예제 #1
void CUDSMainWnd::PrepareFlowControl()

    Counter_BSize = BSize;                              // BSize and SSTMin  depends of the value put in the settingsWnd.
    //FWaitLongRespBSize = Counter_BSize;                   // Not used
    psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen= SizeFC;      //The DLC of the FCmessage depends of the value put in the settingsWnd.
    memset(psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData, 0, SizeFC);

    // ################## Casian #############################//
        case INTERFACE_NORMAL_11 :
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte-1] = TargetAddress;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte] = 0x30;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+1] = BSize;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+2] = SSTMin; //////


        case INTERFACE_EXTENDED_11 :
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte-1] = TargetAddress;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte] = 0x30;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+1] = BSize;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+2] = SSTMin;


        case INTERFACE_NORMAL_ISO_29 :
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte-1] = TargetAddress;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte] = 0x30;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+1] = BSize;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+2] = SSTMin;


        case INTERFACE_NORMAL_J1939_29 :
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte] = 0x30;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+1] = BSize;
            psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+2] = SSTMin;



    // ################## Casian #############################//

예제 #2
void  CUDSMainWnd::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent){
	//Envía TeserPresent 
	if(nIDEvent ==ID_TIMER_TP && psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg != NULL) {	//Prepare the message

		if(fInterface == INTERFACE_NORMAL_ISO_29 || fInterface ==INTERFACE_NORMAL_J1939_29){
			psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucEXTENDED= TRUE;				// Initial Config
			psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucEXTENDED= FALSE;				// Initial Config
		psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucRTR = FALSE;
		psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucChannel = (UCHAR)m_omComboChannelUDS.GetCurSel()+1;
		psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_unMsgID = (int)m_omCanID.lGetValue(); 
		memset(psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData, 0, 8);				// Initialize the bytes to 0
		if(fInterface == INTERFACE_EXTENDED_11 ) psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte-1]= TargetAddress;	
		psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte]= 0x02;			//The tester Present will always have 2 bytes 0x3E y 0x00 
		psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+1]= 0x3E;

		if(fMsgSize){					// how many bytes has the flow Control? 
			psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;
		} else {
			psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = aux_Finterface + 3;
		if(FCRespReq) psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+2]= 0x80;				// if NoResponse Required is activated
	if ( nIDEvent == ID_TIMER_SEND_BUTTON){
예제 #3
void CUDSMainWnd::PrepareFlowControl(){

	Counter_BSize = BSize;								// BSize and SSTMin  depends of the value put in the settingsWnd. 
	//FWaitLongRespBSize = Counter_BSize;					// Not used
	psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen= SizeFC; 		//The DLC of the FCmessage depends of the value put in the settingsWnd.  
	memset(psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData, 0, SizeFC);				
	if(fInterface == INTERFACE_EXTENDED_11 ) psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte-1] = TargetAddress;
	psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte] = 0x30;
	psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+1] = BSize;		
	psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucData[initialByte+2] = SSTMin;
예제 #4
void CUDSMainWnd::SendContinuosFrames( unsigned char abByteArr[],mPSTXSELMSGDATA psTxCanMsgUds, UDS_INTERFACE FInterface)

	CString Length;
	CString omTempByte;
	CString omByteStrTemp;
	int numberofFrames =0;						// It will indicate how many multiples frames have been sent
	int c_numberOfTaken = numberOfTaken+2;		// The consecutive Messages will contain one byte more that the FirstFrame 
	int i = aux_Finterface + c_numberOfTaken/2;			// aux_Finterface it's used to indicate that i must be bigger if we're in extended Addressing
	if (TotalLength*2<c_numberOfTaken){			// It only enters here once, at the end when the last message of the multiple frames has to be sent when
		i = TotalLength+aux_Finterface;			// the number of frames that has to be sent is less than c_numberOfTaken
	while (DatatoSend.GetLength()){							// While there is remaining data that has to be sent
		omByteStrTemp = DatatoSend.Left(c_numberOfTaken);	//I take the part of the message that is going to be sent in the current Frame 
		while(FWait_SendingFrame){}							// Wait if something is being sent in this moment

		while (omByteStrTemp.GetLength()){
			omTempByte = omByteStrTemp.Right(NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
			abByteArr[i--] = (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);				//Llena el arreglo con el msg actual a enviar
			omByteStrTemp = omByteStrTemp.Left(omByteStrTemp.GetLength() - NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
		psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;					// Consecutive Frames can always have 8 bytes 
		abByteArr[initialByte]= ConsecutiveFrame;					// Put the initial Byte of the consecutive frames in a long request				 
		SendSimpleDiagnosticMessage();								// Send the current Message

		DatatoSend = DatatoSend.Right(((UINT)TotalLength*2)-c_numberOfTaken);		 // DatatoSend will contain the rest of the bytes that hasn't been sent yet.
		TotalLength = (((UINT)TotalLength*2)-c_numberOfTaken)/2;
		if (ConsecutiveFrame == 0x30) ConsecutiveFrame=0x20;		// Requirement from the ISO TP 

		if (numberofFrames == BSizE) {		// It enters here when I've reached the quantity of Blocks settled by the ECU in the flow Control 
			FWaitFlow = TRUE;				// Now it has to wait for the Flow control again 		
			numberofFrames = 0;
			c_dDiffTime =0;
			return ;						// Now it has to wait for another FlowControl
		}else {
			for(c_dDiffTime =0,c_unPreviousTime =-1 ;c_dDiffTime <=STMin; CalculateDiffTime()){}		// Wait for the STMin Time settled by the ECU in the flow Control	
		c_unPreviousTime = -1;				//ReStart the variables for the timmings 
		c_dDiffTime = 0;	

		i = aux_Finterface + c_numberOfTaken/2;				// i must be a bigger numeber in the case of extended addressing-> aux_Finterface to control this.
		if (TotalLength*2<c_numberOfTaken){			// It only enters here once, at the end when the last message of the multiple frames has to be sent when
			i = TotalLength+aux_Finterface;					// the number of frames that has to be sent is less than c_numberOfTaken
   	m_omSendButton.EnableWindow(TRUE);		// It only enters here when it has sent all the msg
											// In the case that this function cannot be completed there is a timer as default to activate the SEND button 
예제 #5
int CUDSMainWnd::SendFirstFrame(CString omByteStr, unsigned char abByteArr[], mPSTXSELMSGDATA psTxCanMsgUds, UDS_INTERFACE FInterface)
    bool FirstFrame= TRUE;
    CString Length;
    CString omTempByte;
    CString omByteStrTemp;
    //int numberofFrames =-1    ;
    int c_numberOfTaken= numberOfTaken;                             // It contains the number of Data bytes that can be sent in the current message

    Length.Format("%.3x\n",TotalLength);                        //Prepare the first 2 bytes of a first frame of a long request
    Length = "1" + Length;
    omTempByte = Length.Left(2);
    abByteArr[initialByte]= (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);
    omTempByte = Length.Right(3);
    abByteArr[initialByte+1]= (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte,L'\0', 16);

    int i=7;
    omByteStrTemp = omByteStr.Left(c_numberOfTaken);                //I take the part of omByteStr that is going to be sent in the first Frame

    //while(FWait_SendingFrame){}                                       // Wait if something is being sent in this moment
    while (omByteStrTemp.GetLength())
        omTempByte = omByteStrTemp.Right(NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
        abByteArr[i--] = (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);      // Fill the array to sent with the current data
        omByteStrTemp = omByteStrTemp.Left(omByteStrTemp.GetLength() - NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
    psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;                  // The FirstFrame always has 8 butes

    SendSimpleDiagnosticMessage();                              //Send the message

    omByteStr = omByteStr.Right(((UINT)TotalLength*2)-c_numberOfTaken);          // The bytes that were sent are deleted
    DatatoSend =  omByteStr.Right(((UINT)TotalLength*2)-c_numberOfTaken);        // DatatoSend will contain the rest of the bytes that hasn't been sent yet.
    TotalLength = (((UINT)TotalLength*2)-c_numberOfTaken)/2;

    FirstFrame = FALSE;
    FWaitFlow =TRUE;                    // No Wait for the Flow Control comming from the ECU
    ConsecutiveFrame = 0x21;            //Initialize this -> because a long frame will be sent
    return 0;
예제 #6
void CUDSMainWnd::PrepareDiagnosticMessage(CString omByteStr,mPSTXSELMSGDATA psTxCanMsgUds, unsigned char abByteArr[], UINT ByteArrLen)
	memset(abByteArr, 0, ByteArrLen);				// Initialize the array to zero
	omByteStr.Replace(" ","");
	int i_counter =0;
	UINT LengthStr = omByteStr.GetLength();
	UINT Result;
	if ( LengthStr%2 != 0){
		CString LastString = "0" + omByteStr.Right(1);
		omByteStr= omByteStr.Left(omByteStr.GetLength() - 1);
		omByteStr = omByteStr+ LastString; 

	Result = LengthStr / 2 + LengthStr % 2;				// Result posee la cantidad de bytes que desean ser enviados
	TotalLength = Result; 
	m_omSendButton.EnableWindow(FALSE);	 //I have to disable the sendButton everytime that I press SEND
	// If it's a long request I need it 
	// If it's a long response I've to restart it  and receive all the bytes
	// If it's a simple response: the response could take more time or it could be a 0x78 resp

	m_nTimer = SetTimer(ID_TIMER_SEND_BUTTON,P2_Time , NULL);				// Time to wait to enable the send button again
	switch (fInterface){ 
				psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucEXTENDED= FALSE;
				ByteArrLen = ByteArrLen-1;
				if (Result>7)							 // Long Request 
					int f =SendFirstFrame(omByteStr,abByteArr,psTxCanMsgUds,fInterface );

				} else {								 // Short request 
					i_counter = (int) Result;	
					abByteArr[0] = Result; 
					Result++;							 // Result must be increased to make the size array bigger 
					CString omTempByte;					 
					while (omByteStr.GetLength())		
						omTempByte = omByteStr.Right(NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
						abByteArr[i_counter--] = (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);
						omByteStr = omByteStr.Left(omByteStr.GetLength() - NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);

					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;
					} else {
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = Result;
				psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucEXTENDED= FALSE;
				ByteArrLen = ByteArrLen-2;
				abByteArr[0] = TargetAddress;
				if (Result>6){															// Long Request - The limit of a simple request for extended is 6 because the byte that contains the TA. 
					m_nTimer = SetTimer(ID_TIMER_SEND_BUTTON, P2_Time , NULL);			// Start Timer to wait to enable by default the send button again

				    int f =SendFirstFrame(omByteStr,abByteArr,psTxCanMsgUds,fInterface);  

				} else {										 // Short request 
					i_counter = Result+1;					
					abByteArr[1] = Result;
					Result = Result+2;
					CString omTempByte;
					while (omByteStr.GetLength())				// Take all the bytes that will be parte of the simple message
						omTempByte = omByteStr.Right(NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
						abByteArr[i_counter--] = (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);
						omByteStr = omByteStr.Left(omByteStr.GetLength() - NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;
					} else {
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = Result;
				psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucEXTENDED= TRUE;
				ByteArrLen = ByteArrLen-1;
				if (Result>7)							 // Long Request 
					int f =SendFirstFrame(omByteStr,abByteArr,psTxCanMsgUds,fInterface );

				} else {								 // Short request 
					i_counter = (int) Result;	
					abByteArr[0] = Result; 
					Result++;							 // Result must be increased to make the size array bigger 
					CString omTempByte;					 
					while (omByteStr.GetLength())		
						omTempByte = omByteStr.Right(NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
						abByteArr[i_counter--] = (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);
						omByteStr = omByteStr.Left(omByteStr.GetLength() - NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;
					} else {
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = Result;
		case INTERFACE_NORMAL_J1939_29:
				psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucEXTENDED= TRUE;
				ByteArrLen = ByteArrLen-1;
				if (Result>7)							 // Long Request 
					int f =SendFirstFrame(omByteStr,abByteArr,psTxCanMsgUds,fInterface );

				} else {								 // Short request 
					i_counter = (int) Result;	
					abByteArr[0] = Result; 
					Result++;							 // Result must be increased to make the size array bigger 
					CString omTempByte;					 
					while (omByteStr.GetLength())		
						omTempByte = omByteStr.Right(NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
						abByteArr[i_counter--] = (BYTE)_tcstol(omTempByte, L'\0', 16);
						omByteStr = omByteStr.Left(omByteStr.GetLength() - NO_OF_CHAR_IN_BYTE);
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = 8;
					} else {
					  psTxCanMsgUds->m_psTxMsg->m_ucDataLen = Result;