void pawsKeySelectBox::SetText(const char * keyText) { text = keyText; if (text.IsEmpty()) { SetKey(0,0); return; } size_t spaceChar; while ((spaceChar = text.FindFirst(' ')) > 0) text.DeleteAt(spaceChar); utf32_char keyCode; utf32_char cookedCode; csKeyModifiers mods; if (!csInputDefinition::ParseKey(PawsManager::GetSingleton().GetEventNameRegistry (), text, &keyCode, &cookedCode, &mods)) { SetKey(0,0); return; } modifiers = 0; if (mods.modifiers[csKeyModifierTypeAlt] != 0) modifiers |= CSMASK_ALT; if (mods.modifiers[csKeyModifierTypeCtrl] != 0) modifiers |= CSMASK_CTRL; if (mods.modifiers[csKeyModifierTypeShift] != 0) modifiers |= CSMASK_SHIFT; SetKey(keyCode, modifiers); }
int main() { int i=0; char MesHex[16]={0}; // 16个字符数组用于存放 64位16进制的密文 char MyKey[8]={0}; // 初始密钥 8字节*8 char YourKey[8]={0}; // 输入的解密密钥 8字节*8 char MyMessage[8]={0}; // 初始明文 /*-----------------------------------------------*/ printf("Welcome! Please input your Message(64 bit):\n"); gets(MyMessage); // 明文 printf("Please input your Secret Key:\n"); gets(MyKey); // 密钥 while(MyKey[i]!='\0') // 计算密钥长度 { i++; } while(i!=8) // 不是8 提示错误 { printf("Please input a correct Secret Key!\n"); gets(MyKey); i=0; while(MyKey[i]!='\0') // 再次检测 { i++; } } SetKey(MyKey); // 设置密钥 得到子密钥Ki PlayDes(MesHex,MyMessage); // 执行DES加密 printf("Your Message is Encrypted!:\n"); // 信息已加密 for(i=0;i<16;i++) { printf("%c ",MesHex[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Please input your Secret Key to Deciphering:\n"); // 请输入密钥以解密 gets(YourKey); // 得到密钥 SetKey(YourKey); // 设置密钥 KickDes(MyMessage,MesHex); // 解密输出到MyMessage printf("Deciphering Over !!:\n"); // 解密结束 for(i=0;i<8;i++) { printf("%c ",MyMessage[i]); } printf("\n"); system("pause"); /*------------------------------------------------*/ }
status_t AESAlgorithm::SetCompleteKey(ThreadContext& context, const uint8* key, size_t keyLength) { if (fMode == MODE_LRW) return SetKey(context, key + KEY_SIZE, KEY_SIZE); return SetKey(context, key, KEY_SIZE); }
PublicKey::PublicKey(const byte* k, word32 s) : key_(0), sz_(0) { if (s) { SetSize(s); SetKey(k); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool sdAnimUIntTrack::Load(Engine::Util::sdLuaReadUtil& kLuaStream) { if (!kLuaStream.ReadData("TrackFlag", m_iFlags)) { m_iFlags = IKey::E_KEY_FLAG_CONSTANT; } kLuaStream.BeginReadNode("Value"); if (kLuaStream.IsNodeValid()) { int t = kLuaStream.LoopReset(); while (kLuaStream.LoopNext(t)) { sdUIntKey kKey; kLuaStream.ReadData("Time", kKey.m_fTime); kLuaStream.ReadData("Flags", kKey.m_iFlags); kLuaStream.ReadData("UInt", kKey.m_uiValue); int iIndex = CreateKey(kKey.m_fTime); SetKey(iIndex, &kKey); kLuaStream.LoopInnerEnd(); } } kLuaStream.EndReadNode(); return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sdAnimUIntTrack::SetValue(float fTime, uint uiValue) { sdUIntKey kKey(fTime, IKey::E_KEY_FLAG_CONSTANT, uiValue); int iIndex = FindKey(fTime); if (iIndex == -1) { int iKeyNum = GetNumKeys(); SetNumKeys(iKeyNum + 1); SetKey(iKeyNum, &kKey); SortKeys(); } else { SetKey(iIndex, &kKey); } }
//! Use key + salt to encrypt the header, and write it to disk. status_t VolumeCryptContext::_WriteHeader(int fd, const uint8* key, uint32 keyLength, off_t headerOffset, uint8* buffer) { uint8 diskKey[DISK_KEY_SIZE]; derive_key(key, keyLength, buffer, PKCS5_SALT_SIZE, diskKey, DISK_KEY_SIZE); status_t status = Init(ALGORITHM_AES, MODE_XTS, diskKey, DISK_KEY_SIZE); if (status != B_OK) return status; true_crypt_header& header = *(true_crypt_header*)&buffer[PKCS5_SALT_SIZE]; Encrypt((uint8*)&header, BLOCK_SIZE - PKCS5_SALT_SIZE); ssize_t bytesWritten = write_pos(fd, headerOffset, buffer, BLOCK_SIZE); if (bytesWritten < 0) return errno; // use the decrypted header to init the volume encryption Decrypt((uint8*)&header, BLOCK_SIZE - PKCS5_SALT_SIZE); SetKey(header.disk_key, sizeof(header.disk_key)); return B_OK; }
status_t CryptContext::Init(encryption_algorithm algorithm, encryption_mode mode, const uint8* key, size_t keyLength) { _Uninit(); ThreadContext threadContext; fAlgorithm = create_algorithm(algorithm); if (fAlgorithm == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; status_t status = fAlgorithm->Init(threadContext); if (status != B_OK) return status; fMode = create_mode(mode); if (fMode == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; status = fMode->Init(threadContext, fAlgorithm); if (status != B_OK) return status; fThreadContexts = new(std::nothrow) ThreadContext*[sThreadCount]; if (fThreadContexts == NULL) return B_NO_MEMORY; for (int32 i = 0; i < sThreadCount; i++) { fThreadContexts[i] = new ThreadContext(threadContext); } return SetKey(key, keyLength); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | AP4_IsmaKeyMap::KeyEntry::KeyEntry +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ AP4_IsmaKeyMap::KeyEntry::KeyEntry(AP4_UI32 track_id, const AP4_UI08* key, const AP4_UI08* salt /* = NULL */) : m_TrackId(track_id) { SetKey(key, salt); }
ULONG DesCode( void *Out, const void *In, ULONG Length, const void *Key, ULONG KeyLength, ULONG Type ) { register int Iter; register int Count; ULONG Is3DES; ULONG Left; const UCHAR *UKey; register UCHAR *UOut; register const UCHAR *UIn; DES_SUBKEY SubKey[2]; /* 16 loop sub key */ if ( Out == NULL || In == NULL || Key == NULL || Length == 0 ) return FALSE; UKey = ( const UCHAR* )Key; SetKey( SubKey, &Is3DES, UKey, KeyLength ); Left = Length & 7; Length &= ~7; if ( !Is3DES ) { /* 1DES */ UOut = ( UCHAR* )Out; UIn = ( const UCHAR* )In; for ( Iter = 0, Count = Length >> 3; Iter < Count; Iter++, UOut += 8, UIn += 8 ) DES( UOut, UIn, &SubKey[0], Type ); while ( Left ) { *UOut = ( UCHAR ) ( *UIn ^ DEFAULT_XOR ^ UKey[Left % KeyLength] ); UIn++; UOut++; Left--; } }
bool SecMsgCrypter::SetKey(const std::vector<uint8_t> &vchNewKey, const uint8_t *chNewIV) { if (vchNewKey.size() != SMSG_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE) return false; return SetKey(&vchNewKey[0], chNewIV); };
void CServerDesc::Serialize( CAr & ar ) { if( ar.IsStoring() ) { ar << m_uKey; ar << (short)m_lspJurisdiction.size(); for( list<CJurisdiction*>::iterator i = m_lspJurisdiction.begin(); i != m_lspJurisdiction.end(); ++i ) { ar << (*i)->m_dwWorldID; ar << (*i)->m_rect; ar << (*i)->m_wLeft; ar << (*i)->m_wRight; } ar.WriteString( m_szAddr ); } else { u_long uKey; ar >> uKey; SetKey( uKey ); short nSize; ar >> nSize; for( int i =0; i < nSize; i++ ) { CJurisdiction* pJurisdiction = new CJurisdiction; ar >> pJurisdiction->m_dwWorldID; ar >> pJurisdiction->m_rect; ar >> pJurisdiction->m_wLeft; ar >> pJurisdiction->m_wRight; m_lspJurisdiction.push_back( pJurisdiction ); } ar.ReadString( m_szAddr ); } }
int __stdcall iIOCtl(int cmd, void *data) { int result = 0; switch(cmd) { case 0: ChangeCard(); break; case 1: InitCard(); break; case 2: SetKey((struct CreateKeyInfoS *)data); break; case 3: ChangeVirtualFile((char *)data); break; default: break; } return result; }
CStringTable::CStringTable(WORD wLang, WORD wCodePage) { CString strKey; strKey.Format(_T("%04x%04x"), wLang, wCodePage); SetKey(strKey); }
CChan::CChan(const CString& sName, CIRCNetwork* pNetwork, bool bInConfig, CConfig *pConfig) { m_sName = sName.Token(0); m_sKey = sName.Token(1); m_pNetwork = pNetwork; if (!m_pNetwork->IsChan(m_sName)) { m_sName = "#" + m_sName; } m_bInConfig = bInConfig; m_Nick.SetNetwork(m_pNetwork); m_bDetached = false; m_uBufferCount = m_pNetwork->GetUser()->GetBufferCount(); m_bKeepBuffer = m_pNetwork->GetUser()->KeepBuffer(); m_bDisabled = false; Reset(); if (pConfig) { CString sValue; if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("buffer", sValue)) SetBufferCount(sValue.ToUInt(), true); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("keepbuffer", sValue)) SetKeepBuffer(sValue.ToBool()); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("detached", sValue)) SetDetached(sValue.ToBool()); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("autocycle", sValue)) if (sValue.Equals("true")) CUtils::PrintError("WARNING: AutoCycle has been removed, instead try -> LoadModule = autocycle " + sName); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("key", sValue)) SetKey(sValue); if (pConfig->FindStringEntry("modes", sValue)) SetDefaultModes(sValue); } }
STDMETHODIMP CDecoder::Init() { CalcKey_and_CheckPassword(); RINOK(SetKey(_key, kAesKeySize)); RINOK(SetInitVector(_iv, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)); return CAesCbcCoder::Init(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSdpMediaField::DoInternalizeL // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSdpMediaField::DoInternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream) { RStringF media = iPool.OpenFStringL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); CleanupClosePushL(media); SetMediaL(media); CleanupStack::Pop();//media media.Close(); TUint32 port = aStream.ReadUint32L(); //SetPortL(aStream.ReadUint32L()); TUint flag = aStream.ReadUint8L(); if(flag) { SetPortCountL(aStream.ReadUint32L()); } RStringF protocol =iPool.OpenFStringL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); CleanupClosePushL(protocol); SetProtocolL(protocol); CleanupStack::Pop();//protocol protocol.Close(); SetPortL(port); SetFormatListL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); SetInfoL(GetTokenFromStreamL(aStream)); SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpConnectionField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iConnectionFields, aStream); SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpBandwidthField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iBandwidthFields, aStream); if(aStream.ReadUint8L()) { SetKey(CSdpKeyField::InternalizeL(aStream)); } SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpAttributeField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iAttributeFields, aStream); SdpCodecTemplate<CSdpFmtAttributeField>::InternalizeArrayL(*iFmtAttrFields, aStream); }
SecurityClientSSL::SecurityClientSSL( Address& Address, std::string certFile, std::string keyFile, std::string trustFile, std::string password, securityMode method) : SecurityClient(Address), itsSecurityMode(method), itsCertificate(new Certificate()), itsKey(new Key()), itsTrust(new Trust()) { SetCertificate(certFile); SetKey(keyFile); SetTrust(trustFile); itsPassword = password; libsslInit(); itsCTX = SSLWrap::SSL_CTX_new(GetMethod()); /* create new context from method */ if (itsCTX == NULL) { throw_SSL("SSL_CTX_new failed"); } SSLWrap::SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(itsCTX, passwordCallback); if (itsPassword.length() >= 4) SSLWrap::SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(itsCTX, this); itsCertificate->SetContext(itsCTX); itsKey->SetContext(itsCTX); itsTrust->SetContext(itsCTX); itsCertificate->Apply(); itsKey->Apply(); itsTrust->Apply(); //create new SSL BIO, basing on a configured context BIO* bio = SSLWrap::BIO_new_ssl_connect(itsCTX); if (bio == NULL) { throw_SSL("BIO_new_ssl_connect failed"); } //make sure SSL is here SSLWrap::BIO_get_ssl_(bio, & itsSSL); if (itsSSL == NULL) { throw_SSL("BIO_get_ssl failed"); } /* With this option set, if the server suddenly wants a new handshake, * OpenSSL handles it in the background. */ SSLWrap::SSL_set_mode_(itsSSL, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); /*The hostname can be an IP address. The hostname can also include the port * in the form hostname:port . It is also acceptable to use the form * "hostname/any/other/path" or "hostname:port/any/other/path".*/ SSLWrap::BIO_set_conn_hostname_(bio, itsSrverAddress.GetHostAndPort().c_str()); DBG << "populated safe client BIO @host=" << itsSrverAddress.GetHostAndPort() << std::endl; SetBIO(bio); DBG_CONSTRUCTOR; }
bool CKeyboard::HandleMessage( unsigned int uMsg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam ) { if( !m_pDialog->IsVisible()|| m_pDialog->GetMouse()->GetLeftButton() ) return false; switch ( uMsg ) { case WM_KEYDOWN: SetKey ( SKey ( static_cast< SIMPLEGUI_CHAR >( wParam ), true, lParam ) ); break; case WM_KEYUP: SetKey ( SKey ( static_cast< SIMPLEGUI_CHAR >( wParam ), false, lParam ) ); break; } return true;//m_pDialog->MsgProc( GetKey() ); }
nsresult nsDOMStorageDBWrapper::SetKey(DOMStorageImpl* aStorage, const nsAString& aKey, const nsAString& aValue, bool aSecure) { IMPL_FORWARDER(SetKey(aStorage, aKey, aValue, aSecure)); }
FReply SFlareKeyBind::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent) { if (bWaitingForKey) { SetKey(InKeyEvent.GetKey()); return FReply::Handled(); } return FReply::Unhandled(); }
static void FreeThread(void *arg) { Thread *thrPtr = arg; /* * Restore the current slots during cleanup so handlers can access * TLS in other slots. */ SetKey("FreeThread", arg); NsCleanupTls(thrPtr->slots); SetKey("FreeThread", NULL); if (thrPtr->marked) { StackPages(thrPtr, 0); } ns_free(thrPtr); }
DockBase::DockBase() { skinindex = layoutindex = 0; tabsicons = tabsclose = tabsautoalign = true; tabsnested = false; autohideicons = autohideclose = true; isready = false; panesize.Clear(); LeftPos(0, 0).TopPos(0,0); CtrlLayout(listtab); CtrlLayout(grouptab); CtrlLayout(controlpanel); controlpanel.CenterScreen().Sizeable().Zoomable().Title(t_("Settings")); listtab.list.AddColumn(); listtab.list.AddColumn(t_("Window Title")); listtab.list.AddColumn(t_("Alignment")); listtab.list.AddColumn(t_("State")); listtab.list.AddColumn(t_("Position")); listtab.list.EvenRowColor(); listtab.list.SetLineCy(16); grouptab.grouptree.MultiSelect(); controlpanel.panel.Add(listtab.SizePos(), t_("Status")); controlpanel.panel.Add(grouptab.SizePos(), t_("Group Manager")); controlpanel.skinlist.Add(0, String(t_("Default"))).Add(1, String(t_("Classic"))).Add(2, String(t_("Enhanced"))).SetIndex(skinindex); controlpanel.skinlist.WhenAction = THISBACK(OnSelectSkin); controlpanel.layoutlist.WhenAction = THISBACK(OnSelectLayout); listtab.list.WhenLeftClick = THISBACK(OnPanelAction); grouptab.grouptree.WhenDropInsert = THISBACK(GroupDrop); grouptab.grouptree.WhenDrag = THISBACK(GroupDrag); grouptab.grouptree.WhenBar = THISBACK(GroupMenu); grouptab.grouptree.WhenCursor = THISBACK(GroupSelect); grouptab.groupadd <<= THISBACK(OnAddNewGroup); grouptab.groupdelete <<= THISBACK(OnDeleteGroup); controlpanel.layoutbutton <<= THISBACK(ResetWidgetLayout); controlpanel.layoutadd <<= THISBACK(OnAddNewLayout); controlpanel.layoutdelete <<= THISBACK(OnDeleteLayout); controlpanel.TabOptionAlignment <<= THISBACK(RefreshWidgetLayout); controlpanel.TabOptionIcon <<= THISBACK(RefreshWidgetLayout); controlpanel.TabOptionClose <<= THISBACK(RefreshWidgetLayout); controlpanel.AutoOptionClose <<= THISBACK(RefreshWidgetLayout); controlpanel.AutoOptionIcon <<= THISBACK(RefreshWidgetLayout); controlpanel.TabOptionIcon <<= tabsicons; controlpanel.TabOptionClose <<= tabsclose; controlpanel.TabOptionNest <<= tabsnested; controlpanel.TabOptionAlignment <<= tabsautoalign; controlpanel.AutoOptionIcon <<= autohideicons; controlpanel.AutoOptionClose <<= autohideclose; grouptab.groupdelete.Disable(); SetKey(K_CTRL_HOME); }
FReply SFlareKeyBind::OnMouseWheel(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent) { if (bWaitingForKey) { SetKey(MouseEvent.GetWheelDelta() > 0 ? EKeys::MouseScrollUp : EKeys::MouseScrollDown); return FReply::Handled(); } return FReply::Unhandled(); }
void ConfigFile::SetColor(CTSTR lpSection, CTSTR lpKey, const Color4 &color) { if(!bOpen) return; TCHAR strColor[50]; tsprintf_s(strColor, 49, TEXT("{%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f}"), color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w); SetKey(lpSection, lpKey, strColor); }
void ConfigFile::SetFloat(CTSTR lpSection, CTSTR lpKey, float number) { if(!bOpen) return; TCHAR strNum[20]; tsprintf_s(strNum, 19, TEXT("%f"), number); SetKey(lpSection, lpKey, strNum); }
void ConfigFile::SetHex(CTSTR lpSection, CTSTR lpKey, DWORD number) { if(!bOpen) return; TCHAR strNum[22] = TEXT("0x"); itots_s(number, strNum+2, 19, 16); SetKey(lpSection, lpKey, strNum); }
void ConfigFile::SetInt(CTSTR lpSection, CTSTR lpKey, int number) { if(!bOpen) return; TCHAR strNum[20]; itots_s(number, strNum, 19, 10); SetKey(lpSection, lpKey, strNum); }
void ConfigFile::SetString(CTSTR lpSection, CTSTR lpKey, CTSTR lpString) { if(!bOpen) return; if(!lpString) lpString = TEXT(""); SetKey(lpSection, lpKey, lpString); }
void GarlicDestination::AddSessionKey (const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * tag) { if (key) { uint32_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); auto decryption = std::make_shared<i2p::crypto::CBCDecryption>(); decryption->SetKey (key); m_Tags[SessionTag(tag, ts)] = decryption; } }