bool NBBST<T, Threads>::remove(T value){ int key = hash(value); SearchResult search; while(true){ Search(key, &search); nodes.publish(search.l, 0); if(search.l->key != key){ return false; } if(getState(search.gpupdate) != CLEAN){ Help(search.gpupdate); } else if(getState(search.pupdate) != CLEAN){ Help(search.pupdate); } else { infos.publish(>update, 0); infos.publish(search.gpupdate, 1); Info* op = newDInfo(, search.p, search.l, search.pupdate); infos.publish(op, 2); Update result =>update; if(CASPTR(&>update, search.gpupdate, Mark(op, DFLAG))){ if(search.gpupdate){ infos.releaseNode(Unmark(search.gpupdate)); } infos.releaseAll(); if(HelpDelete(op)){ nodes.releaseAll(); return true; } } else { infos.releaseNode(op); infos.releaseAll(); Help(result); } } nodes.releaseAll(); } }
// Search for an item ITEM *CfgFindItem(FOLDER *parent, char *name) { ITEM *t, tt; // Validate arguments if (parent == NULL || name == NULL) { return NULL; } tt.Name = ZeroMalloc(StrLen(name) + 1); StrCpy(tt.Name, 0, name); t = Search(parent->Items, &tt); Free(tt.Name); return t; }
// Search in the ARP table L3ARPENTRY *L3SearchArpTable(L3IF *f, UINT ip) { L3ARPENTRY *e, t; // Validate arguments if (f == NULL || ip == 0 || ip == 0xffffffff) { return NULL; } Zero(&t, sizeof(t)); t.IpAddress = ip; e = Search(f->ArpTable, &t); return e; }
bool DeleteClient(LINKEDLIST * pList, SOCKET DeleteSocket) { if (pList->iCount) { return false; } NODE*pSearch = Search(pList, EqualFunc, (void*)DeleteSocket); if (pSearch) { SOCKET ClientSocket = (SOCKET)pSearch->pData; DeleteAt(pList, pSearch); SendPacket(ClientSocket, PG_FAIL,"로그아웃\n", 128); return true; } return false; }
BOOL PathArray::RegisterPath(const void *path) { if (!path || !GetChar(path, 0)) return FALSE; int len = strlenV(path); if ((flags & ALLOW_SAME) == 0 && Search(path, MakeHashId(path, len))) return FALSE; #define MAX_ALLOC 100 if ((num % MAX_ALLOC) == 0) { pathArray = (PathObj **)realloc(pathArray, (num + MAX_ALLOC) * sizeof(void *)); } SetPath(num++, path, len); return TRUE; }
bool DBRootNode::UpdateNode( const string& nodeName, const string& attributeName, int xValue, int yValue ) { DBNode* thisNode = Search( nodeName ); if ( thisNode != NULL ) { DBVector2D* thisAttribute = dynamic_cast<DBVector2D*>( thisNode->GetAttribute( attributeName ) ); if ( thisAttribute != NULL ) { thisAttribute->SetX( xValue ); thisAttribute->SetY( yValue ); return true; } } return false; }
BOOL PathArray::RegisterPath(const WCHAR *path) { if (!path || !path[0]) return FALSE; int len = (int)wcslen(path); if ((flags & ALLOW_SAME) == 0 && Search(path, MakeHashId(path, len))) return FALSE; #define MAX_ALLOC 100 if ((num % MAX_ALLOC) == 0) { pathArray = (PathObj **)realloc(pathArray, (num + MAX_ALLOC) * sizeof(WCHAR *)); } SetPath(num++, path, len); return TRUE; }
STDMETHODIMP COleObjectPropertyDual::ConsiderSearch(BSTR bstrToMatch, SEARCHMODE rgFlags, ULONG ulCnt) { CComBool fCanSearch; _ASSERTE(m_fSearchAble); // muß suchen können COM_TRY { WDSearchAbleObjectProperty Search(m_ObjProp); THROW_FAILED_HRESULT(Search -> ConsiderSearch(bstrToMatch, GetSearchMode(rgFlags), &fCanSearch)); } COM_CATCH; return fCanSearch ? S_OK : E_NOTIMPL; }
int main(){ dir[1][0]=0,dir[2][0]=0,dir[3][0]=1,dir[4][0]=-1; dir[1][1]=1,dir[2][1]=-1,dir[3][1]=0,dir[4][1]=0; for (int i=1;i<=4;i++) scanf("%s",&ch[i]); for (int i=1;i<=4;i++) for (int j=1;j<=4;j++) s[i][j]=(ch[i][j-1]=='b'); ans=2134000000; Search(1); if (tt) printf("%d\n",ans); else printf("Impossible\n"); return 0; }
// Get the interface that is connected to the specified Virtual HUB from the L3 switch L3IF *L3SearchIf(L3SW *s, char *hubname) { L3IF t, *f; // Validate arguments if (s == NULL || hubname == NULL) { return NULL; } Zero(&t, sizeof(t)); StrCpy(t.HubName, sizeof(t.HubName), hubname); f = Search(s->IfList, &t); return f; }
// Search a folder FOLDER *CfgFindFolder(FOLDER *parent, char *name) { FOLDER *f, ff; // Validate arguments if (parent == NULL || name == NULL) { return NULL; } ff.Name = ZeroMalloc(StrLen(name) + 1); StrCpy(ff.Name, 0, name); f = Search(parent->Folders, &ff); Free(ff.Name); return f; }
bool QATree::CreateQuestionAnswer(string newQuestion, string newAnswer, string alternativeQA) { int key = 0; bool created = false; if (root == NULL) { Insert(newQuestion, 0); Insert(newAnswer, 1); Insert(alternativeQA, -1); created = true; } else { if (ScalingRequired(root)) { nodeScale++; ScaleNodes(root, nodeScale); } /* Search for the alternate answer. Store off the key if it is found */ if (Search(alternativeQA, key)) { if (IsLeaf(key)) { /* Replace the existing alternate answer with a new question*/ ReplaceInfo(key, newQuestion); /* Insert the presumably correct answer to the right of the answer */ Insert(newAnswer, key + 1); /* Insert the existing, alternative answer to the left of the answer */ Insert(alternativeQA, key - 1); created = true; } else cout << "Error: \"" << alternativeQA << "\" is a question." << endl; } else cout << "Error: Unable to find answer: \"" << alternativeQA << "\"." << endl; } return created; }
double Trie::GetFreq (char * word , char *pos ) { PWORDTYPE w=Search (word); PPOSFREQCHAIN pf; if(!w) return 0; if(pos==NULL)//get the sum of freq { return w->freq; }else{ for(pf=w->posfreq;pf&&strcmp(pf->pos,pos)<0;pf=pf->next); if(pf&&!strcmp(pf->pos,pos)) {//find return pf->freq; } } return 0; }
void brelse_proc(int ac, char *av[]){ if(!initnum){ printf("Error! Nothing is started\n"); printf("You should call init first\n"); return; } if(ac <= 1){ printf("COMMON MAN, WHICH BLOCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT\n"); printf("You Should Specify the block number BY YOURSELF SITTY ASS\n"); } else if(ac >=3){ printf("Too much argument\n"); } else{ int checker = 0; for(int i = 0; i < strlen(av[1]); i++){ if(isalpha(av[1][i])){ checker++; } } if(!checker){ int t = atoi(av[1]); if(Search(t)){ buf *p = Clone(t); brelse(p); } else{ printf("Error!, there is no such block num in the hash\n"); } } else{ printf("Error!, you should not include any alphabet in your input\n"); printf("Maybe you are PUSSY\n"); } /* if(!isalpha(atoi(av[1]))){ buf *p = Clone(atoi(av[1])); brelse(p); } else{ printf("INPUT VALUE MUST BE NUMBER, ASS WHOLE\n"); } */ } }
int main() { int i; scanf("%d%d",&n,&M); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&m[i]); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&v[i]); MaxFun(); Search(); Print(x,y); printf("%d\n",num); for(i=0;i<num-1;i++) printf("%d ",output[i]); printf("%d\n",output[i]); return 0; }
IthGlyph* InsertGlyph(HDC hDC, wchar_t ch) { #ifndef GLYPH_NO_CACHING TreeNode<wchar_t, DWORD> *p; p=Search(ch); if (p) return glyph_ptr_table[p->data]; #endif IthGlyph* g=new IthGlyph(hDC); g->InitGlyph(ch); #ifndef GLYPH_NO_CACHING Insert(ch, count); if (count*sizeof(IthGlyph*)==size) ReallocGlyphTable(); glyph_ptr_table[count]=g; count++; #endif return g; }
int main() { int i,x; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } scanf("%d",&x); Creat(p); Search(p,x); if(flag==2) printf("%d",t); else printf("-1"); return 0; }
void Search ( int U , int size ) { if ( U == 0 ) { if ( size > Max ) Max = size , found = true; return; } int len , i; for ( len = i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) if ( U & Pow [i] ) len ++; if ( len + size <= Max ) return; for ( i = 0; U; i ++ ) if ( U & Pow [i] ) { if ( size + c [i] <= Max ) return; U -= Pow [i]; Search ( U & graph [i] , size + 1 ); if ( found ) return; } }
main () { int i , j; for ( i = 0; i < 20; i ++ ) Pow [i] = 1 << i; while ( init () ) { WorkForGraph (); Max = 0; for ( i = N - 1 , j = 0; i >= 0; j |= Pow [i --] ) { found = false; Search ( j & graph [i] , 1 ); c [i] = Max; } printf ( "Minimum Number of Pieces to be removed: %d\n" , N - Max ); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool CSG_Network::Update(void) { int iEdge; //----------------------------------------------------- for(iEdge=m_Edges.Get_Count()-1; iEdge>=0; iEdge--) { CSG_Shape *pEdge = m_Edges.Get_Shape(iEdge); if( !(((CSG_Shape_Line *)pEdge)->Get_Length() > 0.0) ) { m_Edges.Del_Shape(iEdge); } } //----------------------------------------------------- for(int i=0; i<Get_Node_Count(); i++) { delete(&Get_Node(i)); } m_Nodes.Set_Array(0); //----------------------------------------------------- CSG_PRQuadTree Search(m_Edges.Get_Extent()); for(iEdge=0; iEdge<m_Edges.Get_Count(); iEdge++) { CSG_Shape *pEdge = m_Edges.Get_Shape(iEdge); pEdge->Set_Value(0, iEdge); pEdge->Set_Value(1, _Add_Node(Search, iEdge, pEdge->Get_Point(0), pEdge->Get_Point(1) )); pEdge->Set_Value(2, _Add_Node(Search, iEdge, pEdge->Get_Point(pEdge->Get_Point_Count(0) - 1), pEdge->Get_Point(pEdge->Get_Point_Count(0) - 2) )); } //----------------------------------------------------- return( true ); }
bool ColourBlendMap::Compute(TransColour& colour, DBL value, const Vector3d& TPoint, const Intersection *Intersect, const Ray *ray, TraceThreadData *Thread) { const BlendMapEntry<TransColour>* Prev; const BlendMapEntry<TransColour>* Cur; DBL prevWeight; DBL curWeight; Search (value, Prev, Cur, prevWeight, curWeight); if (Prev == Cur) { colour = Cur->Vals; } else { Blend(colour, Prev->Vals, prevWeight, Cur->Vals, curWeight, Thread); } return true; }
void SyGFindFileDialog::Receive ( JBroadcaster* sender, const Message& message ) { if (sender == itsSearchButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { if (Search() && !itsStayOpenCB->IsChecked()) { Deactivate(); } } else if (sender == itsCloseButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { (GetWindow())->KillFocus(); Deactivate(); } else if (sender == itsHelpButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { (SyGGetManPageDialog())->ViewManPage("find"); } else if (sender == itsChoosePathButton && message.Is(JXButton::kPushed)) { itsPathInput->ChoosePath(""); } else if (sender == itsActionRG && message.Is(JXRadioGroup::kSelectionChanged)) { UpdateDisplay(); } else if ((sender == itsFileInput || sender == itsExprInput) && (message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextSet) || message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextChanged))) { UpdateButtons(); } else { JXWindowDirector::Receive(sender, message); } }
void Search(Unit unit[], char name[], int i) { if (unit[i].name == NULL) return; if (strcmp(unit[i].name, name) == 0) { printf("\n Name : %s\n", unit[i].name); printf(" Hp : %.2lf\n", unit[i].hp); printf(" Mp : %.2lf\n", unit[i].mp); printf("Speed : %d\n", unit[i].speed); printf("Range : %d\n", unit[i].range); printf("Posit : %s\n", unit[i].position); } else Search(unit, name, i + 1); }
int main() { int n,i; int space = 1,temp = 0,flag; char c; while((c = getchar()) != '\n') { if(c == ' '){ t2[space] = temp; space++; temp = 0; flag = 0; } else{ flag = 1; temp = temp * 10 + c - 48; } } if(flag){ t2[space] = temp; } space = 1; temp = 0; while((c = getchar()) != '\n') { if(c == ' '){ t1[space] = temp; space++; temp = 0; flag = 0; } else{ flag = 1; temp = temp * 10 + c - 48; } } if(flag){ t1[space] = temp; } n = space; Search(n,1,n,1);//因为后序最后遍历的是根节点,所以这里和前面的开始点不同,注意一下 return 0; }
void Agent::Update(float a_deltaTime) { // Update the velocity with the current acceleration m_movementInfo.m_velocityX += m_movementInfo.m_accelerationX; m_movementInfo.m_velocityY += m_movementInfo.m_accelerationY; // constrain the velocity if (m_movementInfo.m_velocityX > m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed) { m_movementInfo.m_velocityX = m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed; } else if (m_movementInfo.m_velocityX < -m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed) { m_movementInfo.m_velocityX = -m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed; } if (m_movementInfo.m_velocityY > m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed) { m_movementInfo.m_velocityY = m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed; } else if (m_movementInfo.m_velocityY < -m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed) { m_movementInfo.m_velocityY = -m_movementInfo.m_maxSpeed; } // set rotation m_movementInfo.m_rotation = atan2(m_movementInfo.m_velocityY, m_movementInfo.m_velocityX) + (float)M_PI / 2.0f; // reset the acceleration for the next frame m_movementInfo.m_accelerationX = 0.0f; m_movementInfo.m_accelerationY = 0.0f; // add the velocity to the position m_movementInfo.m_positionX += m_movementInfo.m_velocityX; m_movementInfo.m_positionY += m_movementInfo.m_velocityY; CheckCollisions(); switch (GetColour()) { case Colour::Green: Patrol(); break; case Colour::Blue: Health(); break; case Colour::Red: Attack(); break; case Colour::Orange: Search(); break; } }
int main() { int i; BiTreeNode *q[MaxSize+1]; BiTreeNode *root; int left,right,temp; int Num[MaxSize]={0}; char strA[MaxSize]="befcgdh";//pre_order char strB[MaxSize]="febgchd";//in_order char point;int n; n=strlen(strA); Initiate(&root); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { point=strA[i]; temp=Search(strB,point); left=SearchLeft(Num,temp); right=SearchRight(Num,temp); if(left==-1&&right==-1) { q[temp]=InsertLeftNode(root,point); Num[temp]=1; } else if(left!=-1&&q[left]->rightChild==NULL) { q[temp]=InsertRightNode(q[left],point); Num[temp]=1; } else if(right!=-1&&q[right]->leftChild==NULL) { q[temp]=InsertLeftNode(q[right],point); Num[temp]=1; } } PrintBiTree(root,0); printf("****************************************\n\n"); printf("PreOrder: \t"); PreOrder(root->leftChild,Visit); printf("\nInOrder:\t"); InOrder(root->leftChild,Visit); printf("\nPostOrder: \t"); PostOrder(root->leftChild,Visit); printf("\n*****************************************************************************\n\t\t\t\bCopyright @ 2009 Gary All Right Reserved\n"); return 0; }
void solve () { int i , j , k , x , y , tx , S; for ( i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) for ( j = 0; j < N; j ++ ) Min [i] [j] = 0x7fffffff , Max [i] [j] = -1; Min [7] [7] = Max [7] [7] = 0; for ( i = 6; i >= 0; i -- ) Min [i] [7] = Max [i] [7] = Min [i + 1] [7] + map [i + 1] [7]; for ( j = 7; j; j -- ) { for ( i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < 3; k ++ ) { x = i + dx [k] , y = j + dy [k]; if ( !range ( x , y ) || Min [i] [j] + map [i] [j] >= Min [x] [y] ) continue; Min [x] [y] = Min [i] [j] + map [i] [j]; for ( tx = x + 1; range ( tx , y ) && Min [tx - 1] [y] + map [tx - 1] [y] < Min [tx] [y]; tx ++ ) Min [tx] [y] = Min [tx - 1] [y] + map [tx - 1] [y]; for ( tx = x - 1; range ( tx , y ) && Min [tx + 1] [y] + map [tx + 1] [y] < Min [tx] [y]; tx -- ) Min [tx] [y] = Min [tx + 1] [y] + map [tx + 1] [y]; } } } for ( j = 7; j; j -- ) { for ( i = 0; i < N; i ++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < 3; k ++ ) { x = i + dx [k] , y = j + dy [k]; if ( !range ( x , y ) ) continue; if ( Max [i] [j] + map [i] [j] > Max [x] [y] ) Max [x] [y] = Max [i] [j] + map [i] [j]; S = Max [i] [j] + map [i] [j] + map [x] [y]; for ( tx = x + 1; range ( tx , y ); S += map [tx] [y] , tx ++ ) if ( S > Max [tx] [y] ) Max [tx] [y] = S; S = Max [i] [j] + map [i] [j] + map [x] [y]; for ( tx = x - 1; range ( tx , y ); S += map [tx] [y] , tx -- ) if ( S > Max [tx] [y] ) Max [tx] [y] = S; } } } memset ( mark , 0 , sizeof ( mark )); mark [0] [0] = true; if ( Search ( 0 , 0 , map [0] [0] )) printf ( "Yes\n" ); else printf ( "No\n" ); }
void VSCMainWindows::SetupConnections() { connect(m_pMainArea, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(MainCloseTab(int))); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(SurveillanceClicked()), this, SLOT(AddSurveillance())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(CameraAddClicked()), this, SLOT(AddCamera())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(EmapClicked()), this, SLOT(AddEmap())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(DminingClicked()), this, SLOT(AddDmining())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(SearchClicked()), this, SLOT(Search())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(RecorderClicked()), this, SLOT(AddRecorder())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(CameraEditClicked(int)), this, SLOT(EditCamera(int))); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(CameraDeleteClicked(int)), this, SLOT(DeleteCamera(int))); /* VIPC */ connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VIPCAddClicked()), this, SLOT(AddVIPC())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VIPCEditClicked(int)), this, SLOT(EditVIPC(int))); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VIPCDeleteClicked(int)), this, SLOT(DeleteVIPC(int))); /* Camera Group */ connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VGroupAddClicked()), this, SLOT(AddVGroup())); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VGroupEditClicked(int)), this, SLOT(EditVGroup(int))); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VGroupDeleteClicked(int)), this, SLOT(DeleteVGroup(int))); connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VGroupMapClicked()), this, SLOT(MapVGroup())); /* Disk edit */ connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(DiskEditClicked()), this, SLOT(EditDisk())); /* View */ connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(ViewDeleteClicked(int)), this, SLOT(DeleteView(int))); /* VMS */ connect(m_pDeviceList, SIGNAL(VMSDeleteClicked(int)), this, SLOT(DeleteVMS(int))); //connect(this, SIGNAL(CameraDeleted()), m_pDeviceList, SLOT(CameraTreeUpdated())); connect(m_pToolBar->ui.pbFullScreen, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetFullScreen())); connect(m_pToolBar->ui.pbAbout, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(about())); connect(m_pToolBar->ui.pbAlarm, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(AddEvent())); connect(m_pToolBar->ui.pbSetting, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(Setting())); connect(m_pToolBar->ui.pbUser, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(UserStatus())); connect(m_pEventThread, SIGNAL(EventNotifyNoParam()), m_pToolBar, SLOT(NewAlarm())); }
void RedBlackTree::Delete(uint32_t key) { RedBlackNode::Ptr z = Search(key); RedBlackNode::Ptr x; if(z == nil) return; RedBlackNode::Ptr y = z; RedBlackNode::color_t original_color = y->Color(); if(z->Left() == nil) { x = z->Right(); Transplant(z,z->Right()); } else if(z->Right() == nil) { x = z->Left(); Transplant(z,z->Left()); } else { y = Minimum(z->Right()); original_color = y->Color(); x = y->Right(); if(y->Parent() == z) { x->Parent(y); } else { Transplant(y,y->Right()); y->Right(z->Right()); y->Right()->Parent(y); } Transplant(z,y); y->Left(z->Left()); y->Left()->Parent(y); y->Color(z->Color()); } if(original_color == RedBlackNode::BLACK) { Delete_Fixup(x); } }
// Create a folder FOLDER *CfgCreateFolder(FOLDER *parent, char *name) { UINT size; FOLDER *f; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL) { return NULL; } size = StrLen(name) + 1; #ifdef CHECK_CFG_NAME_EXISTS // Check the name in the parent list if (parent != NULL) { FOLDER ff; ff.Name = ZeroMalloc(size); StrCpy(ff.Name, 0, name); f = Search(parent->Folders, &ff); Free(ff.Name); if (f != NULL) { // Folder with the same name already exists return NULL; } } #endif // CHECK_CFG_NAME_EXISTS f = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(FOLDER)); f->Items = NewListFast(CmpItemName); f->Folders = NewListFast(CmpFolderName); f->Name = ZeroMalloc(size); StrCpy(f->Name, 0, name); f->Parent = parent; // Add to parentlist if (f->Parent != NULL) { Insert(f->Parent->Folders, f); } return f; }