예제 #1
파일: cnsgnv.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
static void CleanUpXOS (XOSPtr xosp)
  SeqLocPtr slp, slpn;
  SeqIdPtr  id;

  if (xosp != NULL)
    xosp->gsp  = NULL;          /* is static */
    xosp->filename = (CharPtr) MemFree (xosp->filename);
    xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);
    xosp->bsp = NULL;           /* should be in seqentry */
    xosp->gcd = NULL;
    xosp->gcdi = NULL;
    slp = xosp->slpa;
    while (slp != NULL)
      slpn = slp->next;
      id = SeqLocId (slp);
      if (id != NULL)
        id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
      SeqLocFree (slp);
      slp = slpn;
    xosp->slpa = slp;
    slp = xosp->slpb;
    while (slp != NULL)
      slpn = slp->next;
      id = SeqLocId (slp);
      if (id != NULL)
        id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
      SeqLocFree (slp);
      slp = slpn;
    xosp->slpb = slp;
    slp = xosp->slps;
    while (slp != NULL)
      slpn = slp->next;
      id = SeqLocId (slp);
      if (id != NULL)
        id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
      SeqLocFree (slp);
      slp = slpn;
    xosp->slps = slp;
    slp = xosp->slpk;
    while (slp != NULL)
      slpn = slp->next;
      id = SeqLocId (slp);
      if (id != NULL)
        id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
      SeqLocFree (slp);
      slp = slpn;
    xosp->slpk = slp;
예제 #2
파일: urkbias.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
extern void UniqueOrfs (SeqLocPtr PNTR pslpFound)
  SeqLocPtr slpFound, slpNew, slp;
  SeqIdPtr  id;

  slpFound = *pslpFound;
  slpNew = NULL;
  while (slpFound != NULL)
    if (!SeqLocMatch (slpNew, slpFound))
      SeqLocLink (&slpNew, SeqLocDup (slpFound));
    slpFound = slpFound->next;
  slpFound = *pslpFound;
  while (slpFound != NULL)
    slp = slpFound->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slpFound);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slpFound);
    slpFound = slp;
  *pslpFound = slpNew;
예제 #3
파일: urkbias.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
extern SeqLocPtr SeqLocDup (SeqLocPtr slpold)
  SeqLocPtr slpnew, slpn, slp;
  SeqIdPtr  id;

  if (slpold == NULL)
    return NULL;

  slpnew = (SeqLocPtr) AsnIoMemCopy ((Pointer) slpold,
                                     (AsnReadFunc) SeqLocAsnRead,
                                     (AsnWriteFunc) SeqLocAsnWrite);
  slp = slpnew->next;
  while (slp != NULL)
    slpn = slp->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp);
    slp = slpn;
  slpnew->next = NULL;

  return slpnew;
예제 #4
SBlastMessage* SBlastMessageFree(SBlastMessage* message)
    SBlastMessage* var = message;
    SBlastMessage* next = NULL;

    while (var)
         next = var->next;
         var = next;

    return NULL;
예제 #5
파일: urkbias.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
extern void RemoveInternalOrfs (SeqLocPtr PNTR slpFound)
  SeqLocPtr slp1, slp2, slp = NULL;
  SeqIdPtr  id;
  Int4      start1, stop1, start2, stop2;
  Boolean   flagInternal;

  slp1 = *slpFound;
  while (slp1 != NULL)
    start1 = SeqLocStart (slp1);
    stop1 = SeqLocStop (slp1);
    flagInternal = FALSE;
    slp2 = *slpFound;
    while (slp2 != NULL)
      start2 = SeqLocStart (slp2);
      stop2 = SeqLocStop (slp2);
      if ((start1 > start2 && start1 < stop2) &&
          (stop1 > start2 && stop1 < stop2))
        flagInternal = TRUE;
      slp2 = slp2->next;
    if (!flagInternal)
      SeqLocLink (&slp, SeqLocDup (slp1));
    slp1 = slp1->next;
  slp1 = *slpFound;
  while (slp1 != NULL)
    slp2 = slp1->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp1);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp1);
    slp1 = slp2;
  *slpFound = slp;
예제 #6
파일: cnsgnv.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
static void GetThisBioseq (XOSPtr xosp)
  GatherScopePtr  gsp;
  CharPtr         filename;
  Int4            gi;
  FILE            *fiop;
  Boolean         flagHaveNet;
  SeqEntryPtr     sep;
  ValNodePtr      vnp;
  Int2            gcode;
  GeneticCodePtr  gcp;
  SeqLocPtr       slp, slpn;
  SeqIdPtr        id;

  gsp = xosp->gsp;

  fiop = NULL;
  filename = xosp->filename;
  gi = xosp->gi;
  xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);

  if (gi > 0)
    if (!EntrezInit ("cnsgnv", FALSE, &flagHaveNet))
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 102,
                 "Entrez init failed");
      ErrShow ();

  if (gi > 0)
    sep = EntrezSeqEntryGet (gi, SEQENTRY_READ_NUC_PROT);
  else if (filename != NULL)
    if ((fiop = FileOpen (filename, "r")) == NULL)
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 103,
                 "Failed to open FastA file");
      ErrShow ();
    sep = FastaToSeqEntry (fiop, TRUE);
    AddBioSourceToSeqEntry (sep);
    sep = NULL;

  if (sep == NULL)
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 104,
               "No SeqEntry");
    ErrShow ();
    CleanUpXOS (xosp);
    xosp->sep = sep;
    xosp->gi = gi;
    xosp->filename = StringSave (filename);
    GatherSeqEntry (sep, (Pointer) xosp, GetBioseq, (Pointer) gsp);

  if (xosp->bsp != NULL)
    vnp = xosp->bsp->descr;
    gcode = 0;
    while (vnp != NULL)
      if (vnp->choice == Seq_descr_source)
        gcode = BioSourceToGeneticCode ((BioSourcePtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue);
      vnp = vnp->next;
    if (gcode == 0 && sep->choice == 2)
      vnp = ((BioseqSetPtr) (sep->data.ptrvalue))->descr;
      while (vnp != NULL)
        if (vnp->choice == Seq_descr_source)
          gcode = BioSourceToGeneticCode ((BioSourcePtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue);
        vnp = vnp->next;
    if (gcode == 0)
      gcode = 1; /* standard */
    gcp = GeneticCodeFind (gcode, NULL);
    if (gcp != NULL)
      xosp->gcd = xosp->gcdi = NULL;
      vnp = (ValNodePtr) gcp->data.ptrvalue;
      while (vnp != NULL)
        if (vnp->choice == 6)       /* sncbieaa */
          xosp->gcdi = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
        else if (vnp->choice == 3)  /* ncbieaa */
          xosp->gcd = (CharPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
        vnp = vnp->next;
    if (xosp->gcdi == NULL)
      xosp->gcdi = xosp->gcd;
    if (xosp->gcdi == NULL)
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 105,
                 "Could not get genetic code for translation");
      ErrShow ();
      xosp->bsp = NULL;

  if (gi > 0)
    slp = xosp->slpk;
    while (slp != NULL)
      slpn = slp->next;
      id = SeqLocId (slp);
      if (id != NULL)
        id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
      SeqLocFree (slp);
      slp = slpn;
    xosp->slpk = slp;
    GatherSeqEntry (sep, (Pointer) xosp, GatherKnownOrfs, (Pointer) gsp);

  if (gi > 0)
    EntrezFini ();
    FileClose (fiop);

  if (xosp->bsp != NULL)
    if (!ISA_na (xosp->bsp->mol))
      xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);
      xosp->bsp = NULL;
      xosp->filename = (CharPtr) MemFree (xosp->filename);
      xosp->gi = 0;
      ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 101, "Not nucleic acid Bioseq");
      ErrShow ();
    xosp->sep = SeqEntryFree (xosp->sep);
    xosp->filename = (CharPtr) MemFree (xosp->filename);
    xosp->gi = 0;
    ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 101, "No Bioseq");
    ErrShow ();
예제 #7
파일: mgblast.c 프로젝트: gpertea/gsrc
static int LIBCALLBACK
MegaBlastPrintEndpoints(VoidPtr ptr)
   BlastSearchBlkPtr search = (BlastSearchBlkPtr) ptr;
   CharPtr subject_descr;
   SeqIdPtr sip, query_id;
   CharPtr query_buffer, title;
   CharPtr subject_buffer;
   Int4 query_length, q_start, q_end, q_shift=0, s_shift=0;
   Int4 subject_end;
   Int4 hsp_index;
   Boolean numeric_sip_type = FALSE;
   BLAST_HSPPtr hsp; 
   Int2 context;
   Char context_sign;
   Int4 subject_gi, score;
   FILE *fp = (FILE *) search->output;

   if (search->current_hitlist == NULL || search->current_hitlist->hspcnt <= 0) {
      search->subject_info = BLASTSubjectInfoDestruct(search->subject_info);
      return 0;

   if (search->rdfp)
      readdb_get_descriptor(search->rdfp, search->subject_id, &sip,
      sip = SeqIdSetDup(search->subject_info->sip);
   if (sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL ||
       StringCmp(((DbtagPtr)sip->data.ptrvalue)->db, "BL_ORD_ID")) {
      if (search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) {
         subject_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         SeqIdWrite(sip, subject_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, BUFFER_LENGTH);
      } else
         numeric_sip_type = GetAccessionFromSeqId(SeqIdFindBest(sip, SEQID_GI), 
                                                  &subject_gi, &subject_buffer);
   } else {
      DbtagPtr db_tag = (DbtagPtr) sip->data.ptrvalue;
      if (db_tag->db && 
          (!StringCmp(db_tag->db, "THC") || 
           !StringICmp(db_tag->db, "TI")) && 
          db_tag->tag->id != 0) {
         subject_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(16);
         sprintf(subject_buffer, "%ld", (long) db_tag->tag->id);
      } else {
         subject_buffer = StringTokMT(subject_descr, " \t", &subject_descr);
         subject_descr = subject_buffer;

   search->current_hitlist->hspcnt_max = search->current_hitlist->hspcnt;

   /* Only for the two sequences case, get offset shift if subject 
      is a subsequence */
   if (!search->rdfp && search->query_slp->next) {
       s_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp->next);
       subject_end = SeqLocStop(search->query_slp->next);
   } else {
      s_shift = 0;
      subject_end = 
         readdb_get_sequence_length(search->rdfp, search->subject_id);
   /* Get offset shift if query is a subsequence */
   q_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp);

   for (hsp_index=0; hsp_index<search->current_hitlist->hspcnt; hsp_index++) {
      hsp = search->current_hitlist->hsp_array[hsp_index];
      if (hsp==NULL || (search->pbp->cutoff_e > 0 && 
      hsp->evalue > search->pbp->cutoff_e)) 
      /* Correct query context is already found in BlastGetNonSumStatsEvalue */
      context = hsp->context; 
      query_id = search->qid_array[context/2];

      if (query_id == NULL) /* Bad hsp, something wrong */
      hsp->context = context & 1;      
      query_length = search->query_context_offsets[context+1] -
         search->query_context_offsets[context] - 1;
      hsp->subject.end = hsp->subject.offset + hsp->subject.length;

      if (hsp->context) {
     hsp->query.end = query_length - hsp->query.offset;
     hsp->query.offset = 
        hsp->query.end - hsp->query.length + 1;
     context_sign = '-'; 
      } else {
     hsp->query.end = (++hsp->query.offset) + hsp->query.length - 1;
         if (hsp->query.end > query_length) {
            hsp->subject.end -= (hsp->query.end - query_length);
            hsp->query.end = query_length;
     context_sign = '+';  
      if (hsp->subject.end > subject_end) {
         hsp->query.end -= (hsp->subject.end - subject_end);
         hsp->subject.end = subject_end;
      query_buffer = NULL;
      if (query_id->choice == SEQID_LOCAL && 
          search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) {
         BioseqPtr query_bsp = BioseqLockById(query_id);
         title = StringSave(BioseqGetTitle(query_bsp));
         if (title)
            query_buffer = StringTokMT(title, " ", &title);
         else {
            Int4 query_gi;
            GetAccessionFromSeqId(query_bsp->id, &query_gi,
      } else {
         query_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         if (!search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids)
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_TEXTID_ACCESSION,
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG,

      if (search->pbp->gap_open==0 && search->pbp->gap_extend==0)
     score = ((hsp->subject.length + hsp->query.length)*
           search->sbp->reward / 2 - hsp->score) / 
        (search->sbp->reward - search->sbp->penalty);
     score = hsp->score;

      if (context_sign == '+') {
     q_start = hsp->query.offset;
     q_end = hsp->query.end;
      } else {
     q_start = hsp->query.end;
     q_end = hsp->query.offset;

      /* Adjust offsets if query is a subsequence, only for first query */
      if (context < 2) {
          q_start += q_shift;
          q_end += q_shift;

      hsp->subject.offset += s_shift;
      hsp->subject.end += s_shift;

      if (numeric_sip_type)
     fprintf(fp, "'%ld'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\n", (long) subject_gi, 
         context_sign, query_buffer, hsp->subject.offset, q_start, 
         hsp->subject.end, q_end, score);
     fprintf(fp, "'%s'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\n", 
         subject_buffer, context_sign, query_buffer, 
         hsp->subject.offset, q_start, 
         hsp->subject.end, q_end, score);
   if (!numeric_sip_type && subject_buffer != subject_descr)
   sip = SeqIdSetFree(sip);
   return 0;
예제 #8
파일: mgblast.c 프로젝트: gpertea/gsrc
static int LIBCALLBACK
MegaBlastPrintSegments(VoidPtr ptr)
   BlastSearchBlkPtr search = (BlastSearchBlkPtr) ptr;
   ReadDBFILEPtr rdfp = search->rdfp;
   BLAST_HSPPtr hsp; 
   Int4 i, subject_gi;
   Int2 context;
   CharPtr query_buffer, title;
   SeqIdPtr sip, query_id; 
   Int4 hsp_index, score;
   Uint1Ptr query_seq, subject_seq = NULL;
   FloatHi perc_ident;
   Char strand;
   GapXEditScriptPtr esp;
   Int4 q_start, q_end, s_start, s_end, query_length, numseg;
   Int4 q_off, num_ident, align_length, total_ident, q_shift=0, s_shift=0;
   Int4Ptr length, start;
   Uint1Ptr strands;
   CharPtr subject_descr, subject_buffer, buffer;
   Char tmp_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
   Int4 buffer_size, max_buffer_size = LARGE_BUFFER_LENGTH;
   Boolean numeric_sip_type = FALSE;
   FILE *fp = (FILE *) search->output;

   if (search->current_hitlist == NULL || search->current_hitlist->hspcnt <= 0) {
      search->subject_info = BLASTSubjectInfoDestruct(search->subject_info);
      return 0;

   subject_seq = search->subject->sequence_start + 1;

   if (rdfp)
      readdb_get_descriptor(rdfp, search->subject_id, &sip, &subject_descr);
      sip = SeqIdSetDup(search->subject_info->sip);

   if (sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL ||
       StringCmp(((DbtagPtr)sip->data.ptrvalue)->db, "BL_ORD_ID")) {
      if (search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) { 
         subject_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         SeqIdWrite(sip, subject_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, BUFFER_LENGTH);
      } else
         numeric_sip_type = GetAccessionFromSeqId(SeqIdFindBest(sip, SEQID_GI), 
                                                  &subject_gi, &subject_buffer);
   } else {
      subject_buffer = StringTokMT(subject_descr, " \t", &subject_descr);
      subject_descr = subject_buffer;

   buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(LARGE_BUFFER_LENGTH);

   /* Only for the two sequences case, get offset shift if subject 
      is a subsequence */
   if (!rdfp && search->query_slp->next)
       s_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp->next);
   /* Get offset shift if query is a subsequence */
   q_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp);
   for (hsp_index=0; hsp_index<search->current_hitlist->hspcnt; hsp_index++) {
      hsp = search->current_hitlist->hsp_array[hsp_index];
      if (hsp==NULL || (search->pbp->cutoff_e > 0 && 
                        hsp->evalue > search->pbp->cutoff_e)) {
      context = hsp->context;
      query_id = search->qid_array[context/2];

      if (query_id == NULL) /* Bad hsp, something wrong */
      hsp->context = context & 1;

      if (search->pbp->gap_open==0 && search->pbp->gap_extend==0)
     score = ((hsp->subject.length + hsp->query.length)*
           search->sbp->reward / 2 - hsp->score) / 
        (search->sbp->reward - search->sbp->penalty);
     score = hsp->score;

      query_length = search->query_context_offsets[context+1] -
         search->query_context_offsets[context] - 1;

      q_off = hsp->query.offset;
      if (hsp->context) {
     strand = '-'; 
     hsp->query.end = query_length - hsp->query.offset;
     hsp->query.offset = 
        hsp->query.end - hsp->query.length;
      } else {
     strand = '+';  
     hsp->query.end = hsp->query.offset + hsp->query.length;

      if (strand == '+') {
     q_start = hsp->query.offset + 1;
     q_end = hsp->query.end;
      } else {
     q_start = hsp->query.end;
     q_end = hsp->query.offset + 1;
      s_start = hsp->subject.offset + 1;
      s_end = hsp->subject.offset + hsp->subject.length;

      /* Adjust offsets if query is a subsequence, only for first query */
      if (context < 2) {
          q_start += q_shift;
          q_end += q_shift;

      s_start += s_shift;
      s_end += s_shift;

      if (query_id->choice == SEQID_LOCAL && 
          search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) {
         BioseqPtr query_bsp = BioseqLockById(query_id);
         title = StringSave(BioseqGetTitle(query_bsp));
         if (title)
            query_buffer = StringTokMT(title, " ", &title);
         else {
            Int4 query_gi;
            GetAccessionFromSeqId(query_bsp->id, &query_gi,
      } else {
         query_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         if (!search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids)
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_TEXTID_ACCESSION,
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG,

      if (numeric_sip_type)
     sprintf(buffer, "\n#'>%ld'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\na {\n  s %d\n  b %d %d\n  e %d %d\n", 
          (long) subject_gi, strand, query_buffer, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end, score, score, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end);
     sprintf(buffer, "\n#'>%s'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\na {\n  s %d\n  b %d %d\n  e %d %d\n", 
          subject_buffer, strand, query_buffer, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end, score, score, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end);
      buffer_size = StringLen(buffer);

      query_seq = search->context[context].query->sequence;

      esp = hsp->gap_info->esp;
      for (numseg=0; esp; esp = esp->next, numseg++);

      GXECollectDataForSeqalign(hsp->gap_info, hsp->gap_info->esp, numseg,
                &start, &length, &strands, 
                &q_off, &hsp->subject.offset);

      if (start[0] < 0) {
         length[0] += start[0];
         start[1] -= start[0];
         start[0] = 0;
      if (start[2*(numseg-1)] + length[numseg-1] > query_length) 
         length[numseg-1] = query_length - start[2*(numseg-1)];
      total_ident = 0;
      align_length = 0;
      for (i=0; i<numseg; i++) {
         align_length += length[i];
     if (strand == '+') {
        q_start = start[2*i] + 1;
        q_end = q_start + length[i] - 1;
     } else {
        q_start = query_length - start[2*i];
        q_end = q_start - length[i] + 1;
     if (start[2*i] != -1 && start[2*i+1] != -1) {
        num_ident = MegaBlastGetNumIdentical(query_seq, subject_seq, 
                                                 start[2*i], start[2*i+1], 
                                                 length[i], FALSE);
            perc_ident = (FloatHi) num_ident / length[i] * 100;
            total_ident += num_ident;
        sprintf(tmp_buffer, "  l %d %d %d %d (%.0f)\n", start[2*i+1]+1, 
            q_start, start[2*i+1]+length[i],
            q_end, perc_ident);     
        if ((buffer_size += StringLen(tmp_buffer)) > max_buffer_size - 2) {
           max_buffer_size *= 2;
           buffer = (CharPtr) Realloc(buffer, max_buffer_size);
        StringCat(buffer, tmp_buffer);
      if (100*total_ident >= 
          align_length*search->pbp->mb_params->perc_identity) {
        StringCat(buffer, "}");
        fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
   } /* End loop on hsp's */
   if (!numeric_sip_type && subject_buffer != subject_descr)
   sip = SeqIdSetFree(sip);
   return 1;
예제 #9
파일: urkbias.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
extern Gather_CDSPtr GatherCDSFree (Gather_CDSPtr gcdsp)
  SeqLocPtr slp, slpn;
  SeqIdPtr  id;

  if (gcdsp == NULL)
    return NULL;

  MemFree (gcdsp->tableGlobal);
  MemFree (gcdsp->tableRefine);

  slp = gcdsp->slpGlobal;
  while (slp != NULL)
    slpn = slp->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp);
    slp = slpn;
  slp = gcdsp->slpRefine;
  while (slp != NULL)
    slpn = slp->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp);
    slp = slpn;
  slp = gcdsp->slpAll;
  while (slp != NULL)
    slpn = slp->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp);
    slp = slpn;
  slp = gcdsp->slpHit;
  while (slp != NULL)
    slpn = slp->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp);
    slp = slpn;
  slp = gcdsp->slpFound;
  while (slp != NULL)
    slpn = slp->next;
    id = SeqLocId (slp);
    if (id != NULL)
      id->next = SeqIdSetFree (id->next);
    SeqLocFree (slp);
    slp = slpn;

  return (Gather_CDSPtr) MemFree (gcdsp);