void EventBrowser::Find(bool forward) { if(ui->findEvent->text().isEmpty()) return; uint32_t curEID = m_Core->CurEvent(); if(!ui->events->selectedItems().isEmpty()) curEID = ui->events->selectedItems()[0]->data(COL_EID, Qt::UserRole).toUInt(); int eid = FindEvent(ui->findEvent->text(), curEID, forward); if(eid >= 0) { SelectEvent((uint32_t)eid); ui->findEvent->setStyleSheet(""); } else // if(WrapSearch) { eid = FindEvent(ui->findEvent->text(), forward ? 0 : ~0U, forward); if(eid >= 0) { SelectEvent((uint32_t)eid); ui->findEvent->setStyleSheet(""); } else { ui->findEvent->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background-color:#ff0000;}"); } } }
TKeyResponse CPlaylistMgr::KeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType, EAnimationEffectType& aEffect) { TInt update; switch (aType) { case EEventKey: switch (aKeyEvent.iScanCode) { case EStdKeyUpArrow: update = iControlMgr->Update(KCustomControlDirectionUp); if (update == EKeyWasConsumed) { aEffect = KAnimationEffectNone; } return EKeyWasConsumed; case EStdKeyDownArrow: update = iControlMgr->Update(KCustomControlDirectionDown); if (update == EKeyWasConsumed) { aEffect = KAnimationEffectNone; } return EKeyWasConsumed; case EStdKeyDevice3: SelectEvent(); aEffect = KAnimationEffectSwap; return EKeyWasConsumed; } break; } return EKeyWasNotConsumed; }
void NET_Server::StartListen(WORD port) { // MutexWrap socket_access(m_socket_mutex); LOG_V0_AddMessage(LOG_V0_DEBUG_MESSAGE, GetName() + (TXT("::StartListen(%d)") << port)); if (m_listening) PrivateStopListen(); if (!m_created) Create(); if (!m_created) return; if (m_listening_port != port) { sockaddr_in local_addr; local_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; local_addr.sin_port = htons(port); local_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; OP( bind(m_socket, (sockaddr *)&local_addr, sizeof(local_addr)), "NET_Server::StartListen, bind" ); m_listening_port = port; } OP( listen(m_socket, 0x100), "NET_Server::StartListen, listen" ); SelectEvent(m_wait_thread.Event(WT_ACCEPTED), FD_ACCEPT); m_listening = true; }
void NET_Server::PrivateStopListen() { if (!m_created || !m_listening) return; LOG_V0_AddMessage(LOG_V0_DEBUG_MESSAGE, GetName() + "::PrivateStopListen() started"); CHECK(m_socket != INVALID_SOCKET); SelectEvent(m_wait_thread.Event(WT_ACCEPTED), 0); { MutexWrap connections_access(m_connections_mutex); while (!m_connections.empty()) { NET_Connection* connection = m_connections.back(); connection->m_read_thread.Stop(); connection->m_write_thread.Stop(); connection->m_server = NULL; m_connections.pop_back(); connection->PrivateClose(); OnConnectionClosed(connection); delete connection; } } m_wait_thread.Stop(); OP2( shutdown(m_socket, SD_BOTH), m_last_error != WSAENOTCONN, "NET_Server::PrivateStopListen, shutdown" ); OP( closesocket(m_socket), "NET_Server::PrivateStopListen, closesocket" ); m_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_listening = false; m_listening_port = -1; m_created = false; LOG_V0_AddMessage(LOG_V0_DEBUG_MESSAGE, GetName() + "::PrivateStopListen() finished"); }
void blSignalEventTable::SelectAll() { EventMapType::iterator it; for ( it = m_EventMap.begin() ; it != m_EventMap.end(); it++ ) { SelectEvent( it->second.m_Type, true ); } }
AmSelectionsI* AmTrackDataView::SelectFirstEvent(const AmTrack* track) { ArpASSERT(track); AmPhraseEvent* container = NULL; AmEvent* event = FirstEvent(track, &container); if (event) return SelectEvent(event, container); else return NULL; }
void EventBrowser::on_jumpToEID_returnPressed() { bool ok = false; uint eid = ui->jumpToEID->text().toUInt(&ok); if(ok) { SelectEvent(eid); } }
void blSignalEventTable::SelectGroup( int index, bool select /*= true */ ) { std::vector<blSignalEvent> eventTable; eventTable = GetGroupEvents( index ); for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < eventTable.size() ; i++ ) { SelectEvent( eventTable[ i ].m_Type, select ); } }
void AmTrackDataView::SelectRightEvent() { #if 0 ArpASSERT(mTarget); AmSelectionsI* newSelections = NULL; // READ SONG BLOCK #ifdef AM_TRACE_LOCKS printf("AmTrackDataView::SelectRightEvent() read lock\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif const AmSong* song = mSongRef.ReadLock(); const AmTrack* track = song ? song->Track(mTrackWinProps.OrderedTrackAt(0)) : NULL; if (track) { AmSelectionsI* selections = mTrackWinProps.Selections(); /* If there are no selections, select the first event * starting on or after the left edge of the window. */ if (!selections || selections->CountEvents() < 1) { newSelections = SelectFirstEvent(track); /* If there are already events, select the next event * over from the end of the last selected event. And if * that event isn't visible, select the first visible event. */ } else { /* Find the event to move right from. */ AmEvent* event = 0; AmPhraseEvent* container = 0; AmEvent* iteratingEvent; AmPhraseEvent* iteratingContainer; for (uint32 k = 0; selections->EventAt(k, &iteratingContainer, &iteratingEvent) == B_OK; k++) { if (!event || (iteratingContainer->EventRange(iteratingEvent).start > container->EventRange(event).start) ) { event = iteratingEvent; container = iteratingContainer; } } if (!event) newSelections = SelectFirstEvent(track); else { /* Select the next event over. This has a lot of problems, * like not dealing with operlapping phrases. */ if (NextRightEvent(track, event, container, &iteratingEvent, &iteratingContainer) == B_OK) newSelections = SelectEvent(iteratingEvent, iteratingContainer); else newSelections = SelectFirstEvent(track); } } } mSongRef.ReadUnlock(song); // END READ SONG BLOCK if (newSelections) mTrackWinProps.SetSelections(newSelections); #endif }
void NET_Client::StartConnect(CString to_host, WORD to_port) { LOG_V0_AddMessage(LOG_V0_DEBUG_MESSAGE, GetName() + (TXT("::StartConnect(%s, %d)") << to_host << to_port)); if (m_connecting || m_connected) PrivateStopConnect(); if (!m_created) Create(); m_connecting = true; m_to_host = to_host; m_to_port = to_port; if (!CalculateSocketAddress()) { m_connecting = false; return; } SelectEvent(m_wait_thread.Event(WT_CONNECTED), FD_CONNECT); WSASetEvent(m_wait_thread.Event(WT_START_CONNECT)); }
void EventBrowser::OnEventSelected(uint32_t eventID) { SelectEvent(eventID); }
void EventBrowser::OnEventSelected(uint32_t frameID, uint32_t eventID) { SelectEvent(frameID, eventID); }