예제 #1
void wxGridBagSizer::RecalcSizes()
    if (m_children.GetCount() == 0)

    wxPoint pt( GetPosition() );
    wxSize  sz( GetSize() );

    m_rows = m_rowHeights.GetCount();
    m_cols = m_colWidths.GetCount();
    int idx, width, height;

    AdjustForGrowables(sz, m_calculatedMinSize, m_rows, m_cols);

    // Find the start positions on the window of the rows and columns
    wxArrayInt rowpos;
    rowpos.Add(0, m_rows);
    int y = pt.y;
    for (idx=0; idx < m_rows; idx++)
        height = m_rowHeights[idx] + m_vgap;
        rowpos[idx] = y;
        y += height;

    wxArrayInt colpos;
    colpos.Add(0, m_cols);
    int x = pt.x;
    for (idx=0; idx < m_cols; idx++)
        width = m_colWidths[idx] + m_hgap;
        colpos[idx] = x;
        x += width;

    // Now iterate the children, setting each child's dimensions
    wxSizerItemList::compatibility_iterator node = m_children.GetFirst();
    while (node)
        int row, col, endrow, endcol;
        wxGBSizerItem* item = (wxGBSizerItem*)node->GetData();
        item->GetPos(row, col);
        item->GetEndPos(endrow, endcol);

        height = 0;
        for(idx=row; idx <= endrow; idx++)
            height += m_rowHeights[idx];
        height += (endrow - row) * m_vgap; // add a vgap for every row spanned

        width = 0;
        for (idx=col; idx <= endcol; idx++)
            width += m_colWidths[idx];
        width += (endcol - col) * m_hgap; // add a hgap for every col spanned

        SetItemBounds(item, colpos[col], rowpos[row], width, height);

        node = node->GetNext();
예제 #2
void wxGridBagSizer::RepositionChildren(const wxSize& minSize)
    // We can't lay out our elements if we don't have at least a single row and
    // a single column. Notice that this may happen even if we have some
    // children but all of them are hidden, so checking for m_children being
    // non-empty is not enough, see #15475.
    if ( m_rowHeights.empty() || m_colWidths.empty() )

    wxPoint pt( GetPosition() );
    wxSize  sz( GetSize() );

    m_rows = m_rowHeights.GetCount();
    m_cols = m_colWidths.GetCount();
    int idx, width, height;

    AdjustForGrowables(sz, minSize);

    // Find the start positions on the window of the rows and columns
    wxArrayInt rowpos;
    rowpos.Add(0, m_rows);
    int y = pt.y;
    for (idx=0; idx < m_rows; idx++)
        height = m_rowHeights[idx] + m_vgap;
        rowpos[idx] = y;
        y += height;

    wxArrayInt colpos;
    colpos.Add(0, m_cols);
    int x = pt.x;
    for (idx=0; idx < m_cols; idx++)
        width = m_colWidths[idx] + m_hgap;
        colpos[idx] = x;
        x += width;

    // Now iterate the children, setting each child's dimensions
    wxSizerItemList::compatibility_iterator node = m_children.GetFirst();
    while (node)
        wxGBSizerItem* item = (wxGBSizerItem*)node->GetData();

        if ( item->IsShown() )
            int row, col, endrow, endcol;
            item->GetPos(row, col);
            item->GetEndPos(endrow, endcol);

            height = 0;
            for(idx=row; idx <= endrow; idx++)
                height += m_rowHeights[idx];
            height += (endrow - row) * m_vgap; // add a vgap for every row spanned

            width = 0;
            for (idx=col; idx <= endcol; idx++)
                width += m_colWidths[idx];
            width += (endcol - col) * m_hgap; // add a hgap for every col spanned

            SetItemBounds(item, colpos[col], rowpos[row], width, height);

        node = node->GetNext();