예제 #1
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the hostage dialog box
int do_hostage_dialog()
	int i;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	// Close other windows

	CurrentHostageIndex = 0;

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_open_window( TMAPBOX_X+10, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, WIN_DIALOG );
	QuitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, 222, 48, 40, "Done", NULL );

	ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 32,"&Message:" );
	HostageText = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( MainWindow, 10, 50, HOSTAGE_MESSAGE_LEN, HOSTAGE_MESSAGE_LEN, HostageMessage );

	// The little box the hostage vclip will play in.
	HostageViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,10, 90+10, 64, 64 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 90;
//@@	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 26, "<< Type", SelectPrevVclip );
//@@	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 26, "Type >>", SelectNextVclip );i += 29;		
//@@	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 26, "<< Sound",  find_prev_hostage_sound );
//@@	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 26, "Sound >>", find_next_hostage_sound );i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 26, "<< Face", SelectPrevFace );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 26, "Face >>", SelectNextFace );i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Play sound", PlayHostageSound );i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Next Hostage", SelectNextHostage );	i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Prev Hostage", SelectPrevHostage ); i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Compress All", CompressHostages ); i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Delete", ObjectDelete );	i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Create New", PlaceHostage );	i += 29;		
	Time = timer_get_fixed_seconds();

	LastHostageIndex = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.
//	if ( CurrentHostageIndex == -1 )
//		SelectNextHostage();

	return 1;

예제 #2
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the hostage dialog box
int do_hostage_dialog()
	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	// Close other windows
	auto h = make_unique<hostage_dialog>();
	h->vclip_animation_time = 0;
	h->vclip_playback_speed = 0;
	h->vclip_ptr = NULL;

	CurrentHostageIndex = 0;

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog(TMAPBOX_X+10, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, hostage_dialog_handler, std::move(h));
	return 1;
예제 #3
void do_hostage_window()
	fix DeltaTime, Temp;

	if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return;


	// Call the ui code..
	ui_button_any_drawn = 0;

	// If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all
	// of the radio buttons that control the ai mode.  Also makes
	// the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down.
	if (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex )	{

		if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 )	
			strcpy( HostageText->text, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].text );
			strcpy(HostageText->text, " " );

		HostageText->position = strlen(HostageText->text);
		HostageText->oldposition = HostageText->position;
		HostageText->first_time = 1;


	// If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then
	// update the cooresponding AI state.
	if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 )	
		strcpy( Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].text, HostageText->text );

	// A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects...
	Temp = timer_get_fixed_seconds();
	DeltaTime = Temp - Time;
	Time = Temp;

	// Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box
	if (CurrentHostageIndex > -1 )	{
		int vclip_num;
		vclip_num = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num;

		Assert(vclip_num != -1);

		gr_set_current_canvas( HostageViewBox->canvas );

		if ( vclip_num > -1 )	{
			vclip_play( &Hostage_face_clip[vclip_num], DeltaTime );	
		} else {
			gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );
	} else {
		// no hostage, so just blank out
		gr_set_current_canvas( HostageViewBox->canvas );
		gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );

	// If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that
	// identifies this robot.
	if (ui_button_any_drawn || (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex) )	{
		if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 )	{
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: %d   Object: %d", CurrentHostageIndex, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum );
			//@@ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: %d   Sound: %d   ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num );
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face: %d   ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num);
		}	else {
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: none " );
			//@@ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type:    Sound:       " );
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face:         " );
		Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED;

	if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC))	{

	LastHostageIndex = CurrentHostageIndex;
예제 #4
static window_event_result hostage_dialog_handler(UI_DIALOG *dlg,const d_event &event, hostage_dialog *h)
			return hostage_dialog_created(dlg, h);
			MainWindow = nullptr;
			return window_event_result::ignored;
	fix64 Temp;
	int keypress = 0;
	if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND)
		keypress = event_key_get(event);

	Assert(MainWindow != NULL);


	// Call the ui code..
	ui_button_any_drawn = 0;

	// If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all
	// of the radio buttons that control the ai mode.  Also makes
	// the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down.
	// If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then
	// update the cooresponding AI state.

	// Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box
	if (event.type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW)
		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 32,"&Message:" );

		// A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects...
		Temp = timer_query();
		h->time = Temp;
		if (CurrentHostageIndex > -1 )	{
			gr_set_current_canvas( h->hostageViewBox->canvas );

				gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );
		} else {
			// no hostage, so just blank out
			gr_set_current_canvas( h->hostageViewBox->canvas );
			gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );

	// If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that
	// identifies this robot.
	if (event.type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW)
		if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 )	{
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: %d   Object: %d", CurrentHostageIndex, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum );
			//@@ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: %d   Sound: %d   ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num );
		}	else {
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: none " );
			//@@ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type:    Sound:       " );
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face:         " );
	if (ui_button_any_drawn || (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex))
		Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED;
	if (GADGET_PRESSED(h->quitButton.get()) || keypress==KEY_ESC)
		return window_event_result::close;

	LastHostageIndex = CurrentHostageIndex;
	return window_event_result::ignored;