예제 #1
파일: Camera.cpp 프로젝트: hongyunL/OpenGL
*	x轴:屏幕左下角->右下角
*	y轴:屏幕左下角->左上角
*	z轴:向外
* 物体摆放方向:面向x轴正方向,头顶朝向y轴正方向
	SetEyePos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	SetTargetPos(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	m_aspect = 90.0f;
	m_ratioWH = 1.3333333f; //大约对应于宽640,高480
	m_near = 0.1f;
	m_far = 700.0f;
예제 #2
void C3dCamera::ReInit()
	SetLookAtPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	SetEyePos(9.0f, 9.0f, 9.0f);
	SetRotationAboutLookAt(-30.0f, 0.0f, -30.0f);
	SetUpVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);	// Z-Axis is up
	m_fPitch = 0.0f;
	m_fYaw   = 0.0f;
	m_fRoll  = 0.0f;

	m_fFovY = 45.0f;
	m_fNear = 1.0f;
	m_fFar  = 10000.0f;

	m_bPerspective	= TRUE;
	m_bBuildLists	= TRUE;
	m_iDisplayLists = 0;
	m_bResetClippingPlanes	= TRUE;

	// Clear our modelview and projection matrix
	memset(&m_dModelViewMatrix, 0, sizeof(GLdouble)*16);
	memset(&m_dProjectionMatrix, 0, sizeof(GLdouble)*16);
예제 #3
void Camera::Update()
  //float dt = TheTimer::Instance()->GetDt();
  Vec3f pos;

  if (m_target)
    pos = m_target->GetPos();

    // yRotAuto = 0;
    // Swing behind target
    float dir = m_target->GetDir() + 180.0f;
    float angleDiff = yRotAuto - dir;

    // Rotate to face m_dir, taking the shortest route (CW or CCW)
    if (fabs(angleDiff) < 0.1f) // TODO CONFIG
      yRotAuto  = dir;
      float ROT_SPEED = 1.0f; // TODO CONFIG
      if (yRotAuto > dir)
        yRotAuto -= ROT_SPEED * dt * fabs(angleDiff);
      else if (yRotAuto < dir)
        yRotAuto += ROT_SPEED * dt * fabs(angleDiff);
#endif // AUTO_ROTATE

    // TODO Get closest portal
    static PGameObject lastportal = 0;
    // We want to get the closest portal to the target, even if they have never intersected it.
    int pid = m_target->GetIgnorePortalId();
    if (pid > -1)
      lastportal = TheGame::Instance()->GetGameObject(pid);
      // Look for portals in this room, find closest.
      // TODO Optimise
      // just check periodically ?
      Portals portals = GetPortals();
      float bestSqDist = 999999.9f;
      for (Portals::iterator it = portals.begin(); it != portals.end(); ++it)
        Portal* p = *it;
        float sqDist = (p->GetPos() - pos).SqLen();
        if (sqDist < bestSqDist)
          bestSqDist = sqDist;
          lastportal = p;
    if (lastportal)
      float pdist = (pos - lastportal->GetPos()).SqLen(); // sq dist from portal to player
      static const float MAX_DIST = ROConfig()->GetFloat("portal-max-dist", 200.0f); 
      static const float MAX_SQ_DIST = MAX_DIST * MAX_DIST; 
      if (pdist < MAX_SQ_DIST) 
        yRotAuto = atan2(-pos.x, pos.z) * (1.0f - pdist / MAX_SQ_DIST); 

//std::cout << "SQ Dist from portal: " << pdist << " pos.z=" << pos.z << " pos.x=" << pos.x << " yRotAuto degs=" << RadToDeg(yRotAuto) << "\n";
    pos = posNoTarget; 
  pos += posOffset;

  float y = DegToRad(yRotAuto + yRotUser); 

    pos.x + sin(y) * cos(xRot) * zDist, 
    pos.y + sin(xRot) * zDist, 
    pos.z + cos(y) * cos(xRot) * zDist));
