예제 #1
bool IRCClient::Login(std::string sNick, std::string sUser, std::string sPass)
    char hostname[128];
    gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
        if(SendIRC("PASS " + sPass))
            if(SendIRC("NICK " + sNick))
                if(SendIRC("USER " + sUser + " " + (std::string)hostname + " MangChat :MangChat "+sIRC._Mver.c_str()))
                    return true;
    return false;
예제 #2
파일: IRCIO.cpp 프로젝트: 814077430/ArkCORE
// This function sends chat to a irc channel or user
// to prevent the # beeing appended to send a msg to a user
// set the NoPrefix to true
void IRCClient::Send_IRC_Channel(std::string sChannel, std::string sMsg, bool NoPrefix, std::string nType)
    std::string mType = "PRIVMSG";
    if(Command.MakeUpper(nType.c_str()) == "NOTICE")
        mType = "NOTICE";
    if(Command.MakeUpper(nType.c_str()) == "ERROR" && (sIRC.BOTMASK & 32)!= 0)
        mType = "NOTICE";
            SendIRC(mType + " " + sChannel + " :" + sMsg);
            SendIRC(mType + " #" + sChannel + " :" + sMsg);
예제 #3
void IRCClient::HandleCTCP(IRCMessage message)
    std::string to = message.parameters.at(0);
    std::string text = message.parameters.at(message.parameters.size() - 1);

    // Remove '\001' from start/end of the string
    text = text.substr(1, text.size() - 2);

    std::cout << "[" + message.prefix.nick << " requested CTCP " << text << "]" << std::endl;

    if (to == _nick)
        if (text == "VERSION") // Respond to CTCP VERSION
            SendIRC("NOTICE " + message.prefix.nick + " :\001VERSION Open source IRC client by Fredi Machado - https://github.com/Fredi/IRCClient \001");

        // CTCP not implemented
        SendIRC("NOTICE " + message.prefix.nick + " :\001ERRMSG " + text + " :Not implemented\001");
예제 #4
파일: irc.cpp 프로젝트: NoodleBoy/aura-bot
bool CIRC :: Update( void *fd, void *send_fd )
	uint32_t Time = GetTime( );

	if( m_Socket->GetConnected( ) )
		// the socket is connected and everything appears to be working properly

		if( Time - m_LastPacketTime > 210 )
			Print( "[IRC: " + m_Server + "] ping timeout,  reconnecting" );
			m_Socket->Reset( );
			m_WaitingToConnect = true;
			return m_Exiting;

		if( Time - m_LastAntiIdleTime > 60 )
			SendIRC( "TIME" );
			m_LastAntiIdleTime = Time;

		m_Socket->DoRecv( (fd_set *)fd );
		ExtractPackets( );
		m_Socket->DoSend( (fd_set *)send_fd );
		return m_Exiting;

	if( m_Socket->HasError( ) )
		// the socket has an error

		Print( "[IRC: " + m_Server + "] disconnected due to socket error,  waiting 60 seconds to reconnect" );
		m_Socket->Reset( );
		m_WaitingToConnect = true;
		m_LastConnectionAttemptTime = Time;
		return m_Exiting;

	if( !m_Socket->GetConnecting( ) && !m_Socket->GetConnected( ) && !m_WaitingToConnect )
		// the socket was disconnected

		Print( "[IRC: " + m_Server + "] disconnected, waiting 60 seconds to reconnect" );
		m_Socket->Reset( );
		m_WaitingToConnect = true;
		m_LastConnectionAttemptTime = Time;
		return m_Exiting;

	if( m_Socket->GetConnecting( ) )
		// we are currently attempting to connect to irc

		if( m_Socket->CheckConnect( ) )
			// the connection attempt completed

                        if( !m_OriginalNick )
				m_Nickname = m_NicknameCpy;

			SendIRC( "NICK " + m_Nickname );
			SendIRC( "USER " + m_Username + " " +  m_Nickname + " " + m_Username + " :by h4x0rz88" );

			m_Socket->DoSend( (fd_set *)send_fd );

			Print( "[IRC: " + m_Server + "] connected" );

			m_LastPacketTime = Time;
			return m_Exiting;
		else if( Time - m_LastConnectionAttemptTime > 15 )
			// the connection attempt timed out (15 seconds)

			Print( "[IRC: " + m_Server + "] connect timed out, waiting 60 seconds to reconnect" );
			m_Socket->Reset( );
			m_LastConnectionAttemptTime = Time;
			m_WaitingToConnect = true;
			return m_Exiting;

	if( !m_Socket->GetConnecting( ) && !m_Socket->GetConnected( ) && ( Time - m_LastConnectionAttemptTime > 60 ) )
		// attempt to connect to irc

		Print( "[IRC: " + m_Server + "] connecting to server [" + m_Server + "] on port " + UTIL_ToString( m_Port ) );

		if( m_ServerIP.empty( ) )
			m_Socket->Connect( string( ), m_Server, m_Port );

			if( !m_Socket->HasError( ) )
				m_ServerIP = m_Socket->GetIPString( );
			// use cached server IP address since resolving takes time and is blocking

			m_Socket->Connect( string( ), m_ServerIP, m_Port );

		m_WaitingToConnect = false;
		m_LastConnectionAttemptTime = Time;

	return m_Exiting;
예제 #5
파일: irc.cpp 프로젝트: NoodleBoy/aura-bot
inline void CIRC :: ExtractPackets( )
	string Token, PreviousToken, Recv = *( m_Socket->GetBytes( ) );
        uint32_t Time = GetTime( );
        unsigned int i;

        /* loop through whole recv buffer */

        for( i = 0; i < Recv.size( ); ++i )
            // add chars to token

            if( Recv[i] != ' ' && Recv[i] != CR && Recv[i] != LF )
                Token += Recv[i];
            else if( Recv[i] == ' ' || Recv[i] == LF )
                // end of token, examine

                if( Token == "PRIVMSG" )
                    // parse the PreviousToken as it holds the user info and then the Token for the message itself

                    string Nickname, Hostname, Message, Command, Payload;
                    bool IsCommand = true;

                    unsigned int j = 1;

                    // get nickname

                    for( ; PreviousToken[j] != '!'; ++j )
                        Nickname += PreviousToken[j];

                    // skip username

                    for( j += 2; PreviousToken[j] != '@'; ++j );

                    // get hostname

                    for( ++j; j < PreviousToken.size( ); ++j )
                        Hostname += PreviousToken[j];

                    // skip channel

                    for( i += 3; Recv[i] != ':'; ++i );

                    // process message

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i )
                        Message += Recv[i];

                        if( Recv[i] == ' ' && IsCommand )
                            IsCommand = false;

                        if( Message.size( ) != 1 )
                            if( IsCommand )
                                Command += tolower( Recv[i] );
                                Payload += Recv[i];

                    // move position after the \n

                    i += 2;

                    if( Message.empty( ) )
                        PreviousToken = Token;
                        Token.clear( );

                    if( Message[0] != SOH )
                            for( vector<CBNET *> :: iterator i = m_Aura->m_BNETs.begin( ); i != m_Aura->m_BNETs.end( ); ++i )
                                    if( Message[0] == (*i)->GetCommandTrigger( ) )
                                        CIncomingChatEvent event = CIncomingChatEvent( CBNETProtocol :: EID_IRC, Nickname, Message );
					(*i)->ProcessChatEvent( &event );

                            if( Message[0] == m_CommandTrigger[0] )
                                bool Root = Hostname.substr( 0, 6 ) == "Aurani" || Hostname.substr( 0, 8 ) == "h4x0rz88";

                                if( Command == "nick" && Root )
                                        SendIRC( "NICK :" + Payload );
                                        m_Nickname = Payload;
                                        m_OriginalNick= false;
                                else if( Command == "dcclist" )
                                        string on, off;

                                        for( vector<CDCC *> :: iterator i = m_DCC.begin( ); i != m_DCC.end( ); ++i )
                                                if( (*i)->m_Socket->GetConnected( ) )
                                                        on += (*i)->m_Nickname + "[" + UTIL_ToString( (*i)->m_Port ) +"] ";
                                                        off += (*i)->m_Nickname + "[" + UTIL_ToString( (*i)->m_Port ) +"] ";

                                        SendMessageIRC( "ON: " + on, string( ) );
                                        SendMessageIRC( "OFF: " + off, string( ) );
                                else if( Command == "bnetoff" )
                                        if( Payload.empty( ) )
                                                for( vector<CBNET *> :: iterator i = m_Aura->m_BNETs.begin( ); i != m_Aura->m_BNETs.end( ); ++i )
                                                        (*i)->Deactivate( );
                                                        SendMessageIRC( "[BNET: " + (*i)->GetServerAlias( ) + "] deactivated.", string( ) );
                                                for( vector<CBNET *> :: iterator i = m_Aura->m_BNETs.begin( ); i != m_Aura->m_BNETs.end( ); ++i )
                                                        if( (*i)->GetServerAlias( ) == Payload )
                                                                (*i)->Deactivate( );
                                                                SendMessageIRC( "[BNET: " + (*i)->GetServerAlias( ) + "] deactivated.", string( ) );
                                else if( Command == "bneton" )
                                        if( Payload.empty( ) )
                                                for( vector<CBNET *> :: iterator i = m_Aura->m_BNETs.begin( ); i != m_Aura->m_BNETs.end( ); ++i )
                                                        (*i)->Activate( );
                                                        SendMessageIRC( "[BNET: " + (*i)->GetServerAlias( ) + "] activated.", string( ) );
                                                for( vector<CBNET *> :: iterator i = m_Aura->m_BNETs.begin( ); i != m_Aura->m_BNETs.end( ); ++i )
                                                        if( (*i)->GetServerAlias( ) == Payload )
                                                                (*i)->Activate( );
                                                                SendMessageIRC( "[BNET: " + (*i)->GetServerAlias( ) + "] activated.", string( ) );
                    else if( Payload.size( ) > 12 && Payload.substr( 0, 4 ) == "CHAT" )
                            // CHAT chat 3162588924 1025

                            string strIP, strPort;
                            bool IsPort = false;

                            for( unsigned int j = 10; j < ( Payload.size( ) - 1 ); ++j )
                                if( !IsPort && Payload[j] == ' ' )
                                    IsPort = true;

                                if( !IsPort )
                                    strIP += Payload[j];
                                    strPort += Payload[j];

                            unsigned int Port = UTIL_ToUInt16( strPort );

                            if( Port < 1024 || 1026 < Port )
                                Port = 1024;

                            bool Local = false;

                            for( vector<string> :: iterator i = m_Locals.begin( ); i != m_Locals.end( ); ++i )
                                    if( Nickname == (*i) )
                                            strIP = "";
                                            Local = true;

                            if( !Local )
                                    unsigned long IP = UTIL_ToUInt32( strIP ), divider = 16777216UL;
                                    strIP = "";

                                    for( int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i )
                                            stringstream ss;
                                            ss << (unsigned long) IP / divider;

                                            IP %= divider;
                                            divider /= 256;
                                            strIP += ss.str( );

                                            if( i != 3 )
                                                    strIP += '.';

                            bool Existing = false;

                            for( vector<CDCC *> :: iterator i = m_DCC.begin( ); i != m_DCC.end( ); ++i )
                                    if( (*i)->m_Nickname == Nickname )
                                            (*i)->Connect( strIP, Port );
                                            Existing = true;

                            if( !Existing )
                                m_DCC.push_back( new CDCC( this, strIP, Port, Nickname ) );

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                else if( Token == "391" )
                    // move position after the \n (next packet)

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i );

                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                 else if( Token == "PING" )
                    string Packet;

                    // PING :blabla

                    // skip until :

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != ':'; ++i );

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i )
                        Packet += Recv[i];

                    SendIRC( "PONG :" + Packet );

                    // move position after the \n

                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                else if( Token == "NOTICE" )
                    // move position after the \n

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i );
                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                else if( Token == "221" )
                    // Q auth if the server is QuakeNet

                    if( m_Server.find( "quakenet.org" ) != string :: npos && !m_Password.empty( ) )
                            SendMessageIRC( "AUTH " + m_Username + " " + m_Password, "*****@*****.**" );
                            SendIRC( "MODE " + m_Nickname + " +x" );

                    // join channels

                    for( vector<string> :: iterator j = m_Channels.begin( ); j != m_Channels.end( ); ++j )
                            SendIRC( "JOIN " + (*j) );

                    // move position after the \n

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i );

                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                else if( Token == "433" )
                    // nick taken, append _

                    m_OriginalNick = false;
                    m_Nickname += '_';

                    SendIRC( "NICK " + m_Nickname );

                    // move position after the \n (next packet)

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i );

                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                else if( Token == "353" )
                    // move position after the \n (next packet)

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != CR; ++i );

                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;
                else if( Token == "KICK" )
                    string Channel, Victim;
                    bool Space = false;

                    // get channel

                    for( ++i; Recv[i] != ' '; ++i )
                            Channel += Recv[i];

                    // get the victim

                    for( ++i ; i < Recv.size( ); ++i )
                        if( Recv[i] == ' ' )
                            Space = true;
                        else if( Recv[i] == CR )
                        else if( Space && Recv[i] != ':' )
                            Victim += Recv[i];

                    // we're the victim here! rejoin

                    if( Victim == m_Nickname )
                        SendIRC( "JOIN " + Channel );

                    // move position after the \n

                    i += 2;

                    // remember last packet time

                    m_LastPacketTime = Time;

                // empty the token

                PreviousToken = Token;
                Token.clear( );

        m_Socket->ClearRecvBuffer( );
예제 #6
파일: IRCIO.cpp 프로젝트: 814077430/ArkCORE
void IRCClient::Handle_IRC(std::string sData)
    // If first 5 chars are ERROR then something is wrong
    // either link is being closed, nickserv ghost command, etc...
    if(sData.substr(0, 5) == "ERROR")
    if(sData.substr(0, 4) == "PING")
        // if the first 4 characters contain PING
        // the server is checking if we are still alive
        // sen back PONG back plus whatever the server send with it
        SendIRC("PONG " + sData.substr(4, sData.size() - 4));
        // if the first line contains : its an irc message
        // such as private messages channel join etc.
        if(sData.substr(0, 1) == ":")
            // find the spaces in the receieved line
            size_t p1 = sData.find(" ");
            size_t p2 = sData.find(" ", p1 + 1);
            // because the irc protocol uses simple spaces
            // to seperate data we can easy pick them out
            // since we know the position of the spaces
            std::string USR = sData.substr(1, p1 - 1);
            std::string CMD = sData.substr(p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1);
            // trasform the commands to lowercase to make sure they always match
            std::transform(CMD.begin(), CMD.end(), CMD.begin(), towlower);
            // Extract the username from the first part
            std::string szUser = GetUser(USR);
            // if we receieved the internet connect code
            // we know for sure that were in and we can
            // authenticate ourself.
            if(CMD == sIRC._ICC)
                // _Auth is defined in trinitycore.conf (irc.auth)
                // 0 do not authenticate
                // 1 use nickserv
                // 2 use quakenet
                // aditionally you can provide you own authentication method here
                    case 1:
                        SendIRC("PRIVMSG nickserv :IDENTIFY " + sIRC._Pass);
                    case 2:
                        SendIRC("PRIVMSG nickserv :IDENTIFY " + sIRC._Auth_Nick + " " + sIRC._Pass);
                    case 3:
                        SendIRC("PRIVMSG [email protected] :AUTH " + sIRC._Nick + " " + sIRC._Pass);
                    case 4:
                        SendIRC("PRIVMSG [email protected] :AUTH " + sIRC._Auth_Nick + " " + sIRC._Pass);
                // if we join a default channel leave this now.
                    SendIRC("PART #" + sIRC._defchan);
                // Loop thru the channel array and send a command to join them on IRC.
                for(int i=1;i < sIRC._chan_count + 1;i++)
                        if (sIRC._irc_pass[i].size() > 0)
                                SendIRC("JOIN #" + sIRC._irc_chan[i] + " " + sIRC._irc_pass[i]);
                        SendIRC("JOIN #" + sIRC._irc_chan[i]);
                // See if there's a logchannel available, if so: join it.
                if(sIRC.logchan.size() > 0)
                    if(sIRC.logchanpw.size() > 0)
                        SendIRC("JOIN #" + sIRC.logchan + " " + sIRC.logchanpw);
                        SendIRC("JOIN #" + sIRC.logchan);
            // someone joined the channel this could be the bot or another user
            if(CMD == "join")
                size_t p = sData.find(":", p1);
                std::string CHAN = sData.substr(p + 1, sData.size() - p - 2);
                // if the user is us it means we join the channel
                if ((szUser == sIRC._Nick) )
                    // its us that joined the channel
                    Send_IRC_Channel(CHAN, MakeMsg(MakeMsg(sIRC.JoinMsg, "$Ver", sIRC._Mver.c_str()), "$Trigger", sIRC._cmd_prefx.c_str()), true);
                    // if the user is not us its someone else that joins
                    // so we construct a message and send this to the clients.
                    // ArkChat now uses Send_WoW_Channel to send to the client
                    // this makes ArkChat handle the packets instead of previously the world.
                    if((sIRC.BOTMASK & 2) != 0)
                        Send_WoW_Channel(GetWoWChannel(CHAN).c_str(), IRCcol2WoW(MakeMsg(MakeMsg(GetChatLine(JOIN_IRC), "$Name", szUser), "$Channel", GetWoWChannel(CHAN))));
            // someone on irc left or quit the channel
            if(CMD == "part" || CMD == "quit")
                size_t p3 = sData.find(" ", p2 + 1);
                std::string CHAN = sData.substr(p2 + 1, p3 - p2 - 1);
                // Logout IRC Nick From ArkChat If User Leaves Or Quits IRC.
                    _CDATA CDATA;
                    CDATA.USER      = szUser;
                // Construct a message and inform the clients on the same channel.
                if((sIRC.BOTMASK & 2) != 0)
                    Send_WoW_Channel(GetWoWChannel(CHAN).c_str(), IRCcol2WoW(MakeMsg(MakeMsg(GetChatLine(LEAVE_IRC), "$Name", szUser), "$Channel", GetWoWChannel(CHAN))));
            // someone changed their nick
            if (CMD == "nick" && (sIRC.BOTMASK & 128) != 0)
                MakeMsg(MakeMsg(GetChatLine(CHANGE_NICK), "$Name", szUser), "$NewName", sData.substr(sData.find(":", p2) + 1));
                // If the user is logged in and changes their nick 
                // then we want to either log them out or update 
                // their nick in the bot. I chose to update the bots user list.
                    std::string NewNick = sData.substr(sData.find(":", p2) + 1);
                    // On freenode I noticed the server sends an extra character
                    // at the end of the string, so we need to erase the last
                    // character of the string. if you have a problem with getting
                    // the last letter of your nick erased, then remove the - 1.
                    NewNick.erase(NewNick.length() - 1, 1);

                    for(std::list<_client*>::iterator i=Command._CLIENTS.begin(); i!=Command._CLIENTS.end();i++)
                        if((*i)->Name == szUser)
                            (*i)->Name     = NewNick;
                            sIRC.Send_IRC_Channel(NewNick.c_str(), "I Noticed You Changed Your Nick, I Have Updated My Internal Database Accordingly.", true, "NOTICE");
                            // Figure why not output to the logfile, makes tracing problems easier.
                            sIRC.iLog.WriteLog(" %s : %s Changed Nick To: %s", sIRC.iLog.GetLogDateTimeStr().c_str(), szUser.c_str(), NewNick.c_str());

            // someone was kicked from irc
            if (CMD == "kick")
                // extract the details
                size_t p3 = sData.find(" ", p2 + 1);
                size_t p4 = sData.find(" ", p3 + 1);
                size_t p5 = sData.find(":", p4);
                std::string CHAN = sData.substr(p2 + 1, p3 - p2 - 1);
                std::string WHO = sData.substr(p3 + 1, p4 - p3 - 1);
                std::string BY = sData.substr(p4 + 1, sData.size() - p4 - 1);
                // if the one kicked was us
                if(WHO == sIRC._Nick)
                    // and autojoin is enabled
                    // return to the channel
                    if(sIRC._autojoinkick == 1)
                        SendIRC("JOIN " + CHAN);
                        Send_IRC_Channel(CHAN, sIRC.kikmsg, true);
                    // if it is not us who was kicked we need to inform the clients someone
                    // was removed from the channel
                    // construct a message and send it to the players.
                    Send_WoW_Channel(GetWoWChannel(CHAN).c_str(), "<IRC>[" + WHO + "]: Was Kicked From " + CHAN + " By: " + szUser);
            // a private chat message was receieved.
            if(CMD == "privmsg" || CMD == "notice")
                // extract the values
                size_t p = sData.find(" ", p2 + 1);
                std::string FROM = sData.substr(p2 + 1, p - p2 - 1);
                std::string CHAT = sData.substr(p + 2, sData.size() - p - 3);
                // if this is our username it means we recieved a PM
                if(FROM == sIRC._Nick)
                    if(CHAT.find("\001VERSION\001") < CHAT.size())
                        Send_IRC_Channel(szUser, MakeMsg("\001VERSION MGACHAT %s ©2008- 2013 Biglad - http://www.mgawow.co.uk \001", "%s" , sIRC._Mver.c_str()), true, "PRIVMSG");
                    // a pm is required for certain commands
                    // such as login. to validate the command
                    // we send it to the command class wich handles
                    // evrything else.
                    Command.IsValid(szUser, FROM, CHAT, CMD);
                    // if our name is not in it, it means we receieved chat on one of the channels
                    // magchat is in. the first thing we do is check if it is a command or not
                    if(!Command.IsValid(szUser, FROM, CHAT, CMD))
                        Send_WoW_Channel(GetWoWChannel(FROM).c_str(), IRCcol2WoW(MakeMsg(MakeMsg(GetChatLine(IRC_WOW), "$Name", szUser), "$Msg", CHAT)));
                    // if we indeed receieved a command we do not want to display this to the players
                    // so only incanse the isvalid command returns false it will be sent to all player.
                    // the isvalid function will automaitcly process the command on true.
            if(CMD == "mode")
                // extract the mode details
                size_t p3 = sData.find(" ", p2 + 1);
                size_t p4 = sData.find(" ", p3 + 1);
                size_t p5 = sData.find(" ", p4 + 1);
                std::string CHAN = sData.substr(p2 + 1, p3 - p2 - 1);
                std::string MODE = sData.substr(p3 + 1, p4 - p3 - 1);
                std::string NICK = sData.substr(p4 + 1, p5 - p4 - 1);
                bool _AmiOp;
                _AmiOp = false;
                //A mode was changed on us
                if(NICK.c_str() == sIRC._Nick)
                    _AmiOp = true;
