/* * ======== WiFiCC3100_open ======== */ WiFi_Handle WiFiCC3100_open(WiFi_Handle handle, unsigned int spiIndex, WiFi_evntCallback evntCallback, WiFi_Params *params) { unsigned int key; WiFiCC3100_Object *object = handle->object; WiFiCC3100_HWAttrs const *hwAttrs = handle->hwAttrs; union { #if !defined(MSP430WARE) Hwi_Params hwiParams; #endif Semaphore_Params semParams; } paramsUnion; key = Hwi_disable(); if (object->isOpen) { Hwi_restore(key); Log_warning0("WiFi Hwi already in use."); return (NULL); } object->isOpen = true; Hwi_restore(key); /* Construct semaphores to block read/write transactions. */ Semaphore_Params_init(&(paramsUnion.semParams)); paramsUnion.semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; paramsUnion.semParams.instance->name = "WiFi.writeSemaphore"; Semaphore_construct(&(object->writeSemaphore), 0, &(paramsUnion.semParams)); paramsUnion.semParams.instance->name = "WiFi.readSemaphore"; Semaphore_construct(&(object->readSemaphore), 0, &(paramsUnion.semParams)); #if !defined(MSP430WARE) Hwi_Params_init(&(paramsUnion.hwiParams)); paramsUnion.hwiParams.arg = (UArg) handle; paramsUnion.hwiParams.enableInt = false; /* Hwi_construct cannot fail, use NULL instead of an Error Block */ Hwi_construct(&(object->wifiHwi), hwAttrs->irqIntNum, WiFiCC3100_hostIntHandler, &(paramsUnion.hwiParams), NULL); #endif #if defined(MSP430WARE) || defined(MSP432WARE) MAP_GPIO_clearInterruptFlag(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin); MAP_GPIO_enableInterrupt(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin); #else GPIOIntClear(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin); GPIOIntEnable(hwAttrs->irqPort, hwAttrs->irqPin); #endif /* Store SPI interface parameters */ object->spiIndex = spiIndex; object->bitRate = params->bitRate; return (handle); }
/******************************************************************************* * @fn bspI2cInit * * @brief Initialize the RTOS I2C driver (must be called only once) * * @param none * * @return none */ void bspI2cInit(void) { Semaphore_Params semParamsMutex; // Create protection semaphore Semaphore_Params_init(&semParamsMutex); semParamsMutex.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&mutex, 1, &semParamsMutex); // Reset the I2C controller HapiResetPeripheral(PRCM_PERIPH_I2C0); I2C_init(); I2C_Params_init(&i2cParams); i2cParams.bitRate = I2C_400kHz; i2cHandle = I2C_open(Board_I2C, &i2cParams); // Initialize local variables slaveAddr = 0xFF; interface = BSP_I2C_INTERFACE_0; if (i2cHandle == NULL) { Task_exit(); } }
void bspI2cInit(void) { Semaphore_Params semParamsMutex; // Create protection semaphore Semaphore_Params_init(&semParamsMutex); semParamsMutex.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&mutex, 1, &semParamsMutex); // Reset the I2C controller HWREG(PRCM_BASE + PRCM_O_RESETI2C) = PRCM_RESETI2C_I2C; I2C_init(); I2C_Params_init(&I2CParams); I2CParams.bitRate = I2C_400kHz; I2Chandle = I2C_open(Board_I2C, &I2CParams); // Initialize local variables slaveAddr = 0xFF; interface = BSP_I2C_INTERFACE_0; #ifdef POWER_SAVING checkI2cConstraint = false; #endif /* if (I2Chandle == NULL) { while(1) { // wait here for ever } } */ }
/* * ======== GateMutex_Instance_init ======== */ Void GateMutex_Instance_init(GateMutex_Object *obj, const GateMutex_Params *params) { Semaphore_Handle sem; sem = GateMutex_Instance_State_sem(obj); Semaphore_construct(Semaphore_struct(sem), 1, NULL); obj->owner = NULL; }
/* * ======== Lck_Instance_init ======== */ Void Lck_Instance_init(Lck_Object *obj, const Lck_Params *params) { Semaphore_Handle sem; sem = Lck_Instance_State_sem(obj); Semaphore_construct(Semaphore_struct(sem), 1, NULL); obj->value = 0; obj->owner = NULL; }
/* * ======== ThreadSupport_Instance_init ======== */ Int ThreadSupport_Instance_init(ThreadSupport_Handle obj, ThreadSupport_RunFxn fxn, const ThreadSupport_Params* params, Error_Block* eb) { Task_Params tpars; Semaphore_Handle bios6sem; bios6sem = ThreadSupport_Instance_State_join_sem(obj); Task_Params_init(&tpars); tpars.arg0 = (UArg)obj; if (params->stackSize != 0) { tpars.stackSize = params->stackSize; } tpars.env = obj; tpars.instance->name = params->instance->name; if (params->osPriority != ThreadSupport_INVALID_OS_PRIORITY) { tpars.priority = params->osPriority; } else { if (params->priority == ThreadSupport_Priority_LOWEST) { tpars.priority = ThreadSupport_lowestPriority; } else if (params->priority == ThreadSupport_Priority_BELOW_NORMAL) { tpars.priority = ThreadSupport_belowNormalPriority; } else if (params->priority == ThreadSupport_Priority_NORMAL) { tpars.priority = ThreadSupport_normalPriority; } else if (params->priority == ThreadSupport_Priority_ABOVE_NORMAL) { tpars.priority = ThreadSupport_aboveNormalPriority; } else if (params->priority == ThreadSupport_Priority_HIGHEST) { tpars.priority = ThreadSupport_highestPriority; } else { Error_raise(eb, ThreadSupport_E_priority, params->priority, 0); return (ThreadSupport_PRI_FAILURE); } } obj->tls = params->tls; obj->startFxn = fxn; obj->startFxnArg = params->arg; Semaphore_construct(Semaphore_struct(bios6sem), 0, NULL); obj->task = Task_create(&ThreadSupport_runStub, &tpars, eb); if (Error_check(eb)) { return (ThreadSupport_TASK_FAILURE); } return (0); }
/* * ======== SemProcessSupport_Instance_init ======== */ Void SemProcessSupport_Instance_init(SemProcessSupport_Handle sem, Int count, Int key, const SemProcessSupport_Params* params) { Semaphore_Handle bios6sem; Semaphore_Params semParams; Semaphore_Params_init(&semParams); semParams.mode = (Semaphore_Mode)params->mode; bios6sem = SemProcessSupport_Instance_State_sem(sem); Semaphore_construct( Semaphore_struct(bios6sem), count, &semParams); }
/* * ======== SemProcessSupport_Instance_init ======== */ Void SemProcessSupport_Instance_init(SemProcessSupport_Handle sem, Int count, Int key, const SemProcessSupport_Params* params) { Semaphore_Handle bios6sem; Semaphore_Params semParams; Semaphore_Params_init(&semParams); if (params->mode == ISemaphore_Mode_COUNTING) { semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_COUNTING; } else { semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; } bios6sem = SemProcessSupport_Instance_State_sem(sem); Semaphore_construct( Semaphore_struct(bios6sem), count, &semParams); }
/******************************************************************************* * @fn devpkLcdOpen * * @brief Initialize the LCD * * @descr Initializes the pins used by the LCD, creates resource access * protection semaphore, turns on the LCD device, initializes the * frame buffer, initializes to white background/dark foreground, * and finally clears the display. * * @return true if success */ bool devpkLcdOpen(void) { hLcdPin = PIN_open(&pinState, BoardDevpackLCDPinTable); if (hLcdPin != 0) { display.bg = ClrBlack; display.fg = ClrWhite; // Open the SPI driver bspSpiOpen(); // Exclusive access Semaphore_Params_init(&semParamsLCD); semParamsLCD.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&semLCD, 1, &semParamsLCD); hSemLCD = Semaphore_handle(&semLCD); // Turn on the display PIN_setOutputValue(hLcdPin,Board_DEVPK_LCD_DISP,1); // Graphics library init GrContextInit(&g_sContext, &g_sharp96x96LCD); // Graphics properties GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, display.fg); GrContextBackgroundSet(&g_sContext, display.bg); GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, &g_sFontFixed6x8); // Clear display GrClearDisplay(&g_sContext); GrFlush(&g_sContext); } return hLcdPin != 0; }
int main(void) { //Initialize pins, turn on GPIO module PIN_init(BoardGpioInitTable); //Initialize task Task_Params params; Task_Params_init(¶ms); params.priority = TASK_PRI; params.stackSize = TASK_STACK_SIZE; params.stack = taskStack; Task_construct(&taskStruct, taskFxn, ¶ms, NULL); // Construct semaphore used for pending in task Semaphore_Params sParams; Semaphore_Params_init(&sParams); sParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&sem, 0, &sParams); hSem = Semaphore_handle(&sem); BIOS_start(); }
/* * ======== main ======== */ Void main() { PIN_init(BoardGpioInitTable); //enable iCache prefetching VIMSConfigure(VIMS_BASE, TRUE, TRUE); // Enable cache VIMSModeSet(VIMS_BASE, VIMS_MODE_ENABLED); #ifndef POWER_SAVING /* Set constraints for Standby, powerdown and idle mode */ Power_setConstraint(Power_SB_DISALLOW); Power_setConstraint(Power_IDLE_PD_DISALLOW); #endif // POWER_SAVING //Initialize task Task_Params params; Task_Params_init(¶ms); params.priority = TASK_PRI; params.stackSize = TASK_STACK_SIZE; params.stack = taskStack; //semaphore init Semaphore_Params sParams; Semaphore_Params_init(&sParams); sParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; /* Initialize ICall module */ ICall_init(); /* Start tasks of external images - Priority 5 */ ICall_createRemoteTasks(); /* Kick off profile - Priority 3 */ GAPRole_createTask(); SimpleBLEPeripheral_createTask(); //Contruct task Task_construct(&taskStruct, taskFxn, ¶ms, NULL); // Construct semaphore used for pending in task ADC Semaphore_construct(&sem, 0, &sParams); hSem = Semaphore_handle(&sem); #ifdef FEATURE_OAD_BIM { uint8_t counter; uint32_t *vectorTable = (uint32_t*) 0x20000000; uint32_t *flashVectors = &__vector_table; // Write image specific interrupt vectors into RAM vector table. for(counter = 0; counter < 15; ++counter) { *vectorTable++ = *flashVectors++; } } #endif //FEATURE_OAD_BIM /* enable interrupts and start SYS/BIOS */ BIOS_start(); }
/*! * @brief Function to initialize the CC26XX SPI peripheral specified by the * particular handle. The parameter specifies which mode the SPI * will operate. * * The function will set a dependency on it power domain, i.e. power up the * module and enable the clock. The IOs are allocated. Neither the SPI nor UDMA module * will be enabled. * * @pre SPI controller has been initialized. * Calling context: Task * * @param handle A SPI_Handle * * @param params Pointer to a parameter block, if NULL it will use * default values * * @return A SPI_Handle on success or a NULL on an error or if it has been * already opened * * @sa SPICC26XXDMA_close() */ SPI_Handle SPICC26XXDMA_open(SPI_Handle handle, SPI_Params *params) { /* Use union to save on stack allocation */ union { Semaphore_Params semParams; Hwi_Params hwiParams; } paramsUnion; SPI_Params defaultParams; SPICC26XX_Object *object; SPICC26XX_HWAttrs const *hwAttrs; unsigned int key; /* Get the pointer to the object and hwAttrs */ object = handle->object; hwAttrs = handle->hwAttrs; /* Disable preemption while checking if the SPI is open. */ key = Hwi_disable(); /* Check if the SPI is open already with the base addr. */ if (object->isOpen == true) { Hwi_restore(key); Log_warning1("SPI:(%p) already in use.", hwAttrs->baseAddr); return (NULL); } /* Mark the handle as being used */ object->isOpen = true; Hwi_restore(key); /* If params are NULL use defaults */ if (params == NULL) { /* No params passed in, so use the defaults */ SPI_Params_init(&defaultParams); params = &defaultParams; } Assert_isTrue((params->dataSize >= 4) && (params->dataSize <= 16), NULL); /* Initialize the SPI object */ object->currentTransaction = NULL; object->bitRate = params->bitRate; object->dataSize = params->dataSize; object->frameFormat = params->frameFormat; object->mode = params->mode; object->transferMode = params->transferMode; object->transferTimeout = params->transferTimeout; object->returnPartial = false; #ifdef SPICC26XXDMA_WAKEUP_ENABLED object->wakeupCallbackFxn = NULL; #endif /* Determine if we need to use an 8-bit or 16-bit framesize for the DMA */ object->frameSize = (params->dataSize < 9) ? SPICC26XXDMA_8bit : SPICC26XXDMA_16bit; Log_print2(Diags_USER2,"SPI:(%p) DMA buffer incrementation size: %s", hwAttrs->baseAddr, (object->frameSize) ? (UArg)"16-bit" : (UArg)"8-bit"); /* Register power dependency - i.e. power up and enable clock for SPI. */ Power_setDependency(hwAttrs->powerMngrId); /* Configure the hardware module */ SPICC26XXDMA_initHw(handle); /* CSN is initialized using hwAttrs initially, but can be re-configured later */ object->csnPin = hwAttrs->csnPin; /* Configure IOs after hardware has been initialized so that IOs aren't */ /* toggled unnecessary and make sure it was successful */ if (!SPICC26XXDMA_initIO(handle)) { /* Trying to use SPI driver when some other driver or application * has already allocated these pins, error! */ Log_warning0("Could not allocate SPI pins, already in use."); /* Release power dependency - i.e. potentially power down serial domain. */ Power_releaseDependency(hwAttrs->powerMngrId); /* Mark the module as available */ key = Hwi_disable(); object->isOpen = false; Hwi_restore(key); /* Signal back to application that SPI driver was not succesfully opened */ return (NULL); } /* Create the Hwi for this SPI peripheral. */ Hwi_Params_init(¶msUnion.hwiParams); paramsUnion.hwiParams.arg = (UArg) handle; Hwi_construct(&(object->hwi), (int) hwAttrs->intNum, SPICC26XXDMA_hwiFxn, ¶msUnion.hwiParams, NULL); /* Check the transfer mode */ if (object->transferMode == SPI_MODE_BLOCKING) { Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "SPI DMA:(%p) in SPI_MODE_BLOCKING mode", hwAttrs->baseAddr); /* Create a semaphore to block task execution for the duration of the * SPI transfer */ Semaphore_Params_init(¶msUnion.semParams); paramsUnion.semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&(object->transferComplete), 0, ¶msUnion.semParams); /* Store internal callback function */ object->transferCallbackFxn = SPICC26XXDMA_transferCallback; } else { Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "SPI DMA:(%p) in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK mode", hwAttrs->baseAddr); /* Check to see if a callback function was defined for async mode */ Assert_isTrue(params->transferCallbackFxn != NULL, NULL); /* Save the callback function pointer */ object->transferCallbackFxn = params->transferCallbackFxn; } /* Declare the dependency on the UDMA driver */ object->udmaHandle = UDMACC26XX_open(); /* Configure PIN driver for CSN callback in optional RETURN_PARTIAL slave mode */ /* and/or optional wake up on CSN assert slave mode */ if (object->mode == SPI_SLAVE) { PIN_registerIntCb(object->pinHandle, SPICC26XXDMA_csnCallback); PIN_setUserArg(object->pinHandle, (UArg) handle); } Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "SPI:(%p) opened", hwAttrs->baseAddr); /* Register notification functions */ #ifdef SPICC26XXDMA_WAKEUP_ENABLED Power_registerNotify(&object->spiPreObj, Power_ENTERING_STANDBY, (Fxn)spiPreNotify, (UInt32)handle, NULL ); #endif Power_registerNotify(&object->spiPostObj, Power_AWAKE_STANDBY, (Fxn)spiPostNotify, (UInt32)handle, NULL ); return (handle); }
/* * ======== USBMSCHFatFsTiva_open ======== */ USBMSCHFatFs_Handle USBMSCHFatFsTiva_open(USBMSCHFatFs_Handle handle, unsigned char drv, USBMSCHFatFs_Params *params) { unsigned int key; DRESULT dresult; FRESULT fresult; USBMSCHFatFsTiva_Object *object = handle->object; USBMSCHFatFsTiva_HWAttrs const *hwAttrs = handle->hwAttrs; union { Task_Params taskParams; Semaphore_Params semParams; GateMutex_Params gateParams; Hwi_Params hwiParams; } paramsUnion; /* Determine if the device was already opened */ key = Hwi_disable(); if (object->driveNumber != DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED) { Hwi_restore(key); return (NULL); } /* Mark as being used */ object->driveNumber = drv; Hwi_restore(key); /* Store the USBMSCHFatFs parameters */ if (params == NULL) { /* No params passed in, so use the defaults */ params = (USBMSCHFatFs_Params *) &USBMSCHFatFs_defaultParams; } /* Initialize the USB stack for host mode. */ USBStackModeSet(0, eUSBModeHost, NULL); /* Register host class drivers */ USBHCDRegisterDrivers(0, usbHCDDriverList, numHostClassDrivers); /* Open an instance of the MSC host driver */ object->MSCInstance = USBHMSCDriveOpen(0, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_cbMSCHandler); if (!(object->MSCInstance)) { Log_print0(Diags_USER1,"USBMSCHFatFs: Error initializing the MSC Host"); USBMSCHFatFsTiva_close(handle); return (NULL); } /* Create the Hwi object to service interrupts */ Hwi_Params_init(&(paramsUnion.hwiParams)); paramsUnion.hwiParams.priority = hwAttrs->intPriority; Hwi_construct(&(object->hwi), hwAttrs->intNum, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_hwiHandler, &(paramsUnion.hwiParams), NULL); /* Initialize USB power configuration */ USBHCDPowerConfigInit(0, USBHCD_VBUS_AUTO_HIGH | USBHCD_VBUS_FILTER); /* Enable the USB stack */ USBHCDInit(0, object->memPoolHCD, HCDMEMORYPOOLSIZE); /* RTOS primitives */ Semaphore_Params_init(&(paramsUnion.semParams)); paramsUnion.semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&(object->semUSBConnected), 0, &(paramsUnion.semParams)); GateMutex_Params_init(&(paramsUnion.gateParams)); paramsUnion.gateParams.instance->name = "USB Library Access"; GateMutex_construct(&(object->gateUSBLibAccess), &(paramsUnion.gateParams)); paramsUnion.gateParams.instance->name = "USB Wait"; GateMutex_construct(&(object->gateUSBWait), &(paramsUnion.gateParams)); /* * Note that serviceUSBHost() should not be run until the USB Stack has been * initialized!! */ Task_Params_init(&(paramsUnion.taskParams)); /* * If serviceTaskStackPtr is null, then Task_construct performs a * Memory_alloc - requiring a Heap */ paramsUnion.taskParams.stack = params->serviceTaskStackPtr; /* * If service priority passed in is higher than what is configured by the * Task module, then use the highest priority available. */ if (Task_numPriorities - 1 < params->servicePriority) { paramsUnion.taskParams.priority = (Task_numPriorities - 1); } else { paramsUnion.taskParams.priority = params->servicePriority; } /* If no stack size is passed in, then use the default task stack size */ if (params->serviceTaskStackSize) { paramsUnion.taskParams.stackSize = params->serviceTaskStackSize; } else { paramsUnion.taskParams.stackSize = Task_defaultStackSize; } Task_construct(&(object->taskHCDMain),USBMSCHFatFsTiva_serviceUSBHost, &(paramsUnion.taskParams), NULL); /* Register the new disk_*() functions */ dresult = disk_register(drv, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_diskInitialize, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_diskStatus, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_diskRead, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_diskWrite, USBMSCHFatFsTiva_diskIOctl); /* Check for drive errors */ if (dresult != RES_OK) { Log_error0("USBMSCHFatFs: disk functions not registered"); USBMSCHFatFsTiva_close(handle); return (NULL); } /* Mount the FatFs (this function does not access the SDCard yet...) */ fresult = f_mount(drv, &(object->filesystem)); if (fresult != FR_OK) { Log_error1("USBMSCHFatFs: drive %d not mounted", drv); USBMSCHFatFsTiva_close(handle); return (NULL); } Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "USBMSCHFatFs: drive %d opened", drv); return (handle); }
/* * ======== pthread_create ======== */ int pthread_create(pthread_t *newthread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*startroutine)(void *), void *arg) { Semaphore_Params semParams; Task_Params taskParams; pthread_Obj *thread = NULL; Error_Block eb; pthread_attr_t *pAttr; Error_init(&eb); Task_Params_init(&taskParams); *newthread = NULL; thread = (pthread_Obj *)Memory_alloc(Task_Object_heap(), sizeof(pthread_Obj), 0, &eb); if (thread == NULL) { return (ENOMEM); } pAttr = (attr == NULL) ? &defaultPthreadAttrs : (pthread_attr_t *)attr; taskParams.priority = pAttr->priority; taskParams.stack = pAttr->stack; taskParams.stackSize = pAttr->stacksize + pAttr->guardsize; /* Save the function in arg0 for ROV */ taskParams.arg0 = (UArg)startroutine; taskParams.arg1 = (UArg)thread; taskParams.env = arg; taskParams.priority = -1; thread->detached = (pAttr->detachstate == PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE) ? 0 : 1; thread->fxn = startroutine; thread->joinThread = NULL; thread->cancelState = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE; thread->cancelPending = 0; thread->priority = pAttr->priority; thread->cleanupList = NULL; #if ti_sysbios_posix_Settings_supportsMutexPriority__D thread->blockedMutex = NULL; Queue_elemClear((Queue_Elem *)thread); Queue_construct(&(thread->mutexList), NULL); #endif Semaphore_Params_init(&semParams); semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&(thread->joinSem), 0, &semParams); thread->task = Task_create((Task_FuncPtr)_pthread_runStub, &taskParams, &eb); if (thread->task == NULL) { Semaphore_destruct(&(thread->joinSem)); #if ti_sysbios_posix_Settings_supportsMutexPriority__D Queue_destruct(&(thread->mutexList)); #endif Memory_free(Task_Object_heap(), thread, sizeof(pthread_Obj)); return (ENOMEM); } *newthread = (pthread_t)thread; Task_setPri(thread->task, pAttr->priority); return (0); }
/*! * @brief Function to initialize a given I2C CC26XX peripheral specified by the * particular handle. The parameter specifies which mode the I2C * will operate. * * After calling the open function, the I2C is enabled. If there is no active * I2C transactions, the device can enter standby. * * @pre The I2CCC26XX_Config structure must exist and be persistent before this * function can be called. I2CCC26XX has been initialized with I2CCC26XX_init(). * Calling context: Task * * @param handle An I2C_Handle * * @param params Pointer to a parameter block, if NULL it will use default values. * * @return A I2C_Handle on success, or a NULL on an error or if it has been * already opened. * * @note The generic I2C API should be used when accessing the I2CCC26XX. * * @sa I2CCC26XX_close(), I2CCC26XX_init(), I2C_open(), I2C_init() */ I2C_Handle I2CCC26XX_open(I2C_Handle handle, I2C_Params *params) { union { Hwi_Params hwiParams; Semaphore_Params semParams; } paramsUnion; UInt key; I2C_Params i2cParams; I2CCC26XX_Object *object; I2CCC26XX_HWAttrs const *hwAttrs; /* Get the pointer to the object and hwAttrs */ object = handle->object; hwAttrs = handle->hwAttrs; /* Determine if the device index was already opened */ key = Hwi_disable(); if(object->isOpen == true){ Hwi_restore(key); return (NULL); } /* Mark the handle as being used */ object->isOpen = true; Hwi_restore(key); /* Store the I2C parameters */ if (params == NULL) { /* No params passed in, so use the defaults */ I2C_Params_init(&i2cParams); params = &i2cParams; } /* Configure the IOs early to ensure allocation is allowed (PIN driver and IO config setup only).*/ if (I2CCC26XX_initIO(handle, params->custom)) { /* If initialization and allocation of IOs failed, log error and return NULL pointer */ Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "I2C: Pin allocation failed, open did not succeed (baseAddr:0x%x)", hwAttrs->baseAddr); return (NULL); } /* Save parameters */ object->transferMode = params->transferMode; object->transferCallbackFxn = params->transferCallbackFxn; object->bitRate = params->bitRate; /* Create Hwi object for this I2C peripheral */ Hwi_Params_init(¶msUnion.hwiParams); paramsUnion.hwiParams.arg = (UArg)handle; Hwi_construct(&(object->hwi), hwAttrs->intNum, I2CCC26XX_hwiFxn, ¶msUnion.hwiParams, NULL); /* * Create thread safe handles for this I2C peripheral * Semaphore to provide exclusive access to the I2C peripheral */ Semaphore_Params_init(¶msUnion.semParams); paramsUnion.semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_BINARY; Semaphore_construct(&(object->mutex), 1, ¶msUnion.semParams); /* * Store a callback function that posts the transfer complete * semaphore for synchronous mode */ if (object->transferMode == I2C_MODE_BLOCKING) { /* * Semaphore to cause the waiting task to block for the I2C * to finish */ Semaphore_construct(&(object->transferComplete), 0, ¶msUnion.semParams); /* Store internal callback function */ object->transferCallbackFxn = I2CCC26XX_blockingCallback; } else { /* Check to see if a callback function was defined for async mode */ Assert_isTrue(object->transferCallbackFxn != NULL, NULL); } /* Specify the idle state for this I2C peripheral */ object->mode = I2CCC26XX_IDLE_MODE; /* Clear the head pointer */ object->headPtr = NULL; object->tailPtr = NULL; /* Power on the I2C module */ Power_setDependency(hwAttrs->powerMngrId); /* Initialize the I2C hardware module */ I2CCC26XX_initHw(handle); /* Register notification functions */ Power_registerNotify(&object->i2cPostObj, Power_AWAKE_STANDBY, (Fxn)i2cPostNotify, (UInt32)handle, NULL ); Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "I2C: Object created 0x%x", hwAttrs->baseAddr); /* Return the address of the handle */ return (handle); }
Int SystemCfg_create(const SystemCfg_Params *params, SystemCfg_Handle *handleP) { Int status, bufSize; Error_Block eb; SystemCfg_Object * obj; Semaphore_Params semParams; Log_print0(Diags_ENTRY, "--> "FXNN": ()"); /* initialize local vars */ status = 0; Error_init(&eb); *handleP = (SystemCfg_Handle)NULL; /* allocate the object */ obj = (SystemCfg_Handle)xdc_runtime_Memory_calloc(NULL, sizeof(SystemCfg_Object), sizeof(Int), &eb); if (obj == NULL) { Log_error1(FXNN": out of memory: size=%u", sizeof(SystemCfg_Object)); status = SystemCfg_E_NOMEMORY; goto leave; } /* object-specific initialization */ obj->remoteProcName = NULL; obj->remoteProcId = MultiProc_INVALIDID; obj->semH = NULL; obj->rcmHeapH = NULL; /* initialize structures to zero */ memset((Void *)&obj->semObj, 0, sizeof(Semaphore_Struct)); /* store the remote processor name */ bufSize = strlen(params->remoteProcName) + 1; obj->remoteProcName = (String)xdc_runtime_Memory_calloc(NULL, bufSize, sizeof(String), &eb); if (obj == NULL) { Log_error1(FXNN": out of memory: size=%u", bufSize); status = SystemCfg_E_NOMEMORY; goto leave; } strcpy(obj->remoteProcName, params->remoteProcName); /* lookup the remote processor id */ obj->remoteProcId = MultiProc_getId(obj->remoteProcName); /* create sync object used for synchronizing with remote core */ Semaphore_Params_init(&semParams); semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_COUNTING; Semaphore_construct(&obj->semObj, 0, &semParams); obj->semH = Semaphore_handle(&obj->semObj); /* add object to module list for register hook */ List_putHead(Mod_objList, &obj->link); /* success, return opaque pointer */ *handleP = (SystemCfg_Handle)obj; leave: Log_print1(Diags_EXIT, "<-- "FXNN": %d", (IArg)status); return(status); }
/* * ======== Server_setup ======== * * 1. create semaphore object * 2. register notify callback * 3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback * 4. create local & shared resources * 5. send resource ready event * 6. wait for remote resource ready event * 7. open remote resources * 8. handshake the ready event */ Int Server_setup(Void) { Int status; UInt32 event; Semaphore_Params semParams; RcmServer_Params rcmServerP; Log_print0(Diags_ENTRY | Diags_INFO, "--> Server_setup:"); /* * 1. create semaphore object */ Semaphore_Params_init(&semParams); semParams.mode = Semaphore_Mode_COUNTING; Semaphore_construct(&Module.semS, 0, &semParams); Module.semH = Semaphore_handle(&Module.semS); /* * 2. register notify callback */ status = Notify_registerEventSingle(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId, Module.eventId, Server_notifyCB, (UArg)&Module); if (status < 0) { goto leave; } /* * 3. wait until remote core has also registered notify callback */ do { status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId, Module.eventId, App_CMD_NOP, TRUE); if (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED) { Task_sleep(200); /* ticks */ } } while (status == Notify_E_EVTNOTREGISTERED); if (status < 0) { goto leave; } /* * 4. create local & shared resources (to be opened by remote processor) */ /* * 5. send resource ready event */ status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId, Module.eventId, App_CMD_RESRDY, TRUE); if (status < 0) { goto leave; } /* * 6. wait for remote resource ready event */ do { event = Server_waitForEvent(); if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) { status = -1; goto leave; } } while (event != App_CMD_RESRDY); /* * 7. open remote resources */ /* open the rcm heap */ status = HeapBufMP_open(Global_RcmClientHeapName, &Module.heapH); if (status < 0) { Log_error1("Server_setup: HeapBufMP_open() returned error %d", (IArg)status); goto leave; } /* register the rcm heap with MessageQ */ status = MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(Module.heapH), Global_RcmClientHeapId); if (status < 0) { Log_error1("Server_setup: MessageQ_restierHeap() returned error %d", (IArg)status); goto leave; } /* initialize RcmServer create params */ RcmServer_Params_init(&rcmServerP); rcmServerP.fxns.length = Server_fxnTab.length; rcmServerP.fxns.elem = Server_fxnTab.elem; /* create the RcmServer instance */ status = RcmServer_create(Global_RcmServerName, &rcmServerP, &Module.rcmServerH); if (status < 0) { Log_error1("Server_setup: RcmServer_create() returned error %d", (IArg)status); goto leave; } /* start the server */ RcmServer_start(Module.rcmServerH); /* * 8. handshake the ready event */ status = Notify_sendEvent(Module.hostProcId, Module.lineId, Module.eventId, App_CMD_READY, TRUE); if (status < 0) { goto leave; } do { event = Server_waitForEvent(); if (event >= App_E_FAILURE) { status = -1; goto leave; } } while (event != App_CMD_READY); leave: Log_print1(Diags_EXIT, "<-- Server_setup: %d", (IArg)status); return(status); }