpy() + Heat);
      Power = 0.0;

    Power = 0.0;
    CB.SetCI(3, !m_Pwr.SupplyConnected());
    if (ioProd>=0)
      SpConduit & Qp=*IOConduit(ioProd); //Qp product
      SigmaQInPMin(Qp, som_ALL, Id_2_Mask(ioidFeed)); //set product = feed