예제 #1
	void SourceTASReader::OnAfterFrames()
		if (currentTick <= currentScript.GetScriptLength())

		if (conditions.empty() || iterationFinished)

		bool allTrue = true;

		for (auto& pointer : conditions)
			allTrue = allTrue && pointer->IsTrue(currentTick, currentScript.GetScriptLength());
			if (pointer->ShouldTerminate(currentTick, currentScript.GetScriptLength()))
				iterationFinished = true;


		if (allTrue)
			iterationFinished = true;
예제 #2
void AnalyzeImageDlg::InitConnections()
	connect(ui.btnBrowseSavePath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBtnBrowseSavePathClicked()));
	connect(ui.btnRecovery, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBtnRecoveryClicked()));
	connect(ui.edtSearchStr, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnEdtSearchStrTextChanged(const QString&)));
	connect(ui.btnSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBtnSearchClicked()));
	connect(ui.btnExport, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBtnExportClicked()));

	connect(m_searchThd, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(SearchFinished()));
	connect(m_searchThd, SIGNAL(CurrentProgress(int)), this, SLOT(CurrentProgress(int)));
	connect(m_searchThd, SIGNAL(TotalProgress(int)), this, SLOT(TotalProgress(int)));
	connect(m_searchThd, SIGNAL(SearchResult(QString, __int64)), this, SLOT(SearchResult(QString, __int64)));

	connect(ui.btnBrowseImage, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnBtnBrowseImageClicked()));
예제 #3
    void Search::search(const std::string query, const completion_t completion){
        //find the query match
        std::string q(query);
        std::transform(q.begin(), q.end(), q.begin(), ::tolower);
        const long kSearchBeganTime=currentTimeMilliseconds();
        if (q.empty()) {
            if (completion)
                completion(query, std::make_shared<results_t>(), currentTimeMilliseconds()-kSearchBeganTime);
        FutureHolder *futureHolder(new FutureHolder());
        futureHolder->future = std::async(std::launch::async, [=] () {
            p_results_t results(std::make_shared<results_t>());

            std::string key(q);
            if (key.size()>3)

            auto it(_index.find(key));
            if (it!=_index.end()) {
                long long index((*it).second);
                auto lines(linesForCharIndex(index, key, q));
                for (auto & line : lines) {
                    //adding a result
                    size_t loc(line.find(","));
                    if (loc != line.npos) {
                        std::string word(line.substr(0,loc));
                        std::string data(line.substr(loc+1));
                        std::stringstream ss(data);
                        std::vector<int> values;
                        int i;
                        while (ss >> i)
                            if (ss.peek() == ',')
                        for (int i (0); i<values.size(); i=i+2)
                            results->push_back(SearchResult(word, values[i], values.at(i+1), currentTimeMilliseconds()-kSearchBeganTime));
                        //malformed string exception!
예제 #4
void SoundCloudSearchPlugin::onRequestFinished() {
    if (m_request->status() == QSoundCloud::ResourcesRequest::Ready) {
        SearchResultList results;
        const QVariantMap result = m_request->result().toMap();
        const QVariantList list = result.value("collection").toList();
        foreach (const QVariant &v, list) {
            const QVariantMap item = v.toMap();
            const QString title = item.value("title").toString();
            const QString url = item.value("permalink_url").toString();
            const QString thumbnailUrl = item.value("artwork_url").toString();
            const QString date = QDateTime::fromString(item.value("created_at").toString(),
                                                       "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss +0000").toString("dd MMM yyyy");
            const int secs = item.value("duration", 1000).toInt() / 1000;
            const QString duration = (secs > 0 ? QString("%1:%2").arg(secs / 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'))
                                      .arg(secs % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0')) : QString("--:--"));
            const QString description = item.value("description").toString();
            const QString html = HTML.arg(url).arg(thumbnailUrl.section("-", 0, -2)).arg(date).arg(duration)
            results << SearchResult(title, html, url);
        const QString next = result.value("next_href").toString();
        if (!next.isEmpty()) {
            QVariantMap params;
            params["path"] = next.mid(next.lastIndexOf("/"));
            emit searchCompleted(results, params);
        else {
            emit searchCompleted(results);
예제 #5
PhotonKDTree::_knnOnPhtonKDTree(const Eigen::Vector3f & position, int N, PhotonKDTree::search_queue & candidates, int startIdx, int lastIdx, int axis) {

    if (startIdx <= lastIdx) {
        auto currIdx = middleIdx(Range(startIdx, lastIdx + 1));
        auto photonPos = photons[currIdx].position;
        Eigen::Vector3f dp = photonPos - position;
        float sqrdist = dp.dot(dp);
        candidates.push(SearchResult(currIdx, sqrdist));
        if (candidates.size() > N) {
        auto searchLeft = [&](){
            auto newRange = lowerRange(Range(startIdx, lastIdx + 1));
            this->_knnOnPhtonKDTree(position, N, candidates, newRange.begin, newRange.end - 1, nextAxis(axis));
        auto searchRight = [&](){
            auto newRange = upperRange(Range(startIdx, lastIdx + 1));
            this->_knnOnPhtonKDTree(position, N, candidates, newRange.begin, newRange.end - 1, nextAxis(axis));
        bool searchedLeft = true;
        if (sparseless(axis)(position, photonPos)) {
        else {
            searchedLeft = false;
        /// If the candidate hypersphere crosses the splitting plane, then 
        /// look "on the other side of the plane by examining the other subtree"
        float farthestDist = candidates.top().squareDistance;
        float diff = photonPos(axis) - position(axis);
        if (candidates.size() < N || diff * diff < farthestDist) {
            if (searchedLeft) {
            else {
SearchResult ParseSearchResult(
		not_null<PeerData*> peer,
		Storage::SharedMediaType type,
		MsgId messageId,
		SparseIdsLoadDirection direction,
		const MTPmessages_Messages &data) {
	auto result = SearchResult();
	result.noSkipRange = MsgRange{ messageId, messageId };

	auto messages = [&] {
		switch (data.type()) {
		case mtpc_messages_messages: {
			auto &d = data.c_messages_messages();
			result.fullCount = d.vmessages.v.size();
			return &d.vmessages.v;
		} break;

		case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: {
			auto &d = data.c_messages_messagesSlice();
			result.fullCount = d.vcount.v;
			return &d.vmessages.v;
		} break;

		case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: {
			auto &d = data.c_messages_channelMessages();
			if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) {
			} else {
				LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when "
					"no channel was passed! (ParseSearchResult)"));
			result.fullCount = d.vcount.v;
			return &d.vmessages.v;
		} break;

		case mtpc_messages_messagesNotModified: {
			LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! "
			return (const QVector<MTPMessage>*)nullptr;
		} break;
		Unexpected("messages.Messages type in ParseSearchResult()");

	if (!messages) {
		return result;

	auto addType = NewMessageExisting;
	for (auto &message : *messages) {
		if (auto item = App::histories().addNewMessage(message, addType)) {
			auto itemId = item->id;
			if ((type == Storage::SharedMediaType::kCount)
				|| item->sharedMediaTypes().test(type)) {
			accumulate_min(result.noSkipRange.from, itemId);
			accumulate_max(result.noSkipRange.till, itemId);
	if (messageId && result.messageIds.empty()) {
		result.noSkipRange = [&]() -> MsgRange {
			switch (direction) {
			case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Before: // All old loaded.
				return { 0, result.noSkipRange.till };
			case SparseIdsLoadDirection::Around: // All loaded.
				return { 0, ServerMaxMsgId };
			case SparseIdsLoadDirection::After: // All new loaded.
				return { result.noSkipRange.from, ServerMaxMsgId };
			Unexpected("Direction in ParseSearchResult");
	return result;
예제 #7
// Internal function for searching in the database.
// For projects in C++ which use this project it might be preferable to use this function
// to skip the wrapper.
// Returns: number of results, -1 if maxResults != -1 and not all results were found
int CDriveIndex::Find(wstring *strQuery, wstring *strQueryPath, vector<SearchResultFile> *rgsrfResults, BOOL bSort, BOOL bEnhancedSearch, int maxResults)
	//These variables are used to control the flow of execution in this function.

	//Indicates where results should be searched
	unsigned int SearchWhere = IN_FILES;
	//Offset for vector marked by SearchWhere
	unsigned int iOffset = 0;
	//Used to skip the search when the previous two properties should be carried over to the next search without actually using them now.
	BOOL bSkipSearch = false;

	//Number of results in this search. -1 if more than maximum number of results.
	int nResults = 0;

	//No query, just ignore this call
	if(strQuery->length() == 0)
		// Store this query
		LastResult.Query = wstring(TEXT(""));
		LastResult.Results = vector<SearchResultFile>();
		return nResults;

	if(strQueryPath != NULL)
		//Check if the path actually matches the drive of this index
		WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
		_wsplitpath(strQueryPath->c_str(), szDrive, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j != _MAX_DRIVE; j++)
			szDrive[j] = toupper(szDrive[j]);
		if(wstring(szDrive).compare(wstring(1,toupper(m_cDrive))) == 0)
			return 0;

	//Create lower query string for case-insensitive search
	wstring strQueryLower(*strQuery);
	for(unsigned int j = 0; j != strQueryLower.length(); j++)
		strQueryLower[j] = tolower(strQueryLower[j]);
	const WCHAR *szQueryLower = strQueryLower.c_str();
	//Create lower query path string for case-insensitive search
	wstring strQueryPathLower(strQueryPath != NULL ? *strQueryPath : TEXT(""));
	for(unsigned int j = 0; j != strQueryPathLower.length(); j++)
		strQueryPathLower[j] = tolower((*strQueryPath)[j]);
	wstring* pstrQueryPathLower = strQueryPath != NULL && strQueryPathLower.length() > 0 ? &strQueryPathLower : NULL;

	//If the query path is different from the last query so that the results are not valid anymore, the last query needs to be dropped
	if(!(strQueryPath != NULL && (LastResult.maxResults == -1 || LastResult.iOffset == 0) && (LastResult.SearchPath.length() == 0 || strQueryPathLower.find(LastResult.SearchPath) == 0)))
		LastResult = SearchResult();

	//Calculate Filter value and length of the current query which are compared with the cached ones to skip many of them
	DWORDLONG QueryFilter = MakeFilter(&strQueryLower);
	DWORDLONG QueryLength = (QueryFilter & 0xE000000000000000ui64) >> 61ui64; //Bits 61-63 for storing lengths up to 8
	QueryFilter = QueryFilter & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64; //All but the last 3 bits

	//If the same query string as in the last query was used
	if(strQueryLower.compare(LastResult.Query) == 0 && LastResult.Results.size() > 0 && (LastResult.SearchEndedWhere == NO_WHERE && iOffset != 1)) // need proper condition here to skip
		//Keep the position of the last result
		SearchWhere = LastResult.SearchEndedWhere;
		iOffset = LastResult.iOffset;
		bSkipSearch = true;
		for(int i = 0; i != LastResult.Results.size(); i++)
			BOOL bFound = true;
			if(pstrQueryPathLower != NULL)
				wstring strPathLower(LastResult.Results[i].Path);
				for(unsigned int j = 0; j != strPathLower.length(); j++)
					strPathLower[j] = tolower(LastResult.Results[i].Path[j]);
				bFound = strPathLower.find(strQueryPathLower) != -1;
				//If the result limit has decreased and we have found all (shouldn't happen in common scenarios)
				if(maxResults != -1 && nResults > maxResults)
					nResults = -1;
					//If we get here, the next incremental should start fresh, but only if it requires more results than this one.
					//To accomplish this we make this result contain no information about the origin of these results.
					SearchWhere = NO_WHERE;
					iOffset = 1;
				rgsrfResults->insert(rgsrfResults->end(), LastResult.Results[i]);
		//if the last search was limited and didn't finish because it found enough files and we don't have the maximum number of results yet
		//we need to continue the search where the last one stopped.
		if(LastResult.maxResults != -1 && LastResult.SearchEndedWhere != NO_WHERE && (maxResults == -1 || nResults < maxResults))
			bSkipSearch = false;
	//If this query is more specific than the previous one, it can use the results from the previous query
	else if(strQueryLower.find(LastResult.Query) != -1 && LastResult.Results.size() > 0)
		bSkipSearch = true;
		//Keep the position of the last result
		SearchWhere = LastResult.SearchEndedWhere;
		iOffset = LastResult.iOffset;
		FindInPreviousResults(*strQuery, szQueryLower, QueryFilter, QueryLength, pstrQueryPathLower, *rgsrfResults, 0, bEnhancedSearch, maxResults, nResults);

		//if the last search was limited and didn't finish because it found enough files and we don't have the maximum number of results yet
		//we need to continue the search where the last one stopped.
		if(LastResult.maxResults != -1 && LastResult.SearchEndedWhere != NO_WHERE && (maxResults == -1 || nResults < maxResults))
			bSkipSearch = false;
	long long nFilesInDir = -1;
	if(strQueryPath != NULL && strQueryPath->length())
		FRNPath = PathToFRN(strQueryPath);
		wstring strPath2;
		GetDir(FRNPath, &strPath2);
		int iOffset = (int) FindDirOffsetByIndex(FRNPath);
		if(iOffset != -1)
			nFilesInDir = rgDirectories[iOffset].nFiles;
	if(SearchWhere == IN_FILES && iOffset == 0 && nFilesInDir != -1 && nFilesInDir < 10000 && !bSkipSearch)
		FindRecursively(*strQuery, szQueryLower, QueryFilter, QueryLength, strQueryPath, *rgsrfResults, bEnhancedSearch, maxResults, nResults);
		SearchWhere = NO_WHERE;
	else if(SearchWhere == IN_FILES && !bSkipSearch)
		//Find in file index
		FindInJournal(*strQuery, szQueryLower, QueryFilter, QueryLength, (strQueryPath != NULL ? &strQueryPathLower : NULL), rgFiles, *rgsrfResults, iOffset, bEnhancedSearch, maxResults, nResults);
		//If we found the maximum number of results in the file index we stop here
		if(maxResults != -1 && nResults == -1)
			iOffset++; //Start with next entry on the next incremental search
		else //Search isn't limited or not all results found yet, continue in directory index
			SearchWhere = IN_DIRECTORIES;
			iOffset = 0;

	if(SearchWhere == IN_DIRECTORIES && !bSkipSearch)
		//Find in directory index
		FindInJournal(*strQuery, szQueryLower, QueryFilter, QueryLength, pstrQueryPathLower, rgDirectories, *rgsrfResults, iOffset, bEnhancedSearch, maxResults, nResults);
		//If we found the maximum number of results in the directory index we stop here
		if(maxResults != -1 && nResults == -1)
			iOffset++; //Start with next entry on the next incremental search
		else //Search isn't limited or less than the maximum number of results found
			SearchWhere = NO_WHERE;
			iOffset = 0;

	//Sort by match quality and name
		sort(rgsrfResults->begin(), rgsrfResults->end());
	// Store this query
	LastResult.Query = wstring(strQueryLower);
	// Store search path
	LastResult.SearchPath = strQueryPathLower;

	//Clear old results, they will be replaced with the current ones
	LastResult.Results = vector<SearchResultFile>();

	//Store number of results (Needed for incremental search)
	LastResult.iOffset = iOffset;

	//Store if this search was limited
	LastResult.maxResults = maxResults;

	//Store where the current search ended due to file limit (or if it didn't);
	LastResult.SearchEndedWhere = SearchWhere;

	//Update last results
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i != rgsrfResults->size(); i++)
		LastResult.Results.insert(LastResult.Results.end(), (*rgsrfResults)[i]);

	return nResults;
예제 #8
void CDriveIndex::ClearLastResult()
	LastResult = SearchResult();
예제 #9
파일: near.cpp 프로젝트: 3rf/mongo
    // Set "toReturn" when NEED_FETCH.
    PlanStage::StageState NearStage::bufferNext(WorkingSetID* toReturn, Status* error) {

        // Try to retrieve the next covered member

        if (!_nextInterval) {

            StatusWith<CoveredInterval*> intervalStatus = nextInterval(_txn,
            if (!intervalStatus.isOK()) {
                _searchState = SearchState_Finished;
                *error = intervalStatus.getStatus();
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;

            if (NULL == intervalStatus.getValue()) {
                _searchState = SearchState_Finished;
                return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

            // CoveredInterval and its child stage are owned by _childrenIntervals
            _nextInterval = _childrenIntervals.back();
            _nextIntervalStats.reset(new IntervalStats());
            _nextIntervalStats->minDistanceAllowed = _nextInterval->minDistance;
            _nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceAllowed = _nextInterval->maxDistance;
            _nextIntervalStats->inclusiveMaxDistanceAllowed = _nextInterval->inclusiveMax;

        WorkingSetID nextMemberID;
        PlanStage::StageState intervalState = _nextInterval->covering->work(&nextMemberID);

        if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == intervalState) {
            _nextInterval = NULL;

            _searchState = SearchState_Advancing;
            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
        else if (PlanStage::FAILURE == intervalState) {
            *error = WorkingSetCommon::getMemberStatus(*_workingSet->get(nextMemberID));
            return intervalState;
        else if (PlanStage::NEED_FETCH == intervalState) {
            *toReturn = nextMemberID;
            return intervalState;
        else if (PlanStage::ADVANCED != intervalState) {
            return intervalState;

        // Try to buffer the next covered member

        WorkingSetMember* nextMember = _workingSet->get(nextMemberID);

        // The child stage may not dedup so we must dedup them ourselves.
        if (_nextInterval->dedupCovering && nextMember->hasLoc()) {
            if (_nextIntervalSeen.end() != _nextIntervalSeen.find(nextMember->loc))
                return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;


        StatusWith<double> distanceStatus = computeDistance(nextMember);

        // Store the member's RecordId, if available, for quick invalidation
        if (nextMember->hasLoc()) {
            _nextIntervalSeen.insert(make_pair(nextMember->loc, nextMemberID));

        if (!distanceStatus.isOK()) {
            _searchState = SearchState_Finished;
            *error = distanceStatus.getStatus();
            return PlanStage::FAILURE;

        // If the member's distance is in the current distance interval, add it to our buffered
        // results.
        double memberDistance = distanceStatus.getValue();
        bool inInterval = memberDistance >= _nextInterval->minDistance
                          && (_nextInterval->inclusiveMax ?
                              memberDistance <= _nextInterval->maxDistance :
                              memberDistance < _nextInterval->maxDistance);

        // Update found distance stats
        if (_nextIntervalStats->minDistanceFound < 0
            || memberDistance < _nextIntervalStats->minDistanceFound) {
            _nextIntervalStats->minDistanceFound = memberDistance;

        if (_nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceFound < 0
            || memberDistance > _nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceFound) {
            _nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceFound = memberDistance;

        if (inInterval) {
            _resultBuffer.push(SearchResult(nextMemberID, memberDistance));


            // Update buffered distance stats
            if (_nextIntervalStats->minDistanceBuffered < 0
                || memberDistance < _nextIntervalStats->minDistanceBuffered) {
                _nextIntervalStats->minDistanceBuffered = memberDistance;

            if (_nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceBuffered < 0
                || memberDistance > _nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceBuffered) {
                _nextIntervalStats->maxDistanceBuffered = memberDistance;
        else {
            // We won't pass this WSM up, so deallocate it

        return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
예제 #10
void SearchResultsDatabase::add(const EntityID &id)
	shared_ptr<SearchResult> result(OS_NEW SearchResult(id));
예제 #11
파일: import.cpp 프로젝트: nanwu/pyston
SearchResult findModule(const std::string& name, BoxedString* full_name, BoxedList* path_list) {
    static BoxedString* meta_path_str = internStringImmortal("meta_path");
    BoxedList* meta_path = static_cast<BoxedList*>(sys_module->getattr(meta_path_str));
    if (!meta_path || meta_path->cls != list_cls)
        raiseExcHelper(RuntimeError, "sys.meta_path must be a list of import hooks");

    static BoxedString* findmodule_str = internStringImmortal("find_module");
    for (int i = 0; i < meta_path->size; i++) {
        Box* finder = meta_path->elts->elts[i];

        auto path_pass = path_list ? path_list : None;
        CallattrFlags callattr_flags{.cls_only = false, .null_on_nonexistent = false, .argspec = ArgPassSpec(2) };
        Box* loader = callattr(finder, findmodule_str, callattr_flags, full_name, path_pass, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if (loader != None)
            return SearchResult(loader);

    if (!path_list)
        path_list = getSysPath();

    if (path_list == NULL || path_list->cls != list_cls) {
        raiseExcHelper(RuntimeError, "sys.path must be a list of directory names");

    static BoxedString* path_hooks_str = internStringImmortal("path_hooks");
    BoxedList* path_hooks = static_cast<BoxedList*>(sys_module->getattr(path_hooks_str));
    if (!path_hooks || path_hooks->cls != list_cls)
        raiseExcHelper(RuntimeError, "sys.path_hooks must be a list of import hooks");

    static BoxedString* path_importer_cache_str = internStringImmortal("path_importer_cache");
    BoxedDict* path_importer_cache = static_cast<BoxedDict*>(sys_module->getattr(path_importer_cache_str));
    if (!path_importer_cache || path_importer_cache->cls != dict_cls)
        raiseExcHelper(RuntimeError, "sys.path_importer_cache must be a dict");

    llvm::SmallString<128> joined_path;
    for (int i = 0; i < path_list->size; i++) {
        Box* _p = path_list->elts->elts[i];
        if (_p->cls != str_cls)
        BoxedString* p = static_cast<BoxedString*>(_p);

        llvm::sys::path::append(joined_path, p->s(), name);
        std::string dn(joined_path.str());

        llvm::sys::path::append(joined_path, "__init__.py");
        std::string fn(joined_path.str());

        PyObject* importer = get_path_importer(path_importer_cache, path_hooks, _p);
        if (importer == NULL)

        if (importer != None) {
            CallattrFlags callattr_flags{.cls_only = false, .null_on_nonexistent = false, .argspec = ArgPassSpec(1) };
            Box* loader = callattr(importer, findmodule_str, callattr_flags, full_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
            if (loader != None)
                return SearchResult(loader);

        if (pathExists(fn))
            return SearchResult(std::move(dn), SearchResult::PKG_DIRECTORY);

        llvm::sys::path::append(joined_path, std::string(p->s()), name + ".py");
        fn = joined_path.str();

        if (pathExists(fn))
            return SearchResult(std::move(fn), SearchResult::PY_SOURCE);

        llvm::sys::path::append(joined_path, p->s(), name + ".pyston.so");
        fn = joined_path.str();

        if (pathExists(fn))
            return SearchResult(std::move(fn), SearchResult::C_EXTENSION);

    return SearchResult("", SearchResult::SEARCH_ERROR);

PyObject* PyImport_GetImporter(PyObject* path) noexcept {
    PyObject* importer = NULL, * path_importer_cache = NULL, * path_hooks = NULL;

    if ((path_importer_cache = PySys_GetObject("path_importer_cache"))) {
        if ((path_hooks = PySys_GetObject("path_hooks"))) {
            importer = get_path_importer(path_importer_cache, path_hooks, path);
    Py_XINCREF(importer); /* get_path_importer returns a borrowed reference */
    return importer;
예제 #12
 * @brief Processed a search request.
 * @param request the request to proceed.
u_int32_t ORBSearcher::searchImage(SearchRequest &request)
    timeval t[5];
    gettimeofday(&t[0], NULL);

    cout << "Loading the image and extracting the ORBs." << endl;

    Mat img;
    u_int32_t i_ret = ImageLoader::loadImage(request.imageData.size(),
                                             request.imageData.data(), img);
    if (i_ret != OK)
        return i_ret;

    vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
    Mat descriptors;

    ORB(1000, 1.02, 100)(img, noArray(), keypoints, descriptors);

    gettimeofday(&t[1], NULL);

    cout << "time: " << getTimeDiff(t[0], t[1]) << " ms." << endl;
    cout << "Looking for the visual words. " << endl;

    unordered_map<u_int32_t, list<Hit> > imageReqHits; // key: visual word, value: the found angles
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); ++i)
        #define NB_NEIGHBORS 1

        vector<int> indices(NB_NEIGHBORS);
        vector<int> dists(NB_NEIGHBORS);
        wordIndex->knnSearch(descriptors.row(i), indices,
                           dists, NB_NEIGHBORS);

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j)
            const unsigned i_wordId = indices[j];
            if (imageReqHits.find(i_wordId) == imageReqHits.end())
                // Convert the angle to a 16 bit integer.
                Hit hit;
                hit.i_imageId = 0;
                hit.i_angle = keypoints[i].angle / 360 * (1 << 16);
                hit.x = keypoints[i].pt.x;
                hit.y = keypoints[i].pt.y;


    cout << imageReqHits.size() << " visual words kept for the request." << endl;

    const unsigned i_nbTotalIndexedImages = index->getTotalNbIndexedImages();
    cout << i_nbTotalIndexedImages << " images indexed in the index." << endl;

    unordered_map<u_int32_t, vector<Hit> > indexHits; // key: visual word id, values: index hits.
    index->getImagesWithVisualWords(imageReqHits, indexHits);

    gettimeofday(&t[2], NULL);
    cout << "time: " << getTimeDiff(t[1], t[2]) << " ms." << endl;
    cout << "Ranking the images." << endl;

    unordered_map<u_int32_t, float> weights; // key: image id, value: image score.

    for (unordered_map<u_int32_t, vector<Hit> >::const_iterator it = indexHits.begin();
        it != indexHits.end(); ++it)
        const vector<Hit> &hits = it->second;

        const float f_weight = log((float)i_nbTotalIndexedImages / hits.size());

        for (vector<Hit>::const_iterator it2 = hits.begin();
             it2 != hits.end(); ++it2)
            /* TF-IDF according to the paper "Video Google:
             * A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos" */
            unsigned i_totalNbWords = index->countTotalNbWord(it2->i_imageId);
            weights[it2->i_imageId] += f_weight / i_totalNbWords;

    priority_queue<SearchResult> rankedResults;
    for (tr1::unordered_map<unsigned, float>::const_iterator it = weights.begin();
         it != weights.end(); ++it)
        rankedResults.push(SearchResult(it->second, it->first));

    gettimeofday(&t[3], NULL);
    cout << "time: " << getTimeDiff(t[2], t[3]) << " ms." << endl;
    cout << "Reranking 300 among " << rankedResults.size() << " images." << endl;

    priority_queue<SearchResult> rerankedResults;
    reranker.rerank(imageReqHits, indexHits,
                    rankedResults, rerankedResults, 300);

    gettimeofday(&t[4], NULL);
    cout << "time: " << getTimeDiff(t[3], t[4]) << " ms." << endl;
    cout << "Returning the results. " << endl;

    returnResults(rerankedResults, request, 100);

#if 0
    // Draw keypoints and ellipses.
    Mat img_res;
    drawKeypoints(img, cleanKeypoints, img_res, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ellipses.size(); ++i)
        ellipse( img_res, ellipses[i], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);

    // Show the image.
    imshow("Keypoints 1", img_res);

    return SEARCH_RESULTS;
예제 #13
void SearchImageThread::run()
	HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(


	LARGE_INTEGER fs = {0};
	GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &fs);
	LONGLONG fileSize = fs.QuadPart;

	DWORD readPieceSize = BufferSize;
	LONGLONG currentProcess = 0;
	DWORD readed = 0;

	emit TotalProgress(100);

	unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[readPieceSize];

	QByteArray searchStr = m_utf8 ? m_searchStr.toUtf8() : m_searchStr.toLocal8Bit();
	int patternLen = searchStr.length();
	unsigned char* pattern = new unsigned char[patternLen];
	memcpy(pattern, searchStr.data(), patternLen);

	while (true)
		memset(buffer, 0, readPieceSize);
		ReadFile(hFile, buffer, readPieceSize, &readed, NULL);

		// Search buffer
		char displayText[ContentSize+1] = {0};

		for ( int i = 0; i < readPieceSize; )
			if ( 0 == memcmp(buffer+i, pattern, patternLen) )
				for ( int j = 0; j < ContentSize; ++j )
					if ( buffer[i+j] == 0 )
						displayText[j] = ' ';
						displayText[j] = buffer[i+j];

				QString result = m_utf8 ? QString::fromUtf8(displayText, ContentSize+1) : QString::fromLocal8Bit(displayText, ContentSize+1);
				emit SearchResult(result, currentProcess + i);
				i += ContentSize;

		currentProcess += readed;
		emit CurrentProgress((int)(currentProcess * 100 / fileSize));

		if ( 0 == readed )

	delete [] buffer;