// Purpose: 
void CTFWinPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event )
	const char *pEventName = event->GetName();

	if ( Q_strcmp( "teamplay_round_start", pEventName ) == 0 )
		m_bShouldBeVisible = false;
	else if ( Q_strcmp( "teamplay_game_over", pEventName ) == 0 )
		m_bShouldBeVisible = false;
	else if ( Q_strcmp( "tf_game_over", pEventName ) == 0 )
		m_bShouldBeVisible = false;
	else if ( Q_strcmp( "teamplay_win_panel", pEventName ) == 0 )
		if ( !g_PR )

		int iWinningTeam = event->GetInt( "winning_team" );
		int iWinReason = event->GetInt( "winreason" );
		int iFlagCapLimit = event->GetInt( "flagcaplimit" );
		bool bRoundComplete = (bool) event->GetInt( "round_complete" );
		int iRoundsRemaining = event->GetInt( "rounds_remaining" );

		LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/WinPanel.res" );		
		InvalidateLayout( false, true );

		SetDialogVariable( "WinningTeamLabel", "" );
		SetDialogVariable( "AdvancingTeamLabel", "" );
		SetDialogVariable( "WinReasonLabel", "" );
		SetDialogVariable( "DetailsLabel", "" );

		vgui::ImagePanel *pImagePanelBG = dynamic_cast<vgui::ImagePanel *>( FindChildByName("WinPanelBG") );
		Assert( pImagePanelBG );
		if ( !pImagePanelBG )

		// set the appropriate background image and label text
		const char *pTeamLabel = NULL;
		const char *pTopPlayersLabel = NULL;
		const wchar_t *pLocalizedTeamName = NULL;
		// this is an area defense, but not a round win, if this was a successful defend until time limit but not a complete round
		bool bIsAreaDefense = ( ( WINREASON_DEFEND_UNTIL_TIME_LIMIT == iWinReason ) && !bRoundComplete );
		switch ( iWinningTeam )
		case TF_TEAM_BLUE:
			pImagePanelBG->SetImage( "../hud/winpanel_blue_bg_main.vmt" );
			pTeamLabel = ( bRoundComplete ? "#Winpanel_BlueWins" : ( bIsAreaDefense ? "#Winpanel_BlueDefends" : "#Winpanel_BlueAdvances" ) );
			pTopPlayersLabel = "#Winpanel_BlueMVPs";
			pLocalizedTeamName =  g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_BlueTeam_Name" );
		case TF_TEAM_RED:
			pImagePanelBG->SetImage( "../hud/winpanel_red_bg_main.vmt" );
			pTeamLabel = ( bRoundComplete ? "#Winpanel_RedWins" : ( bIsAreaDefense ? "#Winpanel_RedDefends" : "#Winpanel_RedAdvances" ) );
			pTopPlayersLabel = "#Winpanel_RedMVPs";
			pLocalizedTeamName =  g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "TF_RedTeam_Name" );
		case TEAM_UNASSIGNED:	// stalemate
			pImagePanelBG->SetImage( "../hud/winpanel_black_bg_main.vmt" );
			pTeamLabel = "#Winpanel_Stalemate";
			pTopPlayersLabel = "#Winpanel_TopPlayers";
			Assert( false );

		SetDialogVariable( bRoundComplete ? "WinningTeamLabel" : "AdvancingTeamLabel", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pTeamLabel ) );
		SetDialogVariable( "TopPlayersLabel", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pTopPlayersLabel ) );

		wchar_t wzWinReason[256]=L"";
		switch ( iWinReason )
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzWinReason, sizeof( wzWinReason ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" ), 1, pLocalizedTeamName );
				wchar_t wzFlagCaptureLimit[16];
				_snwprintf( wzFlagCaptureLimit, ARRAYSIZE( wzFlagCaptureLimit), L"%i", iFlagCapLimit );
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzWinReason, sizeof( wzWinReason ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" ), 2, 
					pLocalizedTeamName, wzFlagCaptureLimit );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzWinReason, sizeof( wzWinReason ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Winreason_OpponentsDead" ), 1, pLocalizedTeamName );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzWinReason, sizeof( wzWinReason ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" ), 1, pLocalizedTeamName );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzWinReason, sizeof( wzWinReason ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Winreason_Stalemate" ), 0 );
			Assert( false );
		SetDialogVariable( "WinReasonLabel", wzWinReason );

		if ( !bRoundComplete && ( WINREASON_STALEMATE != iWinReason ) )
			// if this was a mini-round, show # of capture points remaining
			wchar_t wzNumCapturesRemaining[16];
			wchar_t wzCapturesRemainingMsg[256]=L"";
			_snwprintf( wzNumCapturesRemaining, ARRAYSIZE( wzNumCapturesRemaining ), L"%i", iRoundsRemaining );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzCapturesRemainingMsg, sizeof( wzCapturesRemainingMsg ), 
				g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( 1 == iRoundsRemaining ? "#Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" : "Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" ),
				1, wzNumCapturesRemaining );
			SetDialogVariable( "DetailsLabel", wzCapturesRemainingMsg );
		else if ( ( WINREASON_ALL_POINTS_CAPTURED == iWinReason ) || ( WINREASON_FLAG_CAPTURE_LIMIT == iWinReason ) )
			// if this was a full round that ended with point capture or flag capture, show the winning cappers
			const char *pCappers = event->GetString( "cappers" );
			int iCappers = Q_strlen( pCappers );
			if ( iCappers > 0 )
				char szPlayerNames[256]="";
				wchar_t wzPlayerNames[256]=L"";
				wchar_t wzCapMsg[512]=L"";
				for ( int i = 0; i < iCappers; i++ )
					Q_strncat( szPlayerNames, g_PR->GetPlayerName( (int) pCappers[i] ), ARRAYSIZE( szPlayerNames ) );
					if ( i < iCappers - 1 )
						Q_strncat( szPlayerNames, ", ", ARRAYSIZE( szPlayerNames ) );
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szPlayerNames, wzPlayerNames, sizeof( wzPlayerNames ) );
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzCapMsg, sizeof( wzCapMsg ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Winpanel_WinningCapture" ), 1, wzPlayerNames );
				SetDialogVariable( "DetailsLabel", wzCapMsg );

		// get the current & previous team scores
		int iBlueTeamPrevScore = event->GetInt( "blue_score_prev", 0 );
		int iRedTeamPrevScore = event->GetInt( "red_score_prev", 0 );
		m_iBlueTeamScore = event->GetInt( "blue_score", 0 );
		m_iRedTeamScore = event->GetInt( "red_score", 0 );
		if ( m_pTeamScorePanel )
			if ( bRoundComplete )
				// set the previous team scores in scoreboard
				m_pTeamScorePanel->SetDialogVariable( "blueteamscore", iBlueTeamPrevScore );
				m_pTeamScorePanel->SetDialogVariable( "redteamscore", iRedTeamPrevScore );

				if ( ( m_iBlueTeamScore != iBlueTeamPrevScore ) || ( m_iRedTeamScore != iRedTeamPrevScore ) )
					// if the new scores are different, set ourselves to update the scoreboard to the new values after a short delay, so players
					// see the scores tick up
					m_flTimeUpdateTeamScore = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f;
			// only show team scores if round is complete
			m_pTeamScorePanel->SetVisible( bRoundComplete );

		C_TF_PlayerResource *tf_PR = dynamic_cast<C_TF_PlayerResource *>( g_PR );
		if ( !tf_PR )

		// look for the top 3 players sent in the event
		for ( int i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )
			bool bShow = false;
			char szPlayerIndexVal[64]="", szPlayerScoreVal[64]="";
			// get player index and round points from the event
			Q_snprintf( szPlayerIndexVal, ARRAYSIZE( szPlayerIndexVal ), "player_%d", i );
			Q_snprintf( szPlayerScoreVal, ARRAYSIZE( szPlayerScoreVal ), "player_%d_points", i );
			int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( szPlayerIndexVal, 0 );
			int iRoundScore = event->GetInt( szPlayerScoreVal, 0 );
			// round score of 0 means no player to show for that position (not enough players, or didn't score any points that round)
			if ( iRoundScore > 0 )
				bShow = true;

#if !defined( _X360 )
			CAvatarImagePanel *pPlayerAvatar = dynamic_cast<CAvatarImagePanel *>( FindChildByName( CFmtStr( "Player%dAvatar", i ) ) );

			if ( pPlayerAvatar )
				if ( bShow )
					CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex );
					pPlayerAvatar->SetPlayer( pPlayer );

				pPlayerAvatar->SetVisible( bShow );
			vgui::Label *pPlayerName = dynamic_cast<Label *>( FindChildByName( CFmtStr( "Player%dName", i ) ) );
			vgui::Label *pPlayerClass = dynamic_cast<Label *>( FindChildByName( CFmtStr( "Player%dClass", i ) ) );
			vgui::Label *pPlayerScore = dynamic_cast<Label *>( FindChildByName( CFmtStr( "Player%dScore", i ) ) );
			if ( !pPlayerName || !pPlayerClass || !pPlayerScore )

			if ( bShow )
				// set the player labels to team color
				Color clr = g_PR->GetTeamColor( g_PR->GetTeam( iPlayerIndex ) );				
				pPlayerName->SetFgColor( clr );
				pPlayerClass->SetFgColor( clr );
				pPlayerScore->SetFgColor( clr );

				// set label contents
				pPlayerName->SetText( g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayerIndex ) );
				pPlayerClass->SetText( g_aPlayerClassNames[tf_PR->GetPlayerClass( iPlayerIndex )] );
				pPlayerScore->SetText( CFmtStr( "%d", iRoundScore ) );

			// show or hide labels for this player position
			pPlayerName->SetVisible( bShow );
			pPlayerClass->SetVisible( bShow );
			pPlayerScore->SetVisible( bShow );

		m_bShouldBeVisible = true;

// Purpose: 
void CControlPointIcon::PerformLayout( void )

	int iBaseXPos, iBaseYPos;
	ipanel()->GetAbsPos(GetVPanel(), iBaseXPos, iBaseYPos );

	m_pBaseImage->SetBounds( 0, 0, GetWide(), GetTall() );

	if ( m_pCapImage->IsVisible() )
		m_pCapImage->SetBounds( 0, 0, GetWide(), GetTall() );

	if ( m_pCapHighlightImage->IsVisible() )
		int iHeight = ScreenHeight() * 0.75;
		m_pCapHighlightImage->SetBounds( iBaseXPos + CAP_BOX_INDENT_X, iBaseYPos - iHeight, GetWide() - (CAP_BOX_INDENT_X*2), iHeight + GetTall() -CAP_BOX_INDENT_Y );

	int iCappingTeam = ObjectiveResource()->GetCappingTeam( m_iCPIndex );
	int iPlayers = ObjectiveResource()->GetNumPlayersInArea( m_iCPIndex, iCappingTeam );
	if ( !m_pCapPlayerImage->IsVisible() && iPlayers )
	if ( m_pCapPlayerImage->IsVisible() )
		if ( !iPlayers )
			// We're a deteriorating point
			m_pCapPlayerImage->SetVisible( false );
			m_pCapNumPlayers->SetVisible( false );
			int iXPos, iYPos;
			if ( iPlayers < 2 || !m_pCapNumPlayers )
				iXPos = (GetWide() - m_pCapPlayerImage->GetWide()) * 0.5;
				iXPos = (GetWide() - m_pCapPlayerImage->GetWide()) * 0.5 - XRES(4);
			iYPos = (GetTall() - m_pCapPlayerImage->GetTall()) * 0.5;

			m_pCapPlayerImage->SetPos( iXPos, iYPos );

			if ( m_pCapNumPlayers )
				m_pCapNumPlayers->SetVisible( (iPlayers>1) );
				SetDialogVariable( "numcappers", iPlayers );

				m_pCapNumPlayers->SetFgColor( Color(0,0,0,255) );

	if ( m_pCapPulseImage )
		int iSize = GetWide() * 3;
		int iXpos = iBaseXPos - ((iSize-GetWide()) * 0.5);
		int iYpos = iBaseYPos - ((iSize-GetTall()) * 0.5);
		m_pCapPulseImage->SetBounds( iXpos, iYpos, iSize, iSize );
// Purpose: 
void CTFStatPanel::ShowStatPanel( int iClass, int iTeam, int iCurStatValue, TFStatType_t statType, RecordBreakType_t recordBreakType,
								 bool bAlive )
	ClassStats_t &classStats = GetClassStats( iClass );
	vgui::Label *pLabel = dynamic_cast<Label *>( FindChildByName( "summaryLabel" ) );
	if ( !pLabel )

	const char *pRecordTextSuffix[RECORDBREAK_MAX] = { "", "close", "tie", "best" };

	const char *pLocalizedTitle = bAlive ? "#StatPanel_Title_Alive" : "#StatPanel_Title_Dead";
	SetDialogVariable( "title", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pLocalizedTitle ) );
	SetDialogVariable( "stattextlarge", "" );
	SetDialogVariable( "stattextsmall", "" );
	if ( recordBreakType == RECORDBREAK_CLOSE )
		// if we are displaying that the player got close to a record, show current & best values
		char szCur[32],szBest[32];
		wchar_t wzCur[32],wzBest[32];
		GetStatValueAsString( iCurStatValue, statType, szCur, ARRAYSIZE( szCur ) );
		GetStatValueAsString( classStats.max.m_iStat[statType], statType, szBest, ARRAYSIZE( szBest ) );
		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szCur, wzCur, sizeof( wzCur ) );
		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szBest, wzBest, sizeof( wzBest ) );
		wchar_t *wzFormat = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#StatPanel_Format_Close" );
		wchar_t wzText[256];
		g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzText, sizeof( wzText ), wzFormat, 2, wzCur, wzBest );
		SetDialogVariable( "stattextsmall", wzText );
		// player broke or tied a record, just show current value
		char szValue[32];
		GetStatValueAsString( iCurStatValue, statType, szValue, ARRAYSIZE( szValue ) );
		SetDialogVariable( "stattextlarge", szValue );

	SetDialogVariable( "statdesc", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "%s_%s", g_szLocalizedRecordText[statType], 
		pRecordTextSuffix[recordBreakType] ) ) );

	// Set the class name. We can't use a dialog variable because it's a string that's already
	// been set using a dialog variable, and apparently we don't support nested dialog variables.
	wchar_t szOriginalSummary[ 256 ];
	wchar_t szSummary[ 256 ];

	// This is the field that "statdesc" completed for us
	pLabel->GetText( szOriginalSummary, sizeof( szOriginalSummary ) );
	const wchar_t *pszPlayerClass = L"undefined";

	if ( ( iClass >= TF_FIRST_NORMAL_CLASS ) && ( iClass <= TF_LAST_NORMAL_CLASS ) )
		pszPlayerClass = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( g_aPlayerClassNames[ iClass ] );

	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szSummary, sizeof( szSummary ), szOriginalSummary, 1, pszPlayerClass );

	pLabel->SetText( szSummary );

	if ( m_pClassImage )
		m_pClassImage->SetClass( iTeam, iClass, 0 );
